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4704160 No.4704160 [Reply] [Original]

I will quit my job to draw furry porn and hentai. Tell me how to do it.

>> No.4704162

feel the tools and rules

>> No.4704169
File: 197 KB, 605x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the meme

>> No.4704172

>absolute mongoloid
All in order

>> No.4704183


>> No.4704213

Don't. It will murder your soul. It's only good for making pocket money

>> No.4704218

just draw and loomissssssss

>> No.4704224
File: 217 KB, 900x1200, 1578983969146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it feasible to make money with SFW/wholesome anime, or is that possible through cumtown only?

>> No.4704230

>making money with anime
Don't make me laugh please

>> No.4704245
File: 36 KB, 697x440, 5B573D86-DF84-4E80-AC9D-715552B5564E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need plenty of pic related to preserve the sanctity of your soul.

>> No.4704252

what does cumtown have to do with that

>> No.4704273
File: 721 KB, 562x843, 3425323625235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to spice it up a little bit and that'll get people looking at your stuff, you don't have to go all the way, arm's length deep in the anus degenerate.

>> No.4704286

I don't have a job. But I can't take comissions either, PayPal is not working.
Normies just hate bitcoin fuckery/skrill and so on.
They need simple tools, becuse their brain is too shitty to perform more than one action simultaneously (aka pressing a button)

>> No.4704292

It's as easy as selling your soul to Satan himself

>> No.4704295

Satan is not real

>> No.4704299

Art is just a skill, stop sacralizing it.

>> No.4704303

If you're a girl with above average skills maybe.

>> No.4704313

No one wants to use your meme currency, dumbass.

>> No.4704320

Alpharius was here.

>> No.4704330

Kek, poopool is like broken giftcard in our country.

>> No.4704337
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Cum Town logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cumtown only.

>> No.4704345

I get lots of compliments on my art but no commissioners ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.4704347


>> No.4704355

>make money with anime
even professional mangaka that have series' in JUMP get paid in nickels and dimes for working 16 hours a day, don't get your hopes up
also this

>> No.4704411
File: 157 KB, 700x1690, 6CB7B676-BABD-4A6E-899A-D4D970EAC554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4704412

>t. Satan

>> No.4704448

M42, Imperial sanctum on Terra.

Eternity gate closes, and so the conversation between brothers begins.
—Greetings, Alpharius.
—Nice to meet you, Omegon.

>> No.4704452

Warhammer is so cringe

>> No.4704465

It is. But at least its fun.
Fuck D**ney's cuckwars.

>> No.4704474

Shit bait

>> No.4704475

How to make your hobby your job

Rule 1 - Do not quit your job, unless you are already earning a decent amount of money with your hobby (and have a good reach). If you can't sell a single commission for a good price now, I guarantee you this will not magically change after quitting your job. Cutting your social and financial security will have you worry about a whole other set of problems.

>> No.4704483

>Fuck D**ney's cuckwars.
People who love warhammer are just virgins and sōycucks that think they are mature because le warhammer le brutal and violence xDDD.

>> No.4704485

Haha, eastern slavs cant into comissions, they don't have paypal.

>> No.4704493

Didnt buy a single miniature or book from GW, as a true pirate chad would do.
And why cuckwars is better, eh?

>> No.4704518

find popular franchises with lots of furry characters. think porkymans AC etc. draw stuff of those. get people invested in you by using what they're already invested in

gay is the biggest market but just so you know furries that are gay are abnormally very high tier artists so you're gonna have to step your game up to compete.

draw really weird content and you'll get thirstier groups. be careful though. the weirder you go the more sketchy people can get but usually people are nice. be wary of overly picky folk and find repeat customers.

It's a saturated market now. expect the value of your work to fall off the more people hop on the ride to make money. it WILL diminish. if you're not horny for furries you wont last.

If you can make furry games or animations you will definitely make more. test your worth range by doing some ych pieces. people will literally bid to compete.

most importantly though. you will be filled with shame and regret. choose your options wisely. if you're stuck in minimum wage hell it's understandable but if you have options for a more normal livable job don't abandon it. do both. furry shit is a plan B

>> No.4704534

Once I disgusted furries, but now I embraced the damnation.

>> No.4704539

Only if your live in a 3rd world shithole where a middle level manager earns the same as an hourly rate of a Walmart cashier.

>> No.4704557 [DELETED] 

Gay is definitely not the biggest market outside of furry, you should be specific. I like gay non-furry stuff and there's much less of a market than female stuff

>> No.4706430
File: 370 KB, 206x176, 1570854966965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you seek a path of regret, fren

>> No.4706455

You get on the level where you can draw good. Shouldn't be professionally stellar, just good. You then do a test run. Like 5-6 comms and measure if it was enough for you to be self sustained. If it doesn't work out - keep the job and draw harder.

If you're not a thirld worder - forget it. Shit is financially unreliable and takes much more out of you than any blue collar job.

>> No.4706529

Wtf does Stav being a pedo got to do with this

>> No.4706851

Alright OP I’m going to let you in on a secret that no one is going to tell you because the people who say there’s amazing money in furry porn don’t understand how it works themselves

There is not easy money in furry porn. That’s a crock of shit. You can’t just swan in to furry stuff and expect people to line up to commission you. It’s never gonna happen. Furries don’t commission any artists. They want specific artists that are figures in the community itself. That’s how you end up with those commissions going for hundreds. The quality of the art is a factor sure but nothing is more important than that because they mostly care about the status.
Yes in 3 years if you consistently participated in the furry community, made some popular connections and mutuals you might be able to start making some alright money from it. But if you think you can go in to the community and just post your art and you’ll make money you’re being misled by people who don’t know what they’re talking about.
The furry community is notorious for drama also, so you have to act perfect and never slip up lest you get cancelled eventually. No other community is as bad for this, they cancel people several times a day. The rules also change so you have to be extra careful, bad dragon dildos might be something you’re familiar with as they were popular with furries for a decade or so up til recently. Now if you’ve ever said you own one or support it you’re cancelled because it’s animal genitalia. Same if you’ve ever drawn it, or drawn a character that’s “too animalistic” or drawn a character that’s under 18 etc. The furry community is hyper vigilant about shit like this and are extremely woke (there is lots of peer pressure to act like this or you will also be cancelled) so if you want to do this in the long term I’d advise lurking in the community for some time to understand the “rules” because otherwise you’re probably going to slip up.

>> No.4706862

Unless you’re the Japanese equivalent of a Karen artist or korean pretty boy on twitch, no.

>> No.4706864

>t. furry

>> No.4706917

>most importantly though. you will be filled with shame and regret.
Why? I see note this constantly but I don't see why. If you're a decent artist you'll never have to touch the fringes of this fetish(like vore or who knows what else) and drawing anthropomorphised animals getting it on is not that much of a hassle. Drawing some furry shit or an orc for a studio is the same to me. I don't like either of those, but as long as the client is paying I couldn't care less

>> No.4707218

I’m actually a weeb who had a similar scheme as OP and was guided by some of my friends who are semi popular furries.
I thought Kemono was kind of cute and I could stand drawing that but it turns out that a lot of furries look down on it and anything that’s not the standard big muzzle western furry style and I couldn’t bring myself to draw stuff I thought was so ugly long term so I gave up on it.

Anyway do with that info what you must OP, it’s good to know what you’re getting in to. Definitely don’t quit your job when you’re not even an established furry artist yet, that is nuts.

>> No.4708608


Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. Deviantartlets act like that, furries do not. It is a given that popularity comes gradually but everything else you've said is horseshit.

>> No.4709226

Why is everyone on this board so fucking obsessed with getting money through drawing?

>> No.4709261

No it’s not lol. Are you for real? Do you live under a rock? I see that shit in my feed frequently on twitter and I’m not even a furry. Furries are notorious for drama, you don’t see those posts by them saying shit like “all anime is trying to pander to pedophiles” that get 100k likes? Or calling everything under the sun pedophilia or normalising x or being problematic and making callout posts? It’s literally always furries stirring the pot every time I click on those kinds of profiles. They’re well known even in non furry communities for doing this. There’s constant drama, there always has been even since the early furaffinity days in the 00’s, it’s just escalated since.
You used the word “deviantartlets” and I haven’t seen that word used in a good decade and a half online (deviantart hasn’t even been relevant for art coming up on a decade by this point) so I’m presuming you’re some old out of touch geezer who is oblivious to current trends and doesn’t understand how networking and social media actually works now.

Anyway OP good luck, you got your advice and I hope you’ll take it. For what it’s worth I am a semi popular artist with a few ten of thousand followers and make a decent living off it because I understand the algorithm so do with my advice what you will. Just please do not quit your job, that is foolish and research so you know what you’re getting yourself in to. I really don’t advise doing it if you’re not interested in furry porn, you will eventually find it soul draining and will be unable to draw.

>> No.4710779

>I understand the algorithm
Can you give some tips please?

>> No.4710821

that's just false, stop spreading bs
they make the equivalent of 90 usd per page, which considering it's black and white it's enough to live comfortably if you're not super slow
The difficult part is making something that is going to hold the interest of the public for a long time

>> No.4710829

I have a very hard time believing this with what gets extremely highly scored on e621

>> No.4710833

but what you posted isn't sfw

>> No.4711652

>nickels and dimes
maybe if you're togashi

>> No.4711742

Not op. I'm interested because I enjoy anthro. Probably as much as slugbox does (occasional drawing).

Any tips for making money off furries?

>> No.4711866

not gonna make it

>> No.4713738

pic a niche and build your brand from there
with time and decent trend hopping should earn you a few bux
i'd suggest building a following before you go full-time

>> No.4714027

This commissions meme needs to die. It is literally the worst career for a illustrator.