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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4671174 No.4671174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4671183

Noah Bradley is an ic janny, confirmed. He lets other drama threads hit bump limit while he's deleted almost 6 threads about himself yesterday and today.

>> No.4671211

Bradley gtfo you hack
How does it feel having your wife's nudes leaked for all to see?

>> No.4671212

I feel so sad for the people that he hurt, but I am so happy that guy got his ass served to him. He's such a conceited fuck and him and his wife annoy the shit out of me. Take 5 steps into the other room and talk face to face instead of tweeting dumb shit at eachother.

>> No.4671217
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/ic/ jannies are retarded faggots. Remove any discussion about artists but leave up multiple schizophrenic art dump threads.

>> No.4671232

The dude literally canceled himself, even after making public he follows the 48 laws of power. What an idiot

>> No.4671233
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>> No.4671235

Noah leaked the nudes himself. Jokes on you he likes to get cucked

>> No.4671240

They delete plenty of other drama threads all the time. Noah has been spamming a lot of threads about himself today because they keep getting deleted.

>> No.4671245

why would he spam threads about himself? Things look pretty bad for him.

>> No.4671252

dave rapoza is a bitch for piling on during this

>> No.4671277

He's always done this. Maybe he thinks we're sick fucks that will cheer him on for this shit, I don't know. But he leaks his content here and he makes drama threads about himself. Maybe it's for publicity. Maybe it's in his dumb power rules. Who fucking knows.

>> No.4671287

because hes a known narcissist

>> No.4671290

They just get deleted

>> No.4671315
File: 286 KB, 363x509, 1560615496076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest /ic/ which ecleb artist do you want to be woked next?

>> No.4671320
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>begged followers to kick start her comics years back
>draw more fanarts of her comic than doing her actual comics
I'm sorry but I hope she get outed which will probably never happen because she has all of the BBC artist in her twitter circle to back her up.

>> No.4671323

I'm still waiting the day Shadman actually gets deleted from life

>> No.4671329
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 1446410735648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That realistic pokemon painter whore too, these twitter artists are like flock of vultures when they talk among themselves. Not that I got a bigger picture of their social web, I realize how big the nepotism ring running behind their back.

>> No.4671330


>> No.4671336

I followed him for awhile but mostly just found him kind of annoying. I just wanted cool art not dogshit blogposting with his wife, I don't care.

>> No.4671343

what where? i wanna see

>> No.4671350
File: 28 KB, 499x338, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this bitch drowns in her own words and all her preaching bites her back, she is fucking everywhere in every single twitter drama possible and it's crazy people like her are able to pull waves of mob power just be pointing out with her finger to anyone

>> No.4671351

oh my gawd this, the epitome of female hyenas.

>> No.4671352

oh no high fantasy artist number 2456890 is gone
oh no

>> No.4671384
File: 391 KB, 1050x585, rjpalmerprawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realistic pokemon painter whore

You should see the type of porn artists he likes to follow on his professional business account. I wouldn't want people IRL knowing all about my porn habits like enjoying futa tranny furry porn. But I guess when you get big enough it doesn't really matter.

I just liked him for the high quality reference images he gave out for free.

>> No.4671404

I follow her on insta her art is really cute but god she's an insufferable boujee white guilt liberal on twitter

>> No.4671416

>for free

>> No.4671418

her nudes weren't leaked lmao what are you talking about

>> No.4671422


>> No.4671437
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>> No.4671454

I want people to be confronted by their friends and told "sorry, but we don't want anything to do with you anymore" or dragged into fucking court if they provably did something illegal. Taking those accusations to the public is literally just a sociopathic powertrip, no matter how much the person it happens to "deserves it".
I mean, the EU has fucking laws that allow you to delete all information about yourself that you find unfavorable from google search results, but somehow it doesn't offer you a way to protect yourself from THIS? If someone participates in a twitter hatemob before clear evidence has come out that the accusations are true, and if it can be proven that they didn't know that evidence existed at the time, that should still constitute slander, even if they end up being right in the end.

>> No.4671502
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>let's make this about myself

>> No.4671510

def. this

>> No.4671514

look at it. this is the future of justice. a stupid woman writing barely coherent meanderings on her primitive understanding of fairness, completely ignorant of the millennia of cumulative knowledge and practice known as "law", while virtue signaling for the most criminal segment of society.

>> No.4671516

Her real power move would be to metoo the boyfriend that got her all her jobs

>> No.4671542

she got called out for making "whitewashed fanart". Went on a tirade how cancel culture in fandoms was a problem. Yet here she is now, contributing to the bullshit. Heard she shadowblocks any artist who supported her but are controversial themselves

>> No.4671552

> Heard she shadowblocks any artist who supported her but are controversial themselves
Man, I really fucking hate the twitter artist community at large. It seems like everyone is playing this weird highschool clique shit when they're pushing 30. It really seems like to for person to stay sane, you gotta find a group to run with.

>> No.4671556

What did he do? Didn’t see anything on his twitter or insta.

>> No.4671570

Why did he do it? https://twitter.com/LunarArchivist/status/1275230194039693312

>> No.4671577

Leave this thread alone, jennys! Let us seethe in peace.

>> No.4671579
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it's like pottery

>> No.4671648

I miss DeviantArt.

>> No.4671662

It's so vicious and exhausting.
I've seen more activity in da, particularly from teens so that's good, new blood and all that.

>> No.4671671

Reminder he leaked his own art camp on this site exactly when he launched it years ago.

>> No.4671696

doesn't sound ike a bad idea. /co/ storytimes bring a lot of free advertising for comics no one would have heard of otherwise

>> No.4671735
File: 94 KB, 591x595, 135434s545edrtuturytrtyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn the underage faggots in these threads are insufferable, reminds me of this incel guy or keemstar

as long as it's entertaining and memeful to them they are willing to throw anyone under the bus just to push a self entitled narrative with no questions asked, when things go wrong they just stare at the ground and pretend like they are not part of it

westerners are such trash