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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4639397 No.4639397 [Reply] [Original]

Out of all things I could have chosen to do, I chose drawing. My life has been extremely difficult since I can remember and out of all things to learn I fucking chose the hardest, least paid and one of the most ungrateful skills to learn. Why do I have to make everything so hard for myself?

>> No.4639401
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how are you not having fun?
what are you people doing that you're not having fun all the time? thread after thread of complaining but no fun

>> No.4639403

>I fucking chose the hardest, least paid and one of the most ungrateful skills to learn
Try being a musician for a living, i dropped that shit after 5 years of trying for art, now im finally fine

>> No.4639404

This. If its not fun simply don't do it

>> No.4639431

If you feel like this you probably care too much about communicating with people. At this point it's impossible to be an artist with other people in mind without selling your soul.
You can still enjoy drawing if you do it in a completely self-indulgent way and you draw the things you like, the way you like them, stop consuming other art and quit interacting with the internet. You gotta be the old hermit in the woods. it's a completely different path, it's hard and it may be even more unrewarding, but it feels better in the long run.

>> No.4639799

Why are suicide hotlines a thing, then?

>> No.4639815
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Rise up. Stay strong.

>> No.4639826

Hey at least you didn't choose to become a classical composer, that's even less marketable and just as hard.

>> No.4639877

all these people talking about their suffering with art, meanwhile I’m having a blast
feels so goooood

>> No.4639881

Honestly I think I'll just give up on making it. Fuck all this stress

>> No.4639911

To live is to suffer, and struggle and to endure burden and persevere in the face of adversity. Envied should be the man who is most in pain, for he is the most alive.

>> No.4639923

what kind of argument for sadomasochism is this

>> No.4639927

baptism by fire is the only way to live

>> No.4639929

Drawing is one of the cheapest and most accessible hobbies you could pick. The hardest part is discipline and having fun with it. I still haven't figured out a way of doing that beyond relying on random sparks of motivation.

>> No.4639933

the point of having fun is to distract yourself from suffering you psychopath

>> No.4639944

Drawing may be difficult, but for a real hobby and not a timewaster that's a plus. You will never run out of ways to improve, subjects to master, stories to tell. If you spend that time playing videogames, you get good at that one title. Great. What do you have to show after all that time? How many people play Warcraft 3 nowadays? What hapens when you hit 30 and you're 200ms slower and competing with teenagers with just as much experience in Fortnite 3? You might as well have been asleep.

>> No.4639946

If fun is nothing but a distraction from pain, then I can not call fun good. To grow, to learn, to achieve anything worthwhile, you must suffer. To learn how to enjoy that suffering, to find comfort in pain and encouragement in discomfort is the only way to truly live. Not in the sense of wallowing in your misery, but in recognising that pain, fear, and unease are all thrilling experiences which can make you feel great if you accept them instead of flinching from them. Too many people live wrapped in smothering defences to avoid a trivial amount of suffering.

>> No.4639947

Miss me with that shit. There's nothing worse than being completely useless.
No matter how good I might possibly get, my work will be always shit because the things I like are just not cool or attractive or pleasant to anybody. Literally everyone but me looks at my work and thinks it's lame. This shit represents me entirely and it fucking sucks that this is who I am. An artist whose art is worthless to everyone is worse than a criminal. A criminal gives work to the cops and jailers. What the fuck does a person like me contribute? I only waste paper and storage on servers.

>> No.4639984

Define worthwhile. Also this shouldn't even have to be said but "enjoying suffering" is impossible by definition. Same with all the other trite nonsense you're trying to sell to yourself without having to actually live by it. All those in pain will tell you how worthless suffering is, it's the narcissistic assholes living in comfort that try to tell themselves they're such enduring examples of human strength that spew your bullshit. You've entirely misunderstood the actual value that comes with suffering.

>> No.4639989

I don’t get it either!

>> No.4640003


If you don't enjoy the doing then do something else

>> No.4640029

ok thats cool

>> No.4640033
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The truth is that not everyone can be a good artist, and not everyone is destined to be great. If this is all you will ever be would you be happy with drawing? If the answer is yes then keep drawing, if the answer is no then find something else. You can still be creative and express yourself in other ways. Have you tried working within other mediums? You may finally find the sense of fulfillment that you've been longing for in drawing

>> No.4640044

What if you love the doing but everything else feels like shit? If "enjoying the doing" is all there is to making art, how would it be any different from other things that /ic/ regards as a waste of time like playing videogames? I mean this entire website likes to call people autistic yet at the same time doesn't challenge things that a literal autistic person would do, just draw shit that means nothing to anybody or gets you any kind of feedback except that nice feel of a pencil on paper. This is literally, literally what autistic people do. You are asking people to be autistic. Nobody ever says something about expressing yourself or thinks of art as a language. Actually I'm pretty sure that someone's thinking "ugh, expressing yourself, this guy must be one of those abstract artists". This idea that art ends with execution is absolutely alien to me, and seeing everyone completely ignore all the things I see beyond the act of drawing - which I enjoy, sure - makes my personal hell even worse.
Granted I'll never just quit drawing. This is about continuing with life. I'm just so tired of feeling so completely worthless. And drawing only to get that basic pleasure off of it has turned my work into something mental, always the same shit, over and over, because I don't care anymore about what I draw, I don't care about what I say. It's all useless, sad, lonely masturbation, how is anybody supposed to be happy with this? What kind of freak would be happy with this?

>> No.4640045

I bet you feel obligated to keep drawing because you've sunken so much time into it with little to no gains. In reality you have the power to do or learn anything else.

>> No.4641042

Its one guy making the same pepe threads

>> No.4641135

Do you plan to make art your living, anon? Because I was on your same road but then decided to switch to marketing design using the skills I already had with digital art and do art on the side and I'm much more comfortable.

>> No.4641285

I had a couple marketing gigs during the Coronavirus and until then I believed it wasn't possible to stoop any lower or do something more soulless than porn. It pays well but it really shows how fucking rotten people are.

>> No.4643229

I guess people are having fun calling them idk dude don't ask me

>> No.4643241

What's with the uptick in these pity threads?
I'm having so much fun doing art. I can finally put into paper what I envision. I love seeing people enjoy my art, some even pay me to do it. Can you believe it? I don't care if it's not the best paid thing, cause I only need money to survive, everything else is a bonus.
I love arts I love shitposting about art, I love this board(except op and people like him)!

>> No.4644548

just play single player games

>> No.4644553


>> No.4644556

pyw so I can see how canon and boring your work is

>> No.4644715

>I'm having so much fun doing art. I can finally put into paper what I envision. I love seeing people enjoy my art, some even pay me to do it.
Friendly reminder that porn isn't art, just in case

>> No.4644928

5 years experience as a musician is fucking nothing, wtf?

>> No.4645272
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What if you don't enjoy the doing of anything?

>> No.4645323

you could uuuhhh do drugs