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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 623 KB, 800x800, l34rd541go951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4708451 No.4708451 [Reply] [Original]

Is he gonna make it?

>> No.4708455

Worthless ass thread

>> No.4708460

Instead of looking up guides or references, he's reinventing the wheel in these "studies".

>> No.4708461

a ngmi died for this

>> No.4708466

I fucking hate grafo, he shit up the rimworld fandom and makes lackluster crap

>> No.4708475


>> No.4708499

The way he draws, uses guidelines and studies is so rigid. Like, he uses lots of geometrical shit like in the OP, but those can change wildly if you do elaborate poses.
It's taking a toll on his progress cause all he does is standing around poses.

>> No.4708531
File: 81 KB, 198x181, 1587072088156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those breasts
>the whole chest area in general

>> No.4708562

He needs the villpu shoved deep in his rear end

>> No.4708568

Who is this guy and why do people care about him?

>> No.4708581

Reddit's ace artist. It's sad how a guy who isnt even aware of fundamentals is better than 99% of /ic/

>> No.4708586

he’s already reddit-made it

>> No.4708593

>isnt even aware of fundamentals
There's literally some construction in OP's image...

>> No.4708600

But I see better art on reddit all the time. His stuff is just meh but shows up in r/all every damn day.

>> No.4708618

That's just the result of a beginner having the vaguest idea of contruction. Probably saw a pro do it once and just went with it. Look at it, he's making up shit on the go. "new marks for boob location"? that wrong understanding of the pecs. He's better off looking up established construction methods aka fundamentals

>> No.4708631

Don't get me wrong, it's not very good construction or anything, but acknowledging and using construction is knowing some form of the fundamentals.

>> No.4708678

if he actually draws regularly that would automatically make him better than 90% of /ic/

>> No.4708687
File: 530 KB, 800x800, 1594007225260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy starts drawing from the torso, i think that explains everything

>> No.4708705

how come he gets the ribcage sort of right in the construction and then fucks it up

>> No.4708735

This is what happens when you skip le form, anatomy, perspective and just grind values everyday

>> No.4708754

What's wrong with that?

>> No.4708785

no rules just tools

>> No.4708800

Are you retarded? That doesn't make a difference. In fact, it might even help retards like you who draw a shit head and then can't construct the rest of the body because of the shit head you drew
fucking faggot, this moron is bad because he's another retard trying to reinvent the wheel when he could just fucking LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS

>> No.4708801

He's still better than everyone in this thread.

>> No.4708802

Especially you

>> No.4708803

Here we see the seething faggot who can't deal with the fact that other people are making it while he's stuck drawing boxes over and over.

>> No.4708804
File: 29 KB, 320x320, pectoralis-rupture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking muscles is he outlining here? The clavicular head of the pectoralis doesn't insert like that, the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major should be lower and the clavicle is bow-shaped and doesn't look like that

>> No.4708805


>> No.4708816

Nigga, i work with illustration, it's my LIVING
"oooh he's bad because he draws the torso first" is such a crab fucking thing and if you can't understand how that isn't related to the fact that grafo fucks up the construction of the torso
Go fucking learn proper anatomy grafo you faggot, stop trying to invent tricks that you could've learned reading a fucking book. fag

>> No.4708830


>> No.4708841
File: 471 KB, 985x589, just-pyw-bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4708854


>> No.4708873
File: 109 KB, 1200x675, https___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_180521164335-michael-jackson-moonwalker-lean-restricted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what im saying is because he focused on drawing the torso instead of gestures first, he ends up drawing unbalanced michael jackson characters

>> No.4708874

The sad thing is reddit is such a hugbox he will likely never receive any criticism, instead they probably just take turns sucking his dick all day thus stagnating him further.

>> No.4708877

Oh, my bad then, that's absolutely true.
It's like he's trying to find a new way to shit that have been taught better before, it's impressive how much he's trying to be mediocre

>> No.4708880

What’s his name?

>> No.4708886

It's already there

>> No.4708887


>> No.4708888

>Anime #practices
You weebs would do whatever to avoid reading actual books.

>> No.4708891

I am now in this thread, so, wrong

>> No.4708892
File: 556 KB, 1000x882, 1583484733525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4708911
File: 21 KB, 504x540, sjknbznq49131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4708948
File: 222 KB, 600x598, fcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4709044

> I've got a lot of opinions and I will shove them down your throat
> and I know what I'm talking about I p-promise because
> it's my LIVING


> I-I-I can't p-post my work because... because p-p-people will recognize me baka senpai desu

stfu and go back to your drawabox you fucking larper

>> No.4709047


>> No.4709050

absolutely based

>> No.4709057

How do I appeal to normies? I wanna extract every single cent I can out of them.

>> No.4709095
File: 372 KB, 1335x1219, areslashanimemespostergirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grafo lives fucking rent free in my head. every time i see his shitty oc posted, i absolutely seethe. did you know there's an entire sub for her at r/chloe? near daily he posts his deliveries of requests from his rabid fanbase of horny ironic weeaboos. each posts gets at least 10k upvotes with multiple awards. and then there's his dumbass dough-boy avatar featured in his 'relatable' comics that are guaranteed to get recycled into meem template. god, the worst part is that i'm guilty of some of this shit. i've been trying to let go, but whenever i see his work, i- eugh


>> No.4709110

looking at his work, I don't feel so bad about my shit...

>> No.4709116

>NOOOOOO, you can't get imaginary Reddit points without sucking off long dead old farts, like I did the last 10 years
>no I can't draw an attractive-looking human, but why would I do that when I can make an immaculate box? Fundies man, fundies make the artist

>> No.4709146

Gosh, this is terrible. She has scoliosis with anterior pelvic tilt. Gonna fix it.

>> No.4709159
File: 266 KB, 1080x1266, redditors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His popularity pisses me off. Laugh at me, I don't care.

>> No.4709167

Then gimme a link to his insta or whatever so I can see more of his work. If I type “grafo” on google I get french graphs.

>> No.4709169

Fucking christ. Srgrafo says right there

>> No.4709170


>> No.4709176

don't spoon feed retards, they are going to multiply and shit everywhere

>> No.4709192
File: 283 KB, 1080x1266, Untitled39_20200709123743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4709200
File: 246 KB, 602x278, main-qimg-c2c781735ab12f0738a5a6ba0eb71339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it no longer looks like this but with weirdass shading.

>> No.4709262

>2 years of improvement
>anon fixes it on a snap


>> No.4709387

Post your 3 weeks improvement

>> No.4709397

Imma drawing whenever I want, r**ditor

>> No.4709431

Don’t make threads about your literal who eCelebs if you’re not gonna give us their profile to look at their work you stupid fag. I have a busy life, and don’t spend every microsecond hunting down the next jackass you choose to bitch about. Take this shit to Reddit where it belong if you’re gonna be all pretentious about it. This isn’t someone mainstream like Sakimi or Kron that everyone should know about, it’s some nobody from Reddit and googling his work I get chibi comic figures.

>> No.4709489

>I have a busy life
No you fucking dont if you have the time to browse 4chan of all fucking places. Now fuck off

>> No.4709525

as >>4708785 said is just his way of doing things, there's nothing really wrong with it, hell specially not since he is just drawing anime girls, people barely give a shit about proportions when it comes to anime as long as is cute, the only "problem" is that well he could just make his own life easier by learning the fundamentals,

but you know he is mostly another one of those "wow that is relatable so it's ok for him no one is expecting him to do some serious drawing /ic/ just gets mad at it because they are trying to be way more serious and it can be frustrating for them to see someone doing simple stuff get way too much attention

>> No.4709530

Busy with sucking your toe with that single digit IQ of yours?

>> No.4709531

>busy life
>while browsing 4chan
Every time

>> No.4709628
File: 572 KB, 800x800, nhhumcw053951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just looked it up, this guy actually thinks breast muscle exists

>> No.4709631

Not if he's making anatomy tutorials with wrong anatomy

>> No.4709654

I'm curious about the video he's talking about. So much wrong information being dispersed everytime he reaches the front page.

>> No.4709668

He’s going to fuck over the newbies real hard. He alone might lower the skill level of art reddit.

>> No.4709687

Looks like the type of artist who really insists on drawing entirely from imagination. Would rather make up shit instead of looking up and studying references.

>> No.4709767

I don't think so. Looks like any other generic beginners out there.

>> No.4709779
File: 450 KB, 1125x1763, 82376B98-ECDA-4D9F-9ECE-D0E4DBC50475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

>> No.4709781


>> No.4709782

sounds like the guy made it

>> No.4709804

yep definitely made it, didn't even had to be /int/ level
marketing and appeal is everything
this is why most of of the anons here are NGMI because not only they have shit taste but they are too autistic for the marketing game

>> No.4709904

Less competition heheh

>> No.4709920

Reddit might have the worst artists on the internet

>> No.4709922

If 'making it' is posting soulless meme template comics to reddit every day then I quite frankly do not want to 'make it'.

>> No.4709930

>posting soulless meme template comics to reddit
fate worse than death. No upward mobility, literal nu-male bux. It's not like this guys popular on Artstation or Pixiv or even Deviantart. Hell being well known on 4chan is better for your art career

>> No.4709957

Does he ever draw characters at a different angle or pose? So far I'm only seeing them stand there looking pretty

>> No.4709988

My first thought based on this character and style was that someone tries to be Vinne 2.0.
It was wrong. Never heard about him before, anyway.

Doesn't really look like it, but he can draw them sitting, at least.

>> No.4709992

I scrolled his sub, he definitely has mileage in drawing this girl in various costumes. In his earlier pieces, he has a bit more variety in poses. Nowadays it looks like he's playing it safe.

>> No.4710039

How boring. 500 patrons over this huh

>> No.4710153

The tits are out of perspective.

>> No.4710179

I like flat chest

>> No.4710181


>> No.4710236

Yep, they are.
But coomers gonna coom.
>gonna quickfix dat

>> No.4710240

i like how his bio is "trying to learn how to draw" and he's making fucking tutorials

>> No.4710303
File: 696 KB, 800x800, Untitled43_20200709183447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tee hee tee hee

>> No.4710320

Fucking lol i can feel the seethe off this post.

>> No.4710326

uhh kinda based kinda not
Tending towards cringe

>> No.4710342

This guy is bad and you should avoid even looking at his art less it taint your eyes

>> No.4710347

at least I resized the boob

>> No.4710380


>> No.4710389
File: 396 KB, 800x800, 81778600_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell cuz I was a plebitor long ago Grafo is one of the rarest case of extreme OC adoration autism kinda like Chris-chan.
This guy was an absolute shit tier webcomic artist then must have became a weeb and created this girl about 2 years ago and included her everywhere he fucking could, hundreds of drawings, made comic were he is talking to her, fake tutorials like op's pic and make her cosplay all the waifus existing.
His autism pushed him to make an entire subreddit basically dedicated to her where he's the only poster to show his bitch like its only own cuz he didn't like people making fanarts of her, he probably masturbated to her more than once too cuz half his pixiv page is her naked even with shitty anatomy, pic related speaks for itself

>> No.4710407

I seriously dont get the appeal of people adoring someone else's oc on a simp level. When it's from a show, book, game etc it's understandable

>> No.4710418

Fuckin weird

>> No.4710473

Modern day Pygmalion

>> No.4710474

Looks like someone is jealous of gafo's popularity

>> No.4710478


>> No.4710498

Is that a bad thing? Being jealous of undeserved success? Keep in mind "undeserved" is defined entirely subjectively.

>> No.4710508

Yeah, theirs so many people talking smack because the face is appealing but the anatomy and proportions are pretty horrible.

Look at how wide her torso is at the top versus under the breasts.

This is literally your brain on coom

>> No.4710515

There's no such thing as undeserved popularity.

>> No.4710521

looks deserve to me, he has the anime style down compared to a lot of retards on /ic/ who say that anime appeal is easy to reproduce then fail miserably at

>> No.4710534

Your reasoning of undeserved success is hardly justified. It's Sakimichan all over again.
He hasn't done anything offensive or controversial. He played the game and got lucky, and at the end of the day his art isn't THAT bad.

>> No.4710547
File: 922 KB, 1125x1801, 815995EA-FEB9-46E1-A20D-01738C1641A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s worse

>> No.4710550

Saying you're a young female who draws Nintendo shit on twitter is guaranteed to get you follows

>> No.4710567

Do you have a vendetta against this bitch or what? Why do you keep posting her, faggot?

>> No.4710580
File: 629 KB, 800x800, Untitled44_20200709195145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4710582


>> No.4710590


>> No.4710601


>> No.4710603


>> No.4710611


>> No.4710614

seething cope

>> No.4710619


>> No.4710620

That shit was only posted twice. Why are you sperging out?

>> No.4710625

Obsessed dilate seething cope

>> No.4710632
File: 252 KB, 1920x1025, CWC Sonichu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality thread guys

>> No.4710645

he draws a lot and does a ton of shameless self promotion, it’s not hard to figure out

>> No.4710649

>he draws a lot
he doesn't though. he probably never has time to do studies because his time is split between his shitty comics and having to fake knowing how to draw anime for tutorials. He's legit not going to make it unless he disappears from the internet and studies, but he can't give up making money. Same problem with any successful social media artist that started making money before they knew how to draw.

>> No.4710657

he already made it

>> No.4710660

He can’t draw he didn’t make it, he’d tell you as much

>> No.4710668

He still made it and has more than 500 patreons even though his work is barely /int/ level, something that most of anons here can’t do.

>> No.4710680

I’m sure I could name endless amounts of people who suck at their craft that are successful that you would talk shit about, just because this particular guy doesn’t offend you with his brand of mediocrity doesn’t mean other anons aren’t allowed to talk shit about him.
It doesn’t affect anyone here’s objective of being good at art that he makes more money than us, but we’re still allowed to say how shit he is, unless you feel you owe him something? Are you offended because you’re one of his plebbit fans or Patreon funders? If so you have shit taste and we should make fun of you too

>> No.4710684

don't bother, >>4710668
is clearly an amerifat that associates being rich with being talented

>> No.4710689

Jeez, go back to work.



>> No.4710713

You should focus on improving your artwork, instead of just seething that a guy made a living from his plebbit comics ;).

>> No.4710715

>You should focus on improving your artwork
im already a master

>> No.4710721

you know the drill

>> No.4710754

What do you mean he can't draw? he's clearly drawing with at least enough appeal that normalfags redditors are ready to pay up and suck his cock meanwhile tryhard /int/ from here who apparently can draw are stuck at 100 followers

>> No.4710809


>> No.4710842

Wtf are you "bumping" this useless thread for on this slow ass board 20 minutes after the most recent post

>> No.4711025

Why are you trying to hurt my feelings, anon? I didn't mean to upset anybody.

>> No.4711034
File: 9 KB, 199x253, завантаження.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4711167
File: 48 KB, 766x960, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this triggered over a word

>> No.4711308

He's drawn the same girl for years without improving, so gonna go with "no"

>> No.4711358
File: 660 KB, 800x800, chloe 110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how he draws fabric and clothing.
I can't even.

>> No.4711378

Mistakes aside, the design of the character is appealing. It’s easy to see why it’s popular.

>> No.4711389

How is it appealing? It's some generic anime girl with reddit colors and cheek carcinomas

>> No.4711393

You just answered your question.

>> No.4711395

The color scheme is literally by the book appealing. The blue eyes color compliments the skin tone and cheeks, and you have the hair always contrasting with the black and white. That's literally his trick

>> No.4711397
File: 635 KB, 800x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could hue shift the colors to anything else and they'd still compliment each other. If he did not choose that color scheme then he probably would've gone unnoticed

>> No.4711402

People use those simple tricks because they work.

>> No.4711431

Yes but despite that I still find it an eyesore to look at. . All that excessive contrast and saturation is burning my retinas. The hairstyle in particular is awful in my opinion; it looks more like a helmet than hair. Just because they used a simple 2 color complimentary palette doesnt make this character appealing to me, it's like slapping sriracha on your shitty cooking: yeah it's edible but it's nothing to write home about.

>> No.4711495

I think you’re letting your bias cloud your judgment. It sounds like you’re looking for reasons to not like it, because you don’t like him. This thread is the first I’ve heard of this guy, and while I agree with all the criticism regarding anatomy, I still find the character immediately appealing.

>> No.4711500

>I don’t like it there for it’s bad

>> No.4711511

You probably find it to be an eyesore because of the popularity attached to her. If she were a very niche character, you'd probably think she's whatever or you kinda like it with an unbiased opinion

>> No.4711625

It sounds like you are projecting. How did you infer from what I wrote that I didnt like him, or know him at all?

opinions are subjective

But I find plenty of popular characters appealing. If anything this would be a niche character compared to many characters with huge fandoms behind them.

>> No.4711764

Where's your proof? He only ever drew those simple comics.

>> No.4711842

>How did you infer from what I wrote that I didnt like him, or know him at all?
Because this is a thread specifically made to shit on the guy cause he’s popular among plebbitors and you seem well versed on his content.

>> No.4711843

thanks doc

>> No.4711877

>projecting so hard it can be a perspective drawing exercise
You know there is a difference between shitting on someone's art and shitting on said person right? So calling it appealing is valid but saying otherwise means some ulterior bias against the artist? Fuck back to whichever hugbox you came from.

>> No.4711905

Just say you don’t like it. The anons gave their reasons why it’s appealing to them and to the plebbitors. Yea you gave your reasons why you didn’t like it, but you don’t dictate on what’s bad or not.

>> No.4711965

Just say you had no reason to start shit besides wanting to be on your high horse. I made it very clear in >>4711431 that it's a personal opinion. For fucks sake, do they still teach reading in school these days? Must be a bliss cruising through life on a room temperature IQ.

>> No.4711978

Just you had no reason to make this about you and your taste. The original question about this in the first place was why do people find this appealing, but here we are, dumbass.

>> No.4711983

>tfw nobody on /ic/ can draw appealing anime faces like he does
Bros... we cant let reddit win...

>> No.4711995

you are objectively retarded, now dilate.

>> No.4712003

>retard sperging the fuck out

>> No.4712013

self aware are we?

>> No.4712037

>How did you infer from what I wrote that I didnt like him, or know him at all?
Well is he wrong, do you like him?

>> No.4712042

I agree with the heavy saturation. I'm not a fan of saturations, but that's probably because my eyesight isn't as bad as a lot of people who stare at their computer monitors for too long.

(I still wear reading and night glasses though.)

>> No.4712374

the kodyboy of reddit

>> No.4712580

fucking duckface

>> No.4712583

Reddit won, bros
The dream is dead

>> No.4712592

Is he even capable of drawing facial expressions other than this retarded smug grin?

>> No.4712597

Give him a break, he'd only drawn the characters 69 times

>> No.4712600

Nope, he is just a pygmalion retard.

>> No.4712605

mmmm middle chest boob

>> No.4712609

I've never cared about Srgrafo but seeing all those crabs seething almost makes me love him!

>> No.4712610

Well I found his "tutorial" videos and they're about as awful as you'd expect

>> No.4712615

>quikfixing anon fixed this
I bet he is in every thread

>> No.4712620

>omg I am learning, I am so smart
fucking retard

>> No.4712632

116 times at least.

>> No.4712641
File: 159 KB, 606x829, tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent end result

>> No.4712644

He'd fit right in at /asg/

>> No.4712646

I think half of /beg/ can do better and this cunt is """"teaching""" other retards
god I hate how internets made it so easy for narcissists to prosper and fool people

>> No.4712652
File: 432 KB, 1366x768, 1579382774676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First we had loomis, then riley, is he the next one?

>> No.4712653
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn ic is absolutly malding at this trash redditor's popularity
a normal human reaction when faced with injustice, he probably hasen't even read one loomis book or went through the full scott robertson perspective book and yet he gets all this money and attention

>> No.4712655

So he makes what, 1,5 - 2k per month?
And you call that making it? Hahahaha.

>> No.4712659

Guy's a third worlder. That amount of first world money for a little bit of effort (and something he actually likes doing)? Guy's living the dream and it's only gonna get better for him.

>> No.4712661

Holy shit how long does he draw? Two weeks?

>> No.4712663

several years at least

>> No.4712670

It's appealing to look at it, that's all that matters.

>> No.4712682

if you find that appealing then youre retarded

>> No.4712703

Agreed. I have a fetish for girls with giant tumors and this is right up my alley.

>> No.4712718


>> No.4712735

>appealing to look at,
which it isn't.

>> No.4712737
File: 35 KB, 574x372, 1576774252003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4712742
File: 1.33 MB, 1983x3037, 0A73A643-1957-44F0-915C-C1A1FAE6224F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here's a quick sketch. I don't try to teach others how to draw, though

>> No.4712749

Every fucking time.

>> No.4712755
File: 13 KB, 417x387, doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4712765
File: 315 KB, 449x474, 1574415223590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4712766

what did she mean by this

>> No.4712772

That is making it desu, he’s making above minium wage from his art, wait until he starts selling merch.

>> No.4712775

I can comfortably live on 300 USD a month. 2k is making it big time.

>> No.4712790

And no. I'm not a third-worlder.

>> No.4712792

>lives in US
>not a third worlder
nice try, burger-kun

>> No.4712797

I'm not American. I just calculated how much I need to live comfortably, in USD.

>> No.4712802

third world accountant here and I make less than 300usd net after all the living expenses and deductions. I will not hesitate to quit my job and throw away my 4 year university diploma if I could make 1k usd from coomerbux

>> No.4712816

In the US you have to make 2k per month just to pay your rent and bills and barely scrape by. Where the fuck do you live that 300/month is comfy but you're not a third worlder? Because I really doubt it

>> No.4712826

Eastern Europe. I don't pay rent. Utilities are low. I cook my food and don't eat that much anyway.

So if you wanna be anal about it, I'm a second worlder.

>> No.4712832

Ok third world shitter

>> No.4712839

Doesn't sound comfy but alright man you do you

>> No.4712841

I wouldn't mind shitting in your mouth. Or your mother's.

>> No.4712842
File: 51 KB, 600x492, 1515333990971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based povertybro, I would consider it a luxurious lifestyle if I made over 500 a month with art
yet trying to push your artwork on people and play the social media game is soul draining, guess that's why artists used to have agents

>> No.4712844
File: 215 KB, 931x947, my work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His linework is better than mine, but I think my construction is better than his.

>> No.4712848

I'm not poor, man. I've got more than 1500$ in savings. I'm just low maintenance.

>> No.4712859
File: 84 KB, 1280x733, IMG_20200710_162835_412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-5k actually

>> No.4712865

OH NO NO NO NO NO NO you faggots keep shitting on him but not even a single anon has posted art that is as good or better than his. Pathetic

>> No.4712869


>> No.4712870

that's admirable desu, more people should learn to be frugal

>> No.4712872

His highest patreon tier is 4.99, anything more than 2.5k isn’t possible.

>> No.4712873

So 1k per month.

>> No.4712877

You retards aren’t helping your case when you shit on his artwork, when yours is worse.

>> No.4712880


>> No.4712893

There's some different standards at work here, king. We're just random shitters, but he's a shitter who makes "tutorials" although he can't draw.
Posting work in response to that anon's post is a futile exercise either way since all he - and those responding to him - did was stating a subjective opinion, so comparing technical quality makes no sense to begin with. Just a heads up, fellas.

>> No.4712902

The Fuck is this reddit shit. Gtfo

>> No.4712904

Holy shit look at these faggots tripping over themselves withe excuses. The forever NGTMI

>> No.4712910

What excuses? It is exactly what it is. A quick sketch from yesterday to visualize a character concept I had in mind. I can get you something more polished if you can't cum to this.

>> No.4712912

Quit fucking around and just post it.

>> No.4712913

Second world sounds comfy af. If I could find a 1.5 World I think I’d be happy

>> No.4712914


>> No.4712927

I don't know what's the proper classification of Eastern Europe today, as there is no more Warsaw pact. That's why I said second world.

>> No.4712951
File: 101 KB, 528x528, Untitled46_20200710170638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>quickfixer was here

>> No.4712954

Imagine writing anything other than
fucking plebbitors shitting up this board

>> No.4712956

let them die in vain

>> No.4712957

Reddit has good porn and that's all that matters

>> No.4712971
File: 1.60 MB, 2357x2303, D2631DE5-BD7F-47B5-A476-DCCBAB1EEC3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tear me apart, anone.

>> No.4712974

based work posting chad

>> No.4712979

I would throw a brick if he came anywhere near me

>> No.4713150

Had this guy in my recommended videos, most chinkshit tutorials are god tier so I was pretty intrigued. Turns out his drawings are kind of lackluster and his "tutorials" feel more like entertainement, which is sad because his topics were very relevant.

>> No.4713194
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 73a863316a9623ef8a7edf2cfe9e1336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy and Ethan Becker will lower the skill level of newer artists with their shit tutorials. /ic/ should be grateful, less competition for you.

>> No.4713243

Ethan Baker bakes some low-tier poop bread aka draw with triangles.
Guess every /beg/ will be better than him

>> No.4713285

Reddit has shitty porn but good porn reference photos

>> No.4713459

I don’t know what it is but something makes the figure look plastic as fuck

>> No.4713559

minecraft ass

>> No.4713648
File: 442 KB, 800x800, 1qxbdgimgmy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brehs I don't give a fuck about any of this art shit I just like cute barefoot girls.

>> No.4713717

fucking coomer

>> No.4713720
File: 663 KB, 800x850, rwhllm5u5zy41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol true

>> No.4713733

his shit is so bad that's easier to draw it from scratch than die trying to fix this abomination

>> No.4713757

Kek, bloge?

>> No.4713795

Every day i just think about drawing a fully rendered like 60 hour master study painting of this fucking oc having her liver torn out by eagles because this artist annoys me so much
I have better shit to do but. Every day. I swear to god

>> No.4713802

desu there is no opinion you can have that can make me not like something that I like.
I swear this board sweats over accuracy so much it forgets the things that actually matter.

>> No.4713813

There’s a reason why he made it, unlike retards like >>4712971 >>4712844
>>4712742 who can’t draw for shit and make money from their /beg/ tier art, kek.

>> No.4713915

Two of the drawings in my compilation were paid commissions. P Y W

>> No.4713918

take your fucking meds

>> No.4713931

You like cave drawings too?
But they are far better, to be fair.

>> No.4713998

Cave drawings were actually brilliant for the time they were created.

>> No.4714006

god i hope not

>> No.4714020

Yeah cave drawings are super interesting.

>> No.4714052

>he says this but he is too ashamed to post his own work

>> No.4714064
File: 260 KB, 1467x1091, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4714122

That's what he said, cave drawings are far better than this plebbit trash coomer oc
>chad caveman artist: makes soulful story telling art that reveals a wealth of knowledge on ancient life tens of thousands of years later; has agency over what he makes.
>virgin plebbit oc artist: makes art to maximize coomerbux, leaving behind nothing of value when, soon enough, he fades away into insignificance, The masses to whom he panders dictates what he draws.

>> No.4714140


>> No.4714152

You’re right. Opinions aren’t meaningful art critique. Design is an actual learnable skill, and experienced artists are able to break down why designs work and don’t without resorting to “well I just don’t like it.”

You’re in an art critique board, not an echo chamber hugbox. If you wanna be taken seriously, learn to give actual critique instead of trying to pass off your opinions as meaningful feedback.

Are there problems with the anatomy and other technical aspects pf his art?

But his character design skills (a separate skillset), at least in regard to his single waifu OC, are fairly competent. There’s a nice sense of balance and contrast, the color scheme is appealing, and there are enough unique subtleties to help it stand out.

>> No.4714165

I live in Japan m8. 2k a month is a comfortable bachelor lifestyle in Tokyo. Go to the countryside and with that, you’re putting away decent savings every month too. I know several people here who you KILL to make that much a month for simply posting shit on the internet and not having to work a full-time job.

And Japan is about as first world as you can get, being the 3rd strongest economy in the world, but not in decay like Murrika, and not Communist like China.

>> No.4714167

This only exemplifies how poor the standard of living is in the US when 2000$ a month is “just scraping by.” Well above the minimum wage income. While most of the rest of the world, 1000$ os enough to live comfortably.

>> No.4714191
File: 59 KB, 1200x628, dunning-kruger-knowledge-confidence-social-1200x628[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so you are retarded?
I like how you pretend to know what you are talking about. Reading a blog post about color theory doesnt qualify you as an authority on design, smartass.

I disagree with you weak ass o p i n i o n too btw. I don't understand why you want to jerk this piece of mediocrity so hard.

>> No.4714207

Trying to draw from the torso right now, but I didn't use his simplified skeleton. I think it's only faster for me since I usually stress the most about the head. It feels kinda weird, but it's not the worst.

>> No.4714274

I’m not trying to jerk anything off, I simply said I understand why the character is popular among redditors, sorry that offended you cause you’re too busy being jealous of other people’s success, but people who have made it in art, don’t allow jealousy to cloud their judgement. My work btw:

I suggest you learn the meaning of words like “Dunning Kruger” before blindly throwing them around like insults, as right now, you’re doing a much better job describing yourself than you are me.

>> No.4714313

what the fuck

>> No.4714316

Your work is pretty good, much better than the OP in question, so kudos to you. However, despite thinking so, you are clearly not at the level to arbitrate which critiques are valid or not -- so yes, I think dunning kruger describes you pretty well.

I don't understand why you keep circling back to jealousy, are you projecting because you are struggling with it?

Tell me something, out of 10, how would you rate your work and how would you rate this guy's OC?

>> No.4714330

He should've sticked to the rimworld comics

>> No.4714352

>However, despite thinking so, you are clearly not at the level to arbitrate which critiques are valid or not -- so yes, I think dunning kruger describes you pretty well.
Anon, I’ve been hired to do design work for animation, games, comics, and advertisement. Commissions ranging Ain the several thousands range. There comes a point where the valuation of paying clients is significantly higher than some nameless nobody on 4chan. There is no “required level to arbitrate” you’re either an experienced and paid professional, or not. End of story. Saying “I don’t like it” isn’t valid critique, nor can you fall back on “critique” to validate ripping apart someone’s work purely out of malice without any actual knowledge of what makes a design good or not. Conflating personal opinion with critique is a common mistake made by newbies who don’t understand design and are thus unable to effectively articulate their thoughts, moreover, as it’s been pointed out to you before by myself and several others, you’re letting external bias cloud your judgement, and not realizing it. This is why “it’s just my opinion bro” is such a terrible way to justify why you think something isn’t good, because “opinion” can be swayed by numerous psychological factors that have nothing to do with art or design. This is why I said “you’re jealous” because you clearly and evidently are, and trying to flip it around to and calling it “projection” in an attempt to divert attention isn’t gonna change the fact that you’re living clearly upset that a rather mediocre artist is more successful than you because they made a good character design and knew how to market themselves. I’m not going to go into the psychology behind all this, but news flash, success in art is just as dependent on networking as it is on raw skill.

>> No.4714357

My advice to you, if you at least want to be taken seriously in regard to critique, learn design, and learn to break down why designs work and don’t at a fundamental level so you no longer have to rely on “but it’s my opinion bro.” Opinion isn’t critique, it’s opinion.

And with that, I leave this thread. I’ll leave you crabs to collectively bitch about why people who actually draw find more success than people who only shitpost on /ic/.

>> No.4714434

So let me get this straight... not only are you a working professional artist, a certified art critic, you are also a board certified psychologist with the ability to read intentions behind text?

Yeah I am not buying that.

Pretty pathetic for you to come here and patronize on others because you have such a high opinion of yourself. You should take your own advice and remind yourself this is an open critique forum and isnt your personal ego stroking station. It's sad that you are gate-keep opinions on ic out of all places with "but muh commissions."

It's ironic that I was the only one to be able to stay on topic this whole time while you pulled strawman after strawman. Maybe you are the one with the clouded judgement.

This has been truly amusing, thanks for showing me a good time, mr. professional-that-made-it. Since you read this far ( anD I’m nOT GOING to GO INTO tHE pSYChoLoGY BEhIND THat), I ll be happy to oblige you in more conversation should you seek it.

>> No.4714439

>And with that, I leave this thread.
i love when people say this shit. nigga you still in here

>> No.4714445

Based falseflag tutorial artist

>> No.4714475

I rubbed one off to Chloe. I'm horny as fuck.

>> No.4714505

I find him really unfunny but I think it would be hilarious if people just made /pol/ edits of them. But I don't have a problem with his waifu art, it's really not as offensive as you guys are making it out to be.

>> No.4714511

Do it. You won’t because you don’t have the skill.

>> No.4714595

>Drawing practice #110

So like 100 more drawings than what 99% of /ic/ will do in their entire life, he's GMI eventually.

>> No.4714665
File: 39 KB, 317x280, 296-2965267_pepe-and-wojak-laughing-hd-png-download[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy unironically fell for the "just moooove to japan and instantly become a mangaka" meme.

>mfw hes bragging about commissions in the severals of thousands of yen

daily reminder this is the type of person act like hot shit on this board.

>> No.4714677

s e e t h i n g

>> No.4714903
File: 470 KB, 750x730, 1513906255536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you guys weren't kidding about his skills.
Maybe I can do well if the bar is this low.
I need to throw my hat into the ring, but just one problem, I hate reddit, social media and everyone that frequents it.

>> No.4715037

His Rimworld comics are honestly not that great. It feels like he's jumping from one idea to another, doesn't know where he's going, some of his character interactions just don't make sense, a lot of his stuff is banking on "ha gotcha", and giving his totally not an insert character Tynan too much plot armor. He has claimed he has planned this out, but it feels he wants a bunch of ideas crammed into a tiny space.

>> No.4715241

>I need to throw my hat into the ring, but just one problem, I hate reddit, social media and everyone that frequents it.
Fuck, I really don't want to make reddit account and throw my shit there, but I think there is no other way huh? I hate all social medias but without it I guess I am fucked.

>> No.4715322

Even reddit can't save your ugly art /beg/

>> No.4715363

damn you dubs of truth

>> No.4715713

Lmao this fucking thread
All the posts about how you will never earn money if you don't adhere to Sacred Texts by Lord Loomis, all the threads about having spent years grinding fundies, with everyone consoling one another that a few more years of boxes and they will Make It™, and anybody that isn't autistically attached to the Holy Books are NGMI©
Lo and behold, a dude with the skill of a mid-level /asg/ poster shows up, and reminds /ic/ of a brutal truth - your soulless, but perfectly crafted, pieces will never sell as good as well-marketed pieces of someone having genuine fun
Salesmanship > art skill, welcome to capitalism bitch

>> No.4715742

>B-but you’ll never earn the respect of /ic/

>> No.4715746

Anime girls showing skin is popular. Never would have guessed.

You are better off waiting for the sun to explode because at least that would happen eventually, even if we are all long dead.

>> No.4715895

>draw from imagination

>> No.4715942
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, 3B36ACD3-C465-4D98-B7B1-49B331E5B3D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing from references is cheating! You must draw everything from your own imagination and use poorly drawn construction lines!
>Bro, do you even know what the human body looks like? Here’s a reference image you forever NGMI!

>> No.4716217

A good draftsman is meant to reference complex anatomy and be capable of reposing it from imagination. But most idiots are limited to tracing photos and still manage to get the anatomy rediculously wrong.

>> No.4716243

>A good draftsman is meant to reference complex anatomy and be capable of reposing it from imagination

>> No.4716529


>> No.4716936

>upper pectodeltoid muscle

>thoracivaginal muscle

>rectus mammatus muscle

this is ADVANCED anatomy

>> No.4717055

I'm dying to know the "hand trick"

>> No.4717606

You still doing the hand trick?
God, what is that?
What is that?

~ah... hoi...

>> No.4718129

It's the "middle and ring fingers as one" trick