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4607622 No.4607622 [Reply] [Original]

Ferewell Cintiq Pro 24!
Hello, Kamvas Pro 24!

>> No.4607629

ok, huion

>> No.4607715

Cant wait to see some real reviews on it and xp-pen’s version

>> No.4607749

Useless if Huion still providing the same shit stylus

>> No.4607762

Touch bars are garbage, scroll wheels are the superior alternative

>> No.4607773

cintiq pro 24 is 4k

>> No.4607790

Is there such a thing as "too big" for a screen tablet? Because 24" is technically more than you can fit into your cone of vision when sitting 1 foot away from it. Also the larger screen means more light straight into your eyes, making them sore.
I had the screenless Giano and I felt like it would've been comfier had it been ~2 inches smaller.

Are my worries unwarranted?

>> No.4607977

Cintiq pro is 4k and has higher pressure levels...
It also has a remote you can place literally anywhere yo want.
Also why would you worry about getting a Kamvas Pro if you already won a Cintiq Pro 24?

Are these posts shills?

>> No.4607982

id say 24 is as big as it can get before it just becomes a waste of screen, like for example the 32 inches wacom pro is just too big, way to big for anyone who hasnt been trained on traditional at least, id say 21 is the smallest you can go and 24 is the biggest, anything above of below will, most of the cases underperform.
like im a manlet and my cintiq 21 ux feels giant, like more screen than what I can actually use, but maybe for someone bigger it would feel okay/small?

>> No.4607992

huion = chinese = spyware

>> No.4608260

Nope it's the new stylus pen tech 3.0 shit, ahhh it's so fucking good

>> No.4608262

Wacom is also Chinese spyware. Don't believe me? Look it up, you'll find articles about Wacom watching everything you do while their drivers are installed. It's even in the license agreement when you install it.

>> No.4608267

The sad part is I could agree to Wacom spying on me if they could only made a God damn driver that worked reliably. And I hope you are reading this you tard bastards.

>> No.4608283

wacom is a Japanese company you fucking schizo

>> No.4608311

are there any opensource drivers for huion?

>> No.4608527
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Companies do this regardless of their countries of origin. It’s not like they’re spying on you, more like making an anonymous dataset of what you do on your pc and sell it to some insurance company.

EU companies do this, us companies do this, Japanese do this. Get on with the times old man.

>> No.4608529

The biggest piece of spyware on a windows computer is windows https://www.pcworld.com/article/2974057/how-to-turn-off-windows-10s-keylogger-yes-it-still-has-one.html

>> No.4609260

Lmaooo that's sad

>> No.4609269

more like Cumvas Pro 24 haha

>> No.4609270

ok schizo

>> No.4609271
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maybe, until it breaks in 2 years

>> No.4609315

I was thinking a bit about either the Kamvas Pro 16 or 22.
The 22/24 gives you a lot of playroom, but the 16 isn't bound to your desk, it just has one cable so you can sketch in your lap or in your bed. Sounds super comfy.

Which would you guys pick?

>> No.4609362

*two months

>> No.4609597

seethe more chinkfag

>> No.4609606

why, you gonna buy it for me or for you you indecisive fuck? Just get the 22, its just a desk decoration to show off your poor fundi scribbling anyways

>> No.4611622

Is this portable?

>> No.4611649

Huion GTFO

>> No.4611810

I take this doesn't have a 120hz mode?

>> No.4611823
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How much you guys wanna bet this guy is at least a QHD as well? Lmao Wacom can eat shit

Also, 4k xp-pen / huion when?

>> No.4612084

No none of them are portable they're cintiqs

>> No.4612123

anons falling for screen tablets in 2020

>> No.4612129

Seethe more, poorfag

>> No.4612144

i owned both once, sold the screen one

>> No.4612156

it never even began for wacomcels

>> No.4612162

No amount of money will make you good crab.

>> No.4612174

That's true. Good thing I'm a trad artist with formal training going into digital with a screen tablet :) feels good man

>> No.4612200

>Also, 4k xp-pen / huion when?

You don't need it.
I have 4k on a 32" display and I still use 125% scale. 24" is a perfect size for 1440p. considering the softare interfaces, scaling and shit.

>> No.4612443

I bought the current XP-pen 22R like an idiot a few months ago. 1080p just looks shit in 2020. Really need quad hd minimum.

>> No.4612448


I remember playing around with the 24 inch cintiqs of the last generation, and thinking "These are way too big"

22-inches is my happy medium. I had a 13, that was great, but my 22 definitely increased my productivity.

>> No.4612608

huion doesnt have presets you can save like wacom and you cant edit the curve as much like wacom sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.4612738

If cintiq is Japanese then It's made to last I thought it was chinese and now I regret for buying my huion

>> No.4612745

It's assembled in China

>> No.4613084

It's not anymore. You'll see. :(

>> No.4613102

I have a 16 inch and it's definitely way too small. Keep in mind the outer sections of the screen are used for photoshop UI, so you don't draw on it.

>> No.4613108

Really? The 16" feels just fine to me, though I'd never go smaller than that. I guess that's just personal preference.

>> No.4613115

At 16 inch I have to constantly zoom and in out, which wastes time. It's certainly functional but I'd be more productive with a larger screen.

>> No.4613116

Sell it while all the normies are buying up all the tablets for zoom meetings and buy the new one while it's presale discounted.

>> No.4615107

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.4616444

>Sell it while all the normies are buying up all the tablets for zoom meetings and buy the new one while it's presale discounted.
Where's the best place to sell a tablet?

>> No.4616453

The internet

>> No.4616462

I'm meant like Ebay/ gumtree / amazon etc?

>> No.4616512
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>> No.4616677

I don't zoom in at all until I'm down to rendering small details so I guess it's just a difference in process at that point.

>> No.4616710

Only zoomers and neets buy huions, everybody else with a job can easily pay for a wacom, after all they last fucking forever, so it's a one time investment

>> No.4616935

My brand new cintiq pro lasted a week before the screen shit itself and I had to wrestle with support over a replacement.

>> No.4616979

ur mistake buying screen tablet, been there done that

>> No.4617003

>this anecdotal evidencie reflects the reality of 99% of wacom tablets
Better luck on the next life, I hace had 4 wacom products, not a single issue beyond the usual shit tier drivers

>> No.4619116

I'm just saying the "they last forever" bit is wrong. My intuos 4 is still kicking meanwhile every Wacom I've bought after that has been shit and has died on me. I'm not even rough with them, I don't travel with them or plug and unplug and yet they still break or have some awful driver issue. Build quality has gone way fucking down to Chinese shit level. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

>> No.4619424


>> No.4619436

>using same wacom since 2007

>> No.4619557

>neets buy huions
Are you spying on us?

>> No.4620444

Yeah back when the build quality wasn't shit.

>> No.4620543

>He can't hack it as a pure trad-chad

>> No.4620546

are you high fag?

>> No.4620902

eBay/amazon/craigslist/Facebook groups for reselling old tablets

>> No.4623922

Has anyone here bought this thing?

>> No.4624037
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How do you fags set up your displays? Or are you all poorfags larping over Chinese copies?

I'm considering buying some terminator style double vesa mount for my shit, but since I am moving around all the time I doubt I'll be able to pack an arm. Pic unrelated

>> No.4624087

I have mine on a stand on my desk right next to my monitor. Sometimes I chill with it in my lap though, when I'm feeling like being comfy.

>> No.4624090

dunno but review is already up biggest drawback would be no laminated screen

>> No.4624109

I have the 15.6 pro with the same kind of screen and I don't have any issues with parallax, the gap is so small it's negligible. The only real issue I have with the screen is touching the pen to the monitor at the very edge puts pressure on the entire edge but if it's a larger screen that's less of an issue. Thanks for the link to the review, will watch that shit when I get home.

>> No.4624482

I use a double VESA arm for my 24HD Cintiq. I modified it so I don't have to drill into the table, and it takes at most 10 minutes to set up. The arms pack away pretty compactly, as they break down, they don't ship to you assembled.

>> No.4625017

I had a Wacom monitor it was much to big and not portable obviously gave it away

>> No.4625206

Any pics of your setup? How large is that arm packed?

I'm considering a smaller cintiq, like the 16". I only use it about 35% of the work hours so I don't want it in front of me all the time. I want to be able to just use it as a secondary monitor all other time.

>> No.4626288

i still like my intuos 5 medium, replaced the surface a month ago, good as new.
buying a screen tablet seems like a waste.

>> No.4626380

not for me I chicken scratch the hell out of my base sketches, drawing direct on screen I'm a lot faster, I use a surface to do simple sketches but a 24 inch 1440p would probably be a great upgrade from my old ass intuos large which I use with PC

>> No.4626522

Does anyone else have this problem with windows 10 and xp-pen drivers?

>Installed drivers in admin mode, there are no other tablet drivers and antivirus was off to enure it didn't fuck with it
>Set all my preferences and express keys
>When I unplug my tablet or restart the computer my settings are all default
>Try setting them up again and exporting config
>Next time it resets to default, import settings
>They're still default
Happens every time I unplug and plug back in the 15.6 pro as well.

I heard that a win 10 update broke it and an update came out that fixed it but that shit didn't work for me. Anyone else have this problem and find a fix? It's kind of annoying setting that shit all over again. Support gave me an old driver to try and it's still happening, is my computer fucked?

>> No.4626674

Sounds like the firmware isnt able to commit saves to the correct file, might not be an issue with your pc ... might be a registry issue.

>> No.4626691

It's saving them but the file is always default settings, the creation date is always the date the driver came out. I guess I'll try looking into it more. I had issues with my pen before this but at least that was fixed by messing with the tuning screw. This program shit is annoying, windows support says "ask the manufacturer about it lmao not our problem" and xp-pen is trying really hard to figure it out but they're confused as fuck.

>> No.4627610

windows 10, there's your problem

>> No.4628480 [DELETED] 
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UK's Internet Porn Filter Architect was Arrested On Child Porn Offences in 2014

>> No.4628526

So... is the Huion Kamvas good?

>> No.4629758

Yeah I hate windows 10 but the computer came with it

>> No.4630271

then upgrade to windows 7

>> No.4630456

Enjoy sub par quality screen tablets.
At least you'll spend less money, poorfag.

>> No.4630485

How are they subpar?

>> No.4630498

Worse color accuracy, higher interferences that cause wobbly lines, bigger parallax, worse materials.