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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4630388 No.4630388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>90% of the artists I follow on social media are following this BLM white guilt bullshit.
>No critical thought or understanding of data & statistics that contradict their unsubstantiated claims
>All of this vacuous virtue signaling & self-righteous indignation
>Mobs will dog pile on you for not falling in line

Why are so many artists / creative people so blue pilled?

>> No.4630390

Right wingers don't have souls and as such are incapable of creating art.

>> No.4630392


>> No.4630395
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They've spent so much time drawing and consuming phone games, they have no critical thinking skills, that we get from arguing and consuming red pilled media.

>> No.4630398


3 artists unfollowed today cause they retweeted some blm shit

>> No.4630399

right. the black guy was clearly a sex doll rolled into place when the camera stopped looked looking for a moment, like a naruto-ish substitute trick. there are pixels in view that support this.

>> No.4630403

you think this is a recent problem? you think this is a problem with artists/creative people exclusively? is that just your way of making this somehow artwork related?
this is the same shit that affected people's view of corona, or any event that proves beneficial in someway, either by distraction or some kind of profit, which happens more often than you think. we're spoon-fed some concentrated, magnified look at one small thing, it gets blown out of proportion, and people buy into to the whole "everyone's talking about it, therefore I should be talking about it" and there's no "wait why do/should I care about this?"
just like scrolling websites became as easy as gliding our thumbs, knowing 'what to care about' is just as easy nowadays.

>> No.4630404

Off-topic, try /pol/

>> No.4630414

The things is, many other people I follow that aren't artists are willing to be more critical instead of following trends and mob mentality.

I don't care what your personal political opinions are, nor do I expect people to agree with me on everything. However the sheer amount of artists that went with this mob mentality was really concerning.

>> No.4630420

Artists are retarded as everyone else, if not more.

>> No.4630421

I'm so sick of this, everyone is society can acknowledge about having 7 gorillion genders yet they polarize you over having 1 liberal/conservative opinion and wont bother trying to listen to your response as they scuttle back to their dopamine echo chambers.

Shut down the internet for a year, not joking btw, normies flooding the internet isn't good for them because they're too retarded for their own good to understand the autistic memes around it. Just one year, no full ban. Society can have a better grasp of reality that way and detox from dopamine.

I'm not going to let some immature, sheltered 20 year old white cunt tell me what's best for my ghetto asshole with her mental gymnastic logic and fallacies of avoiding criticsm. I'll take being a "coon" over making everything around me be urban cancer.

>> No.4630425

>>No critical thought or understanding of data & statistics that contradict their unsubstantiated claims
>>All of this vacuous virtue signaling & self-righteous indignation

Haha look at a fucking mirror faggot.

>> No.4630427

90% of people don't give a shit about data, they want social status. The sooner you get this, the sooner you will stop being a retarded centrist.

>> No.4630436

>mocking someone for making use of factual information, rather than going with mobs
>dood ur dumb n need to realize things u already know
No fucking shit, captain obvious.

>> No.4630437
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>expecting a bunch of pot smoking, new age religion practicing, carpe diem, feminist dating males to go against left ideology

>> No.4630439

>No fucking shit, captain obvious.
If you did realize it you wouldn't be making this thread.

>> No.4630442

>0% of artist I follow even talk about this shit
>I had only 1 follower with that shit on its name and got ignored as soon as I spotted it
Sounds like your fault

>> No.4630443

Trash has some opinions on this >>>/trash/30669509

>> No.4630449

> Nooooo you can't just want to discuss things

Why are you lying? Either you're not following many good artists at all, or you don't realize how many good artists fell in line for this shit.

the irony

>> No.4630453

>Why are you lying?
Not that guy, but I only follow around 30 artists, none of which fell in line with this.

>> No.4630454

Who are you fags following? I bet its all cringe western anime artists, in which case you deserve to get your page blasted by white cringe culture

>> No.4630460

There is no need to lie about this. It just happens only 3 out of 80 people I follow are western artists and they just post actual good art exclusively instead of trying to earn brownie points on the internet to cover for their shortcomings as artists and individuals.

>> No.4630464

/ic/ artists and japs.
Most decent western artists actually have an artstation or deviantart account so I see no reason to follow them on social media which is an inferior platform.

>> No.4630465

Its just human nature, you're the same as they are , I'm the same as they are. We all want to one up everyone else, we all want to defeat everyone in armed combat but we cant because the filth will come arrest us so we have to pwn eachother on twitter and risk all your social clout with every artist you take down. Thats how this industry works, its a well oiled machine and you wont change it.

See the thing is evolution from apes was a huge mistake and the frontal cortex was an even bigger mistake. we have all this intelligence but we still have lizard brain so all we do is pwn eachother on twitter instead of anything productive. Humanity is fated to decline for as long as humanity exists, we cannot escape this. My only hope is they invent some way to """devolve""" soon because i'm putting my chips in with the chimps.

Ape mode 2020 fellas.

>> No.4630466

Same bro, same. I'm interested in art, not personalities

>> No.4630468

>slavs who virtue signal as white

>> No.4630469
File: 884 KB, 1294x717, BLM supporters talking to me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Latino.
>mfw blue haired white people trying to pressure me into supporting BLM.
>mfw rich white people claim I do not know what it is like to experience racism so should not condemn rioting/looting.
>mfw rich celebs pander to China yet bitch about civil and human rights.
>mfw rich black celebs who talk about ending racism used to make fun of brown people with racist jokes for comedy.
>mfw BLM and white people are raising money to bail out rioters who smashed up shops owned by Black, Hispanic and Asian people.
>mfw BLM did not help clean up the damage caused by the riots.

>> No.4630473

>/ic/ artists
4channers are the biggest pussies and opportunists on the planet. If they aren't collapsing to pressure then they're doing anything possible for attention or gain. Your fault for following d/ic/ks

>> No.4630478

I have had the complete opposite experience, none of them have done anything that seemed attentionwhore-y and they pretty much all ignore current events at all times(except for the release of Animal Crossing for some)

>> No.4630496

They probably hardly give a shit about this subject and only post supportive stuff about it for the sake of not being cancelled. Complain all you want but the fact is that for anyone with any sizeable amount of fans staying with whatever is politically correct is a nee, lest they they fall in infamy, get lynched(online or irl) and then never get a job in their area again because no one is gonna want to hire someone with such a record.
Just "thoughts and prayers" type bullshit, give it some months and they'll go back to not giving a shit.

>> No.4630519

>not ignoring politics all together

>> No.4630520

When did 4chan become a conservative hugbox?
You niggers unironically want an authoritarian police state holy shit.

>> No.4630521

I just want niggers to behave and jews to not exist. Is it so much to ask?

>> No.4630524

You fine with African Americans?

>> No.4630529

>No critical thought or understanding of data & statistics that contradict their unsubstantiated claims

It doesn't matter if the person was guilty the police are not judge, jury, and executioner. They need to be held accountable. End of story.

>> No.4630531

/pol/ has been leaking all over this site for the past decade. Can't even browse /ic/ without having to hear about this BLM shit. Report and hide

>> No.4630534

You all have such boring opinions on this issue
You act like NPCs, just from a different game
You desperately want to keep looking the other way on your country's abuse of niggers, excusing the police in every situation and worshipping the government like the weasley little cowards you are
Keep hiding in your vidya and your little dreams of becoming an Instagram famous coomer artist as people with actual balls are out there doing real shit

>> No.4630533

Conservatives hate authoritarian police state you fucking retard. I on the other would want an authoritarian police state, yes.

>> No.4630536

It's gotten worse ever since /pol/ became a thing. They constantly come on to other sites to bitch and moan every fucking thing.

>> No.4630538

Yes, I'd gladly own one

>> No.4630541


>> No.4630549
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You wouldn't report and hide a black square. No no, don't lie.

>> No.4630551

>You all
But no (You), unlike all these sheepple (You)'re smart.

>> No.4630556

>get invited to some random group on Facebook without a theme other than everyone is from Pennsylvania
>starts out as meme posts
>eventually 2/3 of the posts I see are doxxing posts, calling out people saying dumb random racist shit about the protestors
>fed up, lose it, I can’t handle people hunting each other down for this stupid shit
>make a post telling people to stop doxxing others because it’s a bunch of hivemind bullshit
>post is immediately flooded with hate, getting called a Karen, saying I’ll get dozxed now too
>put profile and everything else on private, delete public posts and leave the group

I know im a faggot and I am so grateful for this encounter because now I can easily quit Facebook

>> No.4630580

It's always like this, lmao
Joined a group about frogs, weeks later we started fighting over a random drawing "Cholo frogs says: support trans rights" that was reposted everyday, and wether the concerns about chemicals "turning frogs gay" were homophobic, lmao. Fuck this people, I wish they all were dead for being so pathetic.

>> No.4630596
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>> No.4630612

Creating soulful art requires empathy and emotion something right wingers don't have.

>> No.4630622

And who made this? This is what people always wanted. I hate when someone blames this or that external factor as the root of social problems, as if people were all toddlers without the ability to think. People know how to think all right, when they want to. They wanted exactly this. This is how fucking shitty people were all along. Everyone's a little evil gremlin in one way or the other, and their #1 priority is being at the top of the food chain. Nobody ever bought into any of the human values that were commonly accepted throughout history, only retards took any of that shit seriously. Turns out that Christians were right, without the fear of God people would turn into lawless goblins. The only limit is the law now, and the law can be reshaped much more easily by public demand.
Social media would be just fine if human beings weren't fucking shit.

>> No.4630623

if one actually critically applies the racial theories of the 20th century then ashkenazi jews are the masterrace, followed by central asians, then it's whatever.

point is, I never understood the hate for jews. since they have the lowest criminality, highest IQ, most achievements in science, etc. when you account for population size and ethnic diversity, jews are #1.

thank you based jews(ashkenazi)

>> No.4630636

hector es puto y se la come completa

>> No.4630641

internet if anything actually educated the ignorant masses, especially everyone nowadays having an camera where they can directly show police brutality, instead of them saying "oh well our body cams had a malfunction h-haha".

And that's not a black people problem, it involves everyone, but if you are black anon then you should probably advocate for more open internet and the eradication of curfews where they try to keep people from protesting because billion dollar chains in US are afraid of getting looted

you're watching too much bad anime fag

>> No.4630646

they have the most gold and rule hollywood
you're an idiot

>> No.4630649

I've legitimately never been as racist as I have in the past week lmao

>> No.4630654
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>Pixiv gets to be a nice haven where it's all art and minimal talk.
>It's like this even when Japan has declining birth rates and significant overworking.
>People in the west feel the need to have some involvement in blm even though voice actors are more than enough spread.
>I've noticed people have been unfollowing me for this, good.
>I know that I'm supposed to take this fight for human rights very seriously but actually I'm going to do my normal everyday things like retweet art all the time and play video games while someone else can tank rubber.
>100 followers? I'll retweet all the blm tweets I can find even though my art posts confirm that I am literal who tier.
>1312 on all the Discord statuses because why not?

>> No.4630675

you can just turn off their retweets homie

>> No.4630678
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>> No.4630690

Reading too much ANPRIM propaganda, then i realized anprim is retarded and the source of human ailment isnt agriculture its clearly ingrained in our DNA

>> No.4630710

>check profiles of BLM retards
>their art is shit, have no idea why I even followed them
>sometimes it's impossible to find their art at all, just endless retweets
>check profile of good artists
>they either keep posting only art as usual or have only a couple obligatory virtue signal retweets
>unfollowed ~50 out of ~400 people I followed
>now there's barely any BLM shit

>> No.4630716
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>> No.4630805

>everyone who doesn’t share my worldview is a sheep

Yes, congratulations anon, you’ve broke the conditioning ! You’re the only conscious human in s as world of mindless drones

>> No.4630816

Keep crying because other people refuse to stick their heads in the ground or sit back and laugh while others are brutalized and murdered.
You are alone.

>> No.4630818

fuck off, get back to drawing

>> No.4630821

>more successful and smarter people share a different opinion than me!
>they are stupid! Not me!

>> No.4630842

The same people who harshly judged any type of social activity just last week are now staging huge protests because that's what this weeks meme dictates.

>> No.4630864
File: 305 KB, 500x451, Aaaagh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The deathly virus which has the world on edge is spread through large gatherings and physical contact.
>People are doing just that as we speak.

>> No.4630869

Good. Coronachan must do her thing. i'm staying home so nothing will happen to me.

>> No.4630894

based protesters n g lll

>> No.4630904

Everyone should report and hide political shit on /ic/, retard. This is community drama, read the rules.

>> No.4630907

I report and bump

>> No.4630908

I keep seeing people yelling "BLACK LIVES MATTER" but I haven't seen a single person actually explain why black lives matter.
Show me some statistical proof that black lives matter and I'll consider putting #BLM in my twitter description.