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4663307 No.4663307 [Reply] [Original]

How do drugs effect your creativity?

>> No.4663338

coffe gives the a boost in willpower, alcohol gives me a boost in workflow, i overthink less when tipsy. Thats about it.

>> No.4663419

psychological dopamine.
I don't need drugs. I get these bolts of dopamine whenever I'm inspired. Whether in drawing or looking at art. Especially when I eat less sugar and carbs, because I get more natural pushes. Like right now, I'm eating tortilla chips & quesadillas, so I won't be drawing for a while

>> No.4663435
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>> No.4663457

I feel like this thread is bait but I'll bite.

Sometimes I eat a edible and try to draw. And it really does affect your judgement and motor skills. Even though I am a /beg/ I feel like I make more mistakes then usual when I'm high.
Painting is actually funner than drawing when high. I still make more mistakes, then I would sober.

>> No.4663460

The drugs that improve creativity tend to be things that twist your mind, like psychedelics. Which also tend to make your motor skills and coordination shit. You might get better ideas but you'll be drawing significantly worse.

>> No.4663549

I just tried hash but it's been one of the most interesting moments of my life.
You probably know how alcohol makes you head spin, so this is similar, but in a different way. Instead of making your head spin, it makes it stationary in space, and the rest of the universe keeps moving.

Long story short -
>I learned to draw perfectly straight lines from my shoulder overnight and kept this ability afterwards
>I spent two days in hospital for observation because my mom mistook my dizziness for acute health problem and I was too trashed to effectivelly talk her out of calling ambulance
I really want to try mushrooms now 'cause they're more tied to creativity, but don't have a clue on where to get them.

>> No.4663571

Makes me think I'm creative and super original, but when I look at my sketches later it's just your stereotypical stoner/trippy shit, totally uninteresting.

I'm more creative sober.

>> No.4663631
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what about mild, legal drugs like kratom and cbd oil? Anyone had good results with these?

>> No.4663643

Kratom is awful and I've known a lot of people that got fucked up on that shit, changed their personality and made them really irritable and fucky, and ended up going through very serious withdrawals when trying to quit. They all said they felt addicted even though it's supposed to be non addictive? I know everyone that vouches for it (people who sell it) say it's harmless but I really don't know how valid that is after what I've seen. I'd like to see some legitimate studies on that shit before I would ever even think about trying it. Not gonna just take some anarchist bookstore owners word for it.

CBD oil depends on THC to absorb properly, so depending on where you live it won't absorb right or it has enough THC to let it absorb into your body but then again it's not like it's even enough to get you high or anything. CBD oil is more of a pain relief thing or a calming effect if anything at all. It's not psychoactive.

>> No.4663675

I've used kratom for work and have found it very helpful for dealing with people and focusing on tasks.
I'm a natural introvert, and find kratom is extroversion in a bottle for those times I know I have to talk to people for any extended period of time.
But I don't take it on my off days so I'm not sure about its effects of creativity/drawing. It makes me chatty as hell and outgoing, so probably not best for a task that requires being alone and zoned out. But there are some strains that are better for focus, so ymmv.
Also never had any addiction issue, I stopped during quarantine and never had any withdrawals, but again, ymmv.

>> No.4663676

Some of my best ideas came when I was shitfaced with my buddies at the bar. There's something about changing ideas while intoxicated.

>> No.4663678

Yeah it could be something with the strain or it could be something with people's biology and not taking it well, I don't know but I'm very wary of that stuff.

>> No.4663680

Weed helps my visualization a bunch. If I make a mistake that I don't know how to fix, a quick puff allows me to see the bigger picture and redraw it properly. In general it makes me a better artist (be sure to use sativa tho, indica is for chillin).
Shrooms make me a giggly fuck that can't draw a straight line for my life when peaking, but on the comedown it's fantastic for color mixing and drawing enthusiasm. I feel it's better for storytelling overall since you come up with so many new ideas.
Acid is also useful on the comedown, it helps when experimenting with stylization and also helps color mixing, as well as line stabilization since it gives increased motor control.
Oh, and dmt increases my motivation to draw (after using it obv). Everything in dimitri world is super inspirational cuz it's just completely alien. No more creative blocks.
Haven't tried drawing on molly or mescaline yet, but I will eventually.

>> No.4663687
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>> No.4663703

>imagine being this much of a prude
>imagine denying a fact that has been known for ten thousand years
Drugs expand your consciousness and your art is directly tied to your state of consciousness. Therefore doing drugs also expands your art.

>> No.4663720

I've had irish coffee at times while painting, to keep loose but alert. Caffeine and nicotine have been my drugs of choice the whole way, though. I don't drink often, pot just makes me sleepy. Smoking (now vaping) was part of my process - take a break to have a smoke and sit across the room and look at what I'm working on, and contemplate.
I never wanted to be too tied to a substance for my process, even though I had a pretty severe addiction to cigarettes. Vaping broke that, and I can still use it, but without all the negatives of smoking.
Make your own choices. Does it help? It's different for everyone. Alex Grey, an artist who's work is openly about and attached to psychedelics, doesn't trip while painting. It works for him. But look at musicians, for whom drugs and alcohol are central to their process.

>> No.4663724

Like I mentioned, Alex Grey, who's a big DMT proponent, and uses it for his work, doesn't try to paint while on it. He trips, then paints.

>> No.4663726
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to me kratom feels almost exactly like morphine, I would definitely be wary of that shit

complete shit, kills motivation, creativity, and motor skills. the moment I crack a beer is the moment I'm done making art

get good ideas while slightly damping the motivation to execute them well, good for improvised pieces, not great for anything with long-term planning

good for "solving problems," but makes me a bit too tense

high tier, totally get why artists tend to be junkies. obviously a hazard though

the best of the best, especially on the comedown or microdosed. the trick is balancing the explosion of thoughts with the ability to focus on one long enough to execute

pic related was done sober

>> No.4663735

Sounds to me like drugs are more about your ego and how you identify yourself. Everyone is different, we're all chemical factories, and outside chemicals impact us differently. You're just guilt shaming other people into your choices, which is more about you than the drugs or experiences. What you choose to take is about you, pushing it on others is your weak ego, or bullying. Let people make their own choices and paths in life. If they don't want to do drugs, there is nothing wrong with that, and it's not crucial, mandatory, or even really documented to be that impactful, on a broad scale. Some people are, some aren't. Not your job to push people into finding out where they fall on the spectrum.

>> No.4663764
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>Sounds to me like drugs are more about your ego and how you identify yourself.
Sounds to me like you invented a strawman to justify your own position.
It must be nice to be so unintelligent that you have characters of your opponents in your head which you can easily defeat, otherwise you'd have to actually face an opposing viewpoint!
Every culture, until about 400 years ago, used drugs as an integral component of said culture.
Drugs are as crucial to being human, so much so that very valid theories about our brain's evolutionary development revolve around the usage of drugs, specifically psychedelics.
It is no surprise that there are identified psychedelic plants all across the world that have been used by the natives of those lands.
From the Mediterranean to the Far East to the New World
To get into this topic is pointless on 4chan. But your 'dude weed' comment already states your clear bias and is likely more a reflection of your opinions of teenagers than the drugs themselves.

>> No.4663822

>Sounds to me like you invented a strawman to justify your own position.
LOL. You want to think that. Struck a nerve, huh? And, I never said taking drugs were bad in any way, yet there's your essay defending them, like that was the point. Which it wasn't. The point is, let people make their own choices regarding them, stop trying to force them on other people because they're so important to you, and because you've made "I take drugs" as part of your persona.

This has nothing to do with "drugs bad", or the history of them. It's how you're being a pushy asshole over them. Knock that shit off. Is that blunt enough for you?

>> No.4663829

>literally cannot get out of his own strawman
Anyone over an IQ of 85 can see how foolish you are
You may need this

>> No.4663881

>Still trying

I guess it wasn't blunt enough.

>> No.4663939

I have about 50 tabs of LSD, should I take some and draw?

>> No.4663951

Kratom does almost the exact same thing as morphine, of course it's addictive

>> No.4663979

Creativity, it's a known fact that grass increases creativity
From eight, to 11 times. In fact, everyone finds that they're more creative stoned, than straight

>> No.4663988




>> No.4664090


>> No.4664138

coffee wakes me up (no shit) but also makes me overheat and get sweaty and uncomfortable.
a little alcohol helps me sketch with looser more free lines, too much and i draw like a 3 year old.
weed makes me lose all motivation and veg out. i dont like it

>> No.4664253

You call it a straw man yet you have done everything in your power to prove it accurate.

>> No.4664279

Shh, he's making an ass out of himself just fine all on his own.

>> No.4664289

They keep me from killing myself so I can keep working

>> No.4664554

ssris gave me annoying eye spasms. would not recommend.

>> No.4664584

Fucking faggot

>> No.4664589

to be honest drugs for me dont work at all, I've always seen art as something where you have to focus as much as possible and the less things you have to distract you the better, especially if you have client work or want to improve. I love drugs just not when I have to work.

>> No.4664633
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I frequently take psychedelics while/before I am drawing and there are are a lot of both positive and negative effects.
Just to clarify, I am usually taking tryptamines (4 ho met, 4 ho dpt) and not lsd or shrooms on most occasions . This is because tryptamines have a lighter headspace so it doesn’t get to psychological and is more visual.
The BIGGEST positive is that I am at my skill peak while drawing on drugs. I can SEE and FEEL the form perfectly. Any angle and any lens, I will be able to see exactly where the lines should go without doubt. Its almost as if the object is right on my screen and all I have to do is “trace” it out. Its pretty hard to describe but Im sure other anons that draw on psychedelics can probably relate to this feature. The other benefit is that you can see absolutely every anatomical/perspective issue in drawings. I usually scroll through twitter and look at random pieces and can easily identify what is off immediately. Obviously, this is something you can do without drugs but it is just 100x more fast and intense in how you see it.
I’d say creativity-wise drawing on drugs doesnt do much, its more about being able to bring the forms to life and on paper significantly easier. The creative juice CAN be inspired from your trips but it usually comes from the emotional ones.
The downside is that you are more
impatient in drawing those ideas. When you feel as if you can draw absolutely everything perfectly, it becomes quite hard to sit down and finish it. What I usually end up doing is really pushing it in the sketches(doing as many sketches as I can) and then once I sober up the next day I go back to render them. You just have no patience.

All in all, it has given me a lot more confidence in my abilities and motivates me a lot. I always have sketches up my sleeve in interesting perspectives that I can use if Im in an artblock.
I take them around once a week.

>> No.4665662

All the drugs in the world won't help you make it if you don't have discipline

>> No.4665679

From my experience with psychedelics I usually have a lot of trouble holding on to one thought for particularly long in a drawing. For instance I will jump around all over the paper pretty impulsively instead of following one idea for a long time. This impacts my ability to draw in perspective. Although the forms I make are always way more interesting and I am able to create a coherent picture even from the most random of shapes due to the Pareidolia that psyches provide.
I've wanted to give my thoughts on this because I have made art while tripping a lot.

>> No.4665681

where do I buy those and what is the cost?
also, pyw on thc

>> No.4665682

My peenus gives me both

>> No.4666018

Speaking from experience here: acid will fuck you up if you dont respect it. I honestly dont recommend people try it, but if you do, do your research, and make sure you have a good set and setting +tripsitter. Dont just "take some and draw"

>> No.4666080
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>tfw caffeine has little to no effect on me

>> No.4666088

Too much coffee gives me hand tremors, alcohol is a distraction, weed makes me lazy and screws with my vision, psychedelics fuck you up too much to draw while you're on them then you don't even remember half the inspiring moments when it's all over, antidepressants gradually made me about as complacent and unmotivated as weed does and made my hands shake and sweat to the point of being debilitating.

>> No.4666265
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weed made me focus and take bold risks, but i quit and learned to do that without it. dont do drugs anon. just work harder.

>> No.4666285

I had a drug problem with Adderall, doing as much as 300mg a weekend to crank out a detailed drawing. The drug put me in a higher thinking state, I could understand how to draw what was in my head more clearly and I was glued to whatever it was.

My first acid trip helped me understand perspective drawing. Something I hadn't previously grasped.

MDMA, Coke and Xanex were all terrible, couldn't draw anything but circles and shitty patterns

Weed is okay at first for thinking outside the box but that dries up quick after years of use and you slowly become lazy while making art.

Drinking helps to not overthink until you get too drunk and start making carless mistakes.

Speed is fucking crazy tho, I had to distance myself from it after a year of use.

>> No.4668406

>Drugs expand your consciousness
I think that's only true for having done drugs. I've never met an active drug user with anything profound to say. If you rely on drugs to simulate personal growth, when you sober up you're going to find yourself a very small person. You should work to achieve the freedom that drugs give you within sobriety. Then you are truly free.

>> No.4668447

Set and setting is the biggest imo. My advice is:
1. Be around nature and beauty
2. Write down the reason you're tripping, otherwise you're just fucking around and asking for trouble
3. Reflect in sobriety on what makes your life meaningful. What kind of life do you want to live? Psychedelics are like radiation for ideas. If you're actively striving to be better then they will push you in that direction. If you are fucking around then you might just calcify your laziness and ineptitude. Without work on your self, any wisdom you may have gained is wasted.
4. Probably don't do it. My life has been affected infinitely more by reading Dostoyevsky and daily journalling than any drug. Nothing is more valuable than physical and mental health.

>> No.4668633

I don't understand how you normies can take that shit. I'm prescribed a high dose of that crap for narcolepsy and it makes me feel like I'm going to have a fucking heart attack and doesn't even keep me awake or enhance my drawing abilities.

>> No.4669357

it's kind of like travelling to a new place, you'll be filled with inspiration and a new perspective you couldn't have gotten otherwise

>> No.4669405

Druggies and potheads love to brag about how "expanded" their minds are or their "friend who smokes pot everyday, majors in biomechanical engineering at [famous school], has a 4.0, blah blah" to somehow justify their shit habits when in reality 99.9% of them are dumb as shit and barely functional adults.

Get cleaned up

>> No.4670075

lol same. I have it for adhd but I think I actually have narcolesy or both because I always fall asleep holding my tablet pen and end up drawing all over my layers as I half-doze. Ritalin XR at least kept me awake but now I'm onto instant release addy I just spent my whole time being sweaty and anxious.
My commission has been overdue for 3 months. Fuck ADHD.

>> No.4670613

They aren't saying it makes you smarter, they're saying it gives you a new perspective on things.

>> No.4670665

psychedelics not only give me really interesting visuals to think about and draw but also for a couple of days after a trip my drawing feels more fluid,like my hands are more in motion.Makes drawing a lot more enjoyble and easy

>> No.4670702

>new perspective
The same perspective that all chronic weed smokers have. I've never been surprised by a stoner. Addicts are the biggest NPCs.

>> No.4670729

More creative sure, but I find my drawing capabilities take too much of a plunge to give the idea any validity on paper.

>> No.4670785

Maybe I should keep taking it then

>> No.4670881

Marijuana doesn’t make you more creative.

>> No.4670904

Definitely not a good idea. That shit has some bad effects on your health long term.

>> No.4670920
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Studies support this. People who smoke weed tend to just be creative people, and they psych themself into thinking it's the weed doing it.

Science says if it helps at all it's just with problem solving, not creativity, and that's with low doses only. High dose just makes you into a vegetable.

>> No.4670929

weed helps me focus on detail more and tedious procedures are easier gamified when i'm high

>> No.4670999

I don't think caffeine has any effect on me that I can tell, besides placebo focus.
Alcohol tends to have a neutral or negative effect. I do feel a little bit looser, less stressed about making things perfect. But the effect isn't good enough for me to justify it, especially because the other side of it is reducing skill.
Weed is complicated for me. I did a bunch of sativa strains and only one ever really seemed to help me get in the zone. I enjoyed drawing more, not sure if more creative.
What I've found actually works better for me 9/10 is an Indica or indica dominant hybrid. Everyone always says to avoid it if you want to get stuff done, so I didn't try it for a while. But for me, it reduces my anxiety about creating art. I feel more free to just draw without stressing about the quality, similar to what people chase when they do alcohol. I thought the art I was making looked pretty good while high, but when I got sober I could see the mistakes. Because of this, I'm not sure if it made me "worse" or just gave an ego boost like dunning kruger effect.

I find that like the studies say, weed doesn't make me more creative, it just loosens my brain up a bit so I let things flow. It has to be a pretty low-moderate dose usually. If I'm actually high, I'm more likely to get distracted and focus on the wrong thing (especially with sativa). Also if you're too high it's hard to focus in general, you're too distracted with the feelings.
I've never tried CBD for effects other than pain relief so I can't comment on that one.

So I guess tl;dr, weed helps push you in the right direction if you do it right, but it's not magic.

>> No.4671022

Kinda wanted to expand on this. I think the best method for me is
1. Do a small amount of indica (or maybe the sativa strain, if my mood leans that way)
2. Just draw, have fun like a kid with it.
3. Come down off the high, analyze art.
4. Clean up while sober.
I definitely agree that it's probably harder to do stuff that requires a lot of planning while high, though. You could get it done, you just need to be careful, and might prefer doing the hard thinking while sober.

>> No.4671264

For me, caffeine gives no effect except to help stay up late when needed. Alcohol makes me really not want to work and do something chill instead. Weed is good for coming up with lots of novel ideas, and high doses fuck up drawing ability. It also makes everything more enjoyable generally, for a while, but I find weed to be habit-forming and eventually just become lazy and depressed. Nicotine is similar to caffeine but very short lasting, such a useless drug.

Lately I've been taking dextroamphetamine or lisdexamphetamine and it's really great for willpower and focus, but haven't noticed an effect on the quality of the art one way or another.

I've tried drawing on psilocybin, no difference at lower doses, although it's more fun. Lose interest in drawing at higher doses. Not sure though... I see some potential.

You have to take really high doses of CBD for any effect, most people are getting placebo.

A specific kind of creativity. Loads of novel ideas of questionable quality.

Perhaps the drugs are giving you confidence/euphoria, and it feels like you're doing better than you are.

>Weed is okay at first for thinking outside the box but that dries up quick after years of use and you slowly become lazy while making art.


>> No.4671763

When I’m high I feel like I have. A better grasp of perspective and tend to do more dynamic pieces.

>> No.4671774

Lol just start saying dopamine followed by a sentence, I'm a neurological master, anon

>> No.4671831

Top quality post

>> No.4671863

>analyse art

Lol the public do this, not you

>> No.4671897
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having done all the drugs under the sun and taken every supplement in order to make gains:

the only supplement worth its salt is creatine (pun intended), it helps me do more gradiented shading and finish more pieces completely

>pic related is my art on drugs

i don't think drugs make you more creative, they just change your values and perception on things for better (or worse) i ultimately failed out of university after taking acid because i got too into kabbalah and stopped caring about the "ethereal world". It took years of therapy and ultimately an anti-psychotic (abilify) to get me back normal for lack of a better word.

My favorite drug is still dxm (cough syrup) though dissociatives like that are a trip into the void so its not a popular drug :
>"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."

ultimately i agree with >>4668447

i also associate music with certain drugs /aesthetics

weed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl7PIBtXDw0
LSD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY
DXM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-33SkD_tnw
adderall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSCwH8G2P3s

>> No.4671915

You can grow your own shrooms. Buy the spores from sporeworks, look up "pf tek" on shroomery. If you don't already have a pressure cooker it will cost you about 200 bucks in supplies, but you grow a shit load. Like you will grow thousands of dollars worth of mushrooms and not know what to do with it all.
Agree with everything but the shrooms. If you're neurotic shrooms will fuck you up for 6-8 hours. I can't be thinking about art, I have to be happy or I will get a bad trip.

>> No.4671921

Post more drug art

>> No.4672592



>> No.4672595
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>> No.4672596
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the real anatomy you need to learn

in order to find meaning in this depression ridden world

>> No.4672617

man u really expect us to read all that shit to understand it? send a guy a youtube link or something

>> No.4672645


Not drugs, schizophrenia.

Also, the progression is not over time, he went in and out of schizophrenic bouts, the more intense examples being deepest in psychosis, not later in life.

>> No.4672647

lol prove it.

>> No.4672963

I meant analyze for mistakes that my sober mind can fix, silly anon.

>> No.4673079

take more lsd its your only good piece

>> No.4673946

weed makes me hyperfocus and love doing art, especially colorful/high saturation/neon

lsd makes me do weird shit like draw with both hands simultaneously. i think it also sparked or altered some change in how i use or preferred colors.

mdma i havent had enough to comment on.

dxm i could not really draw on due to motor impairment. it was sloppy and "drippy" when i tried.

ambien made me like green and ghosts

opiates made me like warm tones, soft sleepy stuff

dmt makes me incapable of drawing unless its between/post trips, which has no real effect besides drawing something related to the mindspace, rather than a change in approach

people have numerous times asked if ive done drugs, especially acid, after seeing my art, so i am going to assume it has impacted the manner in which i make or see stuff even though im not exactly conscious of it.

alcohol i dont really like much. just makes me sloppy. no real change in art besides motor impairment.

cbd oil does basically nothing for me
caffeine also has negligible effects but i also use it regularly and was fed copious amounts of caffeinated soda from like age 4-14.