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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4698922 No.4698922 [Reply] [Original]

>join an "art" discord
>see someone giving critiques to everyone
>look up their work
>It's terrible and they obviously have no idea for how to draw


>> No.4698928

Noooooooo not the poor piggorino :<

>> No.4698929

It's alright. If a /beg/ can see what is wrong, then you have some improvement to do.

>> No.4698932

I wanna join an art discord but I'm too autismal and socially inept, and I always feel weird barging in a community.

>> No.4698935

join the /LAS/ discord, they are all circlejerking retards

>> No.4698940

you got flamed by a shitter and instead of confronting them you came to bitch as anon

>> No.4698957

i literally saw a group of /beg/s "crit" industry pros. and this something that happened in multiple servers. i just don't know why so there are so many talkative beginners with no idea of how to work to meet client demands.

>> No.4698962

come on.

dont be sassy and cunty. you know why. stop beating around the bush.

theyre no lifes. just move on. get over it.

>> No.4698989

Tell me the pigs ok

>> No.4698991

Wait til you find out who’s giving you critiques here.

>> No.4698998
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Drawing is a skill and a knowledge. You can know what you need to do to draw well, but still be shit at it.

>> No.4699012

I don't mind it. You don't have to be a professional chef to know that the dish could use a little more flavor, you know?

>> No.4699060

Always worried about giving crits because of this.

>> No.4699073

pige :(

>> No.4699102

Way before the pyw crabs chased the last drawing artist out of this shithole I have recieved a lot of useful critique from people who weren't very good and it helped me.

Just because they can't draw doesn't mean they can't see something wrong with your pic or have a positive input.

>you gotta be a chef to say the food is bad
this shit needs to go

>tell something to a beg
>competent artist flexes on him
>b-but you're not a master like #pixiv_coomer_meme you're beg too you're not good enough to critique me
This is why everybody good left.

>> No.4699153 [DELETED] 
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I admit to doing this. Genuinely considering leaving the discord as the atmosphere of everyone ignoring me is present doing this. No venom on my end, it's understandable.

>> No.4699186

i'm a retard /beg/ and i see proportion errors in hands and shoulders all the time with official art work

>> No.4699749

The eye scales faster than the hand. There can be truth in what he's says, despite not being able to fix it himself

>> No.4699763

Art skill is not a caste system
Begs are not untouchables who are never allowed to give others crits
This attitude is gay and retarded
If a beg crits you, and the criticism is inaccurate, then why do you react with such melodrama?

>> No.4700466

I see a lot of beg critiquing art for the wrong reasons. What pisses me off personally it's how in their ignorance are so full of themselves. I always try to help everybody out and point flaws but there's quite a pushback. My honest & direct approach is perceived caustic and I've been banned off a few places. I don't mind it really.
I know that beg will continue to give trash advice and just waste others time. I occasionally get the pyw stuff and I hope somebody would give me some good advice but no one ever does. And everyone around my level ( a bit over average ) it's just trying to keep everybody with less skill down and just paranoids

>> No.4700469

>you gotta be a chef to say the food is bad
>this shit needs to go
No, it's more like knowing nothing about cooking but giving young chefs advice on how to improve their recipes.

>> No.4700686

>my suffering is over

>> No.4700691

unless they were using appeal to authority they did nothing wrong

>> No.4700698

>i literally saw a group of /beg/s "crit" industry pros.

What is wrong with that? non-artists critique art all the time. And critiquing art is a way to learn.

>> No.4700723

i wouldnt trust an american who thinks water is bad because "it doesnt have flavor" to tell me why i should change my dish into a deepfried cheeseburger

>> No.4700740

Critique is critique. I like getting critiques from all levels from /beg/ to pro to non-artist normies. The beg and normie crowd are actually really good for gauging what will pass or not with your average viewer, and some of them even have a very good eye for things like composition or anatomy mistakes. Pros are just more able to give you a way to fix the problems that get pointed out. Also, explaining why something is wrong or teaching about a fundamental you know is a good way to internalize and learn it more yourself. Why not do it?

Im I'm going to distrust /beg/s for anything it won't be critiques, it'll be if they tell me what exercise to do to remedy the problem, since they likely don't know themselves.

>> No.4700779

I'm watching you Exodysseus