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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4706390 No.4706390 [Reply] [Original]

I spend 13 hours in my work, commute included, then I come back, eat and go to sleep. I have to sleep at least 8 hours, so that leaves me ~2 hours for anything that isn't sleeping/working/eating on a daily basis.

How should I approach learning to draw with so little time?

>> No.4706393

I though slavery was abolished a Century ago

>> No.4706486

Not everyone lives in a first world country george

>> No.4706524

13 hours? Get another job first.

>> No.4706556

Do you have weekends? What are the chances you can move closer to work, or work closer to home?

>> No.4706582

It takes me over 3 hours to commute to and from work and I also have to wake up early, the job itself is 8 hours

I can move closer to work but i have to earn money first so i can rent a room or something. It will take me 2 months for that since its a minimum wage job, i dont want to give up on drawing for 2 months. Weekends are alright I guess but Ill be meeting with people in that time since working days are impossible for any socializing

>> No.4706586

I also used to commute for 5hrs a day. Here is my schedule. I drew for ~5yrs and held the routine for ~10yrs

Polyphasic sleep schedule

>Wake up - go to bus stop

>get on bus - check 4chan to see if people responded to my drawing bait
>bus nap 1.5hrs

>start work, check 4chan
>avoid work, check 4chan, lunch, write 2 lines of code
>meetings - check 4chan, wish I was drawing, consider quitting

>get on bus - check 4chan
>1.5hr nap

>cook dinner, tend to hygiene
>watch movie, check 4chan
>study pix, plan tonight's draw session

>Start drawing - self crit last nights work
>practice faces, gestures, materials, and whatever sucked from last night
>pick something to ink and color

>document tonight's draw session - post on 4chan
>Sleep 3-4hrs

I used to stay up till 2900 but i heard that wasn’t healthy. Depending on traffic I can get 7-8hrs of sleep a day

>> No.4706610
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I know that feel bro, in between wagecucking and going to the Gym and shopping for groceries by the time it is all said and done you're only left with a couple of hours and by then you're tired, mentally exhausted from work and you barely have time to eat and take a shit.

>> No.4706619

I'm unemployed and I get a commission once a month

>> No.4706621

Well, 2 hours a day is okay. It'll take you several more years, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Take a course and stick with it.

Here, Feng Zhu talks about the best way to study drawing, even if you just have 2 hours a day. In addition to this, I recommend watching one Vilppu lecture every weekend and spending all your weekdays practicing that lecture with online figure drawing and anatomy studies. Focus mainly on studies if you only have so little time. Leave imaginative work for the weekend, or your lunch breaks.

>> No.4706760

Work for the goverment.

>> No.4706774

>i dont want to give up on drawing for 2 months.

I hear you, but you the hours you’ll save as well as money on the commute will pay off over time. I am currently saving for a place closer to my job and the ability to keep my commute under and hour both ways will greatly increase my quality of life as well as give me time to do things I care about.

>> No.4706835
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Reading this makes me sad, we will only love once, and most people here will burn their lives inside a cuckmovile, to being a modern slave 8+ hours a day, so they can eat garbage, pay rent on some cuckapartment and have a miserable existence, holy shit, I would off myself if I had to live like that, I inherited 2 houses, one I rent and I live in the other, Rent money, plus autismobux, plus commissions hsve me going, been like this for 6 years, i'm near to get a third house since I don't have many expenses, fuck, I count my blessings.

>> No.4706860

Draw at work.

>> No.4706866

>Imagine your president lurking 4chan when killing time.

>> No.4706935
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OP here, this is funny because I've lost the job just right now. They told me to do things I wasnt supposed to do without any proper equipment for that and I said no, so they told me to fuck off. This is what you get for a minimum wage job. Ill be looking for another job so the problem will come back in the near future, for now I can draw again lol. In an ideal world I would get money from art but Im not there yet...

>> No.4707093

you can get a lot out of 1 hour of concentrated practice every day with no distractions

even what you're not drawing, you can recap what you've learned in your head so you don't forget -- this will save time having to relearn things. You can also look around you and try to apply the lessons you've learned in your head. Break down things you see and plan out how you'd draw them.

Depending on your job, you might find time for 5 min sketches here or there. I don't know your circumstances though.

>> No.4707096

>minimum wage
>has to work 13 hours
are you single with kids or something? Move somewhere cheaper. This clearly isn't sustainable.

>> No.4707130

Make the best of this and find a job that is at least nearer to you.

>> No.4707187

Theres an interesting mental phenomena where taking a break on your art (2 months sounds great) you come off of it better. Research that shit. Take care of yourself first and foremost.

>> No.4707201

Draw while on breakfast
Draw while on lunch break
Draw while on dinner. Restrict time on 4chan to 30 minutes-an hour. Draw more. If you have time to watch YouTube videos, draw at the same time. If you have enough time to masterbate, take out fapping for drawing. We have work, sure, but there are these holes of time that we overlook a lot because they’re the “comfy” times

>> No.4707215

Good. You can wake up early and draw before work and use >>4707201 advise. If you get weekends off draw ALL DAY or at least 8 hours to make up 16 hours put in. If you draw at least 1 hour on the weekdays thats 20 hours per week you're putting into drawing which is way more than half of /ic/ puts in.

>> No.4707569

find a way to not work for few months

>> No.4707825


>> No.4708132

Draw during your commute, draw the people you see on the metro or some shit like that

>> No.4708146

I am almost glad I am too disabled to work but the pain still sucks. I'm planning on doing something similar.

>> No.4708157

I sleep 4-5 hours a day so I can study 4 hrs a night after work

>> No.4708254

>I like to kill my brain slowly so I can do beg scribbles

>> No.4708474

Sketch on the train or bus? Sketch on lunch breaks? Then work on finishing sketches at home in the two hours. I spend maybe 2 hours a night on weekdays working on pieces, and it’s a good amount of time I think.