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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.69 MB, 1280x2074, d07048_6605290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4714860 No.4714860 [Reply] [Original]

The grind is more fun and personally interesting when you work on something you like passionately. It could be an animation, comic, game art, etc.
Do any of you guys have a project you want to work on or are currently working on?

>> No.4714875

because 138k frames of animation doesn't just fall out of the sky.

>> No.4714877
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I'm working on a bunch of requests for the League of Legends general, but once I've finished those I'll be returning to WoW, and with my return there's a piece of art I've been meaning to really to put my heart and soul into (since Warcraft, the franchise not just WoW, was a big part of my life and got me into art in the first place).

Pic related 1/2, the original pencil piece

>> No.4714882
File: 640 KB, 2001x1880, EYlNfdgWAAA2AaJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and 2/2

A colour test of the future coloured version of my previous post, since I actually somewhat know how Photoshop works for colouring.

>> No.4714885

Draw on 3s and 4s like japs do.

>> No.4714908

i make shitty comic doodles once every week when i have a good story idea

>> No.4714952

I'm afraid my ideas are not creative enough and I'll be ridiculed

>> No.4714956

I would like to make a comic but have neither the drawing or writing skills to create something I would not be ashamed of.

>> No.4714974

that is a lot of detail anon, good luck,

>> No.4714984

Just do it anon! You don’t have to post it, but gotta start somewhere.

>> No.4714986

I do.
>1 VFX/montaged fanmade story idea that's over 15 minutes long that I've been on since last July(Bought over 30 movies for the sake of editing)
>1 3 minute fake movie trailer idea that's less refined and more sloppy that I've been on since last Thursday
>A slice of life comedy webcomic that only exists so I can learn how to be consistent with a schedule(Gotta draw 2 pages this afternoon)
>A big story that I've been on since 5th grade, have a sketchbook, always draw stuff for it at least once a week
Remember, if you don't do it, nobody will. Sure there's like hundreds of stories about similar stuff like superheroes in high school, but only 1 guy could've thought of an award winning alien movie that's a metaphor for African Apartheid, only one guy could've thought of the story of space wizards and samurai in a space war, only one man could make the story of a monkey boy who shoots lazers out of his hands and grows glowing yellow banana hair. Don't wait for it to happen, make it happen

>> No.4715046

Damn. These anons working on their own projects makes me want to pick up one. But i don't know if i should start doing comics or animation.

>> No.4715047

I have a webcomic, but its no good. Its online and i haven't updated in a month

>> No.4715057

In the words of Shia Leboufe, just do it. Do you think Toriyama was good on day one?

>> No.4715061

Thats true,

Im just stuck on other drawings too... a quick update would let people know im alive

>> No.4716072

I’ve been working on comic projects since I learned how to draw. It feels weird when I’m not working on something. But my issue is that I have so many ideas that my series are short and don’t often have an ending.
Lately I’ve been sharing my stuff online but I fall into the comparison trap, social media promo struggles, etc so there have been days I’ve been so miserable I can’t find a “following” that I waste the day on self-pity. It’s dumb.

>> No.4716294

Just keep on going. Don’t think about how other artist/ecelebs are doing. Be concerned about how you’re developing. Keep on building and you’ll see yourself on top as time passes

>> No.4716934

I always have a few irons in the fire, main project and a few future projects just so i have a constant pipeline of things being made.

I have a pretty diverse skillset so i can pretty much do whatever i want

>> No.4716941

I don't like anything I draw enough to elaboratae on it

>> No.4717237

I have to be good at drawing to do that.

>> No.4717840

>Green eye indicates Blood Elf
>Lordaeron insignia
What is going on here.

>> No.4718919
File: 269 KB, 1024x768, Alliance Blood Elf feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, big details are my specialty but what I'm most worried about is how to handle all the multiple characters that weren't present in the original piece, but were in the original vision.
The pieces title is "Unbreakable Loyalty of the Sun". I used to play/RP an Alliance loyal Blood Elf Paladin because I disagreed heavily with Blizzard's writing decisions regarding the Blood Elves and their forced inclusion to the Horde, and how it never made sense that the entire race would go red.

So I did my own thing (and got a lot of praise for doing it well when I used to play). And will continue to do so when I return to WoW for the first time in 7 years in two weeks.

Pic related, one of the only screenshots I have of him (2011).

>> No.4718928

Yes I am drawin a comic. I’ve lost count but I am around 100 pages in.

>> No.4719148

I'm just kinda void of ideas because of depression unrelated to art (Family stuff to make it simple)
but I am working on small commissions for friends since they'll handle my slow pace and praise me up and down even if I'm not 100% happy with the product.

Friend right now is having me draw her nude for her boyfriend's birthday present. It's fun so far, i get to practice stylizing from photos, I got sent a free ass nudie, and I'll get to experiment with a coloring style for it since she doesn't have anything super specific in mind. Ngl kinda wanna see if I can get interest in drawing pin-ups for gifts like this for people. I'm part of a self-love pin-up group on facebook (I got invited and just kinda never left) so I wonder if i could generate interest there. I mean as much as I want to make a game or animate a series I also ultimately just wanna draw cute girls.

>> No.4719164

I am working on a Tarot deck. I’ve settled on an overall theme between the cards and am coming up with little sketches while playing with color schemes and drawing the characters in different ways before I settle on a particular style.

>> No.4719190

I was planning a comic but somewhere between trying to learn how to write an interesting story and thinking of a way to have it all in one place instead of dumping it anywhere as I do regular art I ended up procrasting until I gave up.

>> No.4720402

What pencils do you use

>> No.4721041

I draw so i can coom since i’m only allowed to coom to my own work

>> No.4721068

November must suck for you then

>> No.4721446


0.7 (for outlines and bigger details) and 0.5 (for precise details like the face) mechanical pencils bro!

>> No.4721502
File: 106 KB, 800x531, 1EAA52C5-25FD-4BFE-844C-2DBC4EF42487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to start a comic but it’s really difficult to get a running start. Never mind I barely read the damn things.

I have been designing characters for it in the meantime. Doing some trad paint commission work rn so not much time to do drawing however

Pic semi related, I want to do a MOTW kaiju comic

>> No.4721514
File: 111 KB, 800x531, fy201ed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a package

>> No.4721519
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>> No.4721531
File: 108 KB, 413x529, itried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, your drawing is eye candy for a colorist, so much that i wanted to dry but the scan is so small and potato quality that it broke my motivation haha

>> No.4721532

I don't recognize that bulge

>> No.4723477
File: 280 KB, 2019x2019, IMG_20200714_172730_934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single panel per page movie still comic bullshit

>> No.4723487
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>> No.4723498
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>> No.4723505
File: 593 KB, 949x510, saved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just painting doodles to test and develop my painting app.

>> No.4723506
File: 1.90 MB, 1908x1080, 20200713_121334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im working on the stencils for this grafitti project

>> No.4726454


>> No.4726513

I have, but i'm always aiming too high.

>> No.4726687
File: 653 KB, 1280x1674, tumblr_pct64jJ2tS1weswrbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god DAMN bro that's really REALLY fucking good (and pretty spot on how he actually looks like, minus the hair, his hairs actually white with dark sideburns and eyebrows like >>4714882 )

Man seeing my stuff rendered with more detail by another artist feels great, yo bro if you wanna have fun with a better quality pic here you go.

Also what's your Instagram/Twitter/etc etc?

>> No.4726715

Nice. Street art is rad af.

>> No.4727814
File: 171 KB, 662x735, 20200716_042941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyyy i updated

>> No.4730521
File: 45 KB, 960x347, tilemap_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have! I'm making a game with my dad.

>> No.4730537

I respect you man, but I feel like you've been posting that same piece for the past 4-5 years now. Do you still draw?

>> No.4730558

Because I’m improving too fast to end up with something consistent.
I can’t create ten pieces of art without thinking the first one looks like crap, and working on a project just has me in endless spirals of redrawing things.

>> No.4730574
File: 1.22 MB, 1821x2579, 1591230395203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawing in the first place to make comics. I just dove right in and used it for practice, made ~440 pages or something like that before finally giving up on that one (it was, as one might expect, shit).
Without that project keeping me drawing I didn't consistently practice for the next few years. I kept bouncing around ideas for more comics and even going so far as to panel them out but whenever I hit the inking stage I gave up every time.
Then I just kind of stopped drawing completely for a couple of years. Continued having comic ideas and accumulated those into a doc.Over time I built a setting and a story and characters with plans to "eventually" try again at making a comic.
Then I started doodling, that snowballed into planning out comics again (this time porn comics), again always giving up beyond the sketching phase but I nonetheless paneled/sketched another hundred or so pages.
Then I caught wind of the Tezuka contest so I put together a 55 page submission based on the comic ideas I had been putting together and now I've finished 11 pages.

Enjoy my gay blog I guess.

>> No.4732174

I'm working on stuff, but I'm trying to figure out how to monetize it. My predicament is that I literally can't afford to spend time on it unless I make money off of it since I'm barely getting by. I'm also not sure how I need to handle some of it.
I want to do some coom comics that I think I could fund through patreon, and I want to do some sfw comics that I think I could put on webtoon/tapas but I found out I'll have to completely rework the patreon I already set up for my sfw things or just make a separate one just for webcomics altogether.
I feel...stuck.

>> No.4732255

I'm saving all my ideas for when I get good enough.
Badly executed idea and dissatisfaction, frustration >>> not realized idea for my monkey brain. I'm afraid of "wasting ideas".
With how the things are going I will never get anything done though.
>perfectionism/hypercriticism + laziness/no self-discipline and fear of action combo

>> No.4732968
File: 12 KB, 288x450, 56340960-288-k480614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty much in the same situation as you but you gotta ask yourself if this approach is working, it is not.

Don't save your ideas, face the dissatisfaction and build habits of drawing no matter the result. Otherwise you will never get to that point where you think you can finally tackle your projects. It's an ego issue, get rid of that if you truly want to make something out of yourself. And it's all valid regarding myself as well. It's a post to myself.

>> No.4732998

Because I procrastinate really bad and get ready bursts of productivity. That and I don't like my creations.

>> No.4733037
File: 155 KB, 800x535, Ch5p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start it anon, trust me, you learn so much by just doing it. your first one will probably suck because you don't know what the hell you're doing but actually drawing the thing is worth more than sitting around planning everything beforehand.

>> No.4733040

I work on a comic and several personal projects that kind of sit in a limbo state. I had to deal with the commission grind so that I could pay some bills, which left me burnt out and kind of frustrated.

I haven't really drawn a whole lot for the past couple of months that hasn't been for money or comic related. The most I've done is go back to my collection of unfinished work and cleaned it up. It's the best I can come up with in terms of a middle ground of making something new that isn't for someone else.

It's hard, dude.

>> No.4733043

This was ment for

>> No.4733098
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I've tried many times but they've all crashed and burned, or are stuck in limbo because I'm even worse at everything else than I am at drawing so at this point I think I'd rather work on other people's projects or make mods for applicable games.