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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.96 MB, 3840x2160, milky mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4727951 No.4727951 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make YOURSELF feel proud.

previous thread >>4722987

READ THE STICKY if you're new or need guidance.

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - try ~1000px, <1.1mb

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

>> No.4728053
File: 211 KB, 1912x824, A bit of thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eney thoghts?

>> No.4728068
File: 1.24 MB, 1013x1915, 20200715_123759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a Bargue drawing. Any thoughts?

>> No.4728073

/beg/s will claim this isn't intermediate level

>> No.4728093

eyes are too high

>> No.4728095

>Also Loomis sadly is kind of a meme, I learned more about anatomy drawing with japanese artists who know more about stylization and foreshortening than with all of loomis.

>> No.4728140

Ugly, uninteresting and poorly drawn.

>> No.4728209

So is DaB a meme? Has anyone who used it made any progress because of it?

>> No.4728220

People say it's a meme because of its challenges and its nothing but grinding mindset. And it gets shit because the creator's art is somewhat crappy. You will benefit from learning to draw boxes from imagination and drawing cross contours on organic forms, but you should know observational drawing before worrying about that (I think that's what the sticky says)

>> No.4728223

Here is a better resource >>4707139

>> No.4728237
File: 3.19 MB, 4000x4000, practice_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leg workout

>> No.4728251

>RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - try ~1000px, <1.1mb

>> No.4728260

so when do I know if I am no longer /beg/

If you're going for random colours that doesn't mean actually choose colours at random

draw bigger

Work on your lineweight when you're practicing. You're doing pretty well, still have a fair bit to go though

>> No.4728267
File: 79 KB, 1327x631, 2079486C-9EC7-408D-813F-37724BAAAC02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took some liberties and tried to improvise a little extra detail making the balloon bigger and adding some more reflections but I think that was a failed experiment. I think I’m not pushing the colours far enough, specifically in the darker areas near the bottom.

>> No.4728268
File: 223 KB, 1293x975, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some vilppu style figure studies. I think I should either get faster or give myself more time

also I had tried to draw some poses from memory after inspecting them for a while as some anon recommended and it's fucking hard

>> No.4728269
File: 229 KB, 800x1000, 8295f227-ed17-4317-b7c9-6c4bd8420bff_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4728273

squint more. Then you will see values and no shapes

>> No.4728296
File: 355 KB, 1479x2025, 20200716_182453_copy_1479x2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ic/
Tried to do this based on a fundie in my geography book. Took 1h.
I feel like the floating bar's perspective is rekt tho.

>> No.4728303

Nice art. Did you do it?
I'm trying to do a lizard character and I'll post in a few mins

>> No.4728314


>> No.4728346

like the shapes but the water doesn't pop from the rocks. They look like one shape

>> No.4728352

Thanks bud and yes, I made it. I drew it after seeing this video on instagram and I wanted to emulate what the guy did. That was the result.

>> No.4728361
File: 575 KB, 1920x1080, jateed the snail gasser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much empty space at the bottom?

>> No.4728374
File: 604 KB, 1892x2579, 20200716_153606_copy_1892x2579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my lizard. I attempted to make a proportion grid to 3d model him. How could I get the front to look a bit more like yours and not like a square version of the devil ?

>> No.4728381

type "lizard" in google and redraw it.

>> No.4728388

Why? I find the side ok, the only problem is the front.

>> No.4728393

It's more likely to be a dragon. I find the lizard heads too flat.

>> No.4728397
File: 46 KB, 409x906, Screenshot_20200716_202050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did one too

>> No.4728398

the side isn't "ok". If you can't use reference, you will never draw anything that looks good.

>> No.4728401
File: 985 KB, 2000x4160, IMG-20200708-WA0079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.4728402
File: 4 KB, 300x168, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.4728405

How do you do this ?

>> No.4728409
File: 3.52 MB, 4160x3120, 15949203283463240347165058674215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you do this ?
You put the reference next to your paper and you measure everything in relation to each other. I use a compass to double check proportions, a piece of thread for angles and sometimes a stick or a pen. I did that hand some time ago but I ve made it some time ago, you can reverse search it to find it on warosu in the original thread and you might find some more info there. This is my setup. Also there S a lot of videos online

>> No.4728416

you trace but with more steps

>> No.4728420
File: 32 KB, 575x687, 2.20003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ever divided ball loomis. Will draw more but so far do I have any notable mistakes here to watch?

>> No.4728423

>you trace but with more steps
You think sight sizing is tracing crab?

>> No.4728424

no? but using fucking string to line it up is

touch the bottom of your nose and then feel the gap to your mouth, now look at your picture

>> No.4728429

>no? but using fucking string to line it up is
A string to measure if the angles are corect you Neanderthal. You form the angle in air over the reference and the ove the string over your drawing to see if it is correct

>> No.4728434

If you were aiming at drawing neanderthal, then you're successful

>> No.4728435

soooo copying with extra steps, youre not learning your just replicating the lines 1:1

>> No.4728437

if you want to learn bargue then you must interpret an actual statue down to its simplest form, not just copying someone elses interpretation, youre not learning just copying

>> No.4728442

>if you want to learn bargue then you must interpret an actual statue down to its simplest form, not just copying someone elses interpretation, youre not learning just copying

A bunch of fingers all facing in the same direction form a unified and simplified angle for the block in fase. What are you talking about. I did not say I copy each line as it is. Ofc the easy ones are just lines

>> No.4728444

it's always teh same with you fucking people XD.
>You cant measure!!!!
>why are my drawing shitty? Everything looks out of place
you will never learn. You are so fucking stupid it hurts me

>> No.4728445

so there arent copied? because they look very similar?

>> No.4728448

no, you fucking do every drawing with a fucking loomis head under it, and a draw a box as a cherry on top.
People were using string for more years that you can imagine to measure proportions and perspective

>> No.4728451

>so there arent copied? because they look very similar?
They are supposed to look the same after you go through the whole process that's why they re very time consuming. They are supposed to strengthen your vision when it comes to noticing differences and then you have to fix them. Since I don't have a professional siting behind me I have to use aids such as compasses and strings to see if what I did is correct since I am not good enough to notice a 3 degree difference of an angle that could fuck up the likeness.

>> No.4728454
File: 31 KB, 524x692, 2.30002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck thats actually a big mistake from my part.

Its the high cheek bones isnt it? Ill draw another one.

>> No.4728456

don't explain this shit to them. They think that if they draw 1000 boxes they will then just draw a human

>> No.4728458

im going to say this one more time because you seem to have issues, YOU COPY THE STATUE NOT SOMEONES DRAWING OF THE STATUE, you use the string on the fucking subject not someones drawing of the subject, YOU interpret the real life object, you dont copy someone elses interpretations, do your own bargues drawing dont just copy someone bargue drawing, reference the real life object rather than someone work on that object

>> No.4728463

because you say that? those drawings look better than 90% shit in this thread that is from your "books", and it probably helps the guy with muscle memory.

>> No.4728467

i mean yeah it will help in a mechanical sense sure, but copying peoples work line to line isnt going to help lol, you need the ability to interpret a reference in 3d onto a 2d canvas, why copy when you dont know why the lines are the lines, but anyways im done trying to explain to you begs, this is why ints dont come here lol because no one listens

>> No.4728469

>don't explain this shit to them. They think that if they draw 1000 boxes they will then just draw a human

I guess you're right..

>> No.4728472

>he thinks he isn't a beg
go draw a box man

>> No.4728473

Post your work

>> No.4728476

keep copying someones work line to line youll get better soon i swear! LOL stay mad begs >>4728472

>> No.4728477
File: 862 KB, 1000x592, 60926d_8def6a520f384a65b9fd53786798b2fe_mv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the advanced plates are so good they look like photos. You can't draw that shit without understanding it first

>> No.4728481

exactly this is what im trying to say, take this picture for example, you should be copying the actual statue so you understand its form, rather than copying the drawing on the right, copying someone interpretation teaches you nothing, copy the real life 3d object AND THEN you compare to the master interpretation and think why he drew the lines he did, but its hard to explain this idea to beginners and they just sperg out

>> No.4728485

>dont learn from drawing of others and how they simplify the shapes you want to draw
man, I beg you post your work XD

>> No.4728490

>dont learn from drawing of others and how they simplify the shapes you want to draw

i quite literally said the opposite of this if you read, you simplfy your self frist and then you look at the masters drawing and work out how they simplified the form, and then redraw with this new knowledge, why just copy from the start when you havent tried yourself???

>> No.4728493

>exactly this is what im trying to say, take this picture for example, you should be copying the actual statue so you understand its form, rather than copying the drawing on the right, copying someone interpretation teaches you nothing, copy the real life 3d object AND THEN you compare to the master interpretation and think why he drew the lines he did, but its hard to explain this idea to beginners and they just sperg out
so all those people who learned from bargue plates in the last 150 years did not accomplish anything. Not even Picasso or Repin or even Cesar Santos

>> No.4728496

im done, youre just twisting my words to fit your narrative, peace

>> No.4728497
File: 367 KB, 543x653, 1583517048775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was his fucking problem?

>> No.4728500

>im done, you can't use that argument against me
you still didn't post your work. prove you aren't a beg

>> No.4728516

>interpret a reference in 3d onto a 2d canvas
Isn't that exactly the same as interpreting a reference in 2d onto a 2d canvas, if you don't move your head?

>> No.4728526

no because you need to know the form to be able to communicate it to the viewer, art is an illusion of form and youre lines have to 'trick' the viewer that this 2d image is 3d, and just copying people art does not teach you that, you have to learn to interpret yourself rather than copying someones interpretation, copying work does have some benefits though like line quality/mechanics, learning how the artists interprets it and then using there tricks in your own, straight up just copying 1:1 doesnt teach you unless youre actively dissecting why they did the things they did

>> No.4728528

someone stole his funny bone

>> No.4728536

>if you don't move your head
That's a big if.

>> No.4728541

But if you're looking at a real-world 3D object, can't you just copy the volumetric shadows that are on it? What are you "interpreting"?
>art is an illusion of form
That sounds pretty gay.

>> No.4728542

Mount a ring on a camera tripod at eye height, and look at everything through it.

>> No.4728556

Did this exercise using https://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/682930909/nude-male-boy-young-body-torso-grec-cast a ref. Then attempted to rotate it 45 and 180°. How is it?

>> No.4728558
File: 276 KB, 1584x1478, 20200716_204402_copy_1584x1478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry forgot image. *facepalm*

>> No.4728559
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, sketch-1594883632260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like my drawing?
It's Berrecca fron ninjala.

I just kind of drew from imagination, and didn't use much construction, but I think it came out good.

>> No.4728564

youre interpreting the form of the object, you cant copy a z axis, as the paper is only x,y, so you have to give the illsuion of a z axis, the reason an object looks 3d in real life is because of depth perception, you dont need no lines to tell you its 2d as youre eyes can just see, as you have depth, on paper depth doesnt exist, so you create the illusion it exists, how the fuck dont you people get this concept, i know this is beg but jesus

>> No.4728571

show your drawings

>> No.4728575

god, I hate when people try to make their lessons less boring by adding random jokes. it just does not work.

>> No.4728581

no, and even if i did how tf does it discredit my point? does the manager of a football team need to be able to throw a ball 100ft? no, does a film critique need to be a movie maker? no, does a wine taster need to be a wine maker? no

>> No.4728584

yeah, it is ok

>> No.4728585
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, sketch-1594925824215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's this one where I changed the eyes a bit. Which one looks better?

>> No.4728589

that's all you guys needed to work. He probably still draws boxes, and thinks he can rotate a 3d plane with one picture. He is an idiot

>> No.4728595

not the sperg youre replying to but whats wrong with rotating an image in 3d? ive been told by multiple teachers thats what you should do to get an understanding of the planes/form? genuine question

>> No.4728603

>thinks he can rotate a 3d plane with one picture

this is literally what you should be doing...

like this

>> No.4728608

you can't rotate a 3d object from a picture. The ammount of information. If you are drawing a face, you might want to think about the planes of the face, because they are universal for most of the humans. But a one picture can't tell you everything about a shape, even if it is made in 3/4 view. That's why architects make many drawings of a building from many views

>> No.4728609

Thanks... just okay? Is there something wrong with it or do you just say that because its kind of a simple piece?

I don't mean to pry, but if there is something I'm doing wrong I'd like to know what.

>> No.4728614
File: 77 KB, 573x573, ddczx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4728619

>you can't rotate a 3d object from a picture

why not? just draw from imagination? this way you get a better understanding of what youre drawing

>> No.4728623

it looks bad bro, but it's nice that you're trying to do stuff like this. Since you want to practice rotating objects don't bother with the details of what you're drawing or jump to complex forms. I would suggest you approximate everything with boxes and then rotate those.

>> No.4728628

it is not possible to know what a shape looks like in 3d space, from a 2d photograph. A circle can be a sphere or a cylinder. This kind of deal. In human body you can learn the anatomy, and make very good guessess, but most artists if they want to draw good, they still measure and draw from live or a photo.

>> No.4728632

>it is not possible to know what a shape looks like in 3d space

yeah duh this is like the whole challange of being an artists right which is why you learn to interpret it as best as you can, using a reference is of course the best way and nothing wrong with that, but to harp back to what that guy was saying before, dont you think its bad to copy another artists work line to line? rather than trying to interpret the reference yourself?

>> No.4728636

critique plz

>> No.4728643

it is good to copy another artist line by line. Challenge of an artist it to make appealing shapes, that's what you get from coppying other artsits. You should try to study every picture of another artists, that seems appealing to you. That's how you develop a style.

>> No.4728647
File: 284 KB, 1536x2048, 1594754786778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like an inkling.

>> No.4728659


>> No.4728663

it is just too simple

>> No.4728668

>the reason an object looks 3d in real life is because of depth perception
Maybe the reason people don't seem to get this concept is that it's bullshit. It's easily verifiable as bullshit just by closing one eye, and noting that the world still looks real. Stereoscopic vision is subtle at best, and your brain can easily make do without it.
Like, look at >>4728477. That's not a stereoscopic photo. It's a purely 2d projection, from a single point of view, and it looks way more real than the drawing next to it. Whatever techniques were used to draw that, they simply cannot make up for the sense of reality the photo has.

>> No.4728682

make your lines more delicate, then you can better express the subtle curves of her calves and hands, for example.

>> No.4728691

best portrait course?, i did loomis and want more

>> No.4728693

It's boring, except for the colors, which are too garish.
There's nothing technically wrong with it, for a simple cartoon drawing, but there's nothing interesting about it either. The pose is about as simple as can be. The linework is clean, but completely uniform, with the only variance in line width occurring seemingly by accident in the eyebrows, where the fill area ended up narrower than its outlines.
Also you hid the hands like a craven coward.

>> No.4728700
File: 524 KB, 600x568, 1546580552598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if serious

>> No.4728705

Thanks, making my lines better in general has been a big struggle desu, ill try and focus more on that

>> No.4728711
File: 225 KB, 666x1000, 0086-rez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which problem standout the most?

>> No.4728717

loon under her leg in the picture. One, smooth line. It shows tension. You hae just put a leg, and torso there, and put the baloon or I don't know what is it under her. There is not tension generated in this picture because of that. Also your shadows are way too light, and I can't see them without looking on a picture, and thinking where in your picture a shadow would be. Then I see it

>> No.4728719


>> No.4728720

shapes. Your angles are acute, which means they are hard on the eye. You shouldn't use them in organic shapes. Study other anime artists, and their shapes. You will se that the "spiky" hair isn't really that spiky.

>> No.4728723

What do I start with, Vilppu, loomis, or something else?

>> No.4728724
File: 90 KB, 1000x943, 200716rotatingboxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought this shit would be easier with boxes but it's still pretty hard haha, so i only did the ~45° rotation. at least they're kinda fun

>> No.4728729

>There's nothing technically wrong with it, for a simple cartoon drawing, but there's nothing interesting about it either.
You know anon, critiques are also a skill....and you suck at it.

>> No.4728735

learn shape appeal. Things you "stole" from her design look 10 times better than things you invented. There are other issues, but the shapes are the biggest.

>> No.4728736

Nice job! Your 45 rotation makes alot more sense than mine. When I did it I just tried to deform the lines to give an illusion of rotation without caring about the volume. Mine only looks like rotated 15°

>> No.4728740

Nice work. How long have you been drawing ?

>> No.4728756

When can I start to read material on Figure Drawing? doing perspective, keys and loomis

>> No.4728759

Some people in here post their drawings after a year of studying books, and doing work from them and it looks worse than shit. All you need is to draw. After some time, you will start to study from your own needs, not because "this is a book for beginners"

>> No.4728775

Read Hampton now.

>> No.4728782
File: 454 KB, 1200x960, buff snakeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giving up on this one

>> No.4728792

the front arm is just so much more detailed than the rest that it looks weird

>> No.4728795
File: 2.46 MB, 2007x2237, 20200716_124042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at oil pastels. It's supposed to be Prince.

>> No.4728796

Fair enough, I'll add it then, thanks for the replies.

>> No.4728797

Dante, is that you?

>> No.4728798

good job on the colors and likeness but hes been decapitated it seems haha

>> No.4728800

Hampton suggest you study perspective before taking his course. I'd say Huston can be read after Keys or even alongside it, and I assume the same goes for Vilppu.

>> No.4728801

whats the point of posting your work if you dont want people to give you advice. appeal is important. youre acting like that retard from the last thread

>> No.4728804

Thanks dude, im having trouble seeing this line of tension youre describing though, could you highlight it for me?

>> No.4728823

One doubt, the practical dialogue that one should use when drawing, I feel as if I don't engage on it enough, anything I should about that?
I see, then ok I'll heed your advice, will just give it a quick look.

>> No.4728826
File: 119 KB, 1327x631, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4728845

that's amazing dude, how long have you been drawing

>> No.4728846
File: 127 KB, 1116x784, ESpsy9WXYAAkxvf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to draw scene in perspective and the dood and elephant already look weird.
What's wrong ? The dude looks off.

>> No.4728848

Sorry. I'm doing the best I can. How can I improve my critique?

>> No.4728854


>> No.4728862

thats awesome, thank you very much. guess i need to look more carefully

>> No.4728882


>> No.4728889
File: 62 KB, 450x532, katana-neckbeard-5804126228da6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does someone know he evolved from /beg/gar to /int/ellectual?

>> No.4728894
File: 774 KB, 1800x1800, today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been stuck on working out how to do shading so i drew some cats to relax. I saw in the sticky that people don't like chicken scratch for sketches but I actually quite like it.

>> No.4728903

the expression is nice

>> No.4728937

i always imagined leaving /beg/ as being able to sit down, say to myself "I am going to draw this" and being able to do that successfully every time. that's the point im hoping to reach, at least.

>> No.4728947

>he doesn't know

>> No.4728950

muh worst enemy
this could explain why I hate most of my hair!

I am pretty bad with dates but I think it was around 2015 that I started reading books and watching videos about it. since then I am drawing/learning about one hour almost every day.

>> No.4728951
File: 13 KB, 354x264, UUUUHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt know what

>> No.4728952
File: 323 KB, 1000x750, Test Shading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my sketch, but made lineart from it to try and learn how to color/shade.
How accurate are the form and cast shadows here? If the light source angle isn't clear, it's supposed to be a high, late morning sun.
From what I can tell, the tail/feet shadows don't look right and the face needs more detail. Pointers appreciated.

>> No.4728953

To be fair, many animations draw feet in a shape pattern. There are plenty of animations that simplify feet into lines or fluent shapes rather than full on feet for the reason that they are so hard to do

>> No.4728954

When is usually a good time to switch from TRAD to digital? I'm still pretty beg tier but digital looks so convienant.

>> No.4728964

shadow isn't a shade of grey. Shadow is a less saturated color, that is slightly darker. If you want to shade the skin for example, you don't go grey, you go to the left on the color wheel, and then to the right and down.
Study shape appeal, before you will make the cast shadows here. Like, nobody gives a fuck that the shadows are pixel perfect (whichc they aren't), if their shapes aren't appealing. Look at anime artists out there. Most of their shadows make like no fucking sense, but the shapes carry them.
Picture isn't appealing because it looks real, picture is appealing because it is appealing

>> No.4728970

the lighting on this is what I like to call metal matte lighting. This type of lighting makes images look super flat and have no depth at all. Make the lighting more concentrated in certain areas and add more shading i between the lighting to give some actual depth

>> No.4728973

you could also try doing shadows with a multiply layer over flats.

>> No.4728992

It still looks flat because the contrast is too low. Your shadows aren't very dark, and you have no noticeable highlights. The cast shadows also need to have an occlusion shadow. It would also help to have some bounce light, but that would depend on the color/reflectivity of the sofa

>> No.4728997

>t. beg wanting to color cast bouncle lights and occlusion shadows on cartoon character
why do you guys read a book, and think you know everything?

>> No.4728998
File: 251 KB, 944x1492, ddw3sf3-8a6a0ca0-3902-4c6a-bb35-079b6f3495eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you hid the hands like a craven coward
No, this is pose I based it off of.

Thank's for the critique. I'm always happy to hear what others think of my work.

>> No.4729003
File: 6 KB, 221x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about her right arm feels like this

is just me?

>> No.4729006
File: 396 KB, 985x715, Shadow Yuuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect this level of response and I truly appreciate it.
Just to give an idea of my level, this was my first attempt... so a lot of this is over my head.
I'll work through the the pic and sticky with your pointers in focus.

Yeah I felt that but couldn't pin down what it was.

>> No.4729009
File: 763 KB, 1524x1436, tfw you suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4729010

You caught me, but would it be wrong to do so?

>> No.4729014
File: 121 KB, 876x657, IMG_20200716_181309575_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4729018

Bad lighting can fuck a piece for one. OP seems to just be working shadows right now. Trying to give anon more work when he might not be ready may not be wise. This is how you burn out. Trying to learn everything at once.

>> No.4729022

why the fuck are so fucking stupid. Yeah, draw fucking occlusion shine from sun of an arrray on a fucking cartoon character. What next? Start drawing anime character by drawing a box? WTF guys
Anime and cartoons are about the shape. Shadow is another shape in it. It is there only to appeal, and show a little bit of 3d form.

>> No.4729023

There's literally nothing wrong with boxes you cunt.

>> No.4729029

>i've never drawn any cartoon character in my life, but I will give advice to anon that is drawing an anime
>anyway all my drawings suck, but I just think this is how you make a cartoon shadow in the industry
this is you

>> No.4729044

>muh worst enemy
If you don't understand how to draw something use a reference. What is hard about this?

>> No.4729046

Dude looks weird because he's missing a couple of vertebrae and has a Hank Hill butt. Elephant looks dope, I think. But I'm beg.

>> No.4729049

I don't think it lookshalf bad for a cartoon, but you need Loomis.

>> No.4729052


>> No.4729057

I don't have big enough paper for this, hope it won't really matter

>> No.4729077

Your ref girl has her left leg directly under her, supporting her weight. She's stable. Her arms are both close to her body, vaguely guarding her. I have no idea if this is anywhere close to a real martial arts pose, but the intent is clear. Her head is angled straight at the camera, because she's looking to the left, but her torso is angled to the right. It would be uncomfortable to turn it further.

>> No.4729091

>What is hard about this?
understanding the reference and making my hand move the way I want to.

>> No.4729141

help I can't stop drawing

>> No.4729152

>you're supposed to make mistakes
Why is this right when it sounds so wrong

>> No.4729157

people like you never make it

>> No.4729160

what's a good brush for shading in clip studio, my sisters letting me use her laptop and she has that program

>> No.4729164

The default mapping pen is good for cel shading. For rendering I've been using Transparent water color with lowered opacity in multiply.

>> No.4729166


>> No.4729171

>doesnt want to make mistakes
>ends up never progressing due to the fact he's too scared to make mistakes and learn from them
>Perma /beg/

>> No.4729173

too many different styles

>> No.4729175

awesome thanks

>> No.4729177

dude looks like he's about to tip over

>> No.4729180

No it isn't.

>> No.4729183

Yes to all of the above.

>> No.4729185
File: 162 KB, 993x997, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 24, i think this is my best one and im going to ask for actually criticism now rather than just posting, so if someone could tell me what looks wack that would be great, i know the hair isnt the best

>> No.4729189

>draw bigger
Please don't take this to heart for the love of god
t. Someone who learned how to draw figures on newsprint pads with charcoal and still has problems with fitting shit into a sketchbook

>> No.4729193

sup again head-anon

if it means anything, you actually cleaning up the lines has def made the art better. My crit for you would have to be the neck thickness. Making it slightly thinner wouldnt hurt, as well as working on nose size/depth along with working on eyes in general. Also try to make the ears size/shape more consistent

>> No.4729197

Thanks lads, i'm trying to make him look slouched and putting his weight on his spear.

>> No.4729198

actually the drawing looks more real dumbass

>> No.4729202

yeah ive tried to have more focus on making it look cleaner rather than just be lazy, neck is something that ive noticed is thiick so youre right right, in general most of the guys are draw are quite beefy as i find hard lines and big necks easier, eyes yeah are just my bane, i have a hard time with them but theyre coming along, should watch some more eye videos, what do you mean on nose size/depth? should i make nose thicker and have more of a sense of protruding out? again the ear i was being lazy, i drew them and could see theyre both different but i have an issue with deleting my work/being lazy, thank you for reply!

>> No.4729208

your critique is trash. do some reading.

>> No.4729221

when you want to

>> No.4729235
File: 461 KB, 600x900, Untitled48_20200717010231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone tell me what is wrong with this or anything that needs fixing so far?

>> No.4729239

how do you think you learn?

>> No.4729244

dude does bicep curls and nothing else

>> No.4729299

it sounds wrong because in school you are punished for making mistakes.

>> No.4729324
File: 41 KB, 486x486, 4L_nLdywmLc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is a gacha. You get more good rolls when int+ but everyone has off days.

>> No.4729346
File: 104 KB, 486x713, Halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah.. speaking of off days I had such a shit one yesterday. I'd consider myself /int/ but I feel like I'm just missing a few things. And before you ask me to post what I was working on yesterday, I was working on a degen type commission so its best you dont know + its a comm, but yeah I had such a shitty off day yesterday holy fuck I literally jumped 4 levels down

Anyways, I'm gonna go in depth on why I think I'm not /int/ just yet:

>I need a few more days of anatomy practice
>Have no idea how to do any fucking shading. Pic related is just a mini project I decided to do to see if I could even comprehend shading to begin with
>I am missing color theory ideas

After I hit those though I think I can move on finally. Idk yet tho (Also dont crit too harshly plox ;-;)

>> No.4729435
File: 382 KB, 1200x1600, die_schule_der_kleinen_vampire(oskar).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i draw cute stuff? Pic related is mine. But everytime i see a newbie drawfag's art, something about their amateurish art is incredibly charming. What do?

>> No.4729482

I'd imagine a lot of it has to do with the lines they use. Since sharp strong lines give more action less calm feelings. Color is probably another one, a lot of cutesy shit has pastel and water color.

>> No.4729509

What's a good way to practice drawing accurate proportions and sight measuring? Just draw a million contour sketches and compare them all?

>> No.4729578

Holy shit that's adorable

>> No.4729611
File: 761 KB, 800x1000, 1594940998082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get better at chaotic scratchy style stuff any tips?

>> No.4729636
File: 257 KB, 755x1000, 71620b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really really like these. Aside from more confident lines, what could push your designs more is to really think about the shapes and variation. Right now the shapes in his body are all kind of bell shaped and similar looking. If you divide them up, they also about the same size. I tried varying the shapes and size a bit, and made things flow a bit better.
Keep an eye on the head too, the hair might be a bit too small for his skull.
For the bottom expression, I would think about how the whole face is connected and one part would affect other parts. Kind of like a smile would push up his cheek and close the eye a bit. As a plus it would give you a nice directional shape to exaggerate where he's looking. Overall, looks cool.

>> No.4729641
File: 213 KB, 3495x2827, KEKP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have no idea how to do any fucking shading
"Problems in shading generally stem from lack of UNDERSTANDING HOW LIGHT BEHAVES IN 3D WORLD."

"the difficult part is understanding the orientation of the surfaces, if you master PERSPECTIVE and 3d, you likely DON'T NEED TO PRACTICE this kind of shading at all."
>Michael Hampton figure drawing design and invention
Pag 218 Drapery
Pag 232 Light and Shadow
Foundations of Light and Shadow
>Brent Eviston aka Chad
The Art & Science of Drawing - Brent Eviston
Week 3 - Form & Space (Part A)
Week 4 - Form & Space (Part B)
Week 7 - Shading Fundamentals
Week 8 - Shading - Beyond the Basics

1-Do yourself a favor and learn perspective(and actually fucking practicing)
2- Learn how to shade primary form first then organic forms

You're just wasting your time trying to guess where to shade.
by: Beg :^)

>> No.4729657

min 47:26

>> No.4729664 [DELETED] 

Young 9 year artist anon here,
I need help developing character design, I've looked up videos of character design to see people mention just defining the character, But how does one make my characters more interesting with anatomy and proportions like stylized artists do?
Is there a guide/tutorial on this, Or is just this figure this out yourself kind of thing? Also Thanks for the valuable resources here, Y'all are amazing!

>> No.4729675

I never said I was gonna try learning shading by myself, I def was gonna hardcore study it but I wanna get over anatomy first and work with the rest later. Thanks for the links though! I probs woulda had trouble finding the right vids if not for your post

>> No.4729676

only 18+ here kiddo

>> No.4729682

Just play with shapes

Using the alpha male lemons, and just scaling around with them completely fuckign everything up, your brain will probably automatically fill in the design and boom you have an art style and base character model

>> No.4729688

My fault I mean, 9 years as an artist. I wrote that wrong.

>> No.4729692


>> No.4729703

>I wanna get over anatomy first and work with the rest later
MIN 7:09
First - Figure Drawing + Perspective
Then - Anatomy

>> No.4729705
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, Coomn&#039;t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling my soul to coomers for their sweet sweet shekels. What do you all suggest to make it more appealing. I know Im nowhere near paying level yet, just trying to improve.

>> No.4729712

Is this guy really a 2011 turbo zoomer on 4chan? Or is he someone who is still a beg after 9 years? I don't understand

>> No.4729718

>What do you all suggest to make it more appealing
Learn how to fucking draw :^)
1-Brent Eviston's Art & Science of Drawing
2- DrawABox+ Figure Drawing(Hampton,Brent Eviston,VIlppu,Lo...,Huston)
4- Marco Bucci - The art of colour and light

>> No.4729722
File: 97 KB, 1600x982, land_lost_at_sea_by_auroriia_ddp6pw6-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon! Sorry, I wrote my Grammar wrong, I meant to say young artist of 9 years. Been learning light and form, and want to better my derpy looking characters.

>> No.4729723

The feet actually aren't that bad, the problem is that her heels aren't well pronounced which makes them look weird. I'd say the biggest offenders are her hands and the sleeves of her shirt which don't look all that appealing. Her right hand has no clear separation from her arm which makes it look blobby and formless, like she has little goop fingers dripping from her arm. Her left hand looks better but something about the way it touches the back of her leg looks off. It seems kind of like she's cupping her hand against nothing and only her pinky is actually making contact with her leg, and I'm assuming the intention was supposed to be that she's holding her leg up with it.

>> No.4729724 [DELETED] 


>> No.4729728 [DELETED] 


>> No.4729730


>> No.4729736

>your designs

this is not my design. it's from a german cartoon.
But I'm just trying to recreate the show's art style so i can start doing some animation practice.

Other than that. you clearly have a better sense of vision for these kind of things. because holy crap these are superbly adorable! Dude, I'm taking notes from this because i'm in love with the way you drew this.
saving this advise!

also how long have you been drawing for?

>> No.4729740

yeah, there is truth to that but i tried it before but it looks weird

>> No.4729742

what don’t you just stick to Die Sendung mit der Maus. it’s cute and happy and tou can understand it no matter where you’re from

>> No.4729746

Awesome, I had no idea, I'll look it up.
Been drawing for fun about 25 years, pro about 10-12. School really helped though.

>> No.4729751
File: 657 KB, 750x1624, C3A29CAF-D526-4A73-9089-6C185DC95119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is happening

>> No.4729770

looks pretty good to me, like your wings. Personally I feel like his waist and pelvis are kinda thin though making the arc of the back look uncomfortable.

>> No.4729777

I don't know what to draw. I've only done shitty studies this whole week so I thought oh maybe I should draw some stuff just for fun today. But I don't want to draw anything for fun

>> No.4729786
File: 729 KB, 1211x937, niggermigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it lads?

>> No.4729792

Yes, now keep going

>> No.4729796
File: 230 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_20200716_224436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many days do I have to draw these Vilppu motherfuckers before I can draw good hentai?

>> No.4729805
File: 425 KB, 900x885, nbust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really gotta get better at the drapery

>> No.4729809

This is very nice anon

>> No.4729813

keep grinding, you're doing pretty well imo

>> No.4729816

>start with loomis for a week
>try out vilppu for a few days
>now trying out Eviston or however you spell his name for a week or more
>decide i'll try doing some practice of something instead of following a video
>realize i dont know what the something is
I think drawing might not be for me. This is my first real attempt at trying to draw and its been two to three weeks now.

>> No.4729820

Breddy good, try using bigger brushes, focus on economy of strokes

>> No.4729845

Not with an absolutely pathetic footing like that if she's supposed to be winding up for a punch.

>> No.4729864




thanks anon, I'll try.
I tried going from big to small on this one, but I thinkt I used too small a brush on the face.

It's good to copy them but you should probably be doing way more of your own than copying them

>> No.4729866
File: 25 KB, 600x598, 1591092770078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no soul

>> No.4729886

just borrow one from the devil yo

>> No.4729897
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 9BC676A2-AE27-456E-9A59-6345DD0D0FBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats making this attempt look a little wrong?

>> No.4729903

dont forget to have fun with personal projects as well

>> No.4729904
File: 1.27 MB, 1635x1141, CLIPStudioPaint_RT31TjXYG5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i start to get into rendering / doing more than just linework/'Drawing'? i don't know how to do shading or anything like that and have no idea where to start putting value into my work instead of just lines

>> No.4729907

Rendering is fun but you need to seriously improve your drawing and observation first, and that will include values. Are you doing Keys to Drawing?

>> No.4729909

Think of shapes of colors, avoid thinking of lines: shapes of colors have edges on them, so they may go softly one into the other, or they may have a hard border. Do some simple excercises like black and white spheres and cubes, there's plenty on youtube.

>> No.4729910

You need to learn forms, not just placing lines. In your example, the head isn't just a series of lines making that shape, it's a sphere with a cylinder fitted into the bottom of it for a jaw. The nose is mostly a cylinder. Eyes are spheres with eyelids pulled over them. The neck is a cylinder, etc. Pretty much any figure drawing course will teach you about building forms.

>> No.4729915
File: 525 KB, 1240x1748, drawabox organic perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a bit of Fun with a Pencil and I took a look at Drawing the Head and Hands but that's it.
I've also been doing drawabox exercises.

>> No.4729918

Those are the crappiest boxes I've seen in my life. Are you actually doing drawabox or just looking at the pictures?

Also neither of those are Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson, get on it, you're not looking at your references right. Once you learn to see better, it'll be much easier to place values.

>> No.4729939

Eh, I have basically absolutely zero drawing experience. I've always been terrible, 0 natural talent.

I figured loomis was fine but i guess I'll get keys to drawing.

>> No.4729944

Dude it's not about talent or experience, the drawabox guy is pretty clear how and with what you should be drawing those boxes, and it looks like you didn't even read it.

stop making excuses

>> No.4729950

You're looking at the organic perspective exercise, right? Not just the 250 box challenge? It says you're meant to struggle with it and fuck it up and then do the 250 boxes, which I've been doing now.

>> No.4729969
File: 95 KB, 800x449, boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're still supposed to make your boxes with clean, straight, and fairly tight lines. You're also supposed to check for the errors outlined in the unit (is the far plane larger than the near plane? Do the lines converge? are you drawing no more than 3 planes at a time?)

You're not applying anything in the course.

>> No.4729971

you are a serious /beg/ who should not be giving out advice if you can't work out how to draw smaller

>> No.4729974

>noting that I have a bad habit makes me a beginner and counts as offering advise
Okay retard

>> No.4729989

Thanks, you're right. Appreciate the more direct criticisms instead of just YOU'RE SO BAD OH MY GOD WORST EVER.
My eyes tend to glaze over when it comes to applying theory, in this and everything else. I'm bad at applying myself when it comes to the mental aspect of stuff like this and usually just try to force my way through with practice. To be fair, I am very stupid.

>> No.4729990

Something happened and now I have to ask this, what's the best book on figure drawing if I haven't mastered the other stuff that I should?

>> No.4730025

You don't need to master anything to learn figure drawing. You can learn figure drawing without learning anything about anatomy or shading or anything. You need bare minimum perspective skills (can you draw some boxes and cylinders in perspective?). I'd learn from Vilppu or Hampton.

>> No.4730034

Oh man I wasted so much time sticking to rules and not doing things, still, putting that aside.
How do I know if I've made a good one?
Doing some right now and eh

>> No.4730037
File: 250 KB, 1000x766, zxvzxvcvzcvzczcvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4730045

Sometimes I feel like rather than drawing the lines of the shape themselves it's easier for me to make a big blob and "cut" out the correct shape from them using the eraser tool

>> No.4730046

that's what I do for hair

>> No.4730053
File: 430 KB, 860x725, 1594138564262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, there are no rules. There are only tools.

>> No.4730063
File: 101 KB, 2200x1072, adornado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I can improve? I draw in paint with my mouse, also sorry for the size.

>> No.4730065

>the drawing looks more real
What kind of brain damage do you have?

>> No.4730079

I think you have angle snapping enabled on your mouse - if you get a mouse without that, it might be harder to make straight lines but it should improve your line quality. That weird way the lines squiggle around is from angle snapping.

>> No.4730114

who came up with that feature

>> No.4730120

I don't know. But if you buy a gaming mouse it'll be fixed.
I'd prolly just recommend a tablet - even a small one - but if you're very attached to drawing with your mouse, get a gaming mouse for $40 or something.

>> No.4730284
File: 1.63 MB, 6000x5009, StriderNetherIDK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's A strider from Minecraft. Any thoughts?

>> No.4730287

snoot too short

>> No.4730293

>can not transform multiple layers in photoshop
You are kidding, right?

>> No.4730294

I think csp can do that, check for a crack

>> No.4730298

select both layers (ctrl click)

>> No.4730306

I mean, the selected area.
but all my favorite artists use it...

>> No.4730335

You can do:
Select layer 1
make your selection mask
save selection
do your transform
then select layer 2
load selection your saved
then transform>again (ctrl+shift+t)

>> No.4730404

A preparedness to make mistakes should not be used as an excuse to do consistently shoddy work.
As other anon said, it's not about drawing 250 of the shittest "boxes" you can as quickly as possible. It's about getting extensive practice at translating cuboids on to a page, knowing that they won't be anywhere near perfect until after a lot of practice.
Of course, if all you do is practice drawing shitty boxes, you're bound to get good at doing not much more that shitty boxes.

>> No.4730425
File: 352 KB, 3024x960, 20200717_140144_copy_3024x960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ic/
How can I create rules to replicate my character head quickly and in different perspective? Kinda how loomis did with the ball and plane.

>> No.4730471
File: 150 KB, 1200x1600, firstever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ever portrait
Help me improve guys, critique

>> No.4730489

You need Loomis.

>> No.4730499
File: 420 KB, 1030x589, value practice 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing a value study for the first time, thoughts?

>> No.4730500

You need Loomis.

>> No.4730505


>> No.4730529

No i dont, fuck yooou give me real critique

>> No.4730534

you need to apply construction and build from there, aka, you need more Loomis

>> No.4730540


>> No.4730545

Need construction aka more Bucci

>> No.4730562

Thanks for the resources anon!

>> No.4730563
File: 688 KB, 1606x819, stitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I avoid this kind of mixed proportions when just estimating with the eye?

I was sure I was having some kind of "anchor" with the eyes, but comparing against the reference it ends not long enough. Yet comparing the thirds of the face the placements are mostly right. Was it the tilt of the face what I got wrong first?

>> No.4730619

You need Loomis.

>> No.4730623

Loomis doesnt help with this, steve hustons head drawing course (its on youtube in ful) is nicer.

>> No.4730628

thanks for the resources mate

>> No.4730651

I actually started with Huston's "boat shape". I'm always lost how much construction to apply and how much to be guided by the reference to apply an "envelope"

Seem's like Huston's approach is pure construction and getting a likeness vs following the reference

>> No.4730662

kinda, All construction is justtools for understanding. you will get better at drawing from reference by practicing. But there's 2 parts to that. You have to be strict with your measurement lines and you have to learn to accept that you'll be off from time to time. Hustons approach is more graphical and as he goes into more detail in his book on rendering the idea is to get a simple 2D representation of the shape and then add form, much in the same way vilppu approaches the figure. it doesnt work for everyone but its my personal favorite.

>> No.4730663


>> No.4730760


when I be able to draw what I want without any glaring mistakes, I will consider myself an /int/. And when I draw, virtually, without any mistakes I will consider my self a /pro/, and I will consider myself a master when I draw literally without mistakes.

>> No.4730789

ok i done loomis head and hands, now what?

>> No.4730812

Post your work.

>> No.4730813

fuck you crab

>> No.4730823

im the guy who posts daily faces


>> No.4730826


im dumb

no clue who this is

>> No.4730831

How do I stop being discouraged by bad drawings? When I make a bad drawing, my confidence just plummets and I'm scared to try again.

>> No.4730833

you man up and keep pushing or you quit like a bitch, failing is an opportunity to learn, succeeding doesnt give you anything, you want more failures than wins, the masters have failed 10000s of times, more than you have breaths in your lungs

>> No.4730835

you try again, and then you fail and then you try again, and then you fail and then you try again, and then you fail and then you try again, and then you fail and then you try again, and then you fail and then you maybe succeed, this is life, embrace the failure, failure is good

>> No.4730840

failing is actually stupidly good in art. If you recognize your mistakes, then next time you go out of your way to never make them again and thats how you improve as an artist. This is what iterative drawing is

>> No.4730845
File: 422 KB, 2380x1432, _20200717_121743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to draw shadows, does it work like... Just pick another vanishing point in the sky for example and then extend lines from that point to the corners of the boxes until they hit the ground plane?

>> No.4730874

I wouldn't call it a vanishing point but yeah, you have the right idea. Check out Framed Perspective 2.

>> No.4730883

You didn't follow the book very well if you "did" the whole thing and are still doing symbol faces like that. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you just doodle out a head in about 10 minutes without really taking your time to figure everything out. Draw one again slower. Use a ref. Use your own head if you want. Look at all the features. Look how the eyes are spaced, you already know an eye is just a sphere inside a socket (at least your should) so draw spheres for the eyes. Draw eyelids with actual shape to them over the eyes. Do this for every feature on the face. Loomis' methods aren't magic shortcuts for drawing, they're tools for understanding the construction of what you're drawing.

>> No.4730888

oh yeah when i draw from ref my heads a ton better, i just post my imagination ones, im not saying im a loomis pro or i have absorbed it all as im already reading it through again, its just i want some more material to learn to expand my knowledge

>> No.4730891

Oh my god this is the truth. Always wonedered how to do correct shadows! Thanks !

>> No.4730897
File: 662 KB, 1701x3024, 20200717_183255_copy_1701x3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ic/,
Did this in circa 15 mins with references. How is it? I feel like it's a bit flat. Did I figure how to avoid symbol drawing?

>> No.4730900


>> No.4730909

I need to come back to loomis ?

>> No.4730914

you need to hunt down loomis' grave, dig him up and reanimate him to teach you how to draw, also stop smudge shadin it looks extremely bad and very beg, in fact dont shade until you can actually draw a face, also show me the reference

>> No.4730915


>> No.4730923


>> No.4730938

If you want more material on head construction you can look at other methods. A lot of people highly recommend Huston's head course. Vilppu has a series of videos on it as well.

>> No.4730946

>Did I figure how to avoid symbol drawing?
If you have to ask that then it means you don't really know what symbol drawing is. You're still drawing what you think these features look like without understanding the actual shape and form of them. Eye's aren't little almond shaped stickers place onto the face. Noses don't look like that, and neither do mouths. Her face has pretty much no shape to it either, it's almost entirely just a sphere with a little chin at the bottom. If you already read Loomis and didn't understand it, try watching videos on it. Proko, Huston, Vilppu, etc all have videos on head construction.

>> No.4730950


hustons head course vs bucci?

>> No.4730955

How safe is the /ic/ torrent without a vpn?

>> No.4730961

dont do it, my cousin downloaded one and the fbi was at his door in two hours

>> No.4730966

So i start with blender? Or I watched the wrong video?

>> No.4730976


>> No.4730986


>> No.4730995

damn :/ please don't send the cops mr Vilppu

>> No.4731011

look outside your window son

>> No.4731012


>> No.4731019

I live in a third world country
I don't need vpn

>> No.4731091

is there quickposes but for shapes? drawabox is cancer

>> No.4731133
File: 121 KB, 1354x951, 123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4731155

Fuck niggers

>> No.4731184
File: 1.33 MB, 1354x951, an.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest difference

>> No.4731229

What does a good figure drawing look like? fluid lines but how do I know it feels like it has motion?

>> No.4731230

Why are my studies so much better than when I actually try and finish a work?
My studies look decent but as soon as i try to apply them to an actual piece everything goes out the window. Its really frustrating.

>> No.4731235

im a /beg/ but Vlipu kind of emphasizes similar skills, although you still need to have a somewhat decent understanding of form, maybe just do 250 box challenge, and then work on vlipu

>> No.4731237
File: 1.19 MB, 1354x951, 123123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got some angles wrong and didn't capture her likeness at all

>> No.4731240

because copying is easier?!

>> No.4731251
File: 141 KB, 738x999, port4234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok the last one

>> No.4731258
File: 74 KB, 1000x563, form-study-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm struggling to understand distant/planar light. I don't really know where the lines intersect the ground plane, is that done just by intuition? For these I just tried to form similar triangles to what the ones formed by light rays would look like. Does the cylinder terminator always touch the ends of the circle's diameter, no matter the light rays tilting?

>> No.4731316


>> No.4731342

Can't you just draw your own shapes?

>> No.4731363

>I don't really know where the lines intersect the ground plane
You can't know. A 2d projection does not contain all the information you'd need to reconstruct the 3d scene. That sphere could be either small and close by or huge and far away, and it's shadow will be closer or farther accordingly.
You drew the middle one wrong. The shadow should be where the light ray intersects the cone.

>> No.4731391
File: 555 KB, 1400x2125, 91by3EwGV2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get the most out of copying someone's picture?

>> No.4731484
File: 454 KB, 962x473, pointlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for answering, anon. i think i get what you say about missing information in a 2d drawing but i feel like there's some additional information loss with planar light unless there's something i don't understand. with point light you can do stuff like pic related: once you choose your object's and light source's position (including vertical placement) you can find where the light rays intersect the ground plane, is there no way to do that with planar light?
>The shadow should be where the light ray intersects the cone.
oh shit you're right, i used a vertical cylinder to find how the shadow fell over the cone fsr, thanks for pointing it out

>> No.4731510

i know that feel broski

>> No.4731555
File: 144 KB, 603x604, BRwe-wfqQc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does the manager of a football team need to be able to throw a ball 100ft?
>does a film critique need to be a movie maker?
>does a wine taster need to be a wine maker?

>> No.4731564

new thready >>4731562
new thready >>4731562
new thready >>4731562

>> No.4731670
File: 86 KB, 838x531, shadow_perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once you choose your object's and light source's position (including vertical placement) you can find where the light rays intersect the ground plane, is there no way to do that with planar light?
I think it should be possible if you can express the position of the light in the context of your perspective. It's infinitely far away, but if you can describe the direction and a elevation angle, you can pick appropriate points inside your drawing that are in the direction of your light, and use them to construct the shadow.
Here, we have the light source A at infinite distance, and the rectangle BCDE. To construct the shadow, we pick points A' on the line AB and A'' on the line AC, so that A' and A'' are above known points on the ground, unmarked but visible in the image. The drop shadow is the area outlined by points B', C', D and E.
Using this in a complete artwork is left as an exercise to the reader. At least the geometry seems sound.

>> No.4731739

This other thread was earlier

>> No.4732247
File: 135 KB, 1200x1200, sketch-1595047852381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon in /vg/ gave me some feedback on my drawing, and I changed the colors a bit. What do you guys think?

I don't know what the Hell I'm doing when I use color beyond basic color theory. Any tips on how to choose colors that look good?

>> No.4732631

Which video courses can I recommend my beg tier friend? He needs to study the basics.

>> No.4732632

Just copy colours from other, better artists

>> No.4732971

Ohh, that makes sense. That little arrow in >>4731258 doesn't give much information, that's why I was struggling. Thank you anon.

>> No.4732982
File: 85 KB, 1238x294, MV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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