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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4622196 No.4622196 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on blackwashing?

>> No.4622203

let people have fun you salty bitch

>> No.4622205

I pity negroes.
Also OP is a faggot.

>> No.4622241


>> No.4622249

The purpose of art is to depict an idealized form of reality. That is why whitewashing makes sense and is necessary, but blackwashing is an affront to basic aesthetics and decency. The only reason whitewashing is shamed and blackwashing is praised is because we live in an era where weakness and inferiority is celebrated.

>> No.4622256
File: 32 KB, 430x499, 4D0E2CF0-7DB8-4E7E-BA4B-2F044E3997ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ring ring
*sound of phone being picked up
Hello, is this the based department? I’d like to file a report...

>> No.4622258 [DELETED] 

so the miyazaki characters are white not japanese?

or is it white male asian female fantasy? or is it left up to the imagination? or are they both white characters? why does asianwashing not exist? why is it always black vs white?

>> No.4622262

this, but not gonna lie, can barely see her face.

>> No.4622264

Don't be so quick to judge.
Indians are also abhorrent.

>> No.4622271


How about we don't whitewash or blackwash but just create original characters. Whitewashing is lame too.

>> No.4622272

this but for both ways

>> No.4622285

You say that like it isn't a hard fact that if I drew say, Lifeline from Apex as a white person, I wouldn't get cancelled.

>> No.4622290

Should do it desu, fuck normoids and their fee fees

>> No.4622295
File: 645 KB, 600x809, 18ADB5F5-529E-4809-8E9D-AB07666F188E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon you gave
Me an idea for easy attention. I can just copy jogger characters and change the skin tone and hair for easy controversy, and get fast acting notoriety from the purple haired whales screeching about it on Twatter

>> No.4622296

The characters in that specific film aren't japanese

Personally I think it should either all be ok, or none of it. Having different rules for different people will only lead to resentment and more conflict down the line

>> No.4622325

"Me'n ma bitch flyn' in da hood".
Sneeker Tyrone.
Shit on cereal cardboard.

>> No.4622328

I wouldn't have a problem with it if the people doing the blackwashing weren't humongous hypocritical faggots. But most of them are so I generally hate it.

>> No.4622355

more like muddying

>> No.4622549

The people who do this screech about whitewashing so nah fuck

>> No.4622582

It's kinda cringe, but if people wanna do it I really don't give a fuck. I also don't care about Whitewashing or anything else. It's only really an issue if race was somehow important to the character (i.e. if someone was to make a Nazi character black or something)
Holy fuck that's based

>> No.4622606

who's the artist

>> No.4622619

Drama builds a following

>> No.4622641

Ethan Becker is always like 3 steps ahead of you guys lmfaol

>> No.4622647

Shut up Ethan go suck your mom's dick or something

>> No.4622651

Fuck off Proko, go suck daddies tit and find his bean

>> No.4622679

Fuck off Loomis, go rip your mommy's tampon out of your daddy's asshole so you can lick it before you shove it so far up your perfectly constructed, drawn and shaded sphincter that you can taste it at the back of your throat

>> No.4622725

>triple digits

Based and digit-approved

>> No.4622728

Honestly, This loox 50 times more interesting

>> No.4622745

How can you tell? cant see the bitches face

>> No.4622895

Wouldn't mind if they didn't look straight outta the ghetto

>> No.4622911
File: 6 KB, 228x221, 1588708442385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4622936

high iq post

>> No.4623039


>> No.4623058

lol the most pathetic samefagging i've seen in a long time

>> No.4623073

When it clearly makes characters look like shit like in op's pic, I disapprove. The thing is: that rarely happens when whitewashing.

>> No.4623076 [DELETED] 

nigger lovers going off the rails

>> No.4623086

It’s disrespectful to the original creator. Don’t do it.

>> No.4623091

Retarded. Ot comes off as desperate. Black characters simply aren't as popular generally, and that's fine. It's just preference.
>I-I'm gonna make everyone BLAQ, like me!


>> No.4623872

Does anyone have the source?

>> No.4623884

People that get assblasted about race on either side are losers that don't have any personal accomplishments but want to insist they're still on a winning team.
If you want your art to be solely bound to the physical reality of the elements before you, get into photography. Illustration is to process reality through the mind of the artist. I don't care if people want to draw black/white/asian/inuit versions of whomever, and nobody else should, either.

>> No.4623885

faggot redditors laughing at their own jokes.

>> No.4623918
File: 754 KB, 1063x1280, 1588167056.eltonpot_terry_bogard_garou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, because it shows that niggers are so insecure about their own race they need to project themselves onto every white character they see.

>> No.4623919

Leave loomis alone he gives good head

>> No.4623921

But I want to disrespect Miyazaki

>> No.4623928

Miyazaki is a bitter feminist misanthrope.
I hope he croaks before he finishes his last movie.

>> No.4623962

I never thought /ic/ could be based

>> No.4624002
File: 13 KB, 87x98, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, even blacks relate to whites more than their own people on screen
also how tf can you tell me this is in any shape or form pleasing to look at?

>> No.4624006

the digits have to be at the end of the post number retard

>> No.4624011

Blackwashing is a highly effective method of trolling guaranteed replies

>> No.4624287


Nicoli Osis on Facebook

>> No.4624292

lack of imagination

>> No.4624312

thank you

>> No.4624380

It's only good if the artist actually makes them look black instead of just recoloring a white or asian character brown.

>> No.4624499

I get it. I just don't like it when artists blackwash characters that are already people of color.

>> No.4624847

Dumb git actually said Welsh people are commonly black. Niggwatt

>> No.4624854

Youre retarded. What a retarded take.

>> No.4625229

its good I like it

>> No.4625302

Your perceived ideal image is that of a white (fe)male through culture, upbringing and because you end up looking at white people your entire youth.
It's also why you can't discern facial phenotypes from asians/latinos/blacks
The same way black people can't do that for whites unless they have been laid bare to white-dominated culture (and vice-versa ofcourse)
The same reason why japanese women hate beards; japanese men can't grow them so all of them walk around shaved because it's always scraggly/homeless vibe or a really shitty moustache, so it's shunned.
It's like symbol drawing for the mind.

>> No.4626183

To use the characters and creations of other cultures and races to make yourself feel good is just beyond pathetic, to put yourself in the shadow of others to try to stand out and make a point is defeatists and admitting that you have nothing to contribute.
Not to mention that a lot of the people doing this are white, women in particular, I can only guess their thought process and none of it comes out as good or effective, merely selfish and self indulgent.

>> No.4626457

>and vice-versa ofcourse
Nonsense. White people do indeed have the most variety in looks. Remember that incident where iphone face lock was unlocked by two chinese coworkers?
White people have by far the most hair-eye-skin color variety, white color is associated with nobility and cleanliness, they're the tallest of the races and the most differentiated from our animal ancestors, including their skull shape and facial bone structure.
Black men are pursuing white women more than their own females so much people make jokes about it. Islamic slave trade would pay 5-10 times the money for a European female as for an African one. Asians' Anime is supposed to be the most idealized representation possible - and it looks nothing like Asians, it's white and with big colorful eyes.

Personal preference is one thing, but these things aren't subjective, no more than beauty of art is subjective. You have principles like variety, contrast and balance and if you feed those to an AI, it would calculate white people as objectively more desirable in terms of looks.

>> No.4626588

cry harder loser

>> No.4626592

you're utterly retarded, please kill youself

>> No.4626604


>> No.4626759

holy fuck just fucking draw. I swear most of you can't draw your way out of a box. Drawing is a way of expressing yourself. Who gives a fuck if someone draws something that you don't like. Stop being a fucking child.

>> No.4626797

Everything I said is correct, you can be upset about it all you want but you can't derive self worth from something you didn't create.

>> No.4626802

Do it and draw a white character as black next to them and it wouldn’t be a problem

>> No.4626831

Hey, was this a rhetorical post or do you want a (you)?

Serious but short answer:
because art matters.

Long answer:

It represents information and values, even if they aren't political or explicit. Anybody can find a fault with some kind of art, and it doesn't make them wrong for doing so.

Being offended by someone's opinion, even seeing it as useless, is an important part of life and freedom of choice. I'm not going to say "you must think people should give a fuck if someone draws something that you don't like." That would defeat the purpose.

But are you saying, people's opinion on art don't matter, or maybe only the good opinions do? Then what's the point? Art is, almost by definition, a set of opinions too. So it's not allowed to step on some toes? It's bound to, sometimes designed to, and it's okay if it does and people are vocal about it.

>> No.4626906

Man, it sucks since I like seeing alternate interpretations of anything, including race changes, like as cool design exercises.

But if it's official works, even if the character was a turtle and now they're a fox I feel that loss.

It's a shame so much of it is because of, tainted by, and/or coopted by political racist/counter-racist intent or suspicion of it.

>> No.4626926

You'd get banned fairly quickly anon.

>> No.4626958

You fucks really are a miserable lot. When I first found this forum a week ago, being an artist myself I was excited, but come to find out, this forum is like if pol decided to pick up pencils.

>> No.4626965

Or maybe you just stepped out of your bubble and realized how the world outside of heavy censorship is.

>> No.4627247


>> No.4627265

>"When I first found this forum a week ago"
>Already knows about /pol/
So you admit you're just using /pol/ as a buzzword for things you don't like?

>> No.4627282

If black ppl didn't exist we wouldn't be having this thread... just saiyan... btw if its not hurting anyone let ppl draw what they want.. unless black washing is worse than loli

>> No.4627349


Heavy censorship isn't the issue. This place feels like bizarro twitter where all art is filtered through a political lens and people would much rather pontificate than actually draw.


If that's what you took from that statement, oh well.

>> No.4627374

What is unironically wrong with OP's design? How the fuck is this blackwashing? Stealing character designs/aesthetics? Sorry to tell you but people take inspiration from movies/media they consume. This is a non fucking issue. This is the "wahh they are drawing something I don't like" argument. Pick up a pencil and draw your own shit so you don't waste time on stupid pointless shit like OPs.

I'm starting to believe that you fucks don't actually draw and criticize and just like to stir the fucking pot.

>> No.4627379

For fun? Sure. But its hardly for fun. It's always for clout or progressive points. They could've just drawn any kind of black person or made their own OC but instead they are chasing cool points for changing another person's work "for the better"

>> No.4627432

this. plus these niggers characters are ugly and dumpy lookin

>> No.4627433

and you are coping. kill yourself nigger

>> No.4627443

This, resentful /pol/tards who'd rather complain about twitter than draw are ngmi

>> No.4627447

I really don't see the point of racewashing/racebending or whatever. If they're designed as white don't make them black because they're not. Same goes for the other way around too. Racebending literally changes NOTHING about the character except the skin colour. It's pointless.

>> No.4627604

It makes sense tho. African Americans are a people without a mythos or true identity. Ask yourself, is there an African story that is so appealing non African cultures want to make an adeptation of it? The only Answer I can think of is Anasni, but let's be honest that's far to obscure for it to ever get picked up.

>> No.4627609

fuckin dumb lib cuck
fuck fun
we live for function
not for fun

>> No.4627823

Damn son that's the cold hard truth.

>> No.4628096

neck yourself

>> No.4628109

after watching this board the last few days i now believe that poll that showed how many women posted here

>> No.4628120

It makes me love black people even more and it isn't annoying at all

>> No.4628122

Because women hate niggers?

>> No.4628126
File: 72 KB, 943x960, 2346346236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely fucking based and redpilled

>> No.4628161

Duh. /ic/ is just like /cgl/ man it's one of the boards with a high concentration of femanons and because of that, a high concentration of absolute bullshit drama

>> No.4628167

What poll?

>> No.4628192

absolutely based

>> No.4629167
File: 268 KB, 1280x1726, cad1374f51b82617eadaf5f4b833dce5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some pretty good takes ngl. But you have to actually be skilled to make black washing look good.

>> No.4629271


>> No.4629316

Ey. thats a pretty gud fuckin sephinog

>> No.4629321

If it's not allowed both ways, it doesn't deserve a pass. Also, what is an example of white washing, I have legit never seen it, especially when it's black to white.

>> No.4629344

kind of pointless and weird. just jerk to an already black character. same with the reverse scenario.

>> No.4629464
File: 289 KB, 261x766, BC7C9FA8-812B-4333-882B-D560D8603196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope they don’t blackwash my waifu

>> No.4631345
File: 1.86 MB, 3265x4000, 82b1bd466a7a942971024995ee7c3ca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people do indeed have the most variety in looks.
Imagine thinking this and calling yourself smart

>> No.4631372

>hands in it's pocket at all times

>> No.4631382

I don't like race washing of any kind and think that blackwashing is hella cringe but I know it pisses you fuckers off so I'll lie and say I like it

>> No.4631383

That looks pretty sick ngl

>> No.4631384
File: 66 KB, 200x200, 5123451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be honest here, you only come here for the pirated rips of books and videos, you have no right to talk about ingenuity or good will

>> No.4631395

This is where they congregate because they're too weak and scared to do anything in real life.
Laugh at them and keep moving.

>> No.4631422

What are you the intent police? Weird cunt

>> No.4631424

omg so brave, he's right y'all queens

>> No.4631429

nah, i come here for the books. shitting on niggers is just an extra

>> No.4631443

Keep barking, pup.
>nah, i come here for the [HEADCANON]

>> No.4631447

woof woof. i bark at niggers like good boys do

>> No.4631457

should have been /thread

>> No.4631471

Good pup.
Now go back to your kennel before master brings down his cudgel on your on skull.

>> No.4631497
File: 257 KB, 720x1100, 1580340875351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, i thought you only did that to your children

>> No.4631499

imagine baiting /pol/ faggots on /ic/

you will never be good at drawing you weak minded teens

>> No.4631524

You're free to circle-jerk on "how progressive" you are, and I'm free to criticize your stupid ass

>> No.4631649

As a black person I can't express the level of embarrassment I get from seeing those. It reeks of pure insecurity and hypocrisy. Imagine being so fragile you need to paint bucket Naruto's hair color to match yours.

>> No.4631677

But all you're accomplishing by that is coming off like a dumb fag. You can sit there and assign self-serving intent to just about everyone because human actions are socially-driven and since there is no way to verify what's happening in somebody's head, you can rely on guesswork and/or projection very easily

>> No.4631678

I think both blackwashing and whitewashing are fine. Fan art has always been full of retards, and this changes nothing.

>> No.4631681
File: 268 KB, 816x816, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631686

Can’t have both or you’ll be called a racist

>> No.4631690

You think so? If you just pick 1 black character and 1 white character and redraw them side-by-side while swapping their races, you think anyone will care?

>> No.4631694

I'll critize you anyway for blackwashing someone elses character. Just make your own if your intent is so pure.

>> No.4631702

>Just make your own if your intent is so pure.
Then when you make your own black characters, you get criticized for pandering anyway.

>> No.4631704
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>> No.4631705

That's not what I asked is it now, why act so dishonest?

>> No.4631708

Do it well then

>> No.4631709

God this was such a shit show. Makes you scared to do lighting on any character that isn't white. Please twitter I don't have the mental energy to be publicly shamed.
All these retards ever accomplished was making people reluctant to draw black characters.

>> No.4631715

>just make your own characters then!
>no not like that

>> No.4631716

'Blackwashing' pffftttt
I think it's fun that people can bend culture in fiction.

>> No.4631720

You're a gross little man.

>> No.4631837

every group has variety in looks. I would argue Europeans have the most variety (hair color, eye colors, dress, etc) but ultimately it doesn't really matter

>> No.4631853

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.4631872

There are three different races in your picture (African, Caucasian and Capoid) and all of the examples have the same hair and eye colors and similar skin color regardless, same as Asians unless they are Albino or mixed.

>> No.4631886
File: 64 KB, 686x526, 1586533488875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631888


>> No.4631945

pyw faggot

>> No.4632013

Damn, people in and around Congo have SNOUTS thus they are the more Animalistic, notice how the flatter the face, the higher the intellect.

>> No.4632062

>if I make my own charater I should be immune to critique

>> No.4632066


>> No.4632076

You're another good blanon.
Thank you.

>> No.4632822

So you can draw solitary niggerwashed characters and it’s fine but you HAVE to draw race swaps to be able to whitewash? Are you fucking retarded or just willingly dense

>> No.4632875

>People will pout and whine just because of a drawing’s skin color

>> No.4633479

That’s because they’re hypocrites and have no self awareness

>> No.4633563

Yes because such a thing as historical precedent and context exist you slobbering troglodyte lmao, see the act of race swapping in itself is not a problem however your underlying beliefs and intentions when you do so are. And let's be real here, the only reason YOU would do it is because you hate niggers so anyone who calls you out would be justified doing so

>> No.4633780

That’s a lot of projection from a subhuman such as yourself. When will you shitstains stop being bitter? Again, your double standards are blatant and your ego is fragile. “We can does it but THEYS can’t” Get fucked, nigger.

>> No.4633782

Its funny that it's considered okay but the reverse isn't

>> No.4633802

Thread should have ended here. If it's okay to blackwash white characters I should be able to white wash or mexican wash black characters.

>> No.4633813
File: 292 KB, 501x702, 49283801_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because there is history/precedent behind the idea that dark skin is ugly. and ultimately it is because race relations in america has never and will likely never be properly repaired. regardless of the artist's intentions of making a black character white, it's better to just avoid it unless your making some kind of politcal message. it similar to, for example, portraying a gentle black character as a lowland gorilla, probably not done with racist intention but there is no denying the tricky past such a connotation has, especially when it was historically used to intentional mock or hurt.

>> No.4633867

LOl shut the fuck up. Restricting artist vision of any kind is fucking cringe and makes you look like an emotionally charged idiot.

>> No.4633883
File: 182 KB, 481x418, 1590383071805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Settle down anon. No one can restrict you from doing anything. And I don't care for any of it, I'm just tired of people pretending they are retarded by saying "but it is exactly the same thing, why are people mad?". You are adding fuel to the fire to encourage further whinging just because you're hungry for a fight by being willfully obtuse.

>> No.4633908

It IS the exact same thing. Quit acting dense and pretending like blacks were the only race ever used in artistic propaganda.

>> No.4633912

Case in fucking point lmao

>> No.4633921

Calling a spade a spade isn’t racist. In this case, calling a spook a spook. How does it feel knowing your race is your only personality trait and it reeks so bad it carries through your typing? Seems like a pointless life.

>> No.4633922

>rent free

>> No.4633931

I never said blacks "were the only race ever used in artistic propaganda". Listen, all you have to say is: IT SHOULDN'T matter and no one should care about race. That makes more sense than implying that there is no objective difference between making an ethnic character white and a white character ethnic.

>> No.4633934

It either does matter or it doesn’t. No ambiguous “iT sHoUldNt” shit. Quit flip flopping. Blacks just happen to be the vocal minority that gets pissy.

>> No.4633937

First off Im white probably less mixed than you no less since youre either a mutt or a br monkey. Secondly, youre a retarded low iq faggot with zero ability to think rationally, look at how much you backpedalled, first getting outraged that people get upset at potential racism to now basically saying "Im not racist I just hate niggers". This is always what it comes down to isnt it, a perpetual victim complex

>> No.4633942

>that’s a huge cope
The mental gymnastics on this. Seems like being called a racist cause you to sperg out. Makes sense for someone autistic such as yourself.

>> No.4633948


>> No.4633951

I was being facetious by giving you an example of a better stance you could take that might be less retarded when you waste your time arguing in these circles. My stance remains unchanged from the fact that there is an objective difference between switching ethnicities.

>> No.4633953
File: 246 KB, 640x597, nezuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorite blackwashed art

>> No.4633955

He may be too thick to understand his own posts but it's not really flip flopping, you set out a goal say racial equality and you look at what things are pragmatically useful and what things aren't and apply those standards to people. Treating it as some kind of retarded religious law that should be followed no matter the context, precedent and consequences is idealistic brainlet-tier shit

>> No.4633968

>Treating it as some kind of retarded religious law that should be followed no matter the context, precedent and consequences is idealistic brainlet-tier shit
I never implied this.

>> No.4633980

Nah not really.

>> No.4633983

Unless I'm misreading the post, your claim that it either matters or it doesn't implicitly demands an absolute standard which should be applied regardless of context or consequences.

>> No.4633985

Thank you for the free visual library expansion anon

>> No.4634010


>> No.4634025
File: 195 KB, 400x587, sasuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I particularly like this one

>> No.4634095


Y i k e s

>> No.4634105

>Someone implies your racist
>Yell projection
>then call someone a spook, nigger and subhuman
>then go on to project about having no personality
Your an actual brainlet doing some awful mental gymnastics

>> No.4634108
File: 501 KB, 612x612, iruka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post blackwashed art or shove that cringe up your ass and fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.4634114

Didn’t they initially give him darker skin in the anime

>> No.4634133

>straight line tumblr mouth
>originality and skill
Nowhere to be found

>> No.4634144

Quick, someone post THAT jojo's art, because I'm not looking for that shit

>> No.4634220
File: 247 KB, 693x601, 1568087635897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.4634232

>look at all the variety!
>all have shit colored skin, brown eyes, and black hair
lmfao delusional
>b..but their skull shapes

>> No.4634241
File: 143 KB, 788x529, 81Bk9kpTURBXy82MTY3ZmZiOTRmNTc3ZjIwYzQ1MTU0M2U4MDRkNjU5ZS5qcGeSlQLNAxQAwsOVAgDNAvjCw4GhMAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your a fucking brainlet moving the goal post. Your really gonna take pride in having recessive genes that has been shown to be linked with fucked immune systems, then be my guest. But don't sit here with your /pol/niggery and think you have more then two half dead brain-cells. Pro tip, there's african tribes with blonde hair.

>> No.4634244
File: 351 KB, 1199x1401, 1512862731301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black skin
>brown eyes
You sure showed me lmao

>> No.4634255

white people skin reminds me of geckos. You look pasty and if someone smacks you, you can see the blood under your skin. fucking mutants.

>> No.4634260
File: 383 KB, 1650x715, 1590869827504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep crying ashy nigga

>> No.4634293

Those are Melanesian anon, they aren't African. Unless you think Abbos are African too?

>> No.4634336

You're the one being dishonest, you created a specific scenario where two characters swap races next to each other.
Try doing it separately like everybody does with black washing while praising and they will get called racist.

>> No.4634343

Cancel what?

>> No.4634350

There's nothing dishonest about it, it's a simple thought experiment to help low IQ retards isolate the actual issue and perhaps use the miniscule brains rattling inside their mostly empty skulls to maybe look at the broader context of society which influences how these two race swaps function. The fact that people like the "I'm no a racist I just hate niggers" kun cry about this very loudly is very indicative, they want to feel like the victims no matter how justified and accurate the shit they get is

>> No.4634356

No, you are unwilling to compare equivalent things which is what makes it dishonest.
You even know this which is why you proposed something different in order to accept something as proof.
You want to compare oranges to apples and then when someone tries to compare apples to apples you won't accept it.

>> No.4634365

They are only equivalent if you have the mind of a toddler and cannot comprehend context or historical precedent. The simple fact is that the same action has different implications and actions in different context, a hyperbolic example would be threat, we treat them differently based on how legitimate they are even in law. This applies to everything, actions do not exist in a bubble, they are informed by what comes before, and what is happening around them, and how they are treated is as well. Now, I ask you this, why do you think people treat the race swaps in my example with vastly less suspicion than white washing in isolation?

>> No.4634393

What does a Japanese artist drawing a Japanese created character have to do with this historical precedent you speak of?

>> No.4634402

I'll gladly defend the general idea, but not the actions of every single individual who believes in it, are you insane. Also, do you agree with what I said, or are you changing the topic to avoid addressing the main bulk of the argument since this would be inconvenient for you?

>> No.4634411

Dude, are you mentally ill? I’m sad that people like you exist in the art world.

>> No.4634413

The art world is full of mental illness but what do you mean? Did I say anything that's untrue or crazy? Point it out

>> No.4634414

Your argument doesn't hold up when looking at the whole world, it only works if you are in the US and only look at about 200 years of history.
It requires ignorance of the world and other cultures in order to even be considered and simply fails to actually say anything, what you posted is so vague and non committal you might as well have not said anything.
Your whole entire argument basically is summarized as, everything has context, but you only consider a vary narrow, ignorant view of context and history.

>> No.4634420

You’re comparing two different scenarios and drawing a concrete conclusion from only one of them. You are being disingenuous and purposefully daft and if you can’t see it then no amount of talking to you will penetrate your thick skull.

>> No.4634422

>Your argument doesn't hold up when looking at the whole world
How does the argument that social context should be considered when looking at individual actions not apply the whole world? It's precisely the opposite. However while I think that Pokemon girl example is stupid, I also don't buy this whole "innocent foreigner" idea that gets peddled in anglo circles. America exports its culture everywhere, right now as we speak there are BLM solidarity protests in different parts of the world that do not necessarily share America's social problems. I'm not even anglo myself, yet I'm perfectly aware of the ills of your society, we're not retards.

>> No.4634427

Draw black as white- racist
Draw white as black- ok

Draw black as white and white as black- ok

Do you see the inconsistency and the outlier here? There’s a common denominator here that makes it “not racist”. The thing is, being intentionally inclusive to appease people like you is racist in itself because they then become the token black person. Do you like people lying to you to make you feel better? There should be no reason that one of these scenarios is considered racist unless the person viewing it harbors racial prejudice against white people. This is as simply as I can put it for you apparently.

>> No.4634432

What are you talking about? The two race swapped characters side-by-side example is different deliberately, it highlights the actual issue here - that people perceive the artistic intention differently based on the context. The example forces you to acknowledge the existence of that dynamic instead of focusing solely on the race swapping in isolation, do you understand?

>> No.4634435

I’m not sure you’re coherent enough to grasp a conversation like this so I’ll leave it at this. Very miserable, it must be.

>> No.4634436

>There’s a common denominator here that makes it “not racist”
Why does it make it not racist? It's like you cut off your line of thought in the middle instead of following through with it and seeing where it leads. The thing that makes the latter not racist even though the same race swapping is happening is CONTEXT, you are communicating intent by showing that your drawings have no racist message behind them and are done for fun. Come on.

>> No.4634439

Interesting cope

>> No.4634442

I’m not sure you’re even reading replies at this point. You just like hearing yourself talk. Context only matters to people who have prejudice. Art itself, at face value, has no context and to think it does makes you, for lack of better words, a shithead. It’s an image, and if you want to evoke some kind of pseudo-oppression conflict from an innocent drawing, be my guest.

>> No.4634444
File: 17 KB, 843x903, 59EC892D-30E7-49B5-B0A9-F4F9274E89F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong website, friend.

>> No.4634448

>Context only matters to people who have prejudice
What do you mean by prejudice here, you mean expectations of racism? Sure. I would argue they are reasonable considering white washing is an actual phenomena seen in the US and a tool to undermine blacks while the opposite isn't true. You could accuse people of going too far with this idea and acting paranoid, but that's a completely different discussion since you're conceding the basic idea. Also, art by itself doesn't have context, but that isn't how art is experienced and you should know that very well.

>> No.4634526

Whitewashing doesn’t exist unless you’re racist. End of story. Just because you as individual are offended by it doesn’t mean it’s a universal issue. The US is predominately white and is too to have predominantly white media. If you get upset over someone’s reinterpretation if a drawing, you are a shit person.

>> No.4634550

Sure it does, from a history of blackface/yellowface in film to casting whites to fill nig/chink roles and the incestuous hollywood system where directors have very strong incentives to hire the mostly white cliques even in roles where it makes no sense. And what's this grandstanding UR DISGUSTING shit? Fuck off back to twitter you sperg lmao

>> No.4634555

>And what's this grandstanding UR DISGUSTING shit
That's probably either a woman or an ex-shitlib that has become a big brain fart huffing centrist who is "above left and right".

>> No.4634611

I have never seen anyone unjokingly call their piece an improvement over the original, its just a re imagining

>> No.4634613

I take it you have never seen tumblr artists

>> No.4634630

don't need too whitewash because all the good characters are white anyways xD

>> No.4634710

Hollywood is in America.... a predominantly white country.... fucking derp on your part. Inclusion is for sensitive people who have no pride or culture of their own.

>> No.4634742
File: 200 KB, 1000x1111, Chibiursa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4634757

It's some Goddamn coloring and lines on some fucking paper, why would I give a shit?

>> No.4634760
File: 64 KB, 600x595, Jesus Christ how Horrifying 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Hell

>> No.4634773

You are extremely low IQ, the fuck does it being a white majority country have to do with it casting whites to play niggers in movies? Use your brain you dumb hole ffs

>> No.4634785
File: 107 KB, 400x436, herm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanart made as a joke or intended to be horrifying doesn’t count. You only get points for art made sincerely.

>> No.4634787
File: 186 KB, 1000x1134, +_e8f21ec1a7e06f5a7cb05c6e183f16c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't worry, the artist behind that piece was sincere.

>> No.4634798
File: 145 KB, 900x900, anna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks anyone will believe that shit in sincere
Too much 4chan has rotted your brain. There’s plenty of bad sincere art without needing to use purposely bad art

>> No.4634821

It is adorable how innocent you still are.

>> No.4634828

Don't like the faces

>> No.4634836

The only thing black about this character is their skin.

the hair nose, shape of head, and lips would all still be considered Caucasian.

>> No.4634849

Because despite what you think, white people want to work with other white people. Hollywood was built by whites, they don’t owe shit to you. I guess maybe niggers should stop asking the white man for role handouts and make movies themselves. But I guess history repeats itself, right boy? Now beg for forgiveness.

>> No.4634855

How new are you to the internet?

>> No.4634857
File: 802 KB, 769x701, 1541752246070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hollywood was built by whites

>> No.4634858

This still looks bad though

>> No.4634861

Post an argument. I need a good laugh. Inb4 hotep conspiracy.

>> No.4634868
File: 223 KB, 540x445, hermi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still doesn’t realize it’s baiting

>> No.4634869
File: 104 KB, 640x640, perce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4634871

Hollywood was built by jews, it's such a well known fact that there were documentaries made of this and they brag about it in prestigious magazines all the time.

>> No.4634876
File: 50 KB, 680x433, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Pic related was drawn by a gook btw

>> No.4634909

Not only did you prove my argument right in your first sentence, not only did you make a factually incorrect statement as the other anon pointed out, but you're also so utterly pathetic that you felt the need to do absolutely embarrassing slavemaster roleplay on 4chan while talking to a person who's most likely whiter than you. You are euthanasia fodder

>> No.4634984

This is really stupid considering the sheer amount of diverse populations that have participated in both events.

>> No.4634988

>posts white hermione

>> No.4634991

Nice argument.

>> No.4635003

>You just like hearing yourself talk. Context only matters to people who have prejudice.
Every single person has some kind of prejudice one way or another, that just doing some high-level mental gymnastics to attempt to make the other guys argument seem nonsensical. Your on a website where people in this very thread, are talking about how white people are the epitome of beauty and diversity in the world. Stop feigning retardation. Context always matters. Things aren't done inside a vacuum.
>Art itself, at face value, has no context and to think it does makes you, for lack of better words, a shithead.
You don't make something without context. You paint someone/something because you want to capture the moment. You draw anime titties or a giant robot because you think it would look cool. Stop removing the reason for people doing things to make it seem like there's no context.

>> No.4635007

That's an Asian though. Sailor moon is asian.

>> No.4635009

So you think casting nothing but white people to play Egyptians in Egypt is not a case of whitewashing?

>> No.4635013

>The industry that is completely controlled by jews was made by white people
What a fucking brainlet.

>> No.4635202

>not white

>> No.4635208


>> No.4635218

Yes they aren't white, in fact they openly distance themselves from us and hate us. I'd sooner call Obama white than jews.

>> No.4635237

Obama's mother was Jewish though.

>> No.4635244

Religious jews are pretty retarded, but atheistic jews have very high intermarriage rates with whites and will most likely identify as white

>> No.4635341

I guarantee you that any jew thats not a mutt and hasn't distance themselves from their religion will never call themselves white unless it benefits them. You've obviously never talked to any legit Jewish person before.

>> No.4635427

>what is tumblr
Man you're lucky

>> No.4635432

Kek, didn't know about that. Makes sense.
They won't identify as white if it isn't to their benefit, even if they intermarry. Atheist jews are oftentimes the worst.

>> No.4635937

Slactivism. People are too afraid of actually creating something new that can send a real message so they copy other people's art and blackface it.