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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 21 KB, 894x894, deviantart-logo-png-deviantart-logo-by-diamondmyr-d89da0a-png-894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4665790 No.4665790 [Reply] [Original]

The redesign is actually pretty good. You get recommended works in your homepage based on your own art and faves, instead of what's popular at DA. I stopped seeing inflation guro muscle hermaphrodite furry trash completely and instead gotten watchers who do similar things to what I do.

>> No.4665793

Yeah i'm fine with the re-design.
The old one was bloated and overcomplicated, the new one is fine.

The people complaining must be autists afraid of changes.

>> No.4665820

the old one was way to archaic, the redesign still functions well for what it does and feels way more professional. Now if only I could say the same about the userbase.

>> No.4665827

I don't care really.

>> No.4665834

>You get recommended works in your homepage based on your own art and faves, instead of what's popular at DA

They should have done that years ago. It's about damn time.

>> No.4665853

is it time to leave instagram? or does DA will help me grow my instagram more?

>> No.4665871

I will never understand insta's algorithm. I'm doing fine everywhere else but there.

>> No.4665875

true yeah

>> No.4665891

What redesign? I went on the frontpage again and scrolled down 2 times, I saw
>weight gain
>hyper muscle
>several cropped porn + advertisement to artist's patreon
>realistic dinosaurs in sexual poses
>something with super mario I couldn't look at
I refuse to be here. Furaffinity's front page is less fetishistic than this.

>> No.4665898

Yeah, DeviantArt always had tons of fetish stuff but now it seems it's nothing BUT fetish stuff.

>> No.4666007

make an account, start watching and liking art/artist
Won't be there in 3 hours

>> No.4666049

I refuse to be on an art website that displays porn on its front page, and I don't want to be in the same environment as these people.

>> No.4666076
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1a0905301b26f3a010101d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing loads really REALLY really fucking slow now. And then clicking on a single pic to see it takes longer because it wants to load a special little popup that has an avatar, and a few examples of their work...when I just want to see the goddamn pic I have been trying to click on for the last 40 seconds now.

Why do this and why never give me any option to turn that shit off?!

>> No.4666077

So is browsing related images totally gone? The section on the bottom right corner is still there but I cannot take it to a new list of pics

>> No.4666189

I just want the front pages to stop encouraging fetish porn. And I just want a semblance of a private account similar in nature to what Tumblr used to be.
Is that so hard?

>> No.4666237

Maybe I'm just lucky, but since the Eclipse takeover I haven't seen any porn on the front page (yet) From my experience it actually shows things I might be interested in. The layout is still super clunky though. Separating your watch notifications from actual notifications was a dumb move considering all that really need fixing was the clunkiness from the original site layout.

In all honesty, it's not a bad idea, the execution is just meh. Not the worst I've seen, but clearly some things are not finished like they needed to be (like the management page for watchers and group layouts, they're literally the same as they were on the original site)

If they're going to update the site, the least they can do is not half-ass it. I don't get why certain changes even happened. Like adding a model section for example, what's the point of that when you already have a description? That and everything loads extremely slow.

It honestly feels less like an evolution and more like discount ArtStation which DeviantArt can't even really compete with (at least if you ask me).

>> No.4666255

They replaced categories with "topics", but the topics don't align with the old categories at all, so how are you supposed to organize anything. Still don't understand why they don't have a furry "topic" given the number of furries on the site.

>> No.4666266

It's very odd because the Beta design of Eclipse apparently DID have categories to choose from like old DA but the version we have now only has topics. I guess they got rid of it for tagging? Not that it makes it any better to organize anything.

>> No.4666741
File: 32 KB, 600x376, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the new design