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File: 601 KB, 1024x512, kiki_4.3.3_sm-1024x512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4660111 No.4660111 [Reply] [Original]

Krita 4.3 released

Most important feature: getting rid of that old splash screen. I like Tyson Tan's works but that one was starting to get on my nerves for reasons.

>> No.4660151

Based and furpilled

>> No.4660270
File: 127 KB, 809x736, krita_4_3_snapshot_docker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New features

Snapshot docker

>> No.4660274
File: 76 KB, 339x243, magnetic_selection_mode_mixed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnetic selection tool

>> No.4660278
File: 111 KB, 598x580, 2020-05-14_two-panels-HSV-RGB_selector43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved color selector

>But still no meme color sliders

>> No.4660285

Have they fixed tags?

>> No.4660295
File: 1.64 MB, 816x736, watercolorbrushes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New set of realistic watercolor brushes

>Suggestion, switch from "normal" blend mode to "greater" blend mode at the top if you don't want the strokes to overlap with each other

>> No.4660299
File: 339 KB, 500x344, whats funnier than.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have they fixed tags?

>> No.4660301

does it still crash on you ever 10 or so minutes?

>> No.4660303
File: 38 KB, 764x552, 01e6853f3883767437be34c5346cdc7da7cff351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone developed a python plugin that brings the meme sliders back. It has support for multiple color spaces and other features


>Have they fixed tags?

The new resource rewrite is suppose to be released in Krita 5.0. Waiting for it too

Stable to me

>> No.4660317
File: 2.09 MB, 5119x1440, separate_view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canvas can now be detached. Good for mutli monitors

>> No.4660324
File: 2.53 MB, 720x405, rgbabrushes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RGBA brushes

>Krita now allows setting the opacity and lightness on colored brush tips separately. This allows for a number of new posibilities, amongst which the ability to get a texture remniscent of oil or acrylic impasto.

>> No.4660325
File: 2.43 MB, 1011x574, 6d5b267280b9faa7ae3abd692ab501214a18587a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upcoming features

Scratchpad docker

>> No.4660332
File: 1.97 MB, 600x408, commentscroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storyboard feature

>> No.4660345


>> No.4660382
File: 3 KB, 320x162, oie_E2ZjLIh5g57k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mypaint brush engine integration into krita

Supposedly will allow loading of mypaint brushes in Krita and mypaint brushes will be able to be edited right from krita

>> No.4660387


>> No.4660406

ohhh that's comfy
looks great for streaming/recording and for general usability, I get the feeling that the dockers fill up a lot of the screen

they did a lot of work on stability it seems

With krita 4.2.9 it crashed on me only once, and on this release they seem to have fixed a lot of problems

For example diplicating layers now is almost instant and I don't need to clench my butt every time I do that anymore

>> No.4660441

This video shows it clearer. First needs to be a colored brush tip. Then it uses the light and dark values to create a "3d" effect. Looks good combined with a canvas texture.


>> No.4660448

krita is on google play btw
The full application
Its still a beta

>> No.4660550

I would get a Samsung tablet if it worked well

>> No.4660556

apparently they also said they would like to provide it for ipads but apple's TOS does not allow their software

>> No.4660740

it automatically switches to colorpicker once you hover over the scratchpad? that's pretty good.
now I'm just waiting for a decent text tool and the tag system rework.

>> No.4660754

my disappointment is immeasurable

>> No.4660857
File: 70 KB, 1042x388, texttoolkrita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scratchpad and tag system overhaul is both suppose to be released in 5.0. I think it will be released before next year

>I'm just waiting for a decent text tool

I just export to medibang for that. I don't think the text tool will be rewritten anytime soon.

>> No.4660884

the second one is almost fappable

>> No.4660898

That isn't a viable option for people who don't just use the text tool every once in a blue moon. For instance, integrated workflow is everything for comics. You want to know how much space your text will take up in the layouting phase, and still have the option to edit and move things around to improve composition when you're done with clean up.

>> No.4662101

Export as psd?

>> No.4662104
File: 257 KB, 1538x811, TysonWah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like I need to remind you that this board is for people that are 18 years of age or older

either that or learn to fucking see instead of being a fan of this terrible work

>> No.4662107

They should expand on this by combining PC integration into the Android version.

Imagine using the Android for drawing on the Canvas, while keeping all the UI on one of your PC's monitors. That would be comfy.

>> No.4662114

Does anyone here actually fucking draw?

>> No.4662121
File: 270 KB, 800x860, Hen-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with the op image? I like the colors and shit. But I wouldn't mind if pic related was asked to create a splash screen one day

>> No.4662168

I don't see any info on this. Source?

>> No.4662173

Not a knock on Tyson’s work, but it just comes off as furry/weeby and out of place for the official logo of an art application that wants to be taken seriously.

>> No.4662201

This is fake information.

>> No.4662214

Had my hopes up for nothing
Fuck you OP

>> No.4662264
File: 566 KB, 2369x641, mypaintkrita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 100% real. Mypaint's brush engine being worked on by one of Krita's summer of code students this summer.


I hope it's ready by the time Krita 5.0 is released. I like Krita's smudge brushes but there's something about mypaint's blending brushes that feels smoother than Krita's. I want the mypaint flat blend brush and pencil brushes.

As much in the other software threads

>> No.4662394

I'm gonna try to draw this, wish me luck

>> No.4662407

Cry harder fag

>> No.4662413

To me Kritas branding seems perfectly professional while still having some character. Do you prefer Adobes soulless corporate design sense?

>> No.4662419

Why not just use mypaint?

>> No.4662436

Because it still doesn't have brush size/opacity with pen pressure

>> No.4662448

Neither does real life.

>> No.4662465


>> No.4662466

jesus the refresh rate in these gifs make me THANK GOD I dont use Krita

>> No.4662589

>No selection tools
>No transformation tools
>No clipping masks

>> No.4662648
File: 34 KB, 613x432, b48qsg4860v01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, they finally brought back HSV sliders?!

>> No.4662668
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1555050165096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Krita 4.3 released
tf I'm still on 4.2.2
Will it automatically update or do I have to do anything

>> No.4662692

>What's wrong with the op image?
OP image looks like the first panel of a furry porn comic where she gets railed by 20 people.

>> No.4662702

Post it

>> No.4662844

You have to manually install it

>> No.4663053

ah okay, thanks!

>> No.4663303

I think if you give your shekels for the steam or windows store version you get auto updates

>> No.4663339

so like git for artists?

>> No.4663673

>A docker that allows you to create snapshots (copies) of the current document, and to return to these states afterwards.

It works like photoshop's history states

>> No.4663782

business 101: know your target audience

>> No.4663894

that's oddly specific

>> No.4664996

A crummy pail of water?

>> No.4665023

what tablets work with krita? I had a bamboo last year which worked fine on it but my new xp-pen is not very responsive

>> No.4665095

Wacom and Huion tablets work well. I've also seen some discussion of XP-pen tablet issues in Krita docs, so yeah, they are known, and you can look them up there.

>> No.4665099

Krita plays well with wacom because it's industry standard and they make sure to support that. Other tablets are second class to them. XP-Pen plays well with PS, CSP because they're industry standard and they want to support those. Others are second-class. So the rule is, make sure either your software or tablet is second-class, but not both.

>> No.4665113

>but my new xp-pen is not very responsive
All of them work with Krita

If something is off just check the settings. Enable or disable windows ink input in your drivers AND in Krita settings.
And check that you removed all of the older drivers.

>> No.4665116
File: 516 KB, 1965x1064, 3213535435132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you're dumb, you don't know shit so just shut up also there is no industry. You know what's and industry standard is? METRIC THREADS.

First of all Krita works with ALL modern tablets
Secondly it's not even Krita's fucking job to support the tablets. WINDOWS supports the tablet, and Krita supports the input from windows.
Krita doesn't work with the tablet, it gets the inputs from windows, if something is off - change the settings.

Why do you feel the need to go on the internet and spout utter bullshit about things you don't know shit about? Hoping to get a discount code for CSP?

>> No.4665125
File: 1.01 MB, 1894x1256, вапвапвапвап.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW I made a little discovery. Yeah the gradient map is still slow and taked aged to update, but the new "nearest" and "dither" modes work much faster so you technically could change and figure out the gradient map in the fast mode seeing your change immediately and then apply the map normally once you're satisfied.

>> No.4665130
File: 104 KB, 490x531, вапвапвапвап.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HSV sliders?!
We were the HSV sliders all along.

>> No.4665138

But my xp-pen tablet works perfectly with krita. You're literally retarded.

>> No.4665159


>> No.4665161

Stop spouting shit you know nothing about and people won't freak out on you lol

>> No.4665168


>> No.4665172

Whoa, slow down there buddy, that there you're waving around is an opinion! Don't you know they're dangerous? What did your papa teach you?

>> No.4665176

>What did your papa teach you?
To bend over and take it like a man...

>> No.4665196

To preach the truth and this is the truth. Only use Krita if you have a Wacom.

>> No.4665244
File: 48 KB, 499x376, artisticcolorselector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest thing to having the sliders on krita right now

>> No.4665249

What's gonna happen if I use it with a different brand? Is my computer going to explode or get aids? You're retarded. Go back to eating bricks.

>> No.4665252

You know it's all one and the same thing if you wrap your mind around that.

I literally could never understand why would anybody ever ask for sliders.

>> No.4665260

gamut masks are such a gamechanger for coming up with different kinds of palettes

>> No.4665433

I think it's a more precise way for tuning the hue compared to moving the cursor around a color square. And I believe it's a pretty basic feature that nearly every raster program from the past 20 years has. I still can't understand why it's so hard for the krita devs to put it back in.

I think the gamut masks has always been an underrated feature. Most users probably don't know they exist

>> No.4665462
File: 335 KB, 1462x710, 3213535435132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a more precise way for tuning the hue
HSV color math literally works with 360 degrees, Hue is a circle.

>I still can't understand why it's so hard for the krita devs to put it back in.
They consider it a very low priority, you have 10 other ways to accomplish adjusting the hue and they have bigger problems on their hands.

Like this. I just wrote on their forum about gradient maps being slow and they responded, said they can fix it, and I'm really fucking excited for that to happen, i thought it was some impossible engine problem, but they say it's just a bug that they can just solve.

>> No.4665528
File: 4 KB, 207x109, gofast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody didn't hit the gofast button

>> No.4667007

yes and that's exactly the reason why I almost never use krita

>> No.4667026

Same thing for me. Mine is even older. 4.0.1
Granted I got it like this as my software manager gave me this version. I wanna update to the latest but I'm too much of a brainlet to do a manual install of something in linux yet.

Should I expect massive changes? I'm slightly afraid that some of the stuff I use often will shift too much.

>> No.4667045

You can just run the linux appimage version that doesn't require any installation


If you want to always have the latest version you could also install the snap or flatpak version

>> No.4667076
File: 57 KB, 694x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?

>> No.4667103

Doesn't have hsv sliders

>> No.4667501

>Should I expect massive changes? I'm slightly afraid that some of the stuff I use often will shift too much.

The only thing I noticed was was addition of the snapshot feature and a few more brushes (The former can be hidden, of course).
But then again I didn't go out to look for them.

>> No.4667579

does GAOMON tablets work well with Krita, cause I'm bout to order the M10K2018 on Amazon right now. anyone have this and know it's okay with based Krita?

>> No.4667797

No idea, Gaomon is an obscure brand with no reputation to speak of. Huions and Xp-Pens definitely work, gaomon probably should work maybe.

>> No.4667988


>> No.4670429
File: 392 KB, 755x744, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to draw smut
>end up with barely /e/-tier illustration

>> No.4670788

I would change things.

>> No.4670807

what would you change?

>> No.4670810


>> No.4670817

white instead the cyan color and make her a furry again.

>> No.4670847
File: 430 KB, 728x713, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4671045


>> No.4673003

kill me, i just sold my android tablet FUCKK

>> No.4673578

It's probably be a while until the interface of the Android version is improved anyway. I keep saying Samsung needs to fund development of the Android version like Intel did with the hdr feature

>> No.4673583
File: 36 KB, 500x500, circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I had 4.2.8 and it worked fine. But I noticed after updating to 4.3, I suddenly can't draw smooth fast lines.
It causes curves to go angular after a certain speed. I went ahead and examined old work, and the glitch doesn't seem to be there.
Any advice other than downgrading?

>> No.4673651

I have an XP-pen and I figured out the problem really quickly and it works fantastic with Krita.
>start by plugging in the tablet
>switch screens or duplicate screens to XP-pen, just have a screen running on the tablet
>open the folder or make a shortcut (you'll need to do this before every drawing session) and click on the XP-pen software startup programs
>there should be two of them
>now open krita and see if your tablet works better
>if not, open Kritas settings option and find tablet sensitivity settings and adjust as needed
This all assumes you have adjusted your XP-pen software settings, etc beforehand.
Hope this helps, fren
>t. XP-pen 15.6 Artist using Krita for everything

>> No.4674272

>Any advice other than downgrading?
1 check your stabilizer settings. If you're using high distance with low delay it fucks up and makes chunky lines.
2 configure Krita > tablet settings > tablet API
If should match the settings in your tablet drivers. Either both set to wintab or both set to windows ink.

>> No.4675371

>Windows Ink
I initially turned it off after googling, made negligible difference. Turning it back on and setting Krita to Windows Ink seems to have fixed it, thanks!
I'm just curious now why it suddenly needs me to mess with it when it used to work with default settings.

>> No.4675379

>I'm just curious now why it suddenly needs me to mess with it when it used to work with default settings.
Microsoft changed windows ink recently and it fucked up every single tablet brand's drivers

>> No.4676168

Updating windows 10 is always playing a roll of the dice.

>> No.4676256

>Introducing High pass filter like it's a feature
>Artists not knowing how to create a high-pass filter manually

>> No.4677620

Why are masks on pass-through groups still not supported?

>> No.4677881
File: 22 KB, 294x405, Screenshot from 2020-06-25 23-00-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you looked well anon? I've got pic related in my setup. Though I still haven't tried the newer version.

>> No.4677884

I see. Thanks anon. I'll look into it further. I'd like to have just one in my star menu that I can always click on. So I'll have to look into how to install the latest version in place of the one I've got.

>> No.4677929

I'm trying to use Krita to animate. I think I've barely figured it out, except one thing.
I'm trying to convert a preexisting sketch into a frame. If I paste it in, it makes it a new layer, and I can't apply onion skin to it or anything. Is there something I'm missing, or do I need to actually take the time to trace it?

>> No.4677985

The HSV color sliders were removed 2 years ago in 4.1 because the devs said they were buggy. A new version of them hasn't been added since.

If you have ubuntu, just open a terminal and type this

>sudo snap install krita

>> No.4678102

>not automatically creating an action for creating a high pass filter the first moment you get an art program that doesn't have it as a filter

>> No.4678548

Eh? Thats been possible for ages. Had the same effect in my oil brush set that I got last year

>> No.4678731
File: 9 KB, 367x332, rgbabrushes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eh? Thats been possible for ages. Had the same effect in my oil brush set that I got last year

Before you could only do that effect with the same color the colored brush tip was. Now you can replace the color of the brushtip with any color you want and change the brightness/contrast of it.

>> No.4679436

>tfw I have literally no idea what you guys are talking about
Took me years to finally try out "set shadow layer to multiply" so I'm not too surprised.

>> No.4680018


>> No.4682672

Any digital Atelier brush pack links? I shilled them on steam by buying their version there to support, but don't wanna spend even more.

>> No.4684082

Can someone explain to me what makes mypaint's brush engine so special compared to the brush engines of Krita and other software? I don't know much about brush making since the defaults are generally good enough for me but I want to know what the big deal is

>> No.4684198
File: 1023 KB, 1664x2944, Dieterle-Brushes-v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mypaint's blending brushes just feels smoother than Krita's for some reason. Some of their blending brushes feel more similar to CSP's to me. Just download mypaint and try some of them your self. My fav mypaint brush is the "Wet R-S blend" one.

Also mypaint 2.0 got this new realistic color blending mode that works almost like your blending with real paint and a new smudge brush engine. Brushes in pic related come with mypaint 2.0

>> No.4684243
File: 24 KB, 646x569, jag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dabbled with mypaint on and off for a couple years but it just lacks too many features compared to Krita, the infinite canvas is pretty nice but I just never got the big deal about the brush engine, thanks for your explanation. Also I just noticed today that it lacks pen input smoothing for fast strokes unlike Krita, which is also a bit of a dealbreaker. See the jagginess on the bottom left and top right of pic related (not a Windows Ink issue, I use the official Wacom drivers on Linux which are pretty much perfect as far as I know)

>> No.4684778

Man, why they keep adding bullshit. There's stuff that still hasn't been fixed.

>> No.4684823

That's a GSoC project, not developed by one of the main developers

>> No.4684841

thats just making me want to give krita a try again