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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4599732 No.4599732 [Reply] [Original]

Could I ask /ic/ how they feel about LavenderTowne? I don't think I have seen her being talked about and her videos recently got recommended to me, so I decided to click them. Especially as this video just recently uploaded, which was about anime tropes she didn't like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keaHJ39XkIM I think her artwork is cute.

While I do respect her opinions, I honestly don't agree with most of these. And to be honest, I do not think she has watched that much anime. There are a few characters from different series that talk about their chest giving them back pain. Even so, I don't like that people always pay attention to a drawn character with a large chest and wonder whether or not she'd have back pain, either. A lot of women go through pregnancy, sometimes more than once, in their daily lives and not a lot of people look at a pregnant woman and think about her back. Even if a large baby would give her a lot of strain and be that way for 9 months.
On that topic, why do people focus so much on how artists draw females? Like with large breasts or thin waist when men always being drawn large and muscular doesn't get talked about nearly as much. For example, One Piece has many characters with really weird and huge proportions, but I only see characters like Nami be talked about for her boobs and waist.

And while I can understand being annoyed by the first trope of disliking bland male protagonists (even though I usually don't mind them), some of the examples she gave, which was Kyon and Kyousuke, regardless of how you feel about the series they are in, I do not feel were bland characters whatsoever and those weren't good examples.

>> No.4599739


>why do people focus so much on how artists draw females? Like with large breasts or thin waist when men always being drawn large and muscular doesn't get talked about nearly as much. For example, One Piece has many characters with really weird and huge proportions, but I only see characters like Nami be talked about for her boobs and waist.


>> No.4599746

I wish you roasties would take these threads to /lolcow/ already

>> No.4599750
File: 438 KB, 736x1134, 89bff8217750c2a976e0f14cc4fd9035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why di people care so much about pure feminine women with big boobs but nobody complains about comically massive chad thundercock men?

>> No.4599771

What are you on about and what is /lolcow/ supposed to be? You may not like the thread but at the very least it's a discussion about something different other than someone asking how to copy a random Japanese/Korean artist they like.

>> No.4599801

I just checked the catalog a bit further. Is part of the reason why you said this is because someone else mentioned this video, too? Sorry, but I had no idea. I was just really curious over what people thought about her since she seems to have made videos for quite awhile and I was surprised not to see any mentions of her, before.

>> No.4599802

It's probably because the former is almost always for sexualization but the latter is just stronk character and not designed for sex appeal in mind.

But you are right, there is a double standard because they wouldn't bitch about the actual male sexualization either. Unless it's towards yaoi because it's now "progressive" to fight for those poor innocent homos that are literally oppressed by fictional Chinese cartoon guys fucking each other. And because it's straight women that like it and straight is considered bad nowadays

>> No.4599820

I mean, what's there to say about her? Her content is not didactic, it's all fluff. Same with Jazza, Rae and all art youtubers /lolcow/ talks about.
Her noodly arms piss me off too.

>> No.4599821
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>I do not think she has watched that much anime
You could have known that by carefully observing the picture you posted. Anyone who's been around furries know that their characters mostly have hair on their heads. That's why differenciate them from something like... looney tunes, or mickey. It's fetishy.

Also I invite everyone to post pic related or other huge breasted girls whenever they read someone talk about how huge breasts are unrealistic. The internet should have disproved that but flatties keep seething somehow.

>> No.4599824
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Another legit example. Name is cassie0pia

>> No.4599834
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Another "impossible" physique

>> No.4599855
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So what you are saying is that... you are Haley Mewsome? Who else could care about whatever a graduate from Alberta College of Art + Design thinks?
>Inb4 xher Youtube platinum award
See >>4599746 , bitching about "famous" people isn't a good idea. Sakimi alone is enough to shit the board, don't give those people a new obsession.

>> No.4600120

>A lot of women go through pregnancy, sometimes more than once, in their daily lives and not a lot of people look at a pregnant woman and think about her back. Even if a large baby would give her a lot of strain and be that way for 9 months.
The whole "big boobs must cause impossibly harsh back pain" is annoying, but hell, everyone knows that pregnancy is really bad too, I mean, there are preferential seats and stuff for pregnant women and not for big boobed ones. Many many women are afraid of pregnancy because of the physical factors instead of or in addition to having to take care of a gross tiny human afterwards

>> No.4600142
File: 870 KB, 1200x848, 81298735422d1a6ec46511d636d680ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care what normalfags think? I will draw my shotas with sexy legs and no normalfag with "morality" can stop me

>> No.4600160

Based, but end your existence right now

>> No.4600233

both based

>> No.4600757

That may be true, but when I look at a pregnant woman, the first thing that comes to my mind wouldn't be about how much her back hurts unless she appears to be in pain.

>> No.4600782

More based

>> No.4600788

It's about how hot it would be to fuck her and get a tiny handjob at the same time, right? Me too

>> No.4600801

god i hate women, that's why all my art is women getting tortured for being such trash. SHUT THE FUCK UP you daft bitch, nobody cares what you think about anime stupid broad, especially what you think about lolicon

>> No.4600811

I have no idea who that is. And I'm not bitching about anyone, either. I'm just trying to have a discussion.

>> No.4600812

>having to take care of a gross tiny human afterwards
can you fucking low test, low iq, low energy faggots fuck off to /r/childfree or whatever you crawled out of and leave this board alone. you're either a woman or an effeminate piece of trash, eat more meat and hit the gym

>> No.4600825

nice essay about a literal who, you could have spent that time drawing
e-celeb and youtuber containment general when?

>> No.4600833

Normies man. Dont waste your energy on them.

>> No.4600845

Please talk more about pregnant women

>> No.4600846

Technically threads like this are against the rules soooooo

You do the math

>> No.4600854

pregnant women sex feels great if you get over the fact there is a baby inside her

>> No.4600876

It's even better if you're excited about that part

>> No.4600879

Go on...

>> No.4600886

jesus christ, not like this bruh

>> No.4600893

Why not? You're cool with fucking a pregnant woman and you have to forget about the baby? They're there too, hearing feeling and sending everything that's going on. How fucking rude to leave them out of it.

I personally like to talk to them. "Hey little guy, I'm gonna teach you how to fuck a woman so good she'll never go back to her husband!"

I've had babies kick me in response like they're saying "you go dude! Fuck my mom!"

You're missing out if you're just forgetting about them. It's almost like an orgy.

>> No.4600897

I am sorry, am i invading your safe space?

>> No.4600904
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>> No.4600912
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>> No.4600916

Seriously? We already have TWO FUCKING ACTIVE THREADS about this talentless thot

>> No.4600930

But only one is full of posts about pregnant women.

>> No.4600942

didnt read, I was better at drawing than him 1 month into it lol

>> No.4600943


>> No.4600971

I don't need to draw every single day, and I'm likely still better than you regardless of how little care I put into it.

>> No.4600977

Well you see OP, got my eyes open, got my- got my- got my eyes open. Because she's coming AHHHH

>> No.4600984

Ah the dunning-kruger crab in its natural habitat. Now we're going to watch as the crab defends his pride by making excuses for his shortcomings, while at the same time asserting his supposed superiority. This inferiority-superiority complex is a hallmark of this rare breed... But while the DK breed of crab believes it's superior to the animals attacking his precious pride, these small creatures never have the heart to prove themselves in a fight. Instead of posting his work and truly settling the matter, he runs, burrows and hides. A fragile, yet very interesting creature.

>> No.4600985

I don't want no sovereign nation,I don't even know 'bout that 'cause I'm for real. for real.

>> No.4600994
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>> No.4601023


>> No.4601024
File: 1.25 MB, 2204x2204, seraphina1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, a sketch that took around 5 or so minutes to do.

>> No.4601028

Well, perhaps maybe not 5. But it was certainly less than 10 minutes. You're free to post your work too.

>> No.4601447

>why do people focus so much on how artists draw females?
I think it is because most people cares a lot about women but don't care about men

>> No.4601507

I have never seen these videos before. I found them pleasant to watch and she has a cute, relaxing voice.

>> No.4601647


>OP posts his work and the other anon never comes back

Sounds like you're the Dunning Kruger here

>> No.4601689
File: 80 KB, 709x800, 1567664534910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how they feel
>literally who youtuber for children
Are you a woman? I don't feel anything about retards on the Internet, I THINK. And I think you should fuck off.

>> No.4601695

I'm not that anon, but this looks like just a copy from some random Spacejin doodle, this PYW is the retardest meme of all because no one ever gives out a theme to make it uncheatable.
Draw me that same girl with horns, driving a Jeep (no need to show everything) while drinking water from a coconut with a straw and I'll believe you.

>> No.4601785 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I get compared to Space Jin and I'm not sure why, he's not one of my inspirations at all and don't follow his work.

>> No.4601788

Sometimes I get compared to Space Jin and I'm not sure why, he's not one of my inspirations at all and don't follow his work. And frankly, based on what I'm seeing, I don't really see similarities? It's just a character at an angle which Space Jin isn't unique at doing at all.

>> No.4601802
File: 535 KB, 1000x1000, 7846876385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is mah doodle

>> No.4601838

>I don't really see similarities?
I don't know the answer to your question, anon, you should be better equipped to tell me what you see or don't.

>> No.4601861
File: 118 KB, 850x814, sample_4b4856df94d6d66ed57daa93e9284c6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's use this picture as an example.

For one thing, Space Jin seems to draw more flatter hair and less volumous, nor does he draw bangs with as much as a curve as I do.
He also doesn't draw eyes that way either, he doesn't add that many eyelashes aside from the corners of the eye and the waterline has thinner lines. It's also less curved and smaller than my way of drawing eyes. He didn't darken in the eyes either. My eyes are a bit closer together, too.

For more older drawn characters, he draws faces somewhat longer, flatter and a bit sharper, while the way I sketched the face is more curved and round, and smaller overall. Even for characters that have more rounded faces, it's still drawn a bit sharper around the chin area and still not as curved around the cheeks.

And another: This character I sketched compared to his sketch aren't even drawn exactly in the same angle, either. His is much further downward while mine is just slightly so.

Him/her drawing characters at this angle and using some crosshatching isn't unique to him at all.

>> No.4601866

See? You knew the answer all along.

>> No.4602889

Are you parallax 05?

>> No.4602900

Men aren’t as fragile as women. They see other men as something to aspire to, women see other women as something to tear down.

>> No.4602914

>men aren't as fragile as women
Men are jealous faggots too, whenever an actor or singer becomes popular with woman they call them gay and make fun of them out of jealosy, it happend with justin, one direction, twilight and now with BTS. Both are pathetic and should learn how to cope with being ugly.

>> No.4602924

based and correct

>> No.4602928

i fucking love you and your subject matter. based

>> No.4602948

Those aren’t men, they’re manchildren. And even then, they don’t go out of their way to say those standards are unrealistic and expect people to worship their fat asses for being ugly.

>> No.4602970

epic reddit moment #604

>> No.4603038

>Those aren't men, they're manchildren.
Yes and the people you're bitching about aren't women, they're just fat feminists :^)

>> No.4603104
File: 66 KB, 746x439, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw
study, boy. Study

>> No.4603122

>Those aren’t men, they’re manchildren
>coming from a 4chan poster of all people

>> No.4603196

No idea who that is.

>> No.4603209

Objectively there's more variation in male bodies than female bodies in Jap and Western media and on top of that men tend to be more fleshed out, three-dimensional characters.

>> No.4604238
File: 31 KB, 379x525, 1586885239168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men tend to be more fleshed out, three-dimensional characters in real life

>> No.4604288

>On that topic, why do people focus so much on how artists draw females? Like with large breasts or thin waist when men always being drawn large and muscular doesn't get talked about nearly as much.

Because one is sexualization and the other is not. Also, men have plenty of opportunity to make videos about this issue, but they don't, because it's usually a POWER FANTASY not a SEXUAL FANTASY. For example, having a thin woman with big breasts and slim waist does not make her stronger. What about when she's scantily clad and she's supposed to be fighting? Meanwhile the other male characters are muscular and wearing clothes from head to toe.

There's no other point for that except for her to be sexually appealing. There is nothing wrong with that, but due to the sheer amount of men in all of these industries trying to sell to straight men this becomes pervasive issue that infects everything.

>> No.4604296

Men are so fragile that they have EVERYTHING cater to them otherwise they complain about it non-stop.

I remember some old fart complained about how sexy and muscular Daniel Craig was as James Bond. It made him feel insecure, because it reminded him that he was too old and out of shape to be considered sexy. If that isn't the fucking definition of fragile I don't know what fucking is.

>> No.4604309
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, 064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't we already have this fucking thread?
Look at her art then consider if ANYONE should take advice from her on design.
The dumb cunt couldn't even tell you a single principle of design, it is just her whining about 'muh objectification'
She even has the audacity to shit talk about lolis like the aging burnt roastie she is.
Seriously this bitch should jump in a fire
Stop making threads about her you dumb faggot

>> No.4604367

Most people are boring regardless of sex. Liking sports makes you no more complex than somebody who watches shitty doctor dramas

>> No.4604688

He's another guy who draws similarly to spacejin

>> No.4604711

There are plenty of sexualised men in both western and Japanese media, the main problem is that sexualising women is more popular as art (as in comics and games) are more male dominated.

Also there are plenty shows where the male character wears little to no clothing compared to the female characters, for example Tarazan. Tarazan didn't need to be designed as a almost nude character and every other character either wears clothes or is an animal.

>> No.4604814
File: 351 KB, 559x576, Lotthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she even have a particular drawing that (You) remember? I'm hard-pressed to pay attention to e-celebs if they don't have much to them.

>> No.4606579

>how hot it would be to fuck her
Ok, coo-
>and get a tiny hand job at the same time
Neck yourself.

>> No.4606592
File: 38 KB, 540x587, drawing-20200525-153807-000-resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's advice helped me.
Now i'm not gonna make any bullshit There'a no more only works

>> No.4607587

Normalfag tumblrinas should just shut the fuck up about anime. It's always obvious they have a barely surface-level understanding about the entire medium and their "criticisms" are always incredibly predictable and shallow. They don't like anime and just want to tear it down, so fuck them.