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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 66 KB, 1000x667, 575754574765785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4689449 No.4689449 [Reply] [Original]

Shill your art communities here.

Discord / Forums / wherever.

Personally, I would like find a place with only a few people that draw regularly.

Do you have that place?

>> No.4689460
File: 1.30 MB, 498x278, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have that place?

>> No.4689461

I wish, looking for one too.

>> No.4689463
File: 536 KB, 2149x2010, Darius Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do instagram and twitter count in any form?

Cuz if it doesn't I think it's honestly just /ic/ for me.

>> No.4689479

I tried making friends on servers and it's good, but the more I talk with them the less I draw.

I want to make friends with people and talk but I also need to keep practicing. It just feels empty being at a desk all day and not talking to anybody, it's quite lonely.

>> No.4689496

listen to comfy music, friend.
Do the mental deep dive, get into the zone.

Drawing gives me all the company I need.

>> No.4689500

Think I just need to detox or just get away from everything and just draw. Listening to lo fi beats to chill to right now.

>> No.4689503

>Drawing gives me all the company I need
I wish I could be like you man

>> No.4689519

used to love being alone and not being around people but the older I have got the
more I feel like i need people, i am turning into some huge pussy, i need to go back
to being edgy loner kid

>> No.4689555
File: 199 KB, 600x600, mf32f23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chat for depressed artists who are tired inside? It's for a friend

>> No.4689569

Make your own

>> No.4689587
File: 456 KB, 480x361, dead_pinocchio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, I will consider that option

>> No.4689598

Will join if you do

>> No.4689603

Any cute boyfriend free girls want to talk to me?

>> No.4689609

who is your favorite artist?

>> No.4689614


Diff guy here, but this happened to me too. I love being on my own, but I guess I had too much of a good thing. I'm just bored by myself now.
It sucks.

>> No.4689618

Albrecht Durer

>> No.4689666

yes, PLEASE.

>> No.4689668

Alright /ic/ fags, if we can't find such a place, we're just going to have to make one, and that's exactly what I did https://discord.gg/Wf2T5hq

>> No.4689868
File: 512 KB, 640x657, 1593546907340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you how any art communities that is non-anon, will go down
>make "art" community
>the filth on this board joins because they're all insecure normies who'd kill themselves if they didn't get an ounce of attention for a petosecond
>if everyone draws, nobody talks
>community dies
>if everyone talks, nobody draws
>community dies
>some anons post their work
>get mad because nobody gives a shit
>sperg out and deflect all and any criticism
>then they make threads on this board about
>of course everyone will be circlejerking about the one most skilled artist or the one with the most social media numbers in the community
>if females join
>community dies
>if trannies join
>community dies
>if kiddies join
>community will be filled with memeposting and drama
>if porn addicts join
>community will be filled with fetish scribbles and porn
>"That guy said something i don't agree with, quick, i must start drama because then i can get social media points"
>"That guy is better than me but i will always try to convince others that his work is shit so i can get social media points"
>"haha i'm better than you, why the fuck do you even dare to look at my artwork. ur just a jealous crab i have more social media numbers than you"
>"G-guys lets just get along"
>"guys, we need more people this is boring"
>"guys, we are too many people this is too chaotic"
>"guys am so lonely, why am i so lonely guys? pls gib attenshon"
>"guys, look at me, look at me guys? What do you really expect me to care about you? Just look at me, pleb."
>"guys, why are you drawing all the time, lets talk"
>"guys, why are you talking all the time, lets draw"
>"guys i have an idea and i want all your help.. what do you mean you're not interested? i'm leaving"
Anyone who belongs to any "art community", is just a pretentious faggot and peak ngmi

>> No.4689870


>> No.4689879

>if you write this schizo longpost
>you should do as you imply the community will do

>> No.4689891
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>"guys, this guy wrote too many letters, he must be a schizo"
lurk moar or go back to r*ddit, nigger

>> No.4689893


>> No.4689909

yep, totally healthy in the brain. no angry screeching here at all.

>> No.4689932
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>calls others schizo

>> No.4689933

What’s your contact, satan?

>> No.4689939

He's 200% right and you know it
Every time I tried joining a chat it was neck deep into one of those scenarios

>> No.4689950

They bullied me off the server for saying that hating your art isn't good for you and the entire mod team REEEEEE'D at me.

Guess suffering artist syndrome is real. I'd rather be alone then in a toxic place like that no matter how many good artists their are.

>> No.4690112
File: 2.93 MB, 564x516, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> no porn
> need member role to view channels
> semi active voice channels w/ streaming/music
> avg user age around 25
> there are many furriez
> eMoJiS

>> No.4690121

>arists having mental illness is real
You don't even know the half of it.
Just do a quick google search and even science tells you that artists are fucking retarded.

>> No.4690137

I'll hop in, provided I don't have to post art right away to get membership.

>> No.4690142

no its just to prevent spamming/trolling/alts
theres no real verification shit

>> No.4690183

sorry but this pozzed trash fire of a website wants me to give it my phone number
Discord is fucking garbage

>> No.4690471

watts atelier forum
but it's locked for people who buy shit from
(which actually weeds out the toxic people since u paid them and they have your info) so imo its a good bonus
not sure what courses give you access tho
do your research but it's active old school style forum full of serious people
not active as much as 4chan tho so don't expect to refresh all day and see posts, you will see posts daily and there are studygroups

>> No.4690474

I used to want to have community/friends, but I realized the more I talk the more I hate myself for saying retarded things so I just draw by myself for now.

>> No.4690478

Wow nigga you really typed all that

>> No.4690483

That's why I don't join art communities.
It is all useless and will dsitract you from improving.
One must act accordingly and observe themselves.
If their skill will grow people will follow them.
People in art communities just want to have a back pat for anything they do.

>> No.4690493

You don't get it, art communities are transient, you join them to find those 1 in (what) 100? 1000? committed and supportive people that become your art friends, that you then get to keep when the community inevitably dies.

>> No.4690578

ur just jelus crab
This guy gets it
Wanna bet you draw gay shit?

>> No.4690599

nope, boring trad shit, although I doubt that changes anything for you

>> No.4690644

If you make some channels for posting art, inspiration, studies, etc I will rejoin

>> No.4690710

This place looks like cancer incarnate

>> No.4690719

holy based and redpilled

>> No.4690735

first message i see
>fuck this lockdown i cant even get my estrogen supply

>> No.4690746

I go to an obscure irc channel. Obsolete technology is great to filter crabs and ngmi.

>> No.4690779

I guess it's time to shill our weeb server again.

>> No.4690787


>> No.4690801

Mods are usually on top of it, but one is constantly jumping into every drama with their own opinion and over shared history.
One person constantly bemoaning that they don't get enough attention on their posts and it's all because their work sucks /wrist
People who ask the same fucking questions but in different ways because they never like the answer they got the first time.
People who ignore or don't notice the obvious fucking rules pinned to the top.
Those /beg/s who declare themselves as "good artists" with an obnoxious intro post and it's like where the fuck is the good in your work that you're referring to?
Those people who give advice in response to questions and have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

>> No.4690817


>> No.4691114
File: 10 KB, 248x230, discord channels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you have to leave in the first place? you could've just told me in the server and I would've done it.

>> No.4691119

i just figured the person starting a community would have at least half a clue to set it up before inviting people

>> No.4691134


Still would like to speak about artwork people post and get my artwork to be talked about. But such a restrictive discord would also die fast since serious artwork takes a long time and nobody would really have the time to check up. Probably best to just keep decent /dad/ relations on the comment wall.

>> No.4691139

>set it up
Just post images and talk, it's not like you join and there are no channels
anyways it's more organized now

>> No.4691193

great, you already have porn degenerates shitting it up, that didn't take long.

>> No.4691205

Go dilate puritan faggot

>> No.4691206

>ic server

>> No.4691216

Shouldn’t you be sticking a dildo up your ass?

>> No.4691393
File: 19 KB, 234x504, server.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screenshots or it didn't happen.
>pic related, is server

>> No.4691804

RIP cheeseburger

>> No.4691812
File: 366 KB, 818x815, Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 11.41.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banned for no reason, great server!

>> No.4691816 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 310x109, discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss you already, if your messages werent gone id add you cmon we're best friends now

>> No.4691820

dilate fucking tranny

>> No.4691823

if only :(

>> No.4691828

you're artwork is worse than your server

>> No.4691835


>> No.4691840

Yeah and it's fucking awful. Amazing work, not even 1 week old and it's already shit.

>> No.4691843

fat ugly faggot go take a shower

>> No.4691850

fag server
>run by day two beg
>conversation with retards is like wringing water from stone
>post work channel 90% that one furry dude's work
>art server, nobody draws, cringe

>> No.4691860

wanna wash my back?

>> No.4691868

Did the server get deleted or did I get kicked after 10mins? I went and took a shit and now the server is gone of my list.

>> No.4691873

????????? I just got kicked for no reason??

>> No.4691879
File: 44 KB, 365x317, Screen Shot 2020-07-01 at 1.35.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owner is a rulecuck tranny

>> No.4691883

hope your pressure opacity issues get fixed, bud

>> No.4691888
File: 129 KB, 1410x793, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people I interact with

>> No.4691891
File: 71 KB, 475x476, 1524485728369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kicking people because they don't immediately talk
I scrolled through the art channel right before I stepped away for a minute and the owner is a eternal /beg/. Its always low iq faggots that do shit like this.

>> No.4691894

hope you're artwork improves

>> No.4691895

me too, anon
i think it will!

>> No.4691899

>why should I let you in?
What the fuck, he just said pyw (which I promptly did) and then kicks me out? Way to maintain a community

>> No.4691903

New non-cucked server

No rules. Unless you decide to turn server into your personal blog and spam about shit not related to artwork.

>> No.4692025

owner is worse than your average /beg/, lmao.

>> No.4692030
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that's him by the way

>> No.4692081


>> No.4692093
File: 34 KB, 680x680, 83c897f90bf4ad9e3cc85eeb3d9a0d6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally wouldn't laugh at a struggling /beg/, but since the fucker decided to be a faggot

>> No.4692108

but but you were spam pinging!!!! how can I let you in after you raid my serverino!!
there is more to the story then my rulecuck tranniness!

>> No.4692112

banned instantly, thought there was no rules?

>> No.4692113

this is the owner of the cucked server btw

>> No.4692116

Your the faggot that banned me before I even had a chance to post.

>> No.4692117

one rule: don't be a faggot

>> No.4692119

Go back to the server you just kicked everyone from you fucking mongoloid rulecuck tranny

>> No.4692122
File: 253 KB, 1017x613, Annotation 2020-07-02 t012014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for people to learn from


>> No.4692123

unban me pls kthxbye
I unbanned you but deleted the server afterwards

>> No.4692127

you were spamming and now you're bringing this shit on the thread

>> No.4692135

exactly why I deleted it

>> No.4692140

kys permabeg

>> No.4692143

cope harder, can't enter a server without sperging out, can't say I expected more but that's why we have the ban tool.

>> No.4692156

I can hardly believe he was spamming since you kicked me after I spewed out not more than two lines and posted my work after you asked me to

>> No.4692161

The server was deleted. Everyone who's ever been in it thinks they've been kicked but I've only banned one person, sorry for the confusion.

>> No.4692166

kys permabeg

>> No.4692195

I opened one at some point but there were too many degenerates who would stink up the place and didn't contribute anything good. Then too many political discussions so it was annoying, definitely not worth starting one if you know youre going to have to moderate it so people dont post questionable shit that can get you in legal trouble if at all possible.

>> No.4692210

Yes exactly this, I was a naive retard for making one.

>> No.4692237

The one I made reached 55 people. That "joke" which gets posted about how people dont actually draw on /ic/ is 100% true. Out of all those people who joined only 10ish posted any actual work. You will have to find people who actually draw somewhere else. Or people who are good enough to give useful critique or direction. It's rare that I can learn something from most people here and its only been a year. There were spammers in mine too.

>> No.4692334

>if you know youre going to have to moderate it so people dont post questionable shit that can get you in legal trouble if at all possible.
The only reason why I don't start my own server/instance/discord/imageboard
and If you put an entry wall like a registration nobody joins so it's pointless

>> No.4692446

55? in how much time?

>> No.4692448

Ok retards, here's a system you can use for your garbage discord server to make it less garbage

When person joins, they are allowed to post in only one specific channel, where they will be requested to post their work. After posting work, community members will vote on the skilllevel of the person using reaction emojis to make it easier. Person gets assigned beg,int or pro role depending on how the community chooses what their skill level is.

After becoming a member, person gains access to art channels which includes reference/inspo channels, general chatting channels etc. Every member regardless of skill level will have access to these.

Skill level comes into play with skill specific channels where people are allowed to post their work. So for example. beginners will have their own channels to post work/sketches, int people will have their own.

As these 3 levels are built like pyramid, higher level will have access to lower level channels alongside their own, meaning someone who is proven to be more skilled than a beginner is allowed to give critiques to beginners. Thus Pros will be allowed to visit every channel.
You will be allowed to see what people post in higher skill channels, but you wont have access to posting there.

This does create the environment of elitism, but as the roles are designated by the community itself, it should work like a self-regulating structure where everyone knows who's giving advice and if their advice is worthwhile

On question of moderation and power abuse, Taking role of moderator should have its drawback as to prevent abuse. Such as if moderator is proven to be abusing power,they will be banned permanently.

>> No.4692451

Nosebro, is that you?

>> No.4692455

NGMI gulag when?

>> No.4692458

Never. There's no need to encourage people to be bitter at each other and lash out that they are not rated as highly as they think they deserve

>> No.4692509

I got 55 people in 2 days. Apparently thats not common around here but many people joined, and that was after kicking people who were spamming.

>> No.4692571
File: 107 KB, 815x1024, 1590151550978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's make a passive competitive hierarchy where the majority decides the fate of others
>"no. i don't think im beg pls reconsider or ill leave"
>"haha shut up ur just int what do you even know"
>"fucking pros and their arrogance, we begs should take over the server"
>What could ever go wrong?
Just seeing how these thread evolved from my original post>>4689868
One must either have ulterior sociopathic motives or be really fucking retarded if they are this desperate to get people to
>""""join their community""""
idk anons, should i call the alphabet soup? cuz shit's sketchy

>> No.4692615

Why would you recruit people from here? If you have to have a discord, don’t start it here. of all the problems levied against art servers here the only commonality is that they’re populated with 4chan users.

>> No.4692631

This sounds really fun. Just like a martial arts school. But the problem is that there's almost no reason for pros to stick around unless there's a good amount of them. Nobody wants to spend all their time helping out begs for free.

>> No.4693371

You sound like bitter eternal ngmi my friend

>> No.4693467

whatever lets you groom children on discord at night, tranny

>> No.4693480

yeah definitely bitter

>> No.4693540

yeah definitely a tranny

>> No.4695129


here i made a discord for your thread.

>> No.4695207
File: 197 KB, 605x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thing i want is some ngmi crabs in my community

>> No.4695215

>community members will vote on the skilllevel

Wrong, just have a really low cut off point and have admins take care of it.

>Person gets assigned beg,int or pro role

Too complex/retarded



This does seem awfully similar to what we do but it's not me who wrote this. The whole goal of the ngmi gulag on ArtKings is so as to not have people waste time on people that don't draw. To give you a sense of scale we have 40 ngmi members and 160 regular members. There are only 2 active artists at any given time in ngmi.

They are ngmi for a reason.

>> No.4695224
