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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 571 KB, 629x879, 1591304100188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4630129 No.4630129 [Reply] [Original]

I've been telling myself I was going to take it up since the age of 11, I have kept putting it off.

You guys have any other good tutorials you recommend besides what they already got here?

Ir is it just as simple as drawing what I see, and learning to break the rules the better I get?

>> No.4630135

anyone who is serious about creating good art is determined by how early your start is making fun of your brain and thou he is making fun of humanity because we as creatures have brains to think, and you should be ashamed for thinking so.

mark and send my words to anyone who tell you so.

>> No.4630137

also fuck you for posting that mommy milk producer you fucking cunt

>> No.4630140

if you have some talent, just from drawing a lot as a kid or mindless doodling... i think you can get good. this is because of what >>4630135 said.
HOWEVER if you never picked up a pencil to draw anything at all then no. dont even fucking bother.

>> No.4630142

oh shut the fuck up dont tell him what to do.
he can learn drawing without doodling any shit b4.
dont (you) me on your nonsense

>> No.4630155

MMM moomie yes yes moomie feed me you milkies ohhh ahh milker for my tum tum creamy good big milk

>> No.4630157

Imma be real with you OP.

No, its not too late to start. 19 is a damn young age.

>> No.4630164


>> No.4630167

Why do you need more tutorials? There are enough that you'll need months to go through all of them. Just watching and listening not even doing any drawing exercises. What the fuck are you going to do with more? Just download them and let them rot on your computer?

>> No.4630171

This post hurt my brain

>> No.4630177

-you can start at any age and as little experince as possible
-anyone who is telling you otherwise is making fun of your humanity, like i explained above.

>> No.4630183

19? That’s super young. I started at 31 and have been making gains that I’m happy with. Just be sure to constantly break out of your comfort zone and don’t let your style stagnate.

>> No.4630184

Kys zoomer

>> No.4630192

>fun of your humanity
Wat, am I too white to understand this statement?

>> No.4630194

19 is really young so go for it. You can do it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.4630197

forget about
just go and draw something

>> No.4630222

I've started at 30 and am doing pretty well

>> No.4630234

Dude just kill yourself you will never do anything and 20 years into future you;ll be asking if 40 years too old to start.

Ask me how I know. BECAUSE YOU ASKED.
If you need to ask you're the kind of person who will never try or commit so YES IT'S TOO LATE.
Kindly kys.

>> No.4630241

Nigga i started drawing at the age of 22. Ive never drawn when i was a kid, middle school or highschool. FFW months after i started and i still enjoy it. Even earlier today i was thinking on what to draw next

>> No.4630249

You can start by drawing op pic than ask questions dummy

>> No.4630250

Just draw lol why the fuck is everyone so obsessed about age in this field

>> No.4630254

This anon is kind of mean but i agree with his point. The fact that you even asked that OP before you even started drawing anything shows you dont have enough resolve.

>> No.4630263

Age doesn't determine anything except how much time left you have to practice and master. The real problem with learning late(after HS) is that its a strong indicator of dispassion, and makes it much more likely the learner will quit.

>> No.4630338

The longer you sit there NOT drawing is precious time you could have used for drawing.

Pick up a pencil and just fucking start already. The more you overthink it the higher chance you have of talking yourself out of it.

>> No.4630345

It is. If you didn't start drawing as soon as you came out of the womb you are NGMI.

>> No.4630349

Age is as important as talent. The younger you start the better and the more talented and genetically predisposed you are the better

>> No.4630352

t. no talent crab in his 30s
Don’t listen to this guy. He’s bitter because you are starting at an early age and get more than ten years of practice in before you hit his age. Start now OP, because the younger the better

>> No.4630365

this honestly

>> No.4630370

I'm 18, but I probably won't start drawing seriously until I'm 25+ knowing my laziness.

>> No.4630371

Sounds ilke you're coming from a place of personal experience.

>> No.4630422

>tfw no big tiddy gf

>> No.4630503
File: 150 KB, 641x1000, 1566143443791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analysis paralysis
Just draw

>> No.4630507

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4630590

the beauty of art like writing and drawing is that you can do it up to the day you die
stop making excuses and learn
this shit is really hard in the beginning so expect a struggle, but once you learn the fundamentals your progress speeds up exponentially

>> No.4630595


>> No.4630627

Based department

>> No.4630637

Age is important for a career and for development.

>> No.4630639


>> No.4630640

Woah, She got a super cute face, she looks like a princess.

>> No.4630643

She looks like your standard euro woman.

>> No.4630645

Let's say you want to work in the animation industry. Think about how many people there are over 30.

>> No.4630650

I don't know. I don't think many boomers cared about art.

>> No.4630665

what the fuck does this even mean

>> No.4630672


>> No.4630677
File: 157 KB, 600x685, 440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4630810

>fun of your humanity
>your humanity
>YOUR humanity
There are literal aliens browsing /ic/ right now

>> No.4630912
File: 254 KB, 779x635, 1589543047574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even live bro

>> No.4630926

I pretty sure mooonjo like to edit the faces alone with other things

>> No.4630952


>> No.4631016

Can they abduct me. I’d rather be a space explorer than a porn artist.

>> No.4631018

>ywn rub that belly
Why live?

>> No.4631172

>Is it too late? Is it too late, guys? Is it too late?! Am I too old to start? Am I gonna make it?

Shut the fuck up. You know it isn't too late. Everyone who asks this question knows how everyone is going to answer already. JUST. FUCKING. DRAW.

>> No.4631175

this, minus the kys part

>> No.4631204

there are thousands of tutorials out there for a long time, loomis, hagarth, youtubers, online classes, you name. You are telling me not a single one is working for you?

>> No.4631213

I really wish I could draw

>> No.4631216

Keep wishing. Sitting on your ass and wishing for things really fucking helps.

>> No.4631217

How did the masters learn to draw if Loomis and Vilppu hadnt been born yet?

>> No.4631220

Fuck you OP, I literally can't stop opening this thread over and over because of big tiddy mommy gf.

>> No.4631222

Same way Newton learned calculus and physics.

Are you Newton though?

>> No.4631227

It's not my fault I couldn't start at 19.

>> No.4631238

Since OP is a faggot im gonna ask a question myself.
I like drawing but always did it casually and I hate drawing from imagination and nver did that,only observation.I went straight into vilppu and drawing live models through a screen which is not as nice as the real thing but I couldnt keep myself on a schedule and havent drawn anything for some time( drawing as study,Ive done some doodles).
Should I go through Scott robertsons how to draw and then go into figure drawing?I have a bad understanding of perspective and it would be useful in my field.

>> No.4631266

Nice. maybe fag OP would get inspired to draw after you btfoed him

>> No.4631933


sorry fellas....tits are shopped


>> No.4631966

This, except you are completely wrong, is not about commitment, is about genetics.

>> No.4632058

>coomer post
>only 19
Yes. Yes it's too late. Give up now.

>> No.4632080

Drawing when you're younger can definitely give you a massive head start when you start taking drawing "seriously". Is 19 too late? No. Also remember that this board is filled with crabs that will shit on you no matter what.

>> No.4632217

It's never too late if you're gonna be disciplined and consistent.
It's always too late if you're a bitch.

>> No.4632337


>> No.4632486

Learn to read. They were pissed because OP is asking this stupid fuckin' question instead of just doing it.

>> No.4632523

Great masters tended to peak around their 40-50s because they didn't need to study anymore and can just enjoy themselves experimenting, teaching and developing

>> No.4632579

says the one that gave up after a few bad drawings

>> No.4632609
File: 302 KB, 2580x1872, cheer up fellow beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I started casually at 18 and seriously at 23, am 25

>> No.4632740


>> No.4633956

its never to late
if anything now that you're passed your formative years you can look at learning to draw as more objective

people who learned to draw in their young years don't have that advantage. they might have picked up bad habits that are hard to unlearn when its what you've been used and validated for

>> No.4633978


>> No.4633981

You're barely out of the womb, you little shit.

>> No.4633984

>Think about how many people there are over 30.
So, most of them?

>> No.4633998

Honestly this. I see salty /beg/s in the progress threads asking about the age of the fastest improvers there, and they're almost always over 21 or so and started recently.
Probably because zoomers have a tendency to ask "a-am i too old to learn art" and asking for validation instead of just doing it. Basically what >>4630234 said.

>> No.4634004

another advice. don't ever listen to nofaptards like this one. they're literally retarded and easily triggered, so just laugh at them

>> No.4636249
File: 295 KB, 550x822, 1572528490012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro there's people out there who didn't start drawing or painting til age 60 and still got pretty damn good.
draw if you feel like it and quit worrying about it, it doesn't need to be a career

>> No.4636706

how is that unrelated pic even possible?

>> No.4636713

It is in so far that you will have enough self-aware to know that your drawings are complete garbage. But if you are resilient, it's never too late, anon.

>> No.4638596

a lot of them are.

>> No.4638606
File: 86 KB, 1024x576, 1469495263988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should have ur answers for u

>> No.4638685

I will never get why people ask this dumb question every fucking day on this board
>is <insert age> too late to draw
as if there's some fucking cutoff point where artistic skills become impossible to achieve. You know when it's too late to start drawing? when you're a geriatric old fuck with parkinsons. JUST FUCKING DRAW YOU RETARD

>> No.4639166

has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.4640650
File: 134 KB, 1052x844, CSR AGE 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 19 too late to start drawing?
thats literally perfect.

CSR started later than that and hes doing fine

>> No.4640653

If youre too scared. Start in the drawtheads or even the edit threads over in /a/, /v/, /d/, /co/, /aco/. They will appreciated any art no matter how terrible it is.

>> No.4640705
File: 3.04 MB, 2457x1882, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did pretty alright https://twitter.com/luenArtt

>> No.4640830

Damn, that's pretty uplifting.

>> No.4641010

this but with the kys part added back in

>> No.4641022

>is it too late to have a trait?
no; start drawing

>> No.4641030

lmao this is me, it fucks me up knowing that this is why I'm ngmi

>> No.4641382

Holy fk kys OP

>> No.4642154

> is it just as simple as drawing what I see, and learning to break the rules the better I get?
yes, that and discipline

>> No.4642157

Why are you making this shit with that talent?

>> No.4642158

^ start drawing you lazy fuck

>> No.4642449

It's not too late to gain drawing as a skill. It is too late to recapture your childish dreams and imagination.