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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 67 KB, 750x869, 1564604090749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4731503 No.4731503 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make YOURSELF feel proud.

previous thread >>4727951

READ THE STICKY if you're new or need guidance.

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - try ~1000px, <1.1mb

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

>> No.4731518
File: 654 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200717_133958_compress57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis pg 47

>> No.4731535

How do you use art books? Do you read them and then draw directly from what's in the books. Trying to figure out the best way to learn from framed perspective v1.

>> No.4731539

Read and do what it says

>> No.4731551

>Ezra Yarmush
6 months ago (edited)
I've been taking a course called drawabox- 100 percent free, all available online and mostly exercise based, and even as i listen to the podcast, everything that marshall and stan are talking about is included. He starts you off on freehand lines, ghosting, dynamic lines etc, then he goes into basic point perspective, but goes then into boxes. and boxes. and boxes. So many that it becomes instinctive, and then it moves onto construction. A great course for imaginative drawing and construction and completely instruction based- do what he says and you will get better. https://drawabox.com
Marshall says: the only way to learn is to draw through the box- drawabox fundamental
-Then scoot roberson how to draw
-finally framed perspective 02

>> No.4731558

loomis heads are way harder then they let on, if that second oval is off its all fucked

>> No.4731563
File: 139 KB, 1334x848, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sphere KEK

>> No.4731584
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>> No.4731587

Need Bucci

>> No.4731589

I guess I know what's wrong. I see the asymmetry. But my question is... I started out trying to draw the head tilted up and to the side. Idk if you can see the construction lines, but then when I go to add the features it ends up basically front facing but crooked.

>> No.4731601

What is the best video resource for learning animation?

>> No.4731605
File: 453 KB, 1280x720, 232323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> 4731589
>but then when I go to add the features it ends up basically front facing but crooked.
Marco Bucci will solve that
you should study perspective

>> No.4731607


when you tilt the head up do you have to move the side plane? is that the problem maybe?

>> No.4731608
File: 107 KB, 1189x953, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quarter of the way, excited to see my 50th face

>> No.4731610

it's not the best but it's good

>> No.4731612

i have now just seen the size of his left iris...

>> No.4731613

I'll check him out. thanks, any materials in particular you suggest?

>> No.4731618
File: 564 KB, 800x800, chloe 125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine drawing the same character 125 times and not getting any better

>> No.4731621

this isnt related to this general please go shitpost elsewhere

>> No.4731623

you do the same thing everyday you don't take advice from anyone and you don't improve. the fact that you have drawn 25 turds does not change the fact that they are all turds. and even for a turd it's a turd. just by glancing at it for 2 seconds, i can see the proportions of the face are way off. hair looks like total shit. neck makes no sense. hairline is nonsense, forehead is too small, nose is too short, eyes are too big. line quality is shit. shading is shit. random lines of the face. why are you posting here? what do you want?

>> No.4731624

i want advice which you just gave me, thanks :)

>> No.4731626

Kimon Nicolaides is a giant turd.

>> No.4731628

first of all i didn't give you advice but second no you dont. because ive critiqued your past stuff and you didn't apply anything i've said. you are just doing the same thing again and again.

>> No.4731631

It's passable enough to get likes and followers so I guess he's made it already and doesn't care. You certainly could be worse.

>> No.4731634
File: 1.04 MB, 1745x877, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at 4/10 etc vs 24/25 i think its improvement dont you?

>> No.4731637
File: 136 KB, 213x406, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don´t like how this one turned out, any advice?

>> No.4731638


>> No.4731641

anatomy practice, learning to divide the body into shapes, learn how to stop symbol drawing, learn lines of action, flow and how to input soul

>> No.4731650

>any materials in particular you suggest?

You don't need to study perspective for 10 hours a day, but at least try to study 2-3 hours a day
Min 26:24

>> No.4731652
File: 91 KB, 822x880, 25.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better almighty one

>> No.4731661
File: 737 KB, 4000x4000, practice_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some arm workout today, how did I do?

>> No.4731666

Is sight-sizing bad practice or not? I assume I shouldn't get used to it since it probably makes it harder to draw out of scale, but I want to be drawing from imagination in the future anyways.

>> No.4731672

125 times isn't a lot. If you do 10 drawings a day, that's a 140 drawings in 2 weeks

>> No.4731674

not even a little

>> No.4731676

its fine as long as you balance it with other, do all types of practice and apply what you learn to the next practice, practice from imagination, practice from, reference, practice from live model, practice from sight sizing etc etc

>> No.4731678

I'd be more specific with the muscle shapes. You've got them as generic spherical forms, but each muscle has its own very specific look.

>> No.4731680

are you fucking high? not even op but 4/5 look like shit in comparison to 25, which btw still looks like fucking shit, but youre lying if you say he hasnt got better, now go be toxic elsewhere

>> No.4731686

ok thanks

>> No.4731696

Michael Hampton Figure Drawing
Pag 129

>> No.4731697


>> No.4731701

What does a good and a bad figure drawing look like? I want to craft characters so what should I study along? construction? loomis isn't working for me, what to do?

>> No.4731704

The Art & Science of Figure Drawing - Brent Eviston
>what should I study along?
Perspective aka DAB

>> No.4731705

a good figure drawing is Vilppu's figure drawing. A bad figure drawing is your attempt at a figure drawing.

Why do ppl keep asking such easy to answer questions...

>> No.4731708

I understand line quality and flow, it's all implicit anon, no need to be rude or attempt to be, heh.
Good good, thanks anon

>> No.4731709

TOP TIER Explanation

>> No.4731717

No attempt at being rude, sorry if I came off like that lol

It's just, ya know... /beg/ is /beg/ so I would assume your figures arent great since you didnt post any, leading me to believe you havent done ANY figure drawings to begin with, thus the comment. Sorry again

>> No.4731721

youre just straight shitposting now, can you use a trip so i can block you in the future please

>> No.4731730

bro u need to do atleast 5 a day...

>> No.4731733

Oh no my friend, the practice has been done, about 10 pages rapid fire using a site, I'll do more soon just want to digest the experience. I saw some improvement, at first my mistake was chicken scratching and making the form instead of flow, will post some soon, I'm just curious.

>> No.4731735

i do, these are just ones with 0 reference, all imagination

>> No.4731736

Just one thing more I'd like to say, making sure lines line up as vilppu said, that's hard

>> No.4731737

Learn the parts of the head separately PLS
MIN 9:43

>> No.4731745

This looks pretty nice, but then I don't know the starting level.

>> No.4731768
File: 165 KB, 1600x1200, Sugada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want some tips on digital linework, mine's all wobbly.

>> No.4731769

awesome thank you! i will watch all these tomorrow cheers anon

>> No.4731773


>> No.4731801
File: 354 KB, 951x818, 1566142667589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I so fucking slow? This shit took me a good two hours. Feels like I spend forever measuring and chicken scratching and polishing a turd that doesn't even come out polished anyways

>> No.4731803

more gesture drawing

>> No.4731804

you will get quicker with time

>> No.4731810

You'll get faster over time but most likely it's because you don't have a method to follow and you're just attempting to will through something you really don't know how to attack.

Measure big shapes, main verticals, horizontals and diagonals, draw big shape, refine. Smaller shapes, refine. Step back, look at the big pic, refine. Go smaller, refine. Smaller, refine. Go back. And so on.

>> No.4731813
File: 2.94 MB, 2127x2896, 20200717_205934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loose warm up

>> No.4731815
File: 3.74 MB, 2271x2990, 20200717_205920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick shadows feel really difficult to do well on pencil. How did I do?

>> No.4731827

I was just trying to practice proportions with contour sketching. I didn't even intend on finishing this with details, I just wanted to practice sight measuring. I know she ended up wrong anyways.

>> No.4731829

how does it look better? explain. name something that was done correctly in the second one that wasn't done correctly in the first one.

>> No.4731832

How to feel the form though?

>> No.4731839
File: 690 KB, 989x2567, 200717hamptondrapery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping I would do more than five of these.

>> No.4731844

cross contours/wrapping lines, learn a bit of perspective

>> No.4731845
File: 262 KB, 666x1000, 0086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried improving it with the feedback that anons gave me, but I don't have the skill to pull that off yet, I will keep practicing!

thank you!

>> No.4731847

youre on the right track. in your bottom picture there is way too much space between the eyes. before you start shading, i would suggest flipping your canvas upside down and drawing the shadow shapes that way so that you are purely focussed on accuracy rather than letting your brain try to figure out what it thinks it already know. sorry if that explanation is confusing. we're not good at drawing yet. so our current knowledge of faces isn't good enough to make good drawings. so when you draw a face your brain automatically makes lots of assumptions about it and these are things that we have to unlearn. thats what learning to draw is. unlearning symbol drawing and wrong proportions and wrong anatomy and bad perspective. so the best way to block your brain from making assumptions about how to draw the face is sometimes to flip it side ways or upside down where it just looks like shapes rather than a recognizable face. if that makes sense.

>> No.4731848

your figure drawing, hand over that knowledge

>> No.4731869

1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSzB3ESpfE0
Watch this video like 20 times= 1xDay
2- The Art & Science of Figure Drawing - Brent Eviston + learn a bit of perspective(DrawABox Lesson 1-2)
He will teach you how to feel the form "literally"
3- Hampton Figure Drawing/Anatomy (your perspective level has to be intermediate level at least to understand aka DrawABox Lesson 4)

You need to do like 200-300 gesture to feel the form, so if the first ones don't go well, no big deal

>> No.4731875

i think my biggest problem then is that i cant see the shapes as 3d objects, the last part about putting soul into it, i don´t really get how to but i know how it feels. what did you think about color?

>> No.4731879

I think it's really just Huston+Hampton and observational drawing experience.

>> No.4731890

No dat anon, but
>i think my biggest problem then is that i cant see the shapes as 3d objects
I think you should learn how to draw first then learn how to paint
there is no harmony between the colors

>> No.4731893

there's a reason I didnt say anything about color.
1: I'm a beg at color and am almost finished refining my 3d space understanding
2: you need to learn spacing and 3d shit before you go into color, broski

>> No.4731894

I bought a Wacom Intuos S cause it was cheap as shit and I'm completely starting from zero, but now that I've been using it for two months I feel like it's really just too small for me to comfortably draw from the elbow/shoulder. Feels like I have to zoom in so that every line takes up as much area on the tablet as possible if I want to do that. Should I be forcing myself to do it anyways? I feel like if I eventually do upgrade to a screen tablet I'm gonna have to relearn the movements since I'm basically only using my wrist/fingers now.

>> No.4731918


please read another book. it's really obvious you're confused as fuck

>> No.4731924

thank you both, i´ll focus more on drawing and then think about color

>> No.4731970
File: 101 KB, 618x884, soccer kick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My poses seem always stiff and unnatural... I don't know.
I need general critique on anatomy too.
Just anything would help.

>> No.4731985

If yo're worried about stiffness then do something thumbnail drawings before you get into detail and focus on gesture. it looks like this might just have been a stiff pose. like she just changed direction and planted that foot to kick, so it might just be an unflattering pose. but if you dont mind getting away from the reference a bit, obviously you can loosen up that leg and have it follow the curve of the spine. let it all flow from head to foot. and then the other leg could flow from the opposite arm. or at least the arms could flow better.

>> No.4732003

Good work anon, but you have to remember you can't just copy the ones in the book. "Fun with pencil" is trying to show you construction correctly to form the faces. If you really want some gains and to progress you HAVE TO DRAW YOUR OWN ORIGINAL FACES. Experiment, have fun with the form. Try something new. You are taking what the book is showing you too literally.

>> No.4732012

Good god I love drapery studies. Keep it up anon. Good stuff.

>> No.4732016

oh, I think I get it...(probably...idk) thanks.
Anything wrong with the anatomy?

>> No.4732040
File: 351 KB, 707x1036, Illustration2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have my shitty redline. Hopefully it's somewhat useful.

>> No.4732041

As someone that also needs to study drapery, can you tell me what the different colors and the little orange dots mean?

>> No.4732043
File: 102 KB, 1214x662, SP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4732052

thanks anon

>> No.4732082

I've been copying off screenshots and breaking them down into simple shapes and redrawing them. I want to get out of doing this but I can't follow any art book because I can't absorb the info.

>> No.4732115

holy shit, why no one told me about ctrlpaint?

literaly would've saved me months of hitting my head against a wall.

>> No.4732121

i've been drawing for a month and i love doing sketches but hate practicing clean lineart

what do

>> No.4732127

S o u l

>> No.4732129

Thank you, anon, I will!

The dots are tension points. They're points on the body from/at which the drapery hangs, is stretched or pushed. They act as landmarks for the drapery to help you figure out how to draw the different types of folds. At first I used different colors for different folds (black for pipe, green for diaper, purple for drop, blue for spiral), but then I thought I could just take note of them as I draw to make it easier/save some time, with the exception of the z-folds, which I find kinda tricky to spot at times. Hope that made sense. Check out Hampton's new drapery lecture and some moderndayjames videos for more detailed explanations!

>> No.4732144

Thank you for the vids. I've been putting off drapery for a long time and any time I try to draw clothes they look like absolute shit.

>> No.4732188
File: 345 KB, 1125x900, pornstein and smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4732193

What is the difference between drawing and painting

>> No.4732206

What is art? idk
It seems objective,
I want to make objective art! Where do I start?

>> No.4732208

technical drawing

>> No.4732211
File: 2.99 MB, 1763x2438, 4chinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lined paper (not anymore but hey) anon here

>> No.4732225

I'm also taking this course. Getting to the 250 box challenge.

>> No.4732249

looking at this i realize i nuked the intensity of the shadows and fucked all the proportions in minute ways that add up, nevermind everyone, ill fuck off for now

>> No.4732261

nah the proportions are mostly fine, only thing that really stands out is the top of the head going back too far and maybe the elf ears
you're doing great

>> No.4732265

thanks, i fixed the head yea that was fucked but the elf ears were from the reference, the girls that appear when you google "female face reference" are all goblins like that

>> No.4732270

nothing wrong with qt elf chicks
one thing i can recommend for checking proportions is taking a picture of it and flipping it horizontally
also look at it normally, then close one eye completely and squint to almost a complete close with the other. if you design and shade your bust properly (like you did here) you'll get some sort of weird euphoria like the bust is coming to life

>> No.4732279
File: 11 KB, 270x194, scared-young-man-with-twisted-from-fear-face-stock-photography_csp0206650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20 and have become inspired to pick up drawing but feel scarred to pick it up with how much it demands in terms of studying and execution. To anyone who started around when they were my age do you feel there was any serious disadvantage to starting later on?

>> No.4732282

>loomemes is supposed to be read not copied

>> No.4732285 [DELETED] 
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I made last year but is still a peace I’m pretty fond of. What do you guys think?

>> No.4732287

Is this digital, or something like brush and ink?

>> No.4732289

If you want to then literally just try it. At worst you'll be out of like 80-100 bucks big deal. I'm 24 and I started this year because one night I realized that if I don't at the very least try it out then I'd regret that.
In fact, right now the biggest disadvantage I can think of is I regret not starting it sooner.

>> No.4732303

>studying and execution
i'm 22, just started last month, and have been making some good progress imo. the best thing about drawing is that you only need to study and execute whatever you enjoy in order to make progress.

most of the greatest toon comic artists can barely get past beginner anatomy, and despite /ic/ logic, that's completely fine because they seldom need it for their craft. they are still able to develop great perspective, color theory, and rendering skills. and if they ever actually do need it, they can just heavily reference something and never touch it again.

don't force yourself to be a jack of all trades artist and plan on studying absolutely everything (unless you are absolutely sure that's what you want to do). only draw what you like, study material that expands on your interests (observation (keys to drawing - dodson), figure drawing (figure drawing for artists - huston), perspective (how to draw - robertson, dynamic sketching - peter han) are most likely what's going to benefit you this most starting out).

tl;dr: study and draw at your own pace, ignore "industry" clowns, remember to separate critique from toxicity, and have fun by drawing by your terms and your terms alone.

>> No.4732337
File: 135 KB, 1200x1200, sketch-1595047852381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon in /vg/ gave me some feedback on my drawing, and I changed the colors a bit. What do you guys think?

I don't know what the Hell I'm doing when I use color beyond basic color theory. Any tips on how to choose colors that look good?

>> No.4732354
File: 373 KB, 2048x1449, nogodnoafterlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually helps a ton man. Ty anon.
Interesting. To try and get my shapes right its helps me to try to unfocus my vision, kinda going cross-eyed, so that I may ignore the 3rd dimension.
Pic related i'm trying.

>> No.4732355
File: 1.63 MB, 2196x3024, IMG_20200718_153116_copy_2196x3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need critique

>> No.4732358
File: 893 KB, 711x704, IMG_20200718_143008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4732361

Her torso and arms look a bit too small for her head and legs, but otherwise this doesn't belong in /beg/.

>> No.4732370

how do i know if theyre the right size?

>> No.4732378
File: 63 KB, 564x648, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finger-tip to finger-tip = head to toe.

>> No.4732380

*almost. It should come up just a little short.

>> No.4732401
File: 324 KB, 1000x750, Test Shading 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving >>4728952 another try.
Haven't applied everything suggested just yet, but is it moving in the right direction?

>> No.4732543
File: 115 KB, 1072x1440, cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to become more creative? I feel like the main issue with why I can't get myself to draw is that I just don't have any ideas. Yeah there's studies but that gets boring.

>> No.4732598

yes, you must fill your visual library, cba to explain it here just go watch a video

>> No.4732615
File: 361 KB, 1654x2338, 2.4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was bored and also drew candlemass logo with loomie technique. Also tried to add my own "touch" on the right loomie head am I doing it good at least?

This shit is really fun did it for 2 hours and no regrets.

>> No.4732634

I think this is the first redline I got.

very helpful, thanks!

>> No.4732637

looks awesome to me anon. she passes the boner test.

>> No.4732643

actually one thing you could work on is her right arm. draw the figure from the top or front view to figure out the geometry.

>> No.4732652
File: 178 KB, 614x942, Screenshot_20200718_142701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i botch her back, also, how do i draw curly hair?

>> No.4732659

You're doing a good job showing volume, but the shadows look inconsistent. Are you still working on those? If the light source is supposed to be behind her, then there should be more prominent drop shadows in front of her. Something like half her body should be in shadow, including her entire face.
Also, this is a minor nitpick, but I think the way her bikini wraps around her body is wrong. It's too high up in the background.

>> No.4732677

pointy head lol

>> No.4732700


look up some ideation techniques, it might help you out.

or you could draw other peoples ideas, like taking requests and shit.

>> No.4732705

the first one is okish

>> No.4732711

Any good youtube/gumroad for marker rendering besides reiq and Omar dogan?

>> No.4732714

one elbow is more thicker than the other

>> No.4732720

shit ur right

>> No.4732728

i like it

>> No.4732754
File: 68 KB, 720x540, 426b8ede-c934-4f4d-b360-f47046783b1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any downloadable resources for a newbie? I work 12 hour shifts in a guardhouse with no phone signal or wifi so I need stuff on my laptop I can use to get better with. I have a huion HS610 medium and haven't adjusted to not staring at my hand while I draw quite yet. Anything would be helpful I figure i'll pick up this as a fun skill while I sit around and get paid to do literally nothing. Oh a final note i'm really dogshit at reading so if by any chance there are resources light on words i'd be much appreciative.

>> No.4732813


>> No.4732821

>looks awesome
In shock that could be said, the best I could do on Wedneday was >>4729006.
I think the rotational twist of the forearm isn't taken into account properly, so I'll try to fix.

>If the light source is supposed to be behind her, then there should be more prominent drop shadows in front of her
I'm trying for a high/more central sun more than behind, but you're still right and I can't unsee it now.
Completely forgot the drop shadow from the head/hair/ears.
I'm trying hair now, I'll go back near the end if I think I can make it work.

Thanks /ic/.

>> No.4732830
File: 70 KB, 498x800, 18_July_2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at the feet xd
At least doing lineart doesn't make me want to kill myself anymore, that's some progress.

>> No.4732836
File: 119 KB, 1024x611, town_mystery_comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on a book. which sucks.

>> No.4732842

yes you have that ability. be sure to read and analyze plots and themes. sometimes authors use the theme of an object in a horror-mystery story.

>> No.4732861

unless it is massive as hell the metadata isn't loading for it at all. Possibly the magnet isn't being hosted anymore?

>> No.4732890
File: 480 KB, 941x1500, momiji2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a tablet a few days ago. First drawing with it. I think I could have done a bit better with anatomy/perspective.

>> No.4732899

>Use qBittorrent
> Possibly the magnet isn't being hosted anymore?

>> No.4732901


>> No.4732911

it's almost 1 tb and it's way too much stuff for a newbie. if it doesn't load look on the archive for the video course thread. there's probably mega links to beginner courses (Brent Eviston art and science of drawing, Steve Huston's constructive figure drawing or Marshall's perspective)

>> No.4732917
File: 110 KB, 965x901, prop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know its chicken scratch but are the proportions good?

>> No.4732922

No, go find a head construction and learn it.

>> No.4732927

>drawing from reference normally results in hideous neanderthal faces
>flip reference upside down
>draw the best portrait i ever have in my life

what does this mean

>> No.4732934

you're drawing symbols

>> No.4732935

i did, the head is split in 1/3rds top of head to eyebrow then to bottom of nose then to chin

>> No.4732939

ok, but that's not enough to construct a face. get a book from sticky or google image

>> No.4732946

Need Bucci

>> No.4732948

nice, not too beg though

>> No.4732961

i don't think perspective is my problem. i can draw buildings and cars and inorganic shapes fine. its anatomy and figure drawing where i fall short.

>> No.4732977

thanks guys

>> No.4732999

>i don't think perspective is my problem
Maybe you have Dunning-Kruger KEK
> i can draw buildings and cars

>> No.4733184

nice! I wouldn't have the patience to draw all this

>> No.4733187

Hey nice you took our advice! Yeah, concentrating the points of light is really helping it have more depth. Gj anon!

>> No.4733189

I would say it looks slightly masculine due to the broadness of the shoulders. The anatomy is pretty good though, ignoring the differentiating sizes of the arms (the right one is a weee bit too large. Just IMO tho)

>> No.4733191

where is the light source?

>> No.4733196

My brain doesnt understand the scale of things

What do I do to practice this

>> No.4733199

>scale of things

>> No.4733200


the eye far from us should look smaller.

>> No.4733202

like trying to copy something I can't quite get the scale of it right while im drawing it

>> No.4733209

Not that anon, but
Brent Eviston's Art & Science of Drawing
Week 5 - Measuring & Proportion
also pyw and reference pls

>> No.4733240

nice, i was more preoccupied about the anatomy, since this is my first drawing of back muscles, but the wider back was intended

>> No.4733277

based 20 foot tall anon

>> No.4733280
File: 275 KB, 820x701, 286-2861656_funko-pop-snow-white-bashful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gorsh, i guess i'd like to thank the academy

>> No.4733340

torpedo skulls are part of muh style dont worry

>> No.4733342

looks cool anon

>> No.4733350
File: 48 KB, 600x465, 1413885223481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best resource for learning basic figure drawing if you're a brain dead retard? I like hand holdy excercise based shit like DAB and the books I've checked out seem to assume a lot about my autonomy. They talk a lot about gesture but I want to grasp the actual counstruction first
Thank you in advance

>> No.4733353

one check doesnt make it right

>> No.4733373
File: 89 KB, 873x877, 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not going to shade or do hair until i really get face construction down

>> No.4733392

looking good face-kun
right eye looks too low and the back of the head might need reworked

>> No.4733394

what are you using? how many heads do you draw per day?

>> No.4733398

thank you anon, yeah youre right on the eye, back of head is messy, i try not get too caught up in clean line work, i mean look at the eyebrow ffs, im just trying to focus on good construction now

if you mean what software then krita, if you mean courses then i started


today, only an hour in though, i also read through loomis but wasnt a huge fan and i use asaro head and i will start bucci soon, i draw probably 3 heads from imagination and drawing from reference i dunno probably like 10, depends on my mood

>> No.4733402

also the heads i draw from imagination i cross check it with asaro and then make changes accordingly, just started this today as i feel the anon from yesterday was right i need to make mroe of an effort to improve, my face of the day i dont check, reference or anything like that, just pure imagination

>> No.4733438

did you tried proko? it is the more hand held I can think of.

>> No.4733458
File: 1.72 MB, 2954x4764, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ic/. I've been learning how to gesture draw by Brent Enviston. Here is my latest work reflecting on what I have learned so far. Feedback is appreciated!

>> No.4733459 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 1000x1613, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resized sorry.

>> No.4733466
File: 234 KB, 620x1000, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resized sorry

>> No.4733467
File: 154 KB, 907x760, 18.7.20 warmup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pic of the day ive done. the problems that jump out at me the most are the face is fucked, i put the phone and hand in the wrong place, and the right boob seems a little flattened. id appreciate any other crits

>> No.4733470

What's the best way to go through Keys? Should I be repeating the projects until everything clicks? Should I just finish the book before I start any other tutorials?

>> No.4733480

>counstruction first
1st gesture
2nd Construction
and you need to know perspective to do the construction :)
by:Michael Hampton
>What's the best resource for learning basic figure drawing if you're a brain dead retard?
Brent Enviston

>> No.4733482

Brent Eviston's Art & Science of Drawing>keys to drawing

>> No.4733502

at what point should you stop copying poses and shit.

>> No.4733510

>copying poses

>> No.4733515

DAB? Is there something better, I've already tried it and won't go back to it due to certain reasons, not that anon btw

>> No.4733522

what does this mean? stop using reference? if thats what you mean never, you just practice with and without, if you mean gesture then also never

>> No.4733528

after you've copied a bajillion references

>> No.4733538

fellas do you recommend vilppu renaissance head drawing or scott eaton's head course to improve drawing from imagination and construction?

>> No.4733541

try both and stay with the one you feel the best
I tried hampton and it didn't stick with me but know people who swear by it

>> No.4733544

>drawing from imagination
Michael Hampton Figure Drawing Book
Perspective aka DAB

>> No.4733569
File: 339 KB, 457x424, tumblr_inline_p2f7waRDD31trueqz_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I focus on if im just starting but would like to storyboard in the future?

>> No.4733571
File: 85 KB, 1238x294, MV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIN 26:24
Perspective books/YT Videos (How to draw, framed perspective,MDJ ,etc.) are very good, but the bad thing is that they don't have assignment and you have to guess on your own how to practice them(that's why I prefer DAB, they teach you perspective and how to practice), you can try erik olson perspective course
What I did was
1- DrawABox
2- How to Draw Scott Roberson
3- framed perspective 02

The only way to Learn perspective is by practicing :)

>> No.4733573


>> No.4733580

I don't have a solid surface to practice shoulder circle lines, this is horrible

>> No.4733589

Watch this gesture video 1xDay, it will explain everything you need to know about gesture

>> No.4733596

loomis creative illustration
>im just starting

>> No.4733603

Something I've realized about drawing boxes or other forms in perspective is that it's better to err on the side of making your lines converge too quickly than to undershoot and potentially have them not converge at all. At least with the former you're somewhere in the ballpark instead of sitting outside the stadium.

>> No.4733609

thank you

>> No.4733611
File: 701 KB, 1612x2316, 1576804427471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I need the following, already checked gesture, nice vid anon thanks, >>4733571 So this for perspective, oh that's going to be a hell of a journey, and then I can move on to construction, to draw characters that'd all I need right? Well sort of right
What about hours 6 a day then move to 8?

>> No.4733620

i'm more concerned with heads and faces than figures, thanks anyways ill keep it in mind tho, i've went through his book a bit already

>> No.4733629

and watch
Sycra will teach you how to practice efficiently.

>> No.4733638

thanks a ton, there's too much of a gap between my referenced and imaginary drawings, this'll help

>> No.4733651
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x2396, 1587156181294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to draw characters that'd all I need right?
>What about hours 6 a day then move to 8?
Take your time or you gonna burn out
If you're not going to do DAB, at least memorize this in your head
>1, 2 and 3 point perspective
Again - if you know anything about perspective already, you'll probably have heard about 1, 2 and 3 (vanishing) point perspective systems. While we will deal with these each in small amounts at first, I want to make one thing clear:

These 1, 2 and 3 point perspective systems do not exist. It's a simplification of the concept intended to help beginners learn, but one that I find to be extremely limiting. When I was first learning perspective, it was something that confused me for years, and I've seen the same in many of my own students.

some links

>> No.4733667
File: 308 KB, 768x768, 1592501202859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no, I'll... do DAB, just kind of injured myself by doing ghosting lines, too hard on the shoulder I guess. Thank you

>> No.4733669

make contour lines on the body to understand the planes

>> No.4733683

>just kind of injured myself by doing ghosting lines
It takes time to get used to it, if you are just starting do 30 min-1h a day of DAB, you will see that with time you can do for a longer time.
Also DAB help me with my lineart a lot ez 2x1
Don't rush the challenges please

>> No.4733699
File: 469 KB, 1600x1600, da3dfbf5-4f48-4dca-99b9-0e39b406fbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this?
Is it okay, or shit? Is it even worth finishing?

>> No.4733701

ive got the big dumb brain... what exactly are you looking for? I already did draw the contour lines? fyi I am not drawing the shapes for the arms, hands, and neck yet since I havent taken the lessons involving them.

>> No.4733703
File: 1.13 MB, 1412x523, for ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mechanical object exercise from keys to drawing. i erased in a few spots, breaking the rules. still looks bad. am i otherwise even close to the right track, or should i redo the first chapter?

>> No.4733717

didn't give you the critique but i think they meant to do contour lines "across" the body, like horizontal lines moving across the models flesh.

>> No.4733722
File: 499 KB, 1381x679, form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i know this looks shit, but you need to break down the object into its simplest forms, stop wasting time doing the little features like fucking writing out singer, just break down the object and understand it in a 3d space

>> No.4733728

and to add onto this, it seems like youve just drawn the objects outline, like you dont feeeeeel the form, youre just tracing

>> No.4733737
File: 118 KB, 894x722, 18.7.20 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried one where the face is more visible, had a lot of trouble. I feel like the biggest problem is the left eye, but im not sure why specifically. theres probably a lot of other shit wrong too which id appreciate being shown

>> No.4733754

Spend more time looking back at the reference, asking yourself questions as you draw. The main two questions you should ask are "How big is this thing compaired to that thing?" and "At roughly what angle does this object travel to the object i am about to locate and draw?". It only takes a glance to notice the metal rod oon the left side was drawn too thick. And im not sure what the thing below the metal rod is, but if thats the metal plate, it is way too low. As the previous anon said you should really focus on the big picture of this drawing. Also this is not so much related to your current studies, but how you draw your lines is really important and you could be working on that while you are sketching from real life. When you are drawing you mainly want to only move your arm or shoulder. Draw a box's has lessons to show you how this is done. So if you have the time to incorporate those lessons along with your current ones, id reccomend that, or do so after you finish them.

>> No.4733758
File: 233 KB, 706x686, keyscropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty for the critique. have you read key's to drawing yourself? i was essentially just trying to outline the object, then moved on to detailing the area i thought was most interesting, which was what the instructions dictated- i think i just went about it in a stupid way.

>> No.4733761

Its ok

>> No.4733769

If thats so, im not sure what purpose this serves. The teacher im following doesnt do that either. He just makes sure the actual contour (edges around the body) is defined, and places the skeletal landmarks such as the Clavicles, Xiphoid Process, and Anterior Superior Illiac Spine.

>> No.4733780

are you trying to draw stylized? because the head is huge.

also I don't know how to explain it but I think you got the angle of the face wrong

>> No.4733786

"search out the major and secondary shapes" this is what i was trying to say, simplyfy the big shapes down, and yeah ive read the book its good

>> No.4733792

major pro tip, do NOT use digital for keys to drawing. the book is all about building your observational skills to help you understand and work around real references.

sketching an object with your own eyes is much more complex than having the crutch of having it side-by-side through a screen, and in turn will build your observational confidence greatly.

>> No.4733793


the biggest issue with the piece is that i took the instructions to focus detail on one section of the object way too literally. i knew when drawing that the needle/shaft thing was too big because i shat out those lines with zero regards to accuracy, as that wasn't the "area of focus" or whatever.

the instructions even say to draw using simple contour and shapes, so i think the root of the problem is that i was rushing like a moron.

>> No.4733794

fucking hell im actually completely blind, thanks anon

>> No.4733810
File: 1.99 MB, 3204x2608, DAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perspective is a little bit off but whatever
Need Construction

>> No.4733824

Im pretty sure thats not the point of what he is learning right now. Construction is important but he needs to learn to break symbol drawing and pay close attention to the angles and proportions of lines, shapes, and gaps in those shapes.

>> No.4733827

gib sauce pls

>> No.4733840
File: 297 KB, 1228x912, 35676353322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is supposed to be konrad curze. what do you guys think?

>> No.4733844

>konrad curze
very based and beyond beg

>> No.4733850
File: 216 KB, 455x722, Pr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4733868
File: 193 KB, 1040x780, 20200718_195302_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes thank you for putting it to words. i've done the first lesson of drawabox (had horrible accuracy, was told to redo for exercises, haven't done em) and done some of the exercises in perspective made easy and fun with a pencil. i would say i have a vague understanding of perspective and construction, but it's really naive, and ultimately kind of worthless with my terrible observational skills. pic is a page of doodles to demonstrate my current ability/inclinations.

this is why i decided to read keys, to try to develop some kind of foundation in life drawing.

>> No.4733871

Apologize for the late reply, yes I won't rush the exercises, I'll skip to the boxes since I'm already doing ghosting lines.

>> No.4733882

Whats the policy or unspoken rule on bumping art I'd like feedback to..? I posted a few hours ago, and I got one message and it didnt really help me out.

>> No.4733900

>spend an hour trying to figure out a pose without a reference
>can't even get halfway right
>flip canvas
>instantly get it right
what is this magic

>> No.4733908

>want to practice drawing by drawing literally fucking anything
>get anxious about doing it
>never do it
how do i get over this anxiety of doing it? Why am i a little BITCH about trying to fucking draw? Is it because i know my stuff is gonna look like shit and i won't be happy with it?

>> No.4733912

memento mori, that's what got me to finally start

>> No.4733916


start with a page or so off sloppy-ass doodles, just try to have as much fun as you can while maaaaaybe implementing a tiny bit of whatever sort of technique you can muster. do this for 15-20 minutes, then think about what you would actually like to improve on and get studying.

it's okay to suck.

>> No.4733917
File: 338 KB, 1059x392, 4733722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to go against most things you've read about linework, but if you want to get the most out of this exercise, then draw slowly and steadily, with as few broken lines as possible. Contour drawing isn't about smoothness or accuracy, instead you're learning how to translate mental perception of lengths into hand motion.

>> No.4733921

thats one way to start about things
Yeah, I was thinking about giving this a try. Just fucking about for a bit to kind of warm up my motions and ease up a bit. Then move into actually practicing or attempting to draw something.

>> No.4733922

im not the anon doing the excerice i just broke down the form in like 5 seconds, good advice though

>> No.4733925

My bad, replied to the wrong post.

>> No.4733928


>> No.4733954


lol i'm the dude that asked for review, thank you so much for the advice and for taking the time to draw it out.

>> No.4734029

Is it wrong to feel like a total retard while doing Keys? The projects keep telling me to draw human heads but there's no loomis heading or construction anything just "draw the simple outline and find the midpoints and measure with your pencil"

>> No.4734049
File: 155 KB, 1022x1222, 20200709_214229-1_copy_1022x1222_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm still really early in keys, but from the general approach of the book and what i know about portraiture, i'd say it's not at all surprising that it doesn't go on about constructing a head from a base. the whole point is to be able to draw it from sight.

pic is shinzo abe drawn without loomis head. not great and it took a lot of time, but to me, it's proof that it can be done. unironically, could you post a head you've drawn so we can get a sense of where you're at?

>> No.4734058
File: 215 KB, 745x844, 1583947364435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get out of the habit of sight-sizing, here's one I did yesterday. I'm working on another one right now for the Chapter 4 project, so I'll post that when I'm done with the contours at least.

>> No.4734106
File: 3.22 MB, 2814x1652, redline18Jul2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4734109
File: 27 KB, 506x445, 132654686932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4734119


>> No.4734133
File: 286 KB, 877x1000, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4734137
File: 35 KB, 552x646, 443563913451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello anon

>> No.4734222
File: 203 KB, 886x664, 1585275608510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong here? I kinda feel like they're not looking in the same direction

Also God I hate drawing lips

>> No.4734269

i know this isn't the most descriptive critique, but the lips and nose look very obviously symbolic to me. try to avoid harsh outlines where they aren't present in the photo, draw what you see.

>> No.4734274

>redlines by other /beg/s

>> No.4734284

This is just a sketch for a value study, those lines aren't going to be there when I'm done. As for the lips, no matter how many times I redrew them they still looked wrong and I don't know why.

>> No.4734299

Thank you

>> No.4734308

retard listen to the guy that helped you

>> No.4734310

Okay, I'll redraw them more closely

>> No.4734367
File: 1005 KB, 1956x2640, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Zero Shoe still popular?

>> No.4734393
File: 169 KB, 825x811, 1568876846608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any better?

>> No.4734394
File: 42 KB, 657x527, IMG_20200711_210703_205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4734397

Well shit I'm sorry then, I'm gonna need a redline because obviously I'm not competent enough to fix it myself. Or I'm just gonna have to stick with this and move on to the values. Keys said this exercise should only take about an hour but I've taken like, around four now.

>> No.4734408

Worry about practicing for now,
Don't worry about what other people say for now. You're doing great just keep practicing

- Zero Shoe guy

>> No.4734410
File: 532 KB, 1407x1500, Illustration50k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has several problems but i've spent too long on it to care.
i'll just try and do better next time.
the slow improvements.

also base lineart was largely copied/referenced

>> No.4734416

Anime sucks

- me

>> No.4734417

perspective is off

>> No.4734419


>> No.4734422

how did you learnt to draw eyes?

>> No.4734423
File: 531 KB, 1600x1600, 5ef488ad-70cf-4eca-9d2d-c8385cd27a96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. What do you guys think?

>> No.4734433

What's wrong is how you approach drawing. Trying to fix any one thing, or a bunch of things, isn't going to help much. It's like building a house without a blueprint, then going back and adjusting each board and brick one by one. It's not going to work.

>> No.4734439
File: 197 KB, 1280x1280, shart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy => Figure Drawing or Figure drawing => Anatomy?

>> No.4734441

Construction + Perspective, you need to know the basic foundation first, Also don't stick to one size, Do small and large drawings.

>> No.4734449
File: 50 KB, 422x422, ritsuthinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4734452

it's good obviously. references?

>> No.4734463
File: 316 KB, 724x674, DFDF93CD-65ED-4040-8276-5E3D9C5BEB56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s cute, but so heavily stylized that I personally find it kinda hard to critique. The 2 things that stand out to me are her forearm and her hair. As a general rule forearms taper slightly inwards from the elbow, though it’s not hard set. For her hair, I think that big rolled up bit on her forehead should have some more shadows on the part facing the light source, the way you have it just looks like a solid cylinder. Just wanna stress that the forearm thing isn’t a set rule but I do think it might fit the style you’re going for here. I kinda wanna see how your full body stuff looks but that’s up to you

>> No.4734468

Not very appealing but almost

>> No.4734469

Trial and error,
Did you need something?

>> No.4734477

but I mean like you learned how to draw real eyes first then move onto stylization or something?

>> No.4734479
File: 82 KB, 561x473, Ninjala-Mini-Neo-Shinobi-Overalls-Small-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe thanks.
I'm not used to my stuff getting compliments on here.
I only used this screenshot at the very end for the outfit. The rest was from memory.

>> No.4734496
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, 1280x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I had a really hard time with the shading, that's definitely something I need to work on.
The fat Pop-Eye forearms are just stylistic thing in the game she's from (Ninjala).
I may have overexagerated them though since I was just going off of memory.

>I kinda wanna see how your full body stuff looks but that’s up to you
This is my first finished drawing in a few months. I'll see if I can find something on my tablet though.
Thanks for the feedback.
That isn't helpful at all.

>> No.4734502
File: 664 KB, 882x493, 7B14F3DA-83A2-4FA9-904D-F3F7CACECFBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what I notice here is that black haired girl 2nd from the right does have the tapering forearms thing. The impression I get from this screenshot is the pink haired girl has this ultra poofy jacket that’s giving the impression of popeye forearms - though of course I’m judging this entirely off one screenshot.

>> No.4734505

you asked what people thought, not for help. I think your artstyle isn't appealing. Don't take it personally it's probably just the drawing, I'm not a pedophile.

>> No.4734517
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1200, My work from 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the blue haired girl all the wayway on the left, you can kind of see what I mean, but you're right. I think it changes depending on the angle.

I just remembered seeing it that way in the game so that's how I drew it. I might change it tomorrow, I'm too tired right now.
Btw here's some full body stuff I drew last year (I don't draw very often.)

>> No.4734524
File: 92 KB, 610x722, xcvccvcxxcccx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4734533

this not beg

>> No.4734541

it is but thank you

>> No.4734542

kek, where's his nose? Study your anatomy, retard

>> No.4734550
File: 19 KB, 138x137, Vxvxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ol' name fag named nosebro stole it

>> No.4734562

This looks like that racing game from Wreck-It Ralph

>> No.4734566

Are the eyes supposed to be different sizes?

>> No.4734700

>draw a crude sketch of a character from imagination
>set layer to 20% opacity, make new layer
>draw in the new layer, trying to add more details
>don't actually know how to add details, just recreate previous layer with slightly better proportions
>but character still has sausage limbs and torso where i've eyeball-guessed placement of breasts, navel, and the body in genera looks like a flat cardboard cutout
>repeat over and over for 5 hours
>i have now drawn a 3/4 anime character
please someone tell me how to escape this hell, i'll do anything. i'm begging you. this is torture. i fell for the just draw meme and drawing is like having my soul sucked out of me

>> No.4734736

Measuring's for fags

>> No.4734784

you can do this on paper by drawing on the back.

t. tradfag

>> No.4734787

start really small just to get in the habit of drawing every day.

>> No.4734795

how about you go learn you cuck, read the sticky

>> No.4734807

It sounds like what you're doing now isn't working so hot, so I'd suggest doing something different. Anything new, just to escape the routine. You might not improve, but at least your soul won't get sucked.

>> No.4734823

i guess it is a costume, but still, the way the ears connect with the head is a little weird.

>> No.4734827

the left eye is too flat

>> No.4734836

try drawing cross contour lines in the picture then draw it again.

>> No.4734843

>Is Zero Shoe still popular?
not with that ending

>> No.4734845

she can suck my dick!

- another me

>> No.4734852

try not moving on if you can see the problems and know how to fix it

>> No.4734855

Try doing it yourself but have at least 50% of the features differ somewhat per next drawing compared to your previous one.
All of them have the same thick cheeks which doesn't look nice at all.

>> No.4734875

it does belong here
Your posing is fucked, her torso and legs are straight up but the tummy is leaning forward. Try standing like that yourself and you realize how awkward it is.

>> No.4734888

her left leg(right leg from our point of view) is attached wrong. Where it connects it feels in the drawing like it goes into her thigh from the side while in the photo it comes in via the bottom.

>> No.4734899
File: 140 KB, 800x600, give me a hug dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried Vilppu's "mental drawing" technique and now I have a headache. Is it supposed to be REALLY hard?

>> No.4734943
File: 111 KB, 777x853, bandana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought id post a picture i did from reference for once

>> No.4734994

1st Figure Drawing + Perspective/Construction aka Drawabox
2nd Anatomy


>> No.4734997


>> No.4735054
File: 601 KB, 1415x911, atasom-1264708032719511554-20200524_210106-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least learn how to draw a decent realistic eye and the planes of the eyes and face

>> No.4735092

>build an Instagram with my progress over the past year, get maybe 5-10 likes a piece
>make a secondary twitter account to post fetish shit, post two pictures and get like 20 followers and 60 likes overnight

I don’t care about metrics, I just wanted to put my work somewhere, but god damn if the coomer meme isn’t real

>> No.4735095

is twitter the best place to build up coomer commission audience?

>> No.4735102

serious question, cant you just trace porn for commission work?

>> No.4735131

i think that if you have a niche you can dig into, you should make a base in a community that caters to it (eg furries go to furaffinity/inkbunny, lolis go to baraag/inkbunny/cambodian death camp)- but otherwise yeah twitter seems like the best general platform

>> No.4735155

I’d say more real life anatomy and just drawing more in general would probably get you some decent gains, though if your schedule doesn’t allow for that it is what it is. You’re still kinda /beg/ but I think you’re old stuff was sorta on the right track. Again though I think studying from photographs and stuff would be pretty beneficial

>> No.4735241

would you pay for it?

>> No.4735243

would i pay for what? porn? no, but i know degens do

>> No.4735257

>porn? no
you shouldn't sell what you wouldn't buy

But I am not talking about porn in this case, I am talking about traced porn. would you pay someone to trace porn?

>> No.4735261

well the point is the people dont know its traced porn

>> No.4735280
File: 248 KB, 600x900, hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working to hard and forgot for a day how to do chest. need to really learn how to draw the stomach twisting and turning but my book doesn't have it.

DID say fuck it and started studying arms and i kinds like it

>> No.4735307

I have plenty of time, I just don't have the motivation to draw for most of it.

I started Loomis like 2 weeks ago, and really felt good about what I learned, but I just never got back into it after the first page of exercizes. Once in a while I'll have a day like yesterday, and draw with passion, but most days I just don't give a shit.

I'll take your advice, and focus on learning anatomy, though.

>> No.4735311

That's really good.

>> No.4735315
File: 219 KB, 1200x1920, Good Girl Says Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look good, or shit?

>> No.4735319
File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, sketch-1593129341705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this.

>> No.4735337

she's daughter material broski

>> No.4735343

looks great, arm looks of and top right of head could be more round. find a cool effect to make it pop out more, especially the skirt and shoes

maybe find a new style for the mouth, right arm could have a more expressive gesture too

>> No.4735357

Somehow my body forgot how to do circles, practiced that yesterday, 100 but now it feels like a machine that's stuck on some process.

>> No.4735405

>stomach twisting
Proko Robo Bean

>> No.4735429

>focus on learning anatomy
1st Figure Drawing(Brent Eviston,Vilppu,Hampton,etc) + Perspective(DAB,Scoot Roberson,Frame Perspective, etc)
Anatomy(Proko, Vilppu, etc)

>> No.4735444

Thanks anon, I'm currently doing huston's head drawing course and these will come in handy

>> No.4735445

Zero Shoe guy,

I think the main thing is understand everything has depth, except anime eyes gl.

Jk i say research and practice your practice real eyes, then you are on track

Yea anime sucked,
But her desing was top tier

>> No.4735456
File: 35 KB, 615x615, 1569841062480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw something
>it actually turns out kinda cool
>not what I imagined and the mistakes are obvious looking at the result
>still kinda happy with how it turned out
Never give up friends!

>> No.4735489

pic related?

>> No.4735551
File: 487 KB, 1600x1600, b11363c1-60b3-4ac7-9d89-af0d97460e83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the critique, I made a few revisions.

>> No.4735807
File: 616 KB, 1536x2048, boob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i even draw a head in this position? I can't grasp it

>> No.4735818

Loomy-Loomaty-Loomis time

not to mention the main reason you almost never see that position in animation and character arts in videogames, or almost anywhere really is because it is an extremely hard position

>> No.4735835
File: 61 KB, 237x396, Screenshot (147).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished shaping out the whole pose. how does it look?

>> No.4735857

New thread


>> No.4736092

I think you should consider omitting/simplifying some anatomy(muscle, fat, bone etc), like some anime styles do. also the deltoid is more of a tear drop shape than a circle.

t. /beg/

>> No.4736420
File: 63 KB, 712x712, a3ls0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.4738246

this post oozes homosexuality