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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3 KB, 311x162, D4F34A9D-E414-4F6C-AF0A-22780DD545F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4700556 No.4700556 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get more followers and likes for my twitter account? I’ve never used this site before much and so far I’ve only gotten one like total on just one post.

Are there certain hashtags I should be using? Certain times i should be posting at? Anyone have a tried and true method to get more exposure that they themselves have tried and saw it work? I see other twitter accounts with worse art than mine but hundreds of followers so there must be something I’m not doing correctly.

If it helps I draw in an anime style while posting the occasional study as well. I only post art, nothing else.

>> No.4700561

> only post art, nothing else.

that's where you are doing it wrong. start sharing your political opinions as well.

>> No.4700564

Make fan art of some popular artists of and ping them in hopes they will retweet your work and that will boost your follows. Basically suck some cock at the start.

>> No.4700573

I would really rather not do this. I hate seeing this myself in other twitter accounts therefore I would rather avoid doing it on my end.

>> No.4700579

Ping them how? Do you mean @ their username on the post itself (when posting the art)?

>> No.4700581

Yes. They will see it in their mentions tab.

>> No.4700600

Pretty much, but don’t it back to back. It’s will make it obvious that you’re clout chasing. Make fanart of a popular artist you like, then make fanart or oc content for 1-2 months. Repeat that process for all time.

>> No.4700624

>It’s will make it obvious that you’re clout chasing.
>Make fanart of a popular artist you like
Huh. I’m sort of a “popular artist” and someone with 0 followers drew fanart of my ocs but didn’t follow me(I didn’t mind but it stuck out cause everyone else who drew fanart for me already followed me for a while). Was that clout chasing?

>> No.4700641

Yes it was. If they didn’t care enough to follow while making fanart of your oc, then they didn’t really care about your art, but your following and influence.

>> No.4700645

How many followers do you have?

>> No.4700751

That weirdly makes me feel better because I didn’t retweet them, oc fanart I retweet don’t usually get that much attention anyway.
Within the 10k-20k range

>> No.4700760

>Within the 10k-20k range
Ahahahaha sure buddy you're totally not lying / totally didn't buy followers

>> No.4700765

Uhh that’s not a lot even if he’s lying. There are some people on here with those numbers.

>> No.4700780

Is it really that unrealistic? I’m just a hobby artist who made some popular posts so my followers built up over the years. There are some artists who shot up to 50k within a few months because they made much more popular posts

>> No.4700790
File: 215 KB, 664x513, 05EE5BBA-F121-4C78-96CA-CB85EACB759D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, i witness a lot of artist that gain 30k followers in less than a week, because the subject matter and skill level. It hurts seeing that shit everytime.

>> No.4700804
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>skill level
Hey, maybe your time will come regardless of that

>> No.4700808

draw fanart.

>> No.4700834
File: 341 KB, 634x483, 1523045205754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile I have 12 followers on TW and 113 in IG, my most liked post have 19 likes on TW and 62 likes on IG
I'm a fucking failure

>> No.4700867

What the fuck. How? Can someone explain this please?

>> No.4700887

She’s social and frequently posts fanart of popular media like Pokemon, Persona, Smash Bros, etc. That’s basically it

>> No.4700894

This is depressing

>> No.4700916

This is depressing. That skill level is so low.

>> No.4700921

Inspo for the anons here. If you’re worried about getting no followers because your skill level, look at this.

>> No.4700969


The rest of your post is pointless

>> No.4700971

If I don’t want to be a sellout and draw fan art, is there really no other way to get your art noticed? I don’t like video games or most anime much.

>> No.4700982

It’s okay anon, I have 0 followers and have been posting art consistently for a month now. If that makes you feel better.

>> No.4700991

Twitter makes me depressed.

>> No.4700994

Sadly there’s no way for your art to get noticed. Even if your artwork is good, you still won’t really gain a following without fanart. Fanart is how majority of artist are found on social media.

>> No.4701031

I've got the perfect formula for you!

First of all, the common conception is that drawing for popular fandoms will get you lots of followers. That is not really true at all. In a huge tag, your art will be completely lost. Instead, draw NICHE art for mildly popular fandoms. What is niche art? Examples would be art of certain characters and ships that are, again, mildly popular in that fandom. If you fill a gap that others don't, people will actually want to stay.

Second, be horny, but not too horny. Also try to stay "safe" for the general audience, that includes not making typical channer jokes.

Third, do networking. Make friends who like the same things as you do. Participate in tags like drawthisinyourstyle. Develop OCs for people to draw and interact with. Draw fanart for popular artists' OCs (but not too much). Compliment other people on their art and are generally friendly. Feel free to post some harmless memes and retweet some select art.

Don't post too much text with your images. Study what popular artists are drawing. Practice aesthetic composition. Do art raffles (always a good one). Use cute emojis. And most of all, post at least once a day! Be reliable!

>> No.4701041

What sort of art do you two post? Care to drop your social media? Maybe I can give you some advice.

>> No.4701046


>> No.4701063

- gajinkas ala merryweathery https://twitter.com/Merryweatherey
- animated porn loops
- drawing popular artists OC or influential users mascots
-drawing cosplayers

>> No.4701102

would I ironically get more follows if I pretend to be Japanese?

>> No.4701163
File: 557 KB, 868x2176, what i do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how my Instagram feed looks like, the drawing with the red frame it's the one that has the most likes and the one on the bottom it's the one with the most likes on Twitter, I normally upload the same things on both but I didn't with this one because it was a "meme challenge" and would ruin my instagram feed as if it's not messy already lmao, Idk why I did that it was a really stupid move.

I know the subjects of the drawings for the most part are kind of boring or uninteresting, should do more fan art, and I post like once every month or so but still my friends say often that I should have a lot more feedback.

>> No.4701173


>> No.4701197

Aside I've been on Twitter for 10 years I've never broken 300 followers my average work gets one like in 1 re tweet from a guy I'm friends with and likes me. I spend around 40 hours per piece and I'm not the best but I'm certainly not the worse. Basically art is my reason for living in if I measured it by those metrics my life would be worthless. That being said I draw the give my life meaning and it's an invaluable to me so I'll keep doing it even if I get banned etc but I have no expectations of ever getting money or notoriety from it that ship has simply sailed.

>> No.4701207

you're really fucking delusional if you think being a girl will give you more followers

>> No.4701212

Delusional for not thinking this

>> No.4701231

How am I delusional when my art skill is better than that Kira girls art and I am a girl and I fluctuate between 7-10 followers every month and I am active on twitter with posting art
Also 6 of the people who follow me follow over 700 people so I don't even matter to them
only one real follower and she is like 12

Also I have seen so many artists on twitter who are good artists, openly female and don't even have more than 1000 followers.
shut the fuck up

>> No.4701233

back to /r9k/ incel scum

>> No.4701236

Nowadays you get canceled for literally saying nothing.

>> No.4701238
File: 52 KB, 658x350, D7BBDD32-7847-461E-B143-1DA58D2AD307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you’re delusional, I don’t even need to read your post to know it. If you’re not properly capitalizing off your bagina powers, that’s on YOU, one else

>> No.4701241

You're a good artist and I see a lot of potential in you!

Yeah, you need to draw more often, and apply your "pretty aesthetic girls" onto popular characters. For example, aesthetic art of Nessa Pokemon is gonna get a lot more likes and retweets than just a random person. You have to consider what you yourself like and how you can provide something for that that will make people want to stay with you. Also, study popular themes for art nowadays. Flowers is a nice start, but anything spacey oddball like will get lots of attention, which is why the one with the red frame is popular. Consider fashion too. Study meyoco and why she's popular. Study aesthetic blogs. You got this, my dude.

>> No.4701245

I think that's hard because the japanese style is obvious to spot. Have fun learning the language, though.

>> No.4701250

Dont do this. Japanese users will quickly spot awful google translate and have a hearty laugh at you. Pretend to be LGBT instead, if you aren't already. Just call yourself a trans woman and you're good to go.

>> No.4701256

Just keep posting stuff you like not anything you don't care about OP.
I draw anime stuff, I don't retweet anything and I only like stuff that I really like. I also hardly interact with anybody unless they comment on my stuff. I made my twitter back in 2016 and I just recently past 500 followers. But I only just recently started improving.
The only hashtag I do is a weekly one for my waifu. I think that's were I got 90% of my followers, then 5% from the draw thread on /a/ and 5% from random follows and bots.

My only other account is my Pixiv with 600+ followers.

I only post in Japanese and Japanese people compliment my stuff all the time.

>> No.4701306

Post Twitter.

>> No.4701318
File: 734 KB, 756x1268, it just works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4701528

Lol I shot up from 100 followers to 30k in less than a year without buying any, it’s possible but a ton of it is luck

>> No.4701539

how did you do it

>> No.4701560

How did it happen for you? What do you typically draw/post on your account?

>> No.4702138

You really want to be on that website? For what? Lesbian discourse?

>> No.4702140

I spend like an hour on my stuff and I get a bunch of likes lool

>> No.4702191

This nigga cruel lol

>> No.4702194

dude if you're not posting a text with 100 kanji-kana characters regularly then it's obvious you're not japanese.

prior to that it's obvious when someone is not japanese, but chink, korean, western, just by their artstyle

this guy >>4701256 has only 500 followers for obvious reasons

>> No.4702196

furry porn

>> No.4702212

you can always draw sum good ol'PORN my friend, there's plenty of choice between all the established franchis-
>no fan art
whoops, looks like you're fucked son! lol
...unless you make it rrrrreal fucked up of course! plenty of choice here too, furry porn, futa porn, loli porn! people just don't have patience for what doesn't tickle their fancy, you see, you gotsa earn your moment of glory :^) ahhh but nothing pays off more than a satisfied client who's just jerked it real good, really brings a smile on your face, yer makin' these wonderful payin' custumers happy and they pay ya for it, what's there not to love? Michaelangelo did it just the same, he must've been happy too drawing all them nekked people :^)
God I fucking love 2020

>> No.4702243

Are you ok anon

>> No.4702259

have bob and vagene
be a mental cripple on suicide watch
be a perpetual victim


>> No.4702388

>Develop OCs for people to draw and interact with.

>> No.4702463

The skill level on Twitter is optional

>> No.4702469

Well there you go, draw funny Smash fan art. Easy pickings for the likes train. Not a hit? Try, try again.

>> No.4702488

I'm gonna drop a pretty heavy redpill here so get ready to swallow it

Drawing fanart won't do shit if your art isn't engaging by itself.

If you get small to no reaction from your art when you draw something people aren't already emotionally invested in, then your art is still missing something, no matter your skill level.

The only thing you're doing by doing fanart like this is attracting autists that expect you to draw that character alone, and that will leave the moment they realize you draw anything else.

It's not about fundies alone either, it's about making your art appealing and engaging. How to do that is a whole different story, however.

>> No.4702492

I think the secret to obtaining attraction to your art is ironically studying younger artists instead of old masters or people in the industry. Even people who have art jobs struggle to be on par in social attraction to kids who draw for funsies.

Basically we got old and forgot what fun is and need to retrieve it.

>> No.4702643

You either draw good or share your political opinions for 10x followers
>t. 6k twitter 3k pixiv for posting nothing but drawings

>> No.4702680

quick reminder that porn is not art (just in case)

>> No.4702692

These posts unironically make me want to kill myself. I am so fucking disgusted.

>> No.4702725

Are you more focused on being a star of attention or drawing to improve or bring a vision you have to fruition (webtoon, animation, etc)? What about employment or freelance?

Man was not created to be bombarded daily with "likes" and retweets or hoping they reach a gajillion followers. Once upon a time the dislike button meant something but was removed on many platforms because it discouraged people to be sucked into the matrix of constant attention. You had to WORK for it.

You could theoretically just make a bot and have it follow/unfollow people daily to build your numbers but what meaning does this have if it does not reflect what you're sharing out there? You'd be the equivalent of those accounts that just retweet anime hentai pictures and mass tag posts for normies to retweet. If you genuinely want a following that matters you have to want what you're doing to matter first.

>> No.4702731

Can you post what your art looks like? Curious what your art needs to look like to be able to just post just art only and get followers.

>> No.4702763

I feel like I am talking to people who are so far divorced from the things that matter to me and such a warped view of what is art I feel like I'm talking in another language.
I'm so fucking tired of this shit. I can't stand this shit anymore, I wanna quit art. People made me hate it, I fucking hate them, fuck your porn and anime and fanart and likes and politics. Fuck this social media shit, there is no way this shit is acceptable. Goddamn I hate you all with a burning passion, fucking goddamn soulless zoomers and braindead pornfags. If I see one more fucking anime girl I'm going to blow my brains out, fuck this board, fuck this site, fuck the Internet, fuck people, fuck all of it

>> No.4702768

What does art mean to you? I gave you stock guesses but I want to know why you draw.

>> No.4702772

How does one get over their initial fear of posting? I just keep expecting my shit to fall on looks of disgust, then I see stuff on here that gets thousands of followers with skill that’s no better than /beg

>> No.4702789


Watch this motivational video.


>> No.4702875

Maybe you need to actually make it clear that you are a girl instead of hoping people will magically know.

Inb4 you turn out to be a tranny

>> No.4702891

Just get bullied. All of the people who are following her are only doing it out of pity and spite.

>> No.4702944

I've done the follow/unfollow thing last year and it has been without a doubt the best thing I've done to get visibility to my account

basically follow 20-30 people every day and unfollow the ones that didn't follow you from the day before

I got a ton of followers, more than I've ever got with any other technique, without even putting much effort into it, it took probably 10 mins a day at most. Most were just idle accounts but a few of them actually started liking, retweeting and commenting, and I also got a few people that are still my fans to this day and commissioned me in the process, but it's probably one in 1000 or even less than that.

the reason why everyone is doing it is because it works

I stopped doing it because the follower count rose but the number of like and retweets was still stagnant, so it was starting to look really bad. I feel like I should have been a lot more discriminatory about the people I followed. Nowadays I follow only artists and I don't follow as much, but it's very tempting when I see how much effort I put into my posts and how little I get back.

I've done literally everything else that people suggest doing on these social networks. You name it, I did it. And how effective the follow/unfollow thing is almost unfair, especially when starting out. You're not just posting pics in the void of the social networks in the hopes of someone else noticing it, you are actively getting in contact with other people, getting them to notice you.

It's fucking depressing that the most effective and reliable way to get noticed on social networks is just doing such a soulless thing. I guess it just show how shallow all of this is

>> No.4702961
File: 193 KB, 559x558, C8B8658D-C619-4116-8942-99B71870009C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could make that argument but
> You're not just posting pics in the void of the social networks in the hopes of someone else noticing it, you are actively getting in contact with other people, getting them to notice you
Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be? Sans modern tech, we’d be forced to go out and meet people who might be interested in our art, wouldn’t we? Though (((social media))) is definitely more shallow

>> No.4702969


I saw this kiddo early in the morning stamping custom stickers of his instagram for his art. I thought that was a very creative way of getting yourself out there. On my walk I would see his stickers on poles and the bus stop. I think he had around 50k instagram followers.

If I wasn't into drawing anime shit I would use his idea to promote my paintings.

>> No.4703013

If forums were still a thing, they would be 100 times better than anything social media has to offer

>post art
>get bumped at top for a short period of time when you or someone else replies
>automatic archival of your posts and art
>you can look at older art without having to scroll through all your art chronologically
>proper moderation, so you have to give meaningful feedback to post on other threads and not spam shit around at random

In social media it's just like
>post art
>hope to get a good retweet from someone big
>if they don't, though shit

To me it's just a skinner box: you continue to tweet because you hope one day you will "blow up", and when you don't it is all just piss in the wind. The only people that rummage through your older tweets are people looking for some skeletons to hit you in the head.

I have been posting regularly on social media for more than a year and I feel that nothing I've done has built to anything. I just have a number to show and not many actual connections, and it's getting even more depressing since I've been stuck with the same number of followers for six months after an steady growth. And I can't give up because for some reason this is where artists are currently at. It sucks balls

>> No.4703230

What's your twitter? So I can unfollow

>> No.4703240

Thanks for the encouraging words and the critique anon, will definitely try to implement some of your recommendations, I already like some of the things you mentioned so I think it will blend in what I do.

>> No.4703252


>> No.4703275

why? cause I found out something that works?

it's not like that's all I've been doing, I was also whipping out art at a pretty high pace while I did that. I was just helping my account where Twitter didn't.

I feel like you guys romanticize too much the "I'm going to make it on social media" mentality, that senpai is finally going to notice your work and gasp in disbelief at how underrated your content is. It's all a fucking game, either you play to win or you don't bother.

>> No.4703303 [DELETED] 


Hey thanks, you gave me an idea that I didn't notice. Instead of following a bunch of Japs who will never follow you back I should just use my other twitter account for Japanese artists only and remove the fluff. Then follow people (other artists) who may be interested in following me back. It makes sense because you can just link your accounts in twitters own account tree thing.

Why didn't I think of this sooner...

>> No.4703352

Just be slightly better than your average artist from /alt/

>> No.4703428

It wasn’t my intention to gain a following on my account, I was going to practice and make an art account when I felt skilled enough to. But, it happened, and rather randomly. I do draw fanart, though, and that’s the obvious step for anyone to get noticed. I post semi consistently, maybe once or twice a week. I could post more, and I’d probably gain more followers. I also interact with my followers a lot, I reply to their comments and ask questions, etc. Everything was sfw except for an undress this character challenge I did, but the result was tasteful rather than explicit. That did very well so I would suggest it. Also, I hear mondays and thursdays are the best days to post, though I see people on Twitter go viral on other days too. The most popular art I have is sfw Disney fanart, with 33k likes. Just draw every single character very hot, man or female they must be hot. Hope this helped!

>> No.4703436

What time do you recommend posting at? I’ve been sticking to 5-6 pm as I assume that’s when most people get off work and have more time to browse social media.

>> No.4703446

This. One of the artists I follow gained 10k+ followers from posting about their suicide attempt over death threats they were receiving on Twitter.

>> No.4703454

Can I use bullying from 4chan to gain followers?

>> No.4703458

That’s much too late, 12-3 pm est is the best times, it’s morning for the west coasters, lunch for the Midwest, afternoon for east coast, and evening in other continents. Some people have luck posting very early in the morning too.

>> No.4703462

Absolutely, just post screenshots and cry about how the hacker alt right 4chan are telling you to kill yourself over x, y, or z. This helps the most if you’re a minority of any kind.

>> No.4703465

fuck, wasted opportunity

>> No.4703481

Thank you, I’ll try these times out tomorrow.

>> No.4703612


Make posters instead.

>> No.4704783

just say "thanks for the [random number] followers!" and make some corny remark about how grateful you are, with some unrelated art with the number plastered all over

for some reason these gets a ton more retweets than the average

>> No.4704847

So there’s a few ways to go about getting clout on twitter when it comes to art. I speak from experience. The first one is to follow any art trends you find on twitter. Second is to draw fanart of popular characters. Lastly you can draw fanart of characters from bigger artists. I watched this one artists almost exclusively draw art of characters from big artists and they got to 5,000 followers in a matter of months.

>> No.4704848

don't give up on making it, I'm pretty sure if you have already this level of commitment you can clearly make some money out of it.

>> No.4704852

This thread is heartbreaking.

>> No.4704952

But I have 0 followers.

>> No.4705039

what are some good shows/movies/vidya/whatever to make fanart of? im not in that scene so i have no idea and i dont really enjoy consuming that kind of media. damn

>> No.4705052


1. Pick something you want to get into
2. You enjoy it? Great.
3. Draw fan art because you are a fan of that thing
4. ???

seriously don't force yourself to draw things you don't want to

>> No.4705104

>art that garners 3200 upvotes on reddit barely gains 5 likes and 0 followers on twitter
Yup, I'm thinking twitter is shit.

>> No.4705106

The fanart has to be something popular, not some obscure shit.

>> No.4705110

I guess you missed the part about the enjoying part. My little pony and rwby is popular but that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy it.

>> No.4705112

there has to be something that you like that is popular in some way. Maybe older/indie games?

>> No.4705119

Obscure shit can work too, if there's little fan-art of one character/ship/series then your drawing will be one of the first things to pop up when they search for it.

>> No.4705249

where else can we post up our art other than twitter? also when posting on twitter should i just abuse as many hashtags as possible?

>> No.4705300

This is pretty much what I do but without any ulterior motives. I just want to boost certain underrated series' popularity and give other fans content.

>> No.4705302

You’re being hyperbolic. No one uses that hashtag on completely random art twitter accounts. I have unfollowed artists because they were too upfront and annoying with their politics.

>> No.4705313

Just draw trendy stuff (e.g. characters from NEW and POPULAR anime/vidya) and post often. This is where you need to strike a balance between getting more followers by “grinding” or drawing the stuff you actually want to at a reasonable pace.

>> No.4705328

How is that unrealistic? I am at 2.4k just by drawing vountryball porn for like 3 months

>> No.4705347
File: 42 KB, 300x261, KRidley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the real question is how well can she succeed if she ever feels like selling prints?
Lord knows literally everyone at conventions sells 1 or more fucking Smash prints.

>> No.4705443

That’s easy mode.

>> No.4705473

>you're really fucking delusional if you think being a girl will give you more followers


>> No.4705478

>How am I delusional when my art skill is better than that Kira girls art and I am a girl

Post with the #VisibleWomen hashtag. I unironically mute every person I see using this, because it's annoying to see someone with 1,000x more followers than me pretend to marginalized for having a vagina even though everybody knows it's an advantage online, but you will almost certainly get lots of retweets and follows from it.

>> No.4705487

Nope, there are actually artists who usually don’t comment on politics that put up BLM posts after followers dmed and commented how not saying anything is complicit racism.

>> No.4705495

Proof? Can you show some artists who have claimed this on their twitters/blogs? Otherwise you’re just pulling this shit from your ass. Sakimichan doesn’t count as she wasn’t “silent” but liking “””””problematic””””” tweets by a conservative woman bitching about the looting.

Show me just one artist that was whined at for being completely silent on the blm shit.

>> No.4705540


Some of the ones I’ve seen have had tweets removed

>> No.4705546

That article is about the music industry.

>> No.4705557

The guy tweeting it gives an example about himself personally in other art scenes. I don’t want to drop the names of some of the artists that have been posting reactionary BLM shit since they have deleted tweets and probably want to keep that under wraps, but some of them aren’t even in the US. If you deep dive around the time of the start of protests you can see “tweet removed” in comments on their work.

>> No.4705804

>but you will almost certainly get lots of retweets and follows from it.
The only thing that someone will gain out of it, is a pool full of piranhas, waiting for a single slip-up in order to feat upon.

>> No.4705835

this, it's just an ego stroke since most people that follow you don't really give a shit about your art, it's more about "she's a female artist so let's support her"

>> No.4705853

How often should I retweet other artists?

>> No.4705864

3-8 every 2 weeks, especially if they make fanart of your characters.

>> No.4705888
File: 100 KB, 1000x797, KrookedGlassesI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw who you draw means far more to Twitter than how good you are.

>> No.4705967

I always thought it was weird clout chasing when someone makes a tweet bragging about how some popular person is following them or liked one of their pics.

>> No.4705975

The lesson here is that you have to be topical. Draw fanart an do it almost immediately after something is announced. If this pic came out three months from now it might only grab 1-2k likes.

>> No.4705980

Nah that ain’t clout chasing, that’s just excitement that some artist they liked follows them. Unless they aren’t actually fans.

>> No.4705986

Try making some clever unfunny comeback to a popular but underrated tweet

>> No.4705987

Is it okay to stop posting for half a year or do you think people will be disappointed?

>> No.4706003

I get 500-1k likes on average and when I'm not posting for a week there is complete silence in my notifications apart from new bot followers

>> No.4706010

So no one cares? That's good to know

>> No.4706012

Depending on popularity, no it’s not okay. Being silent for 6 months will make you lose a lot of followers and patreons “if you have any”.

>> No.4706020

This, timing is everything.

I made some ducktales fanart a year ago and it only got maybe 40-ish likes. But that was during the hiatus. I posted some of it again when the new season started and it was near 1K likes every time.

>> No.4706063

I feel kinda bad whenever an instagram user makes a twitter account and just has no fucking idea what they're doing.
>20 hashtags on every post
>fire emoji
>never retweets
>always sub -10 followers
I guess that they just gotta learn that twitter is a lot different and that you actually have to act like a human being there.
Instagram scambots offering free bitcoin aren't around to give you free comments this time, honey.

>> No.4706080

I kind of wanna do a giveaway or something, how would you randomly select someone that likes and retweets and follows?

>> No.4706082
File: 45 KB, 474x571, ohohohoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you actually have to act like a human being there.

>> No.4706084

What’s wrong with fire emoji?

>> No.4706085

Just sell your soul and pander, pander, pander!

>> No.4706090

You should only do that for milestones.

>> No.4706094

Yeah we all know the community can be shit
but at least people there actually y'know, talk, communicate, have friendship circles, interact with one another.
You'll get likes and engagements from people who are actually interested in the subject matter you're tackling, not from some random-ass T-shirt sellers or fashion model photogrophers from singapore like you get on Instagram.

>> No.4706098

Is 200 followers a milestone?

>> No.4706099

Yea twitter can retarded, but at least the people there have some form of thought process, unlike insta, tumblr, and even 4chan where it’s filled with schizos.

>> No.4706102

Get it to at least 500. Then do it every 1k-2k followers you gain.

>> No.4706120

Twitter people get pissed off at blatant art thieves too

>> No.4706134

Careful now anon, odds are you'll have to draw some random's OC who'll remind you that you draw faster when you actually like the character.

>> No.4706200

you use words like "engagement", you're not a human being

>> No.4706214
File: 348 KB, 850x846, 1587790837-0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after read this thread
Why do I want so many followers? What is my fantasy about that?
I am already aware that I have a great ego and I want my own personal army defending my shits, depositing the money in exchange for those naked anime girls. Is there anything wrong with that? Can't a man dream? Why is so fucking hard to grow up?
Sometimes life it's not like we want

>> No.4707222

>see tweets with bad art getting 20+ likes
>not even fan art or coom
Is there a worse feel?

>> No.4707529

Don't do it randomly lol

>> No.4707572
File: 23 KB, 480x360, Adachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that means is that the popular friend in those likes is trying harder than they should to solo carry someone who's bad.
Bad artists take hits worse than anyone else can so do as you please if they anger you.

>> No.4707576

>why is so fucking hard to grow up
you're allowed to dream anon
who told you you had to "grow up"?
fuck what ppl say lol
as long as you are not bringing down those around you
do as you please

>> No.4707637

t. a lil pussy

Adapt or get the fuck off retard

>> No.4708268

Does using the #loli tag or any tag relating to loli on instagram make your post shadowbanned? I tested this out on an image, left it up for a a few hours and got 0 likes but as soon as I removed the loli tag I got likes albeit not a lot.

I honestly don't get instagram.

>> No.4708317

Fucking retard. To do proper experiment next time post the same image immediately one after another, one with the tag, and one without.

>> No.4708320

not just loli anything related to adult content will flag your own shit into invisibility. instagram is the shittiest platform for adult content

>> No.4708341

i did a crossover of a new game character and a meme, got a bunch from that, people from the game company commissioned me too
im a total fucking /beg/, quit twitter though due to not wanting to talk to people

>> No.4708394

Post your art? Also what game company. Doesn’t have to be the commissioned piece either.

>> No.4708655

>>20 hashtags on every post

how do you get seen on twitter? retweet other people's stuff and hope they decide to look at your profile?

>> No.4709643
File: 922 KB, 1125x1801, B7580947-839A-406E-9EAF-09E4F7A37BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fan art is the way to go, never forget that.

>> No.4709865

not that anon but you're retarded since the system immediately picks up the image as an duplicate and flags it as spam, which after a few tries usually is a shadow ban

their ui and system might seem pretty simplistic and whatever, but the background process is highly advanced and the AI can pick out loli content as an example by scanning it through a database of hundreds of thousands of similar photos and drawings, and then categorize your post as such content regardless of the tag the user chooses. I'm referring to twitter, but insta should be pretty much the same since they all use a similar system

>> No.4709887

you're literally ignoring how their system works and have probably been shadow banned after 2 days of use

>> No.4709895

>ironically studying younger artists instead of old masters or people in the industry.

that's how the red nose beg syndrome came to be, you do you faggot

>> No.4710388

>have probably been shadow banned after 2 days of use
nope, no shadowban, and I've been doing that for a few weeks daily. My account got blocked a couple of times at first when I didn't know how far I could push it, thinking it got stolen by some chink hacker, but after confirming I am clean it was smooth sailing.

>you're literally ignoring how their system works
that's the point, their system is shit. There wouldn't be a million threads complaining about how hard it is to get noticed on social media if the system worked as it should. The reality is that with big accounts acting as gatekeepers we don't have a meritocracy, it's just a big cock sucking contest.

>> No.4710470

That's just like real life then

>> No.4710482

Unfortunately that's social media. The people who get the most attention are the biggest shills.

>> No.4710500

Followers is something I want but it's improving my art that comes first.

>> No.4710555

yeah, but it didn't have to be like that. Ideally social media should make it a lot easier to find the audience that is going to appreciate your stuff. In reality however it makes it a lot harder.

I still hope in a resurgence of forums for art because I still think they are the best way to find an audience that actually cares.

>> No.4710596

>have crippling self doubt about my art
>make first post
>get hundreds of likes
Feeling comfy desu

>> No.4710616

I think there is no audience left who cares. People have gotten used to consuming by scrolling through garbage at the speed of light and will only stop to look when they see tits or dicks or something that makes them angry like politics.
The only case where this changes a bit for art is the industries like video games but the field is extremely narrow and there's almost no creativity involved.
This board is shit but it mirrors what I see in general, it's all trends and porn and porn of trends and marketing your persona instead of making anything remotely artistic or creative or meaningful. Artists who seized the opportunity before social media are forced to to the thing they became famous for over and over and over, you go to their feed and see 2000 variations of the same shit slapped on merch while they fight chinese bootleggers. Comics are transitioning into something so accelerated they don't even make any sense anymore. All that's left is stuff like fine art but I have no clue how that works. Do you have to win contests? Meet gallerists? Is that about social media too? Does anybody even buy the paintings off sites like Saatchi?
It's all so fucking grim. You're not even looking at making shit money, you're not even looking at making no money, you're looking at debt and complete anonymity because if you don't do exactly what is trending or what fits the market right here right now you might as well not bother. And now there will be a crisis so it will be even worse.

>> No.4710648

Who are you? You are fascinating. I have a total bloomer mindset but the insight you have can be true too.
I used to be a clout chaser and had an account with thousands of followers. But I found it meaningless and I want to do it again but without gimmicks, only talent. I've seen it done before with some accounts that use no tags no fanart. I want to be like that. That is the true mark of talent. Getting followers through these snakey methods feels so fake, because you'll never know if you have a ton of followers because you're good at art or just good at playing the game.

>> No.4710675


Based, tbqh. I see a lot of people follow me and then unfollow a few days later when I don't follow back. I just don't want to follow anyone unless their art is at the level where I want to see it in my feed constantly. I always felt bad for being a snob, but I guess it's part of the game.

>> No.4710698

I don't even care about talent or skill anymore, what is needed is some humanity. Either way I really want to see you succeed, because this mindset is killing me.

>> No.4710718

There’s a cutoff where most normies will think you’re really good. So, yeah, that’s when the type of content you make will matter a lot more.

>> No.4710736

I don’t see why you should feel bad. It’s impossible to form meaningful relationships on social media - you might as well get popular, make connections and make some decent cash out of it.

>> No.4710910

Same. I don’t do the follow/unfollow thing but see people doing it so I only follow people if I like their art. If someone unfollows me I assume they never really liked my art in the first place. Or maybe I’ve started posting art that they don’t like, in which case I wouldn’t want my follower count to influence what I draw.

>> No.4710916

I see where you're coming from but I think you're a little too bleak. It takes a while but sometimes I stumble upon artists that really inspire me, and that alone is a signal that there is still some hope.

What I hate about social media (and twitter in particular) is how hard it is to discover new artists. If I like or retweet someone's posts, then all that I get on my timeline are his posts, especially if they tweet a lot of crap

(I just opened up twitter to confirm this, and yes, the top post is from a bigger artist complaining that summer is hot. It has almost as many likes as most of my finished art)

The only reliable way to find artists that I may like is just by going through older posts in someone's timeline and maybe find an older retweet that I like. That's the only way other than going viral or just getting lucky with the timings.

Just as a comparison, I found a TON of artists that I like on Newgrounds withouth having to put too much effort into it, because it's not just a skinner box to keep your attention up but has some actual method on how to give attention to the artists.

>> No.4711143

>I found a TON of artists that I like on Newgrounds

>> No.4711197

People told me to just git gud and draw what I like and followers will come in. I worked hard to get from low /beg/ to mid /int/ in the last 3 years and it didn't help. Now I find out it's all about marketing and spamming every possible opportunity online with your art and joining circles and fandoms as well as following every artist you meet until your name sticks somewhere. This is all so stupid.

>> No.4711202

Getting good is 1/4 of the battle, rest of the battle is shilling and pandering. Look at these post for example>>4700804
>>4709643, you can’t just draw only what you like. You have to draw what most people want, especially if it’s popular rn.

>> No.4711206

This is all so tiresome. I remember the old sheezyart and deviantart days where I could draw whatever and people would come. The internet was smaller back then I guess.

>> No.4711209

Well, I still draw fanart for the most part. But I don't like drawing things I don't enjoy or (at the bare minimum) watched/played. Sure I can just take a random pose, stick any fotm character on there and post it but I can't do this on a regular basis.

>> No.4711221

I took the hobby pill. I wish more people took the hobby pill. Seems like everyone wants to be a pro or at least be popular.

>> No.4711223

meant for >>4711206

>> No.4711714

Holy shit nostalgia batman. I still remember my account there too. I miss the art friends I made.

Hey mid /int/ is pretty good. Isn't /ic/ all about art gains anyways? You can always network but not everyone has the time for getting good. Be glad you've done that. Also try drawing funny art of trending characters. You can easily get several thousands of likes if the right person finds it.

>> No.4711738

>Started his account 7 months ago
>Only posts art, no hashtags or anything
>Doesn't follow anyone
>Already almost 120k followers from just posting FGO porn
THIS is how you make it.

>> No.4711749

Not impressed

>> No.4711907

How is that even possible if he follows no one and he uses no hashtags? There’s literally no way his account could be found by others or noticed. Unless he clearly just brought along an audience he already had from another site which renders your point useless.

>> No.4711924
File: 529 KB, 975x1050, Black Lives Matter-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sketched something on BlackLivesMatter and got less than 3 likes on Insta, Twitter, DA, Tumblr and Pixiv combien, it's less than I got for a sketch of Beatrice from Umineko, ancient and half forgotten fandom. I think people overestimate popularity of politics

>> No.4711932


Yeah we don’t know for sure if he just told his followers to follow him on another account

>> No.4711973

Post the Beatrice sketch.

>> No.4712011

Should have imagined it, now the secret is finally unveiled.

>> No.4712014

More like pretending to be a female artist

>> No.4712023
File: 122 KB, 888x1001, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quick freesketch of a woman's head. Can I move on from using references?

>> No.4712032


>> No.4712036
File: 76 KB, 350x350, beatrice 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the Beatrice sketch anon.

>> No.4712079

As a porn artist, will I get more followers if I pretend to be Chilean?

>> No.4712085

You will get more followers if you pretend to be a wiccan magician

>> No.4712091

Don't draw niggers lol

>> No.4712092


>> No.4712131
File: 504 KB, 1500x1200, Беатриче без цвета.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually colored it later but the result was looking lackluster due to weak brushwork.

I love Umineko and that's why I chose to draw on it instead of the more mainstream Higurashi, unfortunately the fandom is decaying and drawing for it without stable following is a suicide. I want to get back to Umineko and spread the Ryukishi's word when I get my own fanbase

>> No.4712137

I love Umineko too anon. Read the VN for the first time in May and it shot up to being one of my favorite games of all time. Hopefully if the Higu anime does well enough we can see a good anime adaption of seacats.

>> No.4712243

>>Already almost 120k followers from just posting FGO porn
>tfw not only I don't draw porn, I don't even know what the fuck "FGO" stands for
This is so alienating and depressing.

>> No.4712307

Tвиттep пoдyмaл чтo ты pyccкий бoт-пpoпaгaндиcт и cпpятaл пoлитичecкий твит, oчeвиднo жe

>> No.4712753

It’s a shitty gacha game for faggots who know nothing of the source materials.

>> No.4712758

How many likes did you get for this drawing?

>> No.4712759

don't fucking do this. I got fanart and then after I retweeted the person instantly unfollowed me. It's fucking vile and transparent. I only retweet fanart from followers I've known for a while, now.

>> No.4712815

This fandom is totally dead.
I drew full on Beatrice's portrait recently and got like 30 likes on pixiv and almost nothing on twitter.
Only the guys on visualnovels reddit cared about it.

>> No.4712932

0 on Tumblr, around 10 on Insta, around 2 on Twitter, maybe 1 on DeviantArt and 2 on Pixiv. It remains my most popular drawing on Insta. Tumblr is the worst when it comes to drawings for me, no matter what I post there and what tags I use I always get 0 likes, I don't know what the hell is supposed to help you build base there if tags don't do shit

>> No.4712940

Post the Beatrice painting.

>> No.4712943

Tumblr has been dead for a while.

>> No.4712962

Easy--post your stuff on pixiv and use the 'post to twitter as well' option--stay out of that hellhole, don't sell your soul for people that you don't even know.

>> No.4712968

So, are you a communist? Do you work anywhere? Because this take is absolutely retarded if you are not one and don't support the same principle for every other job

>> No.4712976

Ah the braindead nip worshipper is here.

>> No.4713013
File: 1.60 MB, 955x1352, beatricesmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4713019

Post your Twitter pls

>> No.4713028


>> No.4713030

Even my nickname is an Umineko reference.
All hail Ryukishi!

>> No.4713032

Left eye passed by

>> No.4713034

Are you real Japanese or simply a weeb?

>> No.4713035

Yeah I noticed it sometime after finishing

>> No.4713039

That's a professional secret, no really I just study japanese

>> No.4713147

im sure he has already seen this but i have so share this on artkings
fucking kek

>> No.4713231

I remember you. The fandom definitely isn't dead, I see Umineko fanart that gets tons of likes, it's just about getting it in front of them. If someone draws a picture of Saber from F/SN and it doesn't get more than 10 likes that doesn't mean the fandom is dead.

>> No.4713291

Yeah, but where are those people? Within last months I have seen literally one Umineko fanart get over 1k likes on twitter

>> No.4713325

>You can easily get several thousands of likes if the right person finds it.
Could be, but I don't think some big artist will find my drawings unless I do something to actively get their attention. But that feels kinda cheap. I really don't know what's wrong or bad or boring about my drawings that nobody seems to see them even if I use all the appropriate hashtags. But directly asking on Twitter would also seem like a bad idea. Maybe I'll just give up on it.

>> No.4713328
File: 511 KB, 1180x1687, CC8B8DD6-D4C2-4EC5-82CF-615536321FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems fanart really is the key to getting likes/retweets no matter the skill level.

>> No.4713347

a star of attention

>> No.4713382
File: 26 KB, 656x465, 1592854254468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you actually have to act like a human being there.

>> No.4713389 [DELETED] 


>> No.4713402

>from just posting porn of the most popular thing
>from just

>> No.4713412

people really need to stop complaining about posts that get this such low amount of likes and rt, it's just their friends family lmao

>> No.4713614

It’s envy.

>> No.4713837
File: 51 KB, 655x625, Ece8SOdWoA4KjpD.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought process

>> No.4713877
File: 48 KB, 314x450, 1592698763585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>act like human on twitter
>get cancelled
twitter is FULL of bots, mate

>> No.4716642

Maybe this will help some of you but it just made me more discouraged lol

>> No.4716663

I feel like a lot of artists fail to understand that very few are lucky enough to get popular and make good money out of doing what they love. Most people will have to forfeit one of those benefits, such as doing what you like if you wanna make money. It's a hard to swallow pill, but that's life.

>> No.4716958

>something that works


I tried that follow/unfollow thing and though I made some gains last summer, it didn't work for me for very long. Even now with me recently getting back to posting regularly on instagram, it would be more trouble than it would be worth to do the follow/unfollow thing which in my experience wasn't very reliable!

>> No.4717030


>why? cause I found out something that works?

Personally I'm not salty that you do it, play the game, but I think you need to consider that the number of followers you have is a meme if all your followers are people who mutual you because you followed them and they don't actually engage with your content.

Have you measured your engagement at all? Do you know how many of those followers actually interact with your art? Like it, share it, comment on it, etc? Do you know how much this stacks up to artists who don't follow your method?

Followers as a stat is not actually very meaningful because people frequently follow for disingenuous reasons, as you yourself demonstrated.

For example I have a ton more tumblr followers than twitter, but most of them are dead accounts. The number is worthlessly inflated and is of zero value to me as an artist trying to get noticed.

>> No.4717063

Anon should also consider that the algorithm likes to push down posts that have minimal engagement rates. Having many dead followers is actually a detriment.

>> No.4717305

I’m the dude you’re replying to

When I did that I didn’t care about numbers at all, I just did it as a test to see what would happen

And as I wrote I got a lot of junk followers sure, but it also helped me find people that actually became fans and commissioned me and still comment and like my stuff to this day

One person like that is worth to me a lot more than any number of followers I could get

Ideally social media should do this all the time, find people that are genuinely interested in your stuff and show them your art. But, other than sites like twitter being garbage for art, we are at a point where this is very hard to do on socials due to the big whales getting 90% of the attention.

So either you play by the rules and try to become a whale yourself, which is very hard and dependent on luck and many other things, or you try and reach for an audience with other methods. The follow/unfollow method is just a way to get attention to your art quickly and reliably

>> No.4717636

>tfw I paint, draw, play instruments, do bonsai, gardening and horticulture, write poetry and fish
>83 followers on Twitter 98 followers on Instagram

>> No.4717641

Befriend other promising artists when they're just young and starting out. Chances are when they make it they'll help bump you up too.

>> No.4717643

>which is very hard and dependent on luck
you must be black

>> No.4717662



>> No.4717678

Incel detected

>> No.4717734

what has this to do with anything? he is right. getting people who give a shit about what you draw on current social media is hard and you need a lot of luck. it was way fucking easier when forums existed or even with tumblr. twitter is just you throwing your shit into a garbage pile and nobody bothers to look through garbage to find stuff they would like.

>> No.4717815

How do you write fish?

>> No.4717897
File: 353 KB, 615x682, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How. Why.Talent or skill really does not matter on Twitter it looks like.

>> No.4717905

his artstyle is fun to look at

>> No.4717907


>> No.4717910


Looks nice.

Stop being salty about other people's success.

but yes, twitter is not a pure artist meritocracy, no shit.

>> No.4717915

love borg
all my niggas love borg

seriously one of the few semi-popular Twitter artists that seems fun and has actually good art
And their OC designs, whoo boy, love those

>> No.4717918

your point? They actually deleted their previous account because it got too many followers for them to handle in december, they don't even want that many followers lmao
plus they literally said in that tweet they draw for fun
salty ass

>> No.4717920

simple artstyle doesn't mean no skill dude

>> No.4717922

this is porn isn't it

>> No.4717945

I would understand the first 2 accounts, but this? You’re just some seething faggot that can’t get any followers.

>> No.4717951

god I fucking wish they'd make nsfw more often, I want to see porn of that blue chick so goddamn hard

>> No.4717973

15000 followers explained

>> No.4718015

Just commentary on this, but I don't understand how this got so popular when at the same time, people try to drill it in artists head not to do work for free or for "exposure."
But it's ok to draw other people's OCs for free because you might get "exposure" from using the right hashtag?
I really don't see how it benefits anyone except the original artist who gets a lot of free fanart for no effort. A vast majority of the time, the original artist won't give a fuck and might give you a "pity like" but that's it, especially if they're someone with thousands of followers

>> No.4718020

I love that at this point the "fan" in "fanart" means absolute fuck all
People actually think like this, holy shit
Should I draw fanart of this, should I draw this OC
holy shit, kill yourselves
you are so fucking lame, if this garbage mindset is what it takes to make it I don't want to make it

>> No.4718027

You were never going to make it anyway

>> No.4718031

>I spend around 40 hours per piece

>> No.4718039


Instead of doing 1 40 hour piece a month or whatever rate you post them at, do like 20 2 hour pieces a month and guaranteed you'll get more traction.

There's nothing wrong with spending 40 hours on pieces but it probably shouldn't be every piece. Besides, in my experience, probably 36 of those hours are adding like 10% polish that the average person will hardly notice.

>> No.4718368

it probably means I'm actually worth anything

>> No.4718537


>> No.4718698


>> No.4718708

Borg drawings are cool not gonna lie