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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 139 KB, 700x472, akhenaton-2-700x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4746482 No.4746482 [Reply] [Original]

looking back, the egyptians were kinda shit at art, weren't they?

>> No.4746486

yeah they didn’t have animoo back then >:(

>> No.4746496

If you can't see the beauty in that then you're ngmi

>> No.4746503

>copy+paste poses
>excessive bondage
>anthropomorphic animals
yep, they were the first DeviantArt autists

>> No.4746506

>no perspective
>shit anatomy
>literal symbol drawing
Yeah kinda. Makes for a cool texture though.

>> No.4748571

“It’s just my style”

>> No.4748591

They also made up their own silly emoji language

>> No.4748845

I think it looks nice. The shapes are very pleasing, and they all seem to fit nicely together. You’re just ngmi OP.

>> No.4750280

They didn't have Loomses to help them out with their fundamentals.

>> No.4750341

>excessive bondage


>> No.4750400


>> No.4750412
File: 84 KB, 904x864, זה לא יקרה.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>Ancient Egyptian artist
>No one to teach me because the rest of world are stupid tribal savages and Egypt is still young
>Our culture is also very unique and spiritual, hard for others to understand now and in the future
>Die after making thousands of wall paintings, drawings and personal paintings, satisfied with what I've done
>Thousands of years later judged by faggot on a Nubian slave complaining board

>> No.4750435

Art is a reflection of culture and environment.

You're judging a period of time with what you deem as valuable or most important on the modern community you associate with and knowledge that has been passed on over time. (You're roasting a primitive ancestor whilst getting carried by the art masters before you.)

Loomis and realism art didn't happen over night.
Of course if you compare metas ours is better.

This is common sense OP, what's the point of this thread other than to save your vulnerable esteem of ego and distract yourself from drawing.

>> No.4750609

>white women
>brown men
what did they mean by this?

>> No.4750614

it probably was though. there are sculpts of that dude before tutenkamen that are completely different to what was before and after. seems like the pharoah alive mandated how the art should look.

>> No.4750716

they weren't shit at art, far from it, they just cared more about sculpture than painting.

>> No.4751183

ok so they were just shit at drawing (aka the only type of art that actually matters)

>> No.4752089

if that's how you wanna look at it sure

>> No.4752261

Women in all cultures have paler skin as they require more vitamin d and calcium absorbtion during fetal development and young nursing

Also men typically were outside more often

>> No.4752264

How did people in ancient times learn anyway...
They didn't grind fundies I assume

>> No.4752270

the same way you would now without any resources: see subject, try to copy subject

>> No.4752530

Oh boy info dump time

It is reflective of ancient egyptian beauty standards. Men who went outside to work, hunt, etc had tanned skin from the sun, and women who stayed inside to take care of children or heal people etc had paler skin. Because these roles were ideal and attractive, attributes associated with such also became attractive and was shown and exaggerated in art.
However, you will never see this at polarities, like redheads or distinctly black men unless foreigners are mentioned, so they didnt fully go for the white girl getting blacked look, despite the obsessive depiction of dicks everywhere in their art already
Also dependent upon what deity's cult was dominant, but both could erase or destroy artistic depictions equally
Some boys could basically go to a scribe school where theyd get caned if they drew hieroglyphs incorrectly. Also they just recycled designs, basically doing grid art but on stone and barely changing anything for centuries. Basically copy and paste with extra steps

>> No.4752566

>looking back the egyptians were kinda shit at neurobiology and quantum computing, weren't they

you fucking zoomers are ruining this country ,unironically.

>> No.4752620

they just drew

>> No.4752624
File: 530 KB, 1000x1000, 503fcc7fa4e69d5f979754b8c88c36dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing wasn't invented before modern times

>> No.4752628
File: 1.59 MB, 927x1113, ART2-FINAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga Akhenaten tried to bring a different style but Egyptians were a stubborn lot.

>> No.4752635
File: 147 KB, 925x852, 1592854571077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying slaves had the luxury to NEET it up for years and learn to chisel photorealistic figures unto stone

>> No.4753244

maybe if his new style was prettier than the old style they would have kept it
but no, he went straight to uggo town

>> No.4753259
File: 177 KB, 894x1396, Akhenaten_4504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not appreciating superior Akhenaton aesthetics

>> No.4753261
File: 170 KB, 600x1162, 0a24e9fc18e8d8b94f60ac75ee4e538a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 "muh style"

>> No.4753404

yes because now all artist are wagie cucks working 3 part time jobs
you fucking donkey

>> No.4753683

pale women and tanned men*

>> No.4755601

that doesn't sound provocative enough

>> No.4756228
File: 347 KB, 500x270, grug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grug see
grug draw

>> No.4756252

grug is gmi

>> No.4759223
File: 215 KB, 1200x630, 41141018870_571137392e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is grug gmi

>> No.4759249

you chose the wrong picture motherfucker coz now you're either gonna have to admit that they understood perspective or that there were giants living among them.

which is it?!

>> No.4759313

yes, grug very gmi

>> No.4760654

>people 6000 ago are better at art than half of /ic/
they didn't even have draw a box back then, what the fuck is your excuse?

>> No.4763914
File: 56 KB, 606x900, kaaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b8 thread but for those who don't know:the egyptians had a cannon for how you were supposed to depict the nobility. lower classes were shown far more naturalistically:

>> No.4766395

hand studies good, grug keep up good work

>> No.4766396

Medievel Europe was something else

>> No.4766402

they had no idea what volume is, it's very interesting

>> No.4766403

>art still viewed literally almost 100 thousand years later
hm. another million years and he might make it

>> No.4766779

it's beautiful. the way they draw their faces with multiple perspectives is cubist except good unlike cubists.