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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4696776 No.4696776 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

Previous: >>4687142

>> No.4696785

What if we expanded this general to include drawing software?

>> No.4696791

State your:
>Budget 3-400 might go over to 450
>Location USW
>Type display please
>Size 18+
>Other information
looking to do little animations as a side project
>Previous equipment
wacom bamboo
laggy pen tip was garbage

>> No.4696893

I've got a cintiq 16 and think it's bloody great. Not too expensive either. all in all with the stand it came to about 900 dollars canadian.

It's light but also feels very sturdy and the pixels won't get damaged over time like the pro versions will because of their paper thin glass and laminated pixels.

>> No.4696896

I have mine arriving tomorrow, exceptionally excited although I have one very minor concern if you might care to clarify;

I saw a review, a user said apparently you need a screen protector or the nib scratches the display up, is this true?

>> No.4696905

Huion kamvas pro 16 or Xp-Pen Artist pro 16
They are almost identical, make sure not to buy an obsolete model those suck.
The newer models have PRO in the name.

>> No.4696911

I have had mine for about 3 months now and have used it for my day job (8 hours a day) I have not had a single issue with scratches.

However, I have owned and used a number of cintiqs in the past and they can be scratched. I had a cintiq 13 hd for about 4 years and after 2 years it had enough small scratches that it started to bug me. At that time I was rejoiced to find that you can remove the screen protector (which made the screen MUCH clearer, and I loved the feeling of painting on glass which also made it more scratch resistant and made it so I never had to change the pen nib because there was no friction)

My recommendation would be to simply use your judgement, if you feel your nib has gotten too worn down and has developed an edge, replace it. Also it helps to get some tweezers and rotate your pen nibs every now and then to prevent that sharp edge from forming. Also tweak the pen pressure sensitivity so you don't have to press so hard. ALso: wear a glove, it helps keep the screen clean and free of particles that might scratch it.

That said, I have also used a cintiq 22hd for a couple of years and I never scratched it so I'm not sure exactly how or why they get scratched.
TLDR: I think the built in screen protector on the cintiq 16 is pretty good and you will likely not have a problem with scratches for a long time (if ever, if you're careful)
OH one more thing: if you're planing on using it with a macbook, or some device that does not have an HDMI port, you MUST order this adapter: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01HQTS3U6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Apparently any other adapter results in lag, Wacom recommends that adapter. I've got it and it works great.

>> No.4696912

All modern wacom products have quality control issues. Don't expect it to last without problems for the next year.

>> No.4696916

Any downside to taping a paper over your tablet for better friction outside of faster nib wear?

>> No.4696918

Plasttic literally cannot scratch the glass, never that doesn't happen.

What can however happen is a speck of dust or sand getting embedded into the plastic tip and acting like a tiny glass cutter.
If your stylus ever feels scratchy like it's catching on the surface, check it immediately, clean or replace the nib.

>> No.4696920

paper getting worn and wrapped.
difficulty controlling the pressure
useless crutch

Just learn to use your hand. Do 5 minutes of SICO exercises as a warm up every day.

>> No.4696942

The cintiq 16 has a plastic screen protector built into it. It can be scratched with the nibs if you go at a single spot for too long and have a sharp nib.
All previous wacom tablets have had plastic screen protectors the only exception is with the new pro line which has etched glass.

>> No.4696948

They're hit and miss. I've used a number of tablets over the years and have never had issues. The problem is some of their newer products. From experience I find the Pro models have poor construction that does not last long and their tablet computers are rife with bugs.

Their base products: cintiqs, intuos, etc are very well made.

>> No.4696955

The Cintiq 27QHD is not well made...

>> No.4696958

Gross, no. Tablets only.

>> No.4696962

Are you aware of how glossy newer Wacom tablets are? Specifically the non-display ones

>> No.4696967

Huion stylus is cheap and breaks very easily, their drivers and tech support suck ass. Plus their screens look very washed out. I wouldn't say they're the same at all.

At least xp pen is going for better contrast ratio in their screens, their drivers are good, and their tech support is honestly better than wacom

>> No.4696981

How so?

>> No.4696987

Do some basic research. Bad quality control, dead pixels, black screens.

>> No.4696990
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Don't worry, that's what the paper™ editions are for, complete with the extra cost.

>> No.4696994

Are the XP-Pen 22Rs really being restocked soon?

Also when is the next sale? The eofys ones were underwhelming.

>> No.4697005

I personally would never buy a 27 inch tablet. The bigger the device the more robust it has to be built. I did some basic research and came up with the usual criticisms all wacom tablets have been accused of over the years, I didn't see any complaints of systemic problems though.

>> No.4697007
File: 292 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Wacom_Logo_WhiteType.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single company more jewish than Wacom?

>intentionally made their new intuos pros feel more glossy, forcing people to buy a more expensive paper edition if they want more stroke friction
>moved their manufacturing to china
>started using cheaper parts, charging more money, and reducing the length of the warranty
>made their pen nibs thinner causing them to wear out quicker, forcing people to restock more often
>removed support for vesa mounting, instead using their own proprietary mounting layout to be only compatible with their own proprietary $500 ergo stand, or $450 flex arm
>still want to use your own vesa compliant ergo arm? no problem! just buy the proprietary wacom vesa adapter mount for $100
They are literally worse than Apple.

>> No.4697009

Last time I emailed them they didn't know when they next restock on those was going to be. The 24" pro is better anyways honestly.

>> No.4697052

>The 24" pro is better anyways honestly.
Brad Colbow wasn't a fan and he usually has laughably low standards. Showed there was more pen jitter than previous XP-Pen models.

>> No.4697061

Pen jitter is a tuning screw problem. Easy fix.

>> No.4697073

They did and its not.
The 24 is actually worse than the base 22Pro, not by a lot but who the fuck is gonna pay 900 for a 2 inch bigger tablet with a slightly better screen versus the 700 for the good 22 inch version.

See pic related.
He needs to update his recommendations also. He still lists the 22Pro as his fave large alternative after his glowing review of the Kamvas and 22R Pro.

>> No.4697082

The plus side to the screen is resolution and the most important one: contrast ratio. The 22r contrast ratio is ASS. The 24 pro contrast ratio is actually good and you don't have to check your shit on another monitor as long as it's calibrated.

>> No.4697102
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Dropped the image but its being restocked this weekend it seems.

>> No.4697110
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Next month I'll get this tablet I liked thanks for this price and a lot of reviews from internet and youtubers. it's the xp-pen 15.6 and I can get it on aliexpress for 270 dollars, I don't know how to draw very well but I've always loved drawing and I'd love to, when I have it, to be a part of your community. I've asked to friends and they all agreed is best to have a tablet with a screen than one that doesn't have it so that's what I'm gonna do, but... If I have no idea how to draw, do you think it'd be throwing aways the money on a tablet with screen? I tried one without a screen (a blue Wacom Intuos) and I never learned how to use it, but everyone recommended me one with screen

>> No.4697132

>Not the 15.6 pro
Oof. Hope you like spending more money on a worse tablet.

>> No.4697137

>The 22r contrast ratio is ASS. The 24 pro contrast ratio is actually good
They both have a contrast ratio of 1000:1. Check the specs.

>> No.4697145

:/ Someone must have had it wrong on Amazon then.

>> No.4697147

hey i have been using a wacon bamboo (ctl-470) for years and I mean I had no problem drawing I'm not a professional only a hobbist with it
but you guys think is a good idea to buy a Xp-pen tablet to upgrade(XP-Pen Deco 01 or XP-Pen Star 03 V2 I'm not sure wich one still)
Would that be better or I just keep going with the one I have.

>> No.4697153

Deco 01v2 or Deco pro.
The other models are old and their pens aren't as good.

>> No.4697165
File: 478 KB, 1000x1000, XP-Pen-Artist15-6-Pro-dibujo-tableta-monitor-gr-fico-tableta-Digital-Tabla-de-dibujo-de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Can you help me, please? I'm new so I don't know about differences, for me they looks the same but I admit I preffer that anime girl more than that "realistic woman"

>> No.4697168

15.6 pro has a bonded screen that feels more like drawing on paper. The scroll wheel is top tier. And the cables don't break.

>> No.4697180

Is the Cintiq 16 the best option if I just want a drawing tablet for my desktop?

>> No.4697184


>> No.4697185

Hijacking this thread to say that drawing with a mouse is valid and based.

>> No.4697187

I guess I will go with de Deco 01 v2 then the deco pro goes beyond my budget right now and I cant find one here on my country only eh deco 01.

>> No.4697212

I watched a lot of tablet reviews about the one I wanna buy, and the one you are recommending and no one said anything about the pro version being like drawing on paper , plus it's 100 dollars more but if you say it's much better then I might save to get the pro version but since I don't know much about tablets I thought there weren't many differences since, I repeat, no reviews I've read mentioned the pro version being more comfortable than the standard version

>> No.4697231

Only if it's a rollerball

>> No.4697232

What are some better options in the same price range or cheaper?

>> No.4697233

There aren't any. You have to go higher for decent options. Not lower. Good luck.

>> No.4697234

Xp-Pen 15.6
>Slower response rate
>Non-laminated screen, causes parralax between cursor and stylus tip
>Stylus breaks more easily
>No tilt
>Bad contrast ratio
>6 shortcut keys, no dial (important with no multi-touch)

Xp-Pen 15.6 Pro
>Faster response rate
>Laminated screen, less parralax between cursor and tip is more like drawing on paper than drawing on a screen
>Newer stylus is sturdier than the last
>Has tilt functionality
>Good contrast ratio, black shows as black not as gray
>8 shortcut keys and dial makes not having multi-touch much easier to deal with

>> No.4697243
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real chads draw with this

>> No.4697246

Thanks, mayb I'll go to the Pro version. 100$ more expensive, but I suppose is he best choice, thanks

>> No.4697351
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I got to use a Cintiq for a digital painting class I was taking, and now any time I try using my Bamboo Create it just feels way worse in comparison.

How's the XP-Pen 13.3? I'm looking for a tablet with a screen but can't afford anything too expensive.

>> No.4697592

Yes. I use it and draw on bigass canvas sizes.

>> No.4697613

Too cramped. Also just FYI nothing is going to feel as good as Wacom. I have a 15.6 pro and that thing pales in comparison even to the Wacom intuos pro.

Xp-pen is pretty gud if you don't mind having a little bit shittier stylus.

>> No.4698032

I use the back side of HP photo paper and have no issues. Nib wear is nonexistent now and the paper last for quite a bit while providing the right amount of friction. Its nice because the textured surface on the Intuos pro does wear down after eating a 1000 nibs. With the right paper you can last a week of heavy drawing then just tape a new piece on and keep consistency.

>> No.4698215
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What's a good tablet with a screen that can be used in a bed with a laptop?

>> No.4698224

why do you want to draw in bed? just draw at a desk like a normal person

>> No.4698379
File: 162 KB, 744x965, B892B035-B268-4098-B686-0371A1530D14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new xp pen 16 display tablet got reduced to $425 for the launch discount.
livestream seems lackluster.

>> No.4698422

> bad posture 2020

>> No.4698471

> livestream
best part is how xp pen is confirmed CHINA!

>> No.4699075

what's the best way to get used to drawing on a tablet instead of a piece of paper?

>> No.4699279

Thinking about grabbing a display tablet. I'm wanting to spend less than 500 american burgers for a good one. Any suggestions? I think the ones i've gotten so far are
>XP-PEN Artist 12 Pro
>XP-PEN Arist15.6 Pro (read it in the thread and a friend recommended it)
>Wacom One (friend that knows people that sell art)
>Basically anything wacom (same friend that knows people that sell art)
Anything else i should seriously consider checking out? Thanks in advance anyone

>> No.4699370

I use an xp-pen 12, somewhat regret not getting a bigger one to draw on but it works well.

>> No.4699380


By drawing on a tablet instead of a piece of paper.

>> No.4699423
File: 74 KB, 571x587, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's my Cintiq or not, but whenever I use Photoshop for linear drawings it makes this weird glitch with pressure sensibility
This line is supposed to be swift and steady, but Photoshop makes it look like a shoe lace
Why? How can I fix this without a third party app?

>> No.4699442

>Goodbye old tablet thread
cute post :3

>> No.4699846

I'm no expert, but that looks like a photoshop issue.

You know in the wacom preference panel there's that thing where you can customize the pressure sensitivity? There should be a little grey box where you can test out the look and feel of brush strokes. Know what I mean?

If it's still glitching in that then you'll know it's a tablet or photoshop issue.

>> No.4699857
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>> No.4700097

my 22hd is dead and here are my options:

>replace with new cintiq 22
basically recreate my old setup
>replace with xp-pen pro 24
1440p sounds really nice, but I've heard the drawing experience isn't as great as wacom (less accurate input?). Also I'm on linux and their drivers are still in beta so that's a big uncertainty.
>1440p 99% monitor + screenless tablet
I sold my intuos a very long time ago purely because I was a noob and just wanted to draw stuff ASAP without having to learn. These days I'm more confident with digital drawing, I put in way more mileage than I used to, and now I'm seriously wondering if this is a better setup

has anyone here ever gone back to using a non-display tablet after using a pen display for a significant amount of time? How difficult was the transition?

If you think of any options I haven't considered let me know

>> No.4700178

eww there's dried cum on it

>> No.4700180

are you using stabilization ?

>> No.4700205

You literally have no good options in the 22"+ range. XP-Pen is an inferior drawing experience to Wacom, especially if you use tilt shading, and all Wacom display tablets made after 2015 have severe quality control issues, while still being heavily overpriced. If you're used to Wacom and downgrade to an XP-Pen, you will notice the worse accuracy.

>> No.4700306

I recently got a Wacom Intuos Pro Large. First drawing tablet, but I heard the ergonomics of a larger tablet is better, plus it was like 150 bucks off for a brand new unit.

>> No.4700423

The input is accurate, even near edges now which is nicer than huion or older xp-pen, but the thing that's off is that it has tilt but no rotation. If you don't really use it anyways that's fine, but I found my tilt would act a little funny sometimes. I had to set up all my brushes in CSP to tilt only with no rotation for them to work properly. And even then it's definitely inferior to the nice smooth tilt and rotation experience you get from Wacom. It's not terrible but definitely not the same.

>> No.4700649
File: 64 KB, 800x600, Wacom-Intuos-Pro-tablet-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working in a 2nd hand Intuos Pro PTH-651K that I bought in Nov 2018. I have no issues with it but the pen is my main worry.

The pro pen 1 is currently not available and the grip pen cost 105 usd. But, I found a guy that sells his PTH-660 for 180 usd. The only issues is he has no the original box. He tolds that he get it from his last job.

So...Should I go for it or just buy a new one?
Also, in my country, amazon sells the Intuos Pro pth-660 for 500 usd.

>> No.4700652

This, or wait and purchase a 2nd hand Cintiq pro 13 for 400 usd or a Ipad 7th + pencil for 500 usd.

>> No.4700717

Ew. I'd go the iPad route before I would buy a fucking discontinued model of tablet like that. Even if you get the 13 new you're not going to get any support.

>> No.4700749

Is there a reason why the Cintiq Pro 13+16 were discontinued but not the bigger models?

>> No.4700764

Hey, I'm happy with my current pth-651K. It's just the pen. It's cost 105 usd

>> No.4700767

Yeah they were too fucked and got too many complaints / weren't selling enough on top of that.

>> No.4700786

I mean if the smaller ranged Cintiq Pro tablets were having issues, you would think the bigger ranged tablets would have even more issues.

>> No.4701073

Create your own /dsg/ or something.

>> No.4701242

yes, does that fuck up the brush tool?

>> No.4701284

Because they are shit, I have the 16 one and it's garbage, also using USB-c as the default conexion is retarded, since not every USB c port supports video input and the you have to fiddle around with mini display Port or adapters, fucking hell

>> No.4701292

thanks for the input. This helps a lot

>> No.4701641

wrong. the larger ones were made from higher quality materials, even though they are still shit. just check the amazon reviews for the cintiq pro 16 and you will understand.

>> No.4701686

Is there a Paperlike equivalent for the Surface Pro that won't annihilate my pen?

>> No.4701688

Nah, everyone already realizes Krita is the best

>> No.4701811

Yes it does. So does windows ink.

>> No.4701815
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It looks like this

>> No.4701837

There's a lot of things that could be causing that. Could be drivers, recent update to drawing program, recent os update, stabilizers, brush settings, or a messed up stylus.

>> No.4701897
File: 367 KB, 911x1300, punpun-triangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ic/, /g/ here. I'm looking for an entry-level tablet that will just werk with GNU/Linux. I don't have much experience with drawing tablets but I need something for Blender and maybe some drawing with Krita.

$150ish max
East coast US
Is a screen really worth it? I feel like I'll be fine without one
No idea

>> No.4701985

please help my tablet won't stop drawing condoms filled with meaty dick

>> No.4702021

What OS are you using? What version of Photoshop? What model tablet? What version of drivers?

>> No.4702023

I think Xp-Pen tablets work with Linux. Deco pro or the Star models are good. And I'd get a size that has an active area around the size of a piece of paper but not smaller.

>> No.4702063

Before you buy anything check this link to see how the if there are drivers for it.

These tablets are recommended often and have driver support.
XP-Pen Deco 01
Huion H610
Huion New 1060 Plus

>> No.4702122

> when a linuxfan asks about drawing tablets

where’s the pedo van

>> No.4702184
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I'm thinking about getting the Huion Kamvas 20, but I wanna know if the difference between it and the kamvas pro 20 justify the price hike.

I've also thought about XP-pen equivalent if it's
truly better

>> No.4702351

Huion is trash.

>> No.4702373

its okay. things dont have to be either god tier or trash

>> No.4702418

Once you have enough income to afford good tools and your income entirely relies on your tools, there isn't a reason not to get the best tools.

>> No.4702688

Too bad that doesn't exist anymore

>> No.4702746

some people draw as a hobby not as a job

>> No.4702780

My first tablet was the XP PEN Deco Pro medium and while I say it feels great, I'm going for more display tablets. Picking up the iPad pro soon and was thinking about >>4698379
for home use. However I'm gonna wait for more reviews on that to see if worth it.

>> No.4702803

I'm trying to set up Manjaro right now. My current Xp-pen Deco pro works with DIGIMEND (tilt supported) but the official drivers are fucking shit and don't support tilt and only run as long as the window is open.

Your options are
>Deco 01V2 - simple and mice
>Deco PRO - a bit fancier has a cool dial
>Wacom intuos PRO - will spare you all and any headache, works flawlessly on Linux BUT it costs 350$ new. You might look for older models on craigslist or ebay.

Don't buy Intuos NON-PRO it's shit and doesn't even have pen tilt.

>> No.4702804

I-I have an intuous non pro...

>> No.4702827

Congrats you were bamboozled by brands and marketing.

Intuos non pro is a cut down and butchered abortion of a tablet. It's not a minimally viable product, it's a teaser
>Let's try the tablet thingy for 50$
>That's fucking cool now I want a real tablet for 350$

>> No.4702843
File: 5 KB, 248x203, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an intuous PT M from like 2015. I got it because you can buy bootleg nibs for it

>> No.4702857

I guess the Huions weren't super good in 2015 yet.
Rught now any chinkshit is much better

>> No.4703165

A while back my PC broke and bc of life stuff i wasn't able to go out to get it fixed, so I made a rash decision and ordered a Chuwi Hi10 X, hoping that it would work as a day-to-day computer and also as a portable drawing device

just wanted to say that it sucks! Shaky-ass lines even with line stabilizer turned all the way up. Pretty sure that drawing with one of those zero-tech rubber-pointed styluses would produce smoother lines. Completely unworkable.

In their defense, I'm pretty sure they sent the wrong model of stylus -- I ordered the Hi6 and I think they sent the Hi3? Their website and listings are incredibly disorganized and badly translated. Learn from my mistakes y'all

anyways what's the best way to salvage this situation? I tend to lose stuff so I'd hate to drop $99 on a Wacom stylus but I'm not sure what else is guaranteed to work on a Windows 10 tablet

>> No.4703211


So my Deco-Pro works with Manjaro it has some kernel drivers and the tilt works but I haven't figured out how to customize the keys.

>> No.4703725

Help, the points of pressure is not working on my tablet, it's a xp pen gs 430, I just connected the device and installed the drivers and reset the pc

>> No.4703727

Is it worth getting a portable tablet just so I can draw in bed? I'm not sure if it'd be as comfy as it sounds.

>> No.4703737

>he bought chinkshit
Get fucked mate

>> No.4703748

did you turn on pen pressure on...

>> No.4703793

Thats 100% a you problem, dude.
Chuwis are budget PCs not optimized for much else other than browsing the internet and writing emails. They usage as DTs is laughable, they're not in the market for what most people need at the bare minimum.

Make the best out of it as a laptop only, replace asap, invest in an actual drawing tablet. Stop being fucking impulsive.

>> No.4703849

Nevermind I fixed it, I had to turn on the windows ink thing haha

>> No.4703851

try another USB port, unplug and replug it in, restart computer. I use an xppen.

Don't buy chinkshit in the future.

>> No.4703920

What's a good 15.6 - 16" tablet that supports Vesa mounting? Don't say Cintiq 16 because you have to buy the $120 meme stand first.

>> No.4703957

I don't follow up digital tablets because I have been drawing traditional since childhood and this is my first tablet, what's wrong with it? It's working fine

>> No.4704096

This happens every time a protected class of products made by a few people gets busted open by chinks, brand loyalists get really pissed. The chinkshit is usually worse somehow, but if you don't notice it then it doesn't matter. You should have seen the seething when chinese people started making carbon bike parts.

>> No.4704147

> using a monitor arm for something you’re going to draw on


>> No.4704356

I doubt utterly regret it because my only other device is a very simple phone, and I needed SOMETHING with a proper screen for personal business. It runs some games ok as well
I knew it was lackluster but I thought I could make it work since I've had some pretty bad set-ups before and I only draw as a hobby
I hate to be all "reee chinks" but it seems you really do miss out on some quality when you buy from an obscure, untested company. For things with more room for error, it might not hurt to be frugal, not so much with higher-tech devices
Anyways I wanted to share this with you all specifically because I saw in an earlier thread that this specific tablet wasn't great, but not terrible, either. If anyone else asks about buying this, remind them of my foolishness

>> No.4704500

Huion is still nowhere near good in 2020.

>> No.4704507

we appreciate your sacrifice, 3rd-world chad

>> No.4704509

Chinese products have a reputation of poor build quality. That's about it.

>> No.4704516

There's nothing wrong with that, moron. It's objectively far better than using any built in stand.

>> No.4704517

Sup, madlad here who draws on fucking h**wei tablet without pressure sensitivity.


>> No.4704654

Where the hell do you find alternate pen nibs that aren't Wacom's overexpensive ones?
£8 for just 5 nibs, greedy bastards.

>> No.4704660

Where are the bootleg nibs?!

>> No.4704713

>Less than 100€
>Center Europe
>Guessing there's no display / only trash displays in that range?
>Size shouldn't matter
>No previous hardware

I am a total noob to this & just want something really basic for basic edits and fun casual drawing that won't make me want to rip my hair out (aka, reliable). I'm hardly even an artist but I feel like having a cheap but usable tablet would be nice to have lying around. Thanks in advance.

>> No.4704730

wacom intuos CTL4100, 69 bucks at amazon

>> No.4704751

>buying chink spyware
Absolute moron.

>> No.4704759

That's the only thing I had money for. Guess they love watching me drawing coomer stuff.

>> No.4704768

Many thanks.

>> No.4704780
File: 21 KB, 500x500, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use One by Wacom, the cheapest tablet they have to offer, £35 for the small size, £50 for medium. I've had no problems with it, it's a pretty good tablet despite the price, I'd recommend this or the Intuos (depends on how much use you'll think you'll get on buttons)


>> No.4705002

How shit is the pre-calibration on XP-Pen Display Tablets?

>> No.4705121

Seriously? Does it matter if you can just recalibrate it yourself

>> No.4705354

Question, how do I turn off the points pressure for the eraser on photoshop? I want it only for my brushes
I'm this guy >>4703957

>> No.4705465

/ic/els think that it should come precalibrated because learning how to do it themselves would mean its chinkshit.
>not realizing all Wacoms are chinkshit now

>> No.4705490
File: 54 KB, 400x300, 159367554297a17896a43a602d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is xp pen actually good? the only thing stopping me from buying any of their products is there high pen activation force.

>> No.4705567

> installing chinkshit botnet software

sure buddy

>> No.4705641
File: 26 KB, 466x301, 71EqXaqliML._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just purchased a XP-PEN Artist22E Pro 21.5 I dont know if i dun goof'd or not, we will see

>> No.4705784

should have got 22R.
This one is just old.

>> No.4705991

Is a used iPad Pro 2nd Generation worth picking up? It seems like a bigger, better, cheaper version of the current gen Air.

I know the 3rd gen is better, but it's a lot more expensive too, especially where I live.

>> No.4706047

Yeah its fine, stop being indecisive and go get it already.

>> No.4706051

Someone on /ic/ told me they overheat though, which is why they apparently pumped out the 3rd gen a year later, even though iPad Pros are meant to be a 2-3 year cycle.

>> No.4706073

/ic also thinks chinkshit and krita is ok. I’m posting this on a 2nd gen ipad pro. Its been on for at least 36 straight hours drawing, surfing the net, netflix, and youtube and it runs just fine.

>> No.4706217

>iPad Pros are meant to be a 2-3 year cycle.
Since fucking when? The biggest gap was 1 year 7 months.
>November 11, 2015
>June 13, 2017
>November 7, 2018
>March 25, 2020

>> No.4706361

i mean, it clearly shows the 2nd gen had the shortest cycle.

>> No.4706405

teoh posted his review for the 16 display.

>> No.4706418

3rd gen has a shorter cycle than 2nd and 4th gen will have an even shorter cycle. If anything what's being shown is that the iPad Pro cycles are shortening overall.

>> No.4706627
File: 31 KB, 496x395, 20200401162650_wacom_intuos_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking into moving into digital drawing should I get the S version of this or save and get the M?

>> No.4706630

never buy a small wacom

>> No.4706632

I have a 15.6 pro and I haven't had issues with high activation force. Worst case scenario you bump the pressure curve up towards the soft end.

>> No.4706633

Why though? But desu I am having doubts on how comfortable the S version is compared to the M but fuck is the M expensive. I guess Ill save.

>> No.4706642

Small tablets are carpal tunnel machines. Don't fucking do it just because it's cheaper you'll end up buying a medium later anyways because of the wrist pain. It's better to just save up and pass up on the small version.

>> No.4706644

This, fucking up your drawing hand to save 30 bucks la retarded

>> No.4706659

Thanks Ill do that.

From where I live the M version is 160 euros while the S is 80.

>> No.4706706

>>4705991 here.

I bought the iPad 2nd Gen on Ebay and got it delivered same day.
How necessary is it to buy a paper like matte screen protector? So far it feels like it's mandatory, because drawing on glass just doesn't feel consistent. It's like, when I'm trying to make a smooth stroke, some parts of the display feel more slippery, some feel more sticky, which is probably due to finger usage or something.

Can it be any matte screen protector? Or do the more expensive "paper like" ones offer a better drawing experience?

>> No.4706839
File: 15 KB, 680x178, so be it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under $1000 NZD
New Zealand
I wanna get something around 15 inches
>Other information
I was recently made redundant, so I was wanting to pick this up and really get into my hobbies since it doesn't look like I'll be able to get another job soon. $1000 NZD is my max
>Previous equipment
Wacom intuos pt m

>> No.4706849

Used Cintiq 16 if you can handle parallax.
If not, get an XP-Pen Artist Pro 15.6 or a used iPad Pro 12.9 2nd gen if you're ok to go a bit smaller.

The XP-Pen tablet has a worse pen and you will need to calibrate the screen if you want accurate colors, but it has a laminated display so you won't get parallax and it's much better value.

>> No.4706859

The XP-pen seems like a pretty good deal. especially if I can get a warranty

Is the pen that big of a difference? Since I've only really used the pen from an intuos pt m.

>> No.4706863

Meant to reply to you, sorry

>> No.4706880

Depends. Might not affect you as much as others. It's less accurate than the Wacom pen, and the tilt support is clearly inferior. If you like shading your drawings by tilting your pencil, you will get objectively better results on a Wacom tablet than an XP-Pen.

This guy Aaron Rutten is a massive Wacom shill and fanboy, but he will tell you things other tablet shills won't:


>> No.4706890

That difference still isn't worth losing your drawing hand. Save up.

>> No.4706895

No rotation, and tilt is kind of weird. It's definitely usable but it's inferior to Wacom for sure.

>> No.4706908

Oh. I can see the difference. Maybe I'll hold off on getting one until I feel more confidant in my art since I can't get one second hand

>> No.4706963

You will be able to draw anything on an XP-Pen, it's just less efficient if you use tilt. Keep in mind the guy in the video is a shill.

Also the used iPad Pro 12.9 is the big brained option. Yes it's smaller, but it has a top tier drawing experience and is built to last much longer than any Wacom.

>> No.4707069

Rotten is a shill to no end, I can swear it's him posting this shit here

>> No.4707075

Im the 15.6 anon and even though it's a little worse it's still usable it's just different without rotation. You get used to it and it's fine. The second xp-pen releases a screen tablet with tilt and rotation I'm upgrading though. No idea when or if that will happen.

>> No.4707223 [DELETED] 

What's the lifespan of a new and a used ipad? Looking at the 3rd gen

>> No.4707239

Not a big fan of applel, but now I'm interested. What's the lifespan of a new ipad pro? I'm looking at the 3rd gen and I'm not too keen about risking it with a used one that might die on me after a year or two.

>> No.4707381

If you buy brand new, you're cucking yourself because Appleshit is overpriced as fuck.

A used 2nd gen will last you 5 years. At worst, you can just get the battery replaced. The screen won't fuck up the same way a Wacom will.

>> No.4707561

holy shit does this guy work at the factory!

>> No.4707632

No... he was the featured guest at the July 4th Xp-pen stream revealing that tablet, and had it to draw on during the stream...

>> No.4707645

Holy shit tilt finally works???

>> No.4707727
File: 29 KB, 1304x1368, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a tablet, can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Everything looks like shit

>> No.4707744

> asks for help, provides no information

grow a brain then maybe someone can provide assistance. nice connecting those circles though.

>> No.4707891
File: 206 KB, 1759x1989, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know what you want me to say. I bought a cheap no-brand tablet and have been drawing with it for about an hour. I'm a total beginner. Everything I draw looks bad though, I don't understand what I am doing wrong. Compared to pencil and paper it looks bad. I'm using Adobe Photoshop 7

>> No.4707921

do you have a screen tablet or plain tablet, also if you suck well your images will suck, you're problem is probably just the brush you're using and it not giving you the result you expect, try something else and check results

>> No.4707943

has anyone actually been able to get their hands on a Huion 24 pro yet?

>> No.4708178

this dude is seriously beg but at least something about 24 pro


>> No.4708445

There are already pro level opinions on youtube.

>> No.4708472

What should I buy if I'm literally just starting out and don't want to draw non-digital

>> No.4708478

through us some links bro!

>> No.4708479

damnit guys,

Ive been drawing on a 10.5 ipad pro for about a year now, and it was going well so I thought id upgrade to something bigger. I first tried the new XP-pen 24 pro and that was great! It was just too large to keep on my desk 24/7 and it was a hassle to take out and put away since I was terrified of scratching it. I returned that and bought a wacom 16 since its smaller and I love it too but I miss the vibrancy of color on the ipad, and the actual drawing area isnt that much bigger than the 10.5 I had ( since the sides and top are covered by brush sizes, the ribbon, etc.). I think I just really like the ease of the ipad and procreate ( never tried art studio but I might), so im thinking of returning the waco m16 and getting the 12.9 ipad pro. A part of me feels like I should give CSP and the pen display a shot but Ive been drawing on it all day today making a sketch and im just not feeling the fun that I had from being able to hold the tablet in my hand weirdly enough.

stick with it?

>> No.4708496

You need to provide more information.
>Tablet brand and model
>Driver version
>Operating system
>Program name and program version

Nobody can help until you provide this shit. Your no-name tablet has some kind of brand name now go find it.

>> No.4708497

you just a hobbyist or you want to turn pro? cause I havn't seen to many people not use a display tablet in any studio with heavier apps like PS or Zbrush etc, I think the tablet is great for sketching though I use a surface pro for that mind you i'm still using an intuos 4 large for everything else...

>> No.4708554

im a hobbyist right now. Ive done a few commissions but I think im still a few years at the very least before thinking of turning pro.

the dream is to make some funny comics though and just sell prints after getting better.

and no worries about whatever you use dude, to me that just means you have got your medium figured out already unlike me haha

>> No.4708558
File: 73 KB, 220x203, 1561173358771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cintiq 16 or XP-Pen 15.6 Pro? I'm only able to pay through monthly increments, and Amazon and Newegg have both listed for a similar price monthly.

>> No.4708559

im also half thinking that im just a lazy ass for not acclimating to it

>> No.4708573

Cintiq 16 if you don't mind parallax. Otherwise choose the XP-Pen, but don't expect tilt to be good. Also you will have to calibrate the colors.

>> No.4708611


>> No.4708664

I dont think its just you. i have a wacom/pc setup and got an ipad pro 12.9 as a portable option. 6 months later i spend 90% of my time on the ipad since i can draw on the couch, dining room, patio or anywhere else i want just like i used to with a pen and paper. There is something about an untethered experience.

>> No.4708675

> i’d rather buy a $30 screen protector that’ll artificially wear down the tip of my $100 pen then wipe the screen before i use it

fucking brain damaged

>> No.4708864

Except you're constantly touching the screen to pan and rotate the canvas, idiot.

>> No.4708924

Yup all day going on two years now, I havent experienced any of the surface inconsistency you mentioned. Have you tried washing your hands?

Maybe this is a sign you should eat less fatty food if the sweat from your hands is gumming up your ipad.

>> No.4709020

No matter how much you larp like the idiot you are, you cannot stop your skin from excreting moisture over time while drawing.

>> No.4709420

I wear the glove and it keeps my screen clean. There are ways to prevent this faggot

>> No.4709546
File: 68 KB, 638x219, Annotation 2020-07-09 144246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shilling gookware while using Wacom. Absolutely shameless, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks.

>> No.4709558

What? You're Marc Brunet?

>> No.4709560

Yes, buy my Art School course, faggot.

>> No.4709600

Go away Marc

>> No.4709610

No, buy my courses, you little shit. It's the only way you gonna make it.

>> No.4709616

You suck Marc. I don't want your courses.

>> No.4709617

literally who?

>> No.4709647

No I don't. And you want my course. I'll even give you 5% discount and a secret coupon.

>> No.4709789

Lmao yeah right. Prove that you're Marc.

>> No.4709817

Buy my Art School lessons and I will

>> No.4710154

No dice buddy nice try ;)

>> No.4710307

just curious does a wacom pen work on the battery less huion or xp-pen?

>> No.4710315
File: 750 KB, 2597x1415, scratch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a deep scratch on my brand new wacom one using the pen itself ;_;

repair is too pricey, any tips for DYI repairs?

>> No.4710577

HEY HEY I remember Anon asked about linux.
So you can actually make Xp-Pens work with the wacom drivers.

The instructions are on the digimend page on github. What you actually get if your chinktablet working with the Wacom utility with pressure curves etc.

It's a screen protector. Get used to changing them.
Or get used to having scratches.

>> No.4710602

My intuos 4/5 stylus doesn't work on the xp-pen 15.6 pro. Idk about other Wacom pens or tablet models though, usually they are made for picking up/sending certain frequencies.

>> No.4710608

Replace your nib and screen protector, dummy

>> No.4710621


>> No.4710663

curious wonder if there is a a firmware hack, or is it strictly hardware driven? now that the patents are open wonder if it might be possible in near future

>> No.4710716

Can I go about this the same way it is done on cintiqs? (peel it off with a hairdryer)
Wacom support told me the repair is $100 b/c they have would have to replace the entire frontal part

>> No.4710765
File: 9 KB, 342x147, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curious wonder if there is a a firmware hack, or is it strictly hardware driven? now that the patents are open wonder if it might be possible in near future
They are just differently made.

Just peel it off with your nails.

>> No.4710792

emr tech isn't that different, unless screen magnetic layer makes it incompatible, but there are other third party emr pens available just a matter of time when they overlap i think

>> No.4710813

>Tablet loses pressure sensitivity after unplugging and plugging back in
>Only works again after restarting

fuck this stupid technology

>> No.4710940
File: 138 KB, 661x623, TLoU Falcon Punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought an XP-PEN Artist 22e Pro for £300 on sale.
It can be a little janky with it's drivers or whatever it is that causes it to forget it's a drawing tablet with a screen.
Comes with lots of spare parts including an extra pen.
I think the colour on the display is abit off, can't get it to match my other monitors.
Good for its price though, no major issues, good sensitivity. Lots of buttons. Good Size.

>> No.4711077

Not the guy that replied to you but considering wacom’s stylus’ aren’t even compatible between wacom products ... good luck with that. Wacom’s probably using some soft of identifier system. Even if you find a way to unlock huion and xp-pen, that doesn’t give you any clues on how wacom does it.

Fyi, those third parties are still licencing wacom’ priority tech. They just get to dictate the exterior design.

>> No.4711089

I wouldn't do but reverse engineering my not be that hard, just before you'd get sued but now it might not be the case, the circuit board inside a pen is mostly resisters can't just be voodoo gotta be a away around it...

>> No.4711090

It's both firmware and hardware. I've heard that some brands pen works with another brand but it was never mentioned who. Probably the chink tablets since they use simple some wave shit while Wacom is on that EMR. None of their tablets are good enough to have copped wacom's tech exactly yet so... I'm guessing youd have more luck with testing things like huion/xp-pen/gaomon with each other.

>> No.4711094

>iPad Pro 10.5 for $380 from Apple

Should I get Apple Care?

>> No.4711097

>simple sine wave shit*

Sorry, autocorrect.

>> No.4711114

well that's the thing, the spen doesn't have tilt but jerry's tear down of it, it look simple as hell and samsung is licensing that tech, I think right now what's happening is that now that patents are open huion et al, haven't really spent much time developing the pen they have been working on the screen thinking that's what most people care about, hope it changes of course

>> No.4711310

The xp deco 01 v2 only comes with the P05B stylus right?
I'm about to buy one here on my shit country and the store says its the V2 version but that it comes with the P03 stylus and I think they just dont know what the fuck they are talking about and Just copied the first thing they saw when they did a google search.

>> No.4711430
File: 354 KB, 1400x808, Deco01V2_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's P05.
They look differently the p05 has this intuos-styled flared rubber grip while p03 is like a triangular plastic pencil (actually sucks ass to grip)

The store clerks are probably confused just check the photos on the site.

>> No.4711467

sounds like chink drivers. Its a called a trade off, should just get a Wacom or iPad next time.

>> No.4711580

Based on what I've heard, Wacom often isn't much better

>> No.4711588

Wacom bricked my tablet

>> No.4711739

Is it worth getting the "paper edition" of the Intuos Pro?

>> No.4711778

no, its worthless dont pay extra for it. You need a special pen for it to work plus you are limited in drawing medium. Its a stupid solution to a non-existent problem. If you have a irl drawing, just take a picture and retrace it digitally. No additional costs.

>> No.4711822
File: 80 KB, 1600x1444, i42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, does anyone know if the older Intuos Pro is worth it in 2020?
I can get one brand new for less than half the price of the newer Intuos Pro with Pro Pen 2.

I know the newer one has 8192 levels of pressure (vs 2048 levels), but pressure is a meme after 2000 levels. Does the new version offer anything else worthwhile?

>> No.4711852

bluetooth built in is the other ‘major’ update but not worth the addition +$100 imho. Its good that you already know the high levels of pressure is a meme, means you’ve done your homework.

>> No.4711860

it has a textured surface which replicates a more paper-like drawing experience. you can also change the surface out.

trust me dude, get the newer model, you won't regret it

>> No.4711931

no shill, be gone!
Don't pay extra for a paper-like feel. Tape a piece of paper to your tablet FOR FREE. Plus it'll save the life of your nibs.

>> No.4712409
File: 87 KB, 353x362, aaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered a refurbished cintiq 16, leaving my old bamboo will be sad as fuck but i'm so hyped bros

>> No.4712421

I have one of those. The USB port broke and the wireless won't work anymore for some reason after I updated my drivers. No amount of rolling them back is fixing it so I'm thinking something died inside the tablet and it was just weird timing. This was after one year of gentle use.

>> No.4712545

I used to do it, it sucked when you draw tinier details like eyes, it felt really "draggy". I eventually got used the the smoothness and even used the smoothness to my advantage.

>> No.4712563

So let me get this straight, the big brain play is:

Beg tier - Deco Pro M, Samsung Galaxy S6 Lite
Good artist tier - Intuos Pro L, used iPad Pro 12.9

Is this correct?

>> No.4712594

How in the world do I fix the messed up color calibration on my Huion 13 tablet? The colors are quite different between the tablet screen and the laptop monitor and it forces me to do a double-take for every color I pick. It's also difficult to spot mistakes (ex. being not spotting uncolored transparent lines) on the tablet because of the over saturation(?). It's an annoying issue and I'm at a loss on how to fix it and get the two to match.

>> No.4712622

The same way you adjust any monitor ever.

Also don't forget that maybe it's your tablet that is fucked.

>> No.4712667

Get a color calibrator. Spyder makes a cheap-ish option. You can also see if you can rent one from a camera shop for a day just to get your shit calibrated at least once.

>> No.4712678

what? no, that’s stupid.

>> No.4712686

Poorfags: used intuos 3
Richfags: used intuos pro

>> No.4712687
File: 254 KB, 732x778, Screenshot_20200710-063145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huion has done it again
>22" screen 140% sRGB and 1200:1 contrast ratio
>Etched glass
>Laminated screen
>VESA mountable

The future is now

>> No.4712689

Everyone uses the intuos pro medium. The large is for faggots that have parkinsons

>> No.4712719

Elaborate. I've always been told bigger is always better because it enables more range for the shoulder to draw.

>> No.4712725

Who gives a fuck, it will still have a trash chinkshit pen. Display quality is a meme because drawing always comes first.

Also, these high end chinkshit displays are getting expensive these days. I'd rather just buy a Cintiq 22 if I'm investing more than $750.

>> No.4712769

It just stressed out your hand more, you shouldn't have to move your hand and arm so much if you're using a screenless tablet. A cintiq yes, but not an intuos. And this is coming from a guy that has both a med and large intuos and even a cintiq.

>> No.4712773

>140% sRGB
the fuck?

>> No.4712840

Explain how drawing from the shoulder does not apply to screenless.

I see people complaining all the time about the smaller bamboos and intuos smalls.

>> No.4712853

>tablet with no display
What the fuck is even the point? Might as well draw with your mouse.

>> No.4712863

In the email I got it's on presale for $400. That's less than an xp-pen 15.6 pro and also less than a Wacom intuos pro medium. Also this thing has the new pen 3.0 which is comfy as fuck.

The color gamut rating goes over 100% lmao. It sounds dumb but that's how it be.

>> No.4712967

I'm not buying Huion trash, Chang.

>> No.4712990

Imagine talking shit about tablets when you don't know how color spaces work.

for retards
100 sRGB - bleak shit-tier office monitor.
120 sRGB meh a bit less painful
140% srgb supposedly equal to AdobeRGB actually good territory

>> No.4713007

90% is decent. Anything above that is nice though.

>> No.4713011

I'm just saying it's not even close to $700 so your point is moot and you are a retard. You don't have to buy it I just wanted to correct you.

>> No.4713038

>shit pen tilt
Nah, not buying.

>> No.4713043

>90% is decent. Anything above that is nice though.
98% sRGB are literally THE WORST monitors that exist. They don't make any worse.
98% is actually 100% +-some margin to avoid lawsuits like "we paid for 100 but got 99"

>> No.4713145

So Wacom cintiq is the worst? Man if it's so bad I wonder why it's the industry standard

>> No.4713174
File: 136 KB, 1500x1500, 1584698883_1542891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been using Kamvas Pro 16 for a month now
>No problem whatsoever
>Meanwhile /ic/ warns everybody against buying Huion products, says their products break after a week

I don't get it, is trashing Huion a meme? I do acknowledge the slight offset on the edges of the screen, but other than that I'm entirely satisfied with my purchase. The color was actually on-par with my main monitor without calibrations, and better than my secondary monitor.

>> No.4713203

It's absolute trash, they'd never sell the 3000$ Pro if the 300$ one was any good.

Wacom non-pro products are shit tier by design.

>> No.4713245

A year ago I was asking absolutely everybody
>anybody tried tilt? Is tilt important? Am I missing out without tilt?
Not a single person said they used tilt. I personally don't either. Literally everybody was like
>Well I have an Intuos but I don';t actually use tilt or rotation.

Now it's "Don't buy Xp-PEn their tilt isn't very good"
it popped up literally a week ago out of nowhere.

Must be shilling.

>> No.4713272

What are you talking about? Intuos Non-Pros are fine.

>> No.4713296

>bad colors
>thick non-laminated screen
>non-etched glass with a crappy protector
>no buttons by design to make you uncomfortable
>no ring, dial or touch bar by design to make photoshop uncomfortable
>no vesa mount and NOT compatible with any other stands

It's a shit tier child's toy. You buy it to try drawing, and immediately start saving for the pro because it's shit.

Compared to a Huion
>better colors
>laminated screen
>etched glass, no plastic protectors
>buttons everywhere
>touch bars on each side just in case somebody was a lefty
>adjustable stand and vesa mount
>costs about the same
>not designed to fuck with you

>> No.4713306

>Intuos Non-Pros are fine.
>no tilt
>no rotation
>no buttons
>no dial
>4000k pressure levels just to make you feel sub-standard

It's not a tablet, it's a trial version of a tablet. You try drawing on it and you immediately wish you had the intuos pro.

>> No.4713313

All of the cintiqs are 99% Adobe RGB and below

>> No.4713335

Cintiq Pro is ADOBE RGB 99% (Can't claim 100% for legal reasons)
Adobe RGB = GOOD, not the movie mastering tier, but it's OK. An Adobe RGB monitor costs 500$ and it looks pretty good.

Cintiq NON-PRO are sRGB. SRGB = BAD. Think about an ancient shitty office monitor you've seen at school, in an office, or maybe the display on an ATM. That's shit.

>> No.4713339

What do you think an Intuos is, idiot?

>> No.4713342

I mentioned intuos here

>> No.4713343

Fuck off you idiotic chink. Huion is and always will be trash. Quality control just as bad, if not worse than Wacom and the pens are still nowhere near as good.

Oh, and free Hong Kong.

>> No.4713346

>4000k pressure levels just to make you feel sub-standard
Pressure doesn't matter past 2048 you dumbfuck chink.

>no rotation
>no buttons
Haha, and yet you're trying to shill Huion. Embarrassing.

>> No.4713353

>but muh peeens MAH PEEEEENS

I'd much rather use a Huion pen than a Wacom screen.

And they are updating the pens this year BTW.

>> No.4713363

>Pressure doesn't matter past 2048 you dumbfuck chink.
I know.
But they give you less just to make you feel second class.
Everything non-pro is really designed to make you regret being cheap.

>> No.4713426

Oh and BTW Intous non-pro has pen jitter because fuck you for being cheap.

>> No.4713453
File: 82 KB, 646x1146, dgdgdgfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a tablet to trace manga but I'm really struggling. I can't get used to the pen, it keeps going off in directions I don't want. How do I fix this?

>> No.4713483

What are some good cheap tablets?
Wacom Intuos CTL4100 vs XP Pen Deco 01....
Help me you seem to like to talk about this a lot thankss :^)

>> No.4713567

Deco 01v2 hands down much better

>> No.4713569

Practice, you gotta get used to the tool

>> No.4713571

Thank you for your input.

>> No.4713601

>pressure doesnt matter after 2k
the poorfag who have never used true wacom 8k pressure levels, they feel so smooth, a pleasure for your hand

>> No.4713683


damn shilling this fucking hard i can literally see the winnie the pooh flag waving behind you

sorry, still not interested in your chink botnet software

>> No.4713685

maybe you shouldn't be so insecure

>> No.4713686

keep practicing, your minor motor skills are still weak. it'll get stronger as you continue to use your tablet over the weeks.

>> No.4713753

drawing tablet bad
pencil good

>> No.4713758

I agree but good material expensive so need to buy cheap tablet :(

>> No.4713778

> chink botnet software

>> No.4713791

Gonna echo the other anon. As far as screenless tablets go, you won't regret an XpPen.

>> No.4713793

>your social credit score has been upgraded

>> No.4713822

Huron and XpPen use basically the same guts in their tablets. The differences are in their pens and drivers.
XpPen has a history of more reliable drivers, whereas Huion has a history of more reliable pens.
Its probably with the wave of 24Pro reviews where theis is their latest and greatest model yet they still haven't figured out rotation to put it in the pens.

If you don't paint digitally, tilt really isn't going to be something you look for. Most people on /ic/ are weebs and figure artists anyway.
The thing is: Rotation isnt something we want, per se. its a milestone.
Its how well know the 3rd parties have made another step forward in competing with Wacom. Tilt was the last hurdle and since tilt has been fully implemented in current models, the next milestone should be either rotation, which would make 3rd party pens worth bitching over, or 4K,which XpPen made the small leap to 2k with their latest model.

Its a tablet plateau. Huion and Xps 24 models are basically the same. Deco pro is almost on par with an intuos and Huions entry tablets are some of the best selling on amazon.
Its all negligible at this point. Buy what is going to suit your field, not the bells a whistles cause they're there.

>> No.4713970
File: 11 KB, 405x355, 61smPcz1R3L._AC_SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here had a good experience with Huion pen-tablets?

Particularly with the H1060p?

>> No.4714009

I had a huion h610p (older model) it worked but had problems
>loose micro usb keeps disconnecting all the time
>every time it lost connection drawing software fucks up and needs a restart
>drivers can't autolaunch for some reason and I had to launch manually every time
>the plastic enclosure itself is flexing and creaking.

Compared to an old bamboo it was FANTASTIC, but it has it's own problems and Deco 01 is basically that but just better.

My advice NEVER BUY MICRO USB. Take a look at their hewer models like HS611 or Xp-Pen. Anything with usb-C. USB-C is good, micro usb is bad.

>> No.4714039

> obvious chink botnet deflection

oh no

>> No.4714057

So far Huion and Xp_Pen weren't caught spying on people, go on find me an article or anything. But wacom sold you out.

When you watch porn, google knows what specific porn.

>> No.4714106

Actually I have, Huion has had a history of suspicious activity relating to their drivers/hardware.

Sorry zhang, not gonna do your homework for you and post reference. There have been past incidents of those links suddenly *disappearing* but some google-fu will yield results.

>> No.4714121

sure Mr.Abe I'll believe you

>> No.4714129

I get it.
>source: my nose

>> No.4714600

t. idiot trying to rationalize your purchase
I've used 8k several times, moron. It literally won't make any difference to your art.

>> No.4714797

It's entirely up to personal preference. No one can help you here. Some people prefer drawing in glass without a screen protector, for example.

>> No.4714813

*on glass

>> No.4714847

Alright bros i'm gonna buy a drawing tablet.

I've hammered it down to XP-PEN Artist15.6 Pro and the XP-PEN Artist13.3 Pro. I'm kinda nervous about getting a drawing tablet because it costs a lot and i'm not sure if i'm good enough or experienced enough to really pull the trigger on it. But i'm seriously considering it. Between these two is the 15.6 really worth the added hundred buckaroos? I can afford it and am willing to pay for it since I would be expecting myself to be using this tablet for years to come assuming i really do get it. I'm still a mega shitter beginner that started really trying to learn within the last few weeks. I've been enjoying my time and have been improving, albeit slowly. But I've always considered myself an absolute dogshit artist my entire life. So though i'm still shit i'm better than i was three weeks ago.

>> No.4715313

It's more useless since the screenless tablet isn't 1:1. Your monitor is usually larger than your tablet, so making an inch line on the tablet will result in a 2-3 inch line on your screen.

>> No.4715550

Just buy a deco 01 LMAO.

Never buy things you can't afford 7 of. If you ever have to think whether to buy or not to buy - just don't buy.

>> No.4715923

where the fuck do i buy an ipad pro 3rd gen 12.9 in cancuck land for cheap

>> No.4715935

New thread:
