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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 125 KB, 833x341, E539FE9E-3E4E-4023-BC68-3AC2505827CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4733201 No.4733201 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your worst fear as an artist?

>> No.4733207

My worst fear is having a fear.

>> No.4733210

wow anon you're so smart, so deep!

>> No.4733229

My eyes are already fucked, I’m kind of getting used to it.

>> No.4733244

My right eye is also fucked. Left eye sharp af and picking up the slack.

>> No.4733247

No, I'm not. The self proclaimed smart guy never is.

>> No.4733248

OP do you know the person in your pic?

>> No.4733252

No, but he’s just an artist I follow.

>> No.4733255

remember kids: wear your gaaymer glasses

>> No.4733271

my right hand getting chopped off or something, idk

>> No.4733279

Carpal tunnel or chronic back pain

>> No.4733285

Losing my hand or not being able to focus anymore

>> No.4733288

Anon, you don’t have to censor dondrrr’s name.
Most people know who he is.

>> No.4733293

Brain problems. Memory loss, losing the thing that lets me learn or access a ‘flow’ state.
Worst nightmares coming true, just hope it’s not MS or something progressive. I’ll find out later this week.

If you have a functional body I suggest taking care of yourself. You never know when your ‘peak’ will be and it’s a bummer when you find out you can’t go back and that you should have done more when you were physically/mentally capable. Some things can’t be procrastinated and health is one.

>> No.4733332

>Vision getting worse
>Bad enough to inhibit daily activities
>Hmm maybe it’s an eye problem
>Maybe it’s neurological
>I know, better post about it on twitter for feels points instead of seeing a doctor
Social media was a mistake

>> No.4733343

I'm getting older and have to have glasses so I can see to paint, as the distance from my palette to the still life and then to the panel I'm painting on, all vary, and my eyes can't cope.
Get my new varifocal glasses on Tuesday, praying they work and keep me painting forever.

>> No.4733763

Blindness is definitely my fear. I'm 23. I need the glasses on to see anything that is elbow length from my face. I'm kinda poor so I know the subscription I have isn't the one I need. I had nightmares about losing my eyes back in high school and I stopped drawing for a few years because my mental state was/is shit. I'm trying to get my motivation and passion back but the fear is back as well.

>> No.4733765

Alzheimer or memory loss

>> No.4733772

Having to work a regular backbreaking wagie job and only drawing a pointless 20 minutes before falling asleep, until I eventually quit art and officially have no reason to live.

>> No.4733885

I already see double. Hasn't stopped me making art but I have to flip a lot more :(

>> No.4733897

Posting my work.

>> No.4734090

i have both of those haha : - )

>> No.4734094

I’m 19 and studying art despite my parents telling me to do something else. My biggest fear is to be 30 and mediocre at art, unable to get a job, a complete failure to my parents, and a classic example of why you shouldn’t pursue art as a career. It’s scary because I can definitely see it happening ;(

>> No.4734104

Not getting a gf after all this hard work

>> No.4734110

having my right hand become immobile in some way, loosing coordination and depth perception.

>> No.4734111

it's easier than ever in this day and age, with things like patreon etc. worse case scenario you draw coomer shit & popular characters for the masses.

>> No.4734121

Unless you're actually drawing several hours a day, 3 hrs at the bare minimum, you're actually going to be a failed artist. Take some time to be honest to yourself right now. There are too many people who carelessly let the days slip by

>> No.4734143

Yeah I tell myself if so many people have succeeded in art in so many different ways there’s no reason why I can’t as well, I just have to work hard like them

I’m definitely slacking in this, if my current habits continue I won’t get much better. Thank you for the wake up call, I’m going to push myself to draw a lot more

>> No.4734163

I can't use most power tools because the vibrations make my hands shake for hours afterward. The idea of having a permanent tremor scares me more than anything.

>> No.4734175

My hands breaking or tendonitis

>> No.4734526


>> No.4734535

Never making it

>> No.4734570
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 57gsakjg32i21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got pinky tendonitis. Could be worse, thank God I can still draw. But if I had tendonitis on my index or middle finger... I couldn't stand 6 weeks of not drawing.

>> No.4734606

Posting endless same faced egirls on Instagram as a career

>> No.4734637

>worst fear as an artist
not being able to handle all the pussy i get

>> No.4734645

you learned all the right words and phrases.

>> No.4734659

I remember when /ic/ had a lot of threads on rising (serious) eye problems of professionals who got a drawing screen. Remember kids: do not draw longer than 20mins in one session with a drawing tablet as ridiculous as it is. Apparently the manufacturer recommends to stop after 2 hours and indeed after two hours I start feeling a very slight burn. I assume this is from not blinking enough to keep the eyes flushed, but might be something more sinister.

fears: eye problems (I already have hearing problems), tendon problems on the wrist, capal tunnel, cubital tunnel syndrome and whatnot and of course minding my own buisness outside and some asshole decides to give me permanent brain damage for some yt video by knocking me out or whatever. Generally drama with people. They are time and gains goblins and only cause trouble.

>> No.4734662

>20 mins

>> No.4734670
File: 338 KB, 428x386, 1581907336172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, same here. feels batman

>> No.4734687

You've been talking about this a lot, can you try getting a tilted or upright surface (a large plywood board will do) and drawing with an overhand grip on paper? It's not a meme, you are making almost no effort with the hand and drawing almost entirely from your upper arm. You probably have pencils and paper at home so worst comes to worst you're wasting a few bucks on a piece of wood.
You might have to drop digital but I think it's better to switch to trad than quit drawing entirely.

>> No.4734702

I know I've been crapping up the board with my issues, but I don't think it'll happen again. I started drawing a comic where I'm including a ton of backgrounds, and I'd been using my fingers to try and scratch in a ton of straight lines manually, since I heard that if you want your perspective drawings to have life, you need to draw in your lines freehand and not use the line tool. As a result I used a repetitive pulling motion with my fingers for several hours a day and suddenly I have tendinitis.

Also, I had a serious cancer scare recently, causing my anxiety levels to shoot through the roof, so I jumped from drawing 2-3 hours a day to literally drawing 8 hours a day, shocking my tendons probably. I need to build up my wrist strength slowly.

But, now I think I'm just going to use the line tool. And I'll take breaks when my fingers hurt.

>upright surface with overhand grip
I wish, but I can't afford a steady stream of art supplies, otherwise I'd do everything traditionally. Thanks for the suggestion though and thanks for letting me vent.

>> No.4734711

>I'm not smart, only stupid people proclaim themselves to be smart which I am definitely not doing therefore leaving open the possibility that I am actually smart.
Just fucking admit that you think you're hot shit, own it bro you are like a straight up Jimmy Neutron boy genius.

>> No.4735246

yeah honestly it's not all bad, just means i cant practice as much. there was a guy in one of these threads with a degenerating eye disease so i always tell myself it can be worse in order to kick my ass. hopefully i'll be able to see a doc at some point

>> No.4735264
File: 487 KB, 1024x1320, B53DAFA1-1919-4747-B8C3-ED1CCF99D3B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Just fucking admit that you think you're hot shit, own it bro you are like a straight up Jimmy Neutron boy genius.
Different anon but Yes, I do think highly of myself, and for good reason. The simple fact of the matter is that I’m ether than other people, I’m smarter than them. Even if I found someone smarter than me, I’d strive to surpass them, if only for the petty purpose of being better, because for someone to be better than me is an injustice that needs to be dealt with.

>> No.4735331
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 4F855250-8D8F-403D-A179-5BC86DF35298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since quarantine started 4 months ago, I’ve been on the computer way more than usual and now my eyesight is a lot worse. During daytime my home feels too dark, I have to crank up the brightness on my phone and pc, can no longer distinguish enemies on cod and other games with dark character silhouettes, eyes burn like hell, can’t get off of pc because of online classes and homework + I want to practice digital drawing and programming almost daily.

Even if I take a day off my eyes start hurting again when I get back on the pc.

What do? I don’t want to lose my sight.

>> No.4735460

Uhhh, go to an eye doctor please, before you totally fuck up your vision forever.

>> No.4735604

this is why I do trad art now and only do work stuff on the computer. I used to paint digitally until I started having eye problems to the point where I couldn't look at any LCD screen without my eyes hurting. sad to say, but you'll have to restrict your screen time to strictly work/school only. install flux or activate the "low blue light" setting on your monitor and lower the brightness. it the pain should go away in a week. if it doesn't, go see an eye doctor.

>> No.4735609
File: 402 KB, 760x611, 95e67e13-41eb-45e6-89c7-6cc283c69657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting famous

But that okay because I'm a eternal /beg hah.... :')

>> No.4736005

Besides the usual "I can't see or move my hands properly anymore", I'm scared of getting famous and get those types of fans. Like, I know it's highly unlikely to happen but I really don't want to be the guy known for having a wild, horrible autistic fanbase

>> No.4736021

That's more like it.

>> No.4737186

Staying mediocre

>> No.4737250

Something happens to my drawing arm/hand.

>> No.4737256

not being able to financially support myself let alone my family

>> No.4737612


>> No.4738215

guys,do your eyes start looking at random directions with great speed without you wanting to when drawing?

>> No.4738229

are you referring to twitching eyes? That's a symptom of extreme stress and anxiety. I never get it when drawing, but I do get it when life stresses me out.

>> No.4738794

Getting paralyzed

>> No.4738820

developing any kind of proper long-term problem with my wrist/arm that would severely impact my art. i'm really fucking worried about this because my wrist is already a bit fucked, it clicks fairly often and hurts when i press my hand down to a certain pressure, it's not even much of a hard pressure either. i do stretches and stuff but it's been like this for years since i got whacked on the wrist by a plank

>> No.4738822

Drink more water

>> No.4738863

I'm 24 with psoriatic arthritis haha kill me