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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4713381 No.4713381 [Reply] [Original]

da fuq is the point of even getting good at drawing if it takes your whole life and you cant even enjoy until you git gud?

>> No.4713388
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people enjoy it regardless of being good or not.

>> No.4713407

Personally I enjoy the process of learning how to draw better.

>> No.4713409
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>he wasn't born with happiness genetics

>> No.4713410

I enjoy it and I am trash

>> No.4713414

Because the grind is fun. I like to see how much I've progressed over the years.

>> No.4713423

You have to enjoy the process in order to get good. Or else you will burn out quickly and quit doing art.

I'm a soulless /beg/ but when i look at other works that are way above my skill level it motivates me to continue further. Because i know one day i'll be at that level if i continue doing art.

>> No.4713432

most people like the idea of being a good artist but dont want to put int he work to do it

thats the big difference, and not just in art but in general, everyone wants the fruit without planting the tree, rewards without no fucking work

if you cant enjoy the process either you are focusing too much ons tudy and not enough play and need to take a break between studying to just draw for fun no matter if its good or not
or youre like the people i mention above, want the skill without the work and int hat case theres nothing anyone can do to help NGMI is a meme but this mentality IS the real NGMI

a common theme between people that enjoy drawing (same applies to other creative areas), is that they always get into a headspace of a child, study and practise ut then just let loose and like a kid randomly drawing with crayons without a care in the world not giving a fuck you start drawing your own shit for fun with no judgment, its almost a kind of meditation in a way

literally people need to chill and stop overthinking this shit half the stuff on here is useless question that can be answered with "just practise" or "you have wrong mindset/ideas heres who you should view x, y, z"

stop making threads and draw
or fucking quit already no one cares

>> No.4713468

Art skills are only frustrating when you start out. It's easy to start enjoying art when you get decent enough to express yourself properly. It doesn't even take long. It's not even tied to skills that much, it's more about finding what you really like drawing which usually is something different from consumer media.
The problem is when you try to communicate something else or make something meaningful to yourself personally and share that, but then you realize what people want to see is >>4713409, anything else they will in 90% of cases ignore it, won't get it, will mock it, they will say it's pretentious or whatever. And the 10% of people who will somehow see anything in it will just add it to the heap of daily consumption, more because they have no taste at all than because they relate to your work. The only way to actually make a different message work is if you become really skilled and in that case people only care for the skill, because skill is a tool.
It's all so empty and stupid. It's like being a musician and you can only choose to make kpop and shake your ass to shitty music for people who don't care about music, or make hyper technical prog metal and look at a lifetime of holding up a brand name guitar or drumsticks 'cause that's all you are useful for. You will never inspire anybody, you will never touch anybody's heart. It's like people have become desensitized to everything, they just gobble everything down.

>> No.4713487

>what's the point of doing anything if it takes effort

personally I enjoy the process of creating art, and getting better at it. it helps to take a step back every now and then and see how much you've grown :)

>> No.4713500

>Phil Hale

Good taste op.

>> No.4713702

you'll get good at it in a few years man. It's like going through a bachelors, maybe a masters' if you're stupid.

>> No.4713704

That's Alex Ross

>> No.4713709

if you dont enjoy the process this is not for you

>> No.4713767

It’s Phil Hale you r-tard

>> No.4713824

That is actually the point anon, like when you play a game the first time and try to figure it out how to play the game, and when you finish it you can do it all again with all the best weapons, difference is that you only get that spark of discover and joy the first time around.

>> No.4713872

The pursuit to master any field is a life-long pursuit. I believe we do it because it gives a sense of satisfaction and proudest to look at how far you've come. The same thing with music, martial arts, or writing. It never stops unless you reach a comfortable plateau, where no improvement happens but you're still seen as "good" by others. By then it just gets boring, doing the same thing over and over again with no goal. Life-long pursuits are fun, because you never get bored. Theres always another goal ahead of you.
You could get satisfaction another way which is very common, having kids, and watching them grow. Or maybe investing time in others, or social medi. idk I like the pursuit.