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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.22 MB, 1338x1902, Sommarnöje_(1886),_akvarell_av_Anders_Zorn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4675698 No.4675698 [Reply] [Original]

You'll never compare to real artists. Your best work is merely a LARP compared to this. Give up already, free yourself from the weights. You won't make it, stop trying. Deep inside you know you just want it to end.

>> No.4675700

I can, you know, just take a photo.

>> No.4675706

Taking photos of naked lolis is illegal bro

>> No.4675715

I don't really give a fuck, I just enjoy the process of making lines on paper. I'll never stop until I die.

>> No.4675717

crabs gonnna crab

>> No.4675733
File: 190 KB, 573x654, 1462846482409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh I'm so drepressed
>oh I'm never going to make it
>oh life is suffering
>oh woe is me
>oh why bother
>oh just let go

>> No.4675739

As long as I can just wow a few people, that's okay

>> No.4675742
File: 220 KB, 491x652, Screen Shot 2020-06-24 at 8.38.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, getting real tired of these whiny fucks...

>> No.4675751

they think everyone shares their nihilistic despair over 'making it', not realizing that some of us, you know, enjoy this.

>> No.4675754

Massive cope, I never mentioned being depressed. Hell, I am not even an ""artist"". But honestly, it's sad to see you guys lying to yourselves so badly.

>> No.4675759

To be honest, you can't really deny the OP unless you are some kind of prodigy. But I think most anons here don't want to become actual reknown artgods. Anon just draws because he likes it.

>> No.4675762

I just wanna make a living making art, and so I will.

>> No.4675833

Whatever, I’m having fun and artists I respect and admire are starting to acknowledge me. My friends and family always supported my work but are able to point out how much progress I’ve made. I love making art and I’m glad to be able to keep doing it!

>> No.4675969

based positivity poster.

>> No.4676064

>I am not even an ""artist"".
That goes without saying lmao.
Keep crabbing, you mopey faggot.

>> No.4676066

Whatever you say.

>> No.4676164

stfu already

>> No.4676170

It's amazing that when you zoom in, the artist doesn't use as many brush strokes as you think. A real mastery of technique. Was this painted in goauche or watercolor? Or a mix of it?

>> No.4676187
File: 83 KB, 644x1200, William-Adolphe-Bouguereau-Before-the-bath1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4676195

fuck off our board out of towner SAGED

>> No.4676200

That bland realism can't compare to a good camera, that's also cheaper and faster. Give up already.

>> No.4676205

How do you get painterly brush strokes with a camera?

>> No.4676207

Who draws to make it? I draw for fun.

>> No.4676210

How is this better than a photo? It seems like a waste of time. Art is supposed to make things that don't exist in real life

>> No.4676230

Unironically based bait. Making anons ponder about what they do and what they really want, and exposing crabs who have missed the point of any art, and who will hopefully ngmi.

>> No.4676248
File: 253 KB, 1271x1600, 8805463F-0CD8-4FB0-B619-087491A01FB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s watercolor.
Late 19th century was a great period for watercolor.

>> No.4676251
File: 325 KB, 580x379, 1567069495097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if i'm not the next great artist of the ceuntry. Fame, fortune, wealth, that shit is meaningless. I create art for myself, not to get acknowledged by people who wouldn't give two fucks about me in the first place. I'm living a good life and art is in it. That's all i need.
>this thread sounds like bait wth saged bwhahahahaha

>> No.4676253

Looks like he used some gouache as well by the highlights of the water.

>> No.4676276


>> No.4676734

Don't care didn't ask

>> No.4676838

I could make something like this in five years time traditionally. It doesn't matter though you shouldn't compare yourself to other artists like this.

>> No.4677125

>you will never be in her socks squished between her sweaty toes or stuffed in her diaper

Why even go on at this point?

>> No.4677142

>comparing yourself to the peak art of one of the greatest painters to ever walk this planet
Any retard can pick a point of reference from which nothing matters, it's called nihilism and it's a defeatist, pathetic and unproductive attitude that caters to those who want an excuse to stop trying.
I'm lmaoing at your life, op

>> No.4677171

Photoshop filters

>> No.4677186

Why are you on an art board if you’re legally blind?

>> No.4677189

I just wanna draw shotas, i don't care about your autism

>> No.4677232

I don't give half fuck at being compared to real artists, I'm a fucking ooga booga monkeyman and love it, I just want to make some money doing something I like so I can quit my shitty job
Rembrandt and Redjuice can suck my dick like all of you insecure weak sauce faggots, the fucks in history that actually aimed at something so stupid like having their name on the door of Artistê Olympus is a laughable faggot.