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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 27 KB, 537x601, goth oc 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4643597 No.4643597 [Reply] [Original]

How do people come up with good OC's?

>> No.4643600

Pic not related of course

>> No.4643606

Get out.
If I catch you in my thread again ill fucking rape you.

>> No.4643617

Shape Design.

>> No.4643619

Good understanding of character design. look up guides on youtube and study some characters you like. Also good writing.

>> No.4643626
File: 30 KB, 512x288, 7d9249eb721b478234bfb31578a0a333da5c5a0b_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mix soul eater reaction images + a dash of toriyama and family guy.

>> No.4644484


>> No.4644485


>> No.4644493

Back to pillowfort you faggot

>> No.4645007

but thats not an OC its chroniko from kaiba

>> No.4645017

>good OC

well do you want a real answer or do you consider "good" to mean an edgy manic pixie dreamgirl tiddymonster /fa/ mary sue?

good requires fundamentals of character design,visual storytelling, and shape language.
"good" requires spiky teeth, bags under the eyes, bangs and striped stockings.

>> No.4645035

do you have any examples

>> No.4645045

of good design or bad design

>> No.4645061
File: 174 KB, 500x471, 1589750921285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good requires fundamentals of character design,visual storytelling, and shape language.
came here to post this

>> No.4645065

i dont know why people come here and make threads about things they could easily google in less than 30 seconds.

>> No.4645067

Is this skullgirls

>> No.4645071

eh, they just wanna talk. Let them.

>> No.4645103

but there are real things to talk about why start conversations with brainless shitposting. This is 4chan not a meeting in a coffeeshop where you have to butter someone up before you get to fuck them

>> No.4645118

you copy obscure characters

>> No.4645120


>> No.4645125

nigga shut your beta ass up

>> No.4645131

Yeah, but Anon, conversations are not 1-dimensional and should not be
if it starts with
>how do people come up with good OCs?
you evolve the conversation while still being on topic
>What makes good OCs?
>good fundies, design, visuals etc
And you go from there or just stop posting and the thread will get deleted on its own

>> No.4645339

Iteration from drawing them way too much.

>> No.4645358

Take an event from your life, tweak some details, and create a character around it.

Alternatively snag one of those DeviantArt OC text templates, set a timer for 2 minutes, and fill the entire thing out

>> No.4645365

He’s right though. Those are visually unappealing and boring to boot.

>> No.4645375

nope sorry.

>> No.4645452

Never do something that isn't cartoony because you won't be able to do exaggerated shapes so people can get the idea fast. Ocs don't talk and the idea of an OC's personality not being clear from his clothes makes you a failure

>> No.4645493

Uhhh.. but I've seen people do it all the time. Do you even have experience with that or do you hate using shape language in realistic characters because you're not good enough at it?

>> No.4645512

What I hate is that they think that a character must be one dimensional and his looks always tells you everything you need to know. A big guy can't be a softy with that logic because big and muscle = rude and tough

>> No.4645631

Please kill yourself, or at least don’t ever attempt to give advice ever again. Not all of us want to draw like a fucking CalArts cartoon.

>> No.4645745
File: 313 KB, 701x394, 9dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure he was being sarcastic

>> No.4645797

I like your attitude but he is right, your waifu sucks