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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4718714 No.4718714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4718717
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>> No.4718719
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>> No.4718721
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>> No.4718723

Not another fucking twitter thread bloody hell

>> No.4718725

Holy based

>> No.4718738

I'm willing to bet this person's art is the most generic garbage and she thinks anything but commercial trash is "not good".

>> No.4718742

t. salty pretzel

>> No.4718745

Is Drama/Vendetta allowed now on /ic/?

>> No.4718747
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ok crab

>> No.4718748

>found the butthurt faggot.

>> No.4718749

since art doesn't exist anymore, /ic/ now stands for what social media is about: internet celebrities

>> No.4718752

And I'm supposed to care about what women think because...?
I just see "Alexandria" and I instantly know it's a vagina, therefore not worth my time to even open the image.

>> No.4718753

The way she expects people to get angry at something (ideally) uncontroversial like this you can tell her followers are of the SJW extremist kind. She's playing with fire not catering to their limitless entitlement.

>> No.4718754
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>> No.4718756

her timeline barely has any art, it's just those lesbian chicks from TLOU
if she didn't have a vagina and she didn't post lesbian LGBT trash you'd say this isn't worth any attention

>> No.4718757
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>Social media has created this bizarre expectation that people with a higher following should be doing something to help you.
Social media has created this dreadful expectation that you should be a full fledged veteran godly artist otherwise you are shit and undeserving of love
>Creators are far more accesible
>Most of us DO give WAY too much of our free time trying to help young artist
This is blatant lying and it honestly makes me seethe. Never ever creators have been more of an ivory tower bitches who shit on you if you ever dare throw them any question their way. Hell the only reason I'm still on /ic/ despite everything is because its the only place where I can extremely ocasionally get good and honest advice, coated with a bunch of feces. Everywhere else you either get ghosted, ignored or attacked and shunned if you are actually trying to improve and have honest questions, while if you are farming for pity and brownie points the whole carnival is for you.

I don't even know who is this bitch and now I'm mad 10/10 made me reply.

>> No.4718759

lol you wish.

>> No.4718760

All of Twitter is an SJW honeypot nowadays, so it's not surprising.

>> No.4718764

>good and honest advice
Do we browse the same board?

>> No.4718765

I won't say I like twitter threads, but this post is relevant here as a board centered heavily around critique and learning, especially given the rampant ungratefulness, entitlement, insecure dick swinging, and cynicism on full display every day here. None of that behavior helps.

>> No.4718766

actual cringe

>> No.4718769

Stop expecting others to invest time and effort into (You). They have no reason to do so. You are being an entitled brat in case you didn't realize. NGMI.

>> No.4718770

That's just common sense.

>> No.4718771

Yeah, it's fucking cringe every time women open their disgusting mouths.
All they do is huff and puff about nothing all the time.

>> No.4718776

>this post is relevant here as a board centered heavily around critique and learning,
There's none of this on /ic/ and that's because critique and learning are useless since there are threads for pirating courses,
The real talk on this board is
>what fetishes should I draw
>what's the new trending thing I can rape
>how do I sell lolis without getting into trouble
>how do I manipulate people into following me
>how do I cheat the system so I get visible
which is what the actual art world looks like under all the stupid shit these people spew on Twitter for clout. This woman talks about skill when 9 out of 10 posts she shits out are virtue signaling. /ic/ is the most real place in the art world, it shows you exactly how manipulative and ruthless people are.
It doesn't even matter how good you are because perceive your art differently if you have 1 or 10000 followers. If I posted >>4718747 or better things and complained people would say it's because I'm not good enough or some other goalpost-moving excuse like "I have to change subject" or "draw some fanart" which basically means you should not make the art you make even if it's good = it's not about skill.

>> No.4718779

>seething /beg/tard
You are just pissed that your loomis head scribbles doesn’t give you a following.

>> No.4718785

whatever makes you comfortable, anon

>> No.4718788

Read the whole thing. She’s a bitch but she’s 100% right. Leeching off other people is a terrible idea and you should shine from the fruits of your own effort.

>> No.4718790

>ic/ is the most real place in the art world
Based schizo poster

>> No.4718792

Dilate that crotch wound

>> No.4718794

As much as I cannot stand this chick because 90% of her tweets are about political bullshit and how black people are good and white people are bad and men suck (which is unfortunate because I like her landscapes but I can't deal with constant political posts on my tl), she is an actual character artist at Naughty Dog and actually did work on TLOU2, she didn't just do some fan art.

>> No.4718797

Mods do your "job"

>> No.4718800

No wonder you retards always bitch about that no one give you attention.

>> No.4718801

>she is an actual character artist at Naughty Dog
Well, that explains fucking everything.
Cunt is just another ego-driven retard.

>> No.4718802

she's completely right
seething /begs/

>> No.4718806

And why would I want the attention of a filthy fucking female when I already have a boyfriend?
Females are fucking trash and deserve to be thrown into the trash.

>> No.4718807

>she is an actual character artist at Naughty Dog and actually did work on TLOU2, she didn't just do some fan art.
I know, it doesn't change what I said. Her character art isn't even that great, it's not even average work for a concept artist skill-wise so she has no right to tell people "if you don't have a following you're not good enough". I see way better people without a following and this is insulting. If a regular anon posted art like that here nobody would even care.
It's literally just clout. Those fucking numbers mean more than people believe, if you make a statement with the same art to back it up and you have 50 followers you'll get called a retard, if you have 10000 you automatically have the authority.

>> No.4718878

It’s not just SJWs that get mad anymore. It’s anyone. If you even bring up the concept of a face mask, there are people out there that will be filled with rage. There is literally nothing you can say or do that won’t piss off someone.

>> No.4718887

t. Salty pretzel

>> No.4718905

The only people who disagree with these statements are seething retards. If you're not getting work it's because you're bad. Plain and simple. If you are looking at other people's art, who are popular, and you think you are better, you're not. There is something about their art that isn't in yours. It's really that plain and simple.

There is a venn diagram you can make between the people who are upset because "their artwork is great but they don't have any followers" and the people who say "PYW" in response to a valid critique. the circles almost perfectly overlap and the center is called NGMI

>> No.4718910


This is somehow assuming that art is a purely meritocratic endeavor with zero relevance given to how you network or promote yourself.

Which is comically fucking naive. Self promotion and networking are critical skills and pretending you don't need them is disingenuous.

>> No.4718911
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Sure thing

>> No.4718923
File: 384 KB, 750x794, 147A6C37-9401-4A9D-B2B8-A7F8B0478461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a better one

>> No.4718934

You can peddle hollow shit, maybe gain a hundred people, and have no interaction on your artwork because people will just not care if it isn't good, or doesn't create an emotional reaction with them. Sure marketing is a thing, but it's less of a thing than actual skill and transferring those # on their profile to work and progress. Believing otherwise is pure COPE
absolute seething I see. Why not take a moment, find out what it is about their art that gets them attention, and study that? how does your artwork not live up to that level? furthermore, If they aren't in the field of artwork you are trying to get into, why the fuck does their numbers matter?

>> No.4718940

I think this is a fair opinion but I also think if you want to express it, your feed shouldn't be 90% virtue signaling, pandering and using the massive support network of women forcing themselves in the industry. If you want to make this statement then actually earn your right to it.

>> No.4718945

hate to agree with a feminazi, but when they're right they're right. it's actually kind of surprising it even needs to be said desu.

>> No.4718948

>Why not take a moment, find out what it is about their art that gets them attention, and study that? how does your artwork not live up to that level?
Not him but lol ok you're a coomfag
Please put this information in the name field so people can stop wasting their time talking to you

>> No.4718955

Were you abandoned by your parents as a baby or something? Social media is the most inhumane, simultaneously uncaring and obsessive, hugbox-y and repressive environment I've ever been in. It's not normal, and noting that it isn't normal has nothing to do with entitlement. Forum culture was a thousand times better than this. Having art friends irl is a million times better than this.

>> No.4718957

>Fuck pros, they suck!
>Why won't pros help me?
This is like CHAZ but with NGMI artists.

>> No.4718960

>people think the only reason you might not get work is because you're bad and that's it

Rob Liefeld is one of the most successful artists in the comic industry. Ask yourself why.

>> No.4718963

>undeserving of love
Are you an artist, or a beyond needy broken person who needs therapy, not followers?
>makes me seethe.
We couldn't tell, at all. No, really.

>> No.4718969

imagine being this much of an incel
goddamn. isn't it shitty to live like this your whole life?

>> No.4718974

I never said this, this is a thing women do. This person in the OP probably climbed to her spot doing exactly this given how fucking heavy on politics she is but she's now pretending she got there through merit. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy, but this is classic pretending to be retarded so you can pretend you won the argument

>> No.4718980

you can go to the #NobodyArtistClub hashtag and see for yourself if anybody of these artist are undervalued or not

>> No.4718981

not a coomfag, I don't rely on social interaction for progress or self affirmation. I don't even make art in the same style of them. I can see people's artwork for both their positives and negatives though. Judging people as "not worthy" and seething at their reach and audience is as toxic to your own mentality as looking at a pro or veteran artist and judging yourself negatively is. Instead of focusing on other people, invest more time and energy into your own personal growth, and then maybe you can develop an audience like theirs that appreciates your work for the skill behind it

>> No.4718989

then maybe you can stop being retarded and simply admit that skills are a secondary factory unless you want to teach?

>> No.4718991

>girl name
>Nintendo shit
>emojis in name
Brothers the signs are clear how to get popular and you ignore them

>> No.4718994

Get another insult, bro.

>> No.4718995
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>> No.4718996

stop crying you incompetent bitch

>> No.4718999

I don't know what jobs you're trying to get, but enjoy applying to studios with art that looks like it was painted by a flipper handed incest child and not getting any reply back(even if you write that you have over 10k followers!). Portfolio> social media #s, unless you're posting on furaffinity.com, then by all means get back to it, King. You're making more money than any of us

>> No.4719004

You first, cunt.

>> No.4719008

Just fuck each other already

>> No.4719012


Yeah and turn up to that interview with a killer portfolio smelling like shit and acting like an asshole and see how many jobs you get.

Your skill is not the only factor. It's important, but I think you're needlessly doubling down on a more nuanced subject here: success is multifaceted and requires a range of skills beyond just art.

I don't agree with the other anon that skill is a 'secondary factor', it is extremely important, but there are a lot of other factors that can make or break you.

>> No.4719013

I don't fuck retards.

>> No.4719017

you don't fuck anyone period

>> No.4719023

So, everyone's a retard?
Nice logic, retard.

>> No.4719026

stop signing your posts

>> No.4719032

Why do you assume people have to be complete shit to make this claim? The attention queen in the OP works for a large video game company when there are way better people around who could've taken her place. I certainly know a bunch of literally whos who have impressive art that is way more interesting, and struggle to get hired.
You are the one who brought up the argument that it's 100% about meritocracy, now you're moving the goalposts and you go B-BUT MUH INDUSTRY WON'T HIRE YOU when if you go on ArtStation it's 95% fanart and braindead chinkshit that looks exactly all the same because these people are desperate, replaceable numbers and they know it.
Unless you are conflating skills in art with a specific art style, in which case I'm sorry for you, your argument doesn't stand here either. Not to mention that absolute hacks like Ilya whatever got hired simply because they have such a massive audience. It would've been more believable if you said shit like
>You have to be a reliable worker that is familiar with how things are done
But this bullshit where you claim that pandering to the masses is a synonym of hidden quality - I imagine a buzzword like "appeal" - is retarded and doesn't make sense within the argument you're trying to support.

>> No.4719034

You first, retard.

Signed - The guy who isn't a retard.

>> No.4719043

Wow you sure showed him.

>> No.4719046

if i wanted my comeback i would've wiped it off your mom's cunt

>> No.4719054
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>> No.4719056

Nice replies, retards.

Signed - The guy who STILL isn't a retard.

>> No.4719061

Why the fuck have I been loaded with commissions back to back when I'm a beginner with 1.6k followers then

>> No.4719063

How cheap were your commissions?

>> No.4719067

She should just be silent.
What's teh point of engaging with people, especially in this day and age? Does she and artists like her really have such a huge ego tehy feel compelled to write this during cancel era?

Just stay quite, name your price, take your commissions. Social engagement is a bomb defusal.

>> No.4719068

cope harder

>> No.4719070

40-70 bucks and comic pages cost more
I started early last year
Also it seems like everyone who worked on tlou2 is an asshole I guess. This cancer should be kept off the artwork critique board but lol

>> No.4719084


>> No.4719088

I think you're right, and I don't want to sway that far in the opposite direction. If you're a prick with 0 personal skills than you won't be able to get a job at all. That being said, you can argue the negligibility from how you act with clients to your social media numbers. Just because you are kind with a client doesn't mean you have a social media following, and just because you have a social media following doesn't mean you're not a prick (if anything, I think a higher number of followers can breed overconfidence)

in the arena of artistic value, I'm always leaning on skill over media presence. That's what it boils down to

Genuinely, Ilya is the only exception I can think of where I truly felt confused at his reach compared to his art. After being outed as directly tracing over piece after piece, it felt strange seeing him get a dream job in his line of work. The reason for his success must really lie in his interpersonal skills

That being said, The bitch from the OP got the job, not because of her numbers or her following, but because she applied for it and they saw work in her portfolio that they liked. It doesn't matter if you think there are people with better art, the director saw their work and thought they were perfect for the job

it's about what you can bring to a company. If you case trends and social media likes over actual skill and competency then you'll end up in an endless pit. you get hired specifically for your art, and usually for one peice that the art director sees and wants you to replicate in one way or another. It doesn't matter if that piece they see has thousands of likes, or has never been posted

that 19 y/o you posted before has something in her artwork that you don't have, because if you had it, you'd get the same #'s as her. But, Is that # going to make her more applicable for the dream job you are going after? the answer is most likely no.

>> No.4719105

Get off social media, especially sites like 4chan, and go to a therapist.
I don't mean this in any kind of insulting way whatsoever, but you should seek help. This isn't healthy.

>> No.4719135

fuck twitteer threads, fuck niggers and fuck the jannies for allowing this shit to fly

>> No.4719137

>The bitch from the OP got the job, not because of her numbers or her following, but because she applied for it and they saw work in her portfolio that they liked. It doesn't matter if you think there are people with better art, the director saw their work and thought they were perfect for the job
So you think this is universal truth but then you have examples like that guy who got hired by Google, or Kickstarters explicitly collecting artists with a high social media count, or Ilya which you admitted is "weird", then you went on to cope with
>The reason for his success must really lie in his interpersonal skills
As if social media numbers or virtue signaling didn't matter. Do you know what an influencer is? Do you know what it means for a company to have a radfem representing them and reminding everyone their game is LGBT positive?
You're going full retard to justify a saccharine world view, I understand why because in this world if you don't delude yourself it can get real fucking bleak, but that doesn't make it not a lie. There are people who get hired in art for things other than their art, and these things are often as distant from art as they can be.

>> No.4719170


>> No.4719178

>he's a fucking faggot

I mean, can you really talk?

>> No.4719179

>used a food as an insult

>> No.4719201


>> No.4719235
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This is not age of skill racing,
This is age of how communicate and sell your shit

So stop grind art and become 'fun' person

>> No.4719258

art hoes can't be based

>> No.4719266
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