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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.40 MB, 2000x977, Kitagawa.Yuusuke.full.2288543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4737026 No.4737026 [Reply] [Original]

Why You Should Copy Anime:

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Japanese Book Collection:

Recommended Resources:

Previous Thread:

>> No.4737060
File: 595 KB, 907x496, addf859c46ea00b12587601f5e917be9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Yusuke Murata

>> No.4737071

Two Yusukes

>> No.4737096
File: 1.73 MB, 2000x2000, Ah so cold 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4737123

please look at reference photos...

>> No.4737132

okay I'll go grind some more

>> No.4737141

Might seem like a dumb question but should I practice Akihito Yoshitomi's way of constructing the head and face?
Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouuxGXQCfLg

>> No.4737148

If you want no one can stop you

>> No.4737149

Yeah but is it a good way of constructing faces/heads?

>> No.4737157

looks fine as long as the portions are correct

>> No.4737160

Alright, thank you.

>> No.4737164

>Update] [Auto] 57
no problem

>> No.4737165

>>Update] [Auto] 57
What did he mean by this?

>> No.4737170

I don't even know, must of accidentally copy paste

>> No.4737215

Where do i start to learn drawing body?

>> No.4737230

google dude, just look up Figure drawing refs and start.

>> No.4737236

But shouldn't i start with drawing some shapes to understand the construction first?
If i just draw from references, i will be learning to follow the outline instead of drawing the body right?

>> No.4737246

Figuring forums and weight a pose is just as important, if you do that long enough it will give you more confidence in your strokes to carry on

>> No.4737528
File: 15 KB, 288x288, Imqcn3Du_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rules of this site prevent me from posting more

>> No.4737549

-Figure Drawing(Gesture,Structure)
The Art & Science of Figure Drawing - Brent Eviston
MIN 26:24

2nd Anatomy

>> No.4737552
File: 1.38 MB, 1351x759, folded 1000 times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not edit this

>> No.4737629

i will start studying Otomo today. i want to master perspective/depth.

>> No.4737763

dude, that is the loomis head construction method

>> No.4737774

vilppu, steve huston, loomis, hogarth, hampton

>> No.4737777

give me moreeeeeee

>> No.4737782

That face reminds me of tonikaku

>> No.4738160
File: 1.25 MB, 1494x1920, roomisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this secret nippon draftsman technique I found for drawing anime heads and faces

>> No.4738172
File: 32 KB, 297x331, 1438950786504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everything loomis

>> No.4738180

Loomis is the godfather of anime

>> No.4738212
File: 479 KB, 800x1000, mercwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4738279
File: 139 KB, 1334x848, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis head

>> No.4738295
File: 139 KB, 681x657, B6EEFD77-3DD8-4082-8C90-76C7F0E89129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you)

>> No.4738652

>noticed that people are making way more cash out of 3D animations than drawings
did I just pick the wrong hobby

>> No.4738674
File: 114 KB, 540x1110, Watame kojo_copy_540x1110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my sheep any good, lads?

>> No.4738675

yes because you chosed drawing for the money and not for the drawing itself and that's the most ngmi mentality you can have when it comes to drawing

>> No.4738702

Everyone think of money and you know it.

>> No.4738723

>Shills his shitty blog
Just post and cross link it from /b/ you fucking attention whoring piece of shit.

>> No.4738745

I'd make her hair either shorter or curly. The best look for a sheepgirl, imo.

>> No.4738755
File: 438 KB, 528x893, i spent hours on this shitb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4738756

Dude learn some fucking anatomy jesus fucking christ

>> No.4738760

Learn figure drawing + perspective pls

>> No.4738765

I partially copied anime. I'm /beg/ nerd calm down

>> No.4738770

Ive done worse and at least you finished something. I think you know what you need to improve on. Good luck.

>> No.4738773
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x2396, 1587156181294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lean perspective if you want to improve really fast

>> No.4738776

Listen to this anon. Perspective exists in everything that you draw so it's a prerequisite to drawing well.

>> No.4738785

Nsio is /beg/trash. Don't recommend his tutorials

>> No.4738878
File: 46 KB, 563x850, 1595301860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4738988

Subscribe and like my Loki drawings

>> No.4739268


>> No.4739392

https://promotions.wacom.com/en-eu/japan-online-week Is someone going to record these?

>> No.4739474

This is too advanced.
anything simpler?
I don't get how doodling some lines gonna help me draw a body.
In fact, the video did not finished the body either,
It's just the sketchy doodling of the model, and not even close to the model's size.

>> No.4739487

I suck at drawing anime hair so much anyone got a resource for it?

>> No.4739489

>get given a link
>auto download some zoom.exe conf shit
those guys never heard of youtube live or what

>> No.4739502
File: 180 KB, 1114x596, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4739585

Try it first dude u ofc u won't get it u prolly skip the explanation. he explained getting the essential parts of the skeleton. When he was doing those gesture he was getting the movement of the spine from the back kinda like X-ray vision so it won't look like the refference. This force you to think 3d the wrapping lines helps you to feel the form And those CSI lines are the key. Just keep pushing my guy. If it's too hard for you to then u prolly need to study perspective.

>> No.4739588

Loomis fun with a pencil

>> No.4739589


>> No.4739595


>> No.4739627

I just don't see how it would translate into body parts.
Ignoring all these gesture and perspective thing.
I can't even draw a person standing still without any pose.
How should i feel these forms or volume or 3D if i don't even know what the body part should looks like in 3D?

>> No.4739651
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x1000, Ah so cold 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4739666

Generally The purpose Gesture is for the movement not necessarily 3d. The wrapping lines That's for later be patient it will come thrue. gesture can make the movement more dynamic as working with construction first often result a stiff pose. >>4739589
lot of your questions can be solved by mindful pratice my guy. Aight i'll make it easier for u
Get his book study it its called Figure drawing design and invention.
This is michael hamptons course pretty intensive spend each week in one lesson
This guy uses michael hampton's method in anime
An example of the construction that ur probably looking for.

The key is to put alot of time and stick with to the end.

>> No.4739688

Yes, the anatomy & form study is the kind of studies that i have in mind.
As it makes more sense to help you learn how the body should looks like.
And gesture is more like help you to draw the pose out.
So, should i do anatomy first or should i do the gesture drawing first then?

I tried reading Force Dynamic Life Drawing from Mike Mattesi but i understood nothing and the first few pages already have him drawing a full figure, and not teaching me how to draw that figure, just full on talking about the curves and the FORCE.
Same problem with the previous video you posted - Gesture Lecture.
Just emphasizing on how to improve the lines instead of actually teaching me how to DRAW the gesture.

>> No.4739697
File: 117 KB, 1178x1200, gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what i tried.
But without knowing what i should do, what's the purpose, and what is correct,
i'm simply doodling around not knowing what i should learn from it.

>> No.4739740

First of all u didn't follow the instruction u didn't use CSI lines. Instead of capturing the movement u draw the contour.
Get the book and study it. U have all the resources u need to analyze and have a mindful practice.

>> No.4739804
File: 367 KB, 800x800, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the best at anatomy but holy shit anon. You didn't fix anything.

>> No.4739821

>that hand
Lol fuck these fucking threads i tell you

>> No.4739857

Like I said I'm not the best, just trying to help. The hand is just a placeholder. I was mainly focused on the pelvis area bc that was the part that really needed fixing.

>> No.4740061
File: 642 KB, 3681x1315, Tempo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think I Find my TEMPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND you need to know perspective to improve really fast, Iterative Drawing only works if you know perspective
I know now how you can master loomis head in any angle in 2 weeks
I gonna post some Assignment tomorrow

>> No.4740088
File: 303 KB, 660x1062, poiuy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hallo 4chan

>> No.4740316

Is her right arm abnormally small or does she just schlick with her left really intensively?

>> No.4740391

it is and i made it longer a little bit. also i fixed her left leg, it was slightly longer than it should be

>> No.4740679


Ok looks like they'll be archived on the fb page but I dont know for how long.

>> No.4740839

As a beginner, Whats the best pencil to use in Clipstudio Paint for sketching?

>> No.4740851
File: 283 KB, 1500x1500, gs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, as i said, i don't get it.
And the video
He keep talking about stories,expression, weight, balance, themes, spines, movement.
And then just started drawing, which i don't even know why he see those lines at those position and curves.
And the book pretty much do the same.

i tried doing it again, but this time not drawing the contour.
Is this what i should do?
I drawn the
>Rib Cage

>> No.4740869

You need perception

>> No.4740891

Isn't perception something u need insane amount of time to be good at. Like 2 years?

>> No.4740906

Don't expect to get something at your first try.

>> No.4740920

Use ONLY THE CSI CURVES up to you how to use it the body

>> No.4740939
File: 182 KB, 760x921, 6378cbe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went through drawabox exercises once.
I only skipped the 250 boxes challenge.
While i'm not masters at perspective, as >>4740891 said, it require years to be good at it, but i know the concept of perspective, and i can see the image on the left as 3D.
But i don't know how to draw them into 3D, unless i uses shapes, like eclipse, or boxes, to draw the body part.

But there's nothing to get.
When learning to draw faces, you know you screwed up because you have a concept of how the face should be, the proportion, the angle, etc.
After drawing this, i don't even know if i'm close to getting it, or i'm completely screwed up.

everything is a C curve there.
Except for the foot which is just some straight lines.
So, what did i do wrong there?

I really really need a direction here because i still don't get it at all.

>> No.4740955

>skipped the 250 boxes challenge.
If you can't draw boxes, then why learn perspective, the challenge is to improve your perception, and to be able to turn boxes in space.
Every time you draw a 3D form on your 2D paper, your perception increases

>> No.4740959

Marshall in the draftsmen's podcast said that you don't really need to be a "master" of perspective to draw, you need basic concepts of it to apply to your drawins, do the 250 boxes challenges, that was one of the best decisions i've ever made, practice your free hand perspective

>> No.4740964

>If you can't draw boxes
Except that the previous exercise already taught you to draw boxes
The 250 boxes is just a grind,.
It's there to improve your accuracy, not there to teach.
And not to mention that when you draw construction with shapes, you're basically doing the same training.
Only shower because you can't hit 250 boxes in one drawing

>> No.4740969

Lol at how much different the atmosphere in this thread is compared to ur usual /ic/ thread.

>> No.4740976

>The 250 boxes is just a grind,.
OK :)

>> No.4740986

What's different?

>> No.4740990

>OK :)
>i think I Find my TEMPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>people being genuinely friendly
>not a single use of the prefix -fag
I wonder why.

>> No.4740998

Aren't it same elsewhere? As long as it's not /beg/

>> No.4741000

What are u smoking, i was literally told to kms twice today.

>> No.4741001
File: 692 KB, 2027x1449, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the video he shows it in a very formulaic way
you can do the torso gesture in 4 lines using the spine

they are not contour lines, just the "flow" of the pose
you can define the shape better after using wrapping lines
try to use fewer lines and just those basics that he mentions

>> No.4741028

>One good way to train your perceptions is to take a look at optical illusions. They will make your brains go in limbo, when it tries its best to make sense of the image. Optical illusions make you aware of the true state of things, which allows you to gain invaluable insight. Once you have the understanding, you can have very accurate visual images in your mind, which are much more easier to put on canvas. That said, I find that perception is as much about the ability of imagining things visually in mind as it's about seeing the physical subject.

That works for me.

>> No.4741036

I still don't get it, aren't the middle picture the contour?
And from what I saw in reference, the thoracic are definitely not bending that curve direction...
And I have no idea about all these cervical, thoracic part thing.
Should I not see the spine as a whole? If so, should I go study human bones first?

>> No.4741042

Aww gee, don't kill yourself, Anon.
Join us and be the change this place needed.
It's time for us to improve and learn.

>> No.4741050

So, based on this, correct me if I'm wrong,
Gesture is supposed to be the perception of the flow and I'm trying to learn it as a knowledge that's why I'm having trouble to understand and make sense of it??
But how do I "learn" the flow? When I don't know if I'm drawing down the correct flow?
Or I'm just supposed to keep drawing and let peer review to tell me if I got it right or wrong?
That sound vague...

>> No.4741068
File: 538 KB, 658x868, spine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31min he literally explains the spine
it's the modus operandi that he uses to draw gestures, as you can see in other videos
you build the contour over the gesture lines

>And I have no idea about all these cervical, thoracic part thing
download the book or

>> No.4741069

Just do the gesture, is gonna take like 300 gesture to feel the flow.
Is like learn perceptive, your intuitive part begins to analyze the gesture and eventually find the flow intuitively.

>> No.4741095
File: 128 KB, 419x964, 20200722_084353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive my some of my mistake i used a phone. When doing gesture This is what i see assymetry this is what cs curve means it's the movement of the body. I'm gonna be honest with u tho. Either ur overthinking it or u lack of observation skills or u prolly spend more time on 4chan rather than doing this for hrs

>> No.4741125

I'm just starting, and I don't want to get it wrong, as I said, I don't even know what I'm doing and what I'm supposed to do.
I don't want to spend hours learning nothing because I was doing it wrong.
I hope I'm overthinking it, but this is more of a case of I don't know what to think of it,
and it's not the lack of observation skills I think, it's more of what I should be observing (as my first drawing shown, I was observing the contour), and how to translate the observations (which is not existed yet, and what I'm trying to figure out right now) into drawings (which is what I can find in the books/videos, but require more studying into those first).
And I'm replying on my mobile phone right now because i have jobs and can't commit to drawings 24/7 nor do I planned to do so. (quit job etc)
I hope this clarify more things and make sense to you guys.

>> No.4741152

Sauce my guy?

>> No.4741153
File: 264 KB, 500x500, Tsunomaki_Watame_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head = too small

>> No.4741166

Nah bro your sheeps head is too big

>> No.4741180

Idk men the resources given was more than enough for you know something and have a basis of what right and wrong. If its not analysis and observation then prolly has something to do with time. Hopefully ur mindful to compare and self critique ur work.

>> No.4741186

And I'm asking around because I don't understand the resources.

>> No.4741230

Source my guy? I know this is just a loomis who can't pronounce L but i might pink something up

>> No.4741313
File: 928 KB, 1093x819, studiesjul21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy more anime

>> No.4741379
File: 504 KB, 563x749, fuck ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4741444

the thigh gap looks very wrong

>> No.4741537

ive heard of child birthing hips, but never of child birthing thigh gaps

>> No.4741746
File: 183 KB, 672x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angle drawing?
Also color theory soon.

>> No.4741749

Fellas, what are the best anime style drawing books if i know japanese? surely the native material must be better

>> No.4741751

thigh gap look very unnatural

>> No.4741980

My sketch doesn't look terrible but when I do the lineart the result feels extremely flat and soulless. Any good tutorials on how to do it?

>> No.4742018
File: 509 KB, 3358x1574, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, still don't get it.
Is this even correct?
Or wrong?
If it's correct, why? and where?
If it's wrong, why? and where?

>> No.4742080

First one looks decent. Although those wrapping lines should define the form. Think of it as a rubberband attached to the arms the leg and the body. The rest are stiff and out of proportion and i can see little bit of contour too but that can be fix with time and practice. Draw 300 more

>> No.4742104
File: 85 KB, 330x512, loli jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw 300 more
this is the solution to alot of drawing problems, getting that mileage alongside good critique and analysis a GMI it creates

>> No.4742117

The first one is me attempting to follow the video
And the rest is me trying to follow proko's tutorial
But he somehow drawn the contour together, so i'm a bit confused there

not really.
If grinding = success.
There's already plenty of artists available as soon as students graduated high school.
But there's none, because they are drawing 2D instead of 3D, aka drawing wrongly.
That's also the reason why i wanted to make sure i'm doing this correctly before i start grinding.

>> No.4742171


Read his sentence fully gaddamit and ur theory is bullshit

>> No.4742192

lmfao u really need to improve your self observation and not rely too much on 4chan.That's how you build perfect practice. I told you to stick with it but you r free to try whaterver. Start by knowing what contour is cuz WTF even proko explained it well enough

>> No.4742210

pyw crab

>> No.4742219

Immediately download the course "gesture drawing with alex woo"and complete it. Do all the exercises . It should be in the course resources thread

>> No.4742228

Please use the ancient nipponese andrew roomis head constructu techniqueru. The cranium is too small and the side of the head is too shallow. Also feel the bac of your head right now. Where does the neck start?

>> No.4742463

First Learn Values

>> No.4742465

some of these are rectangles, is that ok or do you fail?

>> No.4742468


>> No.4742480

when I think of a perfect box I think of a cube tho

>> No.4743267

>perfect box
yes, you said it yourself
perfect box.
but we are talking only box.

>> No.4743380
File: 910 KB, 600x800, Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally not drawing loli and can post here

>> No.4743906
File: 78 KB, 1080x1296, FB_IMG_1595482275644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my friend made it?

>> No.4744111

(Hard Deluxe) Draw with Digital Tools! 「Facial Expression」

I can't believe nobody reads the stickies

>> No.4744158

Need more loomis

>> No.4744166
File: 131 KB, 800x1131, __shirase_sakuya_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_inue_shinsuke__ff6d64112cdd5b356156a0eca16cf31f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I draw this well?

>> No.4744186

More loomis

>> No.4744234

Whatt? Her arm is broken. This isnt good

>> No.4744235

Learn basic anatomy. Use reference for the pose and render.

>> No.4744237

Also use reference for clothing folds.

>> No.4744242

Rendering is ok. Anatomy is bad.

>> No.4744397
File: 2.05 MB, 936x905, p102_i304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the secret to varying line weight especially in anime artwork?
I've heard the softer the part the lighter the line, or that it depends on the light source, or the distance from the viewer, or is it mostly trial and error?

>> No.4744410


>> No.4744657
File: 318 KB, 2214x1384, gesture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i'm not gonna stuck at gesture anymore and continue wasting my time.
i don't see any reason to grind it if i don't get it at all.
I will just take 5-10 minutes to sketch some gesture before i draw as a warm up exercise.
Hopefully i will get it in the future.

Anyway, I will go straight into anatomy and proportion next.

>> No.4744696

Lol no offense but you look like you tried to draw gesture for a day and gave up. Well normal gesture exercise go up to 1 to 2 hrs it an EXERCISE to get you loosen up and have more visual library for poses, So u can draw it from imagination Otherwise ur gonna be stuck with unnapealing stiff figures with

>> No.4744705

What's there to exercise if I'm not doing it right?
It's like if I just keep drawing boxes without even knowing the basic of perspective, I will never learn perspective.
And the tutorials or books are not helping either because everybody draw it differently.
I'm not gonna grind it until I can feel the gesture and know that I'm doing something right.
My brain is only getting confused by this right now while learning nothing.
And zero visual library had been filled because the gesture I had drawn is wrong.

>> No.4744716

Another beg who wants to run before he can even crawl.

>> No.4744729


>> No.4744735

look at that neck

>> No.4744743

Plenty of others that went straight into anatomy and proportion first anyway, that's why stiff bodies are seen everywhere.
Not like I will never come back and grind the gesture anyway, it's just postponed until I understand it.
And it's not like Im completely stopping it, as I said I'm still gonna spend a tiny amount of time to draw some gesture to keep the momentum going, I'm just not gonna waste my precious little drawing time just to grind something wrongly.
Why grind 100 of useless pictures?
Pyw if you wanna reply.

>> No.4744753

Nahh u ain't worth the time. You've already fallen to the trap. Most /beg thinks like you

>> No.4744757

As expected.
A crab trying to drag me down into the endless hell of never ending sketch.
Funny how the videos and artist said specifically that gesture takes very long time to master and you should take your time and come back to it time to time.
But a crab always want others to master something first before moving on to the other.
Hence crabs like you exists.
I'm not gonna entertain you anymore until you prove your worth.

>> No.4744840

Thank you for not listening to this retard, you doing everything right as i could tell (but my pic made 0 responses here so what can i know)

>> No.4745510


>> No.4745583

I really need a consistent coloring process that I can build off of. Anyone have recommended books, videos or tutorials?

>> No.4745817

Remember, no rules just tools. Gesture is just a tool for you to make more interesting poses and to nail the proportions quickly so you don't have to correct the whole drawing later. No one is going to see your gesture. The end product is all that matters. Just know that if you go further into anatomy and you suddenly notice that all your drawings are stiff and seem out of proportion that's probably because your gestures are bad.

>> No.4745818

I suggest you to watch twitch streamers ex. Mogoon, hxxg pro p etc. Just try to mimic what they are doing.

>> No.4745821

Sry the answer was to >>4745583

>> No.4745837
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just know that if you go further into anatomy and you suddenly notice that all your drawings are stiff and seem out of proportion that's probably because your gestures are bad.
I will be well aware of it.
But for now, this tools is just like pic related to me as a kid.
I have no idea how to use it at all.
I hope i can maybe get it when i learnt some basic anatomy/proportion.
Or maybe understood it for whatever other reasons in the future.

>> No.4745848

I'll give you two solutions.
Tell your girlfriend to pose naked and you will see that in 2 days (practicing 4 hours a day, gestures 2-3 minutes)
You will see that you will improve, or you have another option that is more difficult, when you see the photo, do not see it as something flat/2d but, as if the person in the photo was alive.

>> No.4745889
File: 35 KB, 600x450, body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter how i observe it if i can't draw it out.
I can draw the figure into cylinders, rounds, etc shapes like pic related (this is googled, not my drawing) to show that i can see the body in 3D if you want.
But that's not what gesture is about.
All the videos or books emphasized on capturing the force, which is too vague to capture.
Not to mention that there's no standard ways to do this.
If you asks 100 artists to draw gesture from one same model, there will be 100 versions of it.
While anatomy & proportion is a standard that you can easily see if you're doing it wrongly or not.

>> No.4745910

dude, aren't you the anon that said he didn't even do the 250 box challenge? with that type of mentality you are not going to improve never, you have to throw yourself into the wild i try your best to survive, i know it's a hella hard but you are supposed to try and give your best everytime so the next time you try it will be less harder

>> No.4745922

wow you're doing the average /beg/ 1 month cycle of picking drawing up then getting frustrated and quitting but in like 2 days. new record!

>> No.4745924

bruh look at her CHEST

>> No.4745927

>I only skipped the 250 boxes challenge.
>do the 250 boxes challenges, that was one of the best decisions i've ever made, practice your free hand perspective
>Every time you draw a 3D form on your 2D paper, your perception increases
People like you who don't make an effort, don't deserve help.
While others strive every day, sacrificing their time so that at some point they MAYBE able to realize their dream of drawing professionally or for whatever reason(money)
Basado bye bye

>> No.4745939

At this point, 250 boxes challenge would make more sense than drawing 250 gestures not knowing what i'm doing.
And it's not about being hard.
I can of course grind 250, hell, 2500 gestures just to prove the crabs here wrong.
It only takes what? 2500 * 30 seconds?
Like 21 hours?
But why waste the very limited time i have to draw gestures wrongly, not learning anything when i can learn anatomy & proportion which is not vague and can be learn by following a correct standard??
Hell, i might even discover how to draw gesture as i learnt more about other knowledge.

dumb illiterate crab.

>don't make an effort
another dumb illiterate crab.

I already said I will continue to draw gesture, but not gonna waste time grinding it, and will not start grinding it until i know i'm getting it right.
you 2 crabs pyw if you want me to even take you seriously.

>Drawing professionally, or for money
This is why you crabs will NGMI.
stay crabs.

>> No.4745951
File: 26 KB, 176x500, Illustration3546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when i can learn anatomy & proportion which is not vague and can be learn by following a correct standard??
>which is not vague
>following a correct standard
You are not wrong
>you 2 crabs pyw if you want me to even take you seriously.
I have been drawing for 1 year and this is my best draw ^_^
As long as I can draw, I don't care if it takes me 10 years or 30 years to draw well

>> No.4746003

>It only takes what? 2500 * 30 seconds?
>Like 21 hours?
>"i could do it but i'm not going to"
reminds me of a guy i used to know well and talk to often. he was convinced he knew how to do everything but was content in not actually doing anything, because his master level skills was real in his mind. he was one of the most mentally tortured and unstable people on the entire planet.

if you think you don't have the time to do 250 boxes, you should do 500 boxes. same with gesture. you won't draw anything good by skipping gesture, if you plan on drawing human beings. that's why skilled teachers emphasize it so heavily
get this dunning kruger shit out of my sight before you further trigger my PTSD. and stop thinkg you have to "know what you're doing". you just draw moron and it starts to intuitively make sense

>> No.4746009

also, your heavy use of /ic/ memes like NGMI and crab don't bode well because it makes it seem like you've been here for a nontrivial length of time, yet you still haven't learned extremely basic stuff like gesture. does most of /ic/ not even draw?

>> No.4746122
File: 38 KB, 564x377, heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try explaining these heads with Loomis

>> No.4746141

i'm not going to do the work of extrapolate the loomis head method to an anime face to spoonfeed you

>> No.4746147

If I did you would tell me I didn't use loomis. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4746170
File: 12 KB, 226x239, huston head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can be represented very easily using huston's "ball and sail" technique. i probably did a shitty job of it here. there are issues with the loomis method, he doesn't connect the neck to the cranium correctly

>> No.4746175

also, huston's course on the head should be in the video course thread

>> No.4746467

Hips lmao

>> No.4746477

when people say FEEL IT, they want you to think about what the figure is doing.
here for example you can see where her weight is resting, how she is leaning, and how she uses her limbs to distribute some of the weight.
those are the things you need to capture with gesture drawings.
gesture is all about thinking about directions and weights imo.

>> No.4746487
File: 459 KB, 2906x1500, beans1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no work posted
yeah, i'm not gonna take you seriously.
I'm just gonna say it once.
I don't think that i mastered gesture.
I think that i have absolutely zero knowledge about gesture, and after practicing, i still have zero knowledge about gesture.
More practice will not increase my knowledge because i don't understand it at all.
There's no teacher to teach me,and you crabs certainly have no credibility to teach.
>stop thinkg you have to "know what you're doing". you just draw moron and it starts to intuitively make sense
yeah, that's why everybody self taught how to draw during their high school period doodling the wrong flat 2D heads, right??
stupid crab.
you're the idiot that dunning kruger this shit and think you're even the slightest qualified to teach others.

>nontrivial length of time
Nope, i'm completely new to drawing and had only been here for few months max, and had previously been learning to draw heads.
And still grinding practices for head because i can't draw a good head figure yet.

I still don't get it.
How do i draw the weight out? Thicken the line where the weight are?
What am i doing wrong from my gesture drawing?

I will just go grind some beans from proko, at least i can immediately see what's wrong with the beans and learn from it.
Meanwhile, the crabs will still be here drawing nothing.

>> No.4746513

>How do i draw the weight out? Thicken the line where the weight are?
you don't need to. the weight is right there in the gesture. you just need to understand it and then capture it.
if you stand up straight and lean forward/backward or left/right, you will eventually topple in that direction. but if you put a foot out then you will be balanced again. it's a simple concept.

look at how the figure is clearly leaning back and to her left. resting mostly on her left buttock, using her left arm to not topple over and using her right leg as a counterweight.
in comparison, your figure is pretty much sitting up straight.

again, it's all about capturing what she is "doing"

>> No.4746567

My boii vilppu will baby guide you there's alot of valuable imformation so read it. he's gonna teach you how to draw the figure with different method.

>> No.4746581

You'll know something is wrong with ur gesture if u add the icing or the forms with it Thid might help

>> No.4746585
File: 67 KB, 398x398, JPEG_20200723_034809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i help you?

>> No.4746606

>Words words words
Ok man have it your way
I already posted my studies earlier with "copy more anime"

>> No.4746612

Also i already told you you motherfucker go do alex woo's course he builds from basic shapes to capture the gesture of the figure so even you can understand it

>> No.4746615

You can overthink it as much as you want, but 90% of the time is fukcing random. It's true that some artist take into account a light source or the material of the object they're drawing, but mostly just trial and error until it looks good

>> No.4746616

I havent the link right now on phone but google pin2d youtube points on line weight or something like that. Honeslty it should be in the op copypaste at this point since someone asks this every thread

>> No.4746634
File: 224 KB, 792x1200, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP of my latest commission

How much do you think I could charge for something like this? In the future that is, because I already charged 50$

>> No.4746639

thanks, yeah I quickly searched the older threads but haven't found anything, I have already seen some pin2d videos, will check them out

>> No.4746678

You do know that despite of years of grinding, this place is still full of crabs that can't even draw anime that looks like "anime", there must be something wrong. Just study perspective, anatomy and proportions first, doesn't matter, gesture is just a way to quickly put down pose, action, moment... of the figure and then draw construction on top of that.

>> No.4746727


>> No.4746730

anyone who gets remotely good has the sense to stop posting, if you go through the archves you will see the rare good /asg/ poster though

why not learn the popular 'soft' rendering you see everywhere now, it's not that complicated. then you could charge minimum $150 a piece
also, i think this method of outlining contours on the feet using black lines is particularly unappealing. you need to use softer shading, refer to other good foot artists

>> No.4746827

My stuff doesnt't look like anime?


>> No.4746836

>Following nsio tutorials.
The mark of a NGMI, get yourself a real course.

>> No.4746837

It's still a work in progress bro, the lines are supposed to help visualize the surface for the posterior rendering, then I'll erase most of them

Check my Pixiv for examples of final rendered illustrations (you'll need an account) or lolinstagram for trash quality versions
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41747955
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flareless.roam/
(I just don't wanna post the same works here over and over again)

>then you could charge minimum $150 a piece
Holy shit this really encourages me to keep grinding this as a career!

>> No.4746861

How much time do you spend on a piece? How long ave you been drawing? I think you have a decent start and mileage with a judgmental eye will help you quite a bit hat this point.

>> No.4746862

How the fuck do I actually copy? manga materials explanation isn't enough for me to understand the techniques she suggests.

>> No.4746912
File: 1.51 MB, 1397x927, 2312321312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think you need to work more on the face and hair. Make it simple, for now there're too many unnecessary curves in your drawing.

Too rare, and even then, they're not that good.

>> No.4746917

>How much time do you spend on a piece?
My last two Instagram posts took me about 4 days each. I'm pretty confident I can lower that to 3 or even 2 days when I finally figure out my workflow, to which I feel like I'm really really close

>How long have you been drawing?
Fuck, this one is hard to answer because depression fucked me over for a year and 6 months. I started taking it seriously on december 2017, thus:

(24 july 2020) - (1 december 2017) = 966d =~ 32mo
Minus depression time:
32mo - (1y 6mo) = 14mo

It seems I've been drawing for one year and two months total

>mileage with a judgmental eye will help you quite a bit hat this point
I literally only have 2 artworks that are decent, so yeah, I agree. I can't even make a commission chart with my current portfolio kek

>> No.4746920

how do i into drawing nice looking anime faces? i have trouble placing the eyes and mouth on top of the typical animoo head construction. are there any books or resource specifically about anime faces ? (pastebin in op doesnt talk abt this specifically : ' ( )

>> No.4746929

Well for the time you have been at it you are doing good and experience will definitely knock you times down.

>> No.4746930

Left - soul
Right - soulless

>> No.4746951
File: 6 KB, 250x202, 1594129022011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4746954

based coom poster

>> No.4746960

yep, already coomed.
Rollin on this board just for fresh baked fap material.
>a little more coom woudnt hurt

>> No.4746964

Must take a lot of will power to be able to fap to the shit posted form this board, not once of these faggots have ever posted anything worth fapping over because it is the highest form of compliment you may give someone and these faggots deserve none of it.

>> No.4747458
File: 449 KB, 348x569, yuriyuriyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yess that's it, nice!

>> No.4747463
File: 1.93 MB, 1500x980, qurare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make nice colorful drawings like this? I often feel like I'll fuck up using so many colors

>> No.4747541

I wish I could tell you. I fuck up simple two color schemes constantly.

>> No.4747590

Copy the faces you want to draw. Trace over the original image. Try copying by free hand again and hopefully you internalized the construction. It's completely normal to use reference for everything you draw. Don't think you have to draw everything completely from imagination and get frustrated none of your heads work. It takes a lot of practice to be able to draw appealing heads with construction from imagination.

>nice colorful
lol not even close. spend more time painting and using digital since you're clearly a beginner. make liberal use of color balance and blend modes. that's more post processing than painting.

>> No.4748253

I'm confused because I see a shit ton of colors. Well then how do I post process like that

>> No.4748444
File: 423 KB, 767x511, Annotation 2020-07-24 233725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would loomis not work

>> No.4748453

HAhahah stupid beg. You need more loomis.

>> No.4748507
File: 211 KB, 1654x2340, 20200724164823848_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people talking about spending an entire day on the rotated boxes exercise on drawabox
>spent like 30-40 minutes drawing everything during my break time in the office
Granted, it still looks like shit, but I don't get how people are spending hours on it. Am I missing something here?

Anyway, I'm moving on to the 250 boxes challenge tonight, wish me luck, frens.

>> No.4748565

fuck off crab. Better then anything you'll ever produce. keep on snippin

>> No.4748596

>some random bland pixiv-tier overrendered trash
is this really the hill you want to die on?

>> No.4748718

you need to suck a nigger dick

>> No.4748766

>/asg/ crabs: nuuuu this is not good, you must aim for the perfection
>also /asg/ crabs: none can draw anime properly
Every time

>> No.4748910
File: 363 KB, 660x1062, marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4749148

That garbage is offensive to good anime artists who know how bones work. Go do that pose in the mirror and get back to me. I don't care how well rendered it is. Seethe beg read loomis

>> No.4749225

You /asg/ sucks because you feed the crabs. They will fuck off eventually without the premium crab chow they lust for. The infestation has all but destroyed these threads.

>> No.4749259
File: 62 KB, 396x691, 1587273296073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBF without the crabs this board would be a hug box spammed with (more) tumblr-tier trash, and people /ic/ would just be complacent with it

>> No.4749272

Found the newfag trash with stockholm syndrome. This board used to be so much better before "crabbing" was a thing.

>> No.4749275

i haven't learned a thing...

>> No.4749288

LOL, dont make me laugh this board was always shitty

its constantly filled with /d/-quality porn and crayon drawings

>> No.4749351

The perspective is off aka 2d

>> No.4749358

Damn no wonder I see so much /beg/ tier artwork here.

>> No.4749378

What's the best book that talks about the theory of this style. Especially facial features.
I know many anons here have tales about it but I'm looking for a working professional or authority figure.
Even if it's in Japanese.
Most of the books don't explain it well. They just give you a "lol just simplify it bro" approach to it which makes no sense and it's obvious they don't want to talk about it much.

I'm coming from some portraiture courses and wanted to learn the stylization theory since I'm there are plenty of variations.

>> No.4749380

Or set of books

>> No.4749382

literally just copy an artstyle you like until it looks right

>> No.4749385

lol just simplify it bro

>> No.4749404
File: 1.07 MB, 1206x681, 1580221807485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>nice colorful
>lol not even close.

>> No.4749549

you need to grind to learn

>> No.4749747

>color blind

>> No.4749758

it's colorful but it's not nice

>> No.4749951

You don't need to pretend that you could see colors.

>> No.4750186

watch your mouth

>> No.4750328
File: 294 KB, 792x1200, emilia_feet_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750361
File: 262 KB, 1366x768, EcpcgMuXkAI43h8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn dude, got enough layers? lol

$50 is dirt cheap, fully colored and full body should be way higher, you're also doing foot fetish stuff which can command more. however long you're taking and divide by the amount of hours is your hourly wage. if you're spending more than 2 hours on that, you're being stupid with your prices.

>> No.4750366

Don't listen to
He obviously plans on undercutting you since you are superior to him, keep it at $50 bro you'll be going places real soon and if I were you I would leave this place because all these faggots do is step all over each other and provide disinfo with malicious intents.

>> No.4750367
File: 311 KB, 907x720, Emi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your life really is giving people hand-tailored dirty mags then you can go ahead and crank that up to $100 since no one else would do this favor for the customer.

>> No.4750857

tips on how to draw long lines confidently and cleanly?

>> No.4750861

stop shitting the thread up nigger.

just because you're poor doesn't mean everyone else wants to be. no artist should be charging less than minimum wage for coom art when there are more than enough people who will pay actual good money for it

>> No.4750875

that guy has yet to post anything in the thread that isn't just an insane week 1 /beg/ tier scribble yet has been spamming 'crab' for the last like 3 days. its honestly pathetic and actually makes me wish we could go back to grey sketch tranny before he killed herself. even grey sketch troon saw the value of grinding.

it actually triggers me so much some fucking faggot /beg/ got given advice, saw the 250 box challenge, then said "nah im not doing that" and then made up a whole "clever" justification as to why he's doing the right thing by skipping any hard work. like if this faggot was in the same room as me i would bolt at him at full force and cave his 110lb frame in. half the people on here needed their parents to beat them as kids i swear

>> No.4750889

get help

>> No.4750891

>flat color
sounds about right

>> No.4750896

>grey sketch tranny

>> No.4750937

i earned my rant by drawing 8 hours today. how many hours did you draw today anon?

doesn't matter she killed herself anyway

>> No.4750939

maybe if you live in the third world where $50 is an average person's weekly income

>> No.4750941

i just realized if you google "grey sketch tranny" in quotes every result is /asg/ lol

>> No.4750942

>drawing 8 hours
that's why you're so cranky and crazy huh?
Get some rest.

>> No.4750944

>doesn't matter
I just want to know if
>saw the value of grinding.
is real or just you implying shits.

It's just you.
I googled and not even 4chan site shows up.

>> No.4750945

yes it was a guy who autistically grinded drawing the same torso poses over and over to a level you couldn't imagine. literally hundreds of floating torsos which he spammed the thread with. it was better than 'enlightened' walls of text like this >>4745939
>it's just you
google is a botnet so i wouldn't be surprised

stop shaming me for being high energy.

>> No.4750955

Oh, the loli sketch fag.
And i thought /ic/ agreed that Xem grinding the same loli again and again is useless.
Just as >>4745939 claimed.
Don't grind if you're not improving.

>> No.4750967

>loli sketchfag

>> No.4750999

are you?

>> No.4751202

i'm not the same guy, watch your mouth

>> No.4751237

Trust me, I would use many more layers if I wasn't using a 400$ laptop

I priced 50$ because right now I'm a nobody (54 followers on Twitter, 204 on Pixiv, 56 on DeviantArt). Still I got DM'd 3 times without having a commission chart, which I think will help me get many more clients

>since no one else would do this favor for the customer
Never thought of it this way. I actually can (because I enjoy) do some more extreme fetishes which would mean I could crank up my prices even higher? e.g. guro, ryona, scat, loli, futa

>> No.4751290

Not him but 250 box challenge is stupid, why should anyone do it?

>> No.4751516

>250 box challenge is stupid

>> No.4751632
File: 1.47 MB, 1401x1568, asuka_plays_mahjong_7-26-2020 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't that mean u should spend more time on it

i think for people new to drawing its good to develop the ability to draw stuff in perspective intuitively. and good for just getting mileage will help line work probably

can i get some recommendations for good anime artists to study from

>> No.4751879

Because they already did it, and they are talentless crab that get mad when somebody can make it without having to grind stupid challenges.
Not our fault to have talents, not requiring to grind 250 boxes to understand perspective.

>> No.4751895
File: 601 KB, 919x1286, 1595767900427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best way to learn perspective?
Just starting

>> No.4751906

What does sugoi dekai mean? I see it everywhere

>> No.4751912

Big tits I'm pretty sure

>> No.4751930

sugoi big

>> No.4751931

sugoi is like amazing, or WOW
Dekai is Big or Huge.
So the right one crossed out the Huge.

>> No.4752063

read perspective made easy and do all the exercises

>> No.4752088

drawing is stupid, why should anyone do it?

>> No.4752092

it's difficult to recognize when you're improving if you know nothing about fundies

>> No.4752194


>> No.4752273

So i just drill these as a warm up everyday?

>> No.4752313
File: 468 KB, 2694x2132, tsugumomo_study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm study anime girl proportions from my favorite artists (such as Hamada Yoshikazu), do you think i am doing it the right way?

everytime i try to draw a body on my own, it is like i forget everything and the result is unappealing so i'm in a "fuck it, i'm just gonna grind" mentality until this is drilled in my head. that is why i am doing this method.

>> No.4752338

do the same thing but without tracing over the reference

>> No.4752493
File: 322 KB, 768x768, Untitled44_20200727105850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4752509

Did you draw the bottom figures anon?

>> No.4752545


I don't deny the benefit of drawing box, however 250 fucking boxes are just retarded number. After like 10-20 boxes something, you need to move on and try to draw more complex things, table, chair, door, etc.... break them down and they all have a lot of boxes in them, drawing them will also enlarge your visual library, instead of some stupid boxes.

>> No.4752549

KEK, enlight me with your talent and post your work talented one

>> No.4752604
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x1500, cubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the legs and perspective look, doe's it look off in any major ways?

>> No.4752605

ooh yoshi

>> No.4752609

dude, 250 boxes took me like 8 hours maximum over 2 days. 1 box takes 20-45 seconds. it's not a lot. if you cretins stopped complaining about how hard it is you could've done 2500 by now.

>> No.4752611

legs are too small, head is too small, ear is off, torso is too long

>> No.4752612

Okay cheers mate

>> No.4752664

Could you give me the result of your grind, have you escaped /beg yet? Because 2 days wasted, and it added up to your habit of grinding useless things. Doing those also kills all the fun. If you couldn't optimize your time to study, it'd take a very long time to be a decent artist.

>> No.4752677

Good idea.
i wish, but no the only thing i drew was the redline, the bottom image is taken from the Tsugumomo manga.

>> No.4752693

>escaped beg
>improved a lot

>> No.4752696

You gonna post your before and after work here?

>> No.4752702

ok give me a second

>> No.4752704

might take me 30 minutes, is a bit involved i have to censor stuff

>> No.4752739

>looking through /asg/ thread from february to find my old shit
>like 5x as many studies being posted in the average /asg/ thread then
bad sign lads

>> No.4752742

why is no one in this general good?
there are usually good artist in the draw thread and the porn thread, what's wrong with this one?

>> No.4752754
File: 2.25 MB, 2000x3000, progress_dec_to_jul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know where 250 boxes fits in here though, probably end december

reminder to the trannitor: only furry porn is banned. stop banning me for sfw posts. get fucked

>> No.4752759

asg answer: the asg technique is so powerful that every asg user who sticks with it for 2 weeks gets hired by studio ghibli and is too busy drawing key frames to post again

actual answer: anyone who gets remotely good, whether by following the asg guides or not, leaves forever. there are rare good posters who come back though. but they're like girls who don't have tattoos, they are rare and you don't hope to encounter them so you aren't disappointed

>> No.4752764

It's really not convincing when your Dec drawing already is better than most of the /beg/ /asg/ here.
And i don't see the drastic improvement from your 250 boxes grind, instead it's most likely from the constant grinding of heads and forms instead.

>> No.4752777

Because this general is containment for the deluded nip worshipers, that think reading only moon rune guides and copying anime frames will make them good at art.

>> No.4752778

>It's really not convincing when your Dec drawing already is better than most of the /beg/ /asg/ here
i take it as a compliment.
i started from nothing in december. you know they are copies on the left right? the ones in december especially don't have any construction (i.e. there is no volume or form) meaning it's rote mechanical ability to see and recreate what some other artist already did all of the creative and technical work to create

since the 250 boxes is a blip on the radar, it's better to consider it the beginning of learning how to construct a form in space. a box is arguably the most simple (or at least useful) volume you can construct, which is why it makes sense to grind it. if you look at the loomis etc. construction methods for the body there are chances to use boxes everywhere

>> No.4752794

don't you have some fundie course you need to be mindlessly doing

>> No.4752797

the secret is ball point pen. digital is only to touch up when you're done. you can do color in digital too but things like this have to be done on paper by hand.

>> No.4752799
File: 168 KB, 1017x1236, de22n1y-12bff32f-4ffc-45be-a394-0788512a2c1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend asked me to draw him as an animu character. The hair and beard are really messy. Hard to find good beard refs. any tips?

>> No.4752801

as someone that is out of the /beg/ zone i can assure you that grinding 250 boxes will not make you magically good.it's barely an exercise to build some confidence in drawing building blocks in space on top of that you need to study anatomy and how the body works.making up excuses will only make your journey longer anon

>> No.4752803

I wasn't meaning to imply anime artist are innately bad, it's actually just confusing to me. There's so many anime artist, so surely some of them would be good here? There's plenty of decent anime-inspired artist elsewhere so why aren't there any here?

Is probably on to something

>> No.4752805

75% of /ic/ has this fear of 'wasting time' by doing the wrong thing, then they get analysis paralysis and end up doing nothing

>> No.4752808
File: 705 KB, 1860x1490, FA018D9A-820F-44D5-8E8D-98305C1B36F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more nip worshiper
> There's plenty of decent anime-inspired artist elsewhere so why aren't there any here?
Well considering the history of this general, pic related is the main reason you don’t see any good inspirations here. Just think of this general as a worse /beg/.

>> No.4752810
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 1542784328983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know nobody cares but i'll elaborate.

the whole idea of /asg/ is making copies / studies of other artists works to the best of your ability. this is an actual technique which japanese artists have been doing for literally decades now. however, while it is ostensibly the exclusive focus of this thread, it shouldn't be the exclusive focus of any artist, unless they want to become a human cartoon xerox machine. gradually you phase studies out and do more original work. it makes sense that people, as they get good, would have less copies to post here and so not come as much. so the thread is a stacked deck of people just starting out

>> No.4752812

>someone spent time making that image instead of drawing

>> No.4752816

It’s better to use /alt/

>> No.4752817

>someone spent time down shitting the throats of /beg/gers and putting them in their place

Extremely based and absolute gmi

>> No.4752818

so you admit they aren't /asg/ chads huh. back into the pot crab

>> No.4752820


>> No.4752824

Okay that makes sense, thank you!

>> No.4752837

I don't get what this pic is supposed to show desu.

>> No.4752919

>pic related
You need to let go.
You can't let someone live rent free in your head for so long, it's not healthy.

>> No.4752921

It shows the mental illness of someone seething and spend time compiling the pic instead of actually drawing.

>> No.4753054
File: 624 KB, 1024x1024, heess_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good guides for facial rendering like this? I feel like there's just so much subtletly going on there with hues I have hard time wrapping my head around it.

>> No.4753123
File: 315 KB, 1275x1650, zeronis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, this is a subtle render (Zeronis)

Your examples show pretty obvious plane changes, mostly because they're realistic stylizations

Post your best try on this >>4753054
style of render to see your current skill so I can give you the most useful advice

>> No.4753322

wouldn't just some basic meme guys like sinix or ross have just the kind of stuff?

>> No.4753552

1. American artists don't copy, individualism applies to art as well, everyone is looking for their own style and told copying is the worst, plagiarism looked down upon etc. But anime style is all about copying because it's about a certain style with multitude of variations on its individual elements and not a multitude of seperate, distinct styles as much, though distinct styles do develop, it's still readable as "anime/manga" art.

We're told to learn the fundamentals of realistic anatomy and muh Loomis, that the only way to stylize is to learn realistic anatomy first to then be able to exaggerate it like in anime, but the fact is all you have to do is copy anime and pick up on the patterns naturally, some anatomy knowledge helps but it's not necessary to study realism for a year just to draw anime which is as far from realism as it gets, why? Because then your brain will be skilled at drawing realism but not at all skilled at drawing anime and different types of anime styles, you won't intuitively pick up on unique conventions of anime style by not drawing and copying anime so that's how we get these ugly blend of western cartoon and anime - "tumblr style" and emphasis on noses and it just looks off in a way you know it's not anime style, that's because these artists aren't attempting to copy anime style at all.

2. Anime/manga style is focused heavily on beauty and in America we're taught beauty is bad, everything is relative, so these tumblr amateur artists end up drawing grotesque looking ugly attempts at "diversified" anime characters with signature tumblr noses and deliberately try to stay from the ideal anime style out of their own hubris, otherwise they just fail to capture the level of beauty and attractiveness of real anime because they avoid emphasizing certain features the way nip artists do because they've internalized a beauty is bad mindset

>> No.4753787
File: 66 KB, 500x439, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've gotten a lot better since I last saw you. I think at this point you should use a little less of those lines when doing colored stuff. Even though it's a flat colored piece you can also do a slight bit of airbrushing to make the sole color more distinct from the sides, it literally only takes a few seconds. Feel free to do it however you want, this is just a suggestion of how I would make it a little more appealing, unless of course the commissioner wants her feet to look really wrinkled up like that.

>> No.4753811

Any recommended videos or anything on learning shading clothes? Having trouble getting down color blending and stuff and haven't seen one from the Pin2d uploaders, though they've been helpful everywhere else so far

>> No.4754260
File: 970 KB, 1080x3242, Fuckin Ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate doing feet and it looks like shit.

>> No.4754304

You also must hate drawing legs because they look like shit as well. I encourage you to learn anatomy, it'll help with the feet and torso and legs and arms and all that.

>> No.4754341

well I used to mostly draw up to the bust so yeah they're shit. Never done a full body shot. Learning anatomy as I go. Figure I may as well fix the toes and move on.

>> No.4754378

I'd say feet are the least of your problems, at least they can be ignored 90% of the time, and if you do include them 90% of your audience isn't going to care if they look good or not. That being said, at least try to taper the length of the toes. Big toe is the longest, and the rest go in order as you make your way to the pinky toe. Big toes also aren't shaped like penises, so cut that out. Are you actually studying anatomy from somewhere or are you just winging it?

>> No.4754393
File: 24 KB, 623x468, IMG_20200618_160028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what would you say is one my bigger problems? I thought it'd be anything below the torso since I've been doing bust shots for so long. And I think I might just spend some time practicing legs while doing some fun sketches like this. And looking back on this I fucked up some more shit.

>> No.4754720

You need to study gesture and form.

>> No.4754772
File: 539 KB, 1226x1972, Move.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it bad that i only want to draw sexy coomy girls

>> No.4754798

NO. Under no circumstance. Draw what you like, but DRAW. Then you will find stuff that you don't enjoy as much but you need to learn to improve (backgrounds, anatomy, design theory, color) but if by the time you get there you have enough mileage, mechanical skill and fluency using your preferred software, studying all that shit will be SO EASY

>> No.4755302

you need to practice heads. eyes are not flat stickers on the surface of the head, for one