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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 54 KB, 625x605, father-son-bugman-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4607543 No.4607543 [Reply] [Original]

Politics aside completely, why are political artists so bad at their craft typically?

>> No.4607550

The medium weeds out artists at a certain level of skills.
For cartoons to be relatable, they must be simple and witty. If your art is too elaborate, you cannot make it as a cartoonist.

>> No.4607563
File: 29 KB, 468x486, 20060716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comics are about telling a story or making a joke, so the art can be secondary and often is, independently of whether or not it's political

>> No.4607599
File: 87 KB, 740x309, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webcomics are about frequently putting out jokes or interesting ideas for your audience, not to wow them with beauty

>> No.4607609

I think you are misunderstanding what "their craft" is.

>> No.4607610

>hehe so quirky and nerdy!
god I fucking hate xkcd

>> No.4607626
File: 131 KB, 640x998, s03400u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this has really only been a thing recently, and that's just because the Internet gives EVERYONE a platform to show their work- whether or not you objectively deserve it or not.

The Library of Congress has some really cool old political cartoons you can take a look through (pic related comes from Herblock's History - Political Cartoons from the Crash to the Millennium). You had good artists from all over the political spectrum, and that was simply because you just were not going to get your work published unless you were good (or related to someone important, but that's another story). Not the case anymore.

Another thing to note is that political art isn't necessarily so much about the technical skill as it is about conveying a message that a wider audience can understand, normally a comedic one. Simpler styles tend to work best for this, especially when you have deadlines looming over your head. It's why political cartoons are so simple but political propaganda posters/films have more depth to them: they're all products at the end of the day, and different products have different timelines attached to them.

>> No.4607663

> comparing paid work vs unpaid

so fucking autistic

>> No.4608822

It's obviously flawed comparison but there's another question - why people with no skill are willing to publish anything? Don't they see how shitty their art is?

>> No.4608826


>> No.4608827

They do. They also don't give a fuck.

>> No.4608834

putting politics first -- by definition -- means that you're willing to compromise your artistic integrity.

>> No.4609044
File: 533 KB, 750x521, 1586352979411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most of them are legitimately retarded.
Especially the 50+ year olds who have been drawing for 30 years and still can only manage to draw shit like this.
While their low performance brain has hindered them from learning art it's also hindered them from understanding a single thing about politics.

>> No.4609263


>> No.4609330

That’s generally true for all boomers. They actually believe in the two party system so regardless of the comic artists political alignment, they always seem ignorant to the reality of things.

>> No.4609336

Such a categorical statement. So why isn't this true for comics and manga?

>> No.4609338


>> No.4609349

It's comics. You don't really need it to look great or follow whatever Scott Mccloud is telling you to do.

>> No.4609374
File: 202 KB, 720x1113, 45243693_10216989947242179_7843770735414738944_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4609378

>If your art is too elaborate,
then it wont reproduce well in newsprint. whos to say what theyre capable of if theyre not drawing their job.

>> No.4611012

Why spending your time on some kind of political message when you can just say fuck niggers?

>> No.4611134


>> No.4611140

because they are not artists

they could just as well make a video where they ramble about their opinions and upload it on social media

>> No.4611156

I mostly like xkcd, but that one was very unfunny.

>> No.4611161

what if I want to get fucked by niggers?

>> No.4611164
File: 221 KB, 1050x664, NEEroUw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Garrison.

>> No.4611218

I usually hate this kinda stuff but that's pretty neat

>> No.4611722

You know who else likes drawing on canvas? Hitler

>> No.4612636

Wow that's nice.

>> No.4612682

Unironically great.

>> No.4612710
File: 385 KB, 1200x670, technocracy_cartoon_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winsor Mccay did many political cartoons and they're among my favorite. Not because they're particularly clever or anything but the draftsmanship is excellent.

>> No.4612717
File: 201 KB, 1200x906, 1-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But yeah, most modern political cartoons are absolute garbage. Usually one of two things
>ha ha orange man has funny hair
>ha ha democrat symbol is an ass
not to mention they're usually drawn in the ugly boomer cartoon style where everyone is fat/ugly and has a gigantic nose.

i mean, just look at this shit

>> No.4612721

This, but also to add that propaganda posters are intended to be long term whereas political cartoons need to relate to a specific hot button issue and respond to it quickly to match the printed news and opinion articles.

>> No.4612724
File: 864 KB, 1559x1061, OK-Boomer-ONLINE-COLOR-1560x1061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer american political cartoons are so atrocious. It's literally all super standard neoliberal hogwash about staying in your lane or gas huffing republican schizo shit

>> No.4612727

This is an example of something that I entirely disagree with but I can appreciate as being beautiful

>> No.4612732

>ugly boomer cartoon style
kawaii anime political cartoons fucking when?

>> No.4612781

I don't even know what this is trying to say. Political cartoons are either everything needlessly labelled or make no fucking sense.

>> No.4612919

they're miles above the fucking boomer ragecomics that get published these days. idk when the last time i saw a political cartoon that wasn't just the equivalent of.
tYpInG LiKe tHIs
say what you will about stone toss, he only makes one comic but at least he has a formula

>> No.4613882
File: 128 KB, 783x1102, c92a4d827d9c4d8ab521c7aa8087978a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite アニメ but i love hehesilly

>> No.4613935

>rectangle palette
i was told those are pretty uncomfortable
>gamblin 1980 paints
and pedrophils

>> No.4614065
File: 274 KB, 1400x1078, daumier_gargantua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't true. You only have to look at the artists who created the concept of editorial cartoons, or anything prior to the 60's really.

>> No.4614698
File: 65 KB, 396x594, 1586385708268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are way too direct.

>> No.4614732

they don't give 2 shits about actual good artwork, they just wanna shove their shitty message/agend- i mean "biting commentary" down people's throats.

>> No.4615044

They only ever made 2 good comics

>> No.4616050

heh, he draws the orange man

>> No.4616065

I can tell why you think that

>> No.4616814
File: 278 KB, 581x1598, xkcd_in_a_nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4617923


Its simplistic.
Lines and circles anon

People who act like it's somehow worse than any other style of are the same kind of people who buy a banana for a million dollars unironically

>> No.4617987

>text text text

>> No.4617996

no alt text, no likey

>> No.4619474

I prefer Hijabholic myself

>> No.4620973

I like how rockthrow draws his characters idk what you're talking about