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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4655187 No.4655187 [Reply] [Original]

How to foster art friendships in twitter, I want to make art friends

>> No.4655193

>I want to make art friends
No, you really don't.

>> No.4655583

You should probably focus on learning how to make friends in general. You won’t find that on 4chan.

>> No.4655592

Just at them over and over and over again until they become your friend.

>> No.4656304


>> No.4657491

There is no such thing as a “online friend”. Until you meet any of them face to face, for now your just droppable strangers.

>> No.4657499


I tried meeting my online art boyfriend but he got spooked and faked his death. He claimed he had a nightmare about me once.

>> No.4657502

One or both of you are mentally ill

>> No.4657505

we kinda both are thats why we are soulmates

>> No.4657524

I'd tell you if I knew, I don't have any, I'm followed by bots and people that I don't know, I don't even know if you people talk the people that follow you in these websites, I'm too autistic to even think what to do.

>> No.4657527

Participate in their DITYS hashtags and impress them

>> No.4657534

All friends are droppable, retard

>> No.4657540

>You should probably focus on learning how to make friends in general
Yes art friends are overrated. It's hard to find ones that genuinely want to boost each other up rather than see others as competition and crab at them. If you happen to make an art friend that's great otherwise just look at them as a business connection and nothing else.

Just find some people to go to the gym with and get drinks together or something if you're lonely.

>> No.4657545

Sorry. Wanna try being friends again?

>> No.4657549
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>Just find some people to go to the gym with and get drinks together or something if you're lonely.


>> No.4657570
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I think an /ic/ pal tried to befriend me via DMs, but no matter how well I replied to his messages, he wouldn't get past the small talk.

>> No.4657595

>It's hard to find ones that genuinely want to boost each other up

It’s really not. Are you sure you’re not the crab?

>> No.4657644

Aw poor little shy guy.
You can do it /ic/ bro! Remember your years playing dating sims! You can socialize

>> No.4657971


So this whole time we weren't friends?

>> No.4657983

"Art friends" usually suck as actual friends and just use you either to network or try to get free art even if they themselves have exceptional skill, I learned this the very hard way recently

>> No.4658077

lovers aren't friends

>> No.4658078

Makes sense there's alot of opportunistic people out there, and still depressing to hear..

A good and healthy circle of friends with common interests is something so valuable,
people need to appreciate and tend for it more.

>> No.4658097

The art community is full of sensitive basedfags, you don't want be friends with them.

>> No.4659089

Artist friends are either dangerously liberal or hotfired bigots. Both are pathetically political, and will try to inject their political beliefs into your life in order to bring you down to their level, thanks to their terrible social awareness.
Stay as the lone artistic buddy, and make friends with non-artists that will appreciate you for not being a political dumbass. Then, you will stop mouthing off and realise most people just want to get on with their lives and will hang around with you so long as you arent preoccupied with such nonsense 24/7.
You might have a more relaxed circle of friends after a while too, and learn what a non-political life entails.
And once you get there, be grateful, because that kind of atmosphere gets harder to come by over time.

>> No.4659114

How would one go about getting nonart related friendships on twitter? I feel like relationships based on being friends with your followers usually devolve into something parasitic.

>> No.4659124

Just talk to people ez pz

>> No.4659147
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>> No.4659150

Twitter is a terrible place to make friends. If you really want to though, avoid reaching out to followers that constantly touch on stuff that are blatantly done to engage in discourse.
Its more sensible to find someone who is more calm and restrained, and isnt obsessed with being "trendy" either.
A bit of it is fine, but im afraid that unless you are in a relaxed state of mind, (not the nilhistic kind, mind you) you are gonna have a bad time.

>> No.4659325
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just be nice and share common interests

>> No.4659450

Just post some stuff under certain hashtags where other people like to make art and hope someone notices.

>> No.4659465
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One of you asked to be friends from here and had been meaning to ask "for a long time", and wanted to know where to add as a contact but you just have to reject because they could be a glownigger. Sometimes you can't help but wonder though.

>> No.4659515

Do not do this.

>> No.4659520

Be with me instead. How old are you?

>> No.4659524

How do you make friends in general? I used to have a few friends last years but all they did was play LOL. I just want normal friends.

>> No.4659527
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Wrong. I'm in a circle of friends where there's a tranny and a leftist and everyone else (+4 people) are far right.
No one tries to change each other's view, you just have to expect people to say "FUCKING NIGGERS" or "I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME IN THE ASS" every now and then and not get offended.

>> No.4659556
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The last thing you want is art friends. Some of them are very loyal and friendly people. They're socially awkward oddballs who aren't popular irl and ar RP'ing a personality online. You will meet artists you follow online who are bubbly and outgoing on Twitter, but then the real them is a frumpy weirdo who doen't really know what to say after hi. Which isn't bad, I am one of those too, to a degree. But the problem is that the personality is an act.
On Twitter especially, no one is being their genuine self. It's all a big RP where everyone thinks they're changing the world with their art and making friends along the way. But then a CAUSE arises and they fall into that character. How many nice, normal people were you following who have gone absolutely psychotic with the BLM shit? I don't mean just wanting to discuss prejudice and see if we need to make some changes respectfully and calmly (those are the normal ones).
Twitter artists, even though they'll deny it, are more corporate than anyone. They're in a nonstop struggle for branding themselves and rebranding and climbing the ladder. So much so that rarely will they resist the urge to crucify you to go along with the herd.
The amount of stories I've heard of people being singled out and scapegoated for group problems is innumerable, and most people in this thread probably have a story or two about when artists treated them like a problem that the community had to shame and blame and cast out. (And the ones who don't have that story probably are the person casting them out.) The amount of sick, sick people in the online art community is staggering and if you really want friends, your best bet is to look for normies. I say this as a person who has tried in vain to make any sort of deep connection with artists, found some who I meshed with, and made a happy online friendship. only to be frozen out when they discovered something about my politics or religion.
Find normies, anon. You'll be happier.

>> No.4659566

Better off getting into a Discord server or something. I know discord is where drama and trannies go, but you can sometimes find a person or two who is worth talking to, and the group format makes it easier to see what lots of people are like, quickly

>> No.4660077

Sounds like some of you have had a few bad experiences in the past and are painting all artists with pretty broad strokes. Are you sure you guys haven’t been the problem at least once or twice?

>> No.4660117

>victim shaming.

>> No.4660144

>trying to make friends with autists who took up one of the most self-indulgent hobbies ever
its not worth it my man, especially on a platform where almost anyone will easily throw you under the bus if you do or say something that’s bad optics for them

>> No.4660167

I don't RT art so I haven't had anyone try to friend me. It's a good filter for anyone out for clout. I also made an art "friend", me being the one who approached her of course, eventually she asked me to draw her something, I made an excuse and the DMs stopped coming.
I am especially cautious of people who extensively use exclamation marks.

>> No.4660181

God you guys are pathetic. I bet every one of you that insist that art friends are so terrible, are actually terrible friends yourselves. You think it’s because of your religion or your politics or whatever else makes you ~*DIFFERENT*~ when in reality you probably make no effort to maintain relationships, or you’re just as obsessed with politics as the people you hate. If you have seriously been shafted by this many different people then you need to examine the common denominator which is YOURSELF.

>> No.4660668

dude I can assure you it's super common. I'm a different guy and I relate to every word of that anon. There's something about the way twitter is structured that rottens people, and especially artists. Even fucking tumblr was more chill.

>> No.4660674


>> No.4660713

twitter is essentially designed to make sociopathic behavior pathological. that’s the last place you should be looking for meaningful relationships. discord is unironically better. you basically need to go out of your way to find places where there is no clout to be gained or exchanged to experience any authenticity

>> No.4662186
File: 61 KB, 512x478, 5B6E2D1F-C14A-4D4D-8099-ABB5167F11E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man I’ve dealt with this shit too, this super conservative artist got really racist for no reason and I just ignored his shit because his art was really freaking inspiring and beautiful but what finally got to me was him crying about them killing that stupid black syrup brand image and he seemed like he lost his freaking sanity or something. Left-wing artists are their own brand of dense where they think retweeting information without fact checking doesn’t create more problems and damages people’s lives. “Hey guys this kid says some racist shit! Whoops, wrong person/pic lol”. Fucking clown world man.

>> No.4662251

Bait is bait

>> No.4662268

>complaining about removing aunt jemimah is "getting really racist"

>> No.4662274

dont. please go anywhere else for art friends. go to an art or animation club at your school or college, ive seen some cute little oc making clubs in my old high school that were way better for making friends. go on an art discord if you're that desperate. use social media to show your friends your work, dont use it to make friends.

unironically this. i had a callout post made about me that claimed that i was a pedophile and liked incest because a japanese artist who retweets my work often drew a grown fictional character as a child hugging his teacher, it wasnt even nsfw for fucks sake. twitter just rots your brain

>> No.4662334

im so fucking tired of politics getting into everything nowadays. were artists always outspoken like that? ( I dont have any art friends so I wouldnt know)

>> No.4662391

I build my opinion about groups when I start seeing patterns and experiences. As I said, I have heard countless stories from artist friends about times they were kicked out of artist groups for either: drama, misunderstandings, active slander, or just to be made an example of for someone’s ego. I could write a book about all the vicious Skype group drama I’ve seen among people who were once friends. As I said though, many of us know we’ve seen some shit like this so I don’t have to prove anything. Especially since you and >>4660181 (if it’s not you samefagging) seem like the type to instigate said drama. How many “gross” people have you sent to the wooden doors?

>> No.4663315

No, the syrup thing is not racist like his other statements, but it made me unfollow him because he acted like a bitch snowflake about it. I’ll follow you no matter how racist or libtard your views are but if you keep bitching and moaning a ruin my timeline with nothing issues then you get a unfollow.

>> No.4663534

Only some of the psychos. Not like every single damn artist like this.