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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 389 KB, 1024x768, hashish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4678881 No.4678881 [Reply] [Original]

what is your "artist fuel"?

>> No.4678892

my hate for the exgf

>> No.4678903
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I want to draw cute stuff for people to enjoy and I want to be like Akito Tsukushi
I want to be able to draw my own porn to gush over and go "Wow sugoi he is so adorable!"

I just want to make cute stuff of my favs and draw my own web novel.

>> No.4678927


>> No.4678929

Nothing, I guess. It just feels like a waste to stop drawing.

>> No.4678979

one of the few skills i really have going for me, gives me some sort of ‘purpose’ to look forward to i guess

>> No.4678995
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I'm horny

>> No.4678998

I am not ashamed to admit that I love attention
The attention that the people here have been giving me is so nice and addicting
It makes me want to impress everyone

>> No.4679000

My boner, I guess.

>> No.4679003

I saw my aunt doodle a cartoon cat, and realized I could do that too (and of course draw coom, kek)

>> No.4679028


>> No.4679128

Its the only thing i am good at, i need to improve at Painting for my job and everytime i stopped at It for more than a week i mentally and physically declined to a point where i layed in bed all day.

>> No.4679159

My shitty job

>> No.4679223

Post your aunt’s work.

>> No.4679384

coffee and sleep deprivation

>> No.4679425

inferiority complex

>> No.4679437
File: 125 KB, 707x664, socutedesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing cute anime artwork like pic related

I hope one day i can draw these cuties myself

>> No.4679440

I want a qt gf who will cuddle and read with me and do plein air oil and watercolor landscapes with me and will say she’s too shy to model for portraits for me but do it anyway as long as I don’t show anyone and bake me sweets even though I say I don’t like sweets but knows I enjoy them sometimes if they’re not too sweet and made with love

>> No.4679442

I'm a guy but I want to be a cute anime girl, so the best I can do is draw cute anime girls cause I dont wanna be an ugly tranny.

>> No.4679446

I want a cute boyfriend but men are ugly in my country so i have to draw my dream boyfriend

>> No.4679462

my hatred for nosebro and my want to prove him wrong

>> No.4679474

Is that nigga still alive
Haven't seen him here in a while

>> No.4679529

me right there

>> No.4679543

what did he tell you? who are you? storytime

>> No.4679571


>> No.4680059

based hash smoker.

>> No.4680062
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And a healthy dose of self-hatred and rampant depression.

>> No.4680070
File: 130 KB, 493x787, brunnhilde-from-the-rhinegold-and-the-valkyrie-arthur-rackham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% pure distilled White supremacy

>> No.4680077

>onigiri and cup ramen
>want to draw cool shit and COOM shit

the main fuel is the drive to finish a manga i've been working on for years, print it into 3 volumes, and kms so i can isekai my soul into the world i created, and finally leave this shit 3D existence behind

>> No.4680211

I gave all my motivation away helping other people and didn't save any for myself. I have nothing left. I think I'm waiting to die now.

>> No.4680252

I want to tell a story, and instead of words, I'll use art.

>> No.4680263

It’s one of the few exciting things in this pointless life.

>> No.4680270
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my vices:
weed(rarely) coffee tea DXM adderall cigarettes

but my real fuel:
the fact that i might be teaching english in rural japan come next year

so much excite

>> No.4680284

hello, based department?

>> No.4680290

Spiritually it's the desire to make comics - physically, it's a combo of ADHD and the amphetamines that I use to focus all the energy.

>> No.4680308
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adderall, music, and inspiration

>> No.4680309

So, vodka?

>> No.4680313
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Caffeine, self-hatred and fear. Needless to say I barely have any health left, at this point my body has gone into self destruct mode

>> No.4680316

Please for your sake take a nap senpai

>> No.4680449

being able to btfo every artist who throws themselves a pity party and saying their art sucks. Then I can come behind them with my clearly better art and saying they do .

Thus there's one less failure to worry about and I rake in the dough. The more artists that give up, the more I can stand out.

>> No.4680484

Stop spreading this meme that you have to be self destructive to be a good artist. My artist fuel is 8 hours of sleep and an hour of walking.

>> No.4680548

I want to draw believable hot men So I can feel better about myself

>> No.4680571
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9 hours of sleep for me, and read 1-2 hours a day.
Right now I'm reading translations and other poetry based on Homer. I think reading is good even for visual art, especially something as beautifully descriptive as Homer.

>> No.4680587


>> No.4680600
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, front lever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep 10 hours, do calisthenics and have a 10s front lever. Get absolutely fucked I won

>> No.4680611

Is not a meme.
>Artist A has talent so he can put daily work and enjoy the results of progress in a daily or weekly basis and have fun
>Artist B has no talent so he can go for years without meaningful progress, despite drawing daily as well
They are both putting work and they both can make it in the end, but for one of them the experience is all around extremely more painful while for the other one is all fun and rainbows

>> No.4680653

How helpful is adderall?

>> No.4680661

post your body.

>> No.4680664


>> No.4680768

I said front lever specifically because I train strength, not strive for beauty. My body is shit because shit genetics so I can't lower 15% body fat without starving like a bitch. Got nice shoulders tho

>> No.4680778

Me being able to bring my stories to life.

>> No.4680781

It feels good to look at good art.

Sometimes it feels good to make my art and look at it.

I wanna make more art that makes me feel good.

>> No.4680783

Is everything based?

>> No.4680992

Either your reading comprehension is shit, or you meant to respond to a different post.

>> No.4680996

Not that anon, but it's basically willpower in a pill. Just don't take it after 4pm lol.

>> No.4681085


Fuck that looks fucking dank, I'm currently growing some freakshow, shits dope and looks nothing like actual dope. Until it blooms it has no smell, XD fucking nobody knows what I'm growing.

Also weed is art fuel for me.

>> No.4681116

In order to do this that means that you don't have a dayjob or school, right? Because if you got 10 hours of sleep that means you need, at least 1 hour or so to get ready for and go to work or school. That doesn't include travel to get there either. Then you have to be for a significant portion of the day. If you are in college you have then do homework/study. This doesn't include eating or socializing so it's like how many hours a day you have to actually get any work done?

That is unless you are already working full time as an artist? Yet, unless you are super fast I can't imagine not having to stay up late to work...

>> No.4681117

pussy juice

>> No.4681120

Some hate and revenge. Some of it legit wanting to achieve something I've worked so many years towards.

>> No.4681132

Have fun burning lesions into your brain and developing Alzheimer’s by 35

>> No.4681146

Implying that handsome men would want to date you

>> No.4681155

Teaching english in rural japan? Enjoy being a slave, everyone Ive met that taught English in japan hated the experience

>> No.4681159

this. Im not attractive i have bad social skills i font really have any other skills so art is the only thing of value i have as a human. If i didnt have that i may aswell kill myself

>> No.4681162

>Why miserable people engage in self destructive behaviour?

>> No.4681208

5:30 wake up
6:30 off to work
7:15 arrive at work
18:30 out at work
19:15 arrive at home
20:15 done eat and rest

this shit life for 6 days a week. How can I get time for drawing without starving?

>> No.4681219

I would recommend the poster to just do it. If he hates it he can still gtfo back.

He'll have to drop the vices though. I doubt those would fly in Japan.

>> No.4681223

His motivation is watching cunny everyday clearly

>> No.4681224

Of course not, all the handsome men are gay

>> No.4681229


>> No.4681230
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This and my love and my passion

>> No.4681236

been drawing since 6 y/o cause i had the urges to be creative
first means to create was to draw

>> No.4681247
File: 200 KB, 500x281, 1592977316053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your mom's tits first

>> No.4681262

>been drawing since 6 y/o
I hate when people say this. Literally everyone draws and does artsy shit as a child. The better question is when did you stop scribbling aimlessly with crayons and decided to pursue art as a passion.

>> No.4681400

That's not necessarily how it works for all people I was never super serious up until a year ago @18. I still drew though but only supplementary on occasion. Wasn't aimless even as a child

>> No.4681406


>> No.4681789

When I was about 9 or 10 I did a fairly realistic forest+waterfall scene in art class. It was the only piece from our class entered in some kind of city-wide art exhibit for grade school students. Was also drawing still lifes. Did a fairly large amount of a 12x12 ft mural in our school depicting an assortment of animals.

Shit I think my art career was better when I was in Grade 4.

>> No.4682821


>> No.4682844

Even if you get 8 hours of sleep a day, that's 45 minutes to dedicate to art. Even 30 minutes a day is better than nothing

>> No.4682886

cunny and hate

>> No.4682916

coffee and lust

>> No.4682943

Fuck some japanese cunny for us anon, we believe in you

>> No.4682950
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i tattoo for a living

>> No.4682981
File: 47 KB, 450x755, 66038898_1318236448329500_4426157003336843264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you start your journey mate? Want to get into it as well. Like your design

>> No.4682999

those girl's legs are hairy af

>> No.4683011

Don't need any, i draw whenever i'm not stressed

>> No.4683020

it's fun

>> No.4683038

Some times I'm amazed at how many femcels lurk /ic/.

>> No.4683043

I've got an unrealistic kink, and I just wanna give something back to the community. So much good artwork I coomed to, I want people to do that too with my art

Also fucked up imagery that shows up in my brain from time to time, so I just bring it to paper

>> No.4683513

art is the only thing that gets me girls

>> No.4683587
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x1860, 20200516_164051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started trying to get in game design thru concept art. did a cpl projects for small companies. hate freelance and wanted something where the work came to me

took my sketchbooks to a few tattoo shops and got laughed out cuz i was oblivious. i mean obviously right?

but then as i was gonna give up and get a normal job i found a online ad for a shop taking in apprentices. so i applied, the owner is a comic books fan and saw that he could help me adapt to a more tattoo centric art style and so yeah. apprenticed for 11months 40HRS A WEEK NO PAY

had to get thru scraping by and selling bootleg dvds

yeah some clients are gross and then some are NOT gross

but it makes for good stories. ppl think im interesting and i dont even party i just game and talk shit online when im not working

>> No.4683758

It's not my fault men don't brush their teeth and play lol all day

>> No.4683763

there are no girls on 4chan you dumb nigger
only trannies and feds larping

>> No.4683788
File: 31 KB, 320x448, 1586009153566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing a shounen battle manga to isekai into my self-insert OC when i become an hero (literally)

>> No.4684877

imagine unironically hating someone.
ready Marcus Aurelius

>> No.4684889

You are good, man.

>> No.4684914

Noty. I will keep my fuel.

>> No.4685296

that's... actually pretty fucking based. You're living the life man.

>> No.4686050

thanks anons. wanna try to be more regular on here. dont really like most social medias. might start a draw stream too soon, help with the community and shit

>> No.4686104

Pot. Trying to cut back to just weekend use and really stick to a good routine of working out and drawing during the week.

I've always loved art but I've never committed to it full time until now. I think the rewards that come with being a pro artist are very attractive to me and I also have a burning passion to really git gud at something instead of being okay at a bunch of other things.

>> No.4686133

very based

>> No.4686145

pretty fuckn helpful man, at least from what i know about people that aren't diagnosed with ADHD. for me it just makes me feel normal but for people that dont need it it's pretty good! like cocaine but way less fucky depending on how much you take

in college theres a pretty good market for selling adderall. ive always considered selling my old dosages since ive been taking them for like 7 years now

>> No.4686149

draw while at work. i get the most done at work since im in the mindframe of work, but i guess it does kinda rely on what type of job u got. but if you ever got some free time or youre on a phonecall and don't gotta pay full attention go ahead and doodle in a sketchbook or somethin

>> No.4686150

traps/shemales/ladyboys/etc. They eat this shit up and I just want to impress one.

>> No.4686172
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Need to accumulate funds for a house and to revive my dead friend.
I could live off commissions at this point but I need to go higher, so I'm working on a coom game (which is why I got into art in the first place, to make vidya)

>> No.4686195
File: 8 KB, 237x212, plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i relate to a lot of these habits, used to be like this a lot. you really can't have a good mindset for either yourself or others when you're trapped inside your head for long periods of time.
anons, please get better sleep...i know it can be hard when you're an insomniac and you have so much stuff racing through your mind, but its not healthy for your physical or mental state.
you make better art when you're not clouded by sleep deprivation.

and for the people who make art out of negative feelings, i know what you feel. ive had moments where ive been heartbroken and used that as fuel for my art. It's not a bad thing to express your rage through the energy of the art, but if its the only thing youre motivated by im concerned. you'll hurt yourself if you find yourself feeling that way for years. it'll take a mental toll on who you are as a human being.

for the anons that make art for lust, you do you man. as long as youre not harming anyone then im aight. go ahead and draw loli porn, just don't molest kids.

not tryna tell you guys what to do. im just basing my concerns.
you're all valuable precious creatures that need to find self love.

>> No.4686204

Drawing was one of the only things I had aptitude for as a child. I was well above my age in terms of my ability to recreate an image faithfully from reference. I also really loved it.

But I later lost touch with it, and am only now returning to it at 25. I really wish I'd stuck with it all those years, and feel that if I had properly learnt the fundamentals (which I didn't care for before, I just doodled anime faces all day) I could have been pretty respectable by now.

I know it's not good to base your love for something off of your ability at it, it should be the other way around. Your love for something is what drives you to get better, not the drive to get better promoting greater love for it. But for me, I've always had a low self-esteem and when I look back on art and my initial skill for it, it's one of the few platforms from which I can feel like a competent human being.

I know that "talent" is a meme and try not to focus on those things, but for someone who has done nothing with his life I really cling to the few things I happen to have a basic aptitude for and wish I could have maximized this ability instead of squandering it so long.

Anyone else give up drawing for a time and regret doing so?

>> No.4686237

Drawing was one of the only things I had aptitude for as a child. I was well above my age in terms of my ability to recreate an image faithfully from reference. I also really loved it.

But I later lost touch with it, and am only now returning to it at 25. I really wish I'd stuck with it all those years, and feel that if I had properly learnt the fundamentals (which I didn't care for before, I just doodled anime faces all day) I could have been pretty respectable by now.

I know it's not good to base your love for something off of your ability at it, it should be the other way around. Your love for something is what drives you to get better, not the drive to get better promoting greater love for it. But for me, I've always had a low self-esteem and when I look back on art and my initial skill for it, it's one of the few platforms from which I can feel like a competent human being.

I know that "talent" is a meme and try not to focus on those things, but for someone who has done nothing with his life I really cling to the few things I happen to have a basic aptitude for and wish I could have maximized this ability instead of squandering it so long.

Anyone else give up drawing for a time and regret doing so?

>> No.4686279

repost, my bad

>> No.4686322

I'm 22 now. I sorta had the urge to take up art seriously in 2017/18 but I gave up mid 2018. I picked it up again seriously this year and bought an iPad Pro with my savings.

is me

>> No.4686397

My life, my choices. Hash boosts your creativity and actually isn't harmful except for making your wallet lighter.

>> No.4686404

stfu and kys retard

>> No.4686408

>Drawing was one of the only things I had aptitude for as a child. I was well above my age in terms of my ability to recreate an image faithfully from reference. I also really loved it.
Bro are you literally me? or is this Julian ?

>> No.4686429

This video inspired me. After this i started to look at art completely differently.

>> No.4687511


>> No.4687513
File: 808 KB, 768x582, Tsukushi 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4687957

Wanna draw cute shit
I like to draw and enjoy the progress of work
And a pinch of hatred of my ex, more so that we are in the same fucking career and classroom.

>> No.4687972
File: 133 KB, 626x1024, 129589FB-76B1-4634-AD50-0EB664CF773F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A desire to blow people’s minds and change the world

>> No.4687991

I don't think I could make it in the "real world" working a 9-5 job getting a gf etc etc. I am just not good at that So I keep going because It's all I have to pull me out of this hell.

>> No.4688067

Losing in video games

>> No.4688073

Spiritually: I enjoy getting better at a skill and I want to tell stories with comics.

Actually: I wanna make some money on the side with commissions and comic book sales.

Deep down: The ~ $100 I've earned from my mini-comic sales were a huge stroke to my ego and have given me a huge amount of drive to get better and sell more.

If there was an opposite to art fuel it would be social media. I hate everything about it but I can't do what I wanna do without it.

>> No.4688149

I want to be able to teach any kids I might have someday.

>> No.4688156


>> No.4688171

ty bro

>> No.4688229

>What do you mean you cannot sleep haha just sleep bro
>Having bad feelings? whoa have you tried having good ones instead?
Fuck you

>> No.4691640

it is really the only thing I could be skilled at, it's relaxing, some of it is fear of not making my art goals, some is the narcissistic idea of leaving something I made behind.

>> No.4691837

Post your work,

>> No.4692201

Low test

>> No.4692204

I’ve been drinking a lot of energy drinks lately, will they break my ding dong?

>> No.4692490

No, but statistically speaking, more than 300mg of caffeine per day has significant chance to increase heart problems. The sugar is even worse though: diabetes, obesity and so forth.

Just drink coffee or take caffeine pills.

>> No.4692517

I drink the sugar free ones

>> No.4692520

I think that's probably better, but aspartame is not good for you either.

But yeah, a monster is 150mg caffeine so two a day would be pushing it, I'd say.

>> No.4692661

water and orange slices

>> No.4692801

Alcohol and getting this shit out of my head

>> No.4693732

Ritalin and rum

>> No.4693824

so much terrible shit goin on in my life. drawing makes me forget them for a while

>> No.4693838

Dude that's retarded. I was always a "talented" artist, but eventually you'll hit a brick wall and just need to study. You just gotta learn to live with the suffering in a productive way. Boomers could manage working a soulless 9 to 5 for 30 years, p sure you can study art without becoming a full degen and blaming it on lacking talent

>> No.4694085

>Oh no I'm talented but I had to put work once at some point woe is me
Meanwhile the regular joe can spend 3-10 years with little or no progress but constant suffering, and that's it drawing every day. That's the problem with you retards, you assume its that easy for everyone just because it was for you

>> No.4694661

This, sick of you retards downplaying talent. The 3 year old who had musician parents nurturing his musical skills will be a prodigy compared to another kid whose parents were neglectful alcoholics. As he grows older he'll find himself enjoying creating music because it comes so naturally to him, it brings humans pleasure to be good at things, and pleasure is the ultimate motivation.

Meanwhile the neglected kid will find himself creating subpar music compared to his peers, until the point where he no longer enjoys the process because he's embarrassed or ashamed, a feeling of "why bother, this other guy does it way better" will plague him.

The inevitable fallback of retards who try to make this "talent doesn't exist" argument, seen it so many times. Fuck the people here.

>> No.4694664

God stop posting that goblina

>> No.4695113 [DELETED] 

severe emotional disturbance, delusions, alternative identities/states

>> No.4695124

>3 year old who had musician parents nurturing his musical skills will be a prodigy
That's not natural born talent. That's practicing at a point in your life when its very easy to learn things. You're at a point in your development where its much harder to learn things, but its still possible. Not just theoretically possible either, as there are real examples of people who were not at X thing as a child who got good at X thing as an adult.
>The inevitable fallback of retards who try to make this "talent doesn't exist" argument
So... Someone doesn't think they'll ever improve because they lack "muh talent", they don't even enjoy the process because they're ashamed of lack of "muh talent", and yet they continue... Why? Literally why not give up if you're not only so defeatist about improving but you also can't enjoy the process due to lack of skill?

>> No.4695183

severe emotional disturbance, delusions, alternative identities/states

>> No.4695231

Cigarettes, i'd say. The copious amount of drugs i do never really make me productive in any way shape or form so cant say that that helped. Occasionally tea. Oh and ofc a need to improve and be better then everyone else because of my narcissism.

>> No.4695318
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>> No.4695321

Food and water.

>> No.4695331

Not wanting to work at my father's company's Marketing department because "Anon, you spend all day in the computer, so you must know a lot about social media"

>> No.4695383
File: 140 KB, 1124x1139, 1589333220707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black coffee. Ramen. Chic fil a.

>> No.4695387

You should unironically drop your pursuit of being a professional artist and work for your father's company. But don't be a social media intern, you should get whatever degree he recommends and try to get a nice cushy office job. Just draw as a hobby , my man

>> No.4695389

>tfw no gf

>> No.4695412

Fuck you bitch, don't try to bring him down.

Fuck you bitch

>> No.4695416
File: 31 KB, 391x349, 1458681612642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4695542

When I get good, I’ll come back to piss on you racist NGMI fuckers.

>> No.4695553

what are you, a pajeet, chink, spic, or coon?