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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4700119 No.4700119 [Reply] [Original]

>"can twitch have an ONLY ARTIST platform where only people who are interested in art can access?"

why are underage nsfwbegs always so desensitized when it comes to western beg animu drawings?

No one on mainstream social media is into that shit and you'll just get it faster banned as a whole. Twitch as been continuously banning these sort of streamers, you need a dedicated platform for this stuff like picarto or whatever it's called

>> No.4700122

Meanwhile bodypainting your tits on twitch is a okay

>> No.4700134

it's not that the artist got banned, it's that he got banned while e-thots haven't been banned too, that is the real problem

>> No.4700158

Go be ngmi somewhere else

>> No.4700160

Using twitch at all should be a federal offense.

>> No.4700163

Along with twitter.

>> No.4700165

Having any form of social media should be grounds of conviction.

>> No.4700176

how do you promote your art then

>> No.4700184

Twitch will never solve that problem.

>> No.4700199

on your own website with squarespace

>> No.4700213

tape flyers on your neighborhood poles

>> No.4700223


Your website should be an extension of your art.

CSS is the purest form of art, easy to use yet can take decades to master.

>> No.4700230

>noooooooooo you can't ban me!! I-it's not porn, l-look, her oiled up, gargantuan tits are covered by a floss-thin string bikini, that makes it completely decent and SFW, it's exactly like a Boogaroo painting, those were nude and NSFW and nobody said anything!!! Why do you regressive bigots always oppress me :((((((
I understand the hypocrisy of >>4700134 but holy fuck pornfags deserve to be gassed. I fucking hate this entitled, out of touch, piece of shit, tasteless mindset.
Promote your "art" on a porn site, imbecile. It's not art, it's porn.

>> No.4700234

Stand on a soapbox in the middle of the town square and start screaming at the top of your lungs.

>> No.4700235

You have age restriction notice before watching the video. Twitch is just full communist.

>> No.4700240

I'm sure that age restriction should be in place because of technicalities like swearing so non PG-13 content can get through, not just full blown porn.
I am OK with pornography but it should not be dignified. This is not about poor exploited girls forced on a sidewalk by gangsters, this is prostitution by choice for easy bucks, there should be a price to pay and that price is marginalization.
If you complain that the thots aren't banned too it's fine, but if you support these parasitic pornfags you are contributing to the cancer. Porn should be contained to porn sites.

>> No.4700253 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm OK with niggers but they should be made into slaves again.
They're not people, they're niggers.

>> No.4700266

But I want to see more titty milk kino

>> No.4700277

What kind of retarded argument is that? Being black isn't even a deliberate choice. Are you trying to force me into a stereotype so you can point the finger and claim you won the argument, is that what you're doing?

>> No.4700285

Yeah I'm OK with communists but they should be thrown off helicopters.
They're not people, they're communists.

>> No.4700298

Legit opinion, /pol/fags too though.
It's ironic though that you hate liberals while you're responding to my comment exclusively because I attacked your precious porn. You are not conservative, you're just a /pol/fag. You have no values, no ethics, no system behind what you say, you're literally the same shit as the virtue signaling trannies. You guys beat off to women with dicks but you get annoyed when people talk about gender.
You're all a bunch of retards. I see the true colors whenever I attack the things you both agree on, like porn. You say you should marginalize a drug and its users who are destroying culture and art and sexuality which used to be a beautiful thing, and everyone goes nuts.
>try again later
And fuck this shit website

>> No.4700320
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The art of shifting boxes inside of boxes...and somehow it still gets all fucked up

>> No.4700326

Friend, this is an art board. We're all here for the same goal and we fight with our art so keep /pol/ to pol.

>> No.4700339

It's like you didn't even realize the point of those posts was to illustrate your hypocrisy.

>> No.4700352

>argue with one anon
>"you guys"
>start attributing random behaviors and thoughts that he will then proceed to attack
wtf that's just weird, do you do this often? literally the level 0 of debating, don't do this brainlet.

>> No.4700354

>fuck pornfags deserve to be gassed
>I fucking hate this entitled, out of touch, piece of shit, tasteless mindset.
Pot, meet kettle.

>Promote your "art" on a porn site, imbecile. It's not art, it's porn.
It's not porn, it's a drawing, therefore art :^)

>If you complain that the thots aren't banned too it's fine, but if you support these parasitic pornfags you are contributing to the cancer. Porn should be contained to porn sites.
The country where shattering a skull in spilling guts in HD is all fun and games, but the moment you see anime tiddies are visible it's over.

>> No.4700357

>shattering a skull in spilling guts

>> No.4700386

twitch is mainly a game streaming and e-thot platform.
if you want an art streaming platform use picarto

>> No.4700389

Wait, this is an art board?

>> No.4700395

No one but furfags use that shitty site. Also the site doesn’t bring in any traffic at all.

>> No.4700396

I wish that someone of higher status would get asked the question:
"What do you think of Twitch?"
with the answer
"Isn't that Amazon's softcore porn platform?"
in return

>> No.4700397

furfags and coomfags are pretty much the same anyway

>> No.4700398

This >>4700395
Sad, but true

>> No.4700403

I wish Elon Musk or some rich guy who actually cares makes an alternative to YouTube and twitch. I don’t know what the fuck is taking so long for someone to make the move.

>> No.4700405

Did Mixer dying not send you the message

>> No.4700408

Mixer sounds like a dating app. What were they thinking?

>> No.4700414

Microsoft focused more on buying out big names from twitch, they spent jack shit on advertising the platform in the first place.
It also doesn't help that Mixer had the same god awful rules as Twitch, so why would anyone even REMOTELY think about switching to a platform with less viewers to begin with?
It was a failure through and through.

>> No.4700419

They had a dress code unlike twitch. They enforced it, and the only people who complained about it were the e-thots.

>> No.4700426

Sure, I remember the outrage when it was launched.
My point still stands, though. The rules were pretty much the same, for the most part.

>> No.4700432
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>> No.4700439

Some anons seems to think so

>> No.4700452


>> No.4700472

Why ever bother?
picarto.tv is for that and allow porn.

>> No.4700651

>I am OK with pornography
>but it should not be dignified
So you are not ok with it at all.

Not to mention, that is not porn by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.4700658

Twitch has a huge audience compared to picarto

>> No.4700670

Huge audeince of simps, chink bots farming twitch drops and underage retards spamming same emote in some Fortnite streamer's chat? None of those subhumans are interested in art.

>> No.4700677

But picarto doesn’t have an ad system like twitch does. You can actually make money from twitch without donations, picarto doesn’t have something like that and also this >>4700395

>> No.4700702

This is based.

>> No.4700727

adam ragusea plz go

>> No.4700799

>live2d "animation"
Good riddance

>> No.4701042

Does this person know that Picarto and Piczel exists?

>> No.4701979

>Picarto isn't an option because it has very low user number compared to Twitch
No shit, no platform can compete with Twitch in terms of userbase, that is not a valid point.

>> No.4702218

It's a valid point if you want to make money from streaming your artwork.

>> No.4702231

Choosing Twitch for the audience means you put drawing in the backseat and make acting like a clown / flashing your tits the main thing. People who don't do that have 20 viewers tops, so it doesn't really matter where you stream, unless you want to give virtual blowjobs on the go, Picarto is good for that

>> No.4702346

Nobody's going to donate to you unless you're a w*man.

>> No.4702462
File: 101 KB, 724x1024, You can do it.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't draw coom shit
don't bully autists

>> No.4702562
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>People who don't do that have 20 viewers tops
Not if you're an absolute juicer warlord that trades big tits for skills

>> No.4702569

Art on Twitch is so cringy and /beg/

>> No.4702570

>using twitch for art
LMAO what the fuck, are you stupid?

>> No.4702574

>free subs, donos and publicity while your work

>> No.4702577

Yeah sure for maybe a half dozen artists on the entire platform.
Just a delusional as the people who think they are going to make it as some big twitch streamer playing video games.
Artists and people interested in art don't use twitch

>> No.4702700

Still are making some form of money from the stream. The average view count a art streamer gets is around 100, that’s a lot of people watching. Might as well tell ticktok artist to stop using ticktok.

>> No.4702705

Maybe people who are interested in art don't look at your twitch because your art is shit? There's plenty of educational and helpful streamers who make their whole career on twitch.

>> No.4702719
File: 458 KB, 1125x1350, 28B2A7BE-0D09-4C75-AE09-F5E16C6677ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can pull in a decent sum of money from twitch, retard. This guy averages around 300-400 views from twitch.

>> No.4702729

>le generic anime girl #5123945712389078293461
I want off this fucking planet

>> No.4702743

Draw what people are interest in, faggot. Complaining will get you no where.

>> No.4702750

then kill yourself, nobody will miss you nor your loomis heads, you mother has already given up on you doing anything with your life.

>> No.4702774

he is one of the most popular art streamers, easily top-10 in category
and this money are over almost 3 years
not really helping your argument

>> No.4702785

I guess you should quit social media because someone like sakimichan, is making millions of dollars.

>> No.4702826
File: 176 KB, 1655x1000, 22bba732b1146632379b12c12ca28d11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok let me rephrase it
this guy is one of the most popular art streamers on twitch, he streams almost every day, he has tons of good emotes, he draws cute sexy anime girls, he is not Krenz, but his art still has pretty high quality as he has 10+ years of experience
yet he gets ten times less viewers than your average joe game streamer
this shit just not worth even time you will spend setting stream up, not to mention all distraction from the chat
pic related is from another art streamer, on average he gets like 20-30 viewers, he probably gets several times more from one commission than from month of streaming

>> No.4702861

You just described social media as a whole. There are a lot of artist who make good art who don’t have that much of a following. Besides art streamers like that guy rarely stream, so their chances of growing on that platform decreases, they also don’t archive those streams which makes it even harder to grow your audience. You’re just finding excuses at this point.

>> No.4702917

And I want you off this fucking board. I'm seriously sick of seeing people whine about porn on a FUCKING HENTAI WEBSITE. WHY DO YOU THINK THE GODDAMN BOARD IS RED, JUST SO WE CAN DRAW SOME PRETTY RED FLOWERS?

>> No.4702928
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>> No.4702952

Link to this guy's streaming channel, please

>> No.4702966

https://m.twitch.tv/atamanman here

>> No.4703266

What in God's name made you assume that I have a twitch. Jesus get out of your ass, I could give two fucks about twitch. It is not a platform for artists

>> No.4703409

>It's not porn if her nipples and snatch are covered, guys!! Support me on Paymetons!

Why do hentai artists and their fanbase of likeminded coomers want to be oppressed so bad? I really want to know...

>> No.4703495

You need to process a lot of money through banks for such a platform to work unless you are fund it completely from your own pocket. Other big players don't want it so they will put pressure on banks and advertisers to not work with you. As a result growing will be pretty hard.

>> No.4703514

For anatomy studies seething weebfag

>> No.4703566

>can twitch have an ONLY ARTIST platform where only people who are interested in art can access?
He means Picarto?

>> No.4703629

What the fuck is up with the anti-porn fags polluting this board?
Do you realize this is a red board, right?

>> No.4703649

ah yeah its them that pollute the board

>> No.4703665

Yes, polluting the board with their bitching and whining about porn.

>> No.4703667

coomer trash

>> No.4703670

Sure thing, bud.

>> No.4703677
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that song about scott pilgrim ruining a generation of women?
Is those bitches the ones that are whining about porn.

>> No.4703698

they arent whining about porn because porn is bad, they are whining about porn because money on porn artists is money that's not going to their onlyfans

>> No.4704008


>> No.4705820

>pornfags calling others bitches

>> No.4705846

Are people actually stupid enough to think some comic book/movie had culture impact when the comic itself was just drawing from current trends? Like how do marble brains come to these conclusions

>> No.4707442

japanese guy was linked, this is the korean guy who drew miku

>> No.4707450
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4chan isn't a hentai website, you turbofaggot autist.

>> No.4707462
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>> No.4708695

are retards on here dumb enough to think it's anything more than a funny insult? That it makes hoes mad is reason enough for it to be true faggot, go write an essay about it while holding back tears on on reddit faggot lol

>> No.4711108

too old for twitch staff

>> No.4711270

Wtf, I thought Shad was cringe?

>> No.4711347
File: 256 KB, 476x477, 1491866138304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are underage nsfwbegs always so desensitized when it comes to western beg animu drawings?

They're not, they're comparing what is allowed based on how much twitch allows women there to show off their bodies.
So yes, anybody would be taken aback if they drew a mildly suggestive picture of a woman in a bikini but some real woman is painting her naked body and twerking for little kids.
As for why there and not something like Picarto, the people are there.
So stop pretending to not get why people want an audience and why they are bothered by double standards, they have every reason to speak up.

>> No.4712316

As I'm writing this there are 450 active art streamers on twitch, 12 of whom have 100+ viewers, 18 more have 100-50 and 346 have less than 10 viewers. Honestly it's better than I thought, 6.(6) % have 50+ viewers, I expected it to be less than 5 %. That being said, do keep in mind that some korean e-thot is the top streamer with this art (https://www.instagram.com/lilpearl_1/)), ~500 views, and also there are many decent artist in the lower view range, as well as there is a considerable amount of shitty ones in the higher range. That being said it does seem that the amount of better artists is considerably higher among the highly viewed ones. I'm not really gonna categorize them, but I'd wager 20-30% of decent artists have 50+ viewers. I suppose that if you have a decent following on other sites or actually good suggestive/anime art twitch might be worth a shot, but otherwise I would concentrate on getting better and gathering a larger fanbase.

>> No.4712346

Honestly just want to ban anyone under the age of 16 from using the internet

>> No.4712370

artists are generally boring as fuck to watch, dave used to stream and i paid less attention to him draw than i did when he told funny stories, he'll also throw out helpful advice when asked. doesnt matter how good the artist is, watching 3 hours of someone draw something over and over again gets old, you need provide something else if you want to get big on twitch

>> No.4712394

I wish the issue were just young people.

>> No.4712493

Nobody watched that movie but skinny nerds, that's why it flopped

>> No.4712495

And women!

>> No.4713162

hey whatever gets a thread going amirite

>> No.4713195

why do idiots keep doing risque stuff on twitch and crying about bans, doesnt make any fucking sense. go somewhere else, theres tons of places that will host it. stop bitching about a website that tries to be sfw

>> No.4713333
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>he isn't a shameless female pornfag who slightly show tits to horny teenagers for easy bux
oh no no no PepeLaugh, ngmi losers

>> No.4713418

She's wearing a shirt, anon

>> No.4713470

It's just /pol/lacks

>> No.4713481
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>literally ez mode
I can't even describe the feeling i have realizing that no matter how much time and energy you'll put into something, if you're not a woman or a mentally degenerate faggot the odds of success are always stacked against you.

>> No.4713655

Actually if you want to put it in these terms, the problem is men. The media I'd like to make would go toward men, not women. Yet "men" today are all pasty faggots who will unironically complain that you're using a male protagonist because WHY NOT A CUTE GIRL?! Not even children from a generation ago had this little test in them. Women want gay boys kissing, OK, what do "men" want? It's still a large chunk of the population, where are they when it comes to supporting all the good old things that women are threatening? You know where they are? They're jacking off to anime or camthots while complaining about women. Fuck this shit. Women are more admirable and even manly than men in every way at this point.

>> No.4713670

Hey now, men also want boys who dress up like girls and girls with huge dicks that not even most bara yaoi has.
Also crying about people like e-thots yet giving them attention and putting them on a pedestal because muh dick

>> No.4713843

Shit pasta, needs more salt.

>> No.4713855

Yet there are plenty of male coomfags that made it very well. Pandering to the porn demographic is ez mode itself.
Git gud

>> No.4714168

Hating on social media is not a personality.