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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4621271 No.4621271 [Reply] [Original]

I want to quit.

>> No.4621273


>> No.4621282


>> No.4621292

I want to draw like Ryoko Kui

>> No.4621310


>> No.4621313

Who cares. Quit.

>> No.4621322
File: 51 KB, 640x851, FB_IMG_1587561163082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a breather from drawing and from this board, this place kills creativity

>> No.4621343

Get off this board, think about what you want to make and then go try and make it even if it sucks, stop thinking that drawing is this insane unachievable goal that requires 849298153 hours of grinding to get decent at. Just start trying to make shit and put effort into it. And get off this board.

>> No.4621354

Leaving this board is the most important part.

I left /ic/ in 2014 it was the best thing I've ever done for my art and mental health.

>> No.4621400

When did you come back?

>> No.4621408

Post your work

>> No.4621629

>I left /ic/ in 2014
>still posting here

>> No.4621640

Ok, quit then, fucking virgin.

>> No.4621645

If you quit, some other anon will cuck you drawing your waifu. Don't do it anon

>> No.4621651


Do I have to? It's still not great yet but I did make a lot of progress from being away from this shit hole.

Yeah, I missed you guys and came back :)

>> No.4622108

I'd like to see your art as well. Also, out of curiosity, was /ic/ better or worse in 2014?

>> No.4622113

awwww we missed you too anon

>> No.4622221

Help me out anon, I'm a beg, why should I leave this place?

>> No.4622407

>drawing is this insane unachievable goal that requires 849298153 hours of grinding to get decent at
This is true, and once you've taken this blackpill there is no going back

>> No.4622420

You will never amount to anything.

>> No.4622426
File: 69 KB, 636x616, 1459346457540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a pussy that you contemplate on leaving this shithole as if it actually influenced you in a negative fashion so much that you say leaving has improved your mental health. desu if this board makes you want to quit maybe art just wasn't for you so fuck off we need a culling of limpdicked faggots anyway.

>> No.4622434

>used to be a decent drautist
>stopped for a while since I didnt have the creativity nor want to continue
>decide to draw again
>I've lost my touch
I can still draw bodies and hands the way I used to but the head and face fuck me up so much now compared to how I drew in the past. honestly back then my advice was "almonds" when it came to eyes because that's what worked for me and my style, but now that I do "almonds" things just look wonky. I cant look at my old drawings without feeling like they're alien to me

>> No.4622453

Then do it.

>> No.4622455


>> No.4622459

>He's such a pussy he lets fucking 4chan affect his mental health
how you people aren't all dead yet amazes me.

>> No.4622469

i miss when people in this site didn't take bantz seriously.

>> No.4622477

You can see a correlation between when before Tumblr came and after.

>> No.4622507
File: 45 KB, 195x219, 1563561204741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, anon, me too. Every single day.

What can I do except lose even more motivation knowing my Marcille bro is not around anymore?
How many more do we have to lose?

It's all so painful.

>> No.4622589

Post it in the /vent/ general reeeeee
fucking newfag normies shitting up my board

>> No.4622614

Troll thread, sage and move on

>> No.4622623
File: 77 KB, 600x678, 1586112526057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Troll thread, sage and move on

>> No.4622629

Honestly the /beg/ fags did more to shit up the board today than anyone else and they live here

>> No.4623149

Do it. I did lol.

>> No.4623221
File: 21 KB, 100x100, 1590493213802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, I left in 2015, and came back in 2019 after I made it, essentially.

>> No.4623245

people cant tell you to go to /beg/ if the thread you make is /beg/. it's perfect.

>> No.4623466

then quit already faggot

>> No.4623467

Quitting is for quitters. Besides, what would you do instead? Do drugs? Bang hot chicks? Hiking? Is any of that really more appealing than being here and getting told you’re NGMI and that your work sucks and stop being a cocksucking nigger faggot!

>> No.4623571

quit fagg

>> No.4623907

Sometimes its ok to give up
t. haven't drawn anything all year

>> No.4624392
File: 39 KB, 728x655, Tomasmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks he can leave
The ride never ends, you're here forever. Unless you lose your hand or something like that.

>> No.4624400

>I don't want to quit ever
>Everything I make is horrible, filled with mistakes and I hate it
I don't even know how great artists manage to get there, it seems absolutely impossible for me.

>> No.4624550

meh most people Ive met on this board have some kind of mental health issue

>> No.4624564

That's true.