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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 314 KB, 1107x1680, 7a8897c922c0f8f19f501106668eeb93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4685943 No.4685943 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly make women in comics look like trannies a lot of the time? Artists like Manara and Serpieri still manage to make their women look like pure women for how hatched or detailed they are, why can't an american that draws in a simpler art style do the same?

>> No.4685951

they probably got too used to draw muscular men that they simply forgot about the subtle details on the female face.

>> No.4685954

>hat exactly make women in comics look like trannies a lot of the time?
Your overconsumption of anime

>> No.4685962

They can't be bothered with the subtleness of women. Softer and slightly smaller features besides the eyes

>> No.4685981

WTF. And people wonder why so many people are gravitating towards Eastern art where the women are drawn with feminine sliders set to maximum.

>> No.4685983

There's nothing wrong with this, btw trannies are great so kys faggot

>> No.4685984


>> No.4685985


>> No.4685989
File: 854 KB, 1912x2362, 188163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manara and Serpieri
Learn how to read or go back to /co/mbrl, retard

>> No.4685995

You're not a woman and never will be, subuman freak
Join the 41%

>> No.4685997

You literally do not see anything wrong with that overly manly jawline and skull size? That’s a man’s skull caked in make-up and wearing a wig.

>> No.4686003

Robert Crumb makes the most feminine women

>> No.4686005

I am begging you, please go outside.

>> No.4686009

You're just sperging about the fact that her chin isn't pointy, aren't you?

>> No.4686012

>draw a man
>call it woman

>> No.4686024
File: 196 KB, 497x700, jaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly make women in comics look like trannies a lot of the time?
The fact that trannies live in your brain rent free. The pic you posted looks like an adult female.
I don't want to pull the "lololol u incel" card, but you are seriously coming across as someone who doesn't interact with real women much.

>> No.4686030

Your crotch wound is stinking, troon

>> No.4686031

I never think about trannies as I am far too busy working to even bother with the politics of gender dysphoria or all of that garbage, but my male brain saw that cover and instantly identified it as a male head shape.
Now if you find that cover attractive, then that’s fine by me, and more power to you, but never in a million years are you going to convince me that’s a girl’s head drawn on that cover and never in a billion years would I ever see it as attractive or appealing.

>> No.4686035

you do you, senpai

>> No.4686042

I get the tranny criticism frequently when I draw women, but it's usually because they're built like bodybuilders with pornstar faces. The drawing in OP's pic related seems to look intentionally butch.

If I were a betting man, I'd say the shitbirds at Captain Marvel did this one on purpose as another "stronk wamyn" statement. Please post some more examples and we could examine them too.

>> No.4686060

>I am far too busy working to even bother with the politics of gender dysphoria or all of that garbage
Yet you saw this cover, posted it here, and are here replying to posts. Furthermore, you assume everyone who disagrees with you a tranny, despite trannies being a minimal percentage everywhere, let alone on 4chan, where everyone hates them outside of their containment board.
No-one who hasn't dedicated a significant amount of brain energy to trannies analyzes things like skull size. Making the head bigger is a common way to stylize your art all across the board.

>> No.4686065

That wasn’t me who posted this. I think you’ve confused me with someone else.

>> No.4686070

Fucking stop. Nobody cares.
I swear the anti-trans are becoming more obnoxious than the trannies.

>> No.4686074

My bad.

>> No.4686160

>my male brain saw that cover and instantly identified it as a male head shape.

>> No.4686201
File: 2.05 MB, 1370x780, Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 9.01.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take back my post here >>4685954

"She" definitely looks like a tranny. Just so tired of the daily fucking "east vs west" type shit threads I jumped the gun.

I think there are plenty western artists who CAN draw appealing women. I think maybe they just don't get hired or become popular because apparently attractive woman = objectification? Basically the industry is ran by kikes and what they say goes. Having attractive women in comic books? well that's just problematic. Drawing women as trannies? well that's very progressive!

>> No.4686208
File: 1.54 MB, 978x896, Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 9.15.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4686229

kek, based

>> No.4686251

so the trick is just to rip out the cheekbones? But real people don't look like that unless they're babies. pathetic. No sense of anatomy.

>> No.4686283

Son, where you live the women must look a lot like men.
For real, though, the edit is closer to the "ideal" woman's facial shape. It's not perfect, but it's miles ahead of the original.

>> No.4686295
File: 93 KB, 250x374, 1586791575534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no shit the ideal woman looks like a child no shit. But that's not what actual women look like. Look at this pic. Totally normal looking woman, who (and this will shock you) has cheekbones.

>> No.4686301

this is your brain with an extra chromosome.

>> No.4686308

Exact same angle too, right?

>> No.4686310

watch porn chads

>> No.4686321
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 834A5A42-E781-49F0-9BAE-813499AE1B35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a woman with a strong facial structure which in no way defines what is appealing. If you take a closer look, the cover art is even more exaggerated than the pic you posted and is honestly bordering on male facial proportions.

>> No.4686326

that thing you posted looks nothing like the 2nd anime version anon made.

>> No.4686333

Line economy.
Manga-kas get away with it because they usually draw stylized. If their work is more realistic they usually look Asian, where women and men together look more feminine anyway.
It’s also because western comics are male geared, so the artists have more practice drawing men.
Cross hatching and using too many lines will make a woman look hard, as well as a man. It’s hard to get the artist to make them match when everything is cross hatched

>> No.4686335

That image has the worst perspective ever.
Also western comic book women look like trannies because western comic book geeks are completely stuck in their unappealing shitty 90s aesthetics.

>> No.4686341

It’s an example of a woman with gentle facial features. No protruding jaw, no orangutan cheek bones. Wasn’t meant to look anything like the edited pic.

>> No.4686345
File: 1.76 MB, 1351x716, Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 10.08.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman can have prominent cheekbones and angular jaws, that is not a masculine trait. However this comes from LOW FAT% in the face, NOT from BIG BONES. Large jawbones are a masculine feature and is a secondary sex characteristic from having high amounts of testosterone during the developmental stages in life.

Many models have angular jaws and prominent cheekbones. Again this comes from having a low body fat percentage. Which is why most supermodels are very skinny.

>> No.4686346

well that's what i was criticizing. My point was that animu faces look even less like actual real women than the western versions.

>> No.4686370
File: 466 KB, 800x1041, Illustrations_Y_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the japs draw semi-realistic women they still look more appealing and closer to a real woman instead of a tranny tho, Why do OP's pic look more masculine than pic related despite being way more stylized?

>> No.4686376

it's easier to make a face beautiful with a frontal view than 3/4ths view.

>> No.4686395

Why can't you just accept the OP is very masculine looking. Don't ignore this post >>4686345

I'm tired of the anime fags and east vs west threads. Westerners are very capable of drawing females. I think it's just a political/cultural thing that the industry doesn't hire those artists. Defending the OP is just cope and its making western artists look bad.

>> No.4686402

No, it isn't you dumbass coping ngmi crab. Do you even draw or are you just here to endlessly defend shitty western comic book art?
When you're at a professional level constructing a head in frontal view or quarter view makes no difference because you know how you are going to construct and place facial features regardless. It's only a struggle for symbol drawing crabs like yourself.

>> No.4686409

you're retarded if you think even professionals think that drawing profiles / front-views is just as easy as quarter views. don't know what else to tell ya.

>> No.4686414

Both of you PYW right now so I can decide who to listen to.

>> No.4686423

Goddamn it, fuck this board. This shit is filled to the brim with fucking losers and incels.

>> No.4686432

I AM a professional you fucking retard.
It's not an issue. You're more likely to draw quarter views anyways since the only place where you'd draw a frontal view is a character sheet or very specific scenarios. And the frontal view even has the problem of looking unnatural if you're too symmetric, while quarter view is the default for portraits, idle poses, etc. You have no idea what you are talking about, you are very likely no artist and you are absolutely ngmi level.

>> No.4686441

>I AM a professional you fucking retard.
>you are very likely no artist and you are absolutely ngmi level.
I agree, I want to see both of your work but I know he'll never post his.

>> No.4686448
File: 208 KB, 1516x902, 1593299854957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck chinless bitches

>> No.4686452
File: 115 KB, 1021x842, 1563636536545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since i'm the only one posting my work i automatically win the argument.

>> No.4686454
File: 116 KB, 412x606, Elizabeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4686462

bro how you gonna say that's not a tranny?

>> No.4686471
File: 131 KB, 1072x842, 1568893451423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you say something so offensive

>> No.4686475

Mouth/lips needs to be less wide. Big mouth = looks tranny

>> No.4686493

No, large jaw/facial bones = tranny

Just don't post if you don't know wtf you're talking about.

>> No.4686614
File: 295 KB, 916x1240, pyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I don't post work, but since the crab posted some I figure I might as well post something from a recent drawpile with mutuals. Anything more would probably help identify myself.

Absolute embarrassment. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Do you think this makes you look good? Amateur level symbol drawing napkin doodles and yet you are the loser defending crappy capeshit art. (An industry wher I already got work experience)

>> No.4686623

lol this is not that good, mate

>> No.4686632

Cope. Everyone with basic knowledge of art will be able to tell the difference between construction and symbol drawing.

>> No.4686638

Oh, hey Don.

>> No.4686639

I'm under the impression that the big western comic artists do not care to listen to critique

>> No.4686653

literally soulless. nice try though

>> No.4686659

>every time someone posts above average art /ic/ loses it's shit
lmao like clockwork

>> No.4686663

Not him, but cope harder, /beg/tard

>> No.4686671

i'm not shocked that a couple of /beg/s would shit on art that's better than theirs. that's how they always cope when they feel threaten.

>> No.4686676

I can do better than this

>> No.4686682

what are you waiting for? pyw

>> No.4686689

No one's going to point out the puffy neanderthal brow?

>> No.4686697

Her brow ridge is fine actually

>> No.4686791
File: 895 KB, 1000x1000, pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4686798

dunning Kruger

>> No.4686800

Took you long enough to throw together some half-assed chicken scratches. Not bad, but also not "better". Pretty insecure in forms and no confident strokes to be seen.

>> No.4686803

>that terrible volume control at the beard on the chin
That's some high level cope.Way too busy and sloppy man.

>> No.4686818

>le confident line meme
This is a fucking sketch for a 4chan thread, retard

>> No.4686823


>> No.4686824

Sketch that took you almost an hour and is full of uncoordinated scratching to mask your inability in making confident forms. Pretty gay.

>> No.4686843

ngl thats pretty gud

>> No.4686856
File: 116 KB, 640x360, 561511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is happening here. This isn't the /ic/ I know. It's like bizzaro world where people actually post work. Crabs are the same though.

>> No.4686866


>> No.4686881

Smaller mouth looks more feminine. It's actually a pretty common mistake to make since women have typically fuller lips, but they shouldn't be wider.

>> No.4686893

What does this picture have to do with the tranny op posted ?

>> No.4686919


>> No.4686951

Long midface, long lower face and jaw, and low, square hairline emphasizes that even more. Finally deep-set eyes and strong browbone

t. tranny

>> No.4688071


>> No.4688088

you just made her cheeks fatter dumbass

>> No.4688093

Post your work you low IQ NGMI nigger.

>> No.4688117

Because they are used to using bodybuilder women as references, that alone already is sampling more masculine women than the norm and top of that many of them take steroids and all that test makes them even more masculine.
So they base their work on the most masculine, hormone taking women they can.

>> No.4688119

The woman you posted is all smiling, which lifts and enhances how much the cheeks protrude.
The OP has a more neutral expression.

>> No.4688128

I also made her jaw bone significantly smaller and shrank her cheekbones.

>> No.4688588
File: 92 KB, 500x750, tumblr_pmqd7hVeDL1uemr9po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist is bad

>> No.4688595
File: 721 KB, 1000x1529, img_1793-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4688598
File: 488 KB, 976x1500, clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4688654

what medium is this?

>> No.4688670

>women naturally have higher fat to bodyweight ratio by a factor of almost 2x for health women vs healthy men
>women naturally have more even fat distribution leading to things like thick thighs and fatty faces
You don't say. Go hit the books, you don't even know one of the most basic differences between men and women

>> No.4688695

>draw a woman
>call it man

>> No.4688718


>> No.4688745
File: 21 KB, 258x615, Raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of it has to do with conditioning, anime females have conditioned a lot of 4chan incels to think beauty is the no cheekbone of facial structure, small or non-existant nose and lips, and large eyes on anime/manga females at the standard for beauty. Amercian comic art is more realistic by drawing actual facial features on females, but because 4chan incels are so conditioned to anime/manga females, they see american drawings as ugly or mannish.

I say this because I have only seen the complaint of american comic females looking mannish/tranny on 4chan boards, were anime/manga females are strongly preferred. Even on /co/ where you would think american style is more accepted, the simplistic style of anime faces and how some american cartoons have adopted that style is preferred.

Take Raven, for example. Drawn in an american cartoon, but borrows strongly from anime, with the tiny > nose, big eyes, simplistic lips. This as seen as high beauty on /co/, even though it is a horrible drawing in terms of realism compared to american comic artists who can actually draw proper noses, eyes and lips. Yet those artists are labeled as bad because their females "look like trannies", for the crime of being more realistic.


>> No.4688752

this is interesting

>> No.4688771

Beauty standars are becoming even more unrealistic, men wanting thicc women with baby faces and women wanting cartoony looking men with red lips, i don't know who's more retarded.

>> No.4688779

is it me, or is giving men pouty red lips kinda weird? shit looks weird to me personally.

>> No.4688793

Have you seen kpop artists? They look uncanny, like a 3D model.

>> No.4688796


I see nothing wrong with the 3 artworks. The first one is maybe a little weak but 2 and 3 are insane honestly.

How are you seething so hard over the fact that the kid cartoon spandex woman is not 100% fuckeable at all times in every pose/facial expression ever ? Sounds like a waste of energy to me.

>> No.4688797

>Woman can have prominent cheekbones and angular jaws, that is not a masculine trait. However this comes from LOW FAT% in the face, NOT from BIG BONES.
You have no idea the difference between what makes a face masculine or feminine. Prominent cheekbones and jaws are not inherently masculine. However large bones, large jaw, brow ridge, cheek bones are masculine. IF a woman is to have defined facial structure it has to come from low bodyfat% NOT large bones.

>> No.4688804
File: 147 KB, 850x1347, tumblr_msxllqx4Gc1qevys3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted it to prove OP wrong. The artist is Jualian Totino is you are interested btw, he's awesome.

>> No.4688807 [DELETED] 

Here's my edit. Tried to fix the manliness without turning her head into a guitar pick.

>> No.4688809
File: 948 KB, 1107x1680, 674545475434543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my edit. Tried to fix the manliness without turning her head into a guitar pick.

>> No.4688823

Best one so far
This one is nice too

>> No.4688834

pretty sure noses are drawn small simply because that's how humans view a face. Our brains don't really care about the nose when we judge someone's appearance unless it's really weird-looking. So if you draw a face with a very clearly defined nose, the viewer's brain is telling them that there must be something strange about it (thereby creating an aesthetic with an unseemly feel to it). Same with ears.

>> No.4688883

I wish I could read Italian

>> No.4688887

>le everything is a social construct meme
stop sucking off your post structuralist professor

>> No.4688889

solid understand of form and head construction. I like it

>> No.4688894

Not to be an obvious /tttt/ immigrant, but you guys know cishons exist, right? Perhaps they wanted to make her slightly masculine. Maybe they like the look.

Also, this.

>> No.4688989

Welp mission accomplished anon. Sorry my sarcasm radar was off.

>> No.4688999
File: 283 KB, 1500x2100, david-amaral-crimson-chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a mystery

>> No.4689003

>Our brains don't really care about the nose when we judge someone's appearance unless it's really weird-looking.
That doesnt explain why all anime/manga noses are drawn the same, though. It actually contradicts your argument. If our brains dont really care about the nose, why is there such a difference in the noses drawn in american comics compared to japanese anime and manga?

>> No.4689009
File: 470 KB, 1287x1000, 1578000107584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because americans have a hardon for realism for realism's sake while asians seem to realize that you can omit a lot of detail and the drawing becomes better for it. Don't know why americans do it that way, probably just tradition.

>> No.4689020
File: 352 KB, 1200x1500, women-Olivia-Wilde-see-through--1563038-1200x1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly make women in comics look like trannies a lot of the time?
I see this same type of thinking on /tv/ about an actress like Olivia Wilde, or any female actress with a prominent jaw or strong facial structures.

Seems very picky to me. Also seems to promote sameface drawing, where all female faces have to conform to these very narrow guidelines, and if they are outside of them they are deemed ugly trannies or look old.

>> No.4689036
File: 191 KB, 1200x680, dark_crystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing becomes better for it

>> No.4689041
File: 428 KB, 811x1200, 1565082510959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than this shit

>> No.4689044
File: 116 KB, 492x488, Sadamoto_nadia-shinji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians seem to realize that you can omit a lot of detail and the drawing becomes better for it.
The drawing becomes better? Nah. When you simplify so much that you rely on hairstyles to tell characters visually apart, that is not "better".

>> No.4689048
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4689055

We're not talking about the faces looking similar though. We're talking about what makes an attractive face.
It's no secret that when you try to make a face that's appealing to as many people as possible, it ends up looking very plain. That's just a sideeffect of the fact that humans have a very similar standard for beauty.

>> No.4689068
File: 392 KB, 2048x2048, Famous-80s-Models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also posting 80s kino because i'm not some low test chinlet.

>> No.4689072
File: 71 KB, 640x1136, lqp7k2s5psk41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4689079

boomer cringe

>> No.4689080
File: 40 KB, 620x823, ireland8jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4689084
File: 28 KB, 428x650, Rhona Mitra as Lara Croft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4689087

>What exactly make women in comics look like trannies a lot of the time?

Jaw/chin too big would be the main one. Nose too big/long, eyebrows too low are other likely culprits. In the picture in the OP, it's mostly the mouth being too small in relation to the chin + the hairline being ultra-low (makes her look like a caveman).

>> No.4689134

As i get better taste in art i am staring to feel anime uncanny looking

>> No.4689183

>no has ever been influenced by the culture they consume

>> No.4689314

Because that's what anglo-germanic women look like.

>> No.4689332
File: 605 KB, 875x1325, dczoyin-a378e874-1ee5-4086-89e8-3b10d05c3522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide faced women exist. Wide faced women can be very beautiful.
That shit in OP is not a wide faced woman, it's a hormonster.

>> No.4689401

It's always anime with you faggots, you know what I base my standard of women?
Everyday life, and the women around me are not block headed, crimson chin types, that's abnormal, something about western media tends to pick masculine women as the model of a woman but it sure is not men, look at they type of women men give attention to not who the media promotes, online, in porn, etc. it's feminine women with good figures.

>> No.4689416

Western comics are just as stylized as manga you absolute brainlett. Its just that they are stylized to be unappealing instead of appealing. But the stylization is still a thing.

>> No.4690363

lol @ you retards talking as if women were human and shit

>> No.4690410

Trannies draw trannies only.

>> No.4690416

>Artists like Manara and Serpieri
Perché loro sono italiani, in Italia la femminilità è valorizzata e non abbiamo (ancora) le stronk independent wimn

>> No.4690425


>> No.4690451

>Using an Amazonian as an example of shitty wahman drawings

>> No.4690461

Druuna's been translated into English, shouldn't be too hard to track down.

>> No.4690465


>> No.4690497

I thought that was Bruce by the thumbnails lmfao

>> No.4691914

>Let me pull out the most cherry picked example where a shitty artist is probably copying a ugly girl's face.
This is why people just call you a dumb NGMI weeb and go on about their day.

>> No.4691938

literally just googled "wonder woman new comic" and picked one where her face was clearly visible but ok.

>> No.4692038

Learn to read retard.

>> No.4692044

Looks like John Cena.

>> No.4692345

you are gay

>> No.4692576

Alot of western artists just copy other western arists instead of just being up their own style through references and their own opinon on how women should look like.

>> No.4694802

It’s partly the plastic surgery and partly the makeup. You aren’t used to seeing male entertainers with such overt makeup. The foundation helps hide pores and the lip rouge and eyeliner creates supernormal stimuli that most western viewers have come to expect/accept on women.

>> No.4694866
File: 303 KB, 1710x900, Pocahontas-e1583872690912-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can draw a pretty woman with a strong jawline but you have to get the eyes and the lips right. I'm still trying to learn the formula myself.

>> No.4695008

It looks as creepy in women too, i don't understand how people can like kpop

>> No.4696023

what makes the OP image look not so womanly is that the artist uses the same angry energetic strokes that make explody shit look cool for everything

we have a model in our drawing circle that has strong facial bones and is very sporty too
Unmistakably a woman when she stands in front of you ( great ass too ) but when you lose focus or frustration creeps into your pen the result looks like a dude with tits

>> No.4696044

Yeah, because no two anime girls from a different series never looked alike.

>> No.4696060
File: 1.86 MB, 2592x1936, anne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could not even find one with the head still attached, guess i threw them all away in embarresment

>> No.4696741

>tfw u get the cringe reference

>> No.4697333

why are people drawing a blode character with black eyebrows anyway? i think thats also one of the reasons she looks so werid