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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4639928 No.4639928 [Reply] [Original]

What is your drawing schedule/routine?

>> No.4639932

waste time on web and shit for hours until lunch. Work till like 4. eat dinner. Then either work on my game, draw, or play games. I mostly work on my game or draw for like 30 minutes to an hour then just play games until bed time

>> No.4639965


>> No.4639969


>> No.4639970

Wake up
Faff about
Draw for like an hour and a half
Take a break so that I can return to the drawing with fresh eyes
Never actually return to the drawing
Go to sleep

>> No.4639976

>Get home at 7 from work
>Draw until 2 am before sleeping
>Do this every day
Sometimes I go longer, sometimes I sleep earlier. Days are now a blur.

>> No.4639986

Draw for a random number of hours between 0 and 5 depending on how crushing the hopelessness is on that particular day.

>> No.4639992

Draw traditionally for about 2 to 3 hours, take a break and then do the same thing but digitally for another 2 to 3 hours.

>> No.4639997

What do you guys actually draw? Studies?

>> No.4640011

ive drawn about 8 hours a week for 15 years since i was 13.

>> No.4640020

I keep ideas in my sketchbook. everything goes; notes, designs, maybe some people
If I am feeling good/it's a good drawing day, I work out the designs, or design more and push them to a point where I can render them and put the icing on later
if I am feeling bad, I start the icing. rendering is 20% of the drawing and mostly just time and it lets me feel productive and learn while already having a base from a previous day to work on so I don't have to start blank. Sometimes the ideas or designs just don't come or work out and thats fine.
I study all the time inbetween. if I start a piece and it's some samurai dude with 6 arms, I grab reference from samurai clothing, some fashion designers that I like, a control/anchor piece that I can compare my current work with to see what else I need to do to reach the result and I study the fuck out of arms in the morning or evening if I struggle with them.
If I feel like something is off when I finish a concept, design or illustration, I try to study that particular flaw later that day or the next and compare my current finished work to that of the control/anchor piece or something that specifically does the flaw really well and compare it to my work.

>> No.4640024
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>draw fucked up apu
>ok thats enough drawingf

>> No.4640049
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Paint for maybe four minutes a day

>> No.4640068

yesterday I drew a face and then a fan art of a character in a sad defeated posture and said I that was good enough for today

>> No.4640073

So you mainly do creative work while supplementing with studies? How does your art progress compare to a time when you were mainly doing studies? (if that ever happened for you)

>> No.4640257

I drew 2-3 hours a day
Now i can easily push 8-12 with less fatigue and i love doing it
The problem with grinding fundies is that there is no payoff, no tangible goal. I got the most progress when i was actively engaged in something that needed me to gitgud. It also created a moment of self reflection and showed what i was lacking to focus on when doing studies.
I also feel like actively studying something specific for longer than 4 hours at most loses its value with heavy diminishing returns. The act of using the stuff i learn from studies in a practical sense made me retain them a lot easier.
My experience, ofcourse. Sometimes you need to buckle down and go back to the basics and trim the fat

>> No.4640261

Whenever I'm not jacking off, I draw.
And I'm a premature ejaculator

>> No.4640267

Forgot to mention but looking back this shit is really rough if you dont start off young. Not because that its impossible to catch up; far from it even. Its just that you set certain expectations even if you dont try to. You dont have that childlike ignorance/naivity backing up your art. To be real; it will look like absolute shit for a long time most likely. Be serious, but dont get down. Its like working out at the gym; you start small. Enjoy the little victories, if you fail, laugh it up. If you take it serious genuinely, the bros at the gym will have your back. Everyone goes through this but if you stomach through it you'll end up enjoying it once people see your gains and itll help you stop stagnation in the future since you started as shit

A lot of youngsters take their art skill for granted and end up never struggling for acknowledgement from their peers and end up in heavy stagnation periods before even reaching the pro level. I know some people that are still the exact same skill/stylewise as they were 5 years ago

A bit offtopic but hope it helps give some insight

>> No.4640274

Sometimes during the day I'll get bored and fill a page or two with a bunch of doodles, and that's it for the most part. Then later on I just throw 'em out in the garbage.

>> No.4640278

I wake up around 7, then draw, paint, manage my online stores, and collect references from 9 until about 5:30, dick around on my phone then go to bed around 10

>> No.4641701

just the arrt part

- line practice for half an hour
- 1 still life drawing, 1 landscape
- gesture for the time I want in that moment
- study my Gods
- if I keep doing shit at this point I just shitpost from here

it usually takes me like 4 to 5 hours

>> No.4641731
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>Gesture Draw for an unspecified amount of time
>Draw head/face from reference
>Try to draw head/face without reference
>Watch videos on head drawing/anatomy or check books

The reason I'm so focused on heads and faces right now is because it was what I was weakest at in life drawing classes at my university. I'm planning on moving on once I feel like I can make a face that at least resembles an actual Human, stylized or not. Although I might need to make my schedule more structured. Not really sure what I can do about it though.

>> No.4641744

NMA session after breakfast
one of those Hampton drawings were you draw the muscles
either a portrait using construction, drawing a figure from a different perspective, or figure painting if I find a reference that i like (this one maybe once or twice a week)
i want to add drawing from observation a la dynamic sketching but I have nothing to draw and can't go outside

>> No.4641771

I go to bed when I hear the birds singing outside

>> No.4641778

I draw 40 hours per day, everyday

>> No.4641883

Work my real job until 4. Sometimes sketch if I'm waiting for an email or a meeting is boring. Play some Vidya or work out or do chores. Work on commissions for about 3 hours. Sleep.

>> No.4642082
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>wake up
>check apartments if my parents home
>if yes eat some tendies if no fap
>play video games
>go to sleep

>> No.4642473
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/beg/ here
>wake up and have breakfast with gf
>studying programming for a couple hours up until lunch time
>chill for about and hour then art up until dinner
>art/video games after dinner

>> No.4642488

>Wake up
>Make coffee and breakfast
>1 hour of gestures
>4 hours, work on projects and study as needed
>1 hour lunch and chill
>4 hours, back to work
>Eat and go to sleep

>> No.4642504
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Prepare for some military grade autism lads

>wake up
>chug a Monster energy can on the toilet while watching the final mission from Black Ops 2's ODST drop and listening to EDM and House Music to hype myself up
>take a cold shower on the coldest possible setting while "Shinzou wo Sasageyo" is blasting on my phone in the background
>juiced up
>sit down at my computer
>open up photoshop
>begin to draw
>when focus starts getting fucked up, go eat something quickly
>now stomachs and can't focus
>play a game of league while food digests
>proceed to take my second ice bath of the day to refocus myself
>get back to my desk
>chug another Monster while listening to Zyzz music mixes and CoD trailers
>proceed to draw into the night until exhaustion

Maybe some days I'll squeeze a (home) gym session in there but ever since the gyms closed it's just been me and my art.

>> No.4642749
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i just do whatever i feel like with all of my time.

And since i always feel like making art, i do it a lot, i'm good at it, and i'm successful.

>> No.4642853

take care of urself anon, you will make it