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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 34 KB, 900x900, drawabox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4645088 No.4645088 [Reply] [Original]

Is a good resource for an absolute beginner?

>> No.4645096

If you're producing a manga in which all of the main characters are boxes, or producing coom artwork for people with an obscure fetish for boxes shitting on each other, yes it's a very good resource.

>> No.4646017
File: 92 KB, 500x430, 1589898950601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck No. Instead of actually learning theory and decomposing household objects into basic shapes to work on draftsmanship and develop your eye, DAB starts by first demanding you go out and buy a moderately expensive pen literally no beginner has on hand, commit to every thick black shitty line it makes in their unskilled hand, then has them draw hundreds of abstract lines and boxes from imagination with nary a reference in sight, just diving right into the hardest
and least intuitive fundamental nitpicking your line quality and your accuracy and generally treating drawing like a joyless fucking boot camp.

If I hadn't been recommended Proko at around the same time and didn't know there were alternatives to building abstract cube landscapes, I would've quit drawing rather than quit Drawabox.

>> No.4646057

For an absolute beginner? Yeah. But once you feel comfortable you need to ditch that shit for real perspective practice and fundamentals.

>> No.4646149

Thus said... it drains the fun out of drawing, that's why you must keep in mind those are exercises and like the author tells you at the start of the lessons, you must do something else/have fun with drawing when you are not doing Drawabox exercises or you're going to burn out.
The interesting part of drawabox is the fact it teaches you universal skills, I mean one way or another you will use what you learned in what you will draw later and it will help you understand the other tutorials in the internet you will find.
This is not the best way to do it mind you but it's a time efficient one, certainly. You only need some paper and a fineliner to do it, so it's not costly and it forces you to use your shoulder, this is is something interesting too, it opens possibilities for you later on.

>> No.4646182

I mean the course creator is barely past the stage of beg

>> No.4646188

>"Draw me like one of your French boxes"

>> No.4646194


>> No.4646228


Drawing with a pen is good. FZD students draw with pens. Peter Han gets CGMA students to draw with pens.

Pencil is the biggest cope for beginners.

Also, they aren't expensive pens.

Proko is shit. He can't even draw a Kangaroo.

>> No.4646251
File: 289 KB, 468x312, B O X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

سُبْحَانَ ٱللّٰ

>> No.4646264

The course creator is Peter Han seeing as DaB learned from him and just copied the exercises from his class. The creator doesn't even matter, just the exercises. They will help you in draftsmanship. But I'm not surprised that /ic/ is shitting on DaB seeing as nobody draws here. Drawing straight lines is too much for the people here.

>> No.4646298

You'll need to supplement it with other resources as you get further in but sure.

>> No.4646320

>Drawing straight lines is too much for the people here.
draw a box man literally uses the line tool in his videos, why would you learn to draw from someone who cannot?

>> No.4646341

Its the ONLY online course endorsed by Allah.

>> No.4646426

To exercise your ability to draw good straight lines is always good but is it really important/doable to be able to always do perfect straight lines with no tools ? I mean rulers have been used since the dawn of man.

>> No.4646434
File: 23 KB, 500x500, Philosoraptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on your intentions. I'm a filthy beginner so don't take my word for it. But it would seem that drawing a straight line is pretty important since it's the most basic stroke.

If you're drawing buildings you absolutely need the lines to be straight. Also if you're drawing anything with a perspective or correct lighting drawing from points require you to be able to know where the intersecting points are right?

>> No.4646445

Yes but you can use a ruler for that and if you do it with a photoshop or any other software, you just need to hold down one button to have your line perfectly straight so...

>> No.4646454

Well said.

I've been practicing DAB for several months. If I were to break down the practical and transferable skills I've been developing from DAB, it would be:
- Drawing with your shoulder
- Control over line weight
- Working out fine motor mechanics and muscle memory - drawing as a balancing act just like walking a tightrope
- Smooth, confident, and repeatable lines
- Accurate wrapping lines
- Basic perspective (being able to tell right away what's off about a box)
- What it means and what it takes to construct a drawing

These are all things you have read about but DAB will slowly burn them into your arm until they become second nature.

More importantly, DAB has been helping me switch from an outline or silhouette-focused approach (think Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain) to construction or analytical drawing (how can I create the 2D illusion that these forms are sitting in 3D space).

I'm not a huge fan of his teaching style or his art for that matter, but don't let it distract you from all he has to offer - for free.

>> No.4646479

What's the point in learning to draw if you can't do it without your computer?

I'm learning to draw digitally and it's kind of bugging me to know how much of a shortcut all the brushes and everything will provide and I'm worried I won't be able to carry over some of these techniques to drawing with real material.

>> No.4646585

just skip the shitty ersatz and go to the source, Dynamic Sketching. it's rough, like boot camp, and will kill your motivation to draw. do it on the side.

>> No.4646810

>DAB starts by first demanding you go out and buy a moderately expensive pen literally no beginner has on hand, commit to every thick black shitty line it makes in their unskilled hand
NGMI. Dynamic Sketching makes you do the same thing.

>has them draw hundreds of abstract lines and boxes from imagination with nary a reference in sight
Agree with this though. The transition to doing the Box exercises were a "draw the rest of the fucking owl" moment. Never even bothered explaining the "Y method" despite being so crucial but it's a good thing Proko had a video on it.

>> No.4646820

Post your work.

>> No.4646845
File: 409 KB, 433x486, 7fcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that says post your work should have to post their work.

>> No.4646906

it's okay for design sketching. fine art has different techniques.

>> No.4647006

>Source: dude trust me.

>> No.4647046

The difference between you and Proko is he can draw bodies and not a kangaroo, and you can't draw either

>> No.4647319 [DELETED] 


>> No.4647403

You know I tried it and it was so boring and dry that I just gave up for a few months. It kinda gave me the impression that the fundies are so important that you have to master them before you even attempt to sketch anything, in the same vein that sushi chefs have to wash rice for years before even cutting a single piece of fish. I don't know if it's a good comparison.

>> No.4647463

this reads like an advertisement. Call 1-800-DRAWBOX now!

>> No.4647471

you should probably read this: https://drawabox.com/lesson/0/2

>> No.4647546

>"Do it like that, no, not the way I'm actually demonstrating, you have to do the opposite!"
>doesn't even draw his lines, just demonstrates a painful use of shift
>"I'd show you but I don't have time and I'm hungry lol"
Jesus fuck I gave an honest chance but he doesn't even try to make his videos good.

>> No.4647556
File: 119 KB, 960x518, irshad-karim-takingabreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its impossible for me to believe anyone considers Drawabox a serious alternative to Peter Han DS which its heavily based on

literally one look at Irshad's art should tell you all you need to know


>> No.4647561

grind your boxes you lazy fuck
grind your perspective your cunty layabout

>> No.4648114

So what his content is all free anyways

>> No.4648453

It seems like he didn't draw enough boxes.

>> No.4648727


Pens are good. You might suck at first but your dexterity will improve faster, which will make you better with all other media.

>> No.4648953

It's just a baby version of dynamic sketching, which is a simplified version of How to Draw by Scott.

So, uhh, yes. It is very good for learning basic perspective. You need perspective in order to envision things in 3D, you won't progress out of beg tier until you understand that the paper represents a window to a 3D world, not a flat image.

Once you're comfortable seeing through objects instead of copying contour you can ditch draw a box and instead do focused studies on whatever subject matter you're interested in. And if you want to continue the draw a box route go to the source How To Draw.

IMO the best thing about Draw a box is that he forces begs to draw things like plants and insects instead of anime tiddies. Draw insects and plants, you'll improve really fast. They're very easy to construct and 3D space and there is more room to mess up on proportion.

>> No.4648964

This is why I recommend DAB to every beg. Begs seem to think drawing is about copying contours. It is not. You must draw through the form, tracing alone will not make your stuff look real. It's about describing the form with 3D shapes. DAB forces begs to do this. He gives a bunch of basic crap that comes naturally for some, but can really help those drawing flat cartoon ppl.

The construction approach doesn't work for everything. But once it is in your head, you'll be able to unconsciously deconstruct any drawing. Which speeds up your improvement process 100X. It's the secret ingredient that some folks just born with.

>> No.4648970

>Begs seem to think drawing is about copying contours
Because this is what every book targeting BEGs teach at first.

>> No.4649022

Reminder that everybody view arts and learn differently.
If this doesn't click with your brain, don't bother..
If this works for you, it works for you, don't force it unto others.

>> No.4649386

I agree
but for some reason OP decided to ask instead of just trying it themselves.

>> No.4649398
File: 45 KB, 1024x898, 1590610855761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nothing clicks

>> No.4649399

Better quit before it’s too late

>> No.4649404
File: 662 KB, 500x200, aMjrJEf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4649407

Then why are you learning to draw digitally?

>> No.4649415

Arguments without evidence are pretty meaningless

>> No.4649485


After DAB if you wanna try figure drawing for comics, not something like academic portraits and paintings, what would be the option for constructive approach fans?

>> No.4649512

>moderately expensive pen

faber castell fineliners are like $5 each from hobby lobby you faggot. i'm not unsympathetic to broke NEETs and third worlders where every dollar counts but god damn literally all he asks you to get is a few $5 pens and some paper until later lessons where you need a protractor and a few other fairly cheap tools.

he uses a line tool for convenience in his videos, ffs you fags will nitpick literally anything in order to cope. i don't even care that much about this arab's patreon grift to white knight him too hard online because it does have a lot of problems, but literally nobody ITT is posting a good criticism and is just being a retarded ngmi. /ic/ pls.

>> No.4649519
File: 151 KB, 984x624, Screenshot_2020-06-13 Uni PIN Drawing Pen Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pens are cheap. peter han recommends using toned paper and that's where it gets pricey and/or hard to find. also kind of a waste for the beginning.

>> No.4649654

If DAB's schtick is dynamic sketching concepts taken from Peter Han, wouldn't it be better to just pick up Peter Han's works?

>> No.4649681

link to the proko vid?

>> No.4649683

of course; these threads are obvious shills for dab trash

>> No.4649710

>everybody view arts and learn differently
Not true. Learning styles are an old wive's tale that get disproven in controlled tests every time. Everyone essentially learns the same way unless they have a disability, and if you feel like you're special and need to learn in a special way you have simply deluded yourself.

>> No.4649821

Source : ass
Explain why don't every kids excel equally in school then.

>> No.4649861


>> No.4649918

it's what they teach in a lot of industrial/concept/interior etc design schools. peter han(or any other art center graduate) doesn't have the copyright of it.

>> No.4650057

yeah but the only problem is you either have to attend a literal school or at least pay peter han over $1k online to have him teach it to you via his relatively new online group classes via webcam, whereas irshad karim's pricepoint ranges from decent-course-and-literally-free to pay a small amount on patreon to get feedback from competent artists (i.e. people who at least make a living drawing bullshit for vidya or whatever and got in on karim's gig for extra cash) instead of just grinding by yourself or depending on worthless internet "feedback"

so yeah, drawabox is largely repackaged peter han for cheap although drawabox still does plenty of things differently so I wouldn't say it's straight up plagiarism by any stretch.

>> No.4650130

>although drawabox still does plenty of things differently
That's a negative, though. Drawabox Guy isn't on the level of a Peter Han and doesn't have his reputation for good teaching, so why would I trust the things he adds that are his own?

>> No.4650152

if you don't have the money for art center or peter han, drawabox is like the only free place (or even among pirated books, courses etc. it's still hard to find this) that will immediately tell you to start drawing from the shoulder, teach you construction, etc. so I think drawabox has become a meme for this reason. his pedagogy just werks for the average person so despite whatever you want to say about his actual skill or if peter han is better etc., he has become a /beg/ whisperer from years of building a community on /r/artfundamentals and now discord. if you are just somebody looking online and start with various meme books like loomis or bert reynolds, drawabox will be like taking the redpill and escaping the matrix.

>> No.4650161

>bert reynolds

lmao I am drunk. bert dodson.

>> No.4650383

No, check the sticky.

>> No.4650503

The sticky recommends it you idiot.

>> No.4650688


>> No.4651036

Big thanks

>> No.4651640

I don't think loomis is bad, it simply teaches you a different skill, but maybe people find it more entertaining to draw heads instead of grids and ellipses from the start.

>> No.4651646
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>> No.4651701

>he uses a line tool for convenience in his videos, ffs
why does peter han not use a ruler when he teaches the same thing?

>> No.4651704

I highly recommend mark crilley.

>> No.4651768
File: 116 KB, 300x300, 1552853732349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is about understanding what you want to create. art is about understanding what you're creating. Digital assists you with tools to create whatever you desire, as long as you UNDERSTAND what you're creating and understanding how to use those tools. Understanding anatomy, story writing, perspective, colors, your own fantasy, your own ideas etc is what makes you an artist. If you wont acknowledge facts or your mistakes, you will never become an artist, because you never ad the chance to begin with

>> No.4651837
File: 475 KB, 1360x1920, 1576601986371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related unironically has good recommendations. Have you even read through Loomis yet?

>> No.4652044

is this real? kek

>> No.4652314

Yes that series of hentai artist interviews has a lot of great advice actually.

>> No.4652914


How can anyone watch this video and even try to pretend drawabox is a good learning resource? Imagine being a beginner and trying to learn from this mess.

For someone who insists people use fineliners for his exercises, he sure loves demonstrating them digitally, and using all the digital techniques imaginable.

>> No.4653157


>> No.4653356

Is it bad because the concepts he teaches are wrong or is it bad because of the way he presents the information?

>> No.4653367

Did you watch the video? Put yourself in the mindset of a beginner and you will understand why it sucks.

>> No.4653455

I'm a turbo beginner and I found this video great because I'm not a moron who just watches the video, I read with great attention his website first.
Seriously who gives a fuck if he's a hack, the exercises he shares are good and sound.

>> No.4653560

This is probably the most important fact, that the website tells you explicitly what to do. It might be important to understand why you are doing X if you need to reason about it to make it work, but you don't need to think to become better at drawing ellipses.

>> No.4653644
File: 69 KB, 645x729, e09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I found this video great because I'm not a moron who just watches the video

>> No.4653670

Inshalla my brother

>> No.4653912

The concepts he teaches are cribbed from Peter Han, who he was a student of. Just learn from Peter Han. He doesn't whip out rulers and guides and circle tools to draw out simple shapes.

>> No.4654160

What resources from Peter Han should I pick up(absolute beginner here)?

>> No.4654173

Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han
He recommends you do the course a few times if you're a beginner.

>> No.4654329

Can you give us any further links to the interviews?

>> No.4654495

I had already watched the video. Maybe you're just a retard who can't follow along simple instructions.

>> No.4654505

The video is supposed to supplement the information in the website. You're not supposed to just watch the video, you have to watch and read both.

>> No.4654942
File: 3.94 MB, 4032x3024, 1587523611179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i use a dry erase board and marker for drawabox or learning to draw perspective in general

>> No.4654958

You're completely missing the point of drawabox.

>> No.4655044

moderately expensive HAHA

>> No.4655202

Currently going through the course now, I actually find my line confidence improving notably. I could see in a couple weeks of working through this being able to throw an ellipsis or draw a cube in perspective freehand fairly easily.

Hopefully from there it will be easier to construct cool shit.

>> No.4656472

Godspeed, Anon

>> No.4656819
File: 34 KB, 360x480, dynamicsketchinglesson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working through Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching from the video thread (which drawabox is based on) I'm a total beginner and I'm starting to get it a bit I think. Starting to view objects as constructs of the basic 5 shapes etc I decided against DAB because the guy is a student of Peter Han so figured I'd just learn from the source

>> No.4656852


>> No.4656856

0.5 fineliners here are stupidly expensive :/

>> No.4656882

Drawabox sells them in packs of 10(?) for pretty cheap

>> No.4656885

just get a cheap extra fine fountain pen, a converter and a bottle of ink

>> No.4656896

>Set up a dedicated study area
>Take breaks

Solid advice

>> No.4657298

Why didn't you learn linework and shapes first?

>> No.4657830

it's quite literally him showing 2 point perspective
you draw line from a point
it's as simple as it gets, any more simple and we're heading into /asg/ tier of not understanding
thats what you need as a beginner as a start. Some do circle blob faces with fwap, some do boxes with perspective

You can't advance from nothing, you have to start somewhere

>> No.4657847

it's poorly explained and he doesn't speak well

>> No.4658081

probably because in the video thread week 1 is missing in the upload - it starts at week two

>> No.4658091

It's on youtube though

>> No.4658169

I did, I just didn't post that one. I'll keep practicing the linework a little every day. See how I get on.

>> No.4658667

cause some kids are more retarded than others? its not rocket science buddy.

>> No.4659130


I finally finished the 250 boxes challenge and now I can't stop seeing how weird is his drawing. but I will finish at least the first 5 lessons, why the fuck not? And in the meanwhile I'll watch the peter han videos too.

>> No.4659136


peter han and scott robertson: draw the line at any speed, speed doesn't matter


>> No.4659140

Do you feel you improved after the challenge?

>> No.4659196


>> No.4659268

peter actually says you need to find the sweet spot. too slow and you'll wiggle, too fast and you'll be inaccurate. (in my experience you also run in ink flow problems)

>> No.4659376

Yeah, this is just bullshit. Good thing I was following both Peter Han and DAB at the same time. My linework has greatly improved following Han's advice, not DAB.

>> No.4659711

So is Drawabox the best way to start for a beginner?

>> No.4659844


>> No.4659851

how beg are you

>> No.4659882

Extremely. I tried the rotated boxes challenge and sucked at it, although I can see where I went wrong.
I'm competent at 3D modeling in Blender, but that obviously doesn't translate to 2D, at least not at my current level in 2D.

>> No.4659889

Also my linework isn't optimal. I keep overshooting the mark I'm aiming for. I know the drawabox guy says to go fast, but it's hard to get this consistent.

>> No.4659892

i see. get a book called "you can draw in 30 days" which will introduce you to different things central to drawing and give you good basic exercises. then you can do more complicated stuff like perspective, figure drawing, portrait drawing, concept art, etc.

>> No.4659917

why does he tell beginners to draw lines fast?

>> No.4659966

The best way to approach this is to draw a couple lines really fast, then draw a couple lines really slow, and then settle for a tempo that yields the best results - a balance between smoothness and precision.

>> No.4659991
File: 88 KB, 1040x731, hun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peter han and scott robertson: draw the line at any speed, speed doesn't matter
You are right

>> No.4661355

From this thread it sounds like /ic/ holds Scott Robertson in high regard yet I dont see anyone recommending his How to Draw for beginners?

>> No.4661386

I like the box guy because he's completely fucking bonkers. Look at the "this exercise MUST be drawn by this specific pen or else I'll hunt you down and shove my dog's diarrhea down your throat" warnings in each of his pages. Look at him asking his "students" to swear a goddamn pledge to follow his course to the end.

He's wasting his potential, dude was born to be a cult leader instead of an artist. I still suspect he's got some kids in his basement that he forces to draw boxes 24/7.

>> No.4661402

I mean he clearly states the rationale for it, even if you disagree. He even says that outside of the exercises do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.4661405

No you can't, perspective doesn't show up on dry erase boards, only on paper and computer screens.

>> No.4661410

>demand people draw hundreds of cubes with a specific, expensive kind of pen
>sell that pen in your online store

>> No.4661416

The guy definitely acts like he's received extremely specific instructions through divine revelation that have to be followed to the letter. I can kind of emphatize since he also critiques people's homework and I realize it can be extremely frustrating to have people do things differently from how you instructed them in that scenario, but damn is he anal about it.

>> No.4662029

Why do you all think Peter Han is better than Drawabox?

>> No.4662031

I think Drawabox is better than Peter Han.

>> No.4662237

reminder that drawabox is a waste of time and mental energy if you dont learn about perspective beforehand

>> No.4662246

I thought the whole point of Drawabox Lesson 1 was explicitly to teach perspective? Did you even look at it yourself?

>> No.4662450


>> No.4662475

>not dabbing on the kike and drawing with a pencil anyway

>> No.4664495

fuck you racist

>> No.4665614

Who should I learn from, Peter Han or DAB?

>> No.4665773

Peterhan is for artist trying to learn quick sketching and better construction skills. Intermediate level. DAB is for begs who draw flat shapes.

Peterhan does not hand-hold people into learning how to see 3D. His course is solely focusing on breaking down advanced objects in 3D space.

DAB teaches begs how to see 3D on paper. If you draw flat art and characters you'll benefit from this course.

Both derived directly from How To Draw by Scott, this book has everything you need for perspective drawing.

>> No.4667901

okay motherfucker you got me to LOL

>> No.4667920

if you niggers can't figure out and master perspective in less than a week, you ngmi in art or anything really and might want to get your head checked for tumors or retardation. this shit was so obvious and easy to pick up when i first looked into it that I wonder why everyone makes such a big deal about something so fucking simple. all you lazy ADHD kids better get a new hobby and career if this type of baby shit doesn't seem pathetically intuitive and ez

>> No.4667935

Hahaha it takes more than a week. PYW and prove you're so good buddy, if you don't you're NGMI

>Inb4 "no you"
You first, you're the one talking shit.
>Inb4 "I can't I'm a professional and don't want to be associated with 4chan"
Make something
>Inb4 "I can't even take an hour out of my day to draw something even though I have all day to shitpost"
Proven NGMI at that point.

Let's go faggot. Pyw.

>> No.4667961

Learn to read, I never said I was a great artist yet, just that grokking the simple fundamentals like perspective and forms and shading is piss fucking easy to figure out how it works without making a big deal about it unless you're one of the many idiots out there who can't pick up easy concepts because the internet has rotted your ability to think and focus on anything for longer than a few minutes at a time. most of you idiots can't even seem to understand the concepts behind the fundamentals let alone be able to actually apply them to any actual art. all i'm saying is that if you can't figure out how these work and how they would apply to art and then start making excuses for not learning this stuff quick and easy either because you're too lazy or too stupid, you're legit NGMI

>> No.4667964

this was for you >>4667935 fag

>> No.4667975

dunning kruger. That's what I thought when I first learned perpsective.

>> No.4667979
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>> No.4668731

Holy shit, look at this level of projection. At least have the sense to back down, retard.

>> No.4669165
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, 0ef816816a50790e3183340fe866563e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i use a fountain/dip pen for drawabox lessons

>> No.4669412

pyw faggot

>> No.4669424


This is the thing that's bad about draw a box. A beginner doesn't need to draw "fast" and confident. Speed should be built from first knowing what it is you're after. If you can't draw a cube slowly what makes you think you can draw a cube in 30 seconds?

>> No.4669440

short answer:yes
long answer:GO PRACTICE!
longer answer: if you had read the faq he explains that the ink is just so that you learn to be ok with mistakes and so they are obvious looking back to them so anything that is non eraseable should be ok

>> No.4670187


that's not what drawabox talks about at all, so you should probably actually read through a bit of it instead of basing your comments on other peoples' misunderstandings.

drawabox prioritizes the confidence of a stroke (keeping it smooth and consistent rather than wobbly and hesitant) over its accuracy. it's not about drawing quickly - it actually stresses the opposite, but by taking the time to plan out your mark and prepare beforehand, but always to execute the mark confidently.

the idea is that accuracy can be improved with practice and with more time investment into the stages of mark making that come before making the mark, but that maintaining a smooth line is all about executing without hesitation. that doesn't mean drawing really fast, it means doing it without trying to "steer" your line super carefully while you're drawing it.

why would you comment on something you've never actually read through?

>> No.4670198


Why would anyone draw 250 cubes and 250 cylinders and then need to check their accuracy if they can't even draw a basic cube or cylinder and render it from start to finish? I would argue this is more important to know first before getting into draw a box so that the concepts of value isn't going over other peoples heads.

It's teaching people to grind first before actual core foundation.

>> No.4670210

Not that anon, but a third of the previous lesson goes over how to construct a cube and has you do several pages of exercises before going on the the 250 box challenge.

>> No.4670312

how exactly do you think people get better? by doing something badly, identifying where shit went wrong, and then trying again.

lesson 1 - which comes before the box challenge - goes over basic perspective, vanishing points, etc. and then gets them to try some harder exercises that they're expected to fail, before doing the box challenge as a sort of limited grinding bootcamp type thing.

you learn by doing, obviously you shouldn't expect to be able to do it perfectly after 250, and you shouldn't do any more than that before moving on, but looking at the people who do it and follow the instructions, their understanding of 3d space improves enough for them to be able to tackle lesson 2 with pretty decent success.

>> No.4670320

You can't draw for shit either

>> No.4670330


I understand that but you're better off practicing observing a cube, drawing it, and rendering it. Once you understand that then as you get into the lessons on texture and light and shadow you're not going to suffer as much. You'll also have a general understanding of eye level/perspective and training your eye.

I feel the 250 cube challenge encourages drawing the cubes from imagination. Most people aren't smart enough to go on sketchfab and use a 3D model as reference. You end up drawing cubes that more or less are the same perspective every time. I've seen it in a lot of peoples uploads on reddit.

>> No.4670360

>Most people aren't smart enough to go on sketchfab and use a 3D model as reference.

I wouldn't say it's a matter of not being smart enough, most people wouldn't know the website exists, especially beginners. Though it's a good idea to buy some primitives for reference, which is something that DAB guy can incorporate.

>> No.4670403

he actually says not to observe 3d models or physical boxes when doing the box challenge. the point of the exercise is to develop your brain's internal sense of 3d space, to set aside observation for the time being and just develop that largely underused brain-muscle, so to speak.

since it's just boxes (not even cubes mind you) it's the sort of thing that people are gonna struggle with wrapping their heads around without some kind of reference initially, but will still be able to grasp by pushing through it. relying on drawing those boxes from life will definitely develop your observational skills, but will side-step the focus of the exercise.

>> No.4671828

Wow they added a narration of the articles in video format. This really helps my ADHD for someone who will attempt DAB for the 6th time.

>> No.4671917

you'd think someone with adhd would rather skim through text and get the gist of it in two minutes rather than watch the same crap in a ten minute video with tons of filler for sweet ad revenue

>> No.4671922

Maybe there is another word for it. I like video format over reading unless it's a visual novel or something in a game.

>> No.4674083


>> No.4674323
File: 105 KB, 960x933, 47da0474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4674350
File: 46 KB, 568x479, CAFBA792-159B-448B-BDBB-E7F7E7C933BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best comment ITT, made me kek loudly

>> No.4674355
File: 151 KB, 1232x1760, 25E77239-C133-49A9-863F-FA9C16A34943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, is the Robertson meme legit? I have how to draw and am about 30 pages in, but I’m wondering if all this perspective shit is necessary and I wouldn’t just be able to intuitively pick up on it anyway

>> No.4674487

Why doesn't this fag demonstrate the challenges himself with a pen, IE- the very conditions he imposes upon the student?

He only ever does it with photoshop holding shift to make straight lines.

>> No.4674537

Easy to learn, hard to master. You're probably one of those that puts the vanishing points on all your pages and then says he understands perspective

>> No.4674545

don't ask important questions just follow to the letter and don't forget to donate to my patreon

>> No.4674548

Robertson is a perspective book, it won't teach you how to draw character or animals. Get Loomis, Vilppu, or Hampton if you want to draw people or animals

>> No.4674562

I’m doing that as well as my main focus, but say if I wanted to draw complex environments and do some comics or some such, wouldn’t I also need to know perspective to get characters to look right on the page? I’m asking because my figure drawing skills are much better than my ability to draw landscapes and environments. In that case, is Robertson’s book useful or can minimal perspective and intuition skate me by so long as everything else is good?

>> No.4674573

Cause he can't, hes a meme, but there is some value to drawing boxes so its not completely worthless