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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 121 KB, 634x685, 30AA057E00000578-0-image-m-108_1453994834905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4671090 No.4671090 [Reply] [Original]

why was hitler rejected from art school? his art seems pretty good

>> No.4671092
File: 40 KB, 306x411, 30AA05E400000578-0-image-m-113_1453995169132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4671096
File: 77 KB, 634x475, 30AA062D00000578-0-image-m-120_1453995318866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4671097
File: 265 KB, 1646x1122, Screenshot_2020-06-22 Artwork by Adolf Hitler up for auction in Nuremberg, Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4671114

He couldn’t draw people. Why do you keep posting this exact thread every month like clockwork. Just look in the archives at the 50 other exact threads next time you feel like posting this again

>> No.4671116

drawing people is overrated

>> No.4671117

>his art seems pretty good
only his colours, his art consistently shows a poor grasp of perspective and form with misaligned details all over the place

>> No.4671125

In preparation for the entrance exams, he was instructed to do more figure studies as that is basically all you do in art school. He instead spent the majority of his free time attending theater shows and arguing philosophy at social events instead of grinding fundies.

>> No.4671128
File: 33 KB, 660x459, HitlerMaryWithJesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with his people drawings?

>> No.4671130

>spends more time arguing than doing art
quite ahead of his time

>> No.4671132

That honesty looks like fucking kitsch

>> No.4671142

Hitler painted that??? Hitler painted Jesus???

>> No.4671151

Hitler was a Catholic, or at the very least his father was a Catholic.

>> No.4671158


>> No.4671169

It wasn’t original.
Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries

>> No.4671191 [DELETED] 

and Protestants voted for him. Life is a paradox.

>> No.4671222
File: 323 KB, 622x448, 1576554527232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me why he was rejected from art school!!! His paintings were great!!! He doesn't need Loomis. I'm ngmi

>> No.4671225
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 1584304822977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you about the Jews.

>> No.4671251

Maybe his paintings were not that impressive in a time where Modern Art was popping and people were tired of neoclassical.
Plus the perspective looks fucked in >>4671090 >>4671092
He didn't need Loomis, but he did need more Robertson

>> No.4671275

art school the time he applied was still the realm of classical painters, he was just a decent artist with a poor work ethic

>> No.4671402

Damn.....every /ic/ crab has a hitler within them....

>> No.4671407

Vienna 1910s? The Vienna Secession was in full force by then

>> No.4671409

His perspective is fucked, and some of his works it's clear he traced photos

>> No.4671425

Not that this justifies rounding up your political opponents for wrongthink after taking power or anything, but I think someone should still address the elephant in the room in one of these threads: the entrance barrier even for top-tier prestigious art schools isn't that high now and it wasn't any higher then. It's absolutely possible, I've seen it happen to someone with autistic right wing views myself, that Hitler was rejected because the people in charge of judging his portfolio didn't think he'd "fit in" with the general atmosphere, because he was too open about holding political views unpopular in those circles.
>b-but he's a bad person, so no bad thing that ever happened to him could possibly have been undeserved

>> No.4671429
File: 146 KB, 503x800, 7658CBC7-52A1-4779-B271-32B175F81100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but it still wasn’t the standard. Classical apprenticeship was still the norm back then, especially in Germany and Austria. Pic related is what was still painted in Austria, and sold well.
Hitler should have applied for architecture school, not art. His figures don’t have the level expected from art school at the time.

>> No.4671435
File: 70 KB, 1022x636, hitler-art-gettyimages-525413903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4671461

to be fair he was stupid and some kind of a semi delusional sociopath, and he took his rejected way too harshly and it was just the wrong place at the wrong time and the first war took its hold on his life, if he had just been a normal rational human being and taken his art elsewhere he could have probably with his will or whatever it was become a well respected artist, who knows if his world changing qualities would have appeared in him as an artist as they did as a warlord, but oh well, no point in dwelling on alternative histories, it's just now a strange example of creativity at the heart of those who could commit such atrocities in such a disassociated manner

>> No.4671574

Notice that he only dose buildings with tiny tiny people that you can't see the details on?

>> No.4671582

>Not mildly light-haired, fucking goldilocks
Do we tell him guys... that Jesus was a...

>> No.4671606

If Hitler was around today why do I have a feeling he'd be some artschool faggy antifa type

>> No.4671610

He cant draw people. He should have applied for architecture

>> No.4671616

>that huge hand

>> No.4671628

you don't know, what an architect does, right?

>> No.4671651

He need to grind more anatomy. Recommend Hitler a good anatomy course/book.

>> No.4671712


>> No.4671722

>if the incarnation of fascism to modern society was alive today he'd be antifa

dumbest take in history

>> No.4671725


If you can't tell why hitles was considered shit tier just by looking a these paintings you're either very shit at art and easily impressionable or you litteraly have no knowledge of art history at all

>> No.4671730

Look at the fucking mongoloid horse...
and what the fuck is wrong with the ground it looks like everyone is floating on it
what a fucking hack

>> No.4671750

Maybe the left will stop comparing drumpf to literally hitler when a legit batshit insane right-wing identitarian influencer starts gaining real traction in reaction to the growing left-wing political violence, the system tries and fails to shut him down through noplatforming and violence and instead helps him rise to power.
It's like the great filter is already visible from here. I can't wait for the timeline reset desu.

>> No.4671853


>> No.4674096

>you need to draw perfectly to make it into art school

>> No.4674108


>> No.4674116

at least, I know, how to, use, commas,

>> No.4675768

from what I understand via R.H. Ives Gammell it was already going to shit, even the Ecole in paris was moving toward trends in abstraction.

>> No.4675835

Back in the day schools were not so forgiving. If you didn't have somebody tutoring you since youth you were fucked.

>> No.4676178

>why was hitler rejected from art school?
The Jews that ran the art school were jealous of his raw talent, they tried to shut him down but it only made him stronger.

>> No.4676202

Jewish tricks

>> No.4676277

> no knowledge of art history
I thionk this is the key. Hitler was clearly very good. He had no tutor, no money, received no education in art and yet he was very advanced. However his style was considered bland, boring, clichéd at that time. Universities had no interest in such things. Art moved on to weirder explorations. That's why they picked Schiele.

>> No.4676416
File: 11 KB, 210x280, 3A93AFCC-25D4-41C6-AA44-827134243372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking art academies back then would instantly take in “weird” applicants is a myth though. Schiele was good from day one, he had that “spark”. But he didn’t instantly come up with his famous style. Earlt Schiele is very typical of good “fin de siècle” style, ie post-impressionistic. His art was never hesitant.

>> No.4676446

Well then you had to be good and weird.
Hitler was just good.
Schiele was okayish-decent (in a good way) and very unique.

>> No.4678373

Because he was boring and Schiele was not.

>> No.4678385

doesnt help you with that topic though

>> No.4678620

A lot of you guys posting in this thread seem to be forgetting that art tutors can reject an art applicant for whatever reasons they please - for all any of us know they could have rejected Hitler because they thought he had a really shit personality and wouldn't have been a good fit at the school.