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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 145 KB, 981x1200, 71f1iaVcfoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4726971 No.4726971 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is this? I wanted to learn how to draw not become a mechanical engineer.

>> No.4726981

I fell for it too when I first started learning to draw, this faggot should be sued for misleading title

>> No.4726982
File: 1.03 MB, 1816x2343, framed persepctive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best book for learning perspective in-depth, period.
But I do like to complement it with Framed Perspective 1 & 2 to see less 'engineery' applications.

>> No.4727007

I have the first, is framed perspective 2 worth it? What exactly does the second one offer that the first doesn't? And is the Robertson meme really the best way of learning perspective?

>> No.4727030

It's shit you'd learn in a basic high school drafting class. It's a great book. Your laziness doesn't make it a bad book.

>> No.4727033

post your work, you fucking genius

>> No.4727050

Framed Perspective 2 is even better because it covers the human figure in perspective, which I've found very few good resources on.
Both are on Libgen if you want to check it out.
And Robertson is good but highly technical, FP is better for beginners.

>> No.4727055

Grazi anonazi, arrividerci, spaghetti retti

>> No.4727056
File: 2.16 MB, 1452x2014, 1592302817241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to Draw: Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments from Your Imagination
If I’d had this book thirty-five years ago, it would have spared me years of frustration. Scott and Thomas explain basic facts about perspective, then build from basic facts into the most complex drawings imaginable. It’s centuries-old knowledge, it’s clear, and it’s worth twenty times the price. But be warned – it’s a full course that can take months of attention. The reward is that you’ll learn all the mysteries of classic draftsmanship in a few months rather than a few decades. —mv
by Marshall Chad

>> No.4727064

I know high school dropouts that have a better understanding of perspective than you do apparently. You have a fixed mindset where you think failure is normal, it's really not hard. Spend time modeling in a 3D program like blender, maybe you'd understand. Otherwise you're just another npc beg asking for pyw because you can't grasp people can draw boxes and arches in perspective.

>> No.4727067

Why does no one read the actual cover? It teaches you exactly what it says it will; how to draw objects and environments.

>> No.4727077

it's literally brainlets that complain about this book, you think they bothered with the cover if they can't even read what's inside

>> No.4727127

most of those books don't even have exercises

>> No.4727139

Imagine thinking you need to be a genius to understand this book. What exactly are you having trouble with? Point out the page.

>> No.4727147

then make your own exercises

>> No.4727160
File: 12 KB, 236x261, B074E5C6-72B6-413A-94C3-8F204EBE58AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is pretty advanced and definitely makes me feel like an engineer designing blue prints.

Who tf has drafting classes in high school?
Must be some Asian shit

>> No.4727170


>> No.4727171

>He didn't have drafting classes

>> No.4727214

is for brainlet artists that never learned math, so they can feel like they're smart
don't try to apply it irl: it's fucking useless

>> No.4727293

>Nurse probably didn't even measure his dick

>> No.4727311

Oh, now I see why USA is full of faggots and pedos. It starts at the school.

>> No.4727343

US school, known other anons at UK and German schools with it. Maybe cause we're not zoomers.

>> No.4727347

It does specifically say drawing and sketching objects and environments

>> No.4727349

>his school didn't have penis inspection day
do europoors really?

>> No.4727353
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>> No.4727357

We had it in Soviet Union too. In 7th-9th grade(s) I think. Can't remember.

>> No.4727421
File: 112 KB, 1024x699, ddtwfh4-9969bd51-68d9-4101-a6e7-776866fbf9d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just wing it. if you are looking at your sketch and you think something looks off, you can use perspective rules to try to figure out how to fix it, but dont sit there and try to follow his book like an instruction manual to construct an image from scratch using tools and measurement for everything. no one does that. just draw a lot, your intuition will get pretty good, you can put a tiny dot for vanishing points and use a ruler to check your lines before you ink it if you really want to. there is no reason to have a book like that.

>> No.4727434

Yes believe it or not europeans are normal people, our penises don't get fondled by strangers, or mutilated either.

>> No.4727444

This is one of the best books for crash course in perspective and basic drawing skills. This book taught me much more than any other book that tried to teach me anything.

This book helped me master an iron wrist lock so I could do straight lines like its nothing and super quick.

I'll try to find some of the old work I did with this book give me a minute.

The second in the series is also worth picking up as it covers more of rendering. You will need a mastery of the first book to apply the second obviously.

Design Studio Press is quality material which I back.

>> No.4727472

Erik Olson's NMA perspective course is great and very thorough. He teaches the same techniques as Robertson and more through a series of diagrams. He goes into measuring and increments a lot more but makes all the whys and hows crystal clear. You're expected to make your own records of the diagrams. Every concept and technique is explained and applied multiple times. Olson also goes into a lot of detail on camera lenses, aspect ratio, etc. Great stuff and a really likeable guy.

For example, I just did Diagram 53, on "Diminishment Guides", which I realized is what Robertson refers to as the "Brewer Method" (p.54). It's just really helpful to watch Olson make the grid and use it to build a scene.

What is meant by this ? - p.25 "5. [...] A common error is to cause a rotated object to look like it's floating above the ground or is tilted. This is caused by not matching the VPs to the same Cone of Vision."

>> No.4727497

No qt nurses touching my dick, no drafting classes. Man my school was lame.

>> No.4727498

>"A common error is to cause a rotated object to look like it's floating above the ground or is tilted. This is caused by not matching the VPs to the same Cone of Vision."
I assume the book actually means the horizon line. When your objects don't follow the horizon line then they can look like they're not grounded. The cone of vision is more of an idea to keep in mind to avoid distortion.

>> No.4727544


I had drafting classes in high school.
All 3 years.

Mechanical design and Architectural design.

Public high school.

1600 kids.

Wyoming, the most rural State in the country.

The Nurse touched my dick 3 times a day.

>> No.4727552

lmao who the fuck reads all this shit.
just pick up a pencil and draw it's no rocket science.

>> No.4727574

That might be it, thanks.

The book has a handful of paragraphs that are not very clear. Still an awesome book.

>> No.4727617
File: 51 KB, 1024x768, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now considering the thought that artists with straight line and perspective fetish, deep down inside their simple minds are just failed architects, mechanical and civil engineers who can't do math.

>> No.4727623

But it's harder to be a professional artist than to be an architect/engineer

>> No.4727639

Is this book the biggest casual filter in existance?

>> No.4727654

Not really, you still have to pass the board exam for Civil/Mech Engineering and Archi plus at least 2 yrs apprenticeship for the latter. If working for a company, you will be assigned to areas where the industrial plants, projects or places of concern are and stay there for months or years. Supervising people and dealing with politics is also a part of the job.

>> No.4727662

And that's why you can't draw.

>> No.4727663

That book is the biggest meme on /ic/. It sure as hell doesn’t teach you to draw from imagination

>> No.4727679

daily dick inspection was the worst

>> No.4727696

To draw the human body well you must understand it to an extent.

To understand environment and machinery you must understand them to an extent.

The book is called how to draw and teaches you exactly that - regarding its subject matter mentioned RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO THE TITLE YOU APE.

It's a set of efficient and technical techniques to draw things. It will always work cause it's based on observed math and real life phenomenons. If you do it right, it won't fail ever. That's how good it is. It does not deal in mumbo jumbo and untechnical explanations to a technical craft. So it's defacto the strongest book to learn from if you're not a fag with an industrious mindset. It only looks scary because omg so many lines and boxes. You start from one.

You fucking wish this was an engineering book, you might have actually developed some skill you brainless tard.

>> No.4727715

>qt nurses
It would have been an obese nigger most likely though.

>> No.4727756
File: 1.38 MB, 2480x3508, 1586716924465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is out of date and the original maker updated it. Guess what he did. He removed How to Draw


>> No.4727771


I feel like everyone only has a problem with how to draw because they haven't learnt basic perspective first. I tried to get through how to draw a while back but lost interest and gave up, so i've studying framed perspective instead and i think its the foundation i needed for how to draw.

How to draw is kinda like the intermediate to advanced level of perspective, you have to start off with the basics and build a strong foundation.

>> No.4727981

That's because you don't have one

>How to draw is kinda like the intermediate to advanced level of perspective, you have to start off with the basics and build a strong foundation.
Not really, it starts from the fundamentals, drawing simple lines and boxes like every other perspective book out here.

>> No.4727985

At the start of the persoective chapter, the book itself tells you to learn perspective from a different resource because it will only tackle the very basics. Stop crabbing.

>> No.4728005

Scott Robertson is a hack. Why are people trying to learn to draw from someone who can't draw people? This is almost as bad as the drawabox guy.

>> No.4728032

Not everyone want to draw humans

>> No.4728034

BS. You were NOT taught form sketching techniques in your "drafting class".

>> No.4728036

so does that mean the books from sticky are shit?

>> No.4728038

There's less buy in with Olson's material though, because he's a poor draftsman and seem unable to put his techniques into practice.

>> No.4728061

Perspective IS very basic.
"There are many books that cover this terminology in depth, and doing additional research is encouraged" -> This doesn't tell to learn the thing from other books, only that what he tells about it in his book can be more extensively explained (specifically for shit like secondary VPs or >= VP positioning that only mentioned)

>> No.4728063

*3 >= VP ....

>> No.4728076

>Hampton before Huston

>> No.4728084

Scot has videos to go along with each chapter check the back of the book for the code to get them from his website

>> No.4728188

What makes you say that? His earlier paintings show some pretty strong draftsmanship imo, not that I like them.

His paintings of Detroit houses have a lot more soul.

>> No.4728276

it's an industrial design style drawing book.

>> No.4728590

true, the job is difficult. But less than 1% of art students make it as an illustrator or some other professional artist. That doesn't happen with engineering or architecture. Correct me if im wrong

>> No.4728596

Hampton's book is more comprehensive and lays a better foundational groundwork. Huston's shit is so esoteric and advanced, its hard to make anything of it as a complete beginner in figure drawing.

>> No.4728607

>less than 1% of art students make it as an illustrator or some other professional artist

>> No.4728616

>less than 1% of art students make it as an illustrator or some other professional artist
Most artschools are glorified daycares for rich lazy kids with 0 regards for actual industry standards

>> No.4730215

>Framed Perspective 1
Is there not a scan of this because I feel like i've been looking for this pdf for years

>> No.4730221

>German schools
Definitely not unless it was a mandatory school for apprenticeships or a gymnasium with focus on those subjects

>> No.4730228

Did this help any of you with volume? My shit is still too flat.

>> No.4730231

Do you think you'll magically be good at drawing forms after reading the book and doing some exercises?

>> No.4730235

Honestly, Vilppu's drawing manual's "spherical forms" exercised helped me the most. It sounds weird, but forcing yourself to make beautiful and appealing drawings with only blobs really forces you to think sculpturally.

>> No.4730236

What kind of stupid comment is this?

>> No.4730251

It is, isn't it? As stupid as the question that you asked in the first place.

>> No.4730267

And that "comeback" is even dumber.

>> No.4730382

>How To Draw (futuristic tractors)

>> No.4732165

you need to be 18 or older to post here.

>> No.4734078


>> No.4734089

Good luck, guessing the assignments from the books :^)

>> No.4735589

do they have a blog?
I'm curious as to the kind of work they do.

>> No.4735608


>> No.4735634

iamgine studying hours and hours to make a grid, if you can just make a 3d model on blender in 10min, for fucking christ sake.

>> No.4735963

these cookie cutter training regimes are kinda shit

>> No.4735994

Low IQ thread.

>> No.4736545


>> No.4736547

Biggest people make is thinking this is a perspective book.

>> No.4736576


>> No.4736609

why is perspective so boring

>> No.4736610

I started doing this after going through vandruff and the first chapters were understandable but I ran into a little difficulty with the curve mirroring. Does anyone want to do a study thread?

>> No.4737525

Thanks anon


>> No.4737560

Imagine not wanting to be able to draw sick ass machines

>> No.4737720

It's not, that's a child's mentality for things they don't like.

>> No.4737783

Art is harder. No exams, no school, only guts.

>> No.4737818

Is anyone doing this?
I need a curriculum or the procrastination monster drags me into the NGMI realm

>> No.4737851

What is the problem with Perspective made easy

>> No.4737899
File: 2.88 MB, 3024x4032, SNfT4ym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the person who made that chart is ngmi

>> No.4737919

This looks so long-winded, but what do I know, maybe taking things slow and in small chunks does work better

>> No.4738247

show the good stuff copeseether

>> No.4738255

It's made by a literallywho and it's neatly presented. This is the ONLY way to make it.

>> No.4738267


>> No.4738449

you can't make this shit up

>> No.4738805
File: 450 KB, 1120x1556, A smarter Way to Improve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these tracks that put strict anatomy ahead of composition and advanced perspective.
Brainlet approach. The best way to tackle it is to learn the baseline principles on basic subject matter FIRST and then tackle more complex subjects. Dodson and hudson are fantastic resources for learning how to use a pencil, pen, or charcoal. Learn how to draw and render simple forms with high skill in a medium of choice and then dial down the specifics of the human figure. The reason so many people on this shithole get so frustrated is because they try to take arguably the most challenging subject matters to learn, the human body, as their first and main topic for art, when they dont even know how to use any of the tools at their disposal. People that can barely control their tablets or pencils aren't going to be able to produce results that satisfy even themselves let alone others because their eyes and tastes are far beyond what their hands can produce. Pic related is what I worked from, with the modification of moving framed ink up to section 2 because I got a copy of it as a gift before I had a tablet for digital painting.

>> No.4738828

Yeah this is how you learn to draw, you idiot.

>> No.4738846

>i dont want to learn hiw to draw, i just want magic cure


>> No.4738906

I can follow this book but I still don't know how to draw

>> No.4741059

would you be willing to post your work ? interested :)