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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 82 KB, 306x289, 1581968775714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4701464 No.4701464 [Reply] [Original]

are iq and drawing skill in anyway linked?

if a drawing is good enough can you tell the artist is very intelligent?

on the one hand obviously there are plenty of geniuses who dont draw so they wouldnt be good if they suddenly tried.

but if someone is a great artist does that mean they must have a decently high iq?

>> No.4701468


>> No.4701469

imagine still thinking IQ means anything in the year 2020

>> No.4701476

Just Draw. If you're smart enough to learn English you're smart enough to learn to draw.

>> No.4701483

>imagine still thinking IQ means anything in the year 2020

Imagine thinking it doesn't. IQ is one of the strongest predictors we've developed for success or failure. A lot of people hate it because it controverts our new religion of equality, but that's just denial.

>> No.4701484

no if you had high iq you would become an engineer or a doctor.

>> No.4701503

Drawing is for low iq retards

>> No.4701504
File: 687 KB, 910x1171, 23003774_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to tell me that a dummie could paint this?

>> No.4701508

If you give a room of chimpanzees enough paint and brushes

>> No.4701509


>> No.4701510

tfw I'll never paint respectful AOC pinups

>> No.4701618

then what's your excuse?

>> No.4701622

Too smart to understand art.

>> No.4701668

yes a dummie with a lot of practice can do something similar.

>> No.4701682

Araki! <3

>> No.4701683
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>> No.4701684

>are iq and drawing skill in anyway linked?
If you've ever taken an IQ test you'd see that a good chunk of it is devoted to visual-spacial things. If you do well on that portion then yeah it will help you "feel the form" so to speak. But obviously there is a lot more to art than just intuitively understanding 3d space.

>> No.4701705

God I love that man

>> No.4702340

this guy is outstanding

>> No.4702372

>are iq and drawing skill in anyway linked?
Yes, part of iq is spatial thinking.

>if a drawing is good enough can you tell the artist is very intelligent?
No, I think a person with low verbal and math ability and high spatial ability could be good at drawing, and a person with average iq could be good with enough practice. But I think a good drawing indicates a slightly higher chance of a high iq person.

>but if someone is a great artist does that mean they must have a decently high iq?
Nah, becoming a great artist is really complicated and takes a large array of knowledge and talents, plus luck and circumstances and so on.



The engineers and doctors I know are pretty unimpressive. Most engineers are basically just office drones that fill out paperwork. As far as I can tell, your average family doctor doesn't know jack about shit. It's only the elite in those fields with high iq.

>> No.4702497

>I'm smart enough to sprint but not walk
Okay anon.

>> No.4702511
File: 9 KB, 190x220, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineering doesn't require high iq to do a serviceable job. only a good job. you can be 90 IQ and still do okay in these classes, you just have to grind way longer and eek out Cs, while someone higher IQ can cram last minute and skate by with Bs. i can cram for an exam and get a high score but its also because half of my brain power is dedicated to trying to predict what kind of questions i'll be asked on the exam. it'd just be stupid for me to go through all textbook problems and torture myself. you have to be smart and strategic about these things.

same thing with art. you're an idiot if you grind every single lesson in a book. be strategic and smart in your goals. and just as important, ignore temptation to compare yourself to others. ive sat next to guys in extremely difficult classes who were fucking super genius IQ and they effortlessly aced every exam that i gnashed my teeth studying for. just like i see high level artists on beg who effortlessly and elegantly draw <20 minute sketches that make me want to weep, they are so beautiful.

its a marathon not a race.

>> No.4702536

>The engineers and doctors I know are pretty unimpressive. Most engineers are basically just office drones that fill out paperwork. As far as I can tell, your average family doctor doesn't know jack about shit. It's only the elite in those fields with high iq.

this is frighteningly true.

i dated this girl who was an emergency medical doctor i NYC for about a year.
completely indistinguishable from your average retard. taylor swift fan. had no hobbies or skills outside of work. her big claim that she was so proud of was that she successfully intubated patients because when she was a resident doctor appartently that was very challenging for her. jamming a tube in a person's throat.

i remember one time she called me to come over and was crying and freaking out in the fetal position when i got there because there was a dead squirrel outside.

I was like bitch, don't you see people get fucked up everyday?

"Yea but that's different."

I mean it's impressive how much schooling they do and the sheer work hours are the most impressive part. Sometimes she'd do 48 hour shifts. She'd work like 10 days in a row, overnight one day, afternoons the next, but intelligence wise, just in terms of pure common sense and brain power, I was not just underwhelmed but a little frightened.

When you go to the ER. They just ask you how much something hurts, give you pain pills and try to keep you from dying or revive you if you do die. They are not diagnosing anything. They are not performing revolutionary precedures.

Probably surgeons are the geniuses.

Same goes for engineers dude.
I am an electrical technician. There is nothing that my electrical engineer coworkers know that I don't. It's just that they get paid more and have to sign off on certain shit. But you're not gonna stump me if there is some question about getting something wired up. And I'm not bragging, believe me. Plenty of retards do this job just fine. You learn very quickly when you get fucking zapped.

>> No.4702590

Engineers are not technicians and vice versa. As a technician you will have a lot of overlap with engineers. You will have to learn some of their skills and they will have to learn some of your skills. They need to be able to solder, screw in wires to terminals, perform wire management, etc. And you need to know about resistances, currents, diodes, and roughly what circuit components like to do given certain conditions

The difference is though that engineers are obviously able to design and calculate complex circuits and components eg capacitors. Furthermore they have to be able to mathematically prove all of their circuits and designs. They have to sign their name to diagrams and schematics and say this is safe to operate.
t. worked under an EE

>> No.4702630

carful anon, your low iq is showing.

>> No.4702656

Biggest redpill I got as a professional chemist and biologist, holy shit most of profesionals are really indistinguishable from automatons, they do the same task over and over and not knowing why

>> No.4702677

My cousin billy is the dumbest shit i know.
But man, can that kid paint.

>> No.4702682
File: 59 KB, 515x441, photoshop_Rq1TV9p6Kl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 130 IQ (tested at a Mensa faciliy). I scored above average in visuospatial function. I have practiced for 5 hours every day for the last 3 months.
Pic related is my best drawing this month.

>> No.4702687

130 hehe, pleb level intellect.

>> No.4702714

They don't do that stuff though. They outsource it to China. They are worthless middle men.

>> No.4702720

You sound like getting good results in an IQ test was the only achievement of your life. Just go draw instead of coping.

>> No.4702806

in my country you need highest grades possible to become a doctor. To get that you need a lot more dedication and time spent on doing homework than high IQ.
I basically quit doing homework when i started getting attention for being good at drawing when i was like 14. because you dont need good grades to work in almost any artistic field.
now at 27 i work as a designer and 3d artist and make about as much money as if i became an enginner with 5 years of experience.
Also IQ tests are not accurate for people that work with 3d and patterns because some of the stuff you do is similar to what you see in iq tests, so its like you already have a bunch of practice with those types of puzzles.

>> No.4702812

This. High IQ is nothing without a good work ethic. A person with an average IQ with self-discipline and gumption, will always out do a High IQ with none. IQ is the factor that can determine how fast you can pick up something, but at the end of the day it can't replace hard work.

>> No.4702868

I've never taken an iq test.

>> No.4702918

I'd like to think so. No proof, but my instinct says "yes".

>> No.4702935

>IQ is one of the strongest predictors we've developed for success or failure
Post a single study that supports this bullshit you hypocrite commie

>> No.4702937

>and make about as much money as if i became an enginner with 5 years of experience
You make 500k annually?

>> No.4702940

If you have to ask these questions I wouldn’t bother with pursuing this field. Successful artists knew as child’s that there only goal was to be a professional artist. There might be exceptions to this but they are exceptions and not the rule. Professional artists draw, sleep, eat and live life a little.

>> No.4702945

Lmao, people with high IQ pick something useful in the sciences. Absolute geniuses pick physics of course

>> No.4702965
File: 88 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20200706_193051_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomer above goes splurt-splurt

>> No.4703800

I't funny you're asking this with a Jojo image because all i here in manga/anime discussions these days is what retarded, expendable idiots artists are, regardless of their skill level. Mean while a "good" writer is a high IQ ubermensch who should be showered in rose petals.

Stop worrying about IQ, IQ is for budding writers. Just git gud and then wait for someone to tell you what to do, weeb.

>> No.4703836

probably bait but still kek'd. I guess we know now that they are related after all

>> No.4703852

Well, nothing about being a Taylor Swift fan denotes low intellect. I'm sure she's smart and capable in her own way to do that job.

>"Yea but that's different."

Yeah, this always annoys me. There's something wrong when people can't apply compassion in correct proportion. But I think it has to do with the belief that animals are innocent, humans are not, so the reaction towards the animal is more intense. It's just not true, however, humans are helpless, too.

Ok I guess that's kinda dumb.

>> No.4703941

Even if it did it wouldn't change your situation.
Adaptability is the only thing that matters and everyone has that.
Practicing is hard because you are trying to do something you normally cannot do. It can make you feel uncomfortable and cause you head to hurt. By practicing, you get used to it and your brain will automate it in time so it doesnt have to suffer everytime you try to do that thing. Then you go on to practice something even harder and so on

>> No.4704031

jbp said so

>> No.4704043

I don’t think you need an IQ above the 130s but it would help learn and retain information faster. Someone with an average IQ could get good, but mostly by learning through experience and constant drawing. Not that plumbers or handymen are low or average IQ, but it seems like anyone can be a tradesman, but when it comes to their trade, their experience amounts to volumes of information.

>> No.4704455

Among all the people I know (and I am doing a phd), people who pick engineering are usually quite average (but still ok), with of course some very clever people once in a while.
The people who truly impressed me in every way usually go for maths, physics, and yeah, history. And I’m talking about top 5 European universities.

>> No.4704456

Let's not kid yourself, Anon, you're probably oberestimating your own capabilities

>> No.4704457

t. engineer

>> No.4704466

Why is that bait? Art isn’t your average profession and requires intense focus and practice throughout life. If you don’t start early and put in the hours, thousands of other artists around the world will and take your place. You probably call it bait because you never showed interest in drawing and now think it’s possible to catch up. Stop being delusional

>> No.4704469

>Adaptability is the only thing that matters and everyone has that
Wrong, conservative and older people don’t adapt because they are lethargic

>> No.4704492
File: 45 KB, 200x275, 1589196314167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good reply in this cesspool thread.

>> No.4704920
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, MyersBriggsTypes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider this.

>> No.4704929
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, MyersBriggsTypes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider this.

>> No.4705035

IQ tests often measures spatial awareness, right?
Should be at least a partial correlation.

>> No.4705040

People learning about Dunning-Kruger then trying non-stop to apply it to strangers on the internet will always be ironic and hilarious.

>> No.4705494

Where does an average engineer make $500k? After getting your license you can maybe break $100k. At my old firm, the two principal engineers were only making $180k (although most of the firm’s income was going towards worker benefits and investments).

>> No.4705496

Crab thread?

>> No.4705521

>not relevant
>not even using superior Big 5
>double posts

bro kill yourself already

>> No.4707127
File: 125 KB, 883x633, 1584846357738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him

>> No.4707138

Kek, poor girl. You sound genuinely mad at her. Must be stressfull to be in her shoes, i would also like to listen to cheerful music if i had to work 48 hours shifts, intubate people and date a retard.

>> No.4707144

This person saves lives for a living and you think you are better than her? It is appaling the arrogance of intelligent men. With a quippy brain, being shallow has never been easier. No wonder the world is a shithole.

>> No.4707152

>There is nothing that my electrical engineer coworkers know that I don't.

I studied Technical CS and met a former electrical technician. He told me his previous knowledge was exhausted just 4 months into the degree and it's crazy how much more depth a BSc has.

Trade school graduates always, infallibly, suffer from Dunning-Kruger. They are incredibly smug, even a plumber or mechanic. I am thinking of buying a gold plated Rolex just out of spite. Rub it under their nose. They i'll think their part: tasteless braggard who gets overpaid. let them think that. While they seethe they don't have time to think about how great they are at their pathetic blue collar trade.

>> No.4707167

Most great artist rn relies on refference and intuition fag. Iq can help you learn faster that's common sense if ur smart u have much more chance of finding an efficient way to practice drawing.

>> No.4707305

The replies you recieve are from idiots that can't even draw simple shit correctly.

>> No.4707308

By definition you are dumb.

>> No.4707318
File: 117 KB, 812x800, 45374357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well sometimes I am a retard and sometimes I am a genius

and sometimes I draw shit and sometimes I draw really well

so maybe

I'm not sure

I dunno

>> No.4708359

no if you want to be intellagent study theoredical phscisc
but don't wast money becuse no one hires

>> No.4708477

I am a physicist and a painter :^)

>> No.4708494

>all these aspiring artists wasting time in this shit thread

>> No.4708516

Can you paint some dark matter then?

>> No.4708584

Kek that guy probably thought your dogshit English was bait

>> No.4708729

lmoaing at all the butthurt femanons trying to stand up for the sorority

>> No.4709715

Kill yourself delusional cuck.

>> No.4709761

Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck.
The cognitive dissonance is fucking unbearable on those replies.
>hurr iq is not real
>a monkey can do this
Despite all coming from frustrated low iq monkeys who can't draw for shit, themselves.

Why is it so damn hard to acknowledge the simple truth some humans are objectively gifted with deeper, non-acquirable, far more complex thought process than others?

Practicing without constant analysis and reflection only leads to stagnation and frustration.
People who deny IQ are scourge and should be executed for being a walking crime against humanity.

>> No.4709773

You write like a triggered woman. Whether you're a woman or a tranny, you need to leave 4chan. This site is for men only.

>> No.4709860

Is this bait? High quality as fuck

>> No.4710476


>> No.4710520

silly beg. Go draw some more.

>> No.4710536

The best indicator is how young you were when you started to draw. And now all the people that started in their late 20s will flock to this statement and cherry-pick how many people they know where this isn’t the case. Art is like professional sport, they are born to be made and get mentored from a young age.

>> No.4710540

I’m a scandi and therefore not a monolingual brainlet like you. Now try to refute the argument that all great artists and the majority of professional artists started as children

>> No.4710727

Not that anon, but just a friendly reminder you have the internet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient#Social_correlations

>> No.4710743

"The correlation between IQ scores and grades is about .50. This means that the explained variance is 25%. Achieving good grades depends on many factors other than IQ, such as "persistence, interest in school, and willingness to study""

>> No.4710931

lower iq mean you wont think about consequences which make you not have any interest in school.

>> No.4711007

No, art isn't an exact science so it doesn't have a huge IQ requirement, however actually mentally handicapped people might have difficulty grasping fundamentals

>> No.4711060
File: 25 KB, 306x289, Jololicon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a given that intelligence is helpful for any task or skill that can reasonably scale with cognitive ability.

>> No.4711246
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>> No.4711416
File: 1.29 MB, 716x1112, based joshuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to add unto what this anon said, while iq and anything regarding pattern recognition or logical thought are certainly correlated, you should not let yourself be worried by such things, dont let yourself fall into the /fit/ ngmi mindset of never truly trying as hard as you can because of your genetics.
You might or might not need a higher iq to become a truly amazing artist, with research suggesting that in equal circumstances and taking the same actions someone higher iq will outlearn someone lesser, but you can certainly get by as a "good enough" one even without being a 150IQ genius because your intellect is only one part of the equation and even dumb people can get degrees so its not like information wont stick if you try

>> No.4711433

You're an electric technician. She's a doctor. And you think you're smarter because you can't comprehent social cues? Get off your high horse, autismo

>> No.4711440

Based Quora poster

>> No.4711532

>are iq and drawing skill in anyway linked?
Probably, but not enough to worry about it, at all. Art is a lot of things, most of it in your head, so of course it's related. But I have found it pretty common for good artists to be reasonably smart, very curious, very observant, and generally not drooling morons.
I can only speak for myself - I read voraciously, I tested really well in school, was tested pretty high with Mensa (140's) and it definitely reflects in my work.
And even if it starts a fight - I've found "abstract" artists to be incurious, kind of dumb, and not very observant. They don't need to be, with the kind of work they do. They tend towards the mentally unstable, dramatic, narcissistic types. The kind that have given artists the bad rep of being flaky and crazy, since the 50s.

>> No.4711541

IQ is a potential. You can max the score on a test, but if you don't do anything with it, who cares? I went a couple of Mensa meetings in college, and it just pretty much seemed to be people who stopped trying once they scored high enough (they retook it often, it's kind of cheating), and struck me as the type who will sit on their ass the rest of their lives not doing anything, because "muh high IQ".
I tested in college out of sheer curiosity - ever since, that number is meaningless. I know I'm not stupid, just comparing how i live and operate compared to actual idiots. But I'm not special because of that number in any way, i still had to put the work in.

>> No.4711544

130 IQ, diluted to 10 by hormones.

Hey, maybe you'll grow out of it.

>> No.4711551

>IQ is one of the strongest predictors we've developed for success or failure.
Laughably untrue. No college or employer asks for your score, they don't care. IQ is potential. If it's not used, you'll be a 160 IQ sitting in a trailer in a dirty wife beater jerking off to furry porn on a drunken bender.

>> No.4711689


More like unhinged.

>> No.4711700

how can someone be this based ?

>> No.4711712

>>IQ is one of the strongest predictors we've developed for success or failure.
>Laughably untrue, IQ is potential
Lol, retard.

>> No.4711718

Predictor =/= potential, Mr. 98. But i know that concept is above your paygrade.

>> No.4711727

>hurr, if you don't do anything, nothing will happen to you
Is that a 200 IQ observation?
Kek what a faggot.

>> No.4711857

25% of the variance certainly sounds like "one of the strongest predictors" to me. I'm sure there are many other factors that make up the remaining 75% so it seems likely that 25% is a comparatively important chunk.

>> No.4711920

I believe when op said IQ he didn't mean IQ as an IQ score from an IQ Test™

>> No.4711949

maybe, although id argue that people that are too analytical probably overcomplicate the process of creating art and end up with technically strong drawing/paintngs but lackluster and boring ideas

>> No.4712052

Talent, ligameme, spark,, visualization, IQ. What exactly is the aim of all these threads? Every time, there's a new word that gets pushed to explain why some people are better at drawing than others. But, then what? What happens after that realization? Are people supposed to just accept their fate and stop drawing altogether because they will probably never be great? I don't believe so. It feels to me like people are trying to give themselves an excuse, and to feel comfortable in their despair. Embrace doubt, anons. It's part of the process.

>> No.4712062

IQ is measured by tests. What do you think IQ is?

>> No.4712257

These people want confirmation that they have enough potential to become really good, despite hating drawing

>> No.4712261

I also created an IQ test, doesn’t make it a valid measure of intelligence. This is why I’m always saying that psychology isn’t real science, because they don’t follow the scientific method and use weak statistics to prove their points. IQ is a useless measure but somehow mutts love it. Maybe because they have no culture

>> No.4712266

Engineers are the biggest retards, the smart ones always become scientists like physicists, or high earners like lawyers and doctors. Engineers are the laborers of science.

Also, if you have to ask if your IQ is high enough for drawing, then stop and look for something else. Drawing is clearly a chore for you and you won’t put in the thousands of hours it takes to become good. Thousands of more driven and intelligent people will do that

>> No.4712518

Most of psychology can't be 'real science' in the sense that physics is because psychology has to answer questions about systems which are extremely complex. So all you can really get are generalizations and vague theories. Perhaps as our ability to measure things in the brain at the level of physics on a large scale improves, psychology can become closer to a hard science, but you're additionally limited by the fact psychology is also a social phenomenon.

>I also created an IQ test

You can make good and bad IQ tests. They measure your ability to use language, do math, use logic, visualize things, etc. These things make up a portion of what people generally think of as intelligence. The other aspects of intelligence are harder to measure so there is no test for them. IQ accounts for a significant portion of the variance in a variety of positive life outcomes which people generally associate with intelligence. So, IQ is a decent partial measure of intelligence. Of course, intelligence as a concept oesn;t have clear borders, but I suppose you could invent a 'scientific intelligence' which would be goverened only by the criteria you can actually measure.