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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 755 KB, 631x979, over_the_shoulder_kei_by_sycra_d9xodch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4745948 No.4745948 [Reply] [Original]

I watched three of Sycra pointy chins videos in a row. Is that the way people should approach drawing? cuz it's seems to me like he's over complicating everything and not getting any good result whatsoever.

>> No.4745949

yeah he later said this was not healthy for him, he ended up dreading drawing for a while

id say definely dont try to force it so much

>> No.4745953

what are those videos about? really want to know

>> No.4745957

just him forcing a style with "pointy chins"
like in pic related

>> No.4745958

Holy shit i motherfucking love pointy chins

Link videos please, i need them for research purposes

>> No.4745967

alright buddy go nuts...

>> No.4746019


>> No.4746219

Absolutely, people should be watching his pointy chins series and then do the complete opposite of what Sycra does, learning from an actual teacher instead would be better though

>> No.4746227

why is sycra considered a legitimate learning resource again? I’ve literally never seen a single piece of art he’s made that impressed me. yeah yeah crab bucket pyw but still: makes you think

>> No.4746583

this, and he's also been drawing for what 30+ years now? He's nearly 40. How does someone even stagnate so hard?

>> No.4746613

Some people find value in his videos but honestly Sycra is fucking retarded and more of a cautionary tale than a legitimate teacher.

>> No.4746628

His videos and his art depress me. It always looks like he forces himself to draw a certain way and have certain tastes which he doesnt even like himself. Does he even do anything with art nowdays?

>> No.4746652
File: 115 KB, 154x333, 1571982145308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has a webtoon now

>> No.4746663

should have written an outline and given the thing a clear structure before he started producing chapters desu. it's not bad visually, but the narrative is a big mess that doesn't seem to go anywhere.
it's still the most promising project Sycra has done, though. he'll figure out the format if he just keeps at it.

>> No.4746716

Is just me?
I can feel the suffering in that photo
I want to cry omg....
I'm crying

>> No.4746816

Sycra is thinking too hard about stuff. just draw.

>> No.4746990

>why is sycra considered a legitimate learning resource again
I’d argue he’s still better than
Niggers like Jazza or he who must not be named

>> No.4747027
File: 98 KB, 679x1024, 1590287121119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Sycra is asking the right questions. The fact that he's failing miserably and doesn't have the answers is unfortunate, but he's miles ahead of the entertainment/unboxing/list of 10
things youtubers that use art as a shallow aesthetic to wrap around generic algorithm-friendly content.

>> No.4747029

Same here.
Just fucking draw, and you will get better.
Fuck l00mis, fuck willpoo, fuck jazza fuck all of them.

>> No.4747289

well he at least tried to make actual teaching videos, unlike faggots like Ethan Becker or Rossdraws that are nothing but a joke.

>> No.4747845
File: 118 KB, 1080x1350, 2344554012287437285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk about ethan, but as much as I dislike Ross, the dude draws pretty good shit

>> No.4747876

instagram generated art

>> No.4747882

>Religiously uses “how to draw manga” books for study material.

>> No.4747960

he's ok, but nothing special really.

>> No.4748000

generic instagram portrait artist anything else and his mediocre

but oh well, normies eat that shit up thats how he got his fame

>> No.4748009
File: 62 KB, 860x725, vilppu bone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more pls crab-kun

dont you dare put name of actual teachers in same sentence as fucking jazza

not every resource will click with everyone ou just gotta find whats right for you, but all guys like you do is draw the same fucking muh style shit thinking mindless grind will make you good

loomis, vilppu, hampton or whateever else is there, take it or leave it, now dont spread bullshit like anything of it wont help you

there are people that want to get better and not end up as an autistic NEET shitposting and venting his pent up angst on 4chin

fuck /ic/ is a shithole more and more as days go by

>> No.4748083

crabs can nitpick all they want about appeal, originality and so on, but this is still a good piece on a technical level and exactly the kind of hot garbage that impresses normies on social media.

>> No.4748120

It's insane to me that people here(and only here) shitpost that ross guy. his finished works are like very high tier. I understand hating him, his youtuber zoomer personality is pure cringe but let's be honest his skill is solid as fuck and his style strong, he is a brand at this point

>> No.4748168

Cmon anon, what's so special about it? it's just a generic anime girl head, draw by western fag. Kienan Lafferty is way better and he's not great either.

>> No.4748191

they aren't remotely similar

>> No.4748192

not this 30 minutes head, his full illustrations

>> No.4748193

for >>4748168