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File: 19 KB, 337x343, c484a504575e6652da1077bc6f484699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4654045 No.4654045 [Reply] [Original]

I remember people boasting over the years how they will do some crazy hard and concentrated effort to get impressive art gains. Did any of them delivered on those claims?

>> No.4654148

It is really inspiring thing, but can it be really done? How could somebody get so much dedication?

>> No.4654181

What do you think? Even if they were serious and actually started they would've burned out within a week.

The only way to see real art gains is the work consistently and deliberately over a long period of time. There's no shortcut no matter how much the NGMIs want there to be.

>> No.4654184

Talk is cheap

>> No.4654187
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1583887326693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did it and never came back here to report.

>> No.4654203

>The only way to see real art gains is the work consistently and deliberately over a long period of time.
Yeah, but where is the fun in that?

>> No.4654205

At the end

>> No.4654220

That certainly would be a backstory worthy thing to do.

>> No.4654230
File: 202 KB, 776x654, 1592234981813.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Sadlawn. Then repeat infinite times. I think the last to do the Sadlwan challenge was the better than BBC in five minutes guy.

>> No.4654267

Gonna check that.

>> No.4654355

You are supposed to draw for fun since childhood. In case you decide later in life to take up art seriously, polishing the fundamentals is much easier, after years of consistent fun-drawing.
Starting with art from the scratch in your 20s is the path of suffering. But still doable.

>> No.4654367

It's easy to have delusions of grandeur when you're a beginner piece of shit. They all gave up in a couple of weeks tops.

>> No.4654382

I remember the "I'm gonna draw 15 hours a day" guy from a few weeks ago. They do like these big over dramatic stunts.

>> No.4654385

Just because someone appears to be motivated and dedicated, doesn't mean they actually have what it takes. I would bet that 100% of these people got burned out within a week

There's nothing inherently impossible about the crazy journey they wanted to embark on, it's just really difficult and they didn't make it.

I would really like to see one of these people actually do it and come back here with a thread and post a detailed progress report showing exactly what they studied, how many hours, etc and have decent results to show for it. But I have not seen any such threads because nobody has done it

>> No.4654393

>I would really like to see one of these people actually do it and come back here with a thread and post a detailed progress report showing exactly what they studied, how many hours, etc and have decent results to show for it.
Same here. I do love seeing people win.

>> No.4654394

sadlawn and sadlawn challenge give me nothing on google

>> No.4654404


>> No.4654469

I think i once posted stuff in beg years ago
I am still drawing, slow and steady, a few long breaks here and there but im getting there

>> No.4654486

That was really cool, I think I will start something close to this.

>> No.4654504

>BBC in five minutes
Why would anyone want to get so good at drawing dicks?

>> No.4654527

I spoke to Sadlawn a month ago on discord and he's making it, he just didn't want to put unnecessary strain of "making it in one year"

>> No.4654627

Not sure why complete begs here try to rush this stuff
Unless you somehow have perfect hands, normal people cant draw for 3-4h+ without heavily straining their hands. It takes a lot of milage alone to correctly get pen confidence and you only absorb a limited amount of info per day.
The only thing you get out of studies past the first 5 studies of a day is raw milage.
Trying it in one year not only can backfire really hard with long term hand injuries but it takes an absolute fucking monk-tier discipline to bunker down for a while year without any previous experience.
Just draw and itll become a habit naturally and stop playing videogames so that drawing becomes relaxation time too and before you know it after a month or 2 you'll be drawing 4-8 hours a day for fun and improvement.
I feel like its the stone cold all or nothing kill switch that leads to burn-out, not the actual act of drawing a lot.

Maybe i am projecting here but i had the same shit happen to me too; went all in fuck it, killed my social life, had a strained hand by the end of the day after the first few weeks, fought through it
After 5 months of being a basement dwelling caveman i crashed, depression hit and just became a videogame neet recluse doing nothing

It gave me a base for my future when i picked it up again but compared to now the progress was actually kinda slowish. I was rushing studies ect. And trying to power through it instead of effectively and efficiently studying

>> No.4654650

Well good for him. He seemed like a nice guy just set himself up for massive failure.

>> No.4654651

Yeah, the cold turkey approach very rarely works because people who want to go that way have major issues with their life on a daily basis, you can't be a porn addict with no sleeping schedule and start doing something challenging just like that.

Cut the vices. Draw things just so you draw at all and you'll get there.

>> No.4654691

Same here. I was drawing every day for about 4 hours since early March of this year. Towards the end of May, I felt pain in my arm that got worse over time. Have stopped drawing completely to let it heal, been about 3 weeks now. I made noticeable improvements in my drawing, but it all went to nothing since I'm unable to draw until this pain subsides.

>> No.4655003

>normal people cant draw for 3-4h+ without heavily straining their hands
You mean daily, right? Cause I'm a NGMI who never draws, but I have some productivity spikes where I draw for 12+ hours and never got any pain from it.

>> No.4655332

>Not sure why complete begs here try to rush this stuff
Because they want to actually be able to draw stuff instead of drawing boxes.

>> No.4656219

Good luck anon! Gotta do that DBZ style training.

>> No.4656347

The beginning of the legend https://www.fireden.net/ic/thread/3447933/

>> No.4656353

Thanks for sharing!

>> No.4656366

He didnt make it, and never reported back, and hasn't progressed, hence the deleted "progress" blog he was making.

>> No.4656399

That shows none of his work/ progress
Could you post some or a link pls?

>> No.4656402

It's a shame but not too surprising.

>> No.4656415

Is three years reasonable goal? Trying for 4-5 hours daily.

>> No.4656445

yeah it's a mix of fun and interest. You're supposed to be doing this because you find it fun, and honing your craft is interesting to you. If not, then there's hundreds of autists out there who do legitimately find art fun and interesting, and they're simply gonna outlast you

>> No.4656532

I would say you can get mediocre in that time.

>> No.4656542

Can you define mediocre? Maybe post an image as an example? Not a challenge, genuinely interested at what you feel is middling.

>> No.4656875

Yea daily.
Helping out moving or moving yourself doesn't instantly kill your back. it's the daily pressure on the hands for long hours without rest rushing drawings that kills your wrist long term.

After about half a year or a year your arm should be able to take some punishment and you'll have a good set of hours you can work on stuff without overburdening your hands

>> No.4656894
File: 75 KB, 400x345, sketch2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up on it because it was creating more issues than solving them. I changed my attitude towards it so the blog served no purpose from that point, hence I deleted it. Just don't let desperation consume you, you have to fix the basics and work your way up slowly. It takes time and conscious effort to understand how patient you really have to be with art.

t. sadlawn

>> No.4656957

Why ask such a pointless question? You'll never be happy with any answer you get from it other than "yes".

Putting a time estimate on skill progression is retarded.

>> No.4657129

Second only to best girl, top taste op

>> No.4657414

I'm happy you're still drawing

>> No.4657419

I think you are projecting friend, if they said no then I would consider adjusting my timeline. It's not as if I am trying to scry the future but and end date keeps me from meandering.

>> No.4657441

Do you have any images of your art progress?

>> No.4657568
File: 175 KB, 1232x752, 41FBBB62-5BF2-47D2-B58A-DAB22550CB7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it seems like the reason most of these hardcore art regimes fail is because people go overboard with no moderation and burnout. But instead of saying “I’m gonna draw 8-10 hours a day,” wouldn’t someone have a better chance trying to structure a routine on less hours? I was thinking about this today, and I was thinking of trying something like this:

1 hour: anatomy/figure drawing
1 hour: perspective/background study
1 hour: rendering/color study (possibly could be combined with other two?)
Rest of the day: either take a break and/or just free drawing

So basically make a commitment to draw at least 3 hours a day. It’s a rough idea so feedback would be appreciated but I think this is doable, especially because I already draw 2-3 hours a day (and I know some days I get up to even six hours, but I’m not gonna pretend those days are the norm for me). Thoughts?

>> No.4658357

I don't think I can ever stop, it's just a part of me.

I tend to post stuff here sometimes but it's under a different persona now, so if I post anything it could be easily recognizable and I want to avoid that. That being said I am focusing mostly on my weaknesses like imagination drawing so I think I am progressing fairly well.

I'll draw something just for this thread if it doesn't die soon enough.

>> No.4658634

Good luck.

>> No.4659176

interested to see ur work!

>> No.4659369

learning art in one year going full monk 70hrs a day only works if you're like studying at FZD or any other school far from where you actually live and where the teachers ask you to do 10hrs of work daily otherwise they will shit on you and you will waste the billions of papa money. Pretty much anyone else learns by slowly progressing over YEARS. going cold turkey like that will make you burn out and hate art. I would say that quitting games is fine, but ONLY doing art the entire day won't obviously work. Besides, if you have no social life, you'll become a weird fuck and nobody is going to work with you. Watch movies, hang out with your friends, get a gf and do your drawing in the mean time and eventually you make it if you arent really dumb. I mean, maciej kuciara had to work in a shitty janitor job full time to pay bills and work on his art in the meantime yet he made it. I really don't know any artist that made it and followed those crazy ass self-learning plans.

>> No.4659377

besides that, most that start after the age of 20 are NGMI. If you really love drawing and have the passion to hone your craft to the point of becoming a true artist, then why haven't you been drawing until that point? sorry nigga but you don't like the act of drawing you like drawings

>> No.4659575
File: 384 KB, 900x562, 921C71BF-AE8A-448F-9B1A-6A58C236F197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonathan Hardesty practiced every day and became good. You should all look him up and see his art progress to see what some people can accomplish wothnenough focused practice.

>> No.4659611

do stretches at the end of each day and take short breaks in the 4 hours you draw

>> No.4659718
File: 235 KB, 1040x1476, PoppyDrinkWIP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of the people who wanted to start something like this. I wanted to learn how to do those polished Riot style splash art illustrations, I can't remember whether I gave myself a year or two year goal. I never really got to start on it because shit went down in my life and I ended up being homeless and shifting from place to place for a year. In that time I did manage one part of it, which was to get a better sense of color harmony and color theory. I'd love to still try it but my living situation still isn't secure enough for me to put in that kind of time regularly.

>> No.4659793

I started drawing almost at 29 people shitted over me constantly but I'm now making a living with it,

>> No.4659801

>sorry nigga but you don't like the act of drawing you like drawings
Doesn't make sense.

>> No.4659805


>> No.4660903

Product oriented versus process oriented. If you don't like the ACT of drawing itself it's incredibly hard to get good at the skill because your only going to see it as chore, making it extremely difficult to rack up the mileage necessary.

Intrinsic motivation is probably the best way to do/learn anything, if you can find a reason to enjoy drawing as an act and not a means to like or money you will eventually get good.

Extrinsic motivation works too, but unless you have someone standing over you all day everyday, it's hard to find.

>> No.4660916

>In five years

Not shitting on him, but his progress proved the rule, you can speed up the process with good direction and focused work but it still takes years to reach a professional level.

>> No.4660921

I've been programming for several years, the advantage of programming versus drawing is that you can see your improvements in realtime, and by understanding how to solve your problems, you can become useful very early. With drawing, you really need to love using the pen without expecting absolutely nothing, no matter how many hours you spend in front of the paper, for a long long time.

Yes, when you are a kid and have no expectations is fun. Maybe that's why adults hardly ever become good.

>> No.4661440

Actually in >>4659718 I should say I STARTED one of these, not wanted to start. I did make a thread or a least posted about it and said I would do it. Couldn't, though.

>> No.4661452

Post the original one

>> No.4661475

Give me a prompt to draw

>> No.4661480

I don't know if /ic/ still uses the same archives as back then, that was 2018, but if so I think if you drop that image into the image search it should bring up my posts about it.

>> No.4661482

Did you draw this Poppy pic?
If so, blog? If not, source?

>> No.4661487

You can search it on warosu too.

>> No.4661497

you should never tell anyone your goals, there's a psychological satisfaction and reward you gain from it, better to shut up and show your results once you actually have something worth showing

>> No.4661503

Yeah that's what I meant, pop it into the archive's image search. If it's still warosu then it should definitely come up. I had a few wips of it, I tried to post the one I thought I posted in the thread.
And I just remembered, I'm pretty sure I either used the splash of arcade Ahri or elementalist Lux as the OP.

>> No.4661529

I drew it, I never finished it though unfortunately. I haven't been shilling since being back here because I couldn't post for so long so if you don't mind having barely any art to look at you could go here https://darkeimp.newgrounds.com/
There's a link to my twitter where I post more often with sketches and wips, and mostly keep personal posts minimal. And thanks for asking, anon.

>> No.4662377

i got over minor pains in my wrist sorting boxes for 9 hours straight at UPS and practicing piano for a decade. people just have weak hands.

>> No.4662387

that's regime is almost exactly what i do, to a t. instead of rendering i focus on a facial feature for an hour

>> No.4662416

30 days to BBC guy how is it going? it's already been 30 days I believe