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File: 185 KB, 1200x1037, lossy-page1-1200px-Finger_Pompholyx_1.tif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4669216 No.4669216 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else randomly get loads of tiny, fluid filled blisters on the sides of your fingers? I get attacks of this three or four times a year.

How the hell can I draw like this?

>> No.4669218

See a fucking doctor instead of asking about this on 4cheng op

>> No.4669219


that's herpes

>> No.4669221

You probaly have dyshidrotic eczema, go to a dermatologist

>> No.4669224

Finger go blub blub

This is either a disease or an allergic reaction.

>> No.4669225

A lot lighter than OP, but I also get this sometimes and no one could tell me what it is
Bumping for interest, maybe I get some answers this time

>> No.4669226

You don't draw, so why worry?

>> No.4669228

It's a viral infection as far as I know. It likely lives in your cells and you can't get rid of it.

>> No.4669231

yeah I get this, it's >>4669221 but it only happens to me during the summer, and not as bad as pic
I think just keep clean, dry and don't pick em. it goes away for me as well without me even noticing. I actually stopped wearing my meme glove cause of this shit

>> No.4669240

Fucking disgusting

>> No.4669243
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I have them every couple months but they don't interfere with my grip and it's generally just 1 or 2 at a time. If it's that bad, you oughta look for some ointments or other oogabooga shit to alleviate it.

What I REALLY HATE is when I wear a sweater and it causes friction on my elbow from resting it on the arm of the chair. It forms rashes like that that take up to a week to go away, and I always forget my lesson and wear the fucking sweater again next time it's healed.

As a kid I caught some dermatitis from a pet rat, spent months taking medicine to get rid of rashes on my elbows, back of the knee and sometimes the chin.
But these only ever attack me in the fingers and are watery instead of having pus.

>> No.4669250

Woah, I've had this from time to time throughout life, surprised to see it on the net like this. See the doctor, get an ointment. Personally I don't even bother anymore and just cut them off with scissors and wrap the area in tissue or something to soak in the endless stream of the liquid BUT doing so will fuck your skin up, it's somewhat faster then waiting for it to dissipate with no treatment at all but not really relevant for a mild case.

If you don't want to deal with the liquid and possible infection getting in the blisters (I didn't get any throughout many episodes even though I tend to cut them like my hands are my lawn, but that's just me) then wait for it to dissipate or go to the doctor. The ointments that I've had helped a bit with itching and it would dry the area the fuck up when applied on a cut off blister at least for a little while, so I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor if it doesn't cost you a fortune.

>> No.4669259

I had these at times. It's hard to resist popping them but I found that doing so caused them to spread so you pretty much have to do your best not to. I think it might be fungal

>> No.4669261

u guys are gross

>> No.4669266

I just want to squeeze that finger real tight and then suck on it, feeling the fluids ooze down my throat as I cum

>> No.4669275

I've never once in my life had this nor know anyone else who do. I'm surprised so many people recognize this.

>> No.4669292

Do you draw with a Staedtler 925 25?

>> No.4669293

Ya it’s from masturbating too much

>> No.4669294

So this is the power of no health care

>> No.4669310

had it all the time in the summer especially whens sweaty
it kinda stopped suddenly

>> No.4669396
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>> No.4669401

damn bro u have covid, rip

>> No.4669407

holy fuck so it's actually a thing?
I've been getting the same shit every summer for years, althought very light. I always thought it was some kind of allergy
If that helps anyone, it went away when I started using hand moisturizers regularly

>> No.4669410

I got this once but not just the tip of my finger but the whole entire backside of my hand. I thought I caught AIDS somehow and was suicidal but the next day it started to clear up. I think it only happened to me 2 times in my entire life.

>> No.4669422

Eczema. You can get a prescription steroid cream for it. I get it bad during the winter, and use Eucerin lotion for eczema. Don't itch, it'll get worse.

>> No.4669451

Do you consume a lot of protein or eggs?

>> No.4669459

Seconded. I have these pop up. A dermatologist gave me an ointment that has curbed it.

>> No.4669513

DRINK WATER, and yeah i got these from time to time but i only get like a small one at most

>> No.4669519

I once had shingles and this reminded me of it

Might be a possibility but just see your GP I guess. It wasn't a big deal for me it cured in a couple weeks.

>> No.4669531

That looks like poison ivy bro

>> No.4669615

>retard asks for help on 4chan of all places instead of trying to seek professional medical help
American, I'm guessing?

>> No.4669619

I used to get these. Had nothing to do with drawing.

Do you wash dishes by hand, OP? I got these from doing dishes by hand with dish soap that was really irritating my fingers over time. I started using dish gloves and they went away. If you're exposing your skin to any sort of chemical irritant, then ease up on it.

>> No.4669636

Oh shit i have the exact same thing right now, its a form of eczema ive been to a doctor last summer basically just use cream to keep it moist and after about 3 weeks it should go away mine has been going away after about 2 weeks now. And dont scratch it!

>> No.4669669
File: 39 KB, 740x506, Nurgle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a gift of nurgle bro

>> No.4669671

Same I get contact dermatitis like that from detergents. Everything I use has to be dye and perfume free otherwise I break out.

>> No.4669802

This, I have been getting eczema on my hands on and off for years, the steroid cream didn't help me any, currently what works for me is Cetaphil's Restoraderm replenishing moisturizer, plus slathering the effected area in vaseline and putting a clean cotton glove over it when I sleep.

>> No.4669835

Yikes no, looks like lepra.

>> No.4669921
File: 699 KB, 1259x635, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice larp op. now get back to drawing assholes.

>> No.4669941

I have this, it's diagnosed dyshidrotic eczema. It gets much worse if you scratch it.

It seems like quite a few people in the thread have this and it only affects my drawing (right) hand, so I wonder if it could have to do with getting a gross sweaty hand while we draw?

>> No.4669962

If so a basic off the counter anti allergic or steriod creme could fix it?

Also since this only happens in summer it's either pollen or the heat causing extra sweat which causes flare ups.

>> No.4669965

that's just ligameme growing, don't get rid of it or you won't make it

>> No.4670002

ive had these all my life, drinking water and washing my hands clears them alot

>> No.4670552

I had the same exact condition few years ago, it just went away after summer.
Went to the GP he said it was just because of the hot weather and nothing to worry about.

>> No.4670575

This just reminded me that I had these for a while, like a few months, but they suddenly went away and I promptly forgot about them. Mine were really subtle though, just a blister here and there, not like OP pic.

>> No.4670661

I got these a long time ago when I was working on a stop motion commercial. I believe it was a allergic reaction to holding either magnets or some type of metal in the wires or glue we were using, I don't remember which. But as soon as the project was over they went away. Haven't done a stop motion since

>> No.4671110

I’ve had this happened to me a number of times but it’s been so long since I had forgotten I did. I think it was just a reaction to something maybe soap.

>> No.4671113

Thats fucking disgusting. Cant be just from drawing, it's just you OP

>> No.4671178
File: 452 KB, 800x736, 1581023095154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no who ever enter this thread is going to get infected now!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH

>> No.4671214

he searched for an image that was close to what he had dummy

>> No.4671246

You're infected now too :) Have fun with your finger herpes

>> No.4671308

My blisters start appearing when I drink too much coffee. 8 ounce cups a day is fine for the most part, any more than that and I develop these blisters on my fingers.

>> No.4671312

Reminder if you don't have this on your fingers you're NGMI

>> No.4671380

Clobetasol propionate is ideal but even otc would get rid of it eventually.

>> No.4671475

yup I had this for a long time when I was a kid and didnt take care of my skin. Just wash and moisturize your skin with jergens or gold bond lotion. I have gold bond eczema relief and I havent had any outbreak like this in years ( knock on wood)

>> No.4671500

I got this with my friends while we played wii

>> No.4671641
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, 20181216_164601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I had that, but much worse, had to regrow half the skin on my hands. It was triggered by the hydro-carbons I was working with at my printing job. They moved me to the laser-etching department, and then I quit soon afterwards, but I still had occasional minor outbreaks for a long time afterwards.

Haven't had any recently, though.

>> No.4671684

what the fuck

>> No.4671704

I want to lick in between those fingers

>> No.4671706

ive also gotten that eczema shit on my hands before, it used to come right on my index and middle finger during cold dry months. I ended up rubbing it so hard that alll my hair follicles on my finger no longer function.

>> No.4671747

fuck this looks painful

>> No.4671939

I had exactly that only on my hands, doctor said it was an allergic reaction.
I got this bad on my hands last year, it seemed to have happened from touching certain types of cardboard, I went to the doctor, they gave me an ointment for the allergic reaction and it went away in less than a day.
Go to a fucking doctor and ask them.

>> No.4671968

I had some in the past. From what I remember it's due to an allergy or a mix between cold or dehydration. If you experience those and constantly rub your finger (like what you'd usually do when drawing) you can develop those small blisters.

>> No.4671970
File: 487 KB, 747x714, 45775457745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha imagine if you had it on your milkers haha

>> No.4672578


Imagine sitting on the couch, minding your own business, doing nothing in particular, when suddenly your hand feels like you've plunged it into hot oil. Just hot, throbbing pain that you can't do anything about.

Towards the end when everything was getting dry and scabby I literally peeled my entire thumbprint off like a layer of glue. It was painful but satisfying.

>> No.4672679

Nigga what the fuck made you post this on the art board? Nasty ass

>> No.4672683

imagine if someone poured a fresh lemon on that

>> No.4672717
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yes i do have that but not worse like that, i use pic related

>> No.4672741

God lord I used to get this and for some reason thought it was tinea of the hands. I need a new doctor.

>> No.4672764


You know, I didn't try it, but I doubt it would have made much difference. The sensitivity and pain was already maxed out to the point that merely touching it sent waves of pain through my hands. I had my left hand wrapped up like an old-timey leper. I don't think lemon juice would have made a darn bit of difference.

>> No.4672774
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that's pretty metal anon. I had a minor thing on my wrist years ago, I remember it leaked a slight amount of watery substance, the itch was pretty annoying, how about you, any weird leaks? like >>4671970
just intrigued by this condition

>> No.4672779

I get something similar on my middle finger callus. But it's just inflammation from drawing too much. Idk what the fuck is wrong with you desu

>> No.4673071

There was the clear watery drainage that comes with blisters of all sorts, and the stickyness of exposed dermis, and, more on my arms than hands, blood.

Not much pus, though.

>> No.4673173

in the past I was prescribed a steroid cream for that but it didn't permanently solve the issue. usually i'll have a flare-up after a weekend of drinking. keep your hands moisturized and drink plenty of water. this is probably forever.

>> No.4673188
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>I thought I caught AIDS somehow and was suicidal

>> No.4673193


>> No.4673211

>I literally peeled my entire thumbprint off like a layer of glue
Does it come back or do you have to do special papers now when registering for stuff like visas?

>> No.4673264

yeah i have this too, goes away after a while

>> No.4673441


It grew back the same as before. Fingerprints are surprisingly resilient.

Actually until I pulled the dead skin off I couldn't use the thumbprint scanner at work and had to sign in with a passcode.

>> No.4673461
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>I couldn't use the thumbprint scanner at work
Nigger you TRIED TO? Way to give everyone at work some leper.

>> No.4673549


It was an allergic reaction, not a disease.