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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4616237 No.4616237 [Reply] [Original]

I'm considering picking up drawing as a hobby. How do you drawanons do it? What kind of hardware and software are you using?

>> No.4616238


>> No.4616239


>> No.4616240

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.4616241

pencil, eraser and paper

>> No.4616242

This. OP is a faggot.

>> No.4616243

Sketchbook and sakura micron 03 pens

>> No.4616244

>hardware and software

>> No.4616245
File: 206 KB, 500x282, Hiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Ctrl Z

>> No.4616246

Paper is software.

>> No.4616248

That's what the eraser is

>> No.4616247

I like Sketchbook. It's a nice comedy manga.
But what is a sakura micro penis?

>> No.4616249

consider kill yourself, faggot stupick fuck

>> No.4616250

Trace, get popular, fans will defend you

>> No.4616251

That was my plan desu

>> No.4616252

Don't bother, it requires time and effort you are unlikely to spend.

>> No.4616260
File: 254 KB, 340x611, 1590789592928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I just put all my effort into drawing basic characters on-model and then just trace everything else. Like my favourite mangaka - Togashi

>> No.4616262

>60$ deco 01v2
>krita for free

>> No.4616282

Dare I say; just draw?
Nvm, get out

>> No.4616285

No, get out and never comeback here again

>> No.4616305
File: 54 KB, 374x500, how to draw manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My honest advice? First of all, start drawing. Literally anything. Get a feel for it. Don't buy any tablets or software yet, just draw with some pencils, erasers and paper. Then, once you've drawn a fair bit and have decided that you want to draw more, read the /ic/ sticky. In it is a free link to the book "Fun with a Pencil" by Andrew Loomis. This will teach you the basic methods of construction used for all drawing.

After that, there are about three major pathways you can take, depending on how much 'into drawing' you want to get (feel free to switch at any time). The first is to get something like pic related; cheap, easy, 'how to draw' books. Not anything in the style of 'realism', just fun shit to draw. Youtube tutorials on how to draw, like Proko or Ethan Becker, are also great help if you're just drawing for fun or as a hobby. This will teach you how to draw, and how to draw well. Not to a professional level, but enough to wow normies and make you a good artist. The next level up, of course, is to Draw from imagination, but whenever you do, make reference to Fundies Masters, like Andrew Loomis (whose books are all avaliable for free in the sticky, I would especially recommend 'Figure Drawing For All It's Worth'), George Bridgman, Glen Vilppu. Just whenever you get to a point in your drawing where you're stumped, like "how do I draw this hand", reference how a professional artists would draw a hand, learn their methods, and apply it yourself.

The Third and most hardcore of these paths (the one most people who want to become 'professional artists' will take) is to STUDY. There are books in the Sticky that will teach you Perspective, Anatomy, Composition, Rendering, Proportions, all that fucking jazz. Online Courses, real life classes, and even Youtube Videos will also teach you this. If you wanna go hardcore, study these for hours every day. You will become an incredible artist.

>> No.4616319

Didn't have enough room to mention, but once you've done plenty of drawings on pencils and paper, you'll probably want to move on to digital. If you're just drawing as a hobby, I would recommend something like Paint SAI, because it isn't expensive, and it doesn't require an extortionate yearly subscription, like Photoshit does. In fact, Paint SAI is so cheap that I don't believe literally any human has ever payed for it. Because it is incredibly easy to pirate. Literally just google it, go download it. Paint SAI is fairly basic, but that just means it's super easy for a beginner artist to use. As for tablets, if you're just drawing for fun, literally any will do. You don't need a screen or anything, just buy whatever second hand trash you can get your hands on from Amazon, just so long as it works. You can buy more expensive tablets and drawing software if you ever decide to go hardcore.

Finally, if you're ever stuck as an artist, come to /ic/ and post your work in a general, such as /beg/ or /asg/. There are retards and trolls, but more importantly, there are people who will give your art a great criticism and tell you exactly where you need to improve to make your art great. Draw, post, find out what you're doing wrong, fix it, and repeat. It doesn't have to be a constant thing, you don't even have to draw everyday, but if you do this, if you are constantly striving to improve, then even as a hobby artist, you will become brilliant. Good luck, anon.

>> No.4616327

tl;dr: draw. Get some shit to teach you how to draw, like Loomis, How to Draw Manga books, or Youtube Tutorials. Get Paint Sai and a Shitty Tablet, keep drawing. Get better. Bam, you're an artist.

>> No.4616335

drawing and improving is a simple three step process
>draw something
>look at your work, identify an area you can improve (proportions, lighting, posing, color choices etc)
>check out some information online to help you improve whichever flaw you're currently addressing
Repeat for the next 50 years. Try and deal with one thing at a time so it doesn't get overwhelming, and you'll get there.

>> No.4616343

Holy shit thank you anon. I guess I'll have a lot to do with everything you said. I already draw and I like it so I'll just start working on it more. Seriously thanks for all the advice.

>> No.4616347

check out the xp pen deco 03 if you want a decent graphics tablet for digital art. early on you'll get through a lot of materials during daily practice, and a basic watercolor setup for example can run close to that simply with a set of paints, brushes and paper. digital means you can grind out art whenever you like without needing to worry about each attempt costing you.

>> No.4616392

>needing Ctrl + Z
Setting yourself up for failure here.