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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 107 KB, 1152x781, EbrQkrvWoAAodp9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4687562 No.4687562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4687575

holy fuck lmao i live in st louis

>> No.4687577
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to but the next "political" drawing I'm doing is gonna be for David Dorn.

Sorry OP.

>> No.4687581

I can't, my wrist is killing me right now.

>> No.4687588

Pay me first

>> No.4687761

this actually has potential, but op draws first

>> No.4688030

I'm beg, but I'll try to draw it after work

>> No.4688036
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>> No.4688046

use your shoulder, you fucker

>> No.4688068
File: 728 KB, 1321x987, 32FF61AA-3953-417C-A357-F016C0ED23F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the left’s love for dehumanizing and making fun of conservatives. It’s really antiprogressive

>> No.4688090


>> No.4688390

Yes, it’s the left that loves treating huge swathes of the world’s population as subhuman.

>> No.4688393

Aren't they dummycrats?

>> No.4688399

They’re the well off suburban style democrats. They don’t like trump because he says mean things, but they don’t mind all the tax cuts that come along with it. About as Neoliberal as you can get.

>> No.4688402

how can you be a right-winger and an artist at the same time
well seeing that drawing you're not much of an artist
and they should continue dehumanizing conservatives because as long as they hold racist and regressive views they should be made fun of

>> No.4688404

also grow a pair snowflake

>> No.4688428

>how can you be a right-winger and an artist at the same time
Ever heard of Hitler?

>> No.4688441

>dehumanizing wrongthinkers is a moral imperative
you're going to have to step up your bait, because this is just a standard lefty position at this point.

>> No.4688451

Better than dehumanising people for things they can’t change

>> No.4688464
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>it's okay when we do it because those guys are worse
how about not dehumanizing people?

>> No.4688469

im talking about good artists, Hitler tried to go full trad, and even failed in that
yeah no shit man, if you're for example a fascist, you think you deserve the same treatment as someone who isn't/or has a more progressive view?
your ideas/politics shape you as a person, and if those ideas are harmful, i have a moral imperative to kick you in your mouth

>> No.4688470

wait, does that mean that I get to dehumanize you for dehumanizing other people, which is something you could change?

>> No.4688472

that's hatespeech

>> No.4688481

i think it is valid to be politically violent towards people who have ideas that lead to fascism, it is a radical view, but in my opinion a just one
also what are you gonna do, call the 4chan police?

>> No.4688486

your anti-fascist agenda is, in fact, totalitarian in its own right, so I think it's valid to use state violence to oppose political violence. Meaning that I don't have to do anything. Go punch a nazi and get locked up.

>> No.4688492

No because it’s a judgement on behaviour that is actually harmful. It’s like the whole “you can’t kill a serial killer because the number of killers in the world stays the same” shit. That’s wrong because it’s not the number of killers that’s the problem, it’s the output of the killers. If your output is only effecting those that are wrong, then you aren’t “just as bad”

>> No.4688499

ah, so you think you don't have to go through the proper channels to affect political change because you're the absolute moral authority. gotcha.

>> No.4688502
File: 64 KB, 491x565, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is anti fascism totalitarian wtf????prove it?
yeah rely on your state see how that goes, i would even argue that every great artist of any time period would stant againts your views
i seriously think having right-wing views debilitate your artistic ability
and yeah i will do that gladly any time

>> No.4688505

Who said that. I’m talking about the morality of holding certain opinions. My point is that there is a difference between hating someone for their race and hating someone for hating someone for their race.

>> No.4688510

Try having an actual opinion on something, instead of copying your parents thoughts, then maybe you will understand why it makes sense to make fun of people.

>> No.4688525

>backpedaling this hard
"Hate" is just an unhealthy attitude, but you were talking about dehumanizing "the right kinds of people", and how killing a serial killer is a net gain for society from a utilitarian perspective.

>> No.4688528
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>i have a moral imperative to kick you in your mouth

>you think you deserve the same treatment as someone who isn't/or has a more progressive view?

>and if those ideas are harmful
You have a moral imperative to became a fascist and silence opinions you disagree with?

>If your output is only effecting those that are wrong
Who gets to define the difference between right and wrong? The world isn't in black and white. Your wrong is another mans right. I see nothing wrong with wanting to preserve my people and heritage.

>> No.4688531
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>yeah i will do that gladly any time
Sure thing bud

>> No.4688532

You’re missing the point. It’s not a person being dehumanized directly. It’s a set of ideas that makes a person less worthy of respect. Once those ideas are abandoned, they are free. Ideology isn’t inescapable like something like race. Hating someone for something like race leaves no road to redemption for the person that is hated.

>> No.4688533

y-you don't understand. we have to have absolute control over how people act and what they think or fascism wins!

>> No.4688534

>My point is that there is a difference between hating someone for their race and hating someone for hating someone for their race.
Have you ever thought that maybe it's not about hate? Maybe we just love our own people and the hate is a defense mechanism? Similar to how black people "hate" the police? or "hate" white conservatives?

that perhaps the same mechanisms that fuel your political ideology are the same that fuel mine?

>> No.4688535

Your people aren’t dying out genius.

>> No.4688538

yes, yes, just like the commies allowed you to renounce your religion and escape punishment if you were found guilty of teaching your kids about god. such generosity.

>> No.4688541

>y-you don't understand. we have to have absolute control over how people act and what they think or fascism wins!
Thats literally what you're saying, not me. You're calling to kill people whom you disagree with??

>> No.4688544

Police don't mistreat black people genius.

>> No.4688548

You see just because you say it, doesn't mean its true.

>> No.4688550

both of those are true though

>> No.4688558

It’s not about hate, it’s about cowardice. You fear what you don’t understand and that makes you resent what you fear. It’s basic human instinct to be hesitant of what you don’t understand, but that doesn’t automatically make what you don’t understand harmful. Racists are often from rural areas. There is a reason people raised in urban environments are less likely to be racists, and that is because the other races aren’t unknowns to them. They recognise that everyone is an individual person with struggles and ambitions. My hate for racists is also out of fear, but since my concept of what “my people” is is much larger, I see the racist as an outlier hoping to dismantle what our society can become. The difference as I have said is that you don’t offer your outlier a path to redemption because you can’t, where I can and do.

>> No.4688559

They do, but they also mistreat white people, asian people, mexicans, etc.

>> No.4688575

I think racists (as in, people who discriminate based on race) understand statistics better than you lot do. they just draw the wrong conclusions from them. You're afraid of even looking at reality, because it might force you to re-assess your own "it's all the fault of the oppressors" worldview, and then you call people racist when they don't share that worldview based on wilful ignorance. That's why you're just as wrong and just as dangerous as racists in your own special way.

>> No.4688608

>I'm not a racist.
You should live among/near niggers or gyppos then. You will either die or become a racist.

>> No.4688610

You imply you don’t misinterpret your own statistics. For example, many of you imply that iq is the be all end all of how intelligent a person can be based on their race, but you ignore the fact that iq can shift dramatically based on things like education, nutrition, stress etc. Is it wrong to assume that the real issue is impoverishment and that society could improve if the impoverishment problem was fixed? I don’t think so. What about the tendency to commit crimes? Are you not more likely to commit crimes if you see it as your only option out of your current situation. I never once got mugged or robbed when I lived in the city, but once I moved to a rural area, I’ve had to scare white methheads off my property at least 6 times a year. The population of white methheads has grown as the rural communities have become impoverished. I think it’s pretty clear that the statistics as you put it show that increased poverty leads to increased crime. My feeling is that the real reason people nowadays have attached their identity to their whiteness is because they recognize that their lives lead to a dead end, and they use their whiteness as a crutch to feel superior to others without actually having to do or accomplish anything. This mindset is likely why you don’t see many racist artists. When you don’t elevate your self worth based on your race, you have to actually work hard at something to earn that self worth for yourself.

>> No.4688616

I lived in the city in a shitty apartment for years. I never got mugged and everyone minded their own business. I had a noisy neighbor, but everyone hated her, not just the white people.

>> No.4688634

Why did you assume that I share the racists conclusions? Besides, that isn't even the point of contention here.
The question is, "is a society where some ethnic minorities have worse outcomes than white people structurally racist?" and "if so, could that racism be rectified if we, say, introduced quotas, gave minorities preferential treatment in school , university, hiring, under the eyes of the law?". In the anti-racist worldview, disagreeing with those measures is structural racism, and racists are subhumans who deserve to have their lives destroyed.

>> No.4688655

>you don’t see many racist artists
You don't see many nigger artists either.

>> No.4688666

The richest and best educated blacks, still have the lowest IQ. Also adoption study. etc.pp. How often did we have this discussion.

The world is going to shit anyways and I pledged to completely unplug from the liberal diverse utopia we have to live through now. Draw out of a van or some solitary trailer

>> No.4688669

My point is that you can’t automatically assume that a population deserves its place in society if you haven’t even put in the work to fix the issues that may be preventing the population from being uplifted. As is clear. There are plenty of black men and women more intelligent and more educated than you or me or anyone reading this thread. Those people had access to a path forward. You can’t expect a person that has to quit high school and get a job to help raise his siblings to have the same opportunities as a we’ll to do person. This is also a problem in rural white communities. If you are too poor, you may never get the opportunity to improve the status of your life because shit is stacked against you. This is why economic inequality is the most important issue in society at the moment regardless of your race, because it exasperates all other issues.

>> No.4688671
File: 30 KB, 352x550, just kiss alredy you two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4688674

You’re all NGMI

>> No.4688679

And asians have the best iq on average. Why aren’t you flagellating yourself at the altar of supreme asian iq if it’s so important to you

>> No.4688685

you argued that the right-wingers ignore non-racial factors that could account for discrepancies in average IQ, anon responded to that. And instead of giving contrary evidence or conceding the point you pivot on a gotcha that only works if the person you're talking to is some kind of white supremacist. Yeah, Asians do well in western societies because they're, on average, pretty smart. That's a good thing.

>> No.4688686

>There is a reason people raised in urban environments are less likely to be racists
These are the most racist people there are

>> No.4688698

*they also have a good work ethic and functional familial structures

>> No.4688699

desu i'd love to wear kilts and robes everywhere shit sounds comfy af

>> No.4688705
File: 192 KB, 534x699, hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't deny that Asians are great. There are of course other qualities as well that justify White existence, while the negroe can only offer fast running. However it would be a relief if Asians would take over the world after the Whites are gone.

Also to udnerstand the right wing mind you must understand that we do not factor in "fairness". To us this is meaningless. We do not have an ethical concept of fair treatment of the enemy. If we argue about how inferior blacks are it's usually just to explain things to liberals. Among ourselves, however, we'd like to remove or segregate from the other races no matter whether they are worse or better. In fact better races would be an even bigger threat (that's why so many think the Jews or Asians are the real threat). At the end I side with my greater family, just like every other race or species does.

>> No.4688710

>many of you imply that iq is the be all end all of how intelligent a person can be based on their race, but you ignore the fact that iq can shift dramatically based on things like education, nutrition, stress etc.
This is false, IQ doesn't deviant by much. It's mostly genetic. We also don't consider it the "end all be all". For that we just look at history and the accomplishments each race has made to humankind.

>Is it wrong to assume that the real issue is impoverishment and that society could improve if the impoverishment problem was fixed?
Yes, because it's largely genetic and saying otherwise to fit your world view doesn't change that

>I think it’s pretty clear that the statistics as you put it show that increased poverty leads to increased crime
The statistics show that poor blacks commit less crimes, specifically less violent crimes than poor minorities.

A sign of having a high IQ

>> No.4688713

Actually ashkenazi jews hold that title

>> No.4688714

>just like every other race or species does.
except we aren't allowed to do that

>> No.4688721

see, that's where /pol/ goes too far. familial structure and culture are in no small part memes that are passed down through the generations. Cultural differences between american and african blacks can't be explained away as a pure epiphenomenon of IQ, individual choice and cultural transformations are real forces that can make peoples lives better or worse.

>> No.4688722

But why intentionally segregate when integration means you would net benefit from the creations of asian and Jewish societies?

>> No.4688725

the same reasons blacks try to segregate and maintain their cultural identity even when it's retarded. it's a kind of cultural narcissism.

>> No.4688727

here you go bud, shove your race realism IQ junk science up your ass

>> No.4688732

paraphrase the arguments presented in your own words

>> No.4688733

Yes, we're all created equal, because otherwise would be unfair. Cry me a river.

>> No.4688737
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>It’s not about hate, it’s about cowardice. You fear what you don’t understand and that makes you resent what you fear.

This is an old meme and I admit its a very well crafted meme. Nobody respects someone who is afraid, yet if he explains why it isn't fear it also reinforces that this meme is a valid argument. At the end nothing that the other races bring to the table is unknown. The entire world is pretty much americanized, the Quran can be read online, the languages can be translated, rap is blasted out of every loudspeaker, we consume the food and media from all over the world. What is the unknown? What is there to fear? Well, perhaps we should be afraid, very afraid. Of a time where we lose political power due to changing demographics, when we lose our claim to a nation. Nobody has any love for the Whites. We can only help ourselves and when we are helpless and have no country to organize us and protect us we will become gipsies that get beaten to death for sport. Mankind itself will pretty much become a dark and primitive place as well, since modern notions of law and justice come from the White people. We ended slavery. We ended many evil things. Unfortunately we also created many evil things such as rampant technology use and liberalism. The Whites' best revenge will be its own nonexistence. The survivors can see how they will like a world governed by chimps and Chinazerg.

>> No.4688739

okay, here I present a study that gives unequivocal proof that IQ is not a reliable measure of intelligence, and it has nothing to do with genetics
also race isn't real, and is literally skin deep

>> No.4688741

>But why intentionally segregate when integration means you would net benefit from the creations of asian and Jewish societies?
They aren't needed and come at extreme interest rates. The mess we live through now, after all, is teh result of integrating Jews for their achievements and skills.

>> No.4688742

did i claim this anywhere? of course we are not created equal, but IQ and genetics play a minuscule part in the "starting line" in life
socio-economic situation play the biggest part

>> No.4688746

what part of "paraphrase the arguments" sounded to you like "parrot the conclusions"?

>> No.4688747
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>> No.4688758

WOAH BRO NICE PICTURE (please post the full study don't embarrass yourself like that)
is that an argument? there are a plethora of studies showing basically that everything this dude >>4688710 said is factually wrong
am I supposed to deny the study, and basically the opinion of the scientific world? i don't get what you're trying to say

>> No.4688763

If nigs are equal to whites then how come Africa is a shithole, lol. Nigs are disgusting, at least indians and chinks accept their role as cheap labour for superior white countries.

>> No.4688764

The point being, if you want to change someones mind on race and IQ, citing a study and then telling them to educate themselves isn't any better than posting an infographic.
>educate yourself
is a meme for a reason. argue your position or gtfo

>> No.4688769


spoonfeed etc etc etc.

I only safe pictures because text requires me to open notepad. But here you go. I also tell you how I did it: I wrote the title of the picture in the Google searchbar and then clicked on the study. Hope it helps. Also another helpful tip: the stuff scientists write matters much less than the numbers they get, since they only write to protect their jobs in such cases. Look at the numbers, read between the lines and only pay attention to HOW the numbers were gotten. If you look at the WHY section, you'll just see what the grant-giver wanted to see, especially in the conclusion.

I worked in academia in both cell biology and CS and you'd be amazed how much politics and lobbyism happens even in such nonpolitical bland, matter-of-fact research areas. I can only imagine what's going on in the social studies/humanities section.

>> No.4688780

do you realize how ridiculous that sounds, the study is there for that specific reason(it's not that long, and i assume you can read, can you?)
are you that lazy that you expect from me to explain why racism is wrong in two sentences?
if youre about that ben shapiro facts and logic, i presented you with facts and logic (the study)
it is naive to connect low IQ with race, because with that logic you would have 0 black people(or whatever race you believe is the inferior one) in higher positions in life
and dont give me some conspiracy bullshit "they were put in there by the boogie man post-neomarxist post-modern crab people to fulfill the WOKE agenda"

>> No.4688785
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>it is naive to connect low IQ with race, because with that logic you would have 0 black people(or whatever race you believe is the inferior one) in higher positions in life
oh, you can't be serious

>> No.4688786

Blacks have low average IQ. Still there are some who are quite smart.

>> No.4688788

remember, bellcurves are racist. Shaun told be so.

>> No.4688791

entire thread is just /pol/ shitposting, not a single post after first ten or so suggest this is /ic/, not even casual "pyw"
how the fuck this shit is still up?

>> No.4688795
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>> No.4688820

>can only imagine what's going on in the social studies/humanities section.
Oh, you have no idea. Entire terminological frameworks exist solely to explain away unfortunate facts with unfalsifiable word salad. Philosophy is perhaps the last place in the humanities where free thought is at least tolerated, and even then, the commies are doing their best to subvert that field and push loaded political terminology that distinguishes ideological conformity from wrongthink at a glance.

>> No.4688832

So break the pattern of retardation

>> No.4688839

Why do you think communists have any power in the west? Have you seen how our society is structured. It’s the antithesis of communism.

>> No.4688857
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>> No.4688859

>Have you seen how our society is structured. It’s the antithesis of communism.
you got that much right. It's open and tolerant, which is why politicals have such an easy time taking over institutions once they get a foot in the door, we just don't have any social defence mechanisms. it's gotten to the point our countries liberal party can't even come to campuses to do political work without getting threats from and being noplatformed by literal marxist-leninist, with the full support of our administration. I think I've only met three tenured professors who weren't either traditional socialists or idpol progressives.

>> No.4688871

My point is that if communism had taken over. Colleges and hospitals wouldn’t be corporations whose primary focus was making money. Your argument for colleges being taken over by communists falls flat when the colleges business model is clear to be the exact opposite.

>> No.4688874

This. They see the ghettos and the poverty.

Meanwhile my trailer park white trash family kinda dislikes blacks, but they're their neighbors, coworkers, and friends, and also fellow poor people, so there's some understanding there.

Rich white liberals HATE blacks from the hood. They just know better than to say so. They profess to love them, then, while continuing to exploit and gentrify. Same for any other minority: fags, trannies, retards, kikes, psychos, chinks, etc.

I hate rich white liberals.

>> No.4688876
File: 93 KB, 869x1024, 1592276686703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all equals

>> No.4688891

British lad here. We have a socialist health care system. It's fucking shit. I've been off work on disability benefits while I wait for a back operation. So far it's been 3 years since I saw my first specialist and there's still no date for my op. I'd kill for what he Americans have. As a paying "customer" you have every right to demand what you've paid for and hold them accountable for delays etc. In England you just get stuck with freshly imported doctor who can't speak fuck all English, has no idea about native sensibilities and has no idea what's wrong with you. And then you're expected to be thankful and understanding because of stress on the system. I pay for a service but don't receive 1/4 it's worth. Just my 2 cents. Time for more tramadol

>> No.4688893

>communism is just an economic system, right?
ahahaha. no idiot, before the takeover, communism is about cultural hegemony. it's about using that cultural hegemony to bully and threaten and demonize, until everyone keeps their heads down and does what you tell them to. You get rid of judges who hold conservative or liberal views. You get rid of news organizations that don't toe the party line (or in the digital age, you make them invisible through soft censorship). You defund the police and replace it with an organization that is ideologically loyal to you. You threaten and noplatform and isolate your political opponents. And THEN you take over, begin abolishing private property and putting people into labor camps.

>> No.4688904 [DELETED] 


I have a fond memory when I was probably 5 or 6 that we had a Dr Seuss day where our school (a school in NYC) laid out a ton of books purely about Dr Seuss. I picked out a book called Green Eggs & Ham. It was the first book I actually read by myself.

Now that I think about it, my father was the one who forced me and my siblings to read books. If I didn't have my dad I probably wouldn't have read any books until I was forced to. I can imagine this being a problem for most black children growing up without a strict parent. It might be different today now that everyone has tablets, even kids. Kids today might actually be a lot smarter (or not) /shrug

>> No.4688907
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>I hate rich white liberals.
We hate you too

>> No.4688910

Hey, if you're poor over there at least you get your operation in a few years.

I don't got shit, been trying to get help for my back for 5 years, and am always refused tests and told that I'm too young, thanks, that's 200 dollars.

I don't go anymore. If I die, I die.

>> No.4688915

you don't have to reply to the literal /pol/ bait. averages and outliers. there may statistically be more dumb black kids than dumb white kids, but so what? there are still plenty reasonably intelligent people of every race except aboriginals.

>> No.4688916

But you only get to say that anonymously, otherwise you'll get ripped to shreds.

I wish you guys would just stop fucking lying about it. Just tell me trannies are weird freaks, I know you're thinking it. Maybe then we can have a genuinely constructive conversation. Can't do that if you're not speaking freely.

Generally rich liberals are too cowardly to do that, though. It's wrong think and cannot be expressed.

I hate conservatives too, they're stupid, but at least they're more honest.

>> No.4688929

In America there are people coming out of covid with nearly a million dollars in debt and you think it’s a good system?

>> No.4688930

>you'll get ripped to shreds.
>we can have a genuinely constructive conversation.
lol, I'm getting mixed messages here. desu, I think the vast majority of people would default to the "I think transsexualism is weird and kind of cult-ish, and I don't want it taught in schools, let alone encouraged, but people are free to do what they want with their own bodies and I hope they find happiness."-position if it weren't socially unacceptable. As it stands, you have to either sign up with the right and spout 41% memes, or you go full "trans (clap) women (clap) are (clap) women".

>> No.4689268
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Again sorry for /beg/.

>> No.4689272
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>> No.4689274

That's great :')

>> No.4689302

Not mine tobh, found on twitter

>> No.4689318

and here I thought /ic/ has good artists lurking.

>> No.4689335

I’ve seen better artists on here. They don’t post much tho.

>> No.4689352

I don't think that the way to fight generalization is with more generalizations. But theres no reason to bring firearms to protest. That's some retarded boomer shit.

>> No.4689360

They broke the gate and trespassed into their closed community. I think they could have legally shot those people.

>> No.4689362

Well, when your representatives in government, your media goons, your public intellectuals and your internet personalities all unite behind the demonization of your political opposition, I think that opposition has the right to say that it's being demonized by "the left". If you didn't support statues being defaced and torn down by a mob of vigilantes you weren't a "real" lefty, just like if you don't vote for Biden you aren't black.
Really reflect on the way your discourse works for a bit. I think it's not good at all. Like, really, really bad.

>> No.4689442

They went through a gate into private property, they were trespassing.
And you know what happened to other people trying to talk to a crowd into not causing trouble or destroying their property?
They were beat half to death, you can look them up.
The guy brought out a firearm to show he meant business, telling them that they were on private property and had to leave, no one got hurt nor was property destroyed, seems like bringing a firearm worked pretty damn well.

>> No.4689563
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>> No.4689583

My country has free education and it's full of commies. My high school teacher told us that the then president (who was """"right wing""") was a dictator. Commies will use everything to push their autism, i even got told that if we didn't vote (we can vote at 16 here) for the left party, education would become private because of the evil evil capitalist government.

>> No.4689588

soulless vs soul

>> No.4689590


As based as based gets.

>> No.4689596

>bbc documentary

>> No.4689690
File: 427 KB, 985x986, 1592068817565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr private property
Just let the protest in peace, you racist bigot

>> No.4689708
File: 108 KB, 835x600, Adolf-Hitler-Church-Oil-Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler's work were quite good for a man who learned how to paint while living in poverty and receiving no instruction. Reminder that the internet didn't exist yet.

Several art critics who looked at his work and weren't told it was produced by him agreed, though did say he had no interest in the human form. This is why they recommended he go to a university for architecture, but due to his poor marks in school, couldn't.

This is one of his earlier works before World War 1. He continued painting up until the second war. Go look them up instead of judging somebody's work off of their politics and something you read on Vice.

>> No.4689711


>> No.4689714

/ic/ does, it’s just that they are mostly porn artist.

>> No.4689734

I 100% didn't have the full story. They were justified in carrying their firearms.

I still hold that fighting against the use of generalizations with more generalizing won't help things. That isn't me shilling left or right, I'm just sick this black and white world view people are perpetuating. The world isn't that simple, no one is a "good guy."

>> No.4689754

I do find that quite peculiar.
Why are the most skilled here, mostly porn artist?

>> No.4689804

Coombux > sfw, that’s the reason why.

>> No.4689853

>Look at the numbers, read between the lines and only pay attention to HOW the numbers were gotten
Unfortunately this. Lately (like last few decades) signal to noise ration in scientific papers plummeted into oblivion. Retarded methodology, no methodology, number of experiments too low to have statistical significance, "wait our next paper for actual results, because we want that sweet grant money", chinks, poos and other subhumans copy-pasting bullshit to get their publications number for a degree.
And I'm talking about "hard science": physics and CS.
The shit is just crazy.

>> No.4689856

Not to mention that very high IQ usually doesn't translate to "high success" positions like CEOs and what not.

>> No.4689925


shut up faggot

shut up wigger

>> No.4689945

Whenever I see a house like that I always assume the person is a pedophile. Doesn’t matter what the person’s political affiliation is.

>> No.4689979
File: 158 KB, 3224x2912, dexter and dee dee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4690091
File: 37 KB, 542x633, ameriburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4690307
File: 3.37 MB, 2998x3998, manwithm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is shit but i sketched the dude

>> No.4690310

That's cool, anon!

>> No.4690383

every artists born before 1970 would be considered racist.

>> No.4690400

Pretty good for a sketch

>> No.4690536


The proportions really go to shit from the shoulders down, which is a shame because the head is alright

>> No.4690597

Stolen and saved

>> No.4690877

Warms my heart.
I'll improve, promised.

>> No.4690881

Holy based

>> No.4690882

stop cutting yourself anonymous!

>> No.4690952

Mike Tyson was considered mentally retarded with an iq of 78 and he is an avid reader and can write. I don't know wtf that kid is doing.

>> No.4690984

I like it a lot, but the baby arms and gun are killing it.

Rest of the body looks good. Maybe a little more thickness or gut on him.

>> No.4691037

>>4688769 could be bollocks about working in academia, but this is the only way to read "scientific" literature

>> No.4691099
File: 994 KB, 1374x2014, 187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 hour portrait

>> No.4691148

pretty cool, godspeed anon !

>> No.4691153


F U C K i retract my good words