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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4618641 No.4618641 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you succesfully trained your brain to associate drawing with work by following /ic/'s advice and have effectively killed any interest and enjoyment for it

>> No.4618651

How do you trick you brain into enjoying drawing if the process of learning bores you and you're not seeing any improvement?

>> No.4618659
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How do I go back?

>> No.4618661

Have you heard of our Lord and saviour "just draw bro"?

>> No.4618665

Stop "practicing" and just draw the things you actually want to draw instead. Don't open your drawing books, unless it's to look something up that you're having trouble with in your drawing. Expect it to take a few weeks before the spark comes back.

>> No.4618671
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Studying and doing chores isn't fun, and these kinds of activities have low dopamine feedback.

And when it comes to drawing, you're going to have to focus on things you may not care about or draw shit you don't want to draw in order to improve.

But human brains are shit at prioritizing this stuff, unless you trained yourself for it while you were young. Drawing used to be fun, because I just did whatever i wanted and had no expectations. But, after yrs of grinding and following /ic/'s recommendations I hate it now....

I get absolutely no enjoyment from it anymore. Its gotten so bad I can't even sit down and draw anything for 10 minutes without getting sick of it.
I've tried everything from taking breaks, exercising, NOFAP, meditation, etc. Nothing worked.

I believe the only way to fix this is by somehow tricking your brain into producing more dopamine for doing "work" so eventually you can actually enjoy doing boring things and get shit done.

>> No.4618680

>follow /ic/'s advice
are you retarded anon?

>> No.4618683

>I believe the only way to fix this is by somehow tricking your brain into producing more dopamine for doing "work" so eventually you can actually enjoy doing boring things and get shit done.
You're close. What you need, I think, is the feeling of "success". You don't really get that with pure practice. I'd recommend putting your all into making a finished piece you can really be proud of.
It's okay if you can only handle 10 minutes at a time, that's all you really need, as long as you work on your drawing a bit every day.

>> No.4618684


>> No.4618701

That's like saying "how can i become innocent again"
There's a reason why they say "ignorance is bliss". There is no way to un-know things.

>> No.4618712

This happened to me in 2015-2016. I have realized this years ago and am still in the process of deprogramming myself. Probably gonna take a little longer, but I'm slowly starting to enjoy drawing again.

>> No.4618817

You are all like a pupa that died in its chrysalis. Unable to complete the metamorphosis between the amateur caterpillar and the professional butterfly.

Your expectation that work always be fun is your downfall.

>> No.4618831

That's why you should start chain smoking while you draw

>> No.4618859

I’ve tricked my brain into releasing sex hormones while drawing to the point that I get pissed off if I’m not able to draw. Drawing is great, it feels like when I draw I’m having sex without the icky bits.

>> No.4618874

Once you start getting paid to draw it'll be fun again

>> No.4618878

lies, it'll will reinforce the work idea

>> No.4618890

I used to feel drawing was a chore, that i had to settle down for a style/aesthetic and that kept me from drawing for a long time, but recently i just fell in love again with art. I think what helped me was discovering artists like Kjg, Fisher and Yoshinari, their sketches always make me want to draw, it just looks like they had a lot of fun doing them even if it's studies or just quick stuff. I used to hate potraits because it reminded me of art i disliked like Loish, but now i really enjoy drawing fun people like Jim Carrey and boys i find cute.
Tl;dr: find a way to make studying and drawing fun again by doing it in your own way and start to enjoy the journey.

>> No.4618907

uhh grind fundies AND draw what you want??? like it's not a trapeze act just open how to render one day and do big titties a bit the next

>> No.4618919

I don't think its a good idea to re-associate an activity my brain already thinks is work with sex.

>> No.4618920

you gotta change up your process. more of the same is a losing game. change up your medium for example. if you were drawing all day, start sketching in watercolor, or try sculpting. do something different to get the excitement back in your life.

>> No.4618943

OP just get a Ritalin prescription.
It will make literally anything you do interesting.

>> No.4618971

>just get a prescription
I wish I lived in a magic land like everyone else on the internet apparently does, where doctors just give you whatever you ask for. I got the testosterone levels of a below average 80 year old man and my doctor denies me any treatment. I wouldn't even try to ask for Ritalin.

>> No.4618980

That's weird.
I literally just told my doctor I had trouble focusing/paying attention and he just gave me a prescription for it.

>> No.4618991

>not relying on the dopamine hit of completing a well crafted piece of art

take pride in your work and you will enjoy it again

>> No.4618996

ic is a community college art class, except its only the people inclined to criticize the instructor.

>> No.4619053

Why are you trying so hard if it's just a hobby?
If it's not just a hobby, it's gonna be work, and you won't be drawing for fun anyway.

>> No.4619442

>Your expectation that work always be fun is your downfall.
people born since 1980 summarized
people born before 2000 summarized
have you ever taken ritalin and still ended up using your focus on the wrong thing?

>> No.4619518

>have you ever taken ritalin and still ended up using your focus on the wrong thing?
Sometimes i get distracted on minor details and end up focusing on that for a few minjtes,but nothing too bad. Overall id argue it greatly improved my focus.

>> No.4619952

devil's advocate. if you need to take drugs to make a thing interesting, maybe you're doing the wrong thing?

>> No.4619966

You're looking at it all wrong. Stims like Ritalin aren't like regular drugs. They can be a useful tool for helping you get actual work done, and if your brain is hardwired to dislike doing work, then it can be godsend.

Its hard to explain to someone that has never tried it before.

>> No.4619971

many ritalin users are people that are bombarded in dopamine on a daily basis and shouldn't be using it

>> No.4619972

You can say the same for literally any drug.
I say if it helps you achieve your goals and you aren't doing any real damage to your body then nothing wrong with that.

OP could even use it retrain himself to associate studying for art as a pleasurable activity by using it.

>> No.4623303

At the same time I've heard ADHDers say they get used to Ritalin, the duration of the effect becomes shorter and when they're not on it they become more unfocused