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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 325 KB, 500x700, oldrerkillu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4666441 No.4666441 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make YOURSELF feel proud.

previous thread >>4662670

READ THE STICKY if you're new or need guidance.

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES - try ~1000px, <1.1mb

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

>> No.4666461 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 3920x2204, IMG-20200304-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4666462
File: 26 KB, 379x585, pillowhug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4666469

cute and good proportions

>> No.4666520
File: 184 KB, 709x803, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4666539
File: 238 KB, 1152x864, rsz_img_20200620_172008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4666551

The expressions are clear and readable, but try to work on a more deliberate, clean hatching next time.

>> No.4666559

I don't understand how to actually make use of construction. It doesn't seem to actually take away the time spent drawing the contours after anyways. In my case it basically just adds like an hour or two of drawing, erasing, and redrawing circles and boxes over and over until the whole thing finally looks somewhat cohesive, then oh I still have to draw the contours on top anyways and make sure they look cohesive too

>> No.4666563 [DELETED] 
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200620_203529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some critique please

>> No.4666566
File: 638 KB, 847x561, Screenshot (139).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried to use a reference and I completely fucked up. The women I drew is in a completely different position compared to the one in the reference.

Should I just go back to tracing?
How do I accurately copy references?

>> No.4666569
File: 361 KB, 768x1024, cinnimon roll catgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to open up commissions, how much would my art be worth?
I would do ones like this and fullbody too

>> No.4666571
File: 1.65 MB, 2538x3584, IMG_20200620_203529~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some critique please.

>> No.4666576

Left titty could use some work

>> No.4666582
File: 65 KB, 384x768, scrap175_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might try the Burne Hogarth meme. I'm really feeling the form on this one.

>> No.4666584
File: 458 KB, 3840x3840, Paint Test 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my left hand feels uncomfortable after a couple hours on the keyboard, is buying a used wiimote for drawing program shortcuts worth it?

>> No.4666590


>> No.4666592

In what way specifically?

>> No.4666596

What do you do on those days when you are completely and utterly unable to concentrate and get distracted by any stray thought that enters your head?

>> No.4666597
File: 420 KB, 2048x2048, Yorick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. The proportions seem good for a comic style like a more flashy Mignola. I wish I could draw so well.

>> No.4666598


Are you selling these or something? What are you doing with all those jeans?

>> No.4666600
File: 362 KB, 1692x988, Zombie DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiverr with that quality would easily be around the 30 USD mark without colour (possibly 40 or 50 with colour). I'd be willing to pay you that much anyway, depending on what I wanted.

>> No.4666607

drawing bigger helps with clean lines anon

>> No.4666615

Have the bikini titty cup curve up away from the overlap on the center of the bikini's middle on the chest. Might be too sideways as well.

>> No.4666616

Okay cool! I was thinking 40 too, maybe I will consider going up or maybe that depends on complexity. Thanks anon

>> No.4666635

Fiverr is filled with terrible artists who might advertise themselves as more skilled than they are (or they just never put in the effort I'd like). You seem way more competent. Any tips for a very recent beginner?

I literally haven't drawn since I was very young (those sketches of a comic are my most recent attempt at any drawing, obviously it's very mediocre). I'm not sure what style I could go for, other than a mix of very minimalist/abstract stuff with the influence of manga. Think Basquiat with Ito or something.

>> No.4666648
File: 90 KB, 743x683, lineink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just give up trying to ink by hand and use vectors

>> No.4666655

>Any tips for a very recent beginner?
I'd say start by doing a good amount of gestures, that has been helping me improve a lot. Also gaussian blurring everything and overlaying with a grain filter once I finish covers a lot of mistakes in my art desu

>> No.4666674

While I understand that the fundamentals or technicals of art can be systematically broken down and learnt through rigorous repetition, are there any tips regarding the actual creative dimension?

I am currently not good at either the fundamentals or the ideas behind the piece, but I believe the former can be improved through hard work. But is the latter far more arcane and essentially impossible to explain, even if there was some way to improve it?

By "creatively" I'm referring to the actual ideas or expression being conveyed through the artwork.

Someone like Kim Jung Gi has essentially mastered the fundamentals and is able to reproduce them perfectly every time he draws. But his pieces are often very superficial beyond that mastery, lacking any deeper statement beyond the sheer awe that emerges from watching a man produce such a detailed, vast and technically perfect piece without any guidelines and in such a rapid manner.

Meanwhile someone like Basquiat may not have grasped the fundamentals at all, yet his work is so expressive and has influenced much of modern art as a result, and continues to be remembered decades later.

If someone like Gi wanted to improve the actual depth of ideas conveyed through his illustrations, is there anything he could do? Or is that the "alchemical" factor to art, the part which cannot be taught or possibly even learnt?

>> No.4666688

Creativity is a meme. Draw what your eyes see until you die.

>> No.4666705


>> No.4666709

I drew it pretty decent size? How big does it need to be.

>> No.4666725

Just turned off line stabilization and I want to give up

>> No.4666726

Creativity is not a meme. If we're going to do nothing more than reproduce what we observe, we should be photographers rather than illustrators. Without the creativity guiding what is illustrated, there is no point for the piece to exist at all.

>> No.4666732

Depends on how high the stabilization is. With some brushes it is necessary to turn on a bit of stabilization to not make everything super janky looking.
Even really good artists might have stabilization on 2/5.

>> No.4666738

It's necessary to learn to draw from observation first though, isn't it?

>> No.4666757

No. You have a lot of potential. Keep going.

>> No.4666784
File: 311 KB, 1280x914, FC56E3FB-091C-46EB-9D56-D36106EC71E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have any chance of making it?

>> No.4666788

I would kill for shading skills like that

>> No.4666793

what's special about this shading?

isnt this the same shit you were posting yesterday or before? You're gonna have to draw more to make it.

I like the think lines on the orc, and the messy lines on her hair. Definitely gives off a feeling of her being stocky/sturdy, and having messy rats nest hair.

I'd look into some guides on photo composition as well, because poor composition is like kneecapping your drawing, as far as overall look/feel goes.

>> No.4666797

What's the /beg/ opinion on drawabox

>> No.4666798

refine your style more

>> No.4666812
File: 200 KB, 1024x950, srhvtbshwr5bhsbrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bleh idk havent drawn wit a tablet n awhile and too lazy to do the anatomy right but was more focused on just getting the facial plane and relearning how to do contour lines with a tab

>> No.4666819

>first though, isn't it?
did kurt cobain make a billion dollars with nothing but 3 power chords?

>> No.4666821

>learn to draw from observation first though
also you will be learning forever so it's up to you when you decide you want to start creating at the same time

>> No.4666826

is that from a ref?

>> No.4666827

How do you do that?

>> No.4666831


>> No.4666833


>> No.4666837

what made nirvana successful can't be taught. Technical drawing skill can.

You're not Kurt Cobain bro, sorry.

>> No.4666844

>what made nirvana successful can't be taught
there's a blurry line between teaching and inspiring; and a theres plenty of artists that have done more with less and a thousand punk bands and a thousand tumblr whores

>You're not Kurt Cobain bro, sorry.
good id rather not end up MURDERED BY MY SLUT WHORE WHIFE

>> No.4666846

How do I learn to control pen pressure better? It's nearly impossible for me to make a line with variable line weight in one motion. Digital by the way.

>> No.4666850

and by the token of "fail early" everyone should be trying to apply whatever puny amount of skill they have at least so theyre in practice at applying themselves when they are "good enough"

if you wait for perfection that is just as bad as having some imaginary "big project" youre going to make "some day" like a video game instead of trying and failing constantly until you dont

>> No.4666851

just don't press as hard, bro

>> No.4666858


>> No.4666862

I have that. I have that "big project some day" mentality. I keep putting it off telling myself I need to study, but it's because I'm kinda scared.

How do you break out of that?

>> No.4666863

It has too much of a 'beginner art class in hs' feel for me to get into desu. I've tried multiple times but I can't focus long enough

>> No.4666873
File: 46 KB, 379x545, page 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how to use Clip Studio but here is my first attempt

>> No.4666877


It can be learned and taught to some extend. You won't find it here though as this board has a culture more focused on technical skill than emotion or creativity. Which makes sense as it's a critique board and it's nearly impossible to be objective on that front.

The Art and Science of Drawing with Brent Eviston puts a much heavier emphasis on conveying emotion/feeling through your work. it still doesn't teach you how to be creative, but instead teaches you the technical drawing skills in a way that focuses more on creative expression.

I understand if you actually want to be more expressive and emotional in your art, but most of the time posts like these read as "I want an excuse to stop practicing fundies".

When you look at influential artists from history, it's because their message is so powerful. Most of the time they have a message first and a medium second. Kurt Cobain didn't desire to be a famous punk singer and design his style around that. He had a message, something that he couldn't stand not to say, and he found his way of expressing it.

It's kind of like boxing. Every once in a while you get a Deontay Wilder type who's athleticism carries them to the top level. That doesn't mean you have to be a freak to get there, but if you don't naturally excel, then you shouldn't be looking at the boxers who naturally excelled for inspiration, but instead the ones who had to grind to get there.

Much of what we see from Kim Jung Gi is basically performance art, like you said the awe comes not from what is there, but the entire experience of seeing it come on the page.

Final note, the fine art world of million dollar paintings is much more about tax evasion for wealthy elite than it is about art.

>> No.4666881

Based for knowing the truth. Hope that bitch burns.

Agreed nobody should wait to start creating. The thing is, most people want to create something and get discouraged when it doesn't look good/how they envisioned it. Then they look into how to improve, and when they find out it involves study and training, suddenly "style" and "creativity" is the most important thing.

I agree with your other posts, very based, just not the Nirvana example because people use that as an excuse to stop learning.

>> No.4666884

Eyes are so fucking hard for me. The perspective changes the other eye after it takes me so long to finish one and then I can't do the other because I end up thinking it looks shit. Are eyes really fucking hard or am I just fucking dumb?

>> No.4666891

Eyes are hard because you look at them a lot, so it's like you have naturally high standards for them.

To help it's important to keep to the basic forms that make them up (the sphere with two flaps, embedded in this chunky thing). You can also always trace photos, it's okay and it can help as long as you try to feel the forms as you do.

>> No.4666894

human heads are the absolute hardest things to draw IMO

>> No.4666897
File: 356 KB, 839x951, dudeconstructionlmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just spent 3 hours on dogshit instead of construction studies AMA

>> No.4666898

How the eyes sit on the face and in relation to each other is more important than any detail in the individual eye.

Try drawing both eyes at the same time. Like if you draw an eye in 5 steps, do each step for both eyes before moving onto the next. Also start with a very light basic shape for both eyes to make sure they're placed correctly on the head.

>> No.4666901

There's nothing wrong with that bro, the point of art is to MAKE art, not just to study it. I mean it is pretty dog shit but hey if you're like, 13 then it's totally average.

Keep grinding but don't forget to have fun :)

>> No.4666902
File: 181 KB, 537x1093, photo_2020-06-21_02-48-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was going through this artist's work, because I found an image very nice and attractive that was posted on /v/, and felt like drawing it

>> No.4666903

thanks for the help. I guess I gotta grind eyes for a week

>> No.4666905
File: 1.06 MB, 811x1147, Prinz-Eugen-(Kantai-Collection)-Kantai-Collection-Anime-mrdotd-5993113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the original source

>> No.4666911
File: 422 KB, 600x787, trac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something to be gained from tracing like this?

>> No.4666922


i think sycra said in one of his vids he thinks it might help in the begining or somethiong

i tyhink its this vid but im too lazy to check

>just not the Nirvana example
well 2 be fair even "in utero" and his last home demos got more sophistiacted and theres probably some lesson to be learned from his methods

im particularly obsessed with this song (his last recording) which sounds different than most nirvana songs and my theory is that kurt would just hum randomish noises that sounded like they rhymed then come up with words that fit:

that song is called "do re mi" and then it was called "dont rape me" and then courtney has a secret version she wont release called "me and my iv" and also a version called "dough ray and me" anddddd you can just sort of get a vibe for his "substractive synthesis"

here is another version of the same song

anyway there is some metaphor for drawing there somehwere and sorry i typed this super lazily and hastily but im tired and cant be arsed t o correct all the typos

>> No.4666925

this is that sycra vid but it might not be this one

>> No.4666930

>Final note, the fine art world of million dollar paintings is much more about tax evasion for wealthy elite than it is about art.

>tax evasion for wealthy elite than it is about art.

>tax evasion


you mean avoiding being extorted by a leftist mob


*(also i know the ones purchasing corporate art for tax right offs are the ones lobbying for more taxes on the middle class but REEEE IM THE MOST HARDCOARE ANCAP IN THIS CHATROOM SO FUCK RIGHT OFF YOU FUCKING COMMIE SCUM REEEEEEEEE(*

>> No.4666933

>How do you break out of that?

making smaller projects

>> No.4666938
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x2268, 20200620_004943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy that this was made by my hands. Oh lawd

>> No.4666940

a 4 effert

>> No.4666944

the stomach part looks wonky like your brain didnt process and reconstruct what form it was supposed to be

also hands

>> No.4666945

u did gud on the face though but not hte ear

>> No.4666946

Can someone crit my stuff? I need to know how doomed I am before I spend like 150 on art supplies for Manga. These are very rough drafts though.

>> No.4666976
File: 300 KB, 746x743, Molly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having a really hard time with skin, any tips?

>> No.4666977

it's going to be difficult to color a piece if the drawing is flat, you should make sure you're constructing with forms

>> No.4666978

You're right, that's something that missed my attention

Thank You

>> No.4666984

yup that arm and right titty (our right) is blent together

>> No.4667000
File: 35 KB, 834x563, Handsomeface_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667037
File: 169 KB, 430x618, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dont be too harsh ; - ;
i know i need to practice hands and anatomy more.... i cant get clavicles and shoulder, as well as arm correctly...

>> No.4667054

Draw from photos until you get a feel for it. Wouldn't hurt to study some skeletons too, because clavicles and shoulders are heavily defined by bones.

>> No.4667055

somethin bout the eyes and mouth mae it look real creepy compared to the original. I think it's cause the eyes look kinda cross eyed or gold fishy.

great shadows tho

>> No.4667056

everybody is somebody as a result of their genes and experience. when you master the fundamentals who you are comes out clearly in your art - that is where the craft becomes an art. don't force it. just experience what you like to experience and let it develop.

if you don't like who you are, or are anxious about who you are, remember that that anxiety about who you are is also who you are.

>> No.4667065
File: 135 KB, 575x793, 1568855243532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one sketch took me two hours. Just this. I feel like a retard wasting time because my whole process is just hitting undo undo undo until the line finally looks right or until I give up, but then once the whole thing is done and the pieces fit together they look wrong anyways.

Back in high school I took a beginner drawing course for teens; part of that was 1-minute gesture drawings, and I absolutely sucked shit at them because I could NOT live with a line that I knew was wrong. How the hell do I get past this? Feels even shittier because I know something like this should have only taken like, 10-15 minutes at most, but everything I attempt is like this. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.4667067

there is no mastering the fundamentals

>> No.4667069

Says a /beg/ hahaha

Bro that's like saying you cant master the alphabet. Are you retarded?

>> No.4667072

1. no one can be "good enough" at anything worth doing.. there is literally no finnish line anywhere in anything

2. the smarter people can make do with less in the begining and get started quicker

>> No.4667079

>1. no one can be "good enough" at anything worth doing.. there is literally no finnish line anywhere in anything
i disagree. it's very possible for a person to believe they are good enough at something. they usually stop developing, but there are doctors who believe they are "good enough", lawyers who believe they are "good enough", and even draftsmen who believe they are "good enough".

there are finish lines in literal races, deadlines for work, etc,. im not sure what "there are no finish lines anywhere in anything" means.

>> No.4667099

be happy. it looks cute.

if you want to be faster than all you have to do is decide on a drawing that you want, and just do it quickly.
It really is that simple.
Also when sketching, never zoom in, it makes you see the mistakes and you'll feel like fixing them right there, but thats what makes the drawing take so long.
You can fix them after you're done with the sketch process

>> No.4667106

Mastery =/= memorization. Art fundies are more like understanding sentence/paragraph structure, grammar, tone, etc than the alphabet anyway.

There's always room to improve your fundamentals. What would you consider to be mastering them? How would you define that.

Saying you need to master the fundamentals in order for who you are to come out in your art is retarded.

>> No.4667117

>never zoom in
I didn't know, I almost always zoom in on the part I'm working on because I want that extra space so I can draw from my shoulder

>> No.4667141
File: 1.15 MB, 948x1050, 5min_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some 5 minute figure drawings. Grinding Steve Huston's NMA figure drawing course.

Not completely happy with all the figures, but feel like I'm getting better.

>> No.4667149

that guy is not me. im the one who said that. i think it is true. craft are the rules and art is the person. i noticed it when i played the piano. i drilled the rules with practice and then i could improvise using that practice to express myself. in my opinion, this is an intuitive and basic idea. similar to how being good at language allows you to write poetry. you have to master the rules of grammar and build a vocabulary in order to write poetry. the grammar and words are the known part - what can be learned by everybody - the poetry the unknown part that comes from the subconscious. i honestly don't see how this viewpoint could be challenged, but i am open to debate.

>> No.4667151
File: 293 KB, 765x1723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked this last thread but didn't really get a critique.
How would I improve this?
I added feet instead of cutting them out compared to the last image.

>> No.4667158
File: 3.57 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200621_204457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? Realised the head was too big when I took the photo. Ik I'm messy and my shading is ugly but I don't really know how to fix it.

>> No.4667212

wow i like these, especially the top right. can you post a previous work and the the time in between them and what you did? im trying to get to somewhere around where you are with my drawings.

>> No.4667229

Master as in become proficient in, sure. I don't believe the fundamentals are something you can "master" and move on. More of a set of skills and concepts you're constantly learning and refining.

The idea of "master the fundies first" is pretty stupid as it implies there's some minimum skill level you have to reach before you're "allowed" to draw or before you can express yourself. The only "level" you have to reach to express yourself is holding a pencil and moving it on paper.

It seems like both of you consider mastery to be achieving competency with something, whereas I see it as reaching the pinnacle of a skill and a somewhat intangible goal.

>> No.4667230

When you start drawing more frequently, you will be able to draw that faster and better

Any tips on colouring for digital art and making it look like something people would pay money for (professional)?
I always had an aversion to colouring shit since i thought my image would looks worse off since i suck at it

>> No.4667232

What is the difference between inking by hand and vectors

>> No.4667234
File: 1.10 MB, 955x911, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Here's some of my progress. I don't learn to draw regularly and usually stop drawing completely for months, so my progress might have been much faster if I didn't do that.

I've been reading/watching Hampton and Huston. Huston has been especially helpful for me and I'd recommend watching the whole "Beginning Figure Drawing" on NMA (or look for the video course thread here for some of his stuff, but it's not complete)

>> No.4667238

The problem i currently have with eyes is deciding on what artstyle i want with them

>> No.4667247

it's not supposed to save time, it makes the result better

>> No.4667248

Head looks average but the body anatomy is all off.

>> No.4667275
File: 1.30 MB, 2269x3895, IMG_20200621_220807~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touched it up a lil

>> No.4667288

You need to work on head structure and features, among many other things
Alas keep drawing and improving, king

>> No.4667313

Yeah, Ik. I've done a decent amount of work on faces but it's just hard and frustrating.
It looks a whole lot worse to me in the photo, the proportions look like a caricature.

>> No.4667315
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 34263262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, you can do it

>> No.4667329

why is art so scary bros? even in competitive video games i was shit at, i was havin fun and there was no gmi or ngmi and i even managed to reach a decent level before hitting my ceiling due to lack of natural talent. in sports you know very quickly if you are gmi or not because of how quickly talented young athletes are snapped up and from there, development converges and athletes on elite teams only become better and the gap widens, which is fine because it let's the plebs focus on something else. but with art you have people grinding for years and shit and potentially not improving. i realize a lot of it is discipline and responsibility but it's more just the spookiness of the whole medium that concerns me, like there's a dark specter looming over you whenever you draw. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.4667389

i just want my comic to not look like shit. im pretty sure i can get decent enough to make a decent comic. i get around anxiety by keeping my expectations low.

>> No.4667394

people only improve if they feel that they need to improve.
Artists that "peak" or never improve think their art is top tier shit and don't bother improving, (autists like Chris-Chan)

But so long as you think your art is shit/mediocre and feel a desire to improve, your art will just get better as you keep drawing.

>> No.4667410

Do you guys know of any websites which allow you to play around with perspective and anatomy in real-time?

Like, something that I could create a box in, and then place a circle on the box, and then rotate the box to see how the box and circle look from different angles?

Also the same thing but for human and animal bodies.

Some kind of perspective and anatomy simulator, essentially? I hope that makes sense.

>> No.4667416

try sketchfab

>> No.4667468
File: 4 KB, 355x209, mspaint eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the iris concave or convex? Which of these is the more accurate placement for the pupil?
Sorry for the literal MS Paint drawing.

>> No.4667473

neither of those are right, the lens forms a small bump that curves away from the ball of the eye

>> No.4667480
File: 320 KB, 575x1171, vpgamuce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to learn the forms of whatever you are drawing first to be able to draw it fast so there's no second thought when you are drawing if you are taking that long is most likely you are just just guessing as you draw instead of having a solid idea of where everything go

for that thing you drew you need to learn the proportions first then is literally just draw, if you are too beg to visualize the the proportions as you draw, just use forms to construct.

>> No.4667498

>Do you guys know of any websites which allow you to play around with perspective and anatomy in real-time?

a blank piece of paper and a pencil :)

>> No.4667504

But it's so much more difficult to ascertain the correct perspective and shape of the objects if I have to do it myself. If I could see the actual version and then try to draw it faithfully, I could actually learn something.

I've tried drawing them manually and with objects in front of me but it's more difficult because I'll shift my head and generally forget the exact image I was looking at.

Are you guys seriously telling me that not a single software exists online in which you can change perspective and view the same object from different angles?

I tried Sketchfab but I couldn't find what I wanted there.

>> No.4667514

>there are doctors who believe they are "good enough", lawyers who believe they are "good enough"

yeah but how many doctors are the basic basic basic bitch textbook brainwashed misdiagnosing fuck-your-appendix and miss-the-ass-cancer type? How many are the pill popping thorough maniacs on a never ending journey to unlock the human body??????

how many lawyers are the pay-them-2k-to-bribe-the-prosecutor-and-split-it with the prosecutor type vs the ones who are constantly inventing new tricks to catch the blue pigs and the DA slippin' real-life-better-call-sauls?

>ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars

if you want to be a basic bitch thats all fine and dandy but you know deep down there is something always deeper down

>> No.4667515

>isnt this the same shit you were posting yesterday or before? You're gonna have to draw more to make it.
Fuck you, faggot, I posted two other pictures yesterday in the previous thread!
>I like the think lines on the orc, and the messy lines on her hair. Definitely gives off a feeling of her being stocky/sturdy, and having messy rats nest hair.
Oh. You're actually being helpful and complimentary. Okay then.

>I'd look into some guides on photo composition as well, because poor composition is like kneecapping your drawing, as far as overall look/feel goes.
That's a good point. When people tell me "you should do a comic!" and I respond that I can't because I don't have an eye for framing things, maybe I should learn how to do that. Thanks.
But still, fuck you, faggot. :)

>> No.4667519

What about the pupils though? Does the iris cave inwards with the pupil in the center or is it more flat-ish?

>> No.4667520
File: 181 KB, 1600x636, some rando blender deviant art image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


change the render engine to cycles then change the camera to mirror ball or fish and ask /3/ when you get lost

>> No.4667529

looks fine to me shade and color it

>> No.4667546
File: 3.40 MB, 3508x4961, finished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished it but forgot to post, I didn't really fix it cause i was lazy but all well.

god i cant wait till im fucking good and can draw what ever i want and it doesnt take me 66 years to finish a drawing. soz for not resizing either aint no body got an extra 30 secs

>> No.4667550

based beg

>> No.4667554
File: 112 KB, 973x746, otaku_sims_parody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any guides or any tips on creating a good workspace for drawing? I have an easy time doing this and practicing at school, but there is very little opportunity to do it there. I want to do it at home, but there are a lot of issues with mold in my bathroom so I can't do it at my room, and all of my tables are circular in the rest of the house so it just sucks to bother with. Can someone help me out please?

>> No.4667561

I can't learn.

>> No.4667564

Is a reasonable order of operations
Gesture > Construction > Details
I have a hard time with proportion and expression if i start with construction

>> No.4667568

i was just joking, but one really good way to get a handle on something in 3D is to reduce it to major shapes and then draw those from different angles. you can also google "3d model of X" and usually get a 3D model of what you're looking for.

>> No.4667569

when did you learn that

>> No.4667571

25 years of life.

>> No.4667604

buy a non circular table or draw on the floor

>> No.4667640

it's that last 5 percent that's the toughest

>> No.4667642


Work more on getting the big picture right before going into the details. When starting out you should be rigorous and draw step by step until you've gained enough experience that stuff happens automatically. So you might want to draw gesture lines first to get the motion of the pose right, then start breaking the thing to geometric shapes, then make sure that it's as many heads tall as the reference pose is, maybe draw perspective lines and so on. It's slow, but doing things step-by-step has the benefit of you also learning when you fucked up.

>> No.4667645

this pic gave me hardcore deja vu

anyone else?

i feel like someone posted that same exact thing last august

>> No.4667648

But is there no kind of online program out there which allows you to simply choose the exact perspective you want, and change it in real-time?

Like, if I want to see exactly what a square looks like as it transitions from a frontal view to a profile view, I thought there would be applications online that let me make such a rotation in real-time. But there doesn't seem to be.

Why not? It seems like such a simple application. I'm astonished other artists haven't already created something like it.

Why go through the trouble of finding the exact reference image you need, when you could just have a simple app which allows you to manually get the exact shape to the exact angle you're looking for?

>> No.4667654
File: 122 KB, 1514x1810, 20200622_022716 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo. I posted an earlier version of this in the other thread and got no response so I thought I'd try again.
I was hoping for feedback in regard to likeness.
Does this look like someone? It's based on a celebrity reference but I won't say to see if anyone can recognise.
If you figure out who it is, how can I increase likeness? Cheers.

>> No.4667659
File: 91 KB, 1014x882, gahh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head construction practice :s

The proportions aren't great, I know... The eyes are too big/gonna pop out and I was trying to foreshorten the lower half of the face but it just looks a squished.

Any feedback? and does the drawing look pretty flat for you? (this was mostly the critique for me last time)

>> No.4667671
File: 1.14 MB, 1383x1000, 5min_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More 5 minute stuff (except the shaded one which took ~20 minutes)

>> No.4667678

This doesn't look flat and it's not bad. Erase the right eye (and eyebrow) and re-draw it and it will look much better (it's now way too wide/stretched)

>> No.4667682

i agree but i feel like im still so shit that there is no point spending heaps of time polishing turds and entering the diminishing returns zone. I should be studying and learn basics before i get too indepth, especially when i know there is like 10 different styles i want to tryout eventually.

>> No.4667689

I'd argue it's the first 5%. If construction and gesture is bad and you don't fix it before you begin adding detail and shading, you are unlikely to fix fundamental mistakes.

>> No.4667694

legs are too short. when you draw really measure. take your time.

>> No.4667704


It looks pretty good. I have a feeling that the left cheekbone should have some bulging volume, but it could be just me being conditioned by looking at people with massive cheekbones.

>> No.4667720

daisy ridley?

>> No.4667759

is there some kind of do-all set of exercises that diagnoses my skills and shows what i need to improve?

>> No.4667770

oooooh I see your point about the right eye! It’s almost the same width as the left one. Thanks so much for the feedback, anon!

I get you on the cheekbone... I was actually playing around with shading the underside of the cheekbone to make it pop out more but I couldn’t make it look right so I just skipped it for now. :c Thank you though for you feedback, and I'll continue to practice more!

>> No.4667777


Not that I can think of. But I'd say that following should generally apply:
-if your drawings look stiff do more gesture drawing
-if proportions look off in a sense that limbs are too huddled up or far out the torso, do negative space drawing
-if things look oddly shaped, practice constructing things from basic shapes
-if foreshortening looks off practice perspective
-if shades/tones blow practice breaking things to simplified shapes with planes, shade those and gradually increase the surfaces or use more complex light

>> No.4667787
File: 538 KB, 2028x882, 011011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats pretty bad, the eyes are in complete different angles with the head or your box that jaw is way too boxy and the nose is pointing up instead of following the angle of the head that is downlips are too flat, the back or his head is to flat,keep in mind the sides of the head arent flat planes, and the ear is too high is supposed to go at the eye level not the eyebrown...ughh.

>> No.4667790
File: 2.70 MB, 350x254, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667800

That is a rock.

>> No.4667802

best program for transitioning from paper to tablet? i like sketching mostly and probably wont be trying smooth clean stuff for a while

>> No.4667805


>> No.4667809

Krita has tons of "painterly" brushes/modes

>> No.4667812


>> No.4667814

Tfw nobody is replying to my posts
Or answering my questions....

>> No.4667875

Holy shit, yes. Any thoughts? Open to anyone.

>> No.4667915

that looks pretty good anon. most people who USE a reference aren't trying to copy it exactly, that would only be the case if you're trying to DRAW your reference. but anyway, if you want to learn how to copy references accurately I suggest working with linear blocking in and checking out Iten's accuracy guide

>> No.4667921

mirin face

>> No.4667934
File: 167 KB, 2560x1080, ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows my construction?

>> No.4667948

making music is easy after learning some chords

>> No.4667953

post the reference you used
there are hard shadows around the nose and corners of the mouth

>> No.4667959

Proof construction is a meme.

>> No.4667981


>> No.4667986

Keep going on. Observe more and learn to see accurately.

>> No.4667987

just cause they're shit at it doesn't mean it can't be done, crab

>> No.4668000

How long have you been doing art?

>> No.4668003

Not good. Study form again and the planes of the face and come back to it. You'd benefit from skull and muscle studies too. But tackle form first, that's your most fundamental problem.

>> No.4668031

vectors are more like data structures than image info, so you can move them around or change their thickness after placing them without the messiness of erasing. They're useful for smooth clean lines.

Inking by hand is just using a pen tool. It's more vibrant because it shows the hand of the artist a little more, and the little imperfections give it character, but it can also be messy and look more amateurish if your hand isn't steady or your pressure isn't on point.

>> No.4668061

Thanks anon,
I'll try to work on them next time

>> No.4668076
File: 250 KB, 1152x864, rsz_img_20200621_170355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4668077

I understand, thanks for the guidance. I also really need to get out of this shitty habit of drawing top down

>> No.4668126

wouldn't the picture get washed off?

>> No.4668153


>> No.4668156

I think you iron it into the denim or something

>> No.4668157

I iron the back of it for ten minutes so it bonds to the denim.

>> No.4668186

maybe those wet paint brushes they were pretty fun to mess around with though I thought they were kinda hard to control. I also read that the pencil brushes are neat


>> No.4668188
File: 112 KB, 1620x2160, image0-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more I go through this, it's starting to click. only posting this one because i think it looks decent even though line work is horrid

>> No.4668201
File: 375 KB, 1980x2480, CsPeCX6WAAAjugz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i draw on an angle like this

>> No.4668206


>> No.4668225

very reasonable especially if it works for you

>> No.4668227

why do you need other people to tell you how to sit?

>> No.4668249

gimme some cool poses

>> No.4668258

How do you make your colouring look fancy and polished? I just paint with the hard round brush and it always looks so primitive. Is there any good tutorials on this?

>> No.4668260

Follow a rule of three with tones

>> No.4668271

What is that

>> No.4668274
File: 476 KB, 2000x1600, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668319
File: 98 KB, 627x657, ead2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I got the eyes right?

>> No.4668346

So gesture drawing is actually for exaggerating what you see? It's better than drawing exactly the contours that you see?

>> No.4668352

You’re right and I appreciate your help. I will practice more

>> No.4668366

How can I practice form, construction, and perspective?

>> No.4668365

Yes. It's for learning to convey motion and shit. And to do that you can't just copy what the model is doing because they're most likely not really in motion. If you see a model in a running pose they're not actually running, which means they're not balanced/unbalanced as if they're running... Which means the pose isnt very dynamic. If the model is acting like they're pulling or holding something heavy, you can fucking bet that shit is light as fuck. You've got to learn to exaggerate. Push the pose as much as you can without breaking it. Take that line of action and bend it more.

>> No.4668372
File: 512 KB, 3920x2204, IMG-20200621-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a suggestion for good digital drawing tuts? Saw the video general but the torrent ain't working. Many thanks in advance my brothers and sisters.

>> No.4668373

my 4th drawing ever. do i have potential or am I ngmi?

>> No.4668377
File: 1.35 MB, 1984x1404, Krita-drawing-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's here

>> No.4668381

Thankfully those are all related.

Do a perspective book or course up to at minimum 2-point perspective and learn to tilt and rotate. Draw primitive forms still life and learn to construct them as well as practicing tilting rotating and combining them in persoective, and then move on to progressively more complex forms (a teapot or vase, for example, is just a few primitive forms stuck together).

Just do that kind of exercise and challenge yourself every time you feel comfortable.

>> No.4668400


>> No.4668405


>> No.4668415

looks good

>> No.4668441
File: 30 KB, 539x824, circle hooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong and how do I get rid of these hooks in my circles?

>> No.4668451
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1651, Lethi XII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I getting better? I took the advise of flipping my work around to check for mistakes .

>> No.4668467

how do i look at practice figure drawing without cooming every time its a nude model

>> No.4668470

Don't worry about that.

>> No.4668473

Shit this ain't beg.

>> No.4668474

erase it and fix the circle

>> No.4668497

If being hunched over is wrong then I may as well give up now

>> No.4668501
File: 1.34 MB, 3050x1742, poses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some dumb poses i did yesterday, im still working on making them look not stiff :(

>> No.4668517

im talking about the surface angle you draw on

>> No.4668530
File: 258 KB, 752x734, xxcvvcccvvv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the more interesting requests

>> No.4668531

What brushes were good for colouring shit
Why does the paint brush act retarded

>> No.4668533

Right eye looks more anime-ish than the left eye

>> No.4668534

It looks cool
Cant wait to see you redraw it in a few years

>> No.4668540

Either way anons, take care of your posture. I get migraines every day for weeks at a time due to a suspected neck injury from bad posture

>> No.4668543
File: 71 KB, 256x256, holy crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>break your neck from slouching

>> No.4668559

Is there an optimal way to layout the CSP window and keyboard shortcuts if you are left handed. I'm struggling at setting the shortcuts in a way that doesn't make me uncomfortable

>> No.4668565
File: 122 KB, 1089x789, d3a8fa773c64afc222f7bc4ecd2ae738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even prevents you from drawing with a good posture when the tablet is like the first picture. Also wrist.

>> No.4668570

Could you tell me where it's wrong?

>> No.4668583

a lot those figures aren't bad at all. how long have you been working on figure drawing?

>> No.4668591

I just use the size sensitive or flow sensitive hard round brushes lol

for textured and painterly look the dry paint ones are probably easier to use than the wet paint ones https://docs.krita.org/fr/reference_manual/krita_4_preset_bundle.html

>> No.4668595
File: 81 KB, 414x640, AA9BCA0C-E932-4AA1-A6C2-0F28F0BEB754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to keep going after I realize how shit it is?

>> No.4668600

Your general proportions are mostly correct. It shouldn't be more than an hour's work to fix up the right arm and the blocky thigh.

>> No.4668603

Redraw it and fix your mistakes. Best way to improve.

>> No.4668626
File: 481 KB, 2000x3000, 1592288252076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right. I'm not great at consistent lines and over correct when I see something looking odd.

>> No.4668630
File: 275 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_20200621_180249_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1hr 45 minute pose. Charcoal. A1 paper. How did I do?

>> No.4668640


>> No.4668652


>> No.4668656

you didn't draw parts of the face like the tear ducts and bottom lashes which are darker than the parts you did draw,
you drew the outlines of the nose and lips that don't exist on the reference.
you drew the eyebrows uniformly dark, instead of only near the middle.
the outline of the head is ok
take your time and dont cut corners

>> No.4668678

>size sensitive or flow sensitive

>> No.4668686

To me it looks like he was going for a cartoonish style

>> No.4668688
File: 47 KB, 253x207, Annotation 2020-06-21 220548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668691
File: 99 KB, 414x640, 9CD66B48-FDC8-439A-9136-AECC5A50FA31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the encouragement, guys!

>> No.4668698

So their line gets thicker when i press harder? Got it

>> No.4668699
File: 557 KB, 1920x1350, how_horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew what I was getting into wasn't going to be easy, but holy hell... Still, I had never tried drawing anything upside down, so it was definitely an interesting and insightful process.
Though, had to resize the canvas, because the scale kept getting bigger as I made my way to the head...

>> No.4668702

very nice dude

>> No.4668703

Draw more accurately. Use horizontal and vertical plumplines, extend angles, look at negative space, etc. It's a necessity to know how to look at a subject 2 dimensionally as well as 3 dimensionally

>> No.4668706

yeah. i forgot to add the gpen one is nice for linework it changes size in response to pressure but a lot more subtly

>> No.4668722

No fucking way that was your first pass through the exercise.

>> No.4668733

Yeah I was going for a little bit more of a cartoony look but a lot of your notes are still valid.
I've got some other drawings I'm working on and I'll post them with some adjustments to this one.
Cheers, anons! One of the nicer communities I've been on.

>> No.4668738

looks good! the leg on the left of the piece is a little disproportionate to the really nice leg on the right. also the hood kind of muddles the head.

>> No.4668798 [DELETED] 

thanks anon
i started drawing in 2017 at age 14, im currently 17

>> No.4668808

reported underage

>> No.4668809

Hey I really appreciate the kind words, anons! It's a little daunting to take in all the information here in /ic/ But then, if drawing was easy, no one would need to practice and hone themselves, I suppose.

>> No.4668888
File: 123 KB, 463x617, 6-21-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can doodle sameface from imagination that's a start right

>> No.4668906
File: 92 KB, 361x540, AstraVsBeatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The majority on my social media preferred my new witch >>4665054 instead of the trusty ol' Astra
That's it, this is a fight now

>> No.4668917
File: 5 KB, 225x225, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668921
File: 829 KB, 2930x2235, 22-06-2020 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to try some coomer stuff today

>> No.4668939

Also, does anyone know of an exercise, if there's one, that helps you to draw in a more organized way? Although I got better in the last months, I think my drawings are still too messy as you can see in >>4668921 and I thought that maybe there's something that will help me better with this

>> No.4668965

I want to get good at specifically looking at a photo of someone and drawing exactly what I see including their body. How do I learn that? Can it be done with just pencils?

>> No.4668989
File: 356 KB, 1600x1200, line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone paint this over and show me how to do a complex painting? I can't seem to wrap around all the little details of colors and shading.
I need this because I need to know where to start and how to get there.

>> No.4668990
File: 160 KB, 361x541, AstraVsBeatrice2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I question how much this actually helps me improve BUT I'M FUCKING HYPED

>> No.4669061

>tfw when eternal /beg/

Nearly three years and I haven't reached /int/

>> No.4669069

Today I didn't draw anything besides a few circles and cubes
I just watched instructional videos

>> No.4669085

Why the fuck are you in /beg/? You're literally going to push actual begs to suicide.

>> No.4669104
File: 440 KB, 1000x892, xcvxvxcvxcvxcvxcvxcvxcvxcvxcvxcvxvxcvxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagination during work cept the hands, fun shit

>> No.4669108

that is /beg/

>> No.4669109

This hurts me

>> No.4669115 [DELETED] 

I'd say you shouldn't be worrying yet about complex painting, for starters the hand on that spear isn't even grabbing it since the thumb is in front of it.
But it's important to finish your pieces, so I suggest going with flat colors, for a minimalistic drawing like this it can be good.
The 2nd step is to add an extra color to everything to create a shadow. Or perhaps even three colors (a shadow and a light).
This all imagining a light source, from where is the light coming? You'd put light and shadow like that, but you really need to practice drawing more because it'd be hard to grasp WHERE to shade in that arm or armor for example without an idea of how they're truly made.
I actually struggled because the lineart doesn't give me any clues, so better practice on thinking 3D and doing more complex lineart; once you understand complex lineart, you'll naturally also get better at shading/painting since you understand the items being depicted.
Now, HOW to paint? After applying the first 2 flat colores, I merged it all in 1 layer and went crazy with an Opacity Brush. I use Clipstudio Paint, specifically I used a Rough Brush with some tweaks but on Photoshop or whatever you use you can probably find a "Painting" brush like that. You gotta select many tones of a color (make it a slightly different color as well) and paint it all over. The armor has some shades of gray, blue, green and purple, trying to create the illusion of realism. The Gas-mask as well is a mixture of dark colors. You can see my strokes (it was done very quickly though). So yeah it's not very good but I think that's the gist of it, get better at drawing with lines first and do flat coloring.

Sorry, I still think I'm a /beg/ but I put in a lot of work. My drawings don't hold a candle to the actual /draw/ pieces. There's a lot posted there that doesn't really belong in /draw/.

>> No.4669116

it only hurts if you have an ego

>> No.4669117
File: 757 KB, 480x1436, NotAstra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say you shouldn't be worrying yet about complex painting, for starters the hand on that spear isn't even grabbing it since the thumb is in front of it.
But it's important to finish your pieces, so I suggest going with flat colors, for a minimalistic drawing like this it can be good.
The 2nd step is to add an extra color to everything to create a shadow. Or perhaps even three colors (a shadow and a light).
This all imagining a light source, from where is the light coming? You'd put light and shadow like that, but you really need to practice drawing more because it'd be hard to grasp WHERE to shade in that arm or armor for example without an idea of how they're truly made.
I actually struggled because the lineart doesn't give me any clues, so better practice on thinking 3D and doing more complex lineart; once you understand complex lineart, you'll naturally also get better at shading/painting since you understand the items being depicted.
Now, HOW to paint? After applying the first 2 flat colores, I merged it all in 1 layer and went crazy with an Opacity Brush. I use Clipstudio Paint, specifically I used a Rough Brush with some tweaks but on Photoshop or whatever you use you can probably find a "Painting" brush like that. You gotta select many tones of a color (make it a slightly different color as well) and paint it all over. The armor has some shades of gray, blue, green and purple, trying to create the illusion of realism. The Gas-mask as well is a mixture of dark colors. You can see my strokes (it was done very quickly though). So yeah it's not very good but I think that's the gist of it, get better at drawing with lines first and do flat coloring.

Sorry, I still think I'm a /beg/ but I put in a lot of work. My drawings don't hold a candle to the actual /draw/ pieces. There's a lot posted there that doesn't really belong in /draw/.

>> No.4669140
File: 1.22 MB, 1244x1000, 5min_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and more (feel like I've declined in quality today, ugh)

>> No.4669142

some days are like that for everyone bro don't worry so much

>> No.4669151

improvement isn't a constant rise where you do good one day, and then better the next day, and then even better the next etc
sometimes you have good days and bad days

>> No.4669196

thanks, bros. I understand that and I just feel like it's my arms/vision which are kinda shit today. Just a bit frustrating when it happens, but that doesn't stop me from trying to git gud.

>> No.4669281

looks like an aborted fetus

>> No.4669283

do the opposite of whatever you're doing

>> No.4669287

Are they supposed to be made of chrome?

>> No.4669290

Does anyone actually like veins in dicks?

>> No.4669308
File: 177 KB, 1000x725, DC185871-0FFA-425F-9F8A-BBC83851A7C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think beetles look cool so i made my own

>> No.4669323

Just yesterday I met a chick with a 3rd nipple and you go and draw this, nice.
Also it looks really cool as a metal statue. Even if you didnt intend it, never forget that you can already render metal lol

>> No.4669325
File: 420 KB, 1432x1976, Rough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some feedback please before I start working on it. There are some issues, but I'm not sure where.

>> No.4669369
File: 152 KB, 826x578, LupinTheThird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like it, but the left side (right side?) of the head is really big so I cut it down a bit, unless you intended for her to have really big cheeks.
I also think the chin should be placed under the mouth, so I moved it to the left and finally the neck does need readjustment, currently on your drawing the neck is too thin and if you saw her in a frontal pose she´d have some empty space there.
The body doesn´t need tweaks on my part, really well done, I just connected the head to the body a bit more

>> No.4669429

Thanks for the response.
Yeah I can see what you mean, ill fix it. Was not intended. Sometimes you just stop seeing these things I feel, but when someone points it out it becomes obvious.

>> No.4669437
File: 450 KB, 876x1006, battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it?

>> No.4669443


>> No.4669478

Looking for something like this?


>> No.4669510

I dont get Loomis. How does loomis work?

>> No.4669545
File: 199 KB, 1280x1656, 1591468129995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669550
File: 417 KB, 2677x1626, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some eyes hours ago.

>> No.4669553

>draw the fucking owl
ah shit

>> No.4669589
File: 270 KB, 1266x940, Background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if loomis is too much to grasp I dunno what to tell you

>> No.4669612

Look into Jack Hamm instead.

>> No.4669945

Tips for drawing scenes?
With poses and shit
I just tried to draw a scene where a couple were doing that thing to teach their kid to walk
It sucked so bad i deleted it

>> No.4669981

Anyone else have days where you feel fucked?
Like you regressed in skill or something

>> No.4670003
File: 158 KB, 1215x719, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4670010
File: 165 KB, 1000x1339, IMG_0458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique my grinding.

>> No.4670019

looks grindy

>> No.4670020

Any kind of progress can only be measure weekly, since there are too many factors that vary every day.

>> No.4670033

Yes. Some days are garbage and I just accept that I'm not going to draw anything but complete garbage for the remainder of the day.

>> No.4670074

is the very very early /beg/ experience just more or less learning to get past symbol drawing, and if yes, how would you guys recommend i do so? been reading Fun with Pencils and while it's definitely helped a little I feel like the "symbol drawing" still describes me to a T so i feel like I'm not getting as much out of Loomis as I could

would it be worth switching over to Keys to Drawing instead? not looking for shortcuts or anything but I do want to make sure that I'm learning effectively. if there are any other ways to practice beating symbol drawing i'm interested as well

>> No.4670079

>would it be worth switching over to Keys to Drawing instead?
I enjoyed that book more as a newbie.

>how would you guys recommend i do so?
Search random picture on google and grind it.

>> No.4670090
File: 117 KB, 700x550, tumblr_mr4p3hestQ1r6idvao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im talking about the angle of the surface not the way you sit

>> No.4670102

i'll probably look at dodson then. i know two artist friends who have said it's better than loomis for beginners.

will try out the random picture exercise too, thanks. i wasn't really sure on the best way to practice either, was usually just going through the exercises in loomis

really appreciate the help anon

>> No.4670104

Waste of precious time

>> No.4670110
File: 550 KB, 1212x1459, IMG_20200622_152055_458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Is this? I think the thumbnail looks pretty good but enlarged Is kinda weird. Also I started drawing but then remembered I don't know how to do hands

>> No.4670112

If you're using a screen tablet, yes, incline. If you're on screenless, it makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.4670126
File: 147 KB, 1000x1339, IMG_0459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, and what would you do with that time? Also, rate my gesture drawing exercise.

>> No.4670127
File: 189 KB, 2560x1080, ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys im really embarassed, i completely missunderstood the approach to construction, heres an update of me actually doing construction

>> No.4670144

I would need to see the reference, but it seems compressed horizontally

>> No.4670147

Adding on to this, did you happen to draw it with the paper flat on the desk, rather than perpendicular to your face?

>> No.4670154
File: 34 KB, 1280x544, vlcsnap-2020-06-22-12h18m52s40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use a board that I place on my legs to have a better angle, but I reckon I still have problems finding the best position to avoid the "warping effect". Anyways, here's the ref

>> No.4670159


Also I didn't really take a lot of time with measurements, I kinda just went in, haven't drawn in almost a year

>> No.4670163

he's facing downward more in the reference

>> No.4670175
File: 49 KB, 640x960, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look like MRIs

>> No.4670195
File: 959 KB, 975x1734, 1592852264799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all, here's my first attempt at drawing from life. I look walleyed and anime af, but at least I know I can improve.

>> No.4670197

construction is where you start with basic shapes then "carve away" and add more detail. For example, Loomis heads are simplifications of a human skull, which you then add facial features to.
It seems like you're just doing that polygon thing based on what you see in the photo. From another Anon:

"the goal is not to make an exact copy of the reference, but to create a structure system that you can then reproduce without looking at reference"

>> No.4670207

It's a waste of time, you'll draw every shape naturally on the way by actually studying reference, reading books and drawing what you really want to draw like some day. Anything else is a pointless scam like draw a box shit preying on begs

>> No.4670215

being busy != being productive

>> No.4670225
File: 2.00 MB, 860x1754, 1592563954945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you consider that drawing ellipses, circles, 3d boxes, etc, it just happen as the indirect result of doing other things? But I suppose that if I focus on it, i'll improve faster given how crucial they are for everything. I don't want to fight with two things at the same time. It is also a good warmup.

>> No.4670232

Neat, that helps so much, thanks a lot man.

>> No.4670284
File: 177 KB, 1061x1039, SmartSelect_20200622-144538_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the aesthetic of leaving the original construction forms

anyway, this was a shading study i did with reference, help would be appreciated

>> No.4670290

also, i know the skull is kinda fucked, the remaining part of the head was covered in hair so I just cut it off

>> No.4670305


>> No.4670363
File: 377 KB, 779x883, 14 d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any pointers ? Feels like i cant progress

>> No.4670556

are you drawing corpses? the colours look very cold and lifeless. you might need to check your monitor settings

>> No.4670936

You can draw circles your entire life and never improve. I'm not saying the exercises are useless, they serve their purpose. I did a couple of these exercises when I first got my tablet in order to understand pressure and gain confidence in my stroke. After that, using that confidence to do linework as clean and clear as I could, using quick, confident strokes. The linework itself built more confidence, so I didn't need to do these exercises anymore, and moved onto understanding shape, posture, proportions, etc.

Practice makes perfect is a myth. You need to do perfect practice, so you can improve in the least amount of time and with the least amount of grinding. I know doing the same thing over and over gives the illusion of improvement, and that somehow some day if you do this over and over you will magically get better. Nothing is so simple. You need to move on.

Also, there are many different shape structures and techniques you can use, but these are to be considered as starting points. As you practice and grow you should naturally develop your own structure/workflow. Focus on understanding what you're doing. The rest will come, with understanding.

Check out Ethan Becker on youtube.

>> No.4670943
File: 595 KB, 789x543, BG IMG_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this BG, so far?

>> No.4670955

The building looks good but the walls around it look weird. Were you trying to make them look like they're collapsing in on themselves? Were you using a perspective grid?

>> No.4671269
File: 1.30 MB, 2124x1280, moms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this is still active but I'll drop something and try to get some critiques