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4746928 No.4746928 [Reply] [Original]

is using AO technique a good way to do full rendered pieces?

>> No.4746932
File: 24 KB, 566x566, 65E1B3B7-6C5B-46B7-A560-D18C810B6EF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, I’d probably make it to the second step, maybe 3rd or 4th, and say “yeah, that’s probably fine”

>> No.4746933
File: 186 KB, 576x400, 2E6231B0-8A5C-4944-9B81-42187E22F091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tbh
(You)ing myself, but I thought desu was word filtered, desu

>> No.4746934

I was doing some reading up on World War 2, and the more I read about this Hitler guy, the more he comes off like a real jerk desu

>> No.4746935

Seems like a lot of layer faggotry when you could just do this all procedurally on at most two or three layers

>> No.4746937

This looks like such a chore

>> No.4746941

AO is synonymous with soft edge because thats all at is. also doing all those steps is a huge meme too.

>> No.4746943

The good thing about this process is that if your client want some changes on colors you can iterate rather quickly before the polishing phase.
Up to step 3 it's also a good way to quickly validate composition and poses with the client and quickly apply changes.

>> No.4746952
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1595172027643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selection layer needing its own entire time consuming step because photoshop cant into magic wand

>> No.4746965

While I find the selection layer a bit over the top, it's very helpfull to keep separated layers for different materials, let's say skin, leather, metal etc.
Photoshop has ctrl click on your layer if you keep them separated, no need for the magicwand

>> No.4746975

>entire time consuming step

Paint bucket tool nigger.

>> No.4747016

how do you do that without trashing up the lineart layer?

>> No.4747020


>> No.4747021

Do it on another layer?

>> No.4747023

Johannes Helgeson

>> No.4747028

Why are you asking me? Or are you implying its super obvious? Because its not. If you copy paste the lineart layer and bucket into that, the lineart becomes noticeably thicker thus losing lineweight detail and you have no quick way of erasing the lineart on the bucketed layer.

>> No.4747031

What program do you use? In Krita you can make the fill tool sample all layers instead of only the current layer, so that you can fill line art that's on another layer. Can you not do that in your program?

>> No.4747033

I've tried a similar approach before and I ended up scrapping the rendering layers because the result felt overworked for me.
I like the idea of AO layers and all but I've yet to figure out how to pare it down to something good.

>> No.4747035

There's an option to consider every layer when you use the paint bucket so you can fill a separate layer within the limitations of your lineart, without altering it.

>> No.4747040
File: 57 KB, 640x360, F75E9269-AD9D-4FDC-B0A2-787FC784F470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one anon who can’t use a reference layer for paint bucket.

>> No.4747043

More like, that anon who uses art software which have functioning wand selection tools that bypasses all of that bullshit.

>> No.4747047

I use krita, but it has a decent magic wand so I just use that to select within my lineart.

>> No.4747050

Fair enough

>> No.4747051

It's called clown pass, Sam Nielson teaches it on his course, the point is keeping things in order on complex illustrations, but you are a wojacker so probably you didnt knew, or even draw at all.

>> No.4747061

just paint it lol. this is a hindrance

>> No.4747079

That one anon who shills for muh magic wand without realising there are many ways to procede and that software, brushes and tools don't matter.

>> No.4747093
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what it is and Ive used it before when I worked in photoshop, while its a creative workaround its annoying to have to set up when competing art software have far easier shortcuts. Software is all about shortcuts and making your workflow just a bit easier, and while stuff like >>4747079 says is correct, its useless to point out because of shit like pic related.

>> No.4747130

niggas will spend 30 hours doing all this then be like "lol just a quick doodle!!!"

>> No.4747147

30 years ago you'd be done at step 5 and everyone would love it.

Digital isn't making work easier if you reinvest the time you saved tenfold into increasingly autistic and banal renderfaggotry.

>> No.4747153

To me this seems more like a case of sacrificing time for a veeeery meticulous project, not about making things easier

>> No.4747428
File: 105 KB, 384x512, step6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final looks kinda muddy. Probably would have been better off leaving it flat.

>> No.4747442

how so? i think it looks pretty cool

>> No.4747518
File: 93 KB, 384x512, fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shadow passes are adding a lot of gray I guess. Maybe they would be better with a little more color. Not sure, never tried working this way. The final also just looks muddled and hard to read to me. I guess I prefer things to be a little more simple and clear.

>> No.4747602

Photoshop literally have the most advanced selection tools on the market

>> No.4747622


>> No.4747628
File: 299 KB, 360x474, 1592209620480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really loving how it gives off the completely generic artstation style that nobody is gonna look twice at. Great job!

>> No.4747639

For selecting through transitions of colour for photo editing, sure. Since its photo editing software, hence the name, photoshop. But the use actual artists have (fuck photography) with it is fuck all if you cant quickly and cleanly select within lineart.

>> No.4747647

Where the fuck are you seeing grey you fucking blind Dunning Kruger faggot, holy shit if you don't know what are you talking bout please spare us reading your mental barf, learn what are relative temperatures and desaturated colors first, and yes, i'm buttnuked by your idiocy.

>> No.4747657

I tried this process months back, it's very much an unnecessary chore. BUT if you need to have a certain level of polish, I think it's good. I prefer to keep a max of 8 layers

>> No.4747722
File: 553 KB, 387x511, 1593347140057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4747428 I'd go even further.
This >>4746928 is the best panel for me and looks complete enough for the 5 seconds people will spend looking at it.

Do I have to be able to do the full detailed drawing process in order to achieve a result like this in my sketches?

>> No.4748380
File: 2.86 MB, 396x526, 1572084755871.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, I reduced the composition layers to 5, then further to 3, and I think it looks way less generic.


>> No.4748413

Yes, please.

>> No.4748428

>Ambient Occlusion
>Ambient light
>Secondary fill light
>Specular map
>Atmospheric perspective
Is there a book or material that explain these concepts and how do they work in art in detail? I do not understand any of this.

>> No.4748445

ITT: People who will never make it because they don't understand what "industry standard" means.

>> No.4748578

Basic sXXI color theory. It's hard to explain and you should Google every term individualy

>> No.4748600

wtf is sXXI


>> No.4749050

actual retard doesnt know simple lighting, ambient light affects all the objects the same way, so if its desaturated a little, guess what? the rest of the drawing should read that way.

>> No.4749062

Sure it's industry standard, but not everyone wants to treat their painting like a knockoff 3D render

>> No.4749102

all of that work just for some big suit exec making gillions of dollars to say no...

>> No.4749121

What program has good selection tools for the line art?

>> No.4749343

>a gorillion steps for something that can be done in 3-4 layers

>> No.4749361

I just gave up on coloring black and white with adjustments and learned to paint the colors directly on that shit, fuck it.

>> No.4749365
File: 172 KB, 300x356, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you copy paste the lineart layer and bucket into that, the lineart becomes noticeably thicker thus losing lineweight detail and you have no quick way of erasing the lineart on the bucketed layer.
If you actually knew what you were doing, you'd know this is 100% your fault and totally avoidable.

For a board full of so called "digital artists", a lot of you retarded morons don't seem to know how to use these programs beyond the absolute basics.

>> No.4749368

>I do not understand any of this.
You do not necessarily need to know any of these, depending on the work you do. Regardless, the tedious method outlined in the OP is crazy stupid and totally unnecessary.

>> No.4749374

can you explain how to do it correctly please? not him but I only started with digital a month ago and would like to know how to do this

>> No.4749405

It's a crutch. It takes longer to work that way but it minimizes the opportunities for you to fuck up when all elements are neatly separated.

>> No.4749412

I'm too used to photoshop to actualy care about other software but I never had any problems selecting within my lineart.
To get a selection that goes within my line I just use the fonction that dilates my selection for a certain number of pixels.
I macroed this function so i don't have to go in the menus and I never had any troubles.

>> No.4749479

I wouldn't call it muddy but yeah these colour flats look really nice. Unironically this has soul whereas the final piece looks soulless.

>> No.4749495

>using multiples layers for the same entity

>> No.4749498

Oh god it's so ridiculous. Tradfags were right. These subhumans could never do good coloring in one layer.

>> No.4749511
File: 809 KB, 2448x2459, DIugo1VXcAAYf9W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4749519

esl for 20th century, guessing s is siglo

>> No.4749524
File: 105 KB, 256x256, Ebb6mAmXsAEZxyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>14. Check Perspective

The mystery of Sakimichan, solved.

>> No.4749605

This is why beginners should start traditionally and practice with it for at least a year before going digital. When you start off with digital you go down a rabbit hole, get slammed with all kinds of random info, start following a bunch of tutorials like this, and pick up stupid habits like OPs pic. A solid understanding of color theory and some plein air studies would save the artist in that pic from making a gazillion layers just to paint light on objects.

>> No.4749759

all that work for some ugly ass feet

>> No.4750457

I kinda both agree and disagree with you. On the one hand, all of this can be done without using the multitude of bullshit in OP's pic. You can certainly do this in digital with just one layer.

But on the other hand, digital is digital, right? There's absolutely no reason for you to carry your traditional methods into the digital world. If digital can do this, allowing you to make changes without having to repaint a section, why wouldn't you use it?

I feel like this falls into a subset of the "natural is better" fallacy. There are things digital does better, and layers is possibly THE biggest benefit. So why would you be against that?

But also I see where you're coming from. There's something to traditional methods of painting - in digital that would be using just one layer - that adds a whole lot more life to the final product.

I don't have an answer.

>> No.4750469

>not checking perspective in step 1

>> No.4750485

Not the guy you’re asking but what program do you use? In Procreate you can designate a separate line layer as a reference layer and paint bucket into a clean layer. No copy paste or magic wand needed.

>> No.4750506

They should have stopped at step 2.

>> No.4750621

I am using photoshop and it is very confusing to me so far.

>> No.4750628

Sai and CSP have very efficient wands, Kritas is okish but still needs tinkering for best results.

>> No.4750639

I dont understand how you can be so confused and snarky while writing a post so utterly clueless. Im not going to reword it, Ill just repeat it and I hope youll understand it this time.
If you copy paste the lineart layer and bucket into that, the lineart becomes noticeably thicker thus losing lineweight detail and you have no quick way of erasing the lineart on the bucket layer.

I dont even fucking use photoshop anymore, I just find it hilarious how they dont have efficient selection tools. Yes, there are workarounds, but they ALWAYS take more time than just a single (1, one) wand click. And the 10 pounds a month is always hovering above it, my friend.

>> No.4750640

Yeah I tried Photoshop for a bit and it was too much for me. I’m very happy with Procreate, though.

>> No.4750654

You can easily change the colour of the lineart layer in Photoshop by locking the transparency of the lineart layer and using the bucket tool to fill the lineart with any colour you want. Alternately, you can create a new layer and set that as clipping mask over the layer (not recommended) or use the blending options of the layer to apply a fill.

As you might have noticed, it's easier to do lineart in programs other than PS and then bring that into PS. For example I do lineart in CSP and shove that into PS to work.

>> No.4750658

> rough: soul
> final render: soulless

>> No.4750809

They're missing metallic reflection, fresnel reflection, and subsurface scattering
