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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 669 KB, 992x782, 1589573385868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4634779 No.4634779 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one here who wants to draw because they want people to actually be interested in maintaining friendships with me?

>> No.4634783

Attention whoring is a coping mechanism

>> No.4634793

Ok and?

>> No.4634835
File: 1.35 MB, 500x500, 1586643877070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drawing weird fetishes I have so I can make a special connection which those that share my same fetishes. I can't find such connection in my daily life.

>> No.4636543

im a popular artist but im totally retarded child so i pretend that every one of those thousands of followers is my actual friend.
so that can be the other way around

>> No.4636571
File: 1.69 MB, 1441x875, City Square painted sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the company of 80% of artists insufferable.

They're a bunch of self-centered, emotionally stunted man-children who flop wildly between obsessing over the newest corporate glurge being pumped into the marketplace and getting wrapped up the newest political or social cause du jour, lacking basic empathy and understanding of other people while engaging in sickening sentimentality and empty platitudes.

Who on earth would want to be friends with an artist?

>> No.4636579

you sound like a boring bitter faggot. not surprising you dont fit in

>> No.4636590

It sounds as if you’ve experienced a lot of (real or perceived) rejection from other artists and you’ve allowed it to make you a bit resentful. Surely there are artists out there that you could fit in with that aren’t like you described?

>> No.4636594

I hope so. No one will maintain a friendship with someone just because they like to draw, they'll do it because they find that person fun to be around.

>> No.4636612

Every single fucking loser that draws wants attention. Hoping people will like your characters, that people will like your comic and beg for more and that you'll have some popular game with popular characters that everyone wants to make fan art of.
But people get caught up because their porn drawing got 4k likes and that's all they will ever be

>> No.4636625


>rejection from other artists

Not really. Generally I seem to be well-liked enough. I don't pursue close friendships with a lot of these people because I just don't like them that much.

>Surely there are artists out there that you could fit in with that aren’t like you described?

Yes. The 20%

>> No.4636637

How would you describe the 20% that you are friends with?

>> No.4636679

that is actually very endearing

>> No.4636710
File: 1.30 MB, 1381x900, Color Test sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're closer to the guys you knew in high-school who were into nerdy stuff and weird, obscure media, and have a love of classic film/cartoons/anime. More interested in the media for its own sake, and largely disconnected and unaware of the fandoms for the things they like.

You know, the old style of nerd/geek before they all became virtue-signalling hypocrites or edge-lord reactionaries.

I don't think I fall under that description myself, but that's who I tend to get along with.

>> No.4636735

>Who on earth would want to be friends with an artist?
I think I would. But from the limited interactions I’ve had with them at local conventions they do seem kind of annoying. It’s like reddit or twitter but in people form.

>> No.4636751


Wait until you see their actual twitter accounts. Unbearable.

>> No.4636842

it’s true most artists suck, but when you do make that connection where it just works: never let it go. I know in the past I’ve had some great relationships fade away and it causes so much pain in my heart. far worse than rejection ever could

>> No.4636928

honestly this. A lot of these character issues come from artists' addiction to social media. My part time job is what keeps my sanity, I cannot imagine having to make a living staying online 24/7.

>> No.4636933

>It’s like reddit or twitter but in people form.
This is real. This has trenscend from the pure dribbles of the common man from an ex-communist eastern land forum directly into the physical realm.

>> No.4636959

>Woe is me, mine world mine enemy, thy al areth retarded
If 1 person annoys you, its probably an annoying person
If everyone annoys you, you ARE the annoying person

>> No.4636963
File: 1.92 MB, 1826x1866, hedonist totally complete sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of these character issues come from artists' addiction to social media.

TRUTH. They seal themselves off in these insular little online communities and then get mad when the real world doesn't align to their expectations.

I think the ability to alienate our digital selves from our physical bodies is a major cause of the modern dysmorphia and alienation people feel.

There are entire chunks of generations coming up who, physically isolated in the suburbs and digitally connected via the internet, have lost touch with physical reality.

It's particularly bad for artists because you have to cultivate an online presence to market yourself these days, so it's very easy to get swept up in the tides of online trends and attitudes.

>> No.4636964

This post seems like the exact kind of personality he is talking about

>> No.4636966

I draw cuz i want to draw, that's all.

>> No.4636968


Yes. The world is my enemy. I have never denied that. I cannot be the kind of person I want to be in this world.

Anyway, if you'd ever worked in animation, you'd know 80% is generous.

>> No.4636982

You draw because of combination of different factors resulted in situation where you've decided to start drawing. But because it's a very unforgiving and boring task you've found support and emotional uplifting from positive feedback. And now you're afraid because it's basically the only thing you do/identify yourself with and people might disappear from your life when you'll stop drawing for a variable amount of time.

Be a human bean. Other issues that was mentioned in the thread are irrelevant.

>> No.4637022

You’re thinking of tw*tter artists my guy.

>> No.4637082


Do you know how heavily that overlaps with animation industry professionals?

>> No.4637089

twitter is how most industry connections are made nowadays.

>> No.4637127
File: 119 KB, 462x356, 1571911312456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a very tolerant feller. My threshold is well up on 95%, and even those 5% are generally not proactive.

Most /ic/ people I tried to befriend are too assburger to keep a conversation going, so after giving an insightful response and just getting a one-liner back a couple times, I give up on the retard.
Imagine feeling nervous talking to people ON THE INTERNET, VIA TEXT.

>> No.4637148

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! You can't do that!!! You are supposed to enjoy the literal act of applying colors on a flat surface for the purpose of rendering anything from the most sublime beauty to a purple dragon dick, you are not allowed to enjoy anything else in this activity!!! If you wish to communicate something or connect to other human beings or you want to represent something specific or you have any other thing that motivates you except an autistic enjoyment for mechanically applying colors to a flat surface you are not a true artist and you're NGMI!!!!!

>> No.4637160

Sorry to break it to you, but people probably reply to you with one liners because you're a disgusting anime avatar coomer faggot.

>> No.4637163

They’re just being careful. In my experience, carrying on conversations has its own stigma attached to it.

>> No.4637171


>> No.4637582

Absolutely not true. Get out more, buddy. It’s completely possible to make connections without social media.

>> No.4637583

This sounds like you’re mostly describing people in general, particularly people in their teens/twenties. How old are you?

>> No.4637592

Keep telling yourself that, retard.

>> No.4637646

I know that feel OP, at first I started doodling because its fun to do when bored, then grew a desire to get better because I was(still am) lonely and craving any kind of long term friendship. Didn't work like planned so now I went back and only draw for fun again.

>> No.4637673
File: 603 KB, 816x816, 1575854446742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of the people I'm talking about message me first, generally going for small talk to get the ball rolling but choke once things get a bit more complex than "I'm fine, thank you".

>> No.4637741

I remember you explaining how you prototyped this composition in 3d. That was pretty cool. Can you post some of those screenshots again?

>> No.4637844

Then just leave the group and fade out of its existence?
There are a lot of groups, even those that hate everyone from other groups. A common enemy is the best way to make friends

>> No.4637871

Wanting to be interesting enough of a person for people to maintain relationships with you ≠ attention whoring.

>> No.4637917

Mid 30s. And so are the artists I'm describing. It doesn't seem to get any better with a lot of artists. They're trapped in a perpetual adolescence.

>> No.4637929
File: 68 KB, 700x700, rollsafe1570103442272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't treat them like close friends (they aren't), don't treat them like cattle (they aren't).

>> No.4637936

Not sure if I'd want to be friend with someone with such a general negative view on people who draw...

>> No.4637940

>They're trapped in a perpetual adolescence.
That's everyone, not just artists. The only part where you're an adult is the hours where you work, when you come back home you're supposed to do the same shit you did when you were 13, forever.

>> No.4637941

>Be a rational human being and try to do good but stand up for yourself
Its weird how this mindset is lost or slowly fading away nowadays

>> No.4638127
File: 2.95 MB, 1000x2876, Process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, no problem. I put it all in one step-by-step image so you can see the process.

In order:
Sketchup model.
Pencil trace/sketch to add detail.
Traced Ink on Watercolor paper.
Digital color test.
Gouache on watercolor paper over the inks.

I've gotten snippy remarks for using Sketchup to lay out my environments, but I don't care, it's a useful tool.

It's never been my goal to be "friends" with everyone. Having dozens of "friends" usually means those friendships are rather shallow.

>> No.4638423

I did.

I ate a lot of shit for it and even now i'm still reconsidering my life decisions.

>> No.4638457

>Surely there are artists out there that you could fit in with that aren’t like you described?
Ain't that anon but if I did I wouldn't pop in here

>> No.4638459

I draw because I like the attention I'm getting but this also puts a big pressure

>> No.4638663

No no, you've also got me. I've been thrown under the bus by many other artists I felt myself close friends with (and behind my back, no less) because I was too autistic, "clingy" and self-hating for their tastes, and I kept the self-hate train going for years because of it.
>tfw no loyal drawfag friend with a cute artstyle and encouraging words

>> No.4638735

Im autistic. Clingy and self hating as well. We should be friends

>> No.4638736

what do you draw usually? I can be your fren

>> No.4638748
File: 153 KB, 617x625, Rwor Grar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's nothing special

>> No.4638773



>> No.4638781

I thought of that at the beginning but I honestly don't give two shits anymore, most people I've met are on the woke bandwagon farming and seeking for approval so there's no genuine interest in the craft and that makes me feel shitty and uninterested in art itself so I go back to tutorials and practicing while trying to keep my sanity.

>> No.4638784

Uh? I don't have a blog.

>> No.4638786

If you're talking about tumblr, i'm sorta inactive on that. I've a telegram if you're interested...

>> No.4638787

stop pretending to be me

anon send me your discord and we can talk maybe

>> No.4638791

Interesting, that looks very nice, do you use 3D software to do your base construction? I am interested in doing environments but I've always been hesitant about using other tools aside from the perspective grids.

>> No.4638794

They were talking to me, anon. I can send you my discord if you want to be friends, too...

>> No.4638795

do i send it here or like??
a sever you might apart of?

>> No.4638798
File: 133 KB, 1023x532, Two rockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's mine if you'd like.

>> No.4638799

im tac, im a friend of tg

>> No.4638808

>I keep getting thrown under the bus by two faced cunts
>Uses discord
The truth is. You rigged yourself for this from the start.

>> No.4638816

I got thrown under the bus by two-faced cunts on IRC before I even knew what Discord was. Even then, I was reluctant to make the jump.

>> No.4638857

Yes the model is made in Sketchup, very basic software designed for mocking up architectural designs quickly. It's extremely limited; organic shapes are just about impossible. But it's good for quickly laying out compositions and creating architectural designs.

>> No.4639095
File: 3.57 MB, 3027x2183, golden family final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What happened, anon? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.4639147

Friends always, always leave you. No matter what they say. Don’t trust or put too much stock in other people because you will never mean as much to them as they do to you. They will leave when it’s even slightly inconvenient for them.
Just focus on yourself and your art. Better yourself for your own sake.

>> No.4639755

I've seen this artstyle before
By any chance, do you draw in /v/ threads?

>> No.4639835

it genuinely looks the most soulful at step 2

>> No.4639943

Sketches often do. I've got the painting and the sketch hanging next to each other on my wall.

>> No.4639978

I want to draw so I can make games with my art and sprites made by me. If I make cash it will be a bonus but not my main goal. Friends happen along the way.

>> No.4640004
File: 69 KB, 660x520, Birthday doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dudes I met on tgchan's IRC were nice enough at first - comforting me on my 16th birthday after I I got confronted for being a sperg, gave me plenty of encouraging advice and words to drop the misconceptions I had that kept me in the self-hate cycle (such as talent being the sole deciding factor in making it), and just being there for me.

That is, until they got tired of me saying hello to moment they come online and wouldn't stop crying over the same points. Still, massive dick move for them to softblock and shittalk me behind my back.

Not as much as I used to, why?

>> No.4640392

hey anon, you there?

>> No.4640838


Please, i'm lonely...

>> No.4640841

You sound autistic

>> No.4640858

Lets be friends!

>> No.4640867


>> No.4640881


>> No.4640883

Ok how do we do this?

>> No.4640885

these two types of people i cant stand lol

>> No.4640888

Just toss me a friend request if you haven't already

>> No.4640898

Oh sorry. I dont use Discord

>> No.4640907

Oh, what do you use?

>> No.4640917

Twitter DM to talk with frends

>> No.4640919

Awww... I got steam and recently telegram to talk with other friends, too...

>> No.4641082
File: 1.41 MB, 1306x1660, Stylite final sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think that's bad? I have to live with myself.

>> No.4641089


>> No.4641152

My man I've been following the conversation but you gotta understand that some people live in a bumfuckhole where the most exciting thing is the supermarket. People here are completely empty inside. Even the people who to go college don't even speak any English.
I've been online all my life to find other people I could actually share interests with, and it used to work until the late 2000s. Then fucking Facebook fucked it all up.

>> No.4641178
File: 567 KB, 828x588, night office paint SML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I moved to L.A. about 5 years ago and started hanging out with artists at draw-groups and such. It was fun for a few years, but lately I've lost my stomach for the company of most artists, even professionals.

I swear people are getting worse by the day. The current crises have really revealed just how shallow and threadbare the intellects of most artists are.

>> No.4641751

>Not as much as I used to, why?
Did you draw stuff for lob corp threads? If so, may I add you on discord?

>> No.4642187
File: 213 KB, 680x680, 1591234302548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get good at drawing
>still have autism and severe personality defects that make friendship impossible
>too sad and lonely to enjoy drawing anymore
>keep churning out soulless garbage because it's your only skill and you don't know how to do anything else

>> No.4642451

Dude. HC projection bro.

>> No.4642474


I invite you to "friend" a few artists, even respectable, professional ones, on Facebook and see if you can stand them after reading a few of their posts.