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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 807 KB, 1362x1600, Goya3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4607792 No.4607792 [Reply] [Original]

Post videos of professionals critiquing someones art. I find these pretty helpful since beginners often end up making the same mistakes as each other. Sinix has a series called paintover pals where he does this as well.


>> No.4607797

Here's one by Ahmed Aldoori.


>> No.4607800

This one's by Jim Lee.


>> No.4607802

Richard Friend


>> No.4607804

And here's some figure drawing critique by Proko and Marshall.


>> No.4607806

stop procrastinating

>> No.4607827

Common Head Construction Problems with Joshua Jacobo from NMA


>> No.4608140

Fuck you nigga

>> No.4608168

for some reason I just don't get the hype around this guy. he just rips on the guy on his fundies for 15 minutes straight that are obvious mistakes and just overworking someone elses piece making it worse with that godawful rim light from behind and random le epic red because skin is translucent thing that he probably saw someone else comment on today in depth

compare that to >>4607792
sinnix, the last painting goes in depth with how he would approach the same subject on a more conceptual level while also heavily changing the pieces instead of just rendering their work for them hastily in a sloppy manner
same for this guy, look at how he actually cares and gives chockfull of feedback on conscious decisions without just inking his page for him while telling him that "batmans doesn't look like that man, you gotta look at <my current weekly inspiration>"

>> No.4608198

Yeah, Aldoori’s knows how to paint but as an instructor I don’t really fuck with him. He doesn’t really know how to teach or explain his process, he just does stuff and points out the obvious. Sinix is definitely a much better teacher.

>> No.4608250
File: 495 KB, 1920x960, ahmed-aldoori-sky-palace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found his stuff on artstation and it looked pretty cool but the guy just sounds a bit pretentious and I'm not sure if it's just me.
don't get me wrong, I like his stuff, but there is like so much lazy shit in it that I am 100% sure I wouldn't get away with without getting absolutely roasted presenting it like that. the airships being actual squiggles without even trying to create a shape or blend them is not done right? if he was worried for time he could've just blocked in some shapes and went over it with a soft round or copied the bigger shape a few times and changed it in small ways.
I'm wondering if I am going at this too hard and why it irritates me so. Maybe it's because I see a good piece in front of me and literally couldn't even be arsed to do the minimal amount of effort and the more aware of his work I get, the more laziness I see and I just like his work less?

>> No.4608264
File: 1.43 MB, 2200x1705, 9C539BCC-A1F0-41FC-9D90-D2D29038F598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc he’s pretty heavily influenced by Iain McCaig and and Iain can get pretty impressionistic in his sketches. Like how the rats in pic related turn in to scribbles as they recede into the background. He was probably going for some sort of Impressionism but fucked it up. Either that or, like you said, he was being lazy.

>> No.4608298
File: 33 KB, 392x427, bumblebeethemebutincminor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like there is a big difference between a horde of 100 rats, most of which have at least some effort or life to them in terms of shape, posture, gesture, form at the very end of the horde trailing off the canvas that resolve naturally into squiggles