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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4639122 No.4639122 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I fucked up.
How do I rebrand myself as an artist without anyone recognizing me?

>> No.4639143

What did you do? Getting cancelled?

>> No.4639154

just change up your default brushes and subject matter, but yeah, I'd also be interested in >>4639143

>> No.4639161

>and subject matter
To what extent? I don't think I can draw only landscapes and still lifes from now on.

>> No.4639162

I have a similar question

I heard when making a new twitter you gotta wait a week or so for twitter to unflag you as a potential spam profile aka anything you post within the first week doesn't get any traction.

or maybe it actually was, if you don't post the first week and are also not getting any big numbers your profile is given a "pawn" status, aka it's categorized as something that's just there to feed other creators feeds without getting big clicks yourself

I think this was discussed either here or another board a while ago

>> No.4639174

Just using different brushes and slightly modifying your workflow can already make your art feel very different, so a basic shift in subject matter should be enough. if your previous focus was cute animal comics, switch to pokemon or cartoon children, something like Charlie Brown or Calvin and Hobbes. If you did pinup fanart, change the target audience of your average illustration - if it was softcore porn before, switch to explicit shit or sfw, if your characters generally feel happy and energetic, switch to subject matter with a more sombre, low-key feel. And so on.

>> No.4639180

Tell us what happened OP

>> No.4639182

the hidden mechanisms of social media are a huge problem. I sometimes wonder whether I should just try making a new identity for a couple months to see if it gains more traction than an already established identity.

>> No.4639189

What did you do???

>> No.4639192

Tell us how you fucked up

>> No.4639205

Spill everything, fagget!!

>> No.4639209
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it couldnt have been that bad, just ride the storm until ppl forget about whatever you did it's not worth changing your content and social media presence

>> No.4639224

OP here, I am being blackmailed by discord trannies who I once called friends. They turned into radical leftists and threatened to leak unsavory chatlogs when I refused to accept them.
I'm sure I said a bunch or -ist and -phobic things that would have me lynched on social media. I'd rather save myself from the inevitable and quit.
Also, along with changing my style and subject matter I will never associate anything personal with my art ever again. My artist identity will be entirely compartmentalized.

I hope anyone reading this learns from my mistake, don't trust anyone.

>> No.4639227

I... drew a comic
there's a man and a woman on a public bench
they were...
holding hands...
and she gives him a...
peck on the cheek...
they both blush and say I love you

I am so ashamed... is it that bad?

>> No.4639235
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>> No.4639236

That's why I stopped being racist, only bad things come out of it.

>> No.4639239


>> No.4639244

Your first mistake was befriending mentally ill people. I've also said and done questionable things with people I had arguments with, but they were normal people and I trust that they have no reason to backstab me. You can't trust people who believe in gender theory. You're now liable to random callouts if you ever use your public identity on the internet, will it matter? Are you going to be popular or famous? In general you should avoid using your public identity online, that was one of the good rules of the old internet, never use your real name or give your real data around.

How many followers did you have? Do you draw porn? Nobody cares if you draw porn, especially the SJWs since they're the kind of people who'd cosplay as SS in the bedroom. Worst comes to worst you can give the mob a bootlicking and apologize profusely, but if you're a white male you're already a third class citizen in any industry. Just leave this shit environment IMO.

>> No.4639251

>stopped being racist
It doesn't matter if you stopped, if you ever were at any point you will get cancelled. Plus, the criteria for acceptable amounts of racism is shifting every year. 10 years ago an off color joke or passing comment would gain little attention, today it will get you fired and blacklisted for life.
Social media is set up now that this is enabled and encouraged. It's just terrifying as someone who gets paid work through social exposure.

>> No.4639252

You mean you pretend to be somebody you are not and lie to yourself?

>> No.4639253

Own it, cuck. Go full shadman.

>> No.4639258

If you lie to yourself about something long enough you start to believe it, yes.

>> No.4639260

>if you're a white male you're already a third class citizen in any industry
Can't you just never show your face and pretend to be a brown woman?

>> No.4639261


>> No.4639263

In my defence they showed no signs of being crazy trannies when we met. It really feels like they got dragged into a cult over the span of a few months.

>> No.4639265

I guess that can work if you don't fully realize you are lying to yourself, but I honestly don't understand how you can knowingly do it.

>> No.4639266

>they showed no signs of being crazy trannies when we met
This is almost never the case, you are just a poor judge of character. I'm not great at it either, but in hindsight I'm sure you will find indicators.

>> No.4639271

You'd be surprised how quickly people can turn if they are desperate.
Yes, now I can see the signs and I am grateful for the learning experience.

>> No.4639274
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>> No.4639278

The great dong wangjia

>> No.4639280

Well it's not surprising that a chink would be racist.

>> No.4639284

this nigga

>> No.4639288

>That's why I stopped being racist, only bad things come out of it.
Yah bro fuck racism. You gotta check out multiculturalism, really good things are coming out of multiculturalism right now.

>> No.4639292

That isn't what I said, reread the text slowly and maybe you will understand it.

>> No.4639307

> if they are desperate.
That's also a bad sign

>> No.4639326

That is the essence of what you wrote my dude, I repackaged it but the message is a 100% accurate parody of your belief system.

>> No.4639336

I'm pretty sure that anon is one of those who scream white genocide when they see a black guy existing

>> No.4639341

Based spineless conformist doing whatever it takes to stay out of trouble. You'll reach the limit of how far you're willing to twist your morals to stay alive eventually, or you'll end up as a guard in a labor camp. Either way, see you in the gulags.

>> No.4639342

Isn't easy just to accept that they are trans?

>> No.4639344

No it isn't, you should take some reading comprehension lessons retard, you brought up an entirely different/irrelevant argument like some sort of cheap "gotcha", I'm talking about the negative effects that come to the "racist" person.
You brought up the actions of the marginalised group to an irrelevant conversation like if I have defended them, when my statement was morally neutral to the actions of the "racist".
Now reread the statement like when you were a child and let's see if you finally get it faggot.

>> No.4639346

Just start over, block those retards and deactivate your accounts. Sever your real name from your online identity. Never discuss identity politics or who you are with anyone. You can’t trust people anymore because online everything is documented and will be used against you.

>> No.4639354

You or your words are not complicated to understand I comprehend it all 100%. Basically you couldn't stand losing the argument and now you are lashing out and writing increasingly lengthy posts full of nonsense. Sorry bud you lost, take the L. Better luck next time.

>> No.4639357

"Isn't it easy to just act like god exists?"
Sure, there's nothing easier in the short term than conforming. However, in a free society people get to have their own opinions, even when it comes to important and potentially controversial topics like climate change, the corona virus, and yes, how gender works. If you don't like the public perception of a topic that's important to you, the correct thing to do is convince people of your views, not try and destroy their lives as punishment for their thought crimes.

>> No.4639359

t. Retard.

>> No.4639362

you have to do what kelly wang aka mayli aka kelly baltazar did. its not gonna be pretty anon.

>> No.4639363

depends what you mean by trans. if by trans you mean males who want to be female and dress like females and expect you to treat them like females even though they aren't, then yea i'll accept that they're trans. if you want me to accept that up is down and downs are cats, no i'm not going to do that.

>> No.4639368

So you are an idiot. Ok then I'm glad you are having a crisis over this. Get fucked

>> No.4639369

You can't convice people that say things like the OP did.
If you wanna act like a bitch you die a bitch

>> No.4639374

Do what nickleflick did but without drawing the same fucking characters for the same fucking request thread. Start using different brush for your linework.

>> No.4639376
File: 15 KB, 447x398, Na wink1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow an elaborate hairstyle, wear a dodgy set of glasses and adopt a weird accent

>> No.4639379

"you can only convince people who already agree with you, violence is the only language nazi bigots understand"
You ideologues are way more dangerous than regular bigots, and you're only hurting the people you claim to protect by creating polarization and pressuring politicians into making stupid, rushed decisions to appease the mob. Please stop being violent, civil society subverting thugs.

>> No.4639380

>ist and -phobic things that would have me lynched on social media. I'

Embrace your true self and become the new Ben Garrison. Or don't, just get a new email and new online nickname.

>> No.4639389

You can convice people that don't make stupid immature jokes to act smart. Yes, also I never mentioned Nazis or something like that. Nice strawman

>> No.4639392

You were their fake friend and they were your fake friends. Guess what, real friends don't try and forcefully politically re-educate people into not being transexual. For a real friend, you support them no matter what they do or believe or at worst you turn a blind eye.

Be more tolerant of what people believe in. That's the problem with you people nowadays, everyone's either an insane right wing neonazi like you, OP, or an insane left wing neo nazi like the people you ran into.

Lesson learned, you fucked up bad. A lot of artists are complete blacklisting nutters, even the ones who don't give a shit about politics might turn on you and accuse you of stealing styles and tracing if and when they become jealous. These people are just pirahnas out for drama so never apologise to them but also never post stupid political shit on social media. Are you really going to close your account? Because that's exactly what they want you to do. Revenge is called keeping it open and telling them to post whatever they want.

The sweetest revenge is improving until you beat their faces into the dirt and then when you're professional tier maybe you can think about making a new portfolio/account.

>> No.4639393

You said "If you wanna act like a bitch you die a bitch". That is the same as condoning ruining peoples lives over being "too immature to be reasoned with".
Now tell me again, how am I strawmanning you?

>> No.4639407

They'll know who you are the instant you do commissions because faking your personal details will get your money frozen. OP is very smart.

>> No.4639414

>For a real friend, you support them no matter what they do or believe or at worst you turn a blind eye.
Wrong. A real friend is someone with the balls to tell you when you're fucking up. You might as well be an animal if you cant have standards. You sound like a total pussy.

>> No.4639434

>deleting your whole account and running away because a bunch of literal discord users threatened to apply bulli is the epitome of braveness and heroism
No, it is really not. And OP had better figure out a good plan for what will inevitably happen when he makes a new account and someone uncovers who his previous username was and outs him all over again to a whole new audience. Because burying his head in the sand by trying to make up a bunch of excuses to a bunch of anons will not help him.

>> No.4639437

Tranny BTFO. Enjoy hell.

>> No.4639439

Hahaha sure buddy. Jump into conclusions to fit your narrative, that's kinda paranoic of you

>> No.4639440

The fact that you choose to use the word "marginalized group" here proves that he was right.

>> No.4639442

He's saying "i'll accept that they're trans. if you want me to accept that up is down and downs are cats, no i'm not going to do that."
If he wanna be a smart-ass he will deal with the consequences.

>> No.4639443

>a real friend would encourage you if you believed you are Napoleon, he would help you get surgery to shorten your legs and never doubt that you are in fact Napoleon

>> No.4639445

>deleting your whole account and running away because a bunch of literal discord users threatened to apply bulli is the epitome of braveness and heroism
How the fuck did you infer that from my response???? OP's tranny friends sound fake. I didn't say anything about that. OP is a pussy too for not standing up for the truth. My point was that there's nothing brotherly about enabling bad behavior.

>> No.4639447

>OP's plan to avoid being cancelled by a bunch of discordfags involves deleting his entire account, calling a bunch of anons trying to help him trannies and ignoring the retarded sequence of decisions that got him to this point in his retarded life
Reflect on this moment because this is one in a long line of experiences. Maybe next time you will get your skull bashed in, but maybe you can try calling the people on the emergency line faggots and trannies while you bleed to death; that will show the people who injured you in the first place.

>> No.4639448

"Hey can you refer to me as she from now on? “
Geez, So hard right?

>> No.4639450

In 2020's narcissist society this is actually true.

>> No.4639454


You don’t have a business account with PayPal? The fuck your doing? Just register your business legally and voila.

>> No.4639455

"Hey can you refer to me as Napoleon from now on? "
Geez, So hard right?

>> No.4639459
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>mfw I created my paypal when I was a child and put in a fake name but paypal doesn't let you change your name

>> No.4639460

"Hey can you undermine the foundation of objective reality for me?"
Nihilism, subjectivism, relativism , etc are the anti-christ.

>> No.4639466

Because I used the correct word he was correct? are you retarded? just because they chimp out and act like idiots doesn't change facts.

And no that still doesn't prove his point because he made an irrelevant claim that wasn't relevant to the conversation.

>> No.4639468

That's a lot of words to say that you think that biological sex and gender are the same.

>> No.4639471

>If you don't subscribe to my particular relativist model of gender, you must think that it's the same as sex
nice false binary

>> No.4639473

You are only allowed one business account. The accounts need to be withdrawn and that's how Paypal will find you and freeze you.

>> No.4639481

They are though

>> No.4639484

Oh wait you also used "anti-christ" unironically, you are a fucking meme

>> No.4639494

no. geneder is a social role of a sex, it says so in many neuro-fuck whatever, brain science textbooks. How men and women behave.
Sex is a biological term and has strict meaning.
Gender and sex are related, but not the same.
One has to admire how years of word bending and subversion led to actual belief that they are the same.

>> No.4639495

Sorry for interrupting your convo with the tranny, but can you pyw, I want to see what the abilities of a religious cuck are.

>> No.4639497

well, one popular modern-day social justice position is that sex isn't even real.

>> No.4639500

Pyw crabcuck before playing the victim game

>> No.4639501

you first, pywcuck

>> No.4639505

Kek. Well I think we need a witch hunt because that's a devilish sorcery, plain and simple!

>> No.4639506

One popular conservative position is that eating babies makes you younger.
I'm not going to post anything to pprve this but you need to believe me that every single conservative thinks this because a person said it once
If you think that only trans support this then I can assume that you have no idea what being emphatic is all about

>> No.4639509

>eating babies makes you younger
Hey, that's blood libel you fucking anti-Semite!

>> No.4639512

it's literally one of the central conflicts between second and third wave feminism you disingenuous piece of shit. have you read any of the modern reception of judith butlers work? every other commentary on gender trouble bitches about her sex-gender distinction.

>> No.4639515

>If you think that only trans support this then I can assume that you have no idea what being emphatic is all about

No, I understand it. and I'm on your side of the argument. He outed himself as a retard when he mention the antichrist, I still like to use the word tranny tho.

>> No.4639519

OK. I'm not but ok

>> No.4639525

And JKR call herself a feminist while being a TERF. Only because some say that sex isn't real doesn't mean that I'm saying it so if you are going to use it as an argument try to stay in topic

>> No.4639532

JKRs tweet was literally just an affirmation of the sex-gender distinction, arguing that transwomen are only female in gender. To disagree with that is precisely to deny that that distinction is real.

>> No.4639536
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 1591379921814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing the amount of leftist trannies on /ic/ through all these recent political threads made me support the crabs in this shithole. You people deserve each other.

>> No.4639548

Trans men mestruate too so saying "people who mestruate" is not wrong. She was trying to be a smart-ass about it and also this is not the first time she has been acting like this so I'm gonna call her a TERF even if you don't like it

>> No.4639553

Why should I post mine? I'm asking you because I want to see your humiliation of knowing that your "God" didn't give you any talent/ artistic abilities, now can you please post the shitty scribbles that you call "art" that I was able to make when I was 14.
C'mon Christcuck amuse us!

>> No.4639558

what the fuck is your argument here? biological females menstruate, biological males don't. pointing that out isn't being smart.

>> No.4639557

>call herself a feminist while being a TERF
>TERF is literally yada-yada Feminist
Kikery. Kikery never changes.

>> No.4639567

You... You know what a trans male is right? Saying that only "women" mestruate is wrong.
She was mad because the article said "people who mestruate"

>> No.4639572

Are you stupid? I never said that TERF are not feminists but saying you are a teacher and teaching how to get stinged by bees doesn't mean that you can have an opinion over actual teachings in schools

>> No.4639582

This. Being a crab is a public service at this point. Doing good and keeping the discord trannies locked here where they belong.

>> No.4639585

there's no non-ideological reason to use social vocabulary when talking about biological processes. the function of "people who have wombs" is just to phrase "biological female" in a way that doesn't directly connect to "trans male", because you want to distance yourself from the association "trans males are biologically female", a politically problematic statement.

>> No.4639593

>Saying that only "women" mestruate is wrong.


The absolute state of society. Im sorry you've literally been brainwashed into thinking that up is down. But please, do everyone a favor and jump off a cliff so we can all see you fly high into the sky!

>> No.4639600

I'm still waiting christcuck, let us see your "art"!!

>> No.4639601

>There no reason to do this because I say so
Trans male don't hide the fact that they mestruate or that they can get pregnant tho.

>> No.4639605

You first, christfag

>> No.4639626

I'm not claiming they are, the self-conceptions of actual transpeople have very little to do with gender ideology as it exists today. I'm arguing that the mainstream academic discourse about gender tries to suppress distinctions beween trans men and women and biological males and females though how it uses gendered and sexed terminology.

>> No.4639627


>> No.4639635
File: 238 KB, 1121x1426, 0fhc4spxks841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedom from God is slavery to Satan.

>> No.4639641

Oh you have to be baiting

>> No.4639642

The truth hurts, eh?

>> No.4639647

Trust me, even if you get a new identity or account you will blow it again. There's, ironically, no salvation for you

>> No.4639648

Don't think that's yours, and even if it is, it's pretty shit Tyler. Especially the other shitty road painting the artist made. If you think a school project tier painting is something to brag about then no wonder you have faith in God.

>> No.4639655

if you're still going to talk shit, post some work of your own first.

>> No.4639662

I wasn't talking about your art tho. I was talking about your stupid believes and the way you express yourself. In 2 months you will fuck it up again

>> No.4639667

Why would I reveal my identity to a nazi? Tyler if you really are that artist you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

>> No.4639670

>I heard when making a new twitter you gotta wait a week or so for twitter to unflag you as a potential spam profile
It would be nice to log in at all. I created an account a month ago, they immediately blocked it on the 2nd log in and demanded a phone number for verification. Fuck that.

>> No.4639675

>OP here, I am being blackmailed by discord trannies who I once called friends.
You don't make friends with visibly destructive fiends.


>> No.4639677

Sad, but true

>> No.4639679

Most of the trans people I know look "normal" actually. I understand that you can't think for yourself but don't go around being proud of that

>> No.4639681

>Do you draw porn? Nobody cares if you draw porn, especially the SJWs since they're the kind of people who'd cosplay as SS in the bedroom
Zoey Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, etc.

>> No.4639684
File: 45 KB, 499x750, kfbnbjkc4qn21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here's an idea:
step 1: get a girlfriend
step 2: don't insult trans people on the internet in your spare time, because the more time you spend doing it the more obvious it is that you want to fuck them
step 3: don't share controversial opinions if you want to market your artwork on the internet
step 4: stop drawing shitty anime art or no one will ever care about you or your art, unless you're asian

>> No.4639689

Of course you made sure to use the guys name in your posts, to make it clear to him that you now know who he is and make him afraid that you'll find him again. Don't think that people don't notice your intimidation tactics. The more stunts like this you pull, the more bridges your little cult burns.

>> No.4639701

That wasn't that anon, that was me, and I did it because I don't think that retard is Tyler, but if it is him then he's a lost cause.

>> No.4639706
File: 87 KB, 1412x810, not_me_bud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty slick move finding my old dead blog. At least shit on my current dead blog https://www.instagram.com/0xspig/

>> No.4639707

Not me, try again

>> No.4639711

>stop drawing shitty anime art
literally the only art that people give a fuck about is anime

>> No.4639712

>I-it's not like that

>> No.4639714

The thing is, when you’re a porn artist you won’t achieve anything higher than that and someone canceling you won’t really have any affect to your income. What opportunities are you going to lose when you don’t have any in the first place? Nothing cause porn artist are already the bottom of the barrel anyway. All that does is bring more coombrain retards to be added to your income.

>> No.4639719
File: 213 KB, 1080x855, Screenshot_20200609_140546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again

>> No.4639725

>Phone posting

>> No.4639726

Now that's what I call moving the goalpost

>> No.4639730

are you stupid? there were two posts itt mentioning >>4639635s name prior to my post, and in response, two posts that denied trying to intimidate him for ideological reasons. I wasn't implying that you're the same person, I'm saying that you're both playing by the same, easy to spot ideological rulebook.

>> No.4639735

Moral of the story, don't make friends with trannies, they'll try and shove their surgically removed dicks into any orifice so they don't have to listen.

>> No.4639736

I'm not the one calling you Tyler. Stop being so paranoid

>> No.4639739

I've already made my point, other anons can judge for themselves.

>> No.4639740

>the same, easy to spot ideological rulebook.
Sure if by that you mean me taking 15 second from my life and google searching the painting and finding the actual artist, since again I seriously doubt someone who is trying to stop people from recognizing him would be so stupid to basically give people in here a way to find his actual name, but again christcucks are retarded so you never know.

>> No.4639744

same really.. a buddy of mine made a new twitter and got 4k likes on his first drawing and over 1k followers. Meanwhile it took me over a year to go over 1k

>> No.4639746

Fucking kek at all the people arguing at "me"

>> No.4639748

What point? That I'm using some weird tactic to mess with him? Well I'm not. If the other anon is doing that, we'll that's his problem not mine

>> No.4639749

A shame, really. So much potential, all melded into the same pursuits.

>> No.4639751

Eh, just have to accept that 2d waifus are vastly superior (and profitable) to 3d

>> No.4639775

What the fuck is going on in this thread, wasn't 4chan supposed to be the last safe haven against trannies?

>> No.4639779

why are they an idiot? because they don't believe down is cats? what are you even doing here, anyway? don't communists hate art?

>> No.4639780

Well, I wont argue with you there.

>> No.4639781

you're delusional because you spend the whole day on this chinese soup cartoon board

>> No.4639782

coomies like propaganda

>> No.4639783

you belong in a pen, you're feral

>> No.4639786

All the artists with something resembling a voice of their own were established like 10 years ago. At this point the entire art world has shrunk down to Alegria shit for commercial art, realism for anything involving 3D, and anime for everything else because it goes hand in hand with coom. And it's going to shrink further as the years go by.

>> No.4639807

The truth hurts. That's why I just make the art for own enjoyment and little else. I think unless you intend to do it as a job the sense of improvement is the best feeling.

>> No.4639810

>and anime for everything else
yeah no only japanese can draw anime, and there are just a dozen of good japanese artists.

you probably meant western tumblr animu, and yeah that goes with coom.

>> No.4639820

haha hilarious my good sir! Updoots to the left!!!!

>> No.4639824

The fact that you think communist has anything to do with not being an idiot is hilarious to me

>> No.4639859

to /pol/ with you

>> No.4639869
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>> No.4639937
File: 894 KB, 1000x1500, 1591566982591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever i talk to a tranny i like responding to them with photos of beautifull women. I wonder how awfull it must feel to never be able to even be a ugly woman, just a men in a dress.

>> No.4639952

It's only one trannyfucker defending them but just proving how insufferable they are instead

>> No.4639961

lol I did the same thing. I realized I drew myself into a very specific corner and could never get out of it anymore, so I just quit and rebranded myself. Was a good opportunity to get rid of some art habits that dragged me down (and made it possible to identify me). Looking back, all the artists I used to associate with are now bitter virgins, complaining about how they aren't getting laid/depression/back pain to their followers for sympathy points. I lost about 10k followers, but looking at the hellish clique I escaped I did the right thing.

>> No.4639967

I feel for you, I've played out scenarios like that in my head a few times. I think in all cases you can just ignore getting cancelled and nothing will happen. You might get recognized at some point anyway, if you make a new account. I found out the identity of an artist just by looking at the way he drew creases and the quality of his lines.
But yeah you should avoid posting any based (or soi) shit completely, since you always run the risk of alienating someone who buys your shit.
There's no friends on the internet

>> No.4639975

Thanks, it's encouraging. I'll use this as an opportunity to improve my art significantly and as a learning experience going forward.

>> No.4639987

Since this thread is basically over anyway:
I wonder what you anons make of the idea that all the big social media sites which exist today use something like a shared user trust score, calculated based on your overall browsing behavior - google searches, what type of content you watch, like and share, what hashtags and overall vocabulary you use in your own posts and so on. Everything you post to social media is then given higher or lower visibility depending on your score. Maybe the advanced spellcheck thing that has been implemented for a lot of pages since a couple years is also used for that purpose. Does that sound realistic at all?

>> No.4640038 [DELETED] 

real friends don't let their friends fuck up their body due to mental illness. neither do real parents. but without nature as our enemy, friends and parents have lost their reason for existing. now we're all just acquaintances and objects to one another - even parents and children - and if you cut your peepee off, well that's no skin off my dong. what, did we invade iwo jima together or something? there's no real bond there. i don't care about your peepee, and that's a horrible thing when you think about it. allowing a person to do whatever they want is called neglect, and friends don't neglect their friends. but that's what a "friend" is now. "friends" now barely know each other, let alone care about each other. i may be able to virtue signal about your cut off peepee on twitter for e-points from other mentally ill people. take a picture with a ghoulish tranny face and #love. if you're cute i may even let you suck my peepee, but i wouldn't tell anybody about it. no, there are no friends now. just objects and symbols for e-points from strangers on the internet. it is actually hard to lie to somebody you care about. the fact that you think otherwise is more troubling to me than somebody telling their actual friend "don't cut off your peepee, see a real therapist for your mental illness".

>> No.4640060

You know that trans don't always get operations right? Of course you don't. You think you can decide what's better and what's right. Idiot

>> No.4640061 [DELETED] 

i assume the government has been building such profiles for decades now. i bet they have software which compiles all of your particular data and models it, showing your possible paths, communications, mental and emotional profile, etc.

>> No.4640065 [DELETED] 

If there's no surgery or body modification then that's just cross dressing, not trans.

>> No.4640071

Calling them mentally ill doesn't actually help tho. What you believe isn't a fact and only shows your need to control everything around you. Kinda sad

>> No.4640078


>> No.4640084 [DELETED] 

people who don't get surgery but still want internet points for being trans are the real problem. if im gonna call you a trans, im gonna need to see a couple boobs or a stitched up gash. otherwise, you're just a man with a humiliation fetish.

i can call anybody mentally ill because i am mentally ill. like how niggers can call each other niggers. but i get therapy and don't listen to people who try to use me for twitter points, unlike trannies.

>> No.4640095

yeah, but I'm more worried about google and fb, since they basically control the flow of information on internet at this point, and I can't even imagine the kind of influence over peoples beliefs and interests they would have if they coupled their gatekeeping position with psychological and political user profiles.
what is this word salad? how is it even related to the post you responded to?

>> No.4640103

I quoted the wrong post sorry for that. I meant to quote >>4640038

>> No.4640104

>trying to live is "having internet points"
Get out of the internet dude. There's a world out there

>> No.4640111

They are all going to kill themselves, i doubt you can live your entire life lying to yourself without it affecting you at some point. It doesn't help that the whole idea of transgenderism is based on a fetish.

>> No.4640112 [DELETED] 

yeah, bleak streets with mcdonald's, 7/11s and everybody on their phone

>> No.4640120

Maybe you need to kill yourself and escape this reality you created

>> No.4640134


>> No.4640140 [DELETED] 

no, im way too narcissistic for that.

>> No.4640145

I can tell, you think everything must get your approval, that's why you are in /ic/

>> No.4640148

This has nothing to do with the thread but I've been too many years a hikki and I met people I knew again by chance, they accepted my back in but they're all alienated as fuck by the way I talk. I don't say edgy shit, I just give an awkward crazy person vibe apparently.
I became more quiet while trying to adjust and they pretty much dropped me. I used to be sociable and had no problems chatting girls up at parties and cracking jokes and all that normal person shit, so everyone expects me to talk as if I lived a relatively normal life. I hinted I've been dealing with massive personal issues for a really long time but they just don't get on what level of fucked I am because they're all relatively sheltered people.
I'll never be normal again. I'm gonna fucking die here.

>> No.4640162 [DELETED] 

im here for /beg/. i wouldn't dare criticize somebody else's artwork. i started coming after /r/learnart was shut down to support the most recent chimpout.
i finally got to go back to work to make some money after the coronavirus shutdown, and then the libs caused the roads to my work to be blocked off due to protesting the death of that black drug addict, and destroyed some of the places near where i worked. i think it should be back open soon, but on sunday i saw another large group of them.
my city's mayor actually took a knee with the libs and the destructive people, and sided with them over the police.
if i sound bitter and angry it's because we live in a world where the squeaky wheels get the grease. if you don't say anything you get shit on and blocked from making a living, while the loudest and dumbest who tell you that you have to stay inside from the virus, allow dumb blacks and whites to gather in groups, shut off your access to making money, and get photo ops with the mayor rather than get arrested for being ludicrous, retarded sociopaths. we live in a world where if you want something to happen, you have to throw some elbows, that's how it works. im only willing to do it on 4chan because these crazy people dominate the increasingly bleak world outside of it.

>> No.4640163

Oh and of course, they implied my art is shit as well, so I don't even get points for being the guy who traded his sanity for massive gains. I'm just a retard.

>> No.4640324
File: 64 KB, 1360x768, EaDAjV9X0AAGVoH-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just adopt the "lawyer" strategy anon. Delete your discord account and make a new one that is identical to it. Remove all incriminating evidence. Say that you don't understand whose account that is, and why someone would fake this stuff to drag you down. If it's verifiable that it's yours, say that the names have been faked. If they can prove the names haven't been faked, say that it was edited in. Deny Deny Deny, until they get tired. Just don't admit anything or apologize, ever.

>> No.4640335

dude, nobody will remember about it in a week - these things blow off very quickly, fuck that shit

>> No.4640344
File: 241 KB, 560x1000, 1568119947975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just send them an email asking for an unblock and saying you're not a bot.
Might have to insist, I needed to send 5 for my first handle, 3 for my second.

>> No.4640345

we're all gonna die here, anon. back to the grindstone.

>> No.4640367


>> No.4641176

I wish I could stomach drawing porn. It's literal easymode, I couldn't believe how different the environment is, you get so much encouragement and appreciation, even if it's all because people want to get their rocks off at least you actually get some humanity back and people paradoxically treat you like a human being instead of a bot who writes Yahoo headlines. I pulled out in a few months and people are still asking years later why I disappeared or if I've done anything new. It's depressing that you're actually remembered for this shit but if you draw anything else no matter how much blood and soul you put into it and one day you disappear nobody cares. It's like nothing else has an impact on anybody's life anymore.

>> No.4641204

/las/ discord? last I saw it was full of seething trannies

>> No.4641263
File: 15 KB, 209x241, 1553683151356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw years of 4chan has caused me to treat every post I see like it's someone trying to manipulate me in order to pull the rug out from under my feet
Anyway I image searched your pic and it came out clean.

>> No.4641459

Better call Saul.

>> No.4642919

Lol xd!

>> No.4642935

>Blaming libs for police brutality
I'm glad you can't work

>> No.4642943

Kys tranny.

>> No.4642964

4chan -especially /ic/- is infested with trannies

>> No.4642996

Trannie is definition of "person who says what I dont like"?

>> No.4643051

His mistake was getting too close to online friends who he knows nothing about. Not saying you can't make an actual good friend on the internet but you have to be extremely careful about it. Whenever I feel like someone online is trying to get too close with me I make myself seem a lot more busy and less available. So far I have always turned out to be right by following my instincts. I have an IRL friend who became close with people on our server and they are not kind of people who I want attached to me. These people have caused him a lot of stress with their controlling bullshit.

>> No.4643061

How do people even control what others do through a chatroom?

This is not a rhetoric question, honestly I'm baffled there's so many people getting their lives damaged due to discord friends.

>> No.4643073

Why don't you spend time attacking actual bigots, like religious fundamentalists who hate all LGBT, rather than lesbians who don't feel comfortable sucking dick?

Is it because they are.. women?

Is hard to believe we are in a time where it's like we've come full circle and it's totally fine and woke to shame homosexuals.

>> No.4643094

You're arguing with a discord tranny, it's not going to work.

>> No.4643115

You can't. That's why you need to be careful not to get too invested because a) it won't bother you as much if you are ejected from the group and b) they won't have any chatlogs to use against you because you didn't participate in any controversial discussions. I haven't been called out on any of my content but if I did then I'd just keep doing what I do and let them seethe.
I should point out that my friend isn't getting harrassed about his art. These people have meltdowns out of nowhere because they think he's not giving them enough attention and make a huge shitstorm out of it. Then they badger him about not getting online to talk to them constantly or for taking breaks from online. Oh and of course they all want free art too. This is the reality of online communities in general, you're going to get a lot of people who have serious problems IRL and just want to manipulate others any way they can.

>> No.4643122

What are you even saying? LGTB+ always attack those kind of people. Maybe stop watching Sargon videos and try to form your own opinion.
Is that the new buzzword?

>> No.4643143

Kill all the alphabet niggers and problem will be solved.

>> No.4643175

Shame everyone for everything. Shame on you for being an idiot lmao.

>> No.4643180

>These people have meltdowns out of nowhere because they think he's not giving them enough attention and make a huge shitstorm out of it. Then they badger him about not getting online to talk to them constantly or for taking breaks from online.
What the fuck. Is the 'mentally ill discord groups' meme actually real? Man, I'm never joining any /ic/ discord then.

>> No.4643185

>LGB people always attack lesbians
Sure bro
>if you're a lesbian but don't wanna suck a dick then you watch Sargon
Impeccable rhetoric

Let me guess, discord lesbian (male)?

>> No.4643195

You said that LGBT+ People dont attack bigots when they usually do.
You are the one bringing lesbians to this conversation for no reason.

>> No.4643202

That poster is not me. S/he simply said that instead of attacking lesbian who don't like 'girls' with dicks, why don't you attack actual bigots.

Unless you mean lesbians who don't wanna suck dick are bigot or transphobic or whatever.

>> No.4643204

Sargon? Lol nah dude I prefer listening to Jessica Yaniv, much more my style.

>> No.4643207
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1575597262875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK buddy.

>> No.4643210

They don't attack real bigots is what I meant. They attack "bigots" = "people who disagree with my personal opinions" or "people I want to have silenced"

>> No.4643211

Yeah it's true, internet has been full of wackos since the beginning it isn't shocking. Why do you think there's communities that gatekeep and only allow professionals to post.
If you want to join then do it or maybe find a different group if you have reservations about the /ic/ discord. I'm not saying this shit to discourage people just explaining how to and not to approach these types of communities. Like I said my friend made the mistake of getting way too close to these people or it never would have been an issue.

>> No.4643215


>> No.4643220

well, they do. Again Im not trans, Im Cis, I have something called empathy, I know people like you know nothing about that so you think that everyone who doesn't think like you must be from the "enemy group"
I Have never mentioned lesbians in this whole thread, you and that anon are the only ones talking about that. Trans are not lesbians, a trans woman can be a lesbian but not all trans women are lesbians, gender and sexual orientation are not the same

>> No.4643223

You seriously believe LGBT+ people has never attack religious fundamentalists?
Leave your house more often

>> No.4643228

Is a lesbian who doesn't like trans women a bigot? Answer already.

>> No.4643233

LGBT+ have never cannibalized themselves no

>> No.4643240

Do you really think those are the only people they attack? Lmao you should stop munching so much carpet and leave your house more often.

>> No.4643245

No. Lesbians can't be bigoted. It's the same way that POC can't be racist towards whites. It's only fair given the institutional patriarchal sexism, racism, and bigotry LGBTQIIAP+ humans have endured

>> No.4643248

Why did you go ballistics at this >>4643073 post then? Unless you intentionally misread it for victim points.

>> No.4643249
File: 151 KB, 1220x538, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of this tranny board I swear

>> No.4643268

Because I hate religious "people"... They push their beliefs on us and persecute us for being who we are. You should spend your time attacking actual bigots, mainly cis white christian males, but instead you fuckers on 4chan are obsessed with right wing shit like attacking Muslims, the religion of PEACE and TOLERANCE, instead of the very people controlling your little puppet strings. It pisses me off that you brainlets just troll around using the word faggot, too. Do you even understand what that word means to LGBT+ people? You do the same shit with the n-word, like it's all a joke.

I'm getting too triggered here. Fuck you guys, I quit

>> No.4643278

She doesn't like a particular trans woman or she doesn't see them as woman? If is the later then she is a bigot.
I don't know why you wanted to bring this thing out of tin air but then you have it

>> No.4643283

That doesn't make any sense so Im going to try and stop answering to your idiotic posts
I never said "is the only ones they attack" but the anon said "Why don't you do x instead of y?" and my answer was "They do x". Why is this so hard for you to understand?

>> No.4643292

I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not, if you are I would recommend you to don't hang here too often, I try to avoid most of this boards and topics because is kinda embarrassing how being stupid is "based" for many of them and I don't even belong to the groups they hate so much

>> No.4643300

this post has to be satire

>> No.4643304

>Muslims, the religion of PEACE and TOLERANCE
sharia would get you stoned to death nigger tranny

>> No.4643309

Lesbians are forbidden to dislike male sexed women?

>> No.4643316

Did you read my comment? I said if they don't recognize them as women.

>> No.4643319

Also you seems to be obsessed with lesbians.

>> No.4643328

Trans women are not cis women. That's what JK stated. The example regarding lesbians is to show why this can't be solved by just yelling 'bigot' or 'terf' and disregarding the argument.

>> No.4643330

The argument was that only women mestruate but trans men mestruate too in many cases.

>> No.4643341

No, the argument is that saying 'people who menstruate' invisibilizes women just to no offend transexuals. It isn't the first time they diminish their struggles and achievements, to bend over to transexuals who did nothing to help them.

This thing about 'she's offensive towards males (female) who menstruate' you pulled it off your hat.

>> No.4643345

That is a stupid argument. Go make tweets with #alllivesmatter so you can pretend like you did something good

>> No.4643350

If your internet buddy comes out as trans you let them spiral in their misery and let hem ruin their own lives. If you try to protect them they will try to destroy you, so don't waste your time. Interact with them less if you can. Let hem rot.

>> No.4643396

Yes it's real. Discord and the internet in general is filled with people that are mentally off/ill and have nothing but time on their hands. They either cause drama over nothing or get possessive over you for no reason. The drama and mental illness seems to be magnified because no one that's a well adjusted individual would sit in chat rooms all day.

>> No.4643400

but you just said you were triggered, why is that

>> No.4643402

Explain how he's an idiot. Asking a person to be nice enough to respect your decisions is the absolute most you could ask from a person. Expecting people to perform you insane mental gymnastics is idiotic.

>> No.4643403

It's not. Again going on a tangent? Sargon, ALM, what's next? I'm not even american. Maybe you can deflect with some Chavez next?

>> No.4643406

You're literally expecting the person to do the same for you, but on the opposite spectrum. Sometimes friends have incredibly opposing opinions on things and are unable to come to a middle ground. Wouldn't the adult thing to do is part amicably and not fling shit? Why the fuck do people act like territorial chimps when the other person doesn't believe the same shit they do?

>> No.4643411

That's rich coming from they guy who assumes that I'm a "discord lesbian"

>> No.4643414

Not that anon. Try again
He's not "trying" anything. He fucked up because the simply idea of his friends being trans made him chimp out

>> No.4643415 [DELETED] 

dude, you were so close. the capitalization was too much though.

>> No.4643416

No, no, I'm assuming you're discord tranny.

>> No.4643419

Are you new? 4chan has always had trannies. This site is where the lowest rungs of society come to wallow in filth together, fighting over slightly more fresh shit piles. I would think being on /ic/, where 60% of threads are "uwu, I want to draw anime futa's pegging shotas, but i'm so depressed, woo is me!" would of let you know that most people here are mentally ill.

>> No.4643428

wonder what percentile of /asg/ are girls (boys)
it's the nastiest, most negative, spiteful and depressing general this board has

>> No.4643431

You are probably just a beginner in his 30s who just talks shit about SJWs because you suck. If you quit art forever then you will probably blame it on them and not you because you are unable to take responsibility in your life

>> No.4643435

> wasn't 4chan supposed to be the last safe haven against trannies
can you believe that there are people out here who seriously think 4chan is a "safe haven against trannies" when 4chan is literally where internet tranny culture originated

>> No.4643443
File: 30 KB, 509x371, vipers contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They push their beliefs on us and persecute us for being who we are
Your literally doing the same thing. Fighting fire with fire doesn't put out the fire. You fucking found OP's blog and referred to him by his name you fucking goon. Your sitting here calling people bigots when they ask you questions after you submit some regurgitated information that you read on a video or jpeg on twitter, unironically using the word triggered like this is some sort of satire performance. Your on the other side of the coin of a /pol/ock. Instead of ""Facts"", arguing with ""Feelings"". arbitrary truths that exists inside a vacuum information, devoid of any context. This is the type of thing that drives people to either side of the fence, calling people the equivalent of imbeciles because they don't believe your truths.

Also, its really stupid and borderline bait to sit here and say all this woke trans rhetoric on 4chan of all places.

>> No.4643465

>pretending that Woke isn't all powerful in this anti-White society

>> No.4643486

Are italians white now?

>> No.4643487

I figured a lot of these people scared of sjws are barely old enough to be on here judging by the massive insecurity but maybe you're right. Reminds me of my friend in his early 40s who whines that he could never get into grad school because "I'm a white male" and "muh political views." No fag you can't get in because you're too busy drinking and getting high 24/7 and arguing about politics in the internet to even put a portfolio together. It's easier to cancel yourself and blame some tranny boogeyman than it is to be a fucking adult and do the work. None of this cancel shit would have any power if people would ignore it and keep making art.

>> No.4643494

Why not?

>> No.4643501
File: 24 KB, 474x465, 1560175190808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is literally where internet tranny culture originated


>> No.4643515

If you have pale skin you are now considered white.

>> No.4643563

But this is wrong. Never would I consider medis and slavs white

>> No.4643565

It’s always easier to blame others and playing the victim. But in the end they are just lying to themselves. I have alread drawn six hours this day like for the last five years and left all those late starter crabs behind me. Feels fucking good

>> No.4643648

Does it mean niggers are white when they die?

>> No.4643651

Trannies or what?

>> No.4643663

4chan had tranny culture before tumblr just a different type of tranny culture. KNOW YOUR FACTS. tumblr tranny culture was/is sjw identity politics leftism, generally with biological females identifying as genderqueer because they dye their hair and cut it short. 4chan had mentally ill NEET weeb boys wearing plaid skirts + stockings and wanting be anime girls, way before that.

>> No.4643808

this, 4chan existed way before tumblr and since the beginning there was always an obsession with traps. 4chan is closeted gay and angry about it, tumblr treated being gay as some sort of superpower. the internet itself is the big gay. everyone is retarded.

>> No.4643825

And once again, the LGBT+ narcissists have derailed an initially based thread and made everything all about them.

>> No.4643975

I don't think that's how the middle ground works. If you believe in god and I don't, we can both try to avoid the topic while we're hanging out, or you can do your thing and I can do mine. the middle ground is not that I should engage in prayer with you to make you feel validated.
I affirm peoples right to make their own choices and I'm opposed to discrimination when it comes to finding housing and getting a job, and I don't "misgender" people, just like I wouldn't tell a Christian that their god isn't real every time I see them, but I still agree with the point Peterson made years ago, even if he's a potato now: forcing people use your chosen pronouns using state violence is compelled speech, and people have every right to be upset about that.

>> No.4644017

Honestly, I think this is probably the worst thread I've seen on 4chan. This is like /r9k/ but every other post is just someone in full seethe mode to the point of cringe. /pol/ is more entertaining to read because at least people there are shitposting. I've never seen such a constant stream of cope, bitterness, and angst probably by someone mad at themselves that they've failed at their life or at being a tranny contained in a single thread.

If some of this shit was a genuine attempt at shitposting it probably was just an outlet to cope for something else because holy shit you can tell no one was having fun in this thread.

>> No.4644020

traps and trannies are unrelated. get fucked electionfags

>> No.4644024

>cartoon drawings of boys dressed up as girls are unrelated to other cartoon drawings of boys dressed up as girls because they’re stylistically different
I’ve been here since 2008 and the more things change the more they stay the same

>> No.4644029

That's not the issue.
The issue is that people are too focused on the LGBT crap.
What "trans men menstruation" has to do with art, I'll never know. It's always a slippery slope.

>> No.4644366 [DELETED] 

i get what you're saying. but there's a difference between complaining on 4chan or in your personal life every once in a while about ES JAY DUBYAS, and a bunch of people who cannot stop complaining about everything dominating entire cultural scenes (SJWs). my sympathies do lie more with the procrastinating, bitter late starter than with the bloviating woke retards and trannies on twitter.

>> No.4644374

what did he mean by this? traps are literally trannies

>> No.4644500

>caring about christ
Lmao shove your semitic blood god up your ass faggot

>> No.4644518

Stop crying and caring. Just move the fuck on instead of running to your bubble.

>> No.4644736

>I've never seen such a constant stream of cope, bitterness, and angst
And I haven't posted anything yet. This is usually where I come in and say I hope WWIII happens soon so I can feel one last moment of joy watching the nukes set off at the horizon, finally hopeful enough to close my eyes and imagine a new green world untouched by man for a second before sweet, sweet oblivion.
Or at least a decently sized meteor hitting the USA. That'd be good too.

>> No.4645238

Lately I want to do this but for different reasons. I just don't like my social media presence anymore, no matter how much approval I get from people on the regular. Maybe it's impostor syndrome, maybe it's more of a 'grow out of it' kind of thing, I dunno. I just want to make different shit on the side and not think too much of it I guess.

>> No.4645271

they literally doxed op though

>> No.4645386

honestly /asg/ was a mistake, makes the cattiness of the /alt/ threads look like a cake walk

>> No.4645390
File: 208 KB, 768x1024, 509 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4645393

to think at that time it was a joke
nowadays moot would be bombarded by trannies to transition into his true self

>> No.4645398

I pray for the current youth of this internet era, it's so easy to find validation from strangers these days

>> No.4645409

nigga, /ic/ in general is literal dog shit. Its filled with the worse kind of people to be around if your goal is to grow as an artist/person. Any kind of person you can think of that does everything but art, has washed up here and fills up the catalogue with bile. 4chan is mainly for social outcasts and the mentally ill. Occasionally, you'll run into people with half a brain, but because we're all anonymous, their gone like the wind. This is not a site to grow as a person or meet interesting people, that time is long gone.

>> No.4645430

get help instead of being delusional

>> No.4645687

Where? I don't see a post calling op by name.

>> No.4646214

I don't get why people use this 40% meme
>I held this razor blade and felt like I wanted to *sob* kill myself!
>I took 3 tabs of Xanax instead of one beacuse I wanted to *sob* end it all!
That's a suicide attempt. 40% is a made up statistic to show how oppressed the snowflakes are. Women "attempt" like 4 times as frequently than men yet men have a much higher mortality when they try to kill themselves. Maybe it's because men actually kill themselves instead of just pretending they do to cry for attention.
But nobody gives a fuck about straight white men. I stopped giving a fuck about the suicide "attempts" after I saw people celebrating men's deaths on #worldsuicidepreventionday, or specifying they only care about the queer men. A day later the same people who acted like they gave a fuck about male suicides were spewing that all men are pigs and other stupid shit.
Fuck these people and their creative truths.

>> No.4646358

I'm in the same boat, but I don't think I give enough fucks about what people think about all the bridges I burnt with them.

>> No.4646368

Seems like you're well on your way to becoming part of the 41%. Yikes!

>> No.4646423
File: 167 KB, 1242x1424, EYixnYWUcAUci-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont listen to these delusional people. The oil paiting is more artistic than any steven universe gay shipping genderbending fanart that these tranies make. They will not listen to reason and the time that reality will hit their face and they will look at their aging body and see how they will end up looking like grampa in make up and sissy clothes. There is a reason tranies never life over 40.

May god help them!

>> No.4646495


>> No.4646498

not based

>> No.4646888

you couldn't be more wrong, why are weebs so delusional

>> No.4650566

Sorry forgot, anime is the only decent popular art form. Of course you have your choice of modern moma shit and calart steven universe shit-- but that's only popular for faggots like you with no taste.