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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4621323 No.4621323 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for online artists to keep themselves and their work politically neutral in 2020?

>> No.4621324
File: 33 KB, 680x529, FB_IMG_1589827744024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4621327

No. The best thing to do is to just go offline.

>> No.4621329


>> No.4621331

Yeah it's called not talking about politics or doing art about politics

>> No.4621333

Oh yeah its definitely possible I wish more people were like https://twitter.com/click_burgundy in that regard

>> No.4621334

I'm keeping to myself! I only upload boobies and ask how everyone is doing or say good morning sometimes because I believe that saying good morning promotes positive energy for the day

>> No.4621345

Hungry clicker is probably the best artist alive today, not because he is the best technically or thematically, but because he is genuinely passionate about his work and does nothing but draw.

>> No.4621347

A lot of people aren't posting anything about this, if you take the time to look for them. Karl Kopinski for one. Just don't get in the habit of spewing your personal thoughts online

>> No.4621350

>almost no reposts
>doesn't say a word
Absolutely fucking based.

>> No.4621355
File: 101 KB, 455x238, im not political BUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. it's not even that hard. All they have to do is just stop putting out messages like these every single time literally anything political happens.

>> No.4621359

Just unfollow the fags once politics get mention, that's at least what I do. I remember back at the US election and people wouldn't shut up about trump, even if you weren't part of shitty burger land and I had to do a mass unfollwoing on pretty much 60% of all the artist I followed back then cuz, they wouldn't stop mentioning it IN.EVERY.FUCKING.POST. Like holy shit I don't care show me your art or cease from my timeline.

>> No.4621362

they want people to clap because they said they wont say anything

>> No.4621368

It is certainly possible. If they care more about politics than their art then they aren't really worth it

>> No.4621369


All my favorite art follows are /ic/ retards and Koreans because I can't understand anything either of them are talking about.

>> No.4621415

He's the Hercules of twitter artists

>> No.4621757

This. Even some anons here spout virtue signaling political garbage.
Unfollowed them immediately.

>> No.4621890

Sure! were all neutral about 99% of the worlds politics. its just american liberals who in one sentence decry imperialism and in the next scream that not everyone cares about murican drivel

basically its that richie dawkins quote 'were all unbelievers about 99% of the worlds gods some of us just go one god further'
just replace 'unbeliever with 'neutral' and 'god(s)' with politics

>> No.4621910

This reminds me, i need to post more political stuff. Anyone know of other filters besides politics that’s effective? I’m tired of getting the same coom followers with no money making the same zoomer reqs.

>> No.4621966

don't you have an opinion?

>> No.4621968

What a Chad, nay, a Giga-Chad

>> No.4621988

Yes, I'm one of them

>> No.4622002

>I’m tired of getting the same coom followers
Then stop posting coom art you brainlet.
>I need to post more political stuff

>> No.4622007
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Nobody can be this retarded, right?

>> No.4622039
File: 562 KB, 936x844, judgment day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try, but I wonder how relevant your work will be if you avoid politics in such a politically charged time.
That being said, to me the best art is politically subtle (think The Wire, Sopranos or some of the EC Comics of the 50s). I find much of the SJW stuff nowadays forced and cringey as hell, even if I might often agree with the underlying politics.

>> No.4622048
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1492281686517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mute the most egregious political accounts
>every so often check media tab only for artwork, if you really truly do like their work
zero effort and the artists always go back to normal posting eventually (its only been like six days, in a month it'll be over).
I follow an artist for their work, not their opinions however much I may dislike them.

>> No.4622104

The problem is that a single political opinion might just ruin an artist's career.

>> No.4622116

the only kind people afraid of their career being ruined if they give an opinion are assholes

>> No.4622117

Does Stamper even draw anymore?

>> No.4622122

like y'all or not, art is political, staying in silence and avoiding the important events happening in the world is a political opinion.
those who can trully stay in silence are not being affected by the violence of the police, by the horrendous decisions of the politicians. those who stay in silence in a fascist time are just fascists

>> No.4622136

Go back to either reddit/twitter

Fuck the “everything is political meme” It is one of the worst things you guys came up with

>> No.4622137

Yes. Everyone from all political leanings love anime girls.

>> No.4622148

>actually responding to z tier bait
c r i n g e

>> No.4622156

oh and how did you came to that conclusion?

>> No.4622161

>politically neutral
No such thing

>> No.4622352

If you don't have the msturity to defend your stance to not give a fuck you probably should not use social media.

>> No.4623314

like you or not.. art still a form of politics

>> No.4623327

Because you're probably a fucking chud.

>> No.4623349

im in the furry porn community and even they are a bunch of retarded shitlib idiots

>> No.4623358

Yes my naked furries are very political

>> No.4623360
File: 331 KB, 753x707, 1554015023559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't trade my morals for pretty pictures. I wont separate art from artist. If artist is a lefty retard, or a fag into the trash bin that degenerate goes

>> No.4623365

blacks kill cops 18x more than cops kill blacks so this bullshit is gay and fake

>> No.4623376

Sure, just don't be a screeching obsessed retards like an average american twitteroid.
In these couple day I went into unfollowing spree and what a coincidence: all the politards are either shitty artists whom I followed compulsively because of one or two good pics they made accidentally or just literal whos I can't even identify because their twitter is filled with reposts and trannimal crossdressing screenshots, while only links in their bio are for e-begging.

>> No.4623474

Same here. It just makes me uncomfortable to follow those types of people, as if their artist front was just a lie to their true personality, or something. I mostly just follow companies that don't comment on anything political now.

>> No.4623534

but killing cops are a moral and normal thing to do, these pigs are worthless

>> No.4623536
File: 77 KB, 681x1024, 7777AD03-8B62-4E7D-B6D3-DD0FA1A97453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry sir, I think you’ve been misdirected. I believe this is where you wanted to go

>> No.4623709

forcing people into playing a retarded game where you post a black square to show allegiance to BLM or not post a black square which will be read as opposition BLM is pure groupthink insanity, and not playing along with it is the only reasonable thing to do regardless of what your other views might be. If you do care about BLM one way or another, instead of posting or not posting a square speak up for your own beliefs. Be specific. Talk to your friends and don't instantly ghost them when there's a disagreement. But that would be too scary, it would be too difficult, wouldn't it?

So instead you just post or do not post a fucking square.

>> No.4624051

it's not about the square, i find it a.dumb strategy, but these people are complaining about artists in general that talks about what's happening in the world

>> No.4624103

all art pieces have at least a slight political statement

>> No.4624174
File: 471 KB, 1057x1500, 1E7A3F8C-018C-4F46-889C-373A55FAA119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politicize this

>> No.4624183

All the Japanese artists I follow somehow manage to.

>> No.4624196
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>> No.4624200

This is a perfect simulation of a Twitter post. Good job.

>> No.4624204
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>> No.4624330

>Japanese NEETS unable to care for themselves begging for government hand outs
Also how is it that bakaudon's artwork varies from pretty awful to pretty good

>> No.4624444

you know conservatives are more likely to watch blacked porn than leftists due to their infatuation with race.

>> No.4624450

yeah, but you better be pretty damn good at drawing because any content behind the piece could be construed as political.

>> No.4624458 [DELETED] 

m8, even fucking twitter whores are on with this crap. It’s like, shut up bitch, I follow you to see you flash your pussy, not listen to your virtue signaling.

>> No.4626124
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>like y'all or not, art is political, staying in silence and avoiding the important events happening in the world is a political opinion.
I hate humanity and I celebrate everything that takes us closer to collapse, but I wouldn't want people to think I support anybody indirectly.

>> No.4626161

No, all art is political >>4624204
Eat shit yankee

>> No.4626537

No art is political. True art is transcendent and has a multitude of meanings and interpretations. It's a cooperation between the artist and the observer, something that lifts the human spirit and connects it to the realm of the unexplored.
Political art is grounded and has a singular meaning, it's an artist creating a soap box to lecture the observer.

To politicize art is to rape it, to claim ownership over something above you and use it as a mere tool for your own personal propaganda. It's a sin against the very nature of it.

>> No.4626552

>To politicize art is to rape it
I agree but I hope you also do the same reasoning with porn or pop culture references. Art is dead, it's been dead for a while.

>> No.4626562



art isnt supposed to be



GEE I WONDER WHAT BLACK LIVES MATTER MEANS what multiple interpretations could stem from this... wrong.

it has a singular meaning. and to force an artist to adhere to a political narrative instead of having the art being open to all is soul destructive.

i didnt use the word propaganda yet did i? propels into your face kinda.

instead of feeding the furry cone you're just feeding the sjw cone

>> No.4626569

You’re a fucking idiot, art doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Every art movement or well known piece to ever exist, has been influenced or says something about the times it was created in, whether directly or not. The pure, ethereal, transcendent, art you’re talking about only exists in the minds of fools like you who are unable to contextualize what they consume and only see pretty pictures

>> No.4626609

Of course, but there's also a subtle yet important distinction -
people who draw porn may do a lot of drawing but they're not artists, just like a construction worker whitening a wall does a lot of painting but isn't an artist.
What that means is that they're not committing that sin I described earlier.

I didn't say art can't reflect the environment it was created in. What I meant is that there's a difference in the relationship artists have to art.
A true artist serves his art, not the other way around. He allows it to balance between his conscious and unconscious mind, like when you throw rocks in a river to direct its stream yet the stream will find its way without you. The artist works as an intermediary between art (the realm of ideas) and the other humans who don't have the means to reach it themselves. It's an extremely humbling and noble role.

>> No.4626857

Who's the guy in the OP pic?

>> No.4626935

And it just so happens that those ideas are political because everything around the person channeling them is. It’s inescapable anon, accept it now and save yourself the grief later.

>> No.4626948

>you either with us or a racist piece of shit not deserving to live
Good, good. Ramp up the tensions!
I want to watch chaos, blood and gore on American streets from comfort of my couch.

I feel sorry for you, my fellow drawfags, just wait a little longer. The hysteria created and perpetuated by the mass media (incl. """social""" media) is bound to culminate in an explosion of violence, but after that everything will get back to normal.

>> No.4627008

Fuck off Bezos/Koch. You just want greater social divisions so that people are distracted by the real economic issues

>> No.4627212

not that anon but the mere existence of abstract art shits all over this idea, unless you try to play weasel words with the broadest possible non-dictionary definition of the word 'political'.

>> No.4629190

>Should I use twitter?
NO, the only reason why twitter seems right to post art is because it is being created and re-tooled 100 seconds a day by skilled programmers to be the most additive website in the world, so don't give me that (muh wanna connections or muh followers). You're there just for the endorphins and once you can admit that to yourself you know that it has no real value. Sorry. But if you wanna have a art platform, learn how to program and make one yourself. because I assure you if Drump where to win 2020, art discussion on social media will be over.

>> No.4629238

This would be alright if mobs of maniacs from the likes of Twitter are willing to screencap and organised doxxing raids to ruin you.
A lot of professional artists want to get away from this mayhem but they cannot because theyre too established. Anywhere they go, they'll get recognised. If they want to make artwork that goes against the grain, theyll be alone with no one to turn to, and nobody will be willing to buy their work.
Its a hopeless situation.

>> No.4629257

Be lucky you can't understand the tweets of your random favorite Japanese and Korean artists because they tweet about political shit all the time. If you can't just scroll past someone's non-art posts on twitter then maybe you're fucking weak.

>> No.4629275

Surely Asian politics on those timelines covers more interesting topics? What do they talk about, when art isnt their main priority?

>> No.4629290
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1570610143588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Follow artist
>They get swept up in a cause
>Respectfully ignore and keep following them
>Most of their followers so happen to only follow them just for art make the same choice as me and stick by them
>artists get mad that their ego isn't being coddled with likes and retweets
>proceeds to keep tweeting about it, not making any likes or not all lot of likes that pleases them
>I kinda feel piss but I feel sorry so stick by, maybe even pity like one of the tweets
>followers get upset that there timeline are essentially getting spammed so they unfollow
>artist is too close minded to think about why they unfollowed an accuse them as (X) or supporting (X)
>lose more followers
>I feel bad for them so I tell them that other people may be dealing with their own shit and they probably followed them to feel uplifted but now they where not anymore
>get blocked

>> No.4629318

>muh evil drumpf!
He actually wants Twitter (and other social media perhaps?) to either cease censorship, or become a publisher and be liable as publishers are.
How that will end "art discussion"?

>> No.4629353

You misunderstand me as someone who hates the guy, I said "Drump" to be cathartic. But what you just did there and misconstrued what I said proves my point of why art on twitter is now on death's door.

>> No.4629360

Trump is in a situation where he needs to stop acting like a fucking tanking retard and actually act in a much calmer manner.
If he feels like he is justified, he needs to do so in a much more elegant manner. Its the least he can do with all the mayhem going on right now. I dont want him re-elected but he should at least end his term on a more sophisticated note.

>inb4 stfu liberal tranny trump is amazing

Im sure he is. It still doesnt mean he can act like a fool. If he is so intelligent, he wouldnt be acting with so much heat. He would be better off cooling the situation down with some communication.

>> No.4629370

What >>4629353 means is, artists feel like they need to loudly announce to support (X) movements because of the one-set of fear and hysteria from three months of isolation,
Remember Covid-19? The virus that killed 2 million people? People sure dropped that topic fast. We are becoming freaking experimental rats in a cage.

I'm not saying that their goal is wrong, but it's at the cost of agreeing with some pretty stupid shit like vandalism and looting or anything that distracting and useless shit like lets call out a white person who used to tans their skin or get mad a artist drawing a black nose wrong.

>> No.4629390

Most don’t agree with the looting

>> No.4629397

You know/believe that because that's what you and the people you've surrounded yourself with think too, same with people who agree with it looting. It's a mess all around.

>> No.4629407

There are a huge segment of the population that just wants to loot some free shit. These people overlap with both the protestors and the cops (see civil forfeiture). You also see protestors stopping looters and good cops stopping shit cops. The problem arrives when there is an avenue forward to punish the looters for their crimes, but not the cops in most situations.

>> No.4629421

Nah, he should double down so hard, that people get their head out of your collective e-ass, and get back to reality. Mass arrests, military patrols, charges galore... all that jazz. Order must be restored, authority must tell its unruly children to behave.

Tramp is not amazing, but boy is he funny to watch.

>feel like they need to loudly announce to support (X) movements
They should calm down I think. And draw what *they* want, not what is fashionable today.

> We are becoming freaking experimental rats in a cage
Entire social media is an experiment. Never ever in timeline of our species were we exposed to opinions of so many strangers and at personal level to boot.

>> No.4629423

This. Koreans especially. I had the misfortune of following an especially radical artist that basically tweeted "fuck em japs", her art was nice though.

>> No.4629427

and when the commies eventually take over the military state you are going to be asking "why didn't we see this coming?"

>> No.4629432

It might be good for USA to get the commie bug and then, eventually, grow out of it like all the countries did. Commies are good at culturally unifying different peoples, no more identity politics.

>> No.4629436

She sounds based

>> No.4629440

I wouldn't say so, she's one of those feminist Koreans with very radicalized ideals, hates men etc. Quite a few Koreans like that I happen to follow.

>> No.4629441

Koreans are low quality women of East Asia. All they ever do is bitching and moaning. Fuck they even practice mass cosmetic surgeries to look prettier.

>> No.4629445

Having been to S.Korea yeah, it's quite embarrassing seeing >95% of the young female population having work done. I get why the suicide rates are so high when they're raised uncomfortable in their own skin.

>> No.4629452

I wonder how does it feel, to see a pretty stranger, that looks somewhat like you in a mirror. Pretty much sure not very good.

Now I want to read/watch something that depicts that.

>> No.4629463

They're good at creating massive wealth disparity and authoritarian regimes

>> No.4629472

>They're good at creating massive wealth disparity
No, that's not true. Also USA already have biggest wealth disparity on Earth.
>authoritarian regimes
That is correct. After all it is a proletarian dictatorship. USA might benefit from a healthy dose of that, a father figure for the nation so to speak.

>> No.4629476

Art and politics are extricably linked.

>> No.4629481

>Trump is in a situation where he needs to stop acting like a fucking tanking retard and actually act in a much calmer manner.

You really expecting a 70+ year old idiot narcissist to actually have rationale?

>> No.4629482

he was rational enough to hide in his bunker and build a wall around the white house like a little baby

>> No.4629600

I wish I could but animation industry people really want you to spill your guts and use progressive language to signal you’re a good pick for their brand. Makes me want to create my own studio, but I have no money to hire anyone and the gigs I’m getting as a freelancer are already shit.

>> No.4629610

Counterpoint: if you’re a small artist with no audience (like sub 100) you’re better off making strong political statements even if they have nothing to do with your art. You have no one to upset and the people who come to you will have a strong first impression. You can only gain from it.

>> No.4629625
File: 731 KB, 1466x1015, 659E3679-1406-41C1-85D9-5F65AF662715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re kidding. You’re really gonna sit there and tell me that these aren’t political at all ?

>> No.4629633

that's not abstract, there are clear representations of people and objects in it as well as writting

>> No.4629634

I would hate Korean men too if I couldn't take a shit in a public bathroom without worrying about a hidden camera installed somewhere I can't see.

>> No.4629645

Counter to the Counterpoint- Just don't play their stupid game at all.

>> No.4629652

He talks big and then goes off to bow for people who are stronger than him. He's a fucking coward.

>> No.4629674
File: 793 KB, 1395x1008, 4AD54010-E33A-4C54-8E52-1C0A524FCDF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then. How about these paintings, Trans “Rights Are Human Rights” and “Boarder Crossing” ?

>> No.4629686

the titles are political but the images don't really convey a message. You have to be careful with interpreting any meaning from this kind of art because if you say things like "the colors might represent..." people will tell you that's not how you're supposed to look at it and try to embarrass you. So literally it means nothing but it actually means something because the artist says it does.

>> No.4629702

Titles are just as much a part of the painting as the image. Imagine if the Mona Lisa was titled “bimbo cumslut” instead, ridiculous yea but it would change the piece. Knowing the titles, I can totally see why they’re called what they’re called. Just because the people in your example are ignorant of the story/ info surrounding the piece that doesn’t make it any less political or whatever. Like any piece you can draw whatever meaning from it you want but that doesn’t change the political nature of it.

>> No.4629708


Here is something that might surprise you: it could be just a nice fucking painting? And you wont get lynched for saying you like how abstract it looks? Fucking hell.

>> No.4629722

Of course you can say it’s a nice painting and leave it at that. We’re not talking about that though, we’re talking about if art can be non political, and it can’t, you acknowledging that fact/ it contributing to your enjoyment of it is a different story.

>> No.4629723

It's American liberals constantly living and breathing self righteousness at all times of day and night. So they have this attitude that everyone everywhere should care about everything they care about 100%. And the only reason someone wouldn't is because they are evil bad people who like hurting others and spreading evil. They cannot really grasp the concept of someone who wants none of that shit, they simply MUST be evil. Because their personal hand-picked cause is right and just, they require everyone else to join their perfect just cause no matter what.

>> No.4629724

Or lack of one

>> No.4629732

Just because you don’t take an interest in politics doesn’t mean they’re not interested in you. Apoliticalness IS at best stupid and at worst evil.

>> No.4629753

Basically this. I want a job in the animation industry, and it is nothing but virtue signaling from every level. From boarders, revisionists, to background artists. Everyone joins in the virtue signal circlejerk so I pretty much have to if I ever want to work again.

>> No.4629754

you are conflating abstract with non-objective

>> No.4629757


If you are silent and complicit with a murdering regime, that means you are pro tat murdering regime. You cannot stand silent and do nothing while others are fighting and dying for the cause.

And guess what happens to the collaborators when the regime loses....

>> No.4629772

And here, ladies and gentlemen, we see a man who doesn't understand what the word "political" means.

>> No.4629776

You type like a faggot

>> No.4629778

people who want others to be political are a bunch of man children who lack identity but they don't want to work hard for an "identity" they want instant gratification so what they do is say "i belong to this group" and that fills the void

when they see someone apolitical it angers them because essentially the identity that they have bestowed upon themselves is rendered meaningless

>> No.4629779

> snore

>> No.4629785

>Monet paints pretty water lilies
>Van Gogh paints slice of life
>both world renown


>> No.4629791

before we continue this we all agree that communists are mentally challenged yes ?

>> No.4629807

Art doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The subject of a painting and the way they’re depicted reflects the values of the times/ the artist. So yes, even paintings of water lilies and the mundane are political, whether you acknowledge it or not.

>> No.4629812


>> No.4629814


maybe you should research what political means then because your defining it with a very broad brush

i can right here say your post is racist because it reflects the language that was created by racists and you should stop using it

>> No.4629816

Yes ;•p

>> No.4629820

>implying English of all languages was created by a quantifiable group of people that all share the same worldview


>> No.4629829


>implying art was created by a quantifiable group of people that all share the same worldview

you mean like pepe the frog?
that was created by an openly left leaning artist
but we deemed it racist yes ?

so we cant do the same with language ?
i mean im only using the same broad strokes you used for art with language now is that wrong ?

>> No.4629849

Language is fascist. It splits people into speaking and non-speaking group, with non-speaking taking second place. It enables group-based bigotry and dehumanization.

>> No.4629852

What are you going on about. Pepe was create by a single leftist yes, a ton of racist fan art doesn’t change his origins/ the series he stars in.

Language is more comparable to a medium than a finished piece. Just like a marker by itself isn’t racist but it can be used to draw a racist caricature in the same way that individual words aren’t racist until you string them together in such a way to say something racist.

>> No.4629858


i agree humanity should develop telepathy through human experimentation for the betterment of our collective species

gene editing should be the norm so that our successors would be better versions our ourselves

>> No.4629862


im sorry but the anti-defamation league doesn't agree with you

>> No.4629870
File: 236 KB, 1020x849, 0C26EF79-3564-41D0-8241-DF2EB6A04E51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they ?

>> No.4629878

Telepathy is fascist too. Reasoning is the same.

>> No.4629896

It's times like this where it feels good to be a literal nobody who no one pays attention to.

>> No.4629898

It's easy for me right now since I'm an unknown.

>> No.4629900

Agreed. Although my Pixiv jumped from 20-ish to 60-something ever since the lockdown happened. Not sure what happened there.
Could also just be a giant swarm of bots I'm not aware of.

>> No.4629953

can you name the artist anon? I'm curious what subject does stuff like this

>> No.4630017

Damn. Hard black pill dude. But I’ll take it. Shakespeare didn’t stop writing plays when the Black Plague was affected his world, why should you anons?

>> No.4630019

What is this actually saying?

>> No.4630026
File: 340 KB, 863x998, 5ED08F2D-AD74-4C0C-87F6-8C6A42589A70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4630027

It says that they will kill you if don't enter their ranks.

>> No.4630031

Won’t really matter what titles they have, when those artists die, people 100 years and on will forget and may think they represent a lake and just abstract images.

>> No.4630042

>If you do not join us and think exactly like us we will punish you after our imagined revolution

>> No.4630049

I still feel sorry for them so I won’t be name dropping. But I’m sure if you stay on Twitter long enough, you’ll see maybe once a month someone cracking under the pressure of it all. I just gotta feel bad for these people engaging in “Struggle Session” culture and “gaslighting”. One is pointing a gun to their own head while the other are just putting guns at other people. Shit like this feels so shallow.

>> No.4630056

Fuckin who will kill me?! The commies? The fascists?! Dumb fucker you are more likely to die tomorrow from a car accident then any of this shit.

>> No.4630058

Your ignorance of a fact doesn’t not make it a fact. If I didn’t post the titles and you/ your hypothetical people in the future just saw them as neat paintings, that wouldn’t make them any less political. It’d just be a piece of lost info.

>> No.4630061

It’s saying that if you don’t swim you’ll be swept away by the current, whichever way it may flow.

You need to stop reading so many fantasy books

>> No.4630074
File: 38 KB, 343x512, F594F1B6-60BF-45C0-A4BB-96A18F855D9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t believe we are unable to fully 100% know what the true intent of a artist 100 years, 1000 years and etc where thinking when they made their work? We start by just guessing by from observing, we also have their and other personal accounts who knew them. Go further back it becomes more muddled.

>> No.4630079

Art from the past is renamed or change and take on completely knew meanings though. A statue of a great man in his time can mean a statue of racism to the public at large now.

>> No.4630093

You don’t need to know an artists exact intent for a piece to be political. And yea information can be lost to time but what makes all art political today is what made art political back then. Art makes a statement and statements are political.

Okay ? What does that change about what I said ? The point is that it’s still political, the opinions or reaction to the politics can change but at the end of the day it is and was always political

>> No.4630098
File: 17 KB, 480x194, bladerunner3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the worst time to be an artist since the dawn of man? We literally celebrate ugliness, pornography, this political shit, stupidity, consumerism. Sure the times are better, we don't die of dysentery, you can put your work on the internet, but humanity is fucking garbage now. They're more obedient and civil because they're completely hollowed out by the time they're 5.
Sometimes I think I should quit art, quit drawing it and quit looking at it as well because it makes me depressed or disgusted more than anything else. I only get joy from things of the past. I connect so well to art, but dwelling on nostalgia always has a bitter aftertaste and it takes only a second of looking at what's going on today to undo it all.
My journey in art has been my greatest motivator to suicide, I endured so much shit thinking that art would give me something to cling onto, but art is completely gone too. It's just dead in the name of the ugly things we celebrate.

>> No.4630100

>Okay ?
Why are there so many goddamn women on this board, can't you do your drama shit somewhere else?

>> No.4630110

It’s political because you see it as such, but for others it’s not at all political. Both you and them are both right and wrong and that’s the literal beauty of true art. Sometimes objectivity doesn’t matter to the universe and especially time itself. Art can take a hundred of different meanings but in the end of it all, universally it’s coming from a human saying “I exist” “proof that I existed”.

>> No.4630182

Okay ??

I can absolutely live with that. A+ post anon.

>> No.4630251
File: 138 KB, 900x287, 1590544684428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Artist I'm a "friend" of posted about how he was happy to lose followers who were racists, homophobes, etc. on his Twitter account. Someone responded, "Maybe people just wanna chill." and he was at such a loss for how to respond to that that he literally posted on Facebook asking for advice on how to reply.

The thing is, his Facebook feed is a constant parade of panic attacks, paranoid rambling, and self-pity. It was that way before the pandemic and the riots, and since March it's been insufferable. Now he's rambling about how much he hates cops, even though it's abundantly clear he's a suburban white-boy whose only negative encounters with the police have been traffic tickets. If his Twitter is anything like his Facebook page, it probably looks like the rantings of a madman by this point.

I'm sure the reason he's losing followers on Twitter is not because he had a bunch of offended racists drop him, but because, as the person who tweeted him said, "Maybe people just wanna chill."


It's a pity. I used to respect him as an artist, but now I can't stand to listen to him.

>> No.4630261
File: 47 KB, 350x280, Debbies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a whole nation of Debbies!

>> No.4630265

>They're more obedient and civil

I mean... apparently not.

>> No.4630269

Is that Hitler rocking out?

>> No.4630351

Wtf explain

>> No.4630361

Out of context bullshit to make you feel bad for not choosing an extreme to follow. I would rather be apolitical than a sheep.

>> No.4630363

i feel the same way, anon

>> No.4630364

korea has a rampant problem of actual creepy incels. Many install hidden cameras in public bathrooms hoping to catch a woman peeing and post it on porn sites

>> No.4630828

Post your work or fuck off

>> No.4631007
File: 154 KB, 757x1055, __bworrrrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where a lot of it comes from. You want a nice decent paying job in a studio? Then you must bend the knee and join in on the twitter hate train and wait until studio sempai notices you.

Everyone working in studios right now are all doing it for the same reason. Their gig is up in a few months and they need to virtue signal some just to keep up appearances and let all the hiring managers know how thoughtful and progressive they are. While also keeping their name relevant.

>> No.4631013
File: 989 KB, 500x452, 1422574618674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep posting your work and shut the fuck up

see >>4621333

>> No.4631049
File: 1.60 MB, 300x168, PepeRadi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate it because it's all so disingenuous but no one seems to notice or care, they're the type of people to spout off about corporations clinging to trends for clout while they turn around and do the same.

they just want an echo chamber and its fucking horrifying to think people lose their jobs because they don't share the same unrelated opinions as their "higher ups"

>> No.4631064

Or develop your own opinions. For example, I believe we should be able to own guns but also believe citizens United is arguably the biggest issue in our political system. Am I supposed to just abandon one issue for the other because I like the other team better? No, I pick the candidate I like best based on the issues. People that treat politics like team sports are retards.

>> No.4631135

That's the scary part of it, most work in the arts is contract based rather than permanent employment. Therefore if someone wants to replace you for any reason they can just let your contact run up and not renew it, then hire someone else. You'll never be able to prove why and they'll just accuse you of racism for even thinking that could be a reason.

>"hurr you think a LGBTQABIPOCwhateverthefuck isn't as qualified as you to do this job???"

>> No.4631144

>implying corporations are people
If you don’t like it then just start your own studio. Isn’t that what conservative people say when blacks complain about representation in media ?

>> No.4631164

>start your own studio and hire based solely on skill and artistic ability
>people yell at you because you're not hiring enough of the "underprivileged"

>> No.4631173

If you hired purely on talent you’d likely end up with more black and brown people on average because white people tend to go for that intentionally ugly art style to appeal to minorities.

>> No.4631203

You would be sued for having no women employed there.

>> No.4631214
File: 31 KB, 400x583, E2B2B0CB-0D9E-48E6-B461-280551BA4D47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4631228

>white people tend to go for that intentionally ugly art style to appeal to minorities
Holy shit you have a point. Go look at the #drawingwhileblack thread on here, much better than the full calrts garbage you see from white "nonbinary" fucks

>> No.4631230

At least for burgers this seems to be true, I'd still like to know how many of those whites are kikes though.

>> No.4631235

Well, I'm not. And while there are people who just want artists to shut up about their beliefs, I'm convinced that most of the backlash is a result of the cult-ish nature of most of the support blm has gotten from artists, the fact that it's just walls of impersonal black squares, even if people can't formulate those reasons.
Sinix posted a video where he laid out his thought on the protests, and though his opinions are fairly left-leaning and he has a big /ic/ following the response was positive.

>> No.4631268

Sabotaging yourself before you even start ? Ngmi

>> No.4631472

>and let all the hiring managers know how thoughtful and progressive they are
Wrong, it's to show how compliant you are. It's the same reason why ArtStation is full of fanart. You have to show you have absolutely no personality of your own and you will do everything you are told, you like everything that is popular, you will draw in the popular style. You have to show that you are a complete yes man.

>> No.4631511

Offer to fulfil their requests in exchange for being a shill. It's free, organic, marketing.

>> No.4631568

I was saying these idiots are just as insincere as the corporations they hate so much, it's all so hollow

>> No.4631570

What a massively retarded question. imagine not having a brain

>> No.4631576

>Rapoza retweeting and liking left shiet

>> No.4631583


>> No.4631588

Don't forget they can cancel you for saying anything neutral or logical. It's happening right now.

>> No.4631589

Rapoza!! Is that you!?
I love your work man, you are about the only thing keeping me going these days

>> No.4631595

Got any examples of this happening ?

>> No.4631598
File: 248 KB, 609x635, 0d30bd040c62f381dacb9f387ef73146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should just accept as default that every artist OUT THERE is a lefty fagot, and stop looking up to them. Just go on pixiv, embrace the gook.

>> No.4631608

Pretty sure gooks bitch about politics too. People just cant read moon rune so when ever they see them talk they just assume its all sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.4631633

During the deviant art years pre social media, yeah.

>> No.4631638

If you have nothing to do just check comments on twitter to popular retweets. Lefties have power trip in social media. And a lot of them are trans too

>> No.4631639

I google translate twits and barely see this shit. However some normalfag artists like/retweet BLM garbage

>> No.4631663

shit like this makes me think we are getting very close to civil war. If these people lived in communist russia they would be the ones reporting their neighbors to the authorities for not being pro communist enough.

>> No.4631674

I try. But I also sometimes make characters that aren't white or straight, and according to my notifications, that makes me a "muh pandering forced diversity librul." Even if I never post political takes and the stories take place in fantasy/sci-fi settings.
Funnily enough, the "keep politics out of art" and "every character that isn't like me = politics" crowds seem to overlap.
Goddamn just let me draw what I want to draw I don't care about ameriburger shit.

>> No.4631689

People who pose with animals they shot deserve everything awful in the world. If these people got eliminated by the SJWs it would actually be worth it.

>> No.4631691

Isn't what she is doing doxxing?

>> No.4631749

Two days later they could not get her fired. So now they are working on getting her boss fired instead.

>> No.4631768

There’s nothing wrong with that though. People send mobs after other people all the time, even on this site. Not sure what being trans has to do with anything

>> No.4631770

Posting someone’s online handle isn’t doxing. If she posted her real name, address, phone number, etc... that’d be doxing

>> No.4631773

Yeah. Makes it clearer anon isn't exactly devoid of political agenda either.

>> No.4631795
File: 414 KB, 584x903, 67832676800271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are losing their fucking minds at people not posting virtue signaling.

>> No.4631797

It’s pathetic that you think a literally who’s tweet is inching us closer to a civil war. Do everyone a favor and get some fresh air, talk to someone new.

>> No.4631799

the issue is that it takes less than ever to get a mob after you and the amount of mobbing going on is increasing to an unnerving level

>> No.4631802

Who exactly are these fools?

>> No.4631803

Care to rephrase that? I don't get what you're trying to say. This is starting to read like real schizoposting hours.

>> No.4631804

Yea this is pretty pathetic, but liberals being pathetic is nothing new. If they instead provided donation links or encouraged people to protest or something yea but just complaining about silence is is pretty lame and not at all proactive

>> No.4631806
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe people saw all the looting and rioting on day 12 and thought perhaps this is not the amazing noble revolution it was made out to be. Hard to get behind a moralist movement that promotes looting of all stores they come across, and then pretend it's actually a good thing.

>> No.4631807

Not true. Only difference is that people are organizing over a single big issue rather than 100s of little ones

>> No.4631810

Day 1 I mean

>> No.4631811

this is an art board
go back to /pol/ for this shit

>> No.4631814

True, how the fuck are we supposed to look at a group that robs store after store after store for days and then say
>Yes! These guys are right and just! This is definitely going to take those evil racist police four states away from me down a few pegs and make them realize we are not criminals and we should not be profiled! Now on to the AT&T store! I need a new iphone! Because black lives matter!!!!!

>> No.4631817

Revolutions inspire some of the most iconic art

>> No.4631820

It does have a point about twitter though. I just want to post pics and promote myself. Why the fuck should I put everything on hold under threat by twitter mobs and help promote rioters and looters?

>> No.4631822

This is just another fucking /pol/, but more art orientated.

>> No.4631825

By having even the smallest understanding of their position. Looting is a direct redistribution of resources, something the state has failed to do in general. Violence and destruction are the only languages the state really understands.

>> No.4631830

I promise you your following isn’t big enough for anyone to give a shit

>> No.4631833

Look at the post I was replying to.
Nothing about art or Twitter is mentioned anymore. It's obviously just a /pol/tard looking for any excuse to shit up every board with this shit.

>> No.4631839

Is it really looting? Those products were made by low paid underclasses of people forced into shitty working conditions that the state considers cattle to be shot at and jailed on a whim. They made everything in that Target, they likely made the Target, and their slave ancestors cleared the land and build the infrastructure that paved the way for a Target to be placed there. If anything they have earned every single last ounce of ownership of everything found within that store more than any white people have.

>> No.4631841

Taking back what is truly theirs is not looting. It's redistributing from the white oligarchs who have stolen everything down to their culture and basic human rights. They are reclaiming what was always theirs to begin with from a small group that claimed everything for themselves.

>> No.4631842

My man. Workers are just collecting what was stolen from them, simple as.

>> No.4631846

Because it is taking away from colonizing slave owning rich racist 1% that own 90% of the planet all to themselves? Who the fuck cares what is taken from them? It's a pittance and the combined looting of all of Atlanta does not equal what was paid for a single Hawaiian vacation home so fuck em.

>> No.4631889

Yes, but it's more profitable to bait clicks with your shitty hot takes.

As an artist you always have the option of foregoing obsession with materialism and profit and devoting yourself to beauty and aesthetics.

>> No.4631919

I haven’t posted shit and haven’t gotten a single complaint. Take your meds

>> No.4631986

I checked back with an artist I used to follow and forgot about. They are unironically saying white people need to give blacks reparations
It's just so tiresome.

>> No.4631988

This is written like a lie.

>> No.4632008

I'm not lying but I'm not posting their account.

>> No.4632021

They do though. Reparations isn’t just here’s a lump sum of money though, it’s dismantling the systems that made their ancestors oppression possible in the first place

>> No.4632087

Y E S.
Draw landscapes. Post landscapes, without commenting on politics. You win.

>> No.4632105

Old article, but here's an exampe of non-monetary reparations as proposed by the Washington Post

>> No.4632106


The thing I love about the looters is how many white boys showed up to get in on the action.

>Uh, yes, I'm doing this for the revolution because, uh, black lives matter, and that's why I need this Playstation...

>> No.4632137

horseshit, they just want free stuff

>> No.4632146

what a fucking retarded take


>> No.4632171
File: 446 KB, 750x737, 394DC6AF-D445-4475-A3D5-5A09D2979702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violence is the only way to bring about true change, history proves this. If you’re satisfied with slaving away for whatever crumbs the capitalists decide you deserve that’s fine, I and millions of others will continue to oppose that system however we can

>> No.4632181

Didn't Sherman do that in the Civil War?

>> No.4632182

What a dogshit idea. 5/3rds of a vote is as stupid as the idea that the black dollar will save black communities. It does nothing to address the systems that made things so shitty in the first place.

>> No.4632218

>They are unironically saying white people need to give blacks reparations

Whenever I hear this I think, "Who, me?" My ancestors weren't here for any of that. What do I owe?

>> No.4632220


Fuck. You.


>> No.4632228

It was owned by a slave owning colonist white guy. He deserved everything.

>> No.4632230

That’s a bummer man, it really is. However stores can be rebuilt, the books can be bought elsewhere in the meantime, in the long run it’s with it if it means abolishing the police/ holding them accountable for their lethal fuckups.

>> No.4632233

*It’s worth it if it means

>> No.4632235

Still depressing shit had to get this bad for these problems to be even addressed.

>> No.4632237

You just know none of these retards have done shit and they think that if they yell at others to do so, then in their sad little world they accomplished something and “saved” black Americans. This is why some blacks even now are on the fence because they just feel like no one, Dems or Conservatives even value them in the long run at all.

>> No.4632242

Naw, you’ll be hiring some blacks and mostly asians

>> No.4632249

They at least know Conservatives hate them and think less of them.

Liberals with all their wanting to be viewed as allies, they play off as enlightened saviors and come off assuming all brown people are less intelligent and helpless without a white savior to some uplift them. They seem to to, in their own way, think black people are dumb and think less of them too.

>> No.4632258

Absolutely. I assume you’re from the area, I hope another store gets built soon enough. I know nothing can quite replace the experience of specialty stores.

>> No.4632281

>like y'all or not, art is political,

this is just a bullshit postmodernist idea thats been perpetuated by idealogues since the 1970s by French nevaue academic faggots who want to boil everything down to a political dichotomy in order to demean culture & the transcendent quality of art itself.

>> No.4632282

Naw man, thank you though but I’m in Florida, we’re having protesters but most if it’s been pretty peaceful and calm. No looting here thankfully.

>> No.4632342

You’re and idiot. Go to your community college and take an art appreciation class.

>> No.4632379

Damn, I'm in Atlanta and shit was just fucked here last week. Places tried posting African American Owned, or Minority Owned and it didn't matter. People trashed them and robbed them anyway. We had people driving cars through Lenox mall here.

>> No.4632384

how's stamper doing these days?

>> No.4632420
File: 157 KB, 500x451, 242D7189-AE6C-4403-9383-B9F67F922F3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re and idiot

>> No.4632434

mediocre post but at least you have good taste

>> No.4632461
File: 91 KB, 584x887, cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill name drop a few artists whose stuff i love but have become absolutely insufferable. i used to love looking at loish's ig story posts but now its nothing but blm spam. on twitter i follow at artist named mayumi who made really pretty art now just posts blm spam in addition to retweets of asians whining about white people in various art industries but especially animation -- pic related is just one example of this type of cancer.

i find chinese and korean artists equally insufferable. popular chinese artist that is unberable is alicexz and im not sure if mayumi on twitter is chinese but shes also obnoxious lately

>> No.4632468

Basically all of animation twitter is nothing but black lives matter posts and asking for someone to hire black artists.

>> No.4632472

only if you draw coom

>> No.4632499

well then thank fuck ive never been interested in pursuing animation. the types of people that the animation industry attracts seems like nothing but these cultist blm types

>> No.4632512

It's literally every corner of the arts, aside from realists who don't heavily associate with the academic or museum scene. Go into computer science if you want to work around other other shitlords (I say that lovingly). Otherwise just hide your powerlevel and do what you're passionate about it's not that hard unless you're an autist.

>> No.4632531


But they protected the Waffle House. THAT was sacrosanct.

>> No.4632539
File: 192 KB, 1180x646, 1554833459044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>educate yourself

>> No.4632543

Aw god damn her too?! I’m ok with her support for blm, but now she has to engage in drag culture that ironically is distracting from the very subject of police brutality

>> No.4632546

God, I’m black and suddenly I’m getting all these followers even though I haven’t posted anything in a month. Is it over pity or something? It feels gross.

>> No.4632553

nothing you can do about it, man. If you voice your objections your new "fans" will call you an uncle tom and you'll get even more followers from the opposite political camp who equally don't give a shit about your art.

>> No.4632554

Sometimes that’s true, but most of the time they are talking about mundane shit and make very small tweets like their using Twitter like it 2011.

>> No.4632559
File: 329 KB, 601x511, B3E563C0-E5F9-414F-9A4E-B593A30D0F3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such bullshit though. I mean I’m a dumbass for using Twitter at all, but everyone is so fuckin politically hyped up it’s insane. A week ago it was easy to be nice and give everyone a fair shake as long as I still see green. But now my feed is being spammed with “Race War” garbage or “Fascism is upon us” shit. And my followers all so divided and mad and fighting with each other when they see the other in “the wrong side”. I picked to worst time to get back to fucking art.

>> No.4632562


>the types of people that the animation industry attracts seems like nothing but these cultist blm types

It's more accurate to say that the animation industry attracts shallow, flighty, flaky, emotionally unstable, stunted people. They get wrapped up in emotional causes very easily, and are trend-hoppers in general (just look at fads like the Sailor Moon redraw).

The ironic thing is that most artists are very unimaginative and uncreative, so they'll glom onto any pre-processed idea and just do variations on that. They're also largely uneducated on anything outside art (and usually only their specific niche at that) so they have no larger historical perspective on things. Also they overvalue emotions, so if you can give them a good sob story they'll tumble for your cause immediately.

Unfortunately art is a crap medium for expressing complex ideas, so you end up boiling everything down to simplistic propaganda that the public gobbles up. But all it expresses is trite sentimentality. That's why Banksy is so popular. All he did was take a political cartoon and paste it on a wall where people who don't read the newspaper can see it.

>> No.4632565

Same. Posting art can already be anxiety-inducing enough when you don't have to calculate the political ramifications of potentially not presenting yourself as a "good ally" to whatever groups feel that they get to dictate your online behavior.

>> No.4632566
File: 29 KB, 480x360, F8E108D1-40CE-42B2-919A-0C13469C965C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Unfortunately art is a crap medium for expressing complex ideas
Like when where talking “art”, your also mean music, film, paintings and architecture can’t explain complex ideas?

>> No.4632568


They're promoting black artists for being black. How that helps communities affected by racist or overly aggressive policing I have no idea. I guess it's supposed to "let black voices be heard" or some such thing.

Anyway YOU RIDE THAT WAVE! Post something new every day. Sketches, designs, whatever. Don't pass up a golden opportunity to exploit a national tragedy. Just don't engage with anyone who can make trouble for you.

Remember the only things valuable about the public are their eyeballs and their wallets. Who they are as people is worthless to you.

>> No.4632569

anon means the visual arts. this is /ic/, in case you've forgotten.

>> No.4632573

I disagree with this post on a fundamental level, but I can still respect your shameless honesty.

>> No.4632576

I’ll do that, but I’m also unfollowing everyone, even the people I agree with on this debate. This shit is mentally destructive to people lives man, I feel bad for them but that’s on them.

>> No.4632580


Slightly better, but generally only useful as a gateway to deeper knowledge
Awful. Only good for propaganda.
Architecture has an unfortunate habit of becoming invisible to its users. Also it cannot convey specific, usable data to the public. It is generally utilitarian, rather than primarily artistic as well.

>> No.4632584

Kinda disagree with the music their buddy since music is essentially just written poetry fuse with instruments and rhythms, therefore making it highly complex art.

>> No.4632591

just because you are too dumb to see it doesn't mean they can't.

>> No.4632592

I hope so, been working on Rust fanart themed around a night raid before the riots started.

>> No.4632593
File: 530 KB, 1500x2000, alexander-hoogendyk-rust-fina2l2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4632595


In a world built on lies, there is no more destructive force than honesty.


Good idea. Over-engagement, even with important issues, is mentally destructive. There is ALWAYS going to be some tragedy or outrage going on, and if you let it distract you from your work, all you've let it do is create another victim. I've seen my colleagues brains turn to jello over the past few months. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.4632598


I didn't say it wasn't highly complex, I said it was bad at conveying *complex ideas*.

>> No.4632610

Pretty cool man, if anything this whole mess should inspire us to make Art from it rather than about it instead of pretending to have “conversations” that basically now boil down too. “Booo hooo muh white privileged, muh stores, muh racism”

>> No.4632627

There was one guy on here who posted a painting he did of a guy who was handing out water to protestors (might have been plen air I didn't ask him, it had that look). If you're going to make art about these things that's a good route to go about it. Documenting the happenings around you rather than making an obnoxious and corny activist piece, or some edgy art criticizing it all.

>> No.4632633

I get that, that seems way useful

>> No.4632667

>However stores can be rebuilt

>> No.4633056

>However stores can be rebuilt
not when the owners are broke which they likely are after being shut down for corona

>> No.4633087
File: 189 KB, 800x965, 1560196970400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been outraged by these riots since day 1, up until now I have been willing to seperate my political views from the artists I wish to follow but I cannot continue to do that.

The people supporting this movement still to this day are supporters of murder, racism, sexim, anarchy and just general madness, all while believing they are opposed to all of those things.
I no longer care how good your art is, it is impossible for me to have any self respect in myself if I continue to simply tolerate this madness, I will happily follow 0 people on Twitter if it means I can stand by decent principles

>> No.4633117

>like y'all or not, art is political
you must be fun at parties

>> No.4633292

Well then rebuilt it yourself since you care so much

>> No.4633333

Might as well drop all ambitions fir the time being anyway. Studios are only going to be hiring based on skin color for the next several months now because of this.

>> No.4633336

The digits reveal the sad truth

>> No.4633346

It's not about helping a group or joining a cause at all. It's 100%
>Hey look at me! Look how much of an ally I am!!!! I'm not one of those evil people!!!!

>> No.4633420
File: 391 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-06-05-23-19-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting an disclaimer for putting your art
>the absolute state of social media

Fuck America fuck fuck you one hundred million of times. Fuck America think that they are the only one with problems. The only way you can change the world is shoving your smartphone into your ass and get to work on the real world stupid imbeciles assholes no wonder why american and european are so retard today. Fuking pieces of shit trying to do "justice" on social media because they are unable to do things irl theres only hypocrisy into their people.

Fuck you.

>> No.4633433

>NOOOO You cant be a human being and have opinions about the world around you!!!
>You're supposed to just make pretty lines! What about my feelerinos!!!!!!1!#

>> No.4633437
File: 138 KB, 750x1183, PMxAohz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having your day ruined because someone doing art regarded the massive civil unrest happening in every single US state

Just practice your art lol

>> No.4633438
File: 3.01 MB, 1478x1510, Inktober 18 Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it necessary for online artists to keep themselves and their work politically neutral?

>> No.4633446

>tweet at her and accuse her of racism
>there's only way to prove that she isn't one
>she has to step down from her current position and promote someone with black skin for it
I'd do it myself if my account wasn't blocked already

>> No.4633448

Sorry, who?

>> No.4633453

I've always hated this sort of "alright sit down kiddos and listen up" sort of posting for all subjects. The messages I agree with usually but the presentation is enough to turn me off.

>> No.4633454

Haha, you’re such a little bitch
As if you were on the verge of getting picked up by a studio anyway. Quit your bellyaching and keep drawing
Based and gmi pilled

>> No.4633461

>Is this the worst time to be an artist since the dawn of man
>We literally celebrate
Bitch, that was always a thing

>> No.4633464

Only if you are a coward or don’t care about politics

>> No.4633467
File: 134 KB, 500x315, 1569967551859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is political!
This is apex American education.
They are taught to question everything, to label everything, but are never equipped with enough critical thinking to do so in a productive way. Just like modern art, truth becomes whatever I choose to justify reality with. It becomes a competition of mental acrobatics, where the performance matters more than the source or the outcome.

It just accelerates nihilism and infighting. Niggers.

>> No.4633499

>posted by someone whose only hunting grounds were supermarkets

>> No.4633509
File: 114 KB, 749x780, 1530739389476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, by neutral you mean siding with racists that maintain a near caste system in the US? Because that is what "neutral" means in this context. You are all for white supremacy and maintaining a caste system through violence.

>> No.4633516

Soon he wont even have that when they all burn down

>> No.4633526
File: 3.09 MB, 4032x3024, Udoa1ub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have responded correctly
Take this

>> No.4633533

I think what this batshit insane leftist is trying to tell you OP, is that no, you cannot stay neutral

>> No.4633544

How did you grow up where your only idea of where food comes from or food distribution is a chain super market run by the last managers son and not the dozens of different ways of growing or shipping food

>> No.4633552

you can a) not give a fuck about politics and act like it b) give a fuck and stick up for your own ideas and principles or c) post fotm chainletters because you're too much of a spineless coward to show indifference or say anything even remotely personal and potentially controversial.

>> No.4633678

Congrats on managing to type so much without actually adding anything to the conversation.

>> No.4633681

Like the other anon said, it's non-conceptual complexity. I wonder what music actually does to you. Maybe the emotional journey of listening to a particular song translates into the capacity to make different associations in situations that resonate with it. Do people go through life in musical modes?
Even if that's the case, it's still abstract to the point of not saying much of anything.

>> No.4633686

The average conservative on this site despite what their polices beliefs would have you believe, are more connected to the strangers on this site than the community they live in and thus have no idea how to support themselves when things go to shit

>> No.4633693

Comics are the ultimate synthesis of all these things and because of that are the best way to communicate complex ideas

>> No.4633712

possibly. I think a comic-visual novel hybrid would retain the most potential for exploring concepts in depth while also being consumer friendly enough to have broad appeal, but I don't know how exactly that might work.

>> No.4633772


>> No.4633943

for me it's pretending to not know English

>> No.4634522

Not really because politics aren't real. They're made up, mutable, subjective shit devised to control and divide the population into neat little voter blocks.

You don't chose your politics, they declare you ally/enemy and no matter what you say or do you never wash the stigma.

But, that doesn't matter. There's three qualities in professional art. Speed, reliability and contacts. If you're slow or unreliable you absolutely need to suck cock, like Liefield and Land. If you're producing quality art at top speed you can be an absolute asshole everyone hates and still be on the payroll as long as you want to be, like Bruce Timm.